Double Surprise: Chapter Four [Finale]

Story by DolledWolves on SoFurry

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#4 of Double Surprise

As Jing wakes up from his fainting spell he's greeted by a very wonderful and sexy surprise.

Story and Characters © DolledWolves

'Great fortune smiles on those that bare great weight...'

Groaning, Jing started to roll around in his bed as the medicine Nurse Joy gave him were beginning to wear off, and the long day of fighting a salamence was now catching up with him. "Fuck-" However, in his rolling, Jing managed to fall off his bed, and on to the hardwood floor. ""

Slowly, Jing started to get up off the floor with a small burst of embers leaving his lips. Still not remembering what happened a few minutes ago, he started to leave out of his room, and head to his kitchen to fix him something to eat.

Once he was there, he was given the overly surprising surprise of his apartment be decked out for a party. Before he was given the chance to question it, the sound of grunting and moaning coming from the living room caught his ears.

Slowly, walking toward the noise the sight that caught his eyes made Jing have another nosebleed. He was barely able to mentally grasp at the sight of Yuki being tied up with the rope as whipped cream covered parts of her body. "Uh, Yu, what are you doing?"

Yuki stopped her struggling in her binds to slowly look up at Jing. "...Um, trying to get free?" She answered - even though it sounded like a question -helplessly as she started to blush. "You, think you can help?" she asked trying not to blush anymore but failing.

"Uh, sure," Jing said as he made his way behind Yuki at the far right armrest of the couch to undo Yuki's bindings. However, Jing seemed to having troubles with ropes around Yuki's wrists. "Geez, who tied this anyway, your sister?" Jing had started to get a handle on the ropes around Yuki's small wrists when a pair of hands covered over his eyes. "Hey! What the-"

"Guess who?" Natsuki playfully asked with her earlier mischievousness still laden in her words. She pressed her bare chest against Jing's back to continue her little game with him, but she already knew what his answer was going to be. Not giving the poor male houndoom a chance, she took hold of his one of his wrists, riled him around to the front of the couch, and pinned him down.

Jing found his head to be placed just underneath Yuki's bounded body while Natsuki continued to play with Jing as she wiggled on top of him, straddling his waist. It took him a moment to get his legs up on the couch to lay down long ways. Before he could say anything, Natsuki leaned down into his ear, whispering, "Looks like I've caught myself a Jing to add to my Yuki." She added a soft, sweet giggle before licking his cheek and sitting up.

A bright blush came on Jing's cheeks as he was forced to gaze up at Natsuki's bare, perfect body. Her nipples stood erect, looking like they were eraser-shape daggers. "I, er... uh umm, Suki, ju-just what are you two doing? And why is your sister tied up with whipped cream all over her? On my couch." Jing tried to get up from the couch but Natsuki wasn't having any of it as she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him back down.. "And c-can you get off?"

"Not a chance, Jing," Natsuki purred as she moved her hand up Jing's chest and to his cheek where she gently cupped it, rubbing her thumb underneath his eye. "You see, me and my sister here were planning a surprise party for you," she paused to slide her other hand down into Jing's black and white long sleeved shirt, creeping up on his stomach. Her hips gyrated on his crotch, licking her lips in anticipation of the rapidly growing canine member trapped in his pants.

"But you were late so the cake I was preparing all day went to waste." Natsuki gave Jing a light, playful buck before she continued, "So I had to quickly make one out of my sister here to give you," Natsuki added with a quick wink towards her sister.

Jing looked up at Natsuki in disbelief. The twin crimson orbs held a gleam of pure mischievousness that he'd never seen in the elder twin before. "C-cake? Cake f-for what?" Jing asked in a slight grant as Natsuki continued to rub herself against his groin while her hand roamed over his bare chest.

"F-for your surprise evolution party," Yuki answered for Natsuki with a stutter as she looked down at Jing. "I was hoping for something a little bit less in your face. But, Suki has to get her way. So, that's why I'm tied up." Yuki said as she stared down at her sister.

Jing moved his eyes upwards to meet Yuki's blushing face, but also getting a large view of her cream-covered body. Just like Natsuki, he could see her nipples peeking from the cream covering her body. "Y-you guys didn't have to do that," he said with a genuine smile he could manage, despite being underneath the elder of the two twins. "Ma-makes the get to-together I made for you guys seem dumb...S-Suki, you can g-get off me any time you know."

"That's still a no, Jing," Natsuki said with a devilish smile on her face, she was already forming dastardly ideas in her head for Jing's punishment just for being late. "Like I said, you were late so now I get to decide what your punishment will be." She rolled Jing over before pushing his head into Yuki's cream covered flower. "You can start by cleaning up all the mess on my sister's body."

A grunt came out of Jing as Natsuki continued to toy around with his shaft through his shorts and from being forced into Yuki's flower. Having no choice in the matter, Jing started to follow the houndoom's command, and started to lick Yuki clean of the cream.

The first few licks were thick with white cream itself. Almost as if Natsuki wasted the whole can of whip-cream on Yuki. However, as he continued to lick Yuki's flower, Jing could start tasting her leaking juices mixing with the whip-cream. 'Mm... Geez, Suki used so much cream but,' Jing's thoughts paused as he took a long lick from the bottom of Yuki's neathers. 'Cinnamon? Mmm, that's a good mix for a creampie.'

Yuki gasped as she felt Jing's tongue taste her cream cover lips. "J-Jing," she whimpered as Jing's tongue drove deeper into her wet folds. "J-Jing p-please," she pleaded to Jing she could barely talk without Jing's tongue stopping her. "P-please," Yuki moaned as Jing's tongue flicked her clit. Her body quivered as she felt herself getting closer to her peak. "J-jing please slow down."

Jing failed to listen to the younger houndoom as his tongue prodded about her walls to lick up every bit of whip-cream. Yuki and Natsuki were two of his closest friends, they had, mostly, planned all of this just for him. Now, he was going to repay them for this kindness.

"Come on Yu," Jing started with a slightly undertone of mocking his voice as he looked up to meet Yuki in her eyes. "You usually have more endurance than this. Just relax. This may be my party, but I'm the one that'll be taking care of tonight's 'festivities.'" To emphasize his point, Jing took a long lick up to Yuki's pearl where he circled around it.

Natsuki smirked at Jing's enthusiasm and her own sister's pleading for him to stop, she reveled in the sounds they both were making with Jing's grunts and Yuki's moan. However, their enjoyment was short lived when Natsuki decided to close her hand onto Jing's hair and pull him away from Yuki's wet slit, much to Yuki's relief and disappointment.

"Easy there, Fido," Natsuki joked, "We still have the whole night ahead of us and someone's being a little too eager." Natsuki moved her hand away from Jing's crotch to emphasize her point, before she leaned away to give Jing's enough room to move.

"Now, take off your clothes, otherwise I'll have to show you what 'Foul Play' does again," she demanded, glaring fiercely at Jing to get her point across.

Jing growled slightly from Natsuki pulling on his hair and ordering him around like some mere pup. However, he was in little to no condition of putting up a fight with the demanding houndoom twin.

"Fine, Miss Boss Mac Bossypants," Jing joked. He got off of the couch as he reached for his silver belt to undo the buckle so they could get on with their celebration. As he had undressed himself countless times before, it wasn't a few moments before he was fully undress with his pride standing tall in the air. "What be ye next command, your highness," Jing again joked, mocking a bow towards Natsuki.

Natsuki took a quick glance down at Jing's pride, she was pleased with what she saw before she casually walked up to him with a determination to make him squirm for his little joke.

"Well," Natsuki mused, sitting down on her haunches and gently wrapping her soft furred hand around Jing's pulsating member, only to give it a firm squeeze. She slowly followed Jing off the couch to lean closer to his face. "I want you to be a good little pup, so I can give you your treat," she whispered, glaring into his eyes. A grimace came onto Natsuki's face when she saw the tingles of defiance in Jing's eyes, causing her to tighten her grip around his girth.

'Geez, Suki is bossy.' "Su-sure Suki," Jing said with a slight groan when Natsuki took hold of his shaft. Even if it was a lot to deal with, Jing couldn't help but like this side of Natsuki over the overly flamboyant personality she always had. "B-but what about you sister?" he asked, tilting his head over to a panting, and bound, Yuki, and the layer of cream over her upper-body.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about her," Natsuki whispered, her mischievous eyes growing hard once again. She released Jing's member to wrap a hand around the back of his neck, leading him back down to the couch. "You're going to help me clean the rest of my sister off, I'll have one breast while you have the other," she said, raising her voice just enough so her bound sister could hear her voice.

"W-wait what!?" Yuki said as was snapped out trance. She watch Jing and Natsuki turn towards her. The devious look in Natsuki eyes started to make her feel helpless. Added with the lustful gaze coming from Jing made her body squirm and tingle with need. Yuki tried escape from her binds but all she does is wiggle in place. "Please, No! I'm already worked up from ear-" Yuki voice stopped as she realized she said too much about her earlier escapades with herself and the magazine.

"Ah, ah, ah," Natsuki laughed, waving a finger at Yuki to silence her. "You're a cake remember. Cakes don't have a say about who eats them, and besides, all the more reason to finish you off," she said wickedly, enjoying Yuki's helpless squirming in her restraints and her extremely flustered expression. "Now, we're going to enjoy the rest of you," she added, gesturing for Jing to go ahead and take another piece of his Yuki cake, before she moved in herself.

Jing didn't think twice before he moved towards Yuki's right breast and began licking the cream off. Again, his living room was filled with the sounds of Yuki moaning and struggling against the ropes on her arms and legs.

Knowing that she could wind up hurting herself, Jing placed his hands around Yuki's right thigh to keep her from moving around too much. "Quit moving so much Yuki. You'll hurt yourself if you keep wiggling," he said before taking another lick on the underside of Yuki's breast, trailing up to her collarbone. "

"J-Jing. F-fine I'll try but I'll get you for this Suki!" Yuki yelped out as Natsuki's tongue flick her left nipple. Yuki looked down at both Jing and Natsuki as they lick the whipped cream off her breasts. Her back arch as she moan in pleasure from their tongues are giving her. "O-ok, p-please stop, I'm too close." She whined as her flower began leaking more of it feminine nectar.

Natsuki playfully sucked on her sisters nipple, grazing her fang over it gently before she leaned away to speak. "See, told you you'd enjoy this. My naughty little sister," she said with a giggle, continuing to enjoy every moment her sisters' helplessness to stop anything the two older houndooms were doing.

After a few more licks, Natsuki leaned back to get a good look of Yuki. Most of the cream was already off her body and from the heated blush on her cheeks along with the pleading look on her face, Natsuki figured it was time to give her the much need release her body was craving. "I guess my sister is well and truly clean. Now we can move on to giving her a release before she can sit and watch us have our own fun." Natsuki turned to Jing, giggling again at her sisters' expense.

Jing continued to lick around Yuki's chest some more, moving his hands to Yuki's breasts. Now, he could just help playing around with the houndoom after the many years of them using 'dirty' tricks in training matches, Jing was going to get his payback here and now.

"Mm...I say we make her wait," Jing openly mused as he started to pinch Yuki's hardened nipples with his claws, making her whine and wiggle some more. "It could be fun, and I still owe her for that little prank she pulled a week ago."

"H-hey! I'm not taking all the blame for that," Yuki shouted, her voice tone down into a whimper. "Natsuki helped and she tossed a couple of the balloons too. If I'm getting tossed under the bus you're coming with me. So anything you have for me might as well give it to her as well."

Natsuki paid little attention to her sister passing the blame of their honey balloon prank onto her. Why should she when Yuki was a cake right now, a very loud one to be exact. "Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, Jing, call it her punishment for forcing that beedrill to come and attack you," she stated playfully again, giving Jing a seductive flutter of her eyelashes to lure him to her before she stood to start removing her tight jeans.

Jing slowly moved away from Yuki, causing her to whine in disapproval, and sat back on the couch watching Natsuki taking off her jeans. A sly smirk started to form on Jing's face when he met the half-lidded bedroom eyes on Natsuki's face. "Oh don't think that you're getting off scot-free." Smirking, Jing quickly turned around and pinned Natsuki down to the couch. He didn't stop there as he lifted the houndooms' legs above her head and started to 'help' her out of her jeans and thong.

While Natsuki was giggling, Jing took hold of Natsuki's legs and wrapped them around his body. He loomed over Natsuki was he braced his hands on either side of her head, aiming his erect member at her flower. "You had just as much as a hand in it as Yuki. So, don't yell at me for being fair, Suki."

Natsuki placed her hands onto Jing's shoulders as a small moan escaped her lips with the tipped crown of Jing's shaft prodding at her entrance. She couldn't care about it being fair when she had Jing's to herself with her sister watching their antics.

"Oh, I'm not going to yell at you, but you'll be screaming my name when I'm finished with you," she whispered seductively as she pressed her nose against Jing's. Jing laughed a little as he placed a quick kiss on her nose. The moment after, a moan escaped Natsuki's lips as Jing's knotted canine member slowly penetrated her folds. After Jing's shaft buried deep within her she shot an evil grin over Jing's shoulder towards her sister, raising her voice so Yuki and Jing could hear her. "Yuki, you better be taking notes. You and I both know that cherry of yours is still intact."

"Sorry I can't... My hands are tied at the moment, Suki-sensei," Yuki said, her words dripping with sarcasm as she wiggled in her binds to emphasize her point. "So, you continue to teach your class. I'll just be over here in, y'know, detention," she bitterly as she looked away from them.

Jing moaned as he continued to bury himself inside of Natsuki. He moved his hands to her sides, getting a firm grip before leaning back to sit Natsuki in his lap. The two of them moaned from the change of position, Jing somehow recovering before Natsuki. His hands stayed firmly at her sides as he hoisted her up and down his shaft.

He couldn't believe how incredibly tight and warm Natsuki's walls were, and it was almost hard to stay focused. "A-aww d-don't be like that, Yu," Jing said, looking back over his shoulder to the vibrant blush on Yuki's face as he ran along her sister's back.

"I-I'll break you out real soon, but first, comes your sister." Before any more could be said, Jing moved his hands down to Natsuki's large ass cheeks, and took hold of them in his claws. He slowly began building a rhythm with lifting Natsuki up to the tip of his shaft, and bringing her back down.

With the slow rhythm she and Jing were in, Natsuki once again turned to face the male houndoom to lock her eyes with his, she moaned every time she was brought down onto his shaft, and it was beginning to feel amazing with every push and pull between the two of them.

Natsuki knew their lovemaking was making her sister jealous with her being forced to watch, she knew Yuki loved Jing more than anything and wanted him to be her first. So Natsuki, with a smug expression, was going to make sure her sister was jealous for weeks to come as she moved to seal Jing's lips into a kiss.

Yuki growled while Jing and Natsuki kissed. The look in Natsuki's eyes that was pissing her off. It just looked like she was claiming Jing all to herself. Small embers started to come out Yuki's mouth. Her body heat rises and steam is coming of her as her green eyes change to a crimson red. 'I will pay you back Natsuki...with interest!' Yuki screamed in her head as she tried to free herself again.

Jing moved his hand up towards Natsuki's head to deepen the kissing with her while they continued to meet each other's thrusting. Each time Natsuki came all the way down his shaft, Jing was hit with a wave of heat rushing up his body. Natsuki's hands slid down to his chest, kicking her feet against the couch to push Jing backwards into the opened space between Yuki's legs where Natsuki broke the kiss and started to take more control.

Natsuki now placed her hands onto Jing's stomach as her moans filled the room. Every time she came down on him she clenched her inner walls around the male houndooms' shaft. The groans Jing made whenever she did it only made her increase her pace. The feeling was beyond imaginable. She had only felt like this once before with an ex-boyfriend who was a haxorus; however, that was a little rougher than what was currently happening.

As Natsuki continued to drop all the way down, Jing reached out to her arms to keep them down on his lower body. "F-fuck Suki," Jing groaned when Natsuki started to kick up the pace of her drops. It felt amazing when she dropped her whole weight from the tip of his shaft down to swelling knotted base. However, if she kept this up, he wasn't sure if he could keep up with it much longer. "S-slow down...will y-ya?"

"Natsuki...release me from these ropes," Yuki growled out interrupting the two houndooms. Steam was coming of Yuki's body as embers continued to leave her mouth though her grinding teeth. Her now red eyes staring deep in to Natsuki's rusty red ones. "Or so help me, I'll... I'll, I'll burn your collection of porno mags!"

Jing looked up towards the angry glare in Yuki's eyes as small lines of steam was starting to come off of her from being forced to watch her sister have fun, and from denied release. He was going to say something about it when Natsuki suddenly, and forcefully, dropped down with a painful smacking force.

Natsuki stopped her all her motion as soon as she slammed down upon Jing. With a fearsome snarl she turned her attention to her sister who was being too big for her own shoes. "Yuki, darling," she started somewhat angrily towards her sister, lifting herself of Jing's shaft to crawl over her. Jing had caught an eye full of her dripping undercarriage as she moved to teach her sister a lesson.

"It seems you can't be patient and wait your turn," Natsuki said as she cupped her sister face in her hands to keep her still, while she locked eyes with her to glare deeply into them with a ferocity that was only seen when she was in battle. "Do you know what I'm going to do?"

"It's doesn't matter what you're going to do cause you've already done enough. I'm hogtied like a pig and the houndoom I love is having sex with my sister!" Yuki yelled out as more ember floated out her mouth. Her tears instantly turning into steam as she locked into her sister's eyes. "I will get you back for this Natsuki. Mark. My. Words," Yuki said in a menacing tone as her tears continued to be turned to stream.

Natsuki looked into Yuki's steaming eyes as she started to feel the sadness in them and soon realize what she was doing was wrong in certain ways. "I know you will Yuki," Natsuki said as she focused her energy into her claws to sharpen them so she could cut through the rope bindings on her sister's thighs and arms.

Once her claws were back to their normal size Natsuki then moved her hands back to cup her sisters' face and to whip what little tears that could make it down her cheeks. "Yuki, I'm sorry," she apologized with a sad smile on her face while a few tears were starting to from in her own eyes. "I had wanted to make this day so special for Jing that I had forgotten about my own little sister."

Yuki started to calm down as the rope was cut off of her. Her body temp lowering as the stream slowly stopped coming off her body. Her crimson eyes changing back to her green color as the embers coming from her mouth started to dwindle. "You could have just made it special by just simply telling Jing that you loved him. No need for an elaborate plan like turning yourself into a cream pie or having a milk bath in the middle of the living room," Yuki said with a sniffle, looking into her sister's eyes.

Natsuki sheepishly laughed as she remembered her failed plans again for that day. "Y-Yes well, I thought we agreed to never speak of that again," she quickly said, trying to wave her blush away to hide her flustered expression from Jing.

Jing smiled a bit, happy to see that Yuki wasn't too angry with her sister, but that's when her words processed in his brain. "Wait you girls planned on doing what now?" Jing asked in a loud voice, praying that he somehow, by the grace of everything holy, misheard Yuki.

Both Yuki and Natsuki blushed as they both turned to look at Jing's confused face. "Um..." Yuki embarrassedly looked around before she turned to her sister to look for any help out of this situation they got themselves into. "A little help here sis," Yuki whispered to her sister as they looked back at Jing.

"Yuki, I'm going to kill you," Natsuki stated in a whisper back to her sister, she wished her sister hadn't opened her mouth at that moment about her previous intentions, but her sister was a gossip and there wasn't much else she could do but do come clean about everything she had planned.

So, with a sigh leaving her lips, Natsuki leaned away from her sister and faced Jing to confess, "Y-Yeah, I did want to cover myself in cream for one idea, and pour milk all over myself and my sister for another." She rubbed her arm in a nervous manner like she always did in a situation like this. "I-I wanted to give you a little treat to say sorry for all the times me and Yuki tricked you."

Jing's mouth dropped open for a bit, shocked that Natsuki would give him her body for the pranks and dirty tricks that they pulled. "Suki, you didn't have to do that," he said, moving closer towards the girls to place a hand on Natsuki's shoulder to get her to look at him. "As good as it sounds, just spending time with you girls is enough for me."

"I know I didn't have to, I wanted to," Natsuki firmly said, looking into Jing's eyes with tangles of sadness in her rust-colored eyes. "All those times we tricked you in the training battles, all those times we pranked you, it just didn't seem fair with how well you took everything."

Jing frowned at the sad tone in Natsuki's eyes and quickly moved behind her to cup her breasts from behind her. "Suki," he started in a low whisper into Natsuki's ear while she continued to softly sigh. "I didn't get mad at you two because we're friends, and that's what friends do, they screw around with each other."

"We know that," Yuki laughed a little from Jing's poor joke. "But, there was another reason why we had all those bad ideas. We wanted to do something special for you. Besides the party and to say we're sorry," she said looking into Jing's silver colored eyes. "We wanted to say that we loved you, Jing."

Again, Jing was left awestruck by what he was hearing from his closest childhood friends. He should have known by now though, what with rated pranking and the countless hours that they've spend with him. "W-wow, really? Yuki, Natsuki, you both really love me?"

"Yeah, we did all of this to prove it to you and if that not enough," Yuki paused for a moment, moving closer towards Jing and her sister sitting in his lap. Once she had cleared the short distance, Yuki placed her hands on her sister's thigh to move past her to be face to face with the one she loved. "Then I hope this should."

Jing wasn't given the time to think about what she meant before she sealed his lips in a deep, and longed kiss. For a moment, she felt Jing stiffen up in nervousness before he finally started to calm down and push back. Yuki ended the kiss as she slowly leaned away from Jing's soft lip, giving Natsuki room to move in and do the same.

As Natsuki leaned in to kiss Jing shortly after her sister, she felt him becoming more confident with him pressing back into it with growing vigor. Again, Natsuki had to let a small moan escape though her lips with Jing cupping breasts. She was happy that there wasn't too much bad blood between her and her sister, so the two of them could now share Jing between the both of them, however, with Jing growing in confidence, it seemed like he would be the ones showing the girls a good time instead of the other way around.

Jing continued to deepen the kiss with Natsuki, still trying to understand just how a slacker like him could be so lucky to capture the hearts of, not one, but two amazing houndooms. However, that didn't matter right now. Right now all he had to do was make sure that they were happy with choosing him.

Soon, with great reluctance, Jing pulled back from Natsuki to catch his breath while his hands continued to grope her plentiful breasts. "Girls, I can't believe that you would want me, but I'm grateful nonetheless. And to show how grateful I am, I say we let Yuki and me into the club, huh Suki?"

Just as Natsuki caught her breath from the exquisite kiss she had just shared with the male houndoom, she turned her head towards her sister, of course it was now time for her to get a piece of the male houndoom. "Oh Yuki, could you come here?" Natsuki asked, gesturing with a finger for her to come closer before she removed herself from Jing's lap so Yuki could have the room to take her place. "It's time to have that black cherry of yours to be popped."

With a nod, Yuki slowly crawl onto Jing's lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his shaft teasing her moist lips as she grind her hips into his lap. Small moans left her lips as she felt Jing's shaft throb against her clit. "J-Jing, be gentle, ok?" Yuki asked, looking longingly in his eyes as she try to get herself really to receive his thick male spire. A small bit of nervousness creeped into her mind as she started to question if she could take it or not. As deep blush came to her cheeks and her eyes darted off to the ground, she meekly asked, "Um, c-can you kiss me when you do it?"

Holding back a laugh, Jing slowly nodded his head as he placed his hands around Yuki's waist to hold her steady. "Okay Yu, if it'll help make it easier for you," he said, rubbing his shaft against Yuki's outer folds to get his shaft soaked in her juices before entering. Jing eased into Yuki's leaking flower, pushing her petals apart. Keeping his word, Jing leaned forward to lock her lips before more of his shaft slowly entered.

Yuki moaned as she felt his thick shaft spread her open. 'It hu-hurts,' she thought to herself as she felt her hymen give way to Jing's thick manhood. Her claws started to dig into Jing's back, almost breaking through his skin as he went deeper into her pulsing core. She greedily indulged in kiss to get over the pain. Her moaning deeply into the kiss as she felt Jing's knot finally kissed her pussy lips. 'I took all of it,' she thought to herself as the pain started to melt into pleasure. 'I feel so full.'

Jing moaned back into the kiss when Yuki finally made it all the way down to the base. For a moment, he thought that she wouldn't be able to do it, but as usual she proved him wrong. Not like he was going to complain.

Yuki's tight and clenching walls squeezed Jing's shaft with every moment she made, and it was driving him wild. Once he felt that she had gotten as used to the feeling of penetrated, Jing moved his hands down towards the back of her thighs to lift her partly off his shaft to start building a slow rhythm.

Soon, the two was forced from the kiss due to the need of air, allowing Jing a bit more room to work with. That's when he caught the sight of Natsuki playing with her own flower and fondling her breasts. 'Guess I should make this a bit more enjoyable for her to watch,' Jing thought to himself as he moved his hands towards Yuki's ass, spreading them apart as she started to get used to the thrusting.

"Mmm~" Yuki moaned as she felt Jing's claws dig into her supple flanks. Jing's powerful thrusts had Yuki feeling like she was on cloud nine but she wanted more. "H-harder," she cooed, grinding her hips in Jing's lap to get his cock spread out her wet pussy.

Jing didn't think twice before listening to Yuki's pleas, lifting her up higher off his shaft before slamming her back down. He continued to keep her ass cheeks spread apart so that Natsuki wouldn't have an obscured view of the action. Jing moved over to Yuki's ear to take it in his teeth but also so he could whisper, "Your sister seems to be having fun."

Yuki looked over her shoulder at her sister to see her please herself. Her legs open so that her fingers go as deep as possible into her wet cunt. Her other hand playing with her breast as she watched the two of them. "Yeah she is but she looks a bit lonely too. You think we should have her join us? " Yuki whisper before she craned her head up to nipped at the underside of his chin.

"Why Yu," Jing started with a deep thrust into Yuki's clenching flower that forced a loud scream out of her, wincing slightly when she latched her claws on the armor plates on his back. "How nice of you to share such a momentous moment with your sister."

Suddenly, Jing pushed Yuki down to her back with a heated kiss, darting his tongue into her mouth to claim dominance over her. While still tingling his tongue with Yuki's, Jing moved his hands to the back of her thighs again to spread them far apart to give him more room to work with. The moaning from Yuki told Jing that she was enjoying him being the dominant one, and he continued to display this control by increasing his thrusting.

Soon, Jing's lips parted ways from Yuki's, pulling back with a clear line of saliva linking their tongues. Jing enjoyed the blush on Yuki's face, finding it almost too cute to resist. "Then I hope you don't mind making her wait a little longer, don't you Suki?"

Not allowing her to speak, Jing continued to thrust into Yuki, pulling out further each time before slamming back down. Jing could feel that Yuki was close towards the edge so he continued to relentlessly slam into Yuki to make her cum so they could move to help Natsuki relieve herself better.

Yuki tried to talk but all that left her was gibberish and lustful moans. Her claws digging more into Jings back as she felt herself getting close to her peak. "J-Jing~" she barely moaned out from his unrelenting thrusts. "I'm so c-close!" she yelled out as her back arched. 'If he keeps this up I'm going to cum in no time,' she thought to herself as she continued to moan in pleasure. 'I-I don't want to cum, not yet...but I'm so close~. It's too much I-I'm going...'"J-Jing, ah I-I'm c-c~" She didn't get the chance to finish as her orgasm came crashing down on her as her soaked cunt tighten like a vice on Jing's thick shaft.

Her claws digging across Jing back drawing blood as her eyes rolling back into her head as she silently screamed out her orgasm. Her cum drenching her and Jing's crotch. 'I-I think I squirted...' she loopily thought as she limply held onto Jing.

Jing moved his head down to nibble on Yuki's neck as she took ragged breaths, slowly pulling out his throbbing shaft from Yuki's quivering walls. When the head finally was pulled out of Yuki, Jing moved back from the panting houndoom, and took some small victory of pride from seeing her like that.

"Wow Yuki, you looked like you were the one that needed that," Jing joked, looking down as Yuki's still leaking flower as more of her juices flow freely. Ignoring the pain in his back were Yuki's claws faintly cut his skin, Jing slid off the couch, but only so he only to get on the far side of the couch behind Natsuki. "Now," he started, reaching out towards Natsuki's fat ass cheeks, and pulling her over towards him. "I think I should finish was I started with you, Suki," he said, teasing Natsuki's flower with the tip of his shaft while she was forced on her hands and knees. "Ready?"

The older female was forced to yield as she was pushed over the armrest to be half off the couch, the male houndoom had dominance over her in this position as her backside was raised into the air, giving him an unhindered view of the two large mounds that were her ass cheeks, and her completely wet flower.

"Ahh...Jing!" Natsuki exclaimed as her cheeks began to redden, her fantasy of being overpowered by her training partner was starting to become a reality, and she was becoming ever wetter with the anticipation of Jing doing what he wanted while he fucked her silly.

Natsuki looked over her shoulder to get a glimpse of Jing to see the look of his face as he prepared himself to penetrate her, the redness on her cheeks turned to a deep scarlet the moment she saw the grin he had on his face, and the heat in her chest began to grow with every passing moment that Jing teased her.

In light retribution for Yuki, Jing continued to tease Natsuki's outer walls with his throbbing shaft, getting her to close her eyes as she howled in bliss. He couldn't help but feel some sense of payback for all the years the two had pulled one trick or prank on him, and he still had more fun left to have.

Lifting Natsuki's ass up a little higher, Jing began pushing it deep inside of her, and quickly felt her warmth travel up his body. With each slow inch, Jing felt Natsuki close her walls down on him, causing him to feel more pleasure before finally bottoming out.

"M-man geez," Jing breathe out when his hips finally met Natsuki's ass cheeks. "D-do the both o-of you have to be so tight!" Jing started to force himself out of the clenching walls of the elder houndoom twin before slamming back down with all his might.

Natsuki's body quivered with the sudden, hard thrust which pushed her into the arm of the couch. She groaned loudly as she felt her eyes cross. Her mind struggled for a second to compensate for Jing's massive girth that was buried deep within her walls. "O-Oh Arceus, Jing n-not all at once," Natsuki cried out as Jing drove his shaft deeply into her tight walls and clawed at her round ass cheeks, making her feel every agonizing inch of his shaft.

Jing barely listened to Natsuki as he continued to push deep inside of her, pulling back out to thrust halfway in, and quick building a fast pace rhythm to bring Natsuki to a peak. His mind again was blown apart at how tight the twins are, and also the subtle difference between them. Eventually, Jing doubled over Natsuki's back, biting down on her neck, and reaching underneath her to grab her breasts.

Natsuki was now as helpless as a puppy with Jing biting the scruff of her neck and pinching her erect nipples, her screams of ecstasy rang out through the apartment with Jing being lovingly rough with her, and a part of her mind was blown wide open as Jing continued his motions, which soon cascaded further though her consciousness.

Natsuki's claws dug into the leather armrest as held onto the couch for dear life, she was loving every second that Jing made love to her, and her body agreed as the pressure in her loins gradually rose with her peak approaching by the second.

Jing hiked up one of his legs onto the couch, adding more weight into his thrusting. His tail began whipping about, showing that he was about to reach his own peak soon if things continued the way they were. Each slam down into Natsuki, forcing her to clench down on him, pushed him further towards the edge.

The older twin couldn't take much more as her moans and cries of pleasure grew louder, Jing's powerful thrusts were taking their toll on Natsuki that she was coming to her orgasm faster than she first thought, however, none of that mattered as her mind was too far gone into the overwhelming pleasure she had been receiving.

A feral growl then left the lips of the older female before she was forced to bury her head into the armrest, her body shivered as the start of her impending release grew closer, and soon, she was again forced to cry out to the heavens with her head leaving the couch, only to be thrown somewhat back as her orgasm hit her hard, and flooded past her broken dams.

Jing buried his shaft deep inside of Natsuki's closing walls and letting out a loud growl as he fired the first loads of his seed into the houndoom underneath him. With each load, Jing gave one more thrusts into her flexing walls before he finally ended his thrusting, resting against Natsuki's back, and panting for breath.

Knowing that it would be better if he supported the deadweight, Jing started to roll over to his back with Natsuki still impaled with his shaft. Once comfortably on his back, Jing began rubbing his claws on Natsuki's bare stomach. He soon had to wrap an arm around Yuki when she found a spot next to her sister. " was j-just the BEST idea for a party," he breath out before moving to the side of Natsuki's neck to take small bites underneath her chin. "W-we've should do th-this more often."

"We should," Yuki said as she nuzzles her twin. "But, I think it time for us to get cleaned up." She said as she slowly getting up from sister. "Come on Suki let's get cleaned up." she lazily as she tried to help her sister up but got pulled back down by her.

Natsuki pulled her sister closer to her warm body, she wrapped her arms around her waist and lovingly planted a soft kiss upon her lips. "L-Let's not spoil the moment just yet, sis," she whispered to the younger female though her soft pants, before gasping shortly afterwards with Jing moving his bites down to her neck. Natsuki felt it would be special to fall asleep within the arms of her lover and her loving twin.

"I'm sure everything will be here when we wake up," Jing said looking into Yuki's emerald eyes with a soft smile. "I'm tied after the long day I had, but it was worth it," he finished with a big yawn before falling asleep with the twins in his arms.

Yuki said with a small giggle. "Hmm, He looks cute when he falls asleep." Suddenly a loud snore left Jing mouth leaving her slack jawed. She look at her twin to see her eyes wide open from the loud snore that interrupted her rest. Yuki barely manage to hold on a snort from the look on face.

Natsuki rolled her eyes with Jing's sudden loud snore, she'd hoped the three of them would've peacefully fallen asleep, but now it might seem as peaceful as she first hoped. "Yuki, tomorrow you and me are going shopping for a few special items for our friend here," she said with a yawn and a hint of wickedness seeping into her words, before she laid her head down to get some rest. Tomorrow the two twins would show Jing the time of his life; one neither of them would forget.

Double Surprise: Chapter Three

**_Five minutes earlier_** As Natsuki was finally putting the finishing touches on the cream topped cake with a few half cut strawberries, she took a step back to admire the work she out in to make the cake the best it could be for any recently...

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Double Surprise: Chapter Two

Natsuki cringed the moment she had heard the bedroom door slam loudly. She hadn't thought her sister could get so upset over such a little thing as making Jing's surprise party the best it could be. However, the thought of her sister also having...

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Double Surprise: Chapter One

Natsuki, a twenty-one year old Houndoom with long white ponytail, flowing down her back. She wore tight, fitting black jeans and a black t-shirt with a skull design. As Natsuki walked into the medium sized kitchen that was owned by a close, dear friend...

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