Spirited Young Lady

Story by Bennu on SoFurry

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Vasanta had been to Luke's farm many times before thanks to her parents, Bennu and Yata, who had many friends who would go there on warm nights to party like satyrs and nymphs, drinking homebrew and banging out music. Once they had their own kids, they brought them there for more family friendly entertainment, at least until the new generation was old enough to be let off the leash and have the same fun.

She parked on the gravel, by a hand-painted sign- "Organic heirloom vegetables." Stepping out of the car in a sun dress and cowboy boots, red hair flowing down her back, Vasanta looks like an ad for a farmer's dating site as she walks into the garden. The palomino stallion sees her approaching, and scratches his head until she runs up and hugs him.

"You look like Yata from a ways off, but I know she doesn't like wearing dresses."

"Hah, yeah, must have got it from my dad."

"Makes me feel old, mistaking the daughter for the mom."

"She's still beautiful, and you're just as handsome as I remember."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, dear. Now what are you after?"

"I want a few herbs for my place- I moved out of the dorms and have a windowsill now."

The wind scattered her hair and fluttered her dress against her thighs, the edge threatening to leave more than her knees bare. She smooths it down, tightening the fabric to reveal the curve of her hips, and glances up at him, green eyes shining behind crimson lashes. He notices how adult she looks, but continues with a mellow voice-

"Oh yes you mentioned it, bachelor pad. We have plenty of herbs, be happy to give an old friend a couple."

They stroll along, chatting about family and food, and she picks out a couple of plants as they wander past the greenhouse closer to the barn and pasture, away from any other people. She admires the goats and horses, and he asks-

"Have you thought about horse riding again? I could use a good hand to help out on the weekends, and since you're working at the vet now you'll be familiar with the horses..."

"Do you have an older mount, one that's gentle and broken in?" she says with an innocent face.

He laughs- "Usually a young lady would prefer one that's fast and feisty."

"A slow and thoughtful mount isn't exciting, but it's better than getting thrown again."

He glances at her sideways, eyebrow cocked, trying to read her face.

"Well now, a sturdy young mule would be surefooted and reliable."

She half frowns and shrugs- "I know, but their temper doesn't suit me."

By now they were at the barn. The brisk air inside was a relief from the sun. He leans against the door-

"Well, all of the horses are out to pasture right now- except for me, ha ha. But it's all still here, same as when you were a skinny little kid riding ponies and picking pumpkins."

She awkwardly shuffles her plants, herb scents rising up.

"Ah, well, I'm interested, if I have weekends free I'll try it out. Maybe I won't be too tired from work."

"You'll just need a few hours in the morning," he says, walking to the closest stall- "we'll go for some practice runs till you get back in shape, then you can help me tend to everyone, you might do good with the skittish ones."

"Yeah, I remember how it felt... that was a long time ago, though."

"To you."

He steers her back where they came from, hand sliding down her back to rest gently in the curve of her back, and nonchalantly says-

"Do you know I've had sex with your mother?"

"What!?" she nearly stumbles turning to face him.

"It was a long time ago, when she was single. Nothing romantic, it was when Louis was a baby and we were stressed and Yata showed up and she was, uh, young and wooly..."

"She never told me about what she did before dad except for a couple of boyfriends... although if she was hanging out here..."

He snorts and coughs- "Ah, huh, well, my memory is fuzzy... the point is, I thought Gabrielle would be less stressed if I had someone on the side for sex things and your mom wasn't looking for romance at the moment but wanted sex, y'know... anyhoo, it was only a few times, then Bennu met her and they got all sparkly and off they went." He gestures with one hand, looking across the pasture.

Her mouth squirms around- "It makes things a bit stranger, but..."

"A bit incestuous." he grimaces, "I mean, I coulda been your dad! Well, you know Louis was, uh, an accident. And I was having sex with your mom when she was, well, the age you are now! What if I get you two confused? Why can't you find some other old stud?"

She snickers- "Oh I could find some sugar daddy if I just wanted stuff and things, but you have charisma... and, uh, we are kinda even since I had sex with Louis a couple times, nothing romantic, it was college, and... yeah."

She expected him to be mortified, but he just laughs, "You look like your mom, but you think like your dad."

"What does that mean!?"

"He was always flying off on some fantasy, ignoring any sensible reason to not do it, bending over backwards to justify his impulse."

She snorts and fakes a pout- "I'm a mature adult- he's just a goofy monkey."

Luke remembers feeling the same way many times before. She might see the same smooth fur, but underneath were wrinkles he could feel, skin stretched from hard emotions, and joints that were stiff and battered from years of hard work. She was still fresh and flexible, springy and tireless, and the dragon blood would help extend it.

"I'm just a tired old hoss."

"Pff, you always kept with us, you're just faking to chase me off."

He wishes, but still, between the sunshine and her energy, he felt less weary, merely middle age.

They reach her car, and he gently pushes her away- "Yeah, well, Saturday morning, if you can get here at eight..."

She made it just before nine. Walking quickly past the house, she was spotted by Louis, who looks her over, taking in the tight jeans and loose shirt.

"Hey, you decided to take up riding again? It's been a long time, girl."

She skitters to a stop, noticing the tan mule smiling at her.

"Oh- hi Louis- yeah, well I was talking to your dad the other day, and he suggested it."

"Haha, yeah well I think they're all gone already, but you can wait with me while I poke at the garden."

"I'll... I just feel like walking since I got all worked up over being late, I'll come back if nobody's there."

He chuckles- "Alright then, suit yourself."

She hurries to the barn, not expecting anything, then sees golden fur move in the shade inside.

"I thought you'd be late." The palomino is working on a saddle, blond mane swept across his eyes.

"Oh, yeah, I uh had some trouble sleeping."

"If you were a kid I'd make you scoop shit so you'd learn to get here early, but since you're an adult..." he smirks and rises, leading her to a speckled horse.

"You wanted an old stallion between your legs, so here he is..."

"Oh. You're going to do this lesson one on one?"

"I have other assistants, and you wanted... special attention. C'mon let's getcha started..."

They spend the next couple of hours dealing with saddles and tack and brushes and horse butts, and then he made her help with the returning riders. He smiles at her-

"Well, you know how to listen and don't complain much. Come get lunch with me, Louis probably already ate and ran into town, so I don't have any company."

She is surprised but doesn't argue, and they walk over to the farm house. The kitchen is vacant, and Luke digs in the fridge for sandwich ingredients, making two big BLTs which they chomp into, then she helps to clean up as she looks around the room-

"It's been a long time since I was in here... summer vacations, lemonade, watermelon... but I'm not a kid anymore. You can see that, right? You're only taller than me because you're a horse, and my parents are both short."

"Heh. That's the problem, you always thought of me as an adult, but I got used to thinking of you- Vasanta, the daughter of my friends, as the little kid who could run around naked and innocent... though yes plenty of us adults were naked ha ha."

"Even when I shot up like a weed and grew these puppies?" she says, jiggling her C-cup tits.

"Heh, yes, especially then, especially when you grew tits and started mooning over boys- and men. I know you had a little crush on me."

She grins- "It was admiration, hero worship, I didn't get... horny till recently. You were always talking about cool trippy things, like the Buddhist thing bout the glass being broken- like, the monk has a glass, and to him it's already broken, because he knows one of these days it will break, so when it finally happens, he's not upset. It was always going to happen, just nobody knows when."

He smiles, then frowns- "But I'm worried, what if people wonder- since you were here when you were younger- what if they think I... you know..."

"Molested me? I never spent a lot of time here, and we were always around others. I'm not gonna worry about it, people talk shit anyways... do you feel like a pedo? Is that it? "

"A little- and not cuz I knew you as a kid here and there, cuz I'm still thirty years older than you! Sure if you was a stranger and it was just a one off thing I'd get over it real quick, but we're gonna run into each other..."

He sits down in the chair, stretching his long horse legs.

She stands behind him and rubs his shoulders, feeling the lean muscle, smelling him- sweat, but the clean kind from work, not worry- and straw, and leather, and whiffs of shit, but underneath it all was stallion, strong and virile.

"You're still very attractive." she says, leaning her muzzle close to his ear.

"You are too, but I'm not all certain how to feel about it..."

She quickly swings around to straddle him, and rubs his erection through his pants.

"Well I expected that part to be certain." he says with a grin. Her nose bumps against his, and as her lips touch his he returns the kiss, gently and deeply, but then breaks off grumbling- "I didn't mean to rush..." and she puts a finger on his lip and whispers-

"You did..."

Somehow she got naked in five seconds, or so it seemed to him, and pulled her bare vulva up against his now rock solid cock. He pants as she slowly unbuttons his shirt, pressing her breasts to his chest, her hard nipples poking into his fur and brushing his skin.

"Oh, good grief, right in the kitchen?" he grunts with a smirk.

"You said nobody will be around for a while." she purrs, kissing again to keep him quiet, and he trembles as her tongue brushes his. He manages to think this over and break free to ask-

"Is this sexual, romantic- where are you going with this?"

"We'll see where it goes." she says, unbuttoning his jeans.

"I might regret this..." he mutters, but is distracted by the unzipping, and she pulls his cock free, an impressive hunk of dark pink horse meat resting against the blond happy trail running up his belly. She runs her fingers along the seven fat inches, then tugs at his pants, and he lifts up his hips to let her pull them down out of the way.

"I'm glad you wear nice boxers, I'd be turned off by tighty whities."

"I'm glad you wear sexy panties. Just because they're sexy."

She settles in his lap again, kissing him gently, feeling his rough whiskers on her soft lips, his hard cock nestled between her soft nether lips, her wetness leaking onto it.

"I'm clean and on birth control..." she says in a hoarse whisper.

"Of course I'm going to take you bareback..." he replies, sliding his rough hands under her smooth bottom and lifting her gently. She guides his cock with one hand as she hovers over it, slowly moving down, slipping the tip in, and working her way down.

He grunts in pleasure as she rolls her hips, face pressed to his sweaty chest, making the chair squeak. His muzzle rests on her head, her hair a river of deep shining crimson, scented with salt and sunshine and fresh leaves and estrogen...

"Oh fuck it feels so good..."

"Call me by my name, so I know you're thinking of me, Luke."

"It's still strange, Vasanta. Still new."

She kisses him, eyes shining into his- "No, the glass is already broken."

For a minute she bites her lip and works her body up and down, making his shaft slick with her arousal, and then gently rocks, kissing his face. Somehow this arouses him more than simply fucking, and his hands explore her body, rubbing her back and squeezing her firm breasts. Her fur puffs up from goosebumps and she buries her face in the hollow of his neck, riding him harder. His hands grip her waist tightly, teeth gritting as he loses control to her fervent thrusting, his balls slapping up against her bouncing bottom.

"Oh- I'm gonna- erf- ung!"

His load blasts up into her cock filled pussy, making her moan as she kept thrusting to help it pour down, lubing up his shaft so it got deeper and deeper until she took all of his shaft inside her, the tip brushing her cervix, which was sucking his seed into her uterus. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she came as well, trembling and vagina contracting even tighter, forcing every last drop of cum out of him. They rested, panting in the sticky mess, fingers sliding over each other. At last she rose gently, his cock slurping out of her and flopping over sideways, trailing strings of cum across his thighs, then she collapses in a chair, legs shaking.

"Could you carry me to bed, I can't walk and need a nap."

He simply looks at his messy crotch, cock and balls slathered in their mixed juices.

"Erm yeah..."

She gets a wet clean rag, and gently wipes his balls and still tingling cock, then as she starts cleaning her own crotch he grabs his clothes and starts dressing.

"In a hurry, Luke?"

"It's hard to explain spontaneous nude housekeeping."

"Right. I guess I need to do that at my place instead."

He watches her dress, admiring her body, and says-

"Remember the party tonight, I want you to come..."


"As my date."

She quickly looks at him and her ears perk- "Really?"

"A stallion has to show dominance over the herd." he jokes.

She pulls his head down for a kiss, then says-

"And if I spend the night we can have more than a quickie..."

The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, he thought. "We'll see what happens, I don't move as fast these days..."

"Fair enough, old hoss." she says with a slap on his rump.

"Alright, well, if you've got everything, my lunch break is nearly over."

"Yeah, let's go."

Account of the Great War by Radirr

This one has been told that chronology is important in order to make events clear. I, Radirr, was born in what they call the Fourth Era, in the year 157, the oldest child of the clan mother Ri'Tsanarra of the To'khari clan who live east of Dune. I am...

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Tis the season to fuck cousins

**Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction, intended as amusement only, and everything is between consenting adults who practice safe sex (for porn at least). I have taken care to mention this as I am sensitive to the fact that often incest is exploitative...

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Sugarnauts! part 3

Ready, we begin the ritual, but nothing happens. "Why won't it work!?" Makari spits out. Krinrah suggests "It must be a silence spell, or problems with the triangulation- we'll have to go all the way back to be certain." We begin sneaking away into...

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