Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 11

Story by Montrosity on SoFurry

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#12 of Confessions of a Dragon: My Memiors of My Time on Earth

Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 11

Recapping the Action:

Seems to be some confusion of some of the details from the previous chapter. I hope to clear It up with a quick recap. First off, that survivor we rescued didn't get killed when Talget was released. Instead it was some other unfortunate soul that was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

That survivor, Johnny was his name, was dropped back on the streets hours before Officer Talget himself was let out.. Now I don't think the serial killing cop would have gone after Johnny again, it was a good thing that one of the other officers saw the witness dumped to the elements and took him to a nearby homeless shelter and eventually to a safehouse once Ted's friends took notice. At any rate, Johnny is quite save now.

But not Talget's latest homeless victim. The horror the poor guy endured is just sickening. I was privy to the photographs and let me tell you it was a sickening disgusting scene. The amount of carnage was total overkill. The killer even wrote a mocking message in the victim's blood. Various organs nailed to a nearby wall along with skinning the hapless fellow alive just to show that he can't be stopped.

But I intend to stop him... by any means necessary. I know what I must do. He has friends in high places that got him released due to 'lack of evidence'. So getting him arrested appears to be futile. There is only one option left, and that is to kill the killer. Something I am perfectly willing to do after seeing all the murder scenes Talget left in his wake. And I had him in my grasp too. It would have been so easy to wring his neck, halting the killing spree dead in its tracks.

My biggest problem, of course, is being a dragon stuck on a world of humans. I can't be seen by the masses as that would cause a huge panic. Jim, the leader of the outfit that maintains the gateways that I arrived here in the first place, was very concerned that I plan to catch the murderer personally and put an end to this nonsense. I don't blame him really but I felt compelled to go after that dirty cop since I could have stop this before any more people got killed. The way that latest guy died was gruesome indeed.

I had no problem accepting the conditions Jim and Ted laid out. Basically, I agreed to follow Ted's order in case this gets out of hand. He is coming with me, riding on my shoulders and back. The security head will keep me out of trouble... at least I hope.

Preparing for Battle:

As I get ready to leave on my mission, Dr. Sally Bentli bursts into my room. "Alright, I heard what you planning to do, trotting off after that killer. As you doctor, I disapprove of this. It is far too dangerous. I already had to dig out a few bullets. You got lucky last time but it won't hold out forever."

"But I must stop him. I let me get away and I must atone for that error." I reply with a flat, emotionless tone.

She returns, "Let the police get him. They will eventually realize their mistake and put him back in jail, where he belongs."

I frown at her, "That can take months, even years. Talget been doing this for a long time and could go on for a while yet. He already killed right after getting out." I push the packet with the photos from that terrible crime scene. Sally takes her first look at the latest horror while I go on. "You see, he must be stopped. We can't wait a moment. He will keep on killing on and on until someone steps up and prevent any more from happening. And I am the best bet. With my wings, I can zoom in of his location quickly and quietly."

Sally gasps and starts to cry while flipping through the appalling display unfolding before her. "What a monster! How can anyone do such a thing to a fellow human being. Why, oh why!"

"Now you understand. I made my mistake in trusting the system. Much too late for him but hopefully not for others. I plan to correct my error." I look directly into Sally's tearing eyes. "Don't worry. I can talk care of myself. You say all those battle scars. This dwaggie knows how to survive tough situations. I won't take undue risks. Besides, I am taking Ted with me. And you know what a great shot he is with his firearms. And we will be in constant contact with David."

The doctor quietly sobs, nodding her head. "I see. I can't get the images out of my head. He must be stopped. Just promise me you won't do anything crazy."

I nod back at her. "I'll be back soon as I can. Telget's days are numbered." I pad out of the room, leaving Sally with the cursed photographs.

On to the Hunt:

I meet Ted outside. The sun will set in a few hours so we still have some light. I look to him and say, "We must hurry and get to the latest sighting. Did David found more about where Talget is headed?" I lay on my belly so that Ted can climb of for the flight.

He hops on a bit reluctant. "Well, the latest news indicates he is around Junction Springs. I esitmate we will arrive there just before sunset. I hope David can gleam more details of where he is headed."

I could never get Ted to take a flight with me before. I just wish it was under better circumstances. With a audible sigh, the head of security (and my 'babysitter') straps himself in the harness while plopping on a small saddle I carry. "Okay, I'm strapped in. Do me a favor and keep it nice and level. I don't like this as it is."

I can feel him cinches the straps even tighter as I start running along, gaining enough speed for flight. My wings suddenly springs out, unfurling to rapidly catch the air. "Okay, here goes." Now he is pulling hard, digging his knuckles into my tough hide. I pull up, soaring high while pumping my powerful wings in a rhythmic beat. I am not sure about Ted, but it is so exhilarating to fly, dancing above the clouds. Even though the flight is for business, I still enjoy it. I'm sure Ted would too... in time. But in the meantime, he remains very quite and still.

Then he breaks the silence with an important news. "I just got word over the radio from David. Our perpetrator just left from a hardware store and the credit records shows him buying camping and survivor equipment. David suspects that he might be heading for some land his cousin owns near the desert. Very rural out there so fairly secluded, enough to take his next victim and do his deed at leisure. I'm sure Talget picked someone up and traveling right to it."

I race even faster, now having a direct location to go. In the dimming light, I spot it, a black early 90s Suburban four wheel drive vehicle. It matches the SUV Talget owns, heading down the highway. I follow from high above, watchin it drive a few miles before turning down a dirt road. Several more miles with a few turns, the SUV stops at a gate.

"It's him! It's him!" I shouted to Ted. But before I could swoop down, the murderous cop unlocked the gate and slipped back behind the wheel. He drove down the path, leaving me high in the air to trail behind him. Too dangerous to attack while he is still in the vehicle. Beside, if someone else in there, he could use that person as a hostage. No doubt Talget armed to the teeth.

So we bide out time, awaiting for the perfect moment to strike. The black SUV finally arrives at a small shack, a bit run down. I circle around while descending slowly. I remain out of sight, making sure the clouds are behind me so I wouldn't be silhouetted against the setting sun.

I feel Ted tugging on my harness. "He got someone in there all right. Looks like a lady of the night. I can't see much in the dieing light but it appears..." I try to fly as steady as I can while Ted watches below with a pair of binoculars. "yeah, our boy found a new victim. She appears to be handcuffed too. I think now is the time to, um, dive down. I'll take care of lady while you deal with Talget."

Stay on Target. Stay on Target:

The next few minutes is a blur. I dove at the killer with his intended victim in tow. I rush between they, separating the two. Ted jumped off and grabs the victim, pulling her to the other side of the SUV while I deal with Talget. He had his gun out I a flash, shooting me at close range. He hits me a few time despite me breaking his wrist from our last encounter. Still, that close distance and the fact that his wrist wrapped tight in a cast allows most of his shots to tear into my hide. At least a half dozen slams into me but I didn't care.

The killer falls on his back, emptying the whole clip by the time I turn around to jump on top of him. He tries to hit me with the unless gun but has no effect as I grab his neck and shoulders, digging into his flesh with my claws. I growl at him, "Thought you could escape my wraith. I got you!"

He spits back at me while laughing. "Aw, I didn't expect you so soon. I would had my presents ready if I knew you was coming so quick."

I demand answers, "Why? Why would you such awful things, you murdering bastard!"

He laugh a few more times, spitting up a little blood from the cracked ribs I gave him in the tumble. "You should be able to guess, dragon. You should know of all people. It is the hunt... culling the herd of the unless members of society. Whores and homeless scums are the parasite that feeds on the underbelly of society. You know all about how the weak should die."

"That don't make fucking sense! How are you to decide who should live or die?" I snarl back at him, getting more angry by the second.

He chuckles up a few more drops of blood. The red streak running down his chin and left cheek. "Because I can! Survival of the strongest!"

"First of all, it is survival of the fittest. An entirely different thing. You are nothing but a sick bastard. You even cooked and ate body parts from your victims. That is just sick and disgusting. How could you even imagine doing such a thing?"

He stands there (well, held up by my claws squeezing down on his shoulders) and looks me in the eyes. "A predator like you don't waste his prey. One must consume what we hunt. That is how the circle works. The strong devour the weak. Nature at its finest. You know exactly how it is."

"What kind of monster are you? That is not how it works." I plan on taking him back to the base. We can lock him there while we decide what to do with him. He can care no more harm to anyone there.

To Be or Not to Be:

But then it happens, Talget pulls out a big hunting knife hidden in his pants and slashes at my forearm, stabbing several times. I drop him more out of reflex than the wounds he is causing on my arm. He flops on the ground but quickly jumped up to drive that blade right into left ribs, sinking it halfway deep.

"You bastard! You fucking ass! That did it!" I smack his arm, shattering that cast and the bones contained within once again. He screams, holding his crumpled hand with the other.

"Damn you dragon! I am going to kill you like all the others!" The crooked cop reaches in his pants with his good hand. But before he pulls out another gun, I grab his arm. I can hear the bone crack from pressing too hard. "Oh no you don't! I'm stopping this, now!" I reach down, ripping the pants pocket, gun and all with my sharp claws. I didn't care that I gashed his skin, making him scream more. I pick him up with my paws holding his arms so tight to his sides that he can hardly breath... then it happens.

My anger reach a boiling point and something inside of me snaps. My mind on instinct now as I yell, "I show will you who is predator and prey!" My jaws opens as if on its own accord, dripping his long tendrils of drool. I can hear my prey gasp and cry out distantly in my ear. I pay no heed to the screams while I stuff his head into the back of my maw.

I do the unthinkable. Instead of stopping like I did to Eddie, I keep on going, shoving his shoulder into my mouth. I can taste the bloodied shoulder swiping across my tongue, driving me further into my feeding frenzy. My lower jaw pops out its joint, much like a snake does to swallow large prey. Talget's shoulders now finds it easier to slip inside the now wider passageway of my throat as I feed him deeper. His cries muffle from inside my neck, which starts to bulge with his form.

I can hear Ted vomiting, so shocked by the event unfolding before him. The saved victim faints next to him. I can see from the corner of my hazy, glazed over eye that Ted is able to catch her before she hits the ground, but just barely. He heaves a few more times, standing there with silently hanging open mouth along with unblinking eyes.

With Talget in my mouth like so, I begin to strip off his pants and then boots. Various items of weapons falls to the ground. More knifes and a couple of pistols clank on a pile below me. Yeah, Talget was armed to the teeth. Now his arms sliding on my teeth, slipping in short jerks as they snap pass each of them.

I keep on going, gulping half of the soon to be ex-killer. His flailing legs beats on my chest, trying to kick free in a useless attempt. Talget's tightly pressed hands tries hard to grab at the corner of my lips, losing grip rapidly. A futile effort to be sure. My powerful throat muscles ripple around his upper body, tugging it relentlessly down the fleshy esophagus. It opens up to easily accept his form, forming an ever larger lump under my chin and in the front of my neck.

His kicks and struggle grows to an ever higher panic. His screams vibrates in my throat. I actually chuckle, adding to the vibrations. I lift my head up high now, tilting it back to allow gravity to assist in the swallow. In this vertical position, my prey's struggles helping him to slip further and further down into the darkness. I did not need to push with my paws anymore, just using gravity and the peristalsis motions of my throat muscles to send him deeper to his doom.

His head pops into my belly, suspended in the warm, moist air. I can hear his scream echoing in my cavernous chamber. His shoulders slips inside. With that wider part of him safely tucked into my belly, the rest of him descends a bit faster. His legs finally glides into my mouth. I do a quick yawn to reset my jaw back into its socket and then close them behing Talget, forever sealing his fate as I seal my lips. Soon I feel his whole body settling in my tummy, curling in a fetal position. He pounds at my interior stomach walls, which actually feels good I afraid to say.

The Aftershock of the Shock:

I eventually come down from my feeding frenzy, blinking at the enormity of what wroth I have done. I could not believe of what I just did. I look down and my bloated belly doesn't lie. I just ate a whole human being... alive and kicking. I feel a bit faint myself, barely able to stand up. I flop down on all fours (something I can walk on as well as going upright).

I look over to Ted, still frozen and expressionless. "Ted... Ted... Ted! Snap out of it!" He finally blinks, setting the still unconscious 'working lady' on the ground and leans her against to Suburban.

"I would not believe it in a million years if I didn't see it with my own two eyes." He wipes the sweat on his brow, forming there despite the cool night air. "No, I still having trouble believing." He blinks a few more times, just relizing something. "Ugh, I should have ordered you to stop. I was in such a state that I was not thinking clearly. I never expected such a display."

"You know what? I probably would not have listen to you. My own mind too focused to the task at hand. I don't think your words would registered in my brain anyway. It is all moot now, Talget can't bother anyone now. The deed is done." I find a spot lay down as the thought of carrying that unexpected load inside of me weights heavier on my mind than in my belly.

Ted suggest to quickly clean the site of the shell castings. No need to leave any evidence. Speaking of leaving, I help Ted sit the prostitute back into the passenger seat of the SUV. Ted takes out a syringe and fills it with sedative. "I think it is best if she wakes up in a better controlled environment. Seen what she did really going to mess with her mind. I know if still affecting me. I can drive, but not going to be easy. You fly behind me, watching just in case I can't make it."

I nod, "Good idea. Can't be too careful." With that, he steps into the driver side and starts the engine. I follow as he drives back to the base, only alerting that is it over over the radio. The details will come later and I for one not looking forward to explain what happened, especially to Jim. I sure hope Ted will break the news to him in private.

I can feel Talget still struggling while I'm high in the air, though growing faint. His moans of agony reverberate in my stomach as my gastric juices works him over. I am amazed that he still scrapping with his fingernail on the inner walls of my tummy for so long. He is a fighter all right. By now, his skin would have bubble and blister, forming cracks on the surface. Must be excruciating with unbearable pain in there. It took nearly an hour for him to lie completely still, almost all the way back to the compound.