The New Master

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Commissions

This is the third part of a series of commissions I've been working on for the past little while. If you haven't read the first two, I highly suggest you start there. You can read them both here:

1) --Part 1--

2) --Part 2--

This story continues right where the last one left off, only this time the two huskies are contacting a third muscular canine to join in on the fun. :P

Disclaimer: This story contains domination, smothering, fisting, and anal sex! Hooray!

If you wish to commission me, here is my information: Linky link

Let me know if you enjoyed this story! I love comments, faves and votes. <3

** **** A New Master**

** ** By Macabre Dragon


As the two massive huskies stood over him and looked down with grins of satisfaction, Paul found that felt rather calm beneath their menacing stares. Although he had several reasons to panic and feel distraught, he laid on his back on carpet floor of his room with a calm sense of contentment, waiting for his new masters to post their video and show their deeds to the world.

Paul chanced a look around his room to measure the damage his companions had wrought. The carpet around him was covered with urine and semen. Whatever bodily fluids weren't draped across his face, chest and groin were inevitably soaking into the ground to each side of him, adding stains and acrid smells to the room. The lamp next to his bed was on its side with a rough slash down the middle. He didn't know that the lamp had been damaged, but he supposed that in the throes of their passion, it wasn't unreasonable to assume that one of the canines had kicked it with one of their claws.

The bruises on his body from the huskies' harsh treatment throbbed along his arms and back with pain. Paul had dealt with worse injuries before, but the huskies had been quite violent with him after he tried to escape. Logan was certainly the stronger of the two, even if Frank had been the one to receive the brunt of his efforts at getting away from the overpowering couple.

If he had to think about it now however, he wasn't sure if he would try to escape again. Not because he knew what would happen, but because he didn't feel the need. The sane part of his mind was urging him to look for alternatives: to find some way to beat the two intruders and flee towards some help. In the back of his mind however, a raw, instinctual portion was glad that he was under their control. He felt relaxed under their predatory smiles. There was no question that the beatings had hurt, but sometime along the way, when those big, powerful, furry frames were towering over him, taking his body for every ounce of pleasure he could give them...

Something inside him had enjoyed it.

Paul moaned and turned over, feeling the warmth of the husky's seed drip slowly from his rear. He looked up and faced the huskies once more, their dark eyes flicking to him as he moved. Frank, the smaller of the two huskies, held a phone in his paw, cradling it gently as the video played on its tiny screen. A shudder of recollection went through him as the phone relayed the sounds and sensations of the sexual act just moments before.

Frank let out a small laugh. "You do give quite the performance, I'll give you that," Frank said, watching the screen with delight. "Though too bad most of our friends watching this won't be able to feel you like we did..."

Logan chucked along with his partner, giving Paul a knowing grin before returning his attention to the screen.

Paul closed his eyes, not bothering to respond to the dog's comment. He could hear himself in the video, begging for the husky to fill him with seed. He heard his cries of pain and pleasure, followed quickly be the muted slap of the husky's hips ramming into him or a delicate whimper coming from his throat. Although it was muffled through the phone's sub-standard speakers, he could attribute each and every noise to an accompanying sensation of pain and pleasure with unrelenting clarity.

"Or..." Frank mused, his eyes lighting up as he stared at the screen. "Perhaps we already have someone." He looked over at Logan with a knowing smile. "It's him again."

Logan cracked his jaws open in a happy grin at those words. His tail wagged from side to side as looked down at Paul with the biggest expression of joy the human had seen on the otherwise stoic canine. For a dog that had shown nothing but dominance and anger the entire time, the gaze was quite disturbing.

"I'll take that as a yes then?" Frank said, leaning over to lightly run his claws down the other husky's back as they both continued staring at the phone. "You know he'll want to experiment with him before he actually makes the purchase, but I don't think our little pet here will disappoint."

Paul opened his eyes and looked over at Frank as he was mentioned. He didn't realise that Frank hadn't used his name.

Frank smiled. "After all, you are the best pet we've ever had, aren't you bitch?"

"Yes I am," Paul replied, voicing the alien words awkwardly at first before proceeding with more confidence. "I'm a good pet."

As Paul finished speaking, he knew that the person he was before was gone. The old him would've spoken a lie. He would've voiced the words with little emotion or feeling to simply make his captures happy. Although part of him answered with the intention of not getting abused again, the rest was happy to belong to such a strong, powerful pair of Masters.

"Yes, you really are," Frank replied, striding over to the human before crouching down and stroking the Paul's cheek with his claws. "It didn't take you very long to realize that we're the betters here. Of course, Logan always needs to show them first, but you took it all like a good, obedient little bitch. I can see already that you've learned from your mistakes."

With a grunt, Frank hooked his paws underneath the human's arms and lifted, carrying easily over to the bed before pushing him roughly down onto the sheets. "No more resisting, no more thoughts of escape... just ours to do with as we please," he said, smiling as Paul simply laid there, looking up at his muscular frame.

"And now that we've had our fun with you, we're going to introduce you to a rather large friend of ours," Frank continued, his tail swishing from side to side as he brought the phone up to his muzzle and began tapping on the screen.

Paul watched the husky type on his phone with mild curiosity. He didn't know who their friend was, and he began to worry once more. As Frank continued to type, Logan hovered behind him, his massive figure standing eerily still other than his tail, which moved back and forth almost in sync with the dog in front. The situation made him nervous. He briefly thought of trying to escape again, but quickly silenced such thoughts. He would be happy to meet his new masters' friend.

Paul looked up as Frank made a disgusted noise in his throat.

"These human phones are always so small and awkward," Frank complained as he continued to tap at the screen with growing annoyance. "Such tiny screens and buttons... is this really the best you could afford pet?" He kept tapping at the screen for several moments before he stopped. Pausing in his efforts, he looked up from the phone towards Paul, his canine eyes gleaming with the hint of an idea. "I think we should try something different."

Frank tapped at the screen a few more times before tossing the phone to Paul. The human caught it awkwardly against his naked chest, not expecting the device to be given to him.

"Why don't you give our friend a call?" Frank mused. "It'll be much easier for you. Simply call the number I'm about to give you and let him know where you live. Oh, and make sure you sound small, sexy, and inviting..." He took a step forwards and sat down on the bed near Paul's feet. "I'll be listening."

Without any hesitation, Paul began to type the number into his phone as Frank gave it to him. As the end of the number neared, Frank looked back at him with an impassive face, only a small smile lifting the corners of his muzzle.

"Remember what I told you pet," Frank said. "Consider this another test you need to pass. There will be consequences if you fail."

Paul swallowed in nervousness before holding the phone up to his ear, waiting for the other line to pick up. After a few seconds, the ringing stopped and a deep, bestial voice answered.

"Hello? Who is this?" The voice said.

Paul's heart began to race as he heard the growl on the other end of the line. The human looked up at Frank for reassurance before continuing. "This is Paul," he said, which quickly prompted a snarl from Logan. "I mean... the slave, calling on behalf of my masters." After the husky's violent reminder he spoke quickly, the words rushing from his mouth in the heat of his anxiousness. There was a sharp bark of laughter from the other end of the line.

"Oh really? So you're the one in the video I just saw," the voice purred, practically causing the speaker in the phone to vibrate. "You looked like quite the obedient, sexy little slave I must say."

"T-thank you," Paul replied, not knowing what else to say. Although he thought about saying more, he simply remained silent and waited for the voice to continue. He didn't know what else to do, and he didn't want to get in trouble again.

"Mm, shy little thing aren't you? Don't worry, I like it when they don't speak much," the voice grated. "So, why don't you tell me how much you've enjoyed your new masters so far? Frank and Logan can be quite rough I hear, but they certainly make you little humans obedient."

"I'm enjoying every minute with my new masters," Paul answered. "They're very kind."

"Oh now I don't believe that for a second. Tell me, pet, did they beat you?"

Paul paused for a moment before answering. "Yes"

"Of course they did," the voice answered with a laugh. "And what did you do to demand such a vicious response, hm? Were you being a disobedient little bitch?"

"I tried to escape."

"Mm, yes that would certainly earn you a good punishment," the voice said, growling deeply. "And tell me, how do you feel about them now?"

Paul was about to answer before the voice cut him off.

"And tell me the truth now," the voice purred. "We can be honest with each other. I know very well that your two masters are listening to this, but it doesn't matter to me. I want to know how you felt before, and how you feel now that they've had their way with you. Tell me this with honesty, slave, and I will come and see you. I will know if you're lying."

Taking in a deep breath, Paul thought about his choice of words for several, long moments. He looked up at Frank and Logan, who both looked down at him with calm, dominating interest. He already knew what he was going to say. He needed to voice those same feeling he had when he laid on the ground, right after Logan had finished with him. He just hoped that he wouldn't get in trouble.

"I didn't want them to do anything to me," Paul began, his voice unsteady. "I was alone, working a stupid, frustrating job day in and out, with nothing to give me purpose. Still, when my masters made me sign a contract and then started to take advantage of me I didn't know what to do. It hurt when they threw me around, and it hurt when they went inside me..."

He paused for a few moments, choosing his next words carefully. "Yet for some reason, now I feel better. They made me lose my job, yet they've given me something I haven't felt in a long time. It hurts yes, but it also feels good. I... I'm glad that they fucked me. I want to be theirs, and I want them to do it again."

Paul nearly didn't believe the words as they left his mouth. He spoke more out of a fear of doing something wrong, but at the end he found that he truly believed what he'd just said. He enjoyed being the huskys' bitch.

Lifting a hand to his chest, Paul took in a deep breath. The stench of dried urine and semen choked his nostrils, and he could still feel the slimy texture as it slid underneath his palm and across his skin. He was marked now, as one of their own, he suddenly realized. He was their property in every sense of the word.

"Very good," the voice said. "I believe that you're telling me the truth, and I've decided to come and visit you. I don't know if I'm going to purchase you yet... Paul," he paused for a moment. "But I would say the chances are high. Give me your address."

Paul gave the voice his address.

"Very good," the voiced said, right before Paul heard an audible growl of pleasure from the other side of the line. "I'll be seeing you soon."

And then the line went dead.

Paul held the phone to his ear for several moments before slowly placing it on the bed. He remained still, waiting for his masters' judgement of how he handled the call. When his gaze found the Husky sitting on the side of the bed in front of him, Frank gave him a warm smile before answering his concerns with an elated tone.

"You did very good little slave, very good indeed," Frank said, answering Paul's concerns before snatching the phone off the bed and tossing it to Logan. "I think our friend really liked you."

Logan caught the phone and chuckled, his deep voice reverberating in his throat as he answered. "That was an adorable sales pitch, but the pet referred to himself using his name," the husky growled. Holding a fearsome gaze, he walked forwards, placing the phone on the desk before sitting down next to Frank on the bed. "I think he should be punished for that."

Frank let out a sigh before responding, saying "I suppose you're right about that... even if he did do a good job speaking with our client." The husky almost sounded disappointed when he spoke. Slowly, he lifted his paw to brush at Paul's cheek with his claws. Paul shuddered under his touch, the muscles of the human's mouth twitching under the soft caress of those fearsome instruments.

"Do you understand what you did wrong, slave?" Frank asked.

Paul lifted a hand to touch the husky's paw. "Yes I do."

"And do you know why we're going to have to punish you?"

"Yes, I do Master."

"You're ours now," Frank continued, pulling his paw away and staring at Paul with a serious expression. "Nothing you do will be without our permission from now on, and whatever names or ties you had before no longer exist. You will please us, and if you're lucky, you will get some pleasure in return when we decide you can, am I clear?"

Paul closed his eyes and nodded slowly, keeping still. "Yes Master, you're very clear."

"Good," Frank responded, standing up and giving Logan a rough pat on the shoulder and speaking to the other husky in a rougher tone. "I'm going to leave it up to you to give him some treatment, I'm going to meet with the client," he said, picking up the phone before bending down to pick up some of his clothes from the floor.

Logan snickered. "You should probably get a little cleaned up before you do, I can smell the fun we had on you."

"Perhaps, but I'm not going that far," Frank answered with a smile. His tail wagged from side to side with amusement as he lifted up his shirt to give it a quick inspection. "And although I do want you to have some more fun with our newest acquisition, don't be too rough with his this time. You know how our client likes them."

Logan growled low in his throat and nodded with understanding before turning to look at Paul. "Yes... fresh."

"Indeed," Frank responded. "And also, give him a small clean to get those fluids off of him. I want him to be presentable when our friend arrives, and it wouldn't do to have all of that semen and urine dried on his skin."

"Why?" Logan answered with a snarl.

"Because, I want to give our client the chance to stain our slave himself," Frank replied matter-of-factly. "Just get the slave to it himself while you have some fun, but don't let him use soap. I want the smell of our ownership to remain apparent."

"I don't think we should clean him at all," Logan answered, poking a claw under Paul's chin and forcing the human to lift his head. "He should learn to love this."

Frank couldn't help but chuckle at the other husky's words. "Of course, and he will if he doesn't already" he said with a smile. "But don't worry about that right now. I think our pet should remain as he is as well, but I also think that he should be presentable when our guest arrives."

With a sigh, Logan turned back to the other canine and gave a small nod of compliance.

"Good, I'll be back shortly," Frank said. He turned and left the room, giving Paul one last wink before sliding out the door. "Listen to everything Logan says slave. I won't want to hear of any disobedience when I get back..."

It was after Frank left the room that Paul looked at the large husky in front of him, observing his master with respect, but not without some measure of fear. Logan stared back at him with a sinister grin, his white fangs gleaming in the low light of the room. Last time the canine had been given permission to abuse him, the giant, muscled beast had been anything but gentle. Although Frank had made Logan promise to be lighter this time, he had no doubt in his mind that the husky had no intention of obeying the other canine's wishes to the letter.

Paul swallowed in nervousness and held his breath. He stared into the beasts eyes, watching Logan's massive chest moved up and down with anticipation. His eyes travelled down to the dog's groin, observing the sleek musculature and anatomy buried under a heavy layer of fur riddled with sweat and musk. He could smell the creature's breath on his skin, along with the salty air of spent semen and urine still lingering within his nostrils.

After a few moments there was an audible click from the front of his house as Frank walked out the door, leaving Paul completely alone with Logan sitting across from him.

"So, you think your name is still Paul, do you?" Logan chided, running a red tongue along his fangs.

"That was a mistake master," Paul quickly answered. "I'm your slave, I didn't mean to - "

"Oh but you did," Logan interjected. He grabbed Paul's leg and pulled the human forwards, towering over his prey while looking down with a grin of amusement. "And if it were up to me I'd spend the next few hours beating and fucking you until you never make that mistake again."

Paul shuddered underneath the hulking husky's body, watching those predacious eyes and remaining perfectly still. "Whatever you want master, I'm ready for you," he answered. Logan's stare narrowed at those words.

"You have gotten a little better, I must admit."

"Thank you, master."

"But still not good enough," Logan snapped, giving Paul a quick smack across the chin before yanking him roughly up from the bed. "Come, pet. You're going to suck my cock, swallow every ounce of what I give you, and then MAYBE I'll let you rinse yourself before our guest arrives."

"Of course master, anything you - " Paul was cut short as the husky's arm closed around his head. Logan's muscled limb choked him mercilessly and dragged him out towards the bathroom. He had no choice but to hug the muscular beast around the waist with one arm as he was pulled. He could feel Logan's bushy tail smacking into his back.

Despite the abuse he knew he was about to go through, he couldn't help but feel excitement. This time, he wanted the dog's cock in his mouth.

This time, it would be better.

Paul was lying on the bed with Logan when the newcomer arrived.

He was refreshed from before, having been permitted by Logan to wash himself according to Frank's request. The semen and urine had been cleared away after about a minute in the shower; however, Logan had been there, watching him the entire time. No soap of any kind had been permitted, leaving the raw smell of his treatment still ripe within the air. It was a musky stench that was obvious even to his weak sense of smell.

He could only image how strong it was for a canine.

While he was considering these thoughts, Paul heard the front door open, followed quickly by a pair of deep voices resounding down the hallway. He held his breath, half from fear and from excitement, as the door shut and the two voices began to walk towards his room.

Logan slowly rolled over and stood up, stretching with a snarl before roughly pulling Paul up by the arm, his claws digging into the human's arm. "Get up and look presentable, bitch," he rumbled. "Our guest is here."

Paul allowed himself to be pulled up without a fight. He righted himself as soon as possible and stood up straight. He had to admit that he felt some trepidation at who might be coming to meet him, but the voice he spoke to on the phone sounded impressive enough. In a few moments he would know who the newcomer was, and from the sound of the footsteps coming down the hall...

He was very big.

Frank entered the room first. His familiar appearance was marred only by the pants and shirt that he wore to go outside and meet their new arrival. He strode into the room with a smirk on his furry muzzle, looking at Paul with the same, lustful radiance when they first locked eyes.

Much to Paul's happiness, the husky immediately began to remove his clothes one more. The human would've continued to watch his master disrobe, but almost immediately after the show began, a new shape entered the room.

"Ah, so this is the slave I spoke to on the phone? He looks very lovely."

Paul held his breath as he found himself looking at one of the biggest wolves he'd ever seen. The wolf was a bit taller than Logan, which forced him to stoop down a bit to enter the room. Even then, the massive newcomer looked extremely strong, with a firm set of muscles flowing under the dark layers of his fur. He remained crouched, his muscular form bending low with a comfort that suggested immense strength and agility. The wolf was wearing a simple pair of blue jeans and nothing else, though he was sure they wouldn't be staying on for long. In complete contrast to the other two canines, the wolf's fur was jet black from head to toe, with small patterns of grey decorating the torso and neck. Blackened, fearsome claws jutted out from the beast's paws while a set of gleaming fangs revealed themselves as the creature smiled down at him. The wolf's brown eyes were rich and glowing with amusement, and Paul found that he couldn't muster up a single notion of what to say.

"Mm, he's a shy one isn't he?" The wolf said with a chuckle. "Much different than the one I spoke to on the phone. Perhaps his masters need to give him some more urging?"

Logan smacked Paul across the cheek. "Introduce yourself, bitch," he said with a snarl.

"Y-yes, hello," Paul stuttered, managing to find his words after reeling from the husky's blow. "I'm the pet you spoke to on the" He paused for another moment in nervousness, rubbing his cheek gently. "Pleased to meet you."

"Oh believe me, the pleasure is all mine," the wolf rumbled. "My name is Laurence, little human, and that is what you may call me until I deem otherwise."

"Yes, of course, Laurence," Paul answered, trying to hold himself straight like his masters wished.

Giving the human one last grin Laurence turned to his left and looked at Frank. "I like him, Frank, he'll suit my needs perfectly I think," he rumbled in a business-like tone. "Will I get the chance to sample him first to be sure?"

"Of course, Laurence, be our guest," Frank replied with a small nod of his head before kicking his pants away, standing completely naked in the room once more. "We wouldn't want you purchasing him before you knew that he would be able to please you or not."

"P-Purchasing me?" Paul blurted out in a surprised tone.

Another snarl escaped Logan's lips as the husky raised his paw to hit the human once more. He only stopped when Laurence raised his paw as well, bidding for the other canine to stop.

"Yes, purchase you," Laurence answered. "Frank and Logan here do lovely work. You wouldn't be the first that I've bought, and I don't think you'll be the last either." The wolf smiled, slowly bringing his paws down and unfastening the belt around his pants.

"You humans have a tendency to enjoy being under the command of a bigger, stronger animal like myself," Laurence continued, his voice sounding incredibly calm for what Paul knew was about to happen. "I have no doubt that you're one of these special humans: someone who didn't know how much of a reward it would be to live for my pleasure and to obey every wish that I have. Frank and Logan, as I said, do a very good job of bringing this baser instinct out in your kind." He unzipped his pants and slowly allowed them to drop to the floor, kicking them to the side and standing completely naked in front of the awestruck human. "So now, slave, we're going to see just how much you've gotten used to fulfilling your natural position under me, both literally, and figuratively."

Paul held his breath as he stared at the wolf's impressive form. Although each of the huskies had given him a good deal of exposure to the sight of a naked canine, he found a familiar sense of excitement upon looking at the wolf standing in front of him.

Laurence was strong and muscular, just like the two dogs standing next to him. The thick black fur covering his arms and torso did little to cover the toned muscles underneath. As impressive as the dog's body was, Paul couldn't help but drop his gaze lower to the more intimate bits of the new arrival. Between the canine's legs, there was an even thicker mound of fur covering a sizeable pair of testicles, with his sheath bulging outwards just above. He would never mention it out of fear, but Paul was certain this wolf's privates were even larger than both of the huskies.

He didn't doubt it in the slightest.

"Now, pet, stand up straight," Laurence said. "Let me have a good look at you."

Paul obeyed immediately, though not so quick as to betray his excitement. He stood calmly, keeping his back straight and his hands by his sides. For a brief moment he thought about doing something more pleasing for his onlookers, yet quickly determined that he should simply obey their wishes to the letter.

Frank grinned, his canines showing. "See how obedient he is now, Laurence?" He said, snickering as his bright eyes studied the human's enticing body. "I think he'll suit you just fine."

"Yes, he does look rather excited doesn't he?" Laurence responded with a grin. "Though I think he's trying to hide it..."

"How adorable," Logan said with a small click of his teeth, his deep voice making the words sound menacing.

There was a small pause as the three canines studied the human. Then, Laurence lifted his paw and made a small gesture. "Turn around bitch, and do it slowly," he said.

Once again Paul obeyed and lifted his arms to the side, slowly rotating on the spot so that the horny dogs could study every aspect of his body. When he was finished, he looked back at his masters and waited patiently for his next order.

"Mm, I do like that way he looks," Laurence mused. "And he does seem to obey orders without question, the easy ones anyway."

"Yes, he'll be a wonderful addition to your home," Frank said with a growl. "Though I must insist you give him a try yourself. His skills of obedience extend far beyond mere presentation."

Laurence looked over at Frank with a smile. "Oh, I'll be getting to that."

"Me and Logan can certainly attest to his prowess," Frank continued, licking his lips. "He was clumsy at first, but now he wants it. You can see it in his eyes."

"Yes, I can, but I like to take things at my own pace."

"If you knew what you were missing, you wouldn't be - "

"Please, enough of the salesmanship," Laurence quickly cut in with a snap of his jaws. "I would like to access the human without any input from either of you."

"Of course Laurence, "Frank answered with an unsure tone. "I only meant to - "

"I know what you meant and I appreciate it, but please, I want it to just be me and the human now," Laurence said, running a claw under the husky's chin before slowly walking up to Paul. "When I want either of you to participate, I will let you know."

Neither of the other canines spoke as Laurence moved up to Paul. The massive wolf crouched low to get a good view of his newest acquisition. Slowly, he lifted an arm and ran a single paw down the human's arm. Although he was sure that his one was special, he had to be sure about what he was getting into before he made any rushed decisions with the purchase. This one however... did seem quite perfect.

Laurence let out a soft chuckle as his pet shuddered at the touch of his rough pads.

"You really don't do a good job of hiding it pet," he mused. "If it wasn't for the smell I would assume this is your first time." Leaning forwards, he bared his fangs, a low growl forming in his throat as his paw moved up to the human's neck. "Tell me, what did Frank and Logan do to you?"

Paul felt his heart pounding in his chest as the wolf's paw came closer and closer to his neck. His breathing left him in rapid gasps, and he could feel the hot, moist breath of the large creature in front of him as it spoke.

Laurence's powerful jaws hovered in front of his vision. Paul couldn't help but feel fear as he regarded the predatory aspects of his newest master. Those jaws looked like they could break an arm with a quick, single snap, not to mention how much damage that paw gripping his shoulder could do. The wolf's arms looked larger than his legs.

"They bred me," Paul answered, his voice shaking. "They made me their property..."

Laurence shook his massive head. "Now now, be more specific bitch," he said. "I want to hear the intimate details."

Paul hesitated only for a moment, until he felt the pointed tips of the wolf's paw press against his skin. "My first master taught me how to be a good pet, and he fucked me while my other master made me suck him off," he began, looking at the huskies for some sort of guidance before a rough shake brought him back to attention. "And when I tried to escape I was taught how to obey, and marked so that everyone would know who I belonged to..."

"Mm... that's much better," Laurence purred, licking his lips. "It seems like you're used to the regular stuff, but I must say, it sounds like your masters have so far been quite... unimaginative."

"What do you mean by that?" Paul asked, sensing the danger in the wolf's tone.

"Well, for example..." Laurence began, right before quickly grabbing Paul around the neck and lifting, choking the human against the wall with little effort at all. "They could've been much, much better at punishing you, bitch."

Paul lifted his hands and gripped the wolf's arm involuntarily, gasping and choking as he felt the canine's massive paw squeeze his windpipe. His legs kicked against the wall in exasperation. Although he knew he should try to escape, he also knew that there was nothing he could do. All of his efforts against escaping Frank and Logan had failed, and this wolf was even bigger, and much stronger.

After a moment, Laurence let out a snarl and threw Paul roughly down on the bed. He allowed the human no chance to recover before he jumped on top, extending both of his paws to press his pet and use his massive weight to hold his property down. He straddled his bitch and sat down before lifting a paw and smacking the human a few times across the face. The impact was heavy, muted only by the rough fur covering the back of his paw.

When he was finished, Laurence let out a snarl and dropped down low to bare his fangs in a furious grimace. "Now, it's time to really see how good you are at being my bitch," he growled. He closed his paw around the human's shoulder once more, this time pressing hard enough to lightly pierce the skin with tips of his claws.

"You're going to inhale my scent, slave. I want you to sniff my crotch as deeply and eagerly as you can manage, but do NOT use your tongue until I say," Laurence said. His other paw moved to the back of the human's head as he kneeled, straightening his back and bringing his heavy package forward to hover directly in front of Paul's vision. "You're going to learn the scent of your new master. Because you're a human and your smelling sucks, well... you're going to need a bit of extra time." The wolf chuckled once, before lifting the human's head and forcefully pressing Paul's face into his crotch with a satisfied growl, his thick tail flicking from side to side in amusement.

Paul never had time to regain his breath before he was pulled into the massive wolf's groin. From the moment he hit the bed to Laurence's claws pressing into his shoulder, he only managed to gasp in pain. Now that he was being permitted to breathe, albeit in a rather unclean place, he had no choice but to take deep, passionate breaths of the beast's most intimate region.

He inhaled deeply, the wolf's musk burning his nostrils with the heavy, smoky scent. Unable to hold back his burning need for air, he greedily sucked in the smell of his master to fill his lungs. He found himself growing dizzy at first: unprepared for the sheer potency of the canine's smell. Laurence smelled differently than Frank and Logan. It was difficult for Paul to think of a comparison, yet he somehow sensed that the wolf's crotch was more wild and bestial, a scent of heavy sweat mixed with copper.

The human kept his eyes closed as he face pressed into the thick fur. The soft, malleable flesh underneath the black hair melded loosely around his face. The wolf rumbled at the press of his face, a sensation that he could feel in the soft, sensual vibrations running through the creature's muscular form. His master's thighs flexed against his cheekbones, squeezing powerfully to hold him while Laurence's claws moved from the back of his head and down his spine.

Not wanting to displease his master, Paul continued to breathe deeply while keeping his tongue inside his mouth. The spicy smell of bestial musk continued to fill his lungs. He lost track of all other sensations, focusing solely on taking in as much as possible. As expected, he was already eager to keep breathing in as much as possible, yet it was a challenge to keep himself from using his tongue. The powerful smell of his master was more than enough to get him aroused as thoughts of his experiences with the two huskies swam in his head.

"Mm... very good little bitch," Laurence cooed, arching his back and tilting his head towards the ceiling. He closed his eyes and pushed his hips gently into the human's face, warmly rumbling with delight at sensation of his new property faithfully breathing in his scent.

"You can use your tongue now," he said with a pleased growl, moving his paw back up to the Paul's head.

Obeying instantly, Paul opened his mouth and began licking at the soft fur of his master's groin. The smoky taste of the wolf's crotch immediately filled his mouth. A distinct, coppery flavour leaked into the corners of his mouth and tickled the back of his throat. It was everything he imagined it could be. Every scent and smell his nose had picked up was now filling his mouth as his tongue slid through the mounds of fur and delicate flesh. Moving his head down a little more, he began to lap eagerly at the wolf's balls, shuddering as he explored the canine's rounded orbs.

Laurence chuckled as he felt the human shudder underneath him. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" He said. "Interesting. I could tell that Frank and Logan had domesticated you, but I haven't heard of a human being this into it after only a half a day..." With a sigh, he hunched low over the human, his massive body hovering over Paul's back. His thick tail flicked back and forth in happiness. Spreading his legs wider, he allowed his slave to continue licking at his testicles for several long moment before he turned his head and looked at the other two canines.

"Alright, I think it's time for both of you to help with this next part," Laurence said, his muzzle twisting into a vicious grin. "Now that he knows my scent, it's time to test his endurance and... flexibility."

"Oh, so now we can get involved can we?" Logan growled, looking over as the other husky snarled and snapped at him with a set of powerful jaws.

"Yes, we would be happy to help," Frank said as he walked up to the bed. "What can we do?" He looked at Paul with an evil stare before watching with suspicion as Logan glumly walked up beside him, and angry look plastered across his fearsome features.

Moving back into a kneeling position, Laurence hooked a claw under Paul's throat and moved him away. He smiled at his human before turning his head to look dangerously at Logan. "Is there a problem?"

Logan stared blankly at the larger canine. "No, there's no problem," he rumbled.

"Good, that makes me glad. I'm here to test this human for my own needs, not to please you. Am I clear?"

The husky paused for only a moment before nodding and visibly relaxing. "Yes," he answered.

Laurence nodded at this before looking back towards Paul. "Now, as for you..." He began, before roughly shoving the human backwards. His slave landed sprawled on his back across the bedding, where he quickly grabbed the man's leg and pulled him back. "It's time to have some real fun. Logan, Frank, grab his arms and legs. Hold him still."

After recovering from the wolf's shove, Paul remained perfectly still as the two huskies grabbed him. Frank moved to the head of the bed and gripped his wrists, pulling his arms above his head and holding him steady while Logan moved to the other side.

Paul waited patiently and silently as Laurence pushed his legs to the side. The wolf lay down behind him with a growl and wrapped a massive arm around his chest.

With Paul's legs now free, Logan was able to position himself at the foot of the bed. He grabbed the human's legs and held on tightly, an amused grin spreading across his muzzle once more.

"Perfect," Laurence purred, grinning as his bared fangs brushed the side of Paul's cheek. "You stay as you are bitch. I don't want you moving around for this next bit."

"Yes master," Paul answered. Although he managed to keep his voice calm and complacent this time, he felt a small feeling of terror begin to build in his chest. He had no idea what the wolf was planning. At first he thought the wolf was going to fuck him: something he was looking forward to, yet now he wasn't so sure. There was no reason for the huskies to get involved were that the case.

"Logan, do me a favour and lick the bitch's anus for a little while please, I want him nice and slick for me," Laurence said.

Logan growled at the wolf. It was clear that he intended to argue, but he quickly bit back his words when the both Frank and the Laurence rumbled at him in anger. "Very well," he growled, his brown eyes looking directly at Paul as he kneeled down at the foot of the bed and lowered his head to the human's rump.

Paul shivered as he felt the dog's appendage begin to slowly lick between his ass cheeks. Logan's rough tongue slid across his anus repeatedly, lathering it in the warm saliva that would be used as a lube for whatever his new master intended. As fearful as he was, Logan's treatment was quite relaxing. Although he was sure that the husky would never do such a thing for his pleasure, it was soothing to have that smooth, dextrous muscle massaging his most intimate area.

"The bitch is getting hard," Laurence teased, chuckling as he watched the human's erection grow before his very eyes. "How adorable."

Paul clenched his teeth together as moaned as the husky continued to lick him. Laurence wasn't wrong: he was getting hard, although it wasn't entirely from Logan rimming him. The close proximity of his three masters was making his head spin with arousal. With their claws digging into him, the raw, coppery smell of their bestial nature, and the thought of what they were going to do to him next, was more than enough to make him uncontrollably horny.

He hoped that Laurence was going to fuck him next...

Logan growled, blasting hot air across the human's rump before backup and slurping his tongue back into his mouth. "Alright, that's it, I'm not giving this bitch another lick," he said. "Do it yourself if you need it Laurence, I'm done making our 'toy' feel good."

Frank let out an annoyed growl before Laurence raised a paw to stop him.

"Don't worry about it, Logan, you've done enough," Laurence replied with a grin. "I'm surprised you even listened in the first place."

Paul let out a gasp as Logan's claws dug painfully into his thigh.

"Just suck it up Logan, you won't have to do that again," Laurence growled, wrapping his paws around the human's chest and digging his claws into the human's skin as well. "I think you're going to like this next part anyway..."

With a small chuckle, the massive wolf lifted one of his paws to his mouth and sucked on the tips of his claws. His red tongue flashed from the tip of his muzzle to lightly wet the fur of his paw before he dropped his paw down. In one smooth motion, his wet claws slid down Paul's skin to rest gently at the human's anus, while his other arm lifted and wrapped tightly around the man's neck, holding him close and squeezing painfully tight.

"You've been fucked a few times by my friends here, bitch, but I think it's time to test how... flexible you've become," Laurence purred, licking the human's ear. "Now, don't you dare yell, bitch... keep nice and quiet."

Paul was wondering what his new master meant with he suddenly felt the wolf's paw begin to push inside him. He gasped at the unfamiliar contact, feeling the canine's claws brush delicately over his sensitive walls as he was spread apart further and further with each passing second. Although the saliva made it easier for the paw to slide in, there was nothing that could've prepared him for how much the wolf's paw would spread him.

Paul choked at Laurence's arm squeezed painfully around his neck. He could feel the fur sliding along his prostate as the wolf's fingers wriggle around, pushing his sensitive flesh further apart to slide deeper and deeper inside him with each passing second. The hard bones of the wolf's knuckles and hardened bone underneath the thick fur pushed at his anus and spread him apart with unrelenting force.

"It seems I might be hurting the bitch a little bit, but I haven't even got to the difficult part yet," Laurence cooed, a grin across his muzzle. "Tell me, pet, does it feel about the size of a cock just yet? Or am I going to need to go a little bit further...?"

With the wolf's arm squeezing his neck, Paul was unable to manage more than a desperate cough. It was only Laurence's fingers inside him so far, yet still he could feel himself being stretched to his limits. Lifting his hands, he gripped the wolf's arm and arched his back, pushing himself back against the canine's body and spreading his legs wide the hopes of making the paw's entrance less painful. It was in that moment however, that Laurence began to force his paw inside, spreading him wide as the breadth of the beast's furred knuckles slide deep into his expanding tunnel.

Paul squirmed within the wolf's grasp as an immense explosion of pleasure and pain began to course through his abused form. His mouth opened in a wordless yell as he felt the rest of the canine's massive paw forced its way inside him. It was an incredibly odd sensation, yet not without pleasure. The rough fur felt gritty against his flesh, yet the tickling claws reaching deep within him hit exactly the right spots. Those clawed fingers moved and wriggled inside him while his anus expanded painfully wide, more than he thought physically possible. His head spun with pins and needles at the overwhelming sensation, and he was unable to tell whether it was from the pain or the lack of oxygen from the wolf choking him so hard.

"Mm, you're tight as fuck little slave," Laurence growled, shoving his fist deeper. "I suppose an afternoon of service can only make you so loose..." There was a pause as he wriggled his clawtips deep inside the human's bowels. "Logan, Frank, make sure you hold him tight again. I'm going to fuck this bitch good."

Paul bit back a scream as he felt the two huskies grip his arms and legs. His limbs were forced out to the side as the wolf's paw plunged inside him, spreading him wider than he would've ever thought possible. The pain grew to a dull, throbbing sensation in his anus. Although he couldn't tell how far Laurence had shoved inside him, he knew that any deeper would mostly likely have horrible consequences. He held his breath, hoping the wolf would relent...

Then, slowly, Laurence began to slide his paw back out. The rough fur of the wolf's paw brushed Paul's anal walls, sliding with the help of bestial saliva and delicate dragging of tickling claws.

Paul felt himself relax, a similar pleasure washing through his abused form. He closed his eyes, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, when the wolf's paw came jolting back inside him. This time, he was unable to hold it back: he screamed.

All three canines laughed as the human yelled. Laurence shoved his paw in deep, eliciting a painful gasp from Paul before he quieted down, whimpering softly.

"That's it bitch... you're getting stretched nice and wide," Laurence growled, pumping his paw in and out of Paul's ass. The muscle of his arm flexed with the effort. It was a difficult task at first, but after the first few thrusts the wolf found it much easier to slide his wriggling paw in and out. The saliva was easing his paw's passage, but it was the flexibility of his new pet that allowed him to move so quickly.

Paul felt tears streaming down his cheeks as the wolf tightened the chokehold around his neck. The pain was becoming more bearable, yet he still couldn't help but let out a whimper as the paw inside him stretched his anal ring to its limits. He gripped Laurence's fur tightly, closing his eyes and wriggling against his new master. He tried to focus on the pleasing sensations: the powerful arcs of pleasure travelling up his spine, the warmth of the wolf's body and the hot breath on the back of his neck, and the sharp claws digging into his arms and legs, holding him in place. With a small moan he clenched as best as he could against the massive paw. His body was theirs for the time being, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

A surprised grunt came from Laurence as he felt the human's anal muscles tighten around his paw. He growled with pleasure, wiggling his claws in a tease. "Oh my, this pet is certainly full of surprises," he uttered, baring his fangs in a pleased smile. "Of all the things I expected..."

Slowly, the wolf began to slide his paw free. He straightened his fingers and pulled outwards, smiling as his pet whined and gasped at the continued stimulations. He growled as his wrist slid free, followed eventually by the tips of his claws. Once he was out, the human let out an exasperated sigh and shuddered, breathing heavily in the harsh aftermath of the treatment.

Paul breathed heavily on the bed when the wolf finished with him. He swallowed to clear a build-up of saliva in his throat, emitting a pause in his panting before starting once again. His ass felt sore and painful, and he feared that even the slightest movement would make him hurt even more.

"Did you like that my slave?" Laurence asked.

"Y-yes, that was wonderful," Paul breathed. "Thank you master."

"Well, you'll be pleased to know that you passed my first test, bitch," Laurence said. "You're one step closer to becoming mine forever. There is however, one last pleasure you're going to fulfill for me beforehand. Logan, Frank, you can let go of him now."

Both huskies obeyed, releasing their pet and sauntering to the side of the bed to watch the show. Frank grinned down at Laurence as the large wolf pushed himself into a kneeling position and got behind the human, gripping the pale skin of the man's sides. "Time to fuck him?" He asked, chuckling when the other canine gave a brief nod.

"Finally," Logan growled. "I was getting tired of holding him still for your antics. He was loose enough already."

Laurence grabbed Paul by the waist and hoisted him into position, mounting him from behind and shoving the human's shoulders into the bed. He looked over at Logan with a snarl.

"It's only partly about that, "Laurence replied. "A human for me is a human that will obey me, and submit to my desires without question." He grinned and placed a few of his claws in his mouth, sucking on the taste before letting it fall back down. "This one is perfect," he finished, smacking Paul hard on the ass.

Paul whined as the slap stung his cheek. He could feel the wolf's hard cocktip prodding at his anus, smearing a small amount of warm precum to wet his eager entrance. "Please fuck me sir," he said, his heart thumping his chest with excitement. He could feel an itch inside him since the wolf's paw left him, an urge that persisted through the leftover pain that needed to be sated.

Laurence purred as he hunched over his pet, his massive body engulfing the entirety tiny human underneath him. His thick cock hung lazily between his legs, ready to obey Paul's wishes. He brought his paw down between his legs to clutch his shaft, aiming the pointed tip towards its mark.

"I was only joking about this being the second test, by the way," Laurence growled, sliding the tip of his penis down the human's crack. "You're as good as mine. A loose little creature like yourself will make the perfect house pet after we're done here..."

Laurence looked over at the two huskies and gave them a smile. "Feel free to watch if you like," he said. "You two should know of course, how your latest acquisition is going to serve me."

With a growl, Laurence returned his attention to the human. A silly grin remained plastered across his bestial face as he licked his lips with pleasure. The little bitch was going to be real smooth after his treatment. This was the moment he'd been waiting for.

With a loud grunt, the wolf pushed Paul down into the bed and slammed his hips forwards, sinking his thick, canine cock deep into the human's ass in a single, practiced motion.

Paul cried out as his anus was penetrated. He felt the wolf's meat slide inside him, faster than his previous masters had tried. Not surprisingly, there was only a brief amount of pain before he felt the rough fur of the canine's hips press into his asscheeks. Although Laurence felt much bigger than the huskies, there was no discomfort this time. Instead all he felt was a deep, throbbing warmth deep inside his rump, coupled with the hot feeling of liquid heat as precum dripped inside to mix with the saliva covering his bowels.

The human whimpered softly and grabbed at the bedsheets with his hands. The wolf's paw weighed down on his back mercilessly, pressing into his shoulder blades with a painful amount of pressure to ensure that he didn't move. With an audible moan he arched his back and clenched as best as he could on the intruding member, hoping to please his newest master. The pleasure was interrupted however, when he felt the wolf's claws dig into the skin of his back.

"Yes... that's it little bitch," Laurence purred, bringing his hips back before slamming his thick cock into the human's rear once again. "I should be no problem for you, now that you're stretched nice and wide." He grinned, digging his claws into the human's back and drawing blood. He could hear Paul whimpering and crying out in pain underneath him, a reaction to the ferociousness of his mating that the fearsome wolf only found all the more enticing. "Whine for me little bitch, there's nothing more in your life right now than living for my desires..."

Laurence gritted his fangs together as he worked himself into a rhythm, humping his partner with repeated motions of his hips. His meaty length slid in and out of the human's ass, rubbing along the slick walls of Paul's anus and throbbing powerfully as the squeezing muscles massaged his sensitive shaft. Already the veiny bulb at the base of his cock was swelling, preparing to lock with the man as his orgasm got closer and closer. His length pulsed as it spit out even more rich, fertile cream into Paul's bowels, making his passage all the more easy.

Paul could do little more than shudder and beg as his new Master took him. He was rougher than the two huskies had been. The claws digging into his back and the force of the massive wolf's humps were more than enough to send renewed jolts of sore pain washing through him. Despite this however, he couldn't help but feel an odd sense of pride in being a good pet for Laurence. Frank and Logan had trained him well, and it was all he could do to demonstrate his newfound tolerance and skills in dealing with the primal needs.

Paul looked over at the two huskies, cracking an eye open to regard their grinning stares as he was fucked into the bedding. They were both looking at him with unparalleled glee, their muzzles twisted with delight. Both canines were standing in a wide stance, their massive paws stroking their erect cocks as they clearly enjoyed every moment of the show. With a smile, he whined loudly once more and pushed himself back against the powerful wolf. He was going to be a good pet, even if it was the last thing he did.

With a sharp snarl, Laurence bent down low over the human and began humping as hard as he could. The smells of bestial sex and hot musk screamed within his sensitive nostrils as he entered the final stretch. The small confines of the room, along with the three, horny canines inside it were more than enough to riddle the air with the scent of their arousal.

A glob of drool fell from Laurence's mouth as he reached down, hooking his powerful arms around Paul's neck. His entire body was shaking with excitement as he pulled the human back up into a kneeling position. His hips continued to pump back and forth, pistoning his thick cock deep into the human's rear. His arms tightened around the human, squeezing the man into his powerful chest.

"Such a perfect little bitch you are..." Laurence grunted into Paul's ear. "You're perfect... so perfect for this..." A rumbling sounded deep in his chest, reverberating through him and into the mattress. He could hear the human gagging in his grip, but he paid no attention to it. Instead, he slammed his hips forwards and ground his knot into his partner's anus. Despite his preparations from earlier, he was met with some amount of resistance as Paul's ass was once again, stretched to its very limits.

With a ferocious bark, Laurence pushed forwards with all his might. His knot sunk into the human's rear with a wet pop, and his eyes went wide with pleasure at his orgasm washed through his entire body. It began as a well of pleasure within his loins before spreading to the rest of his body, jolting through him as his cock began to throb and spit rope after rope of cum deep into Paul's clenching bowels.

Paul felt the wolf's semen blast into his rear, hitting the insides of his colon with an impact that made him wince. The massive creature shook above him as the grip around his neck tightened. He saw stars and began to feel dizzy as he too, felt himself go over the edge. He pushed weakly back against canine's knot, gagging uncontrollably as he was struck with an ejaculation of his own. His cock leapt between his legs, shooting gentle arcs of semen up into the air before they splattered down onto the bedsheets. This was the perfect moment between him and his master he'd been waiting for. This was absolute heaven.

Laurence breathed heavily as he came within his newest bitch. His arms tightened even more as he was struck with wave after wave of pleasure. He could feel the hot semen from his cock drooling back down to soak his balls as the human was filled to the brink. Although he was choking the human out with about as much strength as he could muster, there was no denying that his little slave was enjoying every moment of being filled. He let out a growl and humped into Paul once more, his tail flagging up and down in sync with each throb of his massive dick. Even minutes into his orgasm his cock was spitting his hot seed into the human's bowels, emptying his churning testicles with every bit of fertile he had to offer.

After a few, long moments, it was all over. The wolf opened his mouth in a pure expression of bliss, and his massive muscles tensed with delight as the last drops of his seed leaked from his spent cock. He was looking forward to spending a good many years with his newest, faithful pet. The huskies had truly found a good one this time.

It was during this thought however, that he felt the human grow limp and slide from his grip.

Laurence fell forwards with his human, letting out a grunt of surprise as he laid down over his prize, his knot still lodged firmly within his pet's rear. He growled with anger at first, wondering what had prompted such disobedience when he realized with a start, that Paul had passed out.

"Oops," Laurence said with a snicker, looking over at the two huskies. "I think I choked him a little too hard." His grin broadened as he found Logan and Frank both breathing heavily, their nearly-identical paws wrapped firmly around their respective, spent canine cocks behind a torrent of semen that now littered the ground in front of them. "And I see that you enjoyed yourselves, as expected."

"Yes... it was a very delightful show," Frank replied, licking his lips and huffing in the aftermath of his orgasm. "We couldn't resist."

"Mm, wonderful," the wolf purred, before turning his attention back to the human. "Is he...?" He mused, hunching low over his slave and listening intently. Much to his relief, he heard the human breathing, which was quickly heightened when he growled and gave a few more, playful humps, grinding his cock into the human's filled rear.

"Ya, he's still alive," Laurence chuckled. "That's a relief. For a moment there I thought he'd been weaker than I anticipated." The wolf gave an experiment tug with his hips, grunting as he still found himself unable to untie himself from the unconscious human. With a growl he leaned down once more, digging his claws into Paul's shoulders and breathing into the bed. "Wake up little bitch. Sleeping while your master fucks you will only get you punished..."

With a low moan, Paul began to stir under the massive wolf. His eyes slowly opened and he immediately coughed a few times, wincing as his throat blossomed with spikes of pain. "Ow..."

Laurence grinned, wriggling his hips and grinding his knot hard into the human's rear some more. "Say you're sorry bitch," he said.

"I'm sorry master," Paul wheezed, coughing once more. "I didn't... I didn't mean to..."

"You'll get better at this once I've done that to you a few more times," Laurence growled. "With some further training regarding your flexibility and endurance you'll make a wonderful pet..."

Trying one last time, Laurence let out a sigh as he finally managed to tug his knot free. Copious amounts of semen drooled from Paul's gaping anus, a sight that made the wolf smile as he admired his handiwork. "Alright bitch, time to go," he said, grabbing the human and hoisting him up onto his shoulder.

"So, shall we expect payment from you soon?" Frank inquired as the three canines casually scooped up their respective clothing and made their way out of the room.

Laurence smiled at the other beast. "Ah, back to the business, of course," he said, grabbing the human's thigh with his free paw. "Yes, of course. Once I have this pet back at my home and properly secured you'll receive your full payment, and feel free to come by anytime to enjoy him if you want. I think the three of us could have some good fun with this one..."

Paul kept silent, and made no complaints as he was carried from the room. As sore as his body was, he couldn't help but admire the strength his master displayed at carrying him with such ease. He closed his eyes and brought his hands down, dragging his fingers through the wolf's thick fur. He took in a deep breath, inhaling the smell of bestial sex and feral odours that had taken over his home one last time before he was taken away from it all forever: to live his new life as the toy of these powerful creatures.

When he finally opened his eyes, he found himself looking at Logan. The massive husky was walking behind them all, with an evil grin plastered across his face.

"Did you hear that, bitch?" Logan rumbled. "Looks like we'll be getting to fuck you again really soon..."

Paul let out a happy sigh and dropped his head, relaxing as his master carried him out the door.

He couldn't wait.


The end.