Chapter 9: Seid Umschlungen

Story by Nachtwolf413 on SoFurry

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#9 of Those College Years

Well, I'm back after a short break (it's been a hard couple of weeks of starting to say my farewells to some of the most important people of my college life)! And after far too long a pause, here is the 9th chapter in "Those College Years."

As always, the following is explicit, etc. etc. you really do know that by now=P

Otherwise, enjoy!

* * *

The music of Beethoven screamed out of the speakers at full force, filling every corner of the room with its eternal strains. The inexorable beat pulsed through the air, conveying an energy and verve that had lasted through almost two centuries. For good reason did Tyler consider the long-dead German the immortal composer: no music could move him like the undying passages of the Ninth.

The small grey wolf gasped with every strain, his entire body vibrating in tune with each celestial note. His mind was lost to him, absorbed in the ecstatic rush of euphoric bliss. Every chord, every harmony, every minor nuance sang to him, and his soul danced eagerly in time. His senses were blind to the outside world; there could be nothing but the music.

Slowly yet inexorably, Ty could feel the music beginning to rise, and his heart began to race in response. Every hair on his body stood on end, alight with the electric energy of Schiller brought to life through Beethoven. A shiver ran down his spine in anticipation of what was to come. Although he had heard the Ninth dozens of times, it never failed to move him as much as the first time those blessed strains first fell upon his ears.

"Seid umschlungen, Millionen" he began to sing along unconsciously, blessedly unaware of how poorly his voice complemented the recording. The spirit of music seemed to hang within the room, guiding every action and pulling Ty ever closer. The rapturous sound penetrated his body, wrapping itself around every fiber of his being, and he threw his head back in unfettered delight, surrendering himself entirely to the music's will.

Mark smiled when he walked into the room, carefully hiding his own entry as the door closed quietly behind him. Only once before had he caught Ty so consumed by music, and it still amazed him how totally the small wolf could lose himself in its sounds. With a broadening grin, Mark walked slowly towards his wolf. The stealth was unnecessary; if past experience were any guide, the room could have fallen about Ty's ears and the grey fur would never notice.

The music had reached a climax now, and Ty was shivering visibly; his lips moved silently with the music, and his arms swung wildly, subconsciously conducting the performance with their own life. His eyes were clenched shut, as if the wolf's brain was shunting every ounce of senses to his ears.

"Enjoying yourself?" Mark asked suddenly, his warm voice crashing through Ty's bliss as the larger wolf's arms grabbed him in a deep embrace.

The grey fur nearly jumped out of his chair, and his eyes went wide in shock. Within moments, his face was a deep red, and it took him a second or two to return to reality.

"I...uh...I..." he stammered before Mark placed a finger to his lips. Ty looked back in confusion, his head cocked to one side.

"Happy birthday, love."

Ty's eyes darted to the calendar in suspicion.

"It's my birthday?" he said in confusion. Then it clicked: he had been listening to his music all night; it was morning now. He had turned 22 listening to Beethoven.

Mark chuckled deeply.

"Remind me never to tell you anything important when you're listening to music," he said, his eyes twinkling in delight. "But yes," Mark continued, "it is. Happy birthday."

This time, the larger wolf leaned down, pulling Ty close and locking their lips together. The small wolf's eyes fluttered slightly before his arms slowly encircled Mark's neck, his claws tracing a deep furrow in the white fur. He took in a deep breath, savoring the familiar scent and moaning quietly. For a moment, the music was entirely forgotten, and he dwelt solely on the warm body of his lover. Every motion of his frame, every affectionate nip and lick as their tongues intertwined, and every beat of their communing hearts sent shivers down Ty's body.

The wolf sighed contentedly when they parted, resting his head on Mark's chest and listening to the steady beat of his lover's heart. In response, the white wolf wrapped his arms around Ty's upper back, pulling him tight and planting another kiss on the top of his head. He ran his paw up and down the small body, slowly tracing long grooves in the thick grey fur and eliciting a happy moan from the grey wolf.

"Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele," the speakers sang out, "sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund."

Ty chuckled at the words, earning a quizzical look from his wolf.

"The lyrics," he explained with a smile. "They're perfect."

Mark cocked his head to one side; unlike Ty, he had never taken German.

"Wem der grosse Wurf gelungen," he began to recite the entire stanza, a broad smile scrawled across his face, "eines Freundes Freund zu sein; wer ein holdes Weib errungen, mische seinen Jubel ein; ja wer auch nur eine Seele sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund! Basically," he added quickly on seeing Mark's bewildered facade, "it means 'whoever has just one person they can call their own should join in our song.'"

The white wolf smiled as realization dawned on him.

"Ah," he said softly, "just so long as you don't have to start singing."

Ty scowled at him, and Mark grinned.

"It's too easy," he said, squeezing the small wolf once more.

But there was no denying that Beethoven was right.


* * *

Ethan tried to make his profile as small as possible, fighting back a blush as he and Jayden walked quietly into the store. The dim lights worked wonders in that regard, and he had to squint simply to make out the dragon's slight form a few feet away. For his part, Jayden moved with utmost confidence. He knew exactly where to find his prize.

"Are you sure he'll like this?" the golden retriever asked furtively. He still had his doubts about their choice of Ty's present.

Jayden fixed him with a lopsided glance.

"Do you really need to ask that?" he asked rhetorically. "We're talking about Ty."

Ethan shrugged in response. The small grey wolf certainly did seem to have an insatiable appetite for certain pleasures, an appetite that had already gotten him in trouble at least once.

Moving quickly through the aisles, Jayden soon found himself facing a wall of dildos, and by the time Ethan caught up, the dragon had already picked one.

"What do you think?" he asked, holding it out for inspection.

"I...uh..." the dog stammered. He was still a little uncomfortable with the idea of buying a sex toy for one of his closest friends.

"Mark's about that size, wouldn't you say," Jay continued, turning it over in his hands for a more thorough inspection.

Ethan coughed in embarrassment.

"I...guess?" he answered hesitantly, turning bright red even in the shop's dimmed lighting.

"It's not like we haven't seen it before," the dragon chuckled, looking up at a mortified golden retriever. "Oh come on," he said in exasperation, "think of where you are. I can guarantee you everyone in here has done worse than see the cock of their best friend's boyfriend."

Ethan's visage softened slightly at this revelation, but he still moved with obvious unease throughout the aisles. The sooner they made their purchase and returned to familiar territory, the happier the canine would be. The shop reeked of rubber and sex, and the combination was none too pleasing to his sensitive nostrils.

With one final look, Jayden pocketed his prize and turned to walk to the front desk. Ty was going to love this gift; of that much the dragon was absolutely sure.

* * *

As he walked out of his first class, it took Ty a moment to realize that something was amiss: the family was awaiting him in the hall. He stared at them in confusion before his brain broke through the fog. They were here to capture him; as was tradition at Heading College, Ty was to be thrown in the campus fountain for his birthday. Yipping slightly in surprise, he turned to walk back into the room, hoping he could sneak out the back entrance. But before he could clear the doorway, Jake grabbed him firmly by the ear, earning a yelp from the fleeing wolf.

"Oh no, you don't," the panther said threateningly as the others moved in close. "You're going in whether you want to or not."

Ty didn't bother arguing the point; he was surrounded by furs that were both larger and set on a single purpose. Whimpering slightly, he turned around to face them, tucking his tail between his legs in submission. With pleading eyes, he looked up at them dolefully, already resigned to an unpleasant plunge into the still-frigid waters.

Thankfully, the biology building was immediately adjacent to the large fountain, so the funereal procession had only a short distance to walk. Of course, they gathered spectators on the way; a birthday swim was always a spectacle to be seen, and even the professors joined to observe the festivities. One person, however, was missing.

"Where's Mark?" Ty asked furtively, realizing suddenly that he couldn't be thrown in without his boyfriend present. "We need to wait on him!"

Jayden chuckled, "don't worry. He'll be here."

When they opened the large doors to the fountain's plaza, the grey wolf was happy to note Mark standing at its side, grinning and clutching his camera. Something inside Ty told him that the white wolf had no small part to play in the timing of this particular escapade.

"You know the drill," Jake spoke at Ty's side. Jake and Mike had thrown him into the fountain for the past three years, and they had by now systematized the entire ritual.

Heaving a great sigh, Ty slowly emptied his pockets, handing his phone and keys to the furs standing nearby. Once he was certain all his valuables were well-protected, the small wolf jumped onto the low fountain wall, slowly lowering an exploratory finger into the rippling basin.

"Shit!" he yelled, pulling the digit out of the freezing water. "I hate you all," he snarled in fake anger, glaring at his gathered friends. They guffawed in turn, knowing full well how much Ty hated this part of his birthday.

"Then you had best get it over with," Jake snickered as he joined the wolf atop the wall. Mike was close behind, and with no small degree of resignation, Ty lay down on his back between the two. With broad grins written on their faces, the twin panthers took the small fur firmly by the arms and legs, lifting him off the brick wall and slowly swinging him over the pool.

"One," Jake counted out loud. Ty cringed as he felt the cold air above the water; this was going to be unpleasant.

"Two," the panther said a little louder. The wolf closed his eyes, bracing himself for what was to come.

"Three!" they shouted in unison, letting him fly out over the glistening surface, and it was over in a handful of seconds. Ty had barely hit the water before he was already bouncing back out, cursing and spitting angrily as he made his way to the water's edge. Suddenly, however, a strong hand grabbed his rapidly retreating shoulder. Yipping in surprise, he turned to be nose-to-nose with a very wet and grinning Mark.

"You don't think I'd let you have all the fun, do you?" he said quietly, laughing as the smaller wolf's eyes went wide. Before Ty could even respond, Mark grabbed him in a tight embrace, planting a warm kiss on his gasping lips. The fountain rained down upon them as their bodies intertwined, leaving the two soaked to the bone within moments. For a second, Ty forgot his intense hatred of the cold water. The warm body of his lover was more than enough to monopolize his attention.

A collective "oooh" rose from the gathered crowd as the two made out in the fountain, followed by some encouraging "oh yeahs," and lustful shouts. The small wolf snapped back to reality at the noise, and his face turned bright red when he turned to face them. Laughing awkwardly, he slowly slogged back to dry land, desperately looking forward to being dry once more. Melissa was waiting with towels for both of them, and a smile split her face from ear to ear.

"Just couldn't wait, could you?" she asked suggestively, making Ty turn an even deeper shade of crimson. He tried to murmur a response, but Mark cut him off.

"It's not like he has much choice in the matter," the white wolf said playfully, hugging him once more. Ty simply looked back in surprise, his mouth gaping in embarrassment. Melissa, for her part, merely laughed and left the two to towel off in seclusion.

* * *

Ty shook happily as he stepped out of the shower. Even though he had been in the fountain for only a few moments, the cold, dank water had seeped into every fiber of his clothes. His fur had matted hard against him after the impromptu swim, and it had taken no small amount of scrubbing to remove the putrid smell of pond scum and chlorine. As a result, he was forced to fight a smile as he gazed in the mirror; the shower had left his fur standing on end.

Mark stifled a giggle when the grey wolf walked back into his room.

"Static much?" he snickered, biting his tongue to keep from laughing harder.

Ty fixed him with a glare as he moved to the closet.

"You know very well that this happens every time," he shot back, opening the doors and pawing through his clean clothes. Mark stalked up behind him as the small wolf sought an appropriate outfit for the night.

"That may be the case," he said quietly, snaking a finger below the waist of Ty's towel. "But it still looks just as funny," he whispered in his ear, making Ty shiver at the sensation. At the same time, Mark's warm paw slid ever closer to the grey fur's member, taking a quick stroke at the rapidly stiffening shaft.

"Ohh," Ty moaned softly, turning his head and pulling Mark's muzzle close for a kiss. "Don't you think that should wait until after dinner?"

A mischievous grin snaked across the white wolf's face, and he stroked Ty's cock again, more insistently than before.

"Why wait?" he asked suggestively.

"Because," Ty answered as he pulled Mark's paw back to safer territory, "the family is waiting on us, love."

Mark looked back in disappointment, and the smaller wolf squeezed his arm playfully, nuzzling into his chest.

"Oh don't worry," he said soothingly. "We'll get all the time we need tonight."

Mark murred approvingly in response, kissing the top of Ty's head before letting him dress in peace.

* * *

As was tradition, Ty had designated the location for his own birthday, and after a short drive to the nearby state capitol, the family exploded into the middle of busily bustling restaurant. The wait was set to be a long one, and the group slowly moved over to the bar to bide their time. They were soon seated and up to the usual antics expected of college furs. Naturally, the birthday boy was the prime target.

"Hey!" Mike shouted at the bartender, who looked back with a surly expression on his face. "My friend the drunk," he continued, indicating a red-faced and stammering Ty, "will have another beer!"

"Hey!" the small wolf snapped in reply, "I am not drunk!" He swept his paw around to punch the panther in retaliation, but he managed only to up-end his drink in the process. The gathered family erupted in laughter at the sight.

"No," Ethan butted in, "he's just naturally clumsy."

"I am!" Ty responded, his insistent tone earning loud guffaws from the group. In truth, he had had only two beers; his red countenance and clumsy demure were the inevitable result of their antagonism. Yet they insisted on continuing the game, and he insisted on declaring his own innocence.

"It's ok," Ethan continued, ignoring Ty's pleas. "We love you all the same."

"Speak for yourself," Jake called from a couple of seats down, earning him a reproachful glare from the grey wolf. Another round of sputtering laughter followed Ty's overly dramatic reaction, and it was interrupted only by the arrival of the next round of drinks.

"A toast," Jake spoke again once the round drinks had been distributed, "to our dear friend, on his birthday." He raised his glass in Ty's direction, and the grey wolf blushed at the attention, smiling lightly. "May he continue to make us all look sane in comparison," he finished with a grin, neatly dodging the grey fur's attempted smack.

"To the omega," Jayden added, raising his own glass and smiling as the small wolf fixed the dragon with a glare.

"Yeah," Ty responded, "how about this omega comes over there and kicks your ass?"

"You're welcome to try," Jay responded playfully, "but I think we all know it would end up with you on your back and whimpering."

"Which is where he wanted to be in the first place," Ethan added suggestively, eliciting impious shouts from the family. Ty was now as bright red as ever, and Mark nuzzled him comfortingly.

"It's ok, honey," the large wolf reassured him, squeezing his thigh playfully. "I know you only whimper a little."

Ty's eyes shot wide open in shock, and his gaping mouth worked furtively as he tried to come up with a response. None was forthcoming, and a slow snickering giggle worked its way across the group. Instead, he simply hung his head in embarrassment, trying desperately to blend in to the bar. He knew better now than to try and respond.

"Awww," Mark cooed at him, "don't be embarrassed, little wuff." He pulled the small animal close. "It's only because I love you," he added, planting a warm kiss on his lips. But their peace was short-lived.

"Hey, fags!" a shout came from behind them, clattering through their mirthful celebration.

The family stiffened in unison at the words, as if they had been electrified with a bolt of lightening. Ever so slowly, almost dreading to do so, they turned around to gaze at the source of the slur. A pair of large bulls greeted them, red-faced and obviously looking for a fight.

"Get the hell out, fuckers."

"Oh shit," Jayden breathed, fixing his attention on Ty. The bulls had pushed one of his buttons, and the dragon knew very well how the small wolf usually responded to this particular insult.

"What did you say?" Ethan said coolly, sparing a moment to glance at Ty. He was bristling in anger, and Jayden was slowly moving towards him, a comforting hand extended and ready for the worst.

"I said," the large bull answered, "that those damned faggots need to get the hell out of here."

Carefully watching Ty out of the corner of his eye, Ethan moved slowly towards the two bulls. His heart was pounding in his chest, but he wasn't about to let Ty relive the last time this situation had arisen.

"I strongly suggest," the golden continued in his steady tone, "that you turn around and let us be."

The two laughed obnoxiously at the suggestion.

"And why would we do that?" the smaller bull asked, clearly entertained by the proposition.

"Because," Ethan answered calmly, hoping his fear was not obvious, "we have every right to be here and celebrate."

The bulls laughed even more loudly this time, and a few of the patrons were now looking on in interest.

"Don't give us that liberal fag-loving crap," the large bull spat. "The only right you ass-chasers have is to bend over and get your tailholes abused. Besides," he leered, "that's all you really want to do."

Ethan backed away slowly. Ty was bristling at his side, and the golden knew it was time to let the wolf have at them. The bulls widened their stance as the grey wolf stalked forward.

"Do you really think that it's so simple?" he snarled, slowly pushing Mark behind him. "Are you really that ignorant?"

The bulls looked back in confusion. They had been looking for a fight, not questions.

"Do you honestly think," he continued, his voice rising, "that you have any right to say these things, simply because I happen to love a "him" instead of a "her"? Because let me assure you, I've dealt with idiots before, and I have no qualms about doing it again. Well?" he said forcefully, catching the two off-guard. They had not expected this self-righteous fury.

"Now look here," the large bull began, but Ty cut him off.

"No, you look here!" he shouted, lapsing into an oft-recited rant. "It's because of people like you that I denied who I was for five years! It's because of people like you that I'm afraid to show affection for the wolf I love." Mark moved toward him at these words, but Jayden held him back, shaking his head. Ty knew what he was doing. "And while people like you worry about finding the nearest 'piece of hot tail', people like me worry about whether we will even make it through the day in one piece. The only reason you're even upset by us is that you can't handle the idea of someone being braver than you are."

Tension was thick in the air now. Ty's words had electrified the gathered crowd, and the bulls looked around nervously as the venom around them became apparent.

"Go back to the hole you crawled out from," he spat finally, turning back to the bar. The now-gathered audience broke out in applause while the flustered bulls tried to muster a response.

Suddenly, the small bull sprang at Ty, his outstretched fist catching the wolf by surprise. He fell heavily to the floor, the acrid taste of blood stinging his tongue. In a flash, Mark was on the bull, teeth flashing and claws flying. The snarling fur snapped at every limb and appendage that presented itself, and his claws dug deep into the attacking bull's thick hide. His ears were pulled back tight against his head, and his lips were curled up in a passion that none of them had seen before.

"Don'," he snarled between blows, "lay...a...hand...on...him!"

Within seconds, the two panthers were pulling Mark off of the beleaguered and gasping bull, fighting to restrain the wolf's wildly flailing limbs. Meanwhile, Jayden and Ethan pulled Ty back up to his feet. A warm stream of blood flashed angrily across his face.

"You better get the hell out," the barkeep said as he positioned himself between the two groups. Two bouncers were slowly working their way through the crowd. "Drinks are on the house," he said as he looked at the family.

They needed no extra urging. Quickly gathering their things, they moved quickly out of the bar, the crowd parting for them as they carried a staggering Ty back to the cars. A smattering of applause followed them as they walked, and Ty spared only a moment to glare at the two bulls one last time. He had a feeling they wouldn't be prodding an angry wolf again.

* * *

"Ssss!" Ty hissed as Jake pushed the cloth once more against his head. "That stings like shit!" he shouted, his legs writhing in pain. The cut he had received at the bar had proved deeper than they had initially expected, and the group had been forced to tend to the increasingly nasty wound before proceeding with the celebrations. Thankfully, Ethan always kept a first-aid kit in his room.

"Well next time," the panther responded half-jokingly, "you won't go picking fights in bars."

"Me?!" Ty shot back. "They're the ones who came up to us. My God, if I hadn't..."

"Shh," Mark - whose lap Ty had crawled into almost immediately - shushed him gently. "I think you've had enough arguing for one night," he said as the small wolf looked up at him indignantly.

"Now let the little panther fix you up, mk?" he whispered playfully, and Jake looked up angrily at those words.

"Who are you calling little?" he growled jokingly.

Ty snickered, "well maybe we weren't talking about all of you."

Jake looked back with a wicked twinkle in his eyes, and with a sudden motion, he yanked the now-wet bandage away from the wolf's head. Ty grimaced at the pain, making a move to dig his claws into the cat's head. Jake, however, retreated out of reach before any damage could be done.

"Sorry," the panther chuckled evilly. "I thought it was on tighter."

Ty stared huffily at him for a moment before resting his searing head on Mark's arm, taking a deep breath and leaning back into the warm fur behind him. The white wolf plopped his own chin onto the top of his love's head, nipping affectionately at his ear and earning a happy murr in the process.

Jake, confident that the protesting wolf had been pacified, proceeded once more to apply a bandage to the gash. Ty whimpered quietly in reaction to the pressure, but a tight squeeze from Mark was enough to silence him. A few wet licks to his arm conveyed Ty's thanks; otherwise, the smaller wolf remained silent.

"There now," the panther said as he secured the patch of white gauze. "Another gay-bashing successfully completed, and all without a concussion this time," he added with a wink, recalling the last time the Ty's spunk had gotten him into trouble.

"Thanks," he murmured in reply, snuggling closer to the warm body of his wolf and curling into a tight ball in the comfortable lap.

"Now, now," Mark chuckled. "You can't go to sleep yet, wuff. We haven't even properly celebrated."

"I don't wanna," the small wolf lied. The experiences at the bar had left him exhausted, but he had never been one to deny attention.

"Well, then, maybe these will change your mind," Melissa called from the doorway. A modest pile of gaudily-wrapped presents sat in her arm, quickly garnering Ty's attention. He sat up quickly, almost leaping out of Mark's lap at the sight.

"Oh wow, guys!" he shouted, "you didn't have to!"

"Sure we did," Christine countered as she finished lugging a suspiciously large box through the narrow doorway. Ty cocked his head at the sight, sincerely hoping that his friends hadn't sent themselves into the proverbial poorhouse at his account.

With unnecessary pomp, the two females plunked their cargo in front of the gasping fur, laughing at the twinkle in his eyes. It may have been his 22nd birthday, but Ty very much retained his inner child at full strength.

"Which one should I open first?" he implored them earnestly.

"How about this one," Melissa answered first, handing him a small but perfectly wrapped box.

With a broad grin, Ty tore into the wrapping, reducing it to a pile of sparkling confetti before gazing upon the fist itself. A package of very fine - and unquestionably very expensive - violin strings stared back up at him.

"Oh my God," he exclaimed, beaming at Mike and Melissa, who must have obviously gone together for this gift. "How did you know I wanted this set?!"

"I dunno," Mike answered, sarcasm dripping heavily from his voice. "It's not like you talk about it every ten minutes."

Ty blushed as the group laughed heartily. It was both a blessing and curse of his that he spoke incessantly about his hobbies. It certainly gave him a unique energy and passion, but there was no doubting that it sometimes wore thin the nerves of his family.

"Maybe we might get a few minutes of silence now," Melissa added jokingly, earning a mournful look from the small wolf; he never prided himself on his obsessive tendencies.

"Mine next," Jake broke through the short silence. He handed Ty a medium-sized package that had obviously been wrapped a few minutes beforehand. The wolf had only to touch one seam before a heavy book fell out. It had barely hit the floor, however, before he had grabbed it excitedly, his eyes wide in shock.

"That's exactly the one I wanted!" he nearly squealed. He had mentioned numerous times his desire to read the latest volume on the biology of music, and the panther had obviously been paying attention. "Thanks!"

"Ok, me now," Christine said from across the room, indicating the large box sitting in front of the small wolf.

With hesitation, Ty slowly worked the box free of its wrapping, almost jumping in delight when he saw a new speaker system at his feet. He couldn't even express his joy at this, but the grin splitting his face was all the acknowledgment that the otter needed.

Suddenly, Mark gave Ty a sharp jab from behind. When he turned to scold him playfully, however, the small wolf could only gasp in surprise and elation. A golden locket hung from the white wolf's mouth, and it was open just enough for the pictures of both wolves to be visible. With a breathless cry, Ty gently took it in his hands and opened it all the way. The shrill but unmistakable melody of the Ode to Joy issued forth, sending a wave of pure delight down his spine.

"Oh honey," he breathed quietly, turning to grab Mark in a close embrace, "it's perfect."

The white wolf chuckled lightly. "I thought you might like it," he said as he leaned down to place a kiss on Ty's quivering lips. The small wolf brushed away a tear when they parted, slightly embarrassed at his own sentimentality.

Finally, Jayden and Ethan, who had been snickering in a corner, rolled a small box towards the two wolves. A silence descended on the room in response; they all knew what was in the package. With a suspicious glance at the two roommates, Ty slowly worked at one seam. He nearly dropped the gift when he saw what it was.

"Really?" he said in mock frustration. The room filled quickly with guffawing laughter, and Ty could feel himself turning bright red once more. Jay and Ethan couldn't even control themselves enough to respond, and they were almost as red as the wolf.

As nonchalantly as he could, Ty pulled the dildo from its packaging, briefly surveying it before shoving it out of sight.

"Oh come on," Ethan finally managed to forced through his giggles. "You have to admit that you'll be able to use it."

The grey wolf didn't respond; he merely blushed redder. Mark, who had had full knowledge of the gift, rubbed a loving hand up his side, lingering briefly at his sweet spot.

"Not that you have much need of it," he uttered suggestively, slipping one paw perilously close to Ty's crotch. Another quick round of laughter gripped the family as they slowly rose to leave. After wishing Ty happy birthday one last time, the furs slowly filed out of the room, leaving only Jayden, Ethan, and the two wolves.

"So," Jayden spoke after a long silence, "when are you going to test-drive it?"

Ty glared at him. "I bet you'd like me to test it out right here, wouldn't you" he answered in jest.

"Uh, yeah."

The small wolf started at the dragon's response. He had been joking, but Jayden obviously wasn't. The dragon looked at him in full sincerity, not even a hint of embarrassment written on his face. A quick look at Ethan showed that the golden had similar expectations.

"What? But..." Ty sputtered. He hadn't forgotten the events of that truth night seemingly so long ago, but this seemed to be an entirely new level of intimacy. "Guys, you can't be serious," he half-pleaded.

In response, the dragon stood and quickly discarded his clothes. Jayden had never had a problem with personal intimacy, and it didn't look like he was about to start now. Ty gasped at the sight, utterly incapable of mustering a response. He had always joked about the possibility of such an event, but had never considered it ever more than playful suggestion.

"Well?" Jayden asked, a little more insistently. Eager to see the events unfold, Ethan was also quietly stripping, adding his own encouragement.

"Come on," Ethan said playfully. "You always said you would never lose at this game," he added, alluding to Ty's oft-quoted insistence that he had never lost and would never lose "are you nervous."

"I just, I couldn't..." he continued to sputter, not noticing the wide grin slowly growing on Mark's face. The white wolf had been in league with other two furs since they shared their initial idea days ago. He knew it was only a matter of time before Ty's curiosity got the better of him.

"Come on, wuff," Mark said suddenly, prodding Ty's back, "we're all friends here."

With a start, Ty realized that all three of them were in this together. With a half-faked scowl, he turned to regard his lover, and Mark looked back innocently. With only a meager hint of resignation, the small wolf began to undress himself, blushing at the thought of what he was about to do.

"Now that's more like the Ty we know," Jayden laughed, handing the dildo to the grey wolf. He took it hesitantly before slowly rotating onto his back and resting his head in Mark's crotch.

"I can't believe I'm about to do this," he said sardonically, looking up into his lover's eyes. The white wolf looked back lovingly, encouragement gushing from his bright blue orbs.

Ty gasped as the cold tip pressed against his tailhole, and he soon found himself wishing for the familiar warmth. But his curiosity was taking hold, and he quickly pushed the tip into his tailhole as his face screwed up in discomfort. His cock went rock-hard in response to the unexpected penetration, and a spurt of pre issued forth.

"Not quite the same, is it?" Mark laughed, looking down at the face in his lap.

"Not quite," Ty answered quietly, cracking one eye to look up. His brain was still in shocked disbelief; it still had not registered that he was, in fact, penetrating himself in his best friends' room as they looked on.

With a shuddering gasp, he applied more pressure to the base of the toy, squirming a little as the cold plastic wormed its way into his experienced tail. Another burst of pre shot forth, and Ty gasped at the unfamiliar sensation. As uncomfortable as he had been at first, the humiliation was slowly ebbing away. For the first time, he allowed himself a quiet moan as the now-warming tip prodded his prostate.

Across the room, Jayden had slowly edged his way towards Ethan. The golden retriever's attention was focused firmly on the action before him, and he failed to notice the dragon's slow advance.

"You want one, don't you?" Jay asked quietly, his gentle whisper snapping Ethan's mind back to reality.

"Yeah," he muttered in muffled answer. His rock-hard member confirmed the desire, and a gob of pre was already working its way out of the tip.

"Well," the dragon responded, no small hint of suggestion on his voice, "we might be able to improvise."

Suddenly and without warning, Jay slipped a digit into Ethan's pucker, and the golden yipped in surprise before moaning at the intrusion. Another gob of pre snuck out of his cock, spotting the floor beneath them. With an astonished expression on his face, Ethan turned to look at the dragon, who merely smiled back mischievously.

Across the room, Ty had hilted himself by now, and he leaned his head back for a moment. He smiled as he felt Mark's cock growing stiffness beneath him, and took a moment to rub up against it playfully. The unmistakable aroma of arousal was already beginning to fill the room; the furs were obviously enjoying Ty's new toy almost as much as he was.

"I gotta admit," the small wolf whispered, "it's not the same."

Mark laughed down at him.

"Well maybe," he said, moving a paw to the base of the toy, "it's because you're missing something."

With a firm and steady grip, the larger wolf began to slowly pump the dildo in and out of Ty's ass, earning a pleasurable grunt with each movement. He could feel his own boxers growing wet with the first signs of his arousal, and he picked up the pace as Ty moaned loudly.

Suddenly, Mark stopped, and Ty looked up to see what had caused the unwanted interruption. His ears perked at the distinctive sound of a pleasured gasp, and he himself gasped when his eyes fell upon Ethan. The golden was bent over his couch, his legs spread wide and Jayden's finger lodged within his tight tailhole. He was grunting loudly as the dragon slowly pumped the digit into his rear, and regular spurts of pre oozed onto the furniture.

Both wolves' shafts shot to full attention at the sight, and they exchanged glances as smiles arced across their respective faces. A quick exchange of glances told them they were thinking identical thoughts.

"You know honey," Ty said from Mark's lap, rubbing his head against the swelling cock and earning another moan from the larger wolf, "I think the preview is over. How about we show these two how it's done?"

This was all the suggestion the white wolf needed. With surprising speed, he shed his clothes and rotated Ty so that his tail was wagging suggestively in his face. Within moments, his erection was in place on the small wolf's ass, and his tip poked teasingly at the base of Ty's tail. Suddenly, though, he stopped, and Ty whimpered at the unwanted cold.

"I have an idea," Mark reassured him, moving quickly over to the room's speaker system and Jayden's iPod. He knew that the dragon had a copy of the song he was after, and within moments, the peals of Beethoven's Ninth were ringing through the room.

Ty stared up at the white wolf when he returned to position; pure bliss was written on his face, and Mark knew immediately that he had chosen well. With one swift motion, he leaned down and locked his lips with Ty's. They moaned loudly as tongues tangled with each other once again, and Ty's paws grasped at Mark's back, clawing at him in ecstatic pleasure.

The music had attracted Jay and Ethan's attention just in time for them to look up and see Mark move into position. With one great thrust, the white wolf's cock slid easily into Ty, and the small wolf yipped in pleasure as he was hilted. Mark leaned slowly onto the grey fur, gradually transferring his weight onto the smaller animal and sandwiching his twitching cock between their warm bodies. The two stood still for a moment before Mark slowly pulled out to the head, and Ty's body quivered as his nerves lit up in fiery sensation.

The roommates looked at each other silently; they knew a challenge when they saw one. Without speaking a word, Ethan bent over and wagged his butt invitingly, and with slow, steady motions, Jay moved into position, pressing his tip against the still-tight ass of his partner. He looked down after a few exploratory prods, waiting for some sign to continue, and Ethan simply nodded. Slowly, the dragon began to apply pressure, and both furs moaned in synchrony as their bodies shook in pleasure. With a sudden and unexpected squish, the cock slipped in, eliciting a gasp from the dog.

Across the room, Mark had fallen into his familiar rhythm, and Ty writhed and moaned with every thrust. Their bodies shook in unison as bliss wracked them in waves, making their fur stand on end and muscles twitch in ecstacy. Mark's tongue was hanging loosely out of the side of his mouth, and every movement was met with a happy grunt from beneath him.

"Jesus Christ, Mark," Ty breathed as the canine cock quivered within him. His legs twitched regularly, clasping down on Mark's own hips as the large wolf bred him excitedly. He could feel the familiar knot forming at his base, and his own cock twitched in eager anticipation of what was to come. Throwing his previous hesitation to the wind, Ty threw his head back in elation, moaning loudly into the musky air. Mark picked up the pace once more in response, panting in wild pleasure as Ty clamped down on him playfully.

The music was swelling now, adding its own harmonious strains to the distinctly raw and unrefined vocalizations of the room's occupants. The energy seeped into them slowly, inexorably adding to the frantic pace of their animal instincts.

On top of the couch, Jayden continued to hump Ethan slowly, carefully pacing his movements to avoid pushing himself too close to the edge. The dog groaned beneath him, and he could feel the entire canine's body shake. They were both close, and he had to admit that the sight before him was not helping. Mark was fucking Ty's brains out on their own floor, and the wild panting from both animals was almost two much for the inexperienced furs. With a sudden erratic movement, Jayden felt his member starting to spasm, and he slowed his own thrusting in response. He was not going to let Mark outlast him.

"Gawd yes," Ty shouted, oblivious to all that was around him. The music around him and the wolf within him were enough to demand his attention entirely; there was now nothing else but Mark and Beethoven. He began to push back against the thrusting hips, begging Mark's knot to enter him.

Suddenly, Ethan whimpered and shook; he could feel his balls tightening up against him, and his legs were starting to tremble uncontrollably. With an imploring gaze, he looked up at his partner, who unconsciously picked up speed. There was no fighting the two wolves; they knew what they were doing. Resigning himself to his lack of experience, Jay let his own body take over, and every movement became raw with primal energy.

The dragon's thrusts became more erratic as his climax approached; he had not pawed off in days, and he was eager for release. Seemingly without warning, his cock spasmed, and he moaned in delight as a string of hot cum spat forth into Ethan's gut. The warm sensation immediately sent the golden over the edge, and he gasped as his own cock shot gobs of the sticky fluid onto the couch below him.

The smell of hot doggy cum teased at the dragon's nostrils, and he barely registered the spasm tickling his groin in response. His thrusting quickly picked up pace again, and he grunted as another load of seed issued forth into the tailhole of his roommate. His thrusting slowed now as his cock continued to shake, sending vibrations of pleasure down the dragon's spine. Jay's senses had reached their peak, and his body could handle no more sensation. Vaguely, he could feel his head roll back as his vision went white, and he moaned loudly in shrill pleasure. Below him, Ethan squirmed and whimpered, panting as his sensitive cock shot another load onto their couch.

Across the room, the two wolves were growling at each other furiously, occasionally moaning and whimpering as Mark bred Ty as roughly as ever. With a sudden loud pop, the larger canine's knot slipped into Ty, and he nearly screamed in response. He wasn't holding back now; the hesitation was gone, dissipated by the warm fullness of his lover lodged deep within him. The large wolf's thrusting became rapid and unpredictable, and Ty knew from the quivering in his gut that the other animal was close. With a grin, he tensed his tailhole, eliciting a screaming moan from Mark.

"Gawd!" the white wolf yelled. His knot had swollen to full size, and every movement shook their fused bodies. His balls were tensing up, pulling into his body and preparing to release their load. His thrusting was beyond his control now, and his feet braced against the floor as his hips ground against Ty's ass.


Ty moaned as every movement lifted him off the carpet. The white wolf's member prodded deep into his prostate, sending shimmering rivulets of sensation across his body. Every shuddering shove seemed to plunge deep within him, earning happy moans and yips from the shaking wolf.


Mark's head rolled back to face the sky. His climax was fast approaching, and his entire frame shook in expectation.


The large wolf howled as his cock spasmed powerfully, shooting strings of his cum deep into Ty. Both bodies shook in the force of his orgasm, and Mark's snarling groan continued as his shaft trembled, coating Ty's insides with his seed.


Satisfied that he had lasted as long as ever, Ty let go. With one final twitch, his cock shook and spewed cum all over his chest. Some of it shot all the way to his muzzle, and he licked the salty fluid with relish. Mark's teeth were still bared in pleasure, and his hackles were raised at the force of his orgasm. For his part, Ty laid on the floor, whimpering as their cocks continued to spasm, leaking wolf cum all over their chests and the floor.

All four animals stayed there for some time, panting and entirely awash in their orgasms. The dildo, for its part, lay abandoned on the floor, blissfully unaware of what it had done. Ethan was already drifting to sleep, and Jayden slowly pulled out as the canine collapsed onto the couch. Mark and Ty had rolled onto their sides, holding each other close as their bodies continued to shake and tremble. Mark licked at Ty unconsciously, and the small wolf responded by nuzzling his chest and moaning quietly.

With a smile playing at the corner of his lips, Jayden slowly worked his way across the room, being careful not to disturb the post-coital wolves. With one deft motion, he killed the lights and returned to his bed, taking only a moment to check his phone. He couldn't help but laugh when he saw the text from Jake on his screen.

Try to keep it down next time.