Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 8

Story by That Box in the Basement on SoFurry

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#13 of Pokemon: Further Evolutions

Alright, here we are at CH 8. Truth be told, it's at this point where I started to lose my desire to write yiff scenes, and I'm fairly certain that it'll show here as well as the next chapter. So just letting you know, the set after this will be a lot more plot centered. That's all I have to say really, so I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be appreciated. ^^

Pokemon: Further Evolutions

CH 8

Up Another Notch

"Hah!" Kyo cried out as he jumped off to the side, avoiding an attack from Lucario and putting some distance between them. As they landed on their feet, Kyo spun around and whipped out his tail, repelling the jackal and putting even more space between them. Finishing the arc of his spin and facing his opponent once again, he charged forward and jabbed at her with a quick punch from his right.

Kyo had been training with Lucario and Teddy for a good amount of time by now, and his progress was already showing. Not only had he gotten his form down, he had also learned to not telegraph his attacks so much. Added to that, he had also learned how to counter and evade. Needless to say, progress was being made.

"'Grk,'" Lucario grunted as she shielded herself with her arms, blocking his attack. Jumping back and regaining space, she lunged forward and palm thrust him in the chest, knocking him back and staggering him. With this opening, Lucario opened her left paw up and began to focus her aura. As she did so, a sphere of her energy gathered above her paw. Seeing this, Kyo was caught off guard. As she thrust her arm out, Kyo clenched his eyes closed and crossed his arms in front of him. After a few seconds of him just standing there, he realized that the attack had never gone off. He slowly opened his eyes and lowered his arms from his face. Lucario was still in front of him, but the sphere of her aura was gone. She laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head.

"'Sorry there hun,'" she began apologetically, "'I sorta got a bit carried away...eheheh...'" She folded her arms, pushing up her generously sized breasts slightly. "'Either way, good job. You've definitely improved since I last met you.'"

"Indeed," Teddy spoke up from the side, standing up from his spot and walking over to the two of them, "You truly are a fast learner, young Kyo."

"Thanks you guys," he replied with a nod. Lucario put a paw to her chin thoughtfully, contemplating something in her head.

"'You know,'" she continued, "'in truth, we might as well try to teach you how to use some more special moves now.'" She pointed a finger up. "'You know, earlier back there, a strong Water Gun would have been a viable counter to the attack I almost went for, so you can see how valuable moves like those are in a fight.'" She placed a paw on her hip, flicking her ear once. "'So, what do ya say Kyo? Do you think you're ready to try?'" Kyo looked a bit off to the side, thinking things over in his head. After a good minute of this, Lucario smiled. "'You can take a break for now if you want?'"

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

"'Alright, take a good...thirty minute break. Teddy and I will go off for our own little sparring session. Sound good?'" After everyone else nodded in their approval, Kyo made for his usual spot at the pond. However, once he arrived, he was surprised to see a familiar grass type resting peacefully at the edge of it.

Grovyle cracked an eye open, chuffing at the sight of him. "'Hi...'" she greeted him half-heartedly, glaring daggers at him. Kyo shuffled around on his feet nervously.

"Uh...uhhhhh..." he scratched the back of his head, "h...h-hey there...Grovyle... Sooooooo.....ahem...wh-what're you doin 'round here?"

"'Resting,'" she said bluntly, tapping her finger impatiently.

"Oh... Is...that so... Do you...come here often? I mean, I...I tend to come here a lot, and I'm usually alone when I do."

"'Do you think you own the place or something?'" she snapped, continuing to glare daggers at him, "'Am I not allowed to come here?'" Kyo looked down at his feet, shuffling around on his heels. He didn't reply for a short, yet awkward moment of silence. Grovyle rolled her eyes. "'Whatever, I was done here anyways...'" She then lifted herself out of the pond, water dripping from her nubile form. And without so much as a backwards glance, she made for the other direction and left Kyo to himself. He curled his tail around his leg, suddenly feeling glummer than before. Stepping up to the pond, he discarded his shorts before easing himself into it. He let out a quiet sigh as he felt the cool water wash over him, easing him from the damp air of the island. Once he was settled in, he leaned his head against his hand.

I...I'm doing the right thing...right? he thought to himself, once again questioning his actions, It's starting to get really_hard to believe I am. I mean, if things don't go well, and I don't win, she's gonna hate me for the rest of our lives._ He tilted his head slightly. Then again, if I don't win, she'll be able to erase her memories, so I guess she won't hate me... He furrowed a brow, thinking this statement over. He let out a sigh. All of her memories though......... Why do I hate the idea of doing that so much? He shook his head, letting out an irritated sigh in an attempt to try and relax. Why am I even going through all of this for her anyway? I mean I don't even know her that well. Hell, the only moment we've really spent with each other was that night on the boat.

He paused for a moment, thinking back to all of the times he even spent time with her. Well...we have had a few good talks I guess... And she is one of my first friends from here............ UGH! I just keep CONFLICTING with myself! I JUST wanna make up my mind! Breathing heavily through his nose, he adjusted his seating to try and relax again.


"'Alright Kyo,'" Lucario began, the two of them standing on opposite sides of their training area, "'this time try to fight off of your instincts. It's helped one of my friends learn before, and I'm fairly sure the same should work for you.'" Kyo nodded in understanding, taking a battle stance. Once Teddy signaled for them to start, Lucario took the initiative by rushing Kyo. He quickly jumped to the side before spinning around and whipping his tail out to gain some space between them.

As Kyo finished his spin, Lucario flicked her wrist and hurled an Aura Sphere at him. Kyo tried to jump away in an attempt to evade, but the attack was too fast and ended up slamming into him, producing a small cloud of smoke and staggering Kyo. Lucario stopped herself from launching another one, instead deciding to wait and see if the attack had been too much for him. Once the smoke had cleared, and she saw that he was still willing to continue, she circled her arm before tossing another Aura Sphere his way. Kyo tried to duck this time, however the sphere arced towards him and slammed into him, knocking him down.

Lucario did not hold back this time, following up with another Aura Sphere. Kyo quickly scrambled to his feet, spinning around and whipping his tail out at the sphere. He ended up succeeding at hitting it, but it only resulted in the ball blowing up in his face. He clenched his eyes closed as he was blown back again. Seeing this, Lucario hesitated for a moment before launching another one. As it sped towards the water type, he realized what little time he had to react. With dodging out of the question, Kyo resorted to flat out punching it.

Of course, it didn't end well.

The sphere immediately blew up on contact, slamming into him with a strong force and knocking him to the ground in a dazed state. Seeing this, Lucario and Teddy immediately rushed over to his side, kneeling down to his level and sitting him up. "'Kyo?'" Lucario began, shaking him slightly, "'Kyo, are you alright?'" Still a bit dazed, Kyo only managed a nod in response. He heard her click her tongue. "'Alright, that's enough for today. You need to get some.........est..........yo?..........an you hea.......'" The rest of her words sounded muffled to the reptile as his vision blackened and he fell unconscious.

When Kyo finally woke back up, his body was aching all over. He groaned as he sat up, some areas spiking up in sudden pain. Caressing the back of his neck, he looked around the area. It didn't appear that much time had passed, but he noticed that Lucario was absent. He looked a bit more to the side, spotting Teddy with his back turned to him not too far away. He saw his ear twitch before he turned to face him.

"Good to see you up so quickly," he said to him as he sat up fully, "I was worried that you wouldn't wake." Kyo rubbed his eyes, breathing out through his nose.

"...How long was I out?"

"For about two minutes or so," Teddy answered him. Opening his eyes, Kyo took a moment to look around again. "If you're looking for Lucario, she needed to depart. Her mate called while you were out...so...you can understand her urgency..." Kyo nodded in understanding, and Teddy continued. "She did apologize though. Oh, also, she will not be present the next time you train. She claims that she will try and see of she can get one of her friends to help train you. She believes that you require a pokemorph of the same typing as you in order to receive proper training."

"Well, as long as she means well I suppose," Kyo replied with a shrug, "Well, if you run into her anytime soon, then tell her I said thanks, alright?"

"I shall, young Kyo," Teddy said before kneeling down and helping the Feraligatr-morph back on his feet, "Now do try and rest up. I have actually volunteered to help out a bit around the island today, and since training has ended early, I feel it best to make an attempt at starting early."

"That's fine," Kyo replied once he was back up, "So I guess I'll catch ya later then?" Teddy nodded before turning and heading off, leaving Kyo to his thoughts. He looked up at the sky, estimating that it didn't seem like the sun would set for a while. I...kinda wanna go back to the pond but... His mind briefly flashed back to his run in with Grovyle. ...I...don't think I wanna risk something like that happening again... And exploring the island hasn't really ever proven to be... He fished around for the word he was looking for. ...Clear? ...Safe? ...I dunno, I just don't wanna do that either... Hmmm..._He swished his tail around gently behind him. _Well, Teddy did tell me to try and rest up, and I think I remember Zeke saying something about a hot spring somewhere. He flicked his tail once. Fuck it, why not? Maybe it'll ease the aches on my everything...

Though it took a bit longer than Kyo would have been comfortable with, he found his desired location. The place was a bit more separated from most of the island's forested areas, as well as considerably more humid. Looking around, there really wasn't much to the place. There were a few "pools," and it was devoid of morphs for the most part.

For the most part.

"Hmmm?" the gray and purple furred vixen began, flicking an ear once and sitting up a bit from where she was seated, "Oh hi Kyo! I didn't expect to see you_here!" She waved cheerily, and Kyo nervously waved back. "'I see you wanted to check this place out too. What do you think, isn't the place great?'" Kyo looked around again, shrugging and returning his gaze to the dark type. She smiled. "'Well, the value comes from actually getting _in. How's about hopping in here with me?'" Kyo groaned inwardly. For some reason, he still didn't feel comfortable with her advances. But at the same time, he didn't want to come off as rude.

"Well...I mean I don't wanna make you lose your spot. You're looking pretty comfortable there..." Rina murred softly.

"'Oh I am hun. Trust me.'" She flicked her ears once. "'But it's okay. I've got no problem with sharing with you.'" She motioned with a paw, indicating for him to take a seat next to her. "'Come on, still no need to be shy. Just hop right in hun.'" Kyo bit his bottom lip. Reluctantly, he curled his tail around his waist before tugging his shorts down. However, as it slid off of his member, he felt it pull at his tail. He realized that his tail was still through his shorts as well, and his cheeks flared up in a blush. Seeing this, Rina smiled. "'You know, there's nothing to be embarrassed of either. It's not like I haven't seen what a cock looks like. If anything, I'm quite acquainted with the sight.'"

Kyo's blush deepened, making him tighten his tail around him. Rina giggled softly, her eyes flicking between his eyes and down between his legs. Kyo quickly turned around, uncurling his tail and slipping his shorts off of him. He wrapped his tail around his waist again, standing straight and slowly turning back around. A wide smile was spread across the vixen's muzzle.

"'Hmmm, not too bad a size I suppose,'" she murred, "'Definitely no Nidoking, but certainly no Pichu.'" Kyo's cheeks reddened deeply as she mentioned this. Deciding not to waste any time, the water type walked over to the spring before easing himself into the steamy water. The heat stunned him at first, but he eventually found himself sitting comfortably next to the Zoroark-morph, who lazily moved in closer to him. He turned to her, noticing the somewhat absent look across her features.

"You look...tired," he commented, "You alright?" Rina nodded.

"'Yeah, just had a rough session is all,'" she explained, speaking a bit slower than before, "'He was nice, but oof, it's amazing what you can get out of the libido of a Tauros.'" Kyo's blush quickly returned as he realized what she was hinting at. "'So, I heard from one of the leaders that you're joining the tournament. Seems you've been getting some training in as well. Good job getting this far. It takes some dedication for a morph to start from the bottom and get to where you're at.'"

"Thanks," Kyo replied with a nod, "Still feelin' a bit sore from my last training session though. It's sort of why I came here in the first place."

"'Oh, makes sense,'" Rina smiled, "'You know, if you like, I can give you a massage.'" Kyo shook his head.

"No thanks. I'll be alright."

"'You know...'" she said suddenly, cutting Kyo off from adding anything, "'You should really work on your hips and abs.... Really helps with fucking a needy female nice n' hard.'" Kyo blushed hard, confused as to her suddenness. The dark type shook her head. "'Sorry hun, my head's a little foggy from my session...'" Kyo scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Um...it's fine--"

"'So how many've you fucked so far?'" she cut him off, causing his cheeks to redden to the point where it almost hurt, "'A handsome fella like you has_to have gotten down with some by _now.'" Kyo looked off to the side.

"Well...j-just one honestly."

"'Ooooohh,'" Rina cooed with a tilt of her head, "'Who was the lucky gal? ...Or guy...don't wanna discriminate... Then again, I asked how many gals you've done, so I guess I'm not... But in hind sight I should've asked you how many morphs you've fucked in the first place...so I guess I did discriminate...but then again there're mostly women on this island so I guess it's an understandable slip up and Arceus I'm loopy...'" She laid her head on Kyo's shoulder, taking a few deep breaths. "'So...wh-what did I ask again?'"

Kyo blinked. "...Um...who I fu-I mean, ahem-who I mated with."

"'Oh yeah, that's right,'" she replied, lifting her head off of his shoulder, "'So, who was it?'"

"It was...well...in truth, I'm not entirely comfortable with sharing her identity," he said somewhat reluctantly, "Besides...we're not entirely on the best of terms at the moment..."

Rina pouted, tilting her head slightly. "'Awww, what happened? Did you two get into a fight?'"

"I...guess you could say that..." Kyo flicked the end of his tail slightly.

"'Awww, that's always a shame to hear,'" she cooed, reaching her paw out to gently rub his shoulder, petting in a direction that wouldn't cause his scales to jab back into him, "'Don't worry hun, I'm sure you two'll make up eventually. And if you don't, well screw her.'" She placed a paw on her breast, pushing it up slightly and eliciting yet another blush from the reptile. "'You know I'll be here if things don't work out in the end. Just hit me up n' I'll show you a good time.'" She finished with a kinky wink.

As...promiscuous as she was, Kyo's heart was still warmed by what she was trying to convey. "Thanks Rina. It's good to know that you'll be looking out for me." Rina smiled happily. "It's not like that though. It's...complicated to say the least."

Rina shrugged. "'Either way, my offer's still gonna be standing.'" She flicked her ears once. "'So, not to sound like a complete ass to that girl, but why exactly haven't you been with anyone else? Has no one else asked?'"

Kyo found himself blushing again and eventually replied. "Well, they ask... ...Boy do they ask." Rina giggled. "And I'd be lying if I said that there were only a few asking, because_a lot_ have been...ahem...making advances, though I'm convinced that it's mainly due to them being in heat." The Zoroark smiled, pursing her lips.

"'Dawwwww, don't be so down on yourself,'" she nudged his shoulder gently, "'You're a nice lookin fella. I'm sure they'd be clamorin' for ya even if they weren't in heat. Besides, I'm sure you're just too shy to realize that. Just be more confident in yourself hun. You're not too bad a stud ya know.'" Kyo smiled.

"Thank you Rina." She smiled back.

"'You know, if not for the fact that you told me about that girl, I would have been thoroughly convinced that you're gay.'" Kyo's cheeks flared bright red. "'Or at the very least, bi-sexual with a big male lean.'"

The water type stammered as he tried to respond. "I-I'ma-that's not...it's not..." Rina laughed, patting him on the shoulder.

"'You know it's fine if you are. I won't like you any less if it's the case.'" Kyo shook his head a few more times than probably necessary.

"I'm straight," he finally managed to say, "I'm very certain that I'm straight." Rina laughed.

"'Alright, alright, I believe you,'" she flicked her ears once, "'it's just that...well...most males would be...turned on_by being around...such an _attractive female...such as myself of course...in a hot spring...getting close and intimate...with no one else around...nude...'" She whispered the last word into his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. He bit his bottom lip, tightening his tail around his waist as he felt his cock begin to pulsate. Taking notice of this, Rina murred softly, giving him a sultry smile. "'Oooooooh, looks like someone's getting a little...riled up...'" Kyo blushed hard, closing his eyes as his breaths became heavy. Rina took a moment to look him up, letting out another soft murr as she really took the time to take in his athletic form.

"'You know...'" she went on, "'the morphs here don't have an issue with...what's the word...sharing?'" She giggled softly, nuzzling her snout into his neck. "'So...how about it...wanna give me a go? Hmmm?'"

"Nn...nrh...n-no thanks," he gasped, leaning his head into hers in an attempt to nudge her snout away from his neck. Rina drew back, pouting at him.

"'Awww,'" she tilted her head slightly and batting her eyes at him, "'not even a little taste?'" Kyo became a stammering mess, finding himself unable to form even a single sentence or phrase.

"I...uh well...s-you see I...ah...oof it's hot in he-Mrph." He winced as his body aches flared up once again, prompted by him shifting around in his seat. He closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to ease the pain away, focusing instead on the steaming water around him. He suddenly felt paws rest on his shoulders, and he realized that he was facing away from Rina.

"'Looks like those muscle aches of yours haven't resolved just yet, huh hun?'" He felt her paws squeeze down on his shoulders. Soon she began to massage him in a slow and sensual manner. He shifted around lightly in a half-heartened attempt to move away, quickly sinking into comforting grip as she eased his pain away in a way only talented paws could. His tensed muscles eased up and he began to relax. Even his tail began to unravel from his waist, allowing his erect cock to slip out. It pulsated lightly as Rina's massage made it harder to ignore his arousal, his relaxation beginning to overpower his desire to suppress his _other_desires.

He let out a relaxed sigh as she moved down to his back, squeezing it gently and moving her hands up and down to loosen his tense muscles. He began to pant heavily, convincing himself that it was due to the heat. Rina took notice of this, causing her smile to broaden. Slowly, she moved from his lower back down to the base of his tail and continued along it.

"'Sooooo...'" she sighed huskily, moving her paws closer and closer to the portion of his tail over his crotch, "'are you...sure you don't want to try me out?'" Kyo panted heavily, unable to reply as his head spun. Rina smiled. "'Hmmm...how about...instead...I jerk you off... Hmmm? ...Does that sound better?'" She leaned in, pressing her plush chest into his back. "'I know you don't want to mate with me directly..._but I can tell that I'm not the _only one here that needs some...relief...'" She flicked her tongue across his neck, making him breathe in sharply. She nuzzled into his neck, continuing to massage his tail, more or less massaging his cock through his tail. Kyo gulped, still unable to respond. The arousal was getting to him, and the hot steam didn't make it any easier for him to think otherwise. Rina continued to lap at his neck, making him shift around slightly in his seat. "'Well hun?'" she hummed gently, "'I won't until you say it's alright...'"

A moment passed with them just sitting there until Kyo finally responded with a wordless nod. Rina perked her ears up happily, kissing his neck tenderly. "'Atta boy. I promise you won't regret this...'" She squeezed his tail gently before letting go of it. "'Well come on then, I can't do anything with this_in the way.'" Kyo hesitated for a moment before uncurling it from his lap. He then turned to face her, his features showing prominent signs of his arousal. Rina simply smiled at him, cupping the side of his muzzle with a paw. "'Would you like to sit up on the edge hun? Could make things a tad easier for me.'" Kyo looked around for a moment, seeming to hesitate, before shaking his head slowly. The dark type smiled again. _Still a bit shy, she thought to herself, cute. Shame, but cute. Pushing the thought aside, Rina slid in closer to him to hook her arms around the reptile's athletic form. She lapped at his neck again as she slid her paws up and down his body. One of her paws soon traveled down to his cock, gently caressing it and earning a hot moan from him.

"'Mmmmm,'" Rina murred, giving the reptile a slow, firm stroke, "'I don't know why you try and hide this... Most studs of your size would be waving theirs around like a flag...'" She made another firm stroke, making Kyo let out a small yelp. Rina murred again, taking her other paw off of him and moving it down between her own legs. She tenderly slid a digit between her nether lips, curling it up and brushing it against her g spot. She sighed out in delight, having no trouble sliding her fingers in with the water slickening her entrance, though she was already soaked from...prior activity.

"Ohhhh...R...Rina..." Kyo moaned, beginning to hump against her paw, "ohhhhhh Rinaaaaa....."

"'Mmmm...that's right honey...'" she moaned back, gradually picking up the pace, "'moan my name... Ahhhh...moan my name nice and loud hun...MMmmmmm...'" He immediately complied, allowing his moans to pick up in volume. She began to hump against her own hand, rubbing her clit against her palm. Every pulse she felt from Kyo's length made her pussy spasm slightly. She had really worked herself up, and her heat was only adding to the fire.

"OOohhhhhh.....Rr....rRinaaaaa....." Kyo sighed out as she picked up the pace even more, moving her hand in an almost circular motion. Kyo's eyes clenched shut, his body beginning to tense up and appearing as though he were trying to contain something from within himself.

"'That's a good boy...'" she murred into his ear, squeezing down on his cock and humping her paw more sporadically. "'MMmmhhm...keep it up...don't even bother containing yourself...'" She nuzzled her nose into his neck before lapping at it, making Kyo jerk and shiver. She picked up the pace again, her speed only impeded by the steaming water of the spring. Kyo's eyes snapped open and he gasped out as though desperate for air.

"AAAaaaahhhh," he moaned out, thrusting into her paw, "Rr...Rina...y-you're so hooooot..." The Zoroark-morph murred at this, lapping a bit more enthusiastically at his neck.

""Mmmmmm, boy you're sensitive hun,'" she commented, turning her licking to kissing, "'This must feel heavenly, huh hun? Hmmm? Doesn't it feel amazing? Do you like how soft my paw feels around your throbbing hard cock? Hmmm?'"

"Rinaaaaa..." His mouth hung open as he gasped for air. "Oh Arceus I'm so close... I'm so fucking close..." Rina smiled.

"'So soon?'" she huffed, jerking his cock even faster now, "'So fucking soon? You're gonna blow your load so soon?'" Kyo only managed unintelligible moans in response. Ahhh fuck, the dark type thought to herself, humping harder against her paw, I'm getting pretty close myself... FUCK he's gotten me so horny... Her kisses became more aggressive, making Kyo jerk slightly in surprise. "'Mmmm, come on hun,'" she growled into his ear, "'Come on and blow for me. I wanna see your cum burst into the surface. I wanna feel your cock pulse in my paw. I wanna feel you unleash your thick, juicy load into the water and leave a nice little mess for whoever decides to jump in here next.'" She clenched her eyes closed. "'MMrrph-come on hun, hurry. I'm getting close too.'" She pressed herself into him, squishing her breasts into his back and humping her paw against his rear.

"Ah...AH.....AHAHHHH!!!" Kyo's eyes snapped open as he finally came, the sheer force of his orgasm causing some of his cum to break through the surface of the water before dissipating. Rina moaned loudly at the sight of this.

"'FUCK Kyo,'" she humped faster against her paw, quickly reaching her edge, "'You cum such a HUGE load! It makes me wanna.....w-wanna....'" She screamed out as she brought herself to her own climax, stuffing her muzzle into Kyo's own and locking the two of them in a hot, sensual kiss. The two of them jerked around as they sporadically thrust into her paws and awaited for their climaxes to end. It wasn't until his cum stopped springing to the surface did the water type slump back and relax. He lay against Rina as she came down from her own high and separated their kiss, a single string of saliva trailing from their tongues. She licked her lips, murring softly and looking into Kyo's eyes. "'So...did that do anything for your muscles hun?'" Kyo sat there for a moment, not replying.

"...Rina?" he finally managed, "Um...Rina?" She suddenly shook her head, coming back to reality. She looked down and saw that her paws were still around the Feraligatr's shoulders. "Something wrong?"

"'N-no hun,'" she replied, shaking her head again, "'j-just sort of...got lost in thought is all. Sorry.'" Kyo simply shrugged, sitting back slightly and tried his best to relax.

"Thank you for this though," he continued, "I didn't realize how much I actually needed this. Also, thanks for...you know...respecting my boundaries."

"'R...right,'" she blinked her eyes several times, still rather stuck in her daydream, "'Well, a girl's gotta learn self restraint around here, heh.'" She shifted around slightly in her seat, her earlier fantasy having gotten her roused up again. A moment passed with neither of them saying anything to each other. Rina cleared her throat awkwardly, continuing the massage but hoping for something other than the sounds of the water to fill in the silence.

"Hey Rina," Kyo began, granting her wish, "just a bit curious here, but what do you do as a social leader?"

"'Well, I check in on different parts of the island and see how everyone's emotional standings are doing for that general part. I sort of double as a councilor, as well as a dispute settler. So, I'm pretty much just trying to make sure that everyone's happy.'"

"Hmph," Kyo nodded thoughtfully, "that's pretty interesting. Anything else?" A sly smile crossed the Zoroark's muzzle, unseen by him.

"'Well,'" she began, "'I do keep any overly horny males in check.'" Kyo's cheeks flushed red.

_Knew I should've just left it at that..._he thought to himself. He then heard Rina giggle.

"'You know,'" she continued, "'I'm not the only one that does that. Have you seen the Plusle and Minun twins yet?'" Kyo shook his head. "'Well, if you ever see them, just know that they are also active social leaders. And let me tell ya hun, if you think I'm forward, you should see them when they're getting frisky. A lot of our males here go absolutely crazy for them, and just as many females feel the same. Ashley and Kelsey are very popular.'"

"Wow," he managed to reply after a moment, "you girls' jobs sure are...uhh...interesting..." The vixen giggled again.

"'Do you think you'd be interested in taking up the job?'" she said teasingly, "'I doubt you'd have a hard time, considering how many females you've seduced already.'" Kyo looked down at his lap, twiddling his thumbs from underneath the bubbling water.

"N...no thanks. I don't think I'd be cut out for...that kind of job." Rina laughed at this, moving on to massage Kyo's lower back.

"'It does get interesting sometimes,'" she added, "'It's not always just fun and sex.'"

Kyo raised an eye ridge. "What do you mean?"

"'Well, sometimes, the island gets threatened by...hmmm...unwanted visitors I suppose?'" Kyo turned his head towards her, now generally interested in where this was going. "'If there are any ships that we were never notified by, the leaders have me use my illusions to confuse the suckers n' prevent them from coming onto our shores.'"

Kyo found himself speechless for a moment. It took a bit of time before he found the words to speak with. "Wow," he managed unintelligibly, "I...I knew Zoroarks were good with illusions...but..." Rina laughed at seeing him so dumbfounded and continued his massage.

"'I can create some very powerful illusions, huh,'" she said to him soothingly, continuing to knead his lower back. She gently nuzzled her snout into his neck, murring softly. Though it was a rather forward action, Kyo couldn't help but notice how comfortable it felt to be laying against her soft form. Even so, a blush continued to linger on his cheeks. Rina let out a small but happy sigh, removing her snout from his neck. "'So, how's your training been going so far?'"

"I've been improving," he replied, "I've gotten to the point where I'm not a total pushover. We're working towards using special moves though. I still haven't been able to use any proper pokemon moves just yet, but we're trying to change that."

"'Mmmm, I see,'" Rina nodded thoughtfully, "'Well, I'm sure that you will. It's easy once you've gotten the hang of it.'"

"That's good to hear," Kyo replied, "Thanks for the support, Rina."

"'Of course hun,'" she moved her paws back up to his neck, "'So, are your muscles all eased up yet?'"

"It's...better," Kyo tilted his head slightly, "The water and the massages are definitely helping, but there are still a few sore spots. It's nothing too bad though." Rina smiled, perking her ears happily. "I am okay now though, so you can go back to relaxing if you want."

"'You sure?'" she leaned in slightly, looking him in the eyes, "'I'm alright with giving you a longer massage.'"

Kyo shook his head. "It's alright. I'll be fine. Besides, I think it's about time I headed back." Rina pouted briefly before smiling.

"'Alright hun,'" she sat back and leaned against the edge of the spring. She shifted around slightly before closing her eyes. "'Thanks, it was rather pleasant finally getting to get up close and personal with you. Oh, and it was nice talking with you too.'"

"Likewise," Kyo nodded as he raised himself out of the water, "Have a good rest of the day Rina."

"'You too hun,'" she said before sinking lower and relaxing herself fully. Once he was back on his feet, Kyo went over and picked up his shorts. He uncurled his tail to slip them on, not noticing Rina crack an eye open to catch a glimpse of his exposed rear. "'...Woof.'" Kyo jerked up suddenly, straightening himself and looking back at Rina. The dark type laughed softly. "'See ya later, hun.'"

"Y...yeah...l-later." With a final bow of goodbye, Kyo hurried himself out of the area and disappeared amongst the trees. That...wasn't too bad, he thought to himself, I mean at the very least, I wasn't jumped in a heat crazed frenzy... He flicked his tail briefly. I guess I just got the wrong impression of her from the first time we met. It's not like she...or I guess..._most_females here can't help themselves. At least not during a time like this. He smirked. I'm sure they're genuinely nice if I got to know them. The ones I've met so far have been pretty nice. Heck, most pokemon I've met are nice. His tail swished gently behind him as he walked down the path. The rest of the way, he hummed a nameless tune happily to himself.

He eventually emerged from the trees and returned to his usual training spot. Looking around, he was surprised to see Teddy standing there. Shrugging to himself, Kyo made his way over to the Ursaring-morph.

"Hey Teddy," he greeted him, catching his attention, "So I'll take it that you finished up your volunteer work?" Teddy scratched the back of his head.

"Yyyyyes," he nodded, "That is correct. But uhh...." Kyo tilted his head, puzzled by the bear's body language.

"Something wrong?" he asked curiously, "Are you...worried about me overworking myself? Cuz it's fine. I mean, I didn't really expect you to come back here to help me train for the rest of the day. I was actually gonna head home. This place is just sort of in between. Besides, I thought Lucario said that she was getting someone else to help me out for those other type of moves."

"I...I am aware of this," Teddy replied, continuing to scratch the back of his head, "And I don't want you overworking yourself. However...there's...someone here...that requested to see you..." Kyo raised an eye ridge.

"See me?" he asked, beginning to feel a bit concerned, "What do you mean? Who wants to see me?" He looked around the area.

"Well," Teddy began hesitantly, "she...claims to be...an acquaintance of yours." Kyo turned back to him, now very concerned as to where this was going. "We sort of met during my volunteer service. We conversed...and we eventually came across the topic of me helping you train...and...well..." Teddy lowered his ears, letting out a sigh. "I think it would be best if I just allowed her to explain..." Without another word, Teddy stepped off to the side to reveal someone standing behind him. Someone that caused Kyo's heart to skip a beat upon seeing her.

"'Hello Kyo,'" Grovyle said in a hollow tone, glaring daggers into him as she stood there with her arms folded across her chest, "'Pleasure seeing you again...'"
