Hard work

Story by HeavyMetall on SoFurry

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#8 of A Dream come True

I open my eyes... everything is blurry. My head feels numb, my whole body sticky... my whole body feels heavy... I had a strange dream... A wonderful dream... I want to go back... I don't want to wake up... I close my eyes again, hoping I would fall asleep again and continue this dream... Please get me back there... Please... I never want to wake up from that dream again...

"What have you dreamed about?" "A dragon... a beautiful and funny... and sexy dragon... I loved him... and we just ha-" Whom was I talking to? I open my eyes and sit upright in my bed... or sleeping place... or... wherever I was... "Where am I?" "Morning Chris." I look around. Trees... grass... a fireplace... red scales... "Drake?" "So you dream of dragons, huh? Of loving them... having sex with them... messy gay sex with giant dragons?" "The bigger the better." I laugh without thinking what I just said... My brain is still in slumber-mode. "So size makes a difference to you, he?" "What? No, that's not... What? Oh come on Drake, not that early in the morning. My brain feels like jelly right now. Give me an hour or so..."

"You know what else feels like jelly? Little hint: It even rhymes with it." He gives me the slyest smile I can imagine. Belly... but... what?

Slowly my head starts to work again... It was no dream... I wasn't at home, sitting in front of my desk... Drake is real... and so was the sex last night... "Of course it was real. Unless you remember something after the moment you passed out. Oh, and sorry about that... I might have gone a bit too rough on you."

"Drake?" "Yeah?" "Have I ever told you to stop being sorry for every little thing that happens?" "But I really didn't want you to pass out like that." "Drake... you know... humans have a saying about sex... 'The first time is always the worst'." "So... you didn't enjoy it?" "If this was the worst... I am in paradise." Drake starts to laugh. "Hey, I really mean it. If this was the worst sex of my life, I am probably going to die young..." Drake's tail starts wagging nervously. "I think you need a cold shower... or a bath."

His body language confuses me a bit and I try to listen to his thoughts, but he seems to think only random stuff right now... well... I shouldn't be using this for spying on him either way. "Bath sounds great. Want me to scrub your back?" I grin. It has been a long time since I felt so happy, so free. "I hoped you'd ask me that. But before that, I got a surprise for you. No worries, you will love it." Was this making him nervous? Another surprise for me? And where was he hiding it? What was it? Drake laughs again, smiling at me. My tail had also started to wag in excitement.

"Meet me in the lake, I will show you there." He shouts before running off. "Hey, not fai...r..." he is already gone. Well... After last nights mess I seriously need... I touch my belly to feel for the dried cum from yesterday, but everything seems clean. And even as I look down... everything perfectly blue, no stains. Wonder if he has the same... addiction? Like me? Well, doesn't matter now. He was waiting for me in the lake, so I should hurry.

But as I arrive at the lake... there is no one... in the sky? No... pushing me into the lake from behind? I turn around. No... where is he?

Small bubbles rise near the middle of the lake... bigger bubbles join them. "DRAKE!?" Panic rises in me. He was doing something stupid, wasn't he? "DRAKE!?" A giant red head emerges, followed by his large red body covered in semitransparent red wings. "So you want to scrub my back? The bigger the better? Then start scrubbing already." He laughs deep.

Was he joking? This was a lot more work for me than in his usual form... but... hehe... it also means I will spend a lot of time very close to him, I will feel each single inch of his feral body with my hands... each single... so that's the surprise I will love? You have no idea how much I will love this, my love.

I jump into the clear water. It was refreshingly cool... or actually ice-cold, but my body adapts quickly to it. We walk towards each other so I can stand comfortable in the water and 'do my work'. With a loud splash Drake lets himself fall on his belly, stretching his legs away from himself. Loads of cold water splash into my face. Drake laughs.

I walk towards one of his front legs and start scrubbing his thick scales. I start massaging the strong muscles. I can feel him tensing his muscles. "Show-off." "Come on. Admit it. You like it." "I don't just like it. I love it. So much dragon to care for." I just can't stop myself from hugging his huge leg. I can't even close my arms around it.

A warm wind blows onto my neck. Drakes huge feral head hovers over me, smiling lovingly at me. A place my hands on his muzzle and give him a kiss right between the nostrils. Drake returns the gesture with a sloppy lick all over my upper body and face, covering me in a layer of saliva. We both laugh while I wash myself before I continue with our very extensive foreplay. Yeah... I'm pretty sure to know where this will end... and I have big trouble not rushing to that part. But I want this to last for as long as possible, so I scrub his flank all the way to the hind legs. I wanted this to take forever, not just half a minute like yesterday. No... I want to enjoy it as long as I can.

Just as I want to start, he lifts one leg to give me access to his underside, but I pushed it down as gently as I could do. "I'm not done here yet. Bellyscrubs have to wait a little longer." "Okay. Fine by me. But don't complain afterwards." "Only complaint I might come up with could be that it didn't last long enough." My hands glide over his strong thighs and wander slowly down to the claws. I had no idea that caressing those massive muscles could feel that awesome.

After I gave his other side a good rubbing, I start concentration on his strong tail. I can't really tell why, but his tail alone was already quite a turn-on for me. This long, muscular and still extremely flexible appendage of his body was just sexy.

He was probably listening to my thoughts, so he raised his beautiful tail into the air, presenting his tailhole and his gigantic balls to me. For a short moment all I can think about is ramming my cock into this hole and humping and filling him. But in my small form, he wouldn't have much of a pleasure from it. And without him enjoying it, I can't really enjoy it myself. But even now I somehow keep control of my sex drive and continue scratching and scrubbing his tail, from the base to the tip, placing a small kiss on it whenever it got too much for me.

"Want me to roll around now?" "Nah, there is still one dirty spot left. Probably the most dirty spot on this side of your body." "What?" "I'm going to wash that dirty smile off your face." I really don't know what went through me. I sound like some guy from a cheap porn and don't really like that, but Drake doesn't seem to have a problem with that.

I walk around his huge body, giving him another few scrubs on the side, until I reach his head. Using my hands like a bucket, I splash a huge amount of water into his face. Drake shakes his head like a dog after a bath. He gives me a playful look and takes a big sip out of the lake.

He doesn't even leave me enough time to cover my face as he blows the whole water at me. I lose the ground below me and fall into the water. I hear him laughing. "Are you okay? Chris?"

I cough a few times. "Yeah... Kinda..." I stand up and walk back to his giant face. He had blown me about two meters back. Again I splash water at him, but this time in a smaller scale, then start caressing his chin, his cheeks, the long neck. Then I return back to his head, scratching him near his ears which sadly did not cause the reaction I hoped for, but nevertheless he seemed to enjoy all the attention I gave him. That's at least what I took his slight moaning for.

"Okay. Now it's belly-scrub time my love."

And boy had he been waiting for this. All the scratching and caressing seems to have the same effect on him as it had on me. There was this giant pink cock emerging from his lower body. For a really short moment I am kind of disappointed that it looks exactly like the anthro form, only more pink than red... and of course much... MUCH larger. but what was I expecting? And why was I disappointed? This is such an exciting cock, and there is still so much more stuff to do with it.

Drake finally stops his rolling, laying on the back. His head is turned away from me. Is he ashamed that he already got hard? At least on my side, this is considered foreplay, so it definitely fulfilled the desired effect. And just looking at this massive rod of love... leaves me no chance to hold back myself.

I can see how Drake eyes me for a short moment before turning away again. His body starts shivering for a moment, sending small waves through the surface of the lake. A sweetish musky smell fills my nostrils as a big blop of pre oozes out of his massive cock. I have to swallow a few loads of my drool as I think about how much cum will flow this time.

But we still weren't done with foreplay. There is still a big belly to rub and scratch. I climb on his chest and sit down there, doing what I had been doing the last... has it been minutes? Hours? I really can't tell.

I slide down on his belly as I continue my torturous foreplay. Finally I feel his slimy member pressing against my butt, creaming me with his precum. I sit right in the puddle of pre he had already been dripping, and it turns me on even more. And to torture Drake even more, I start sliding up and down his belly, bumping my ass onto his enormous dick. There was absolutely no chance it would ever fit in me... I mean... this giant piece of love-meat was about my body size. There was this joke that furries don't need organs, that their whole body was just meant to be filled with cock-meat... but I actually didn't want to test if this was true.

"Man, Drake. You are leaking. That way I will never finish cleaning you." I laugh. "Then I guess you will busy for a loooong time." "Nah, maybe I find the leak and stuff it." Drake gives me slightly scared look, but I ignore it and turn around, lifting my tail to present my slimy back parts to him. And although I kind of hoped for it, his strong tongue startles me as he starts licking his juice off me.

There it is, just in front of me. The part I was waiting for since... probably since I met him when I was still a human. I even remember my exact thought. Now I know what kind of 'monster' hides in there. And monstrous it is. I stand up and start hugging this slick love tool, stroking its spiny underside while kissing and licking it. It feels as if my brain starts to shut down and leaves control to my body. My slight stroking becomes a strong rubbing, my kisses wander up to the tip where I shove my tongue into his urethra.

Drake had started moaning loud long ago, and every now and then, a shudder goes through his body like an earthquake. His tail splashes onto the water wildly and I can feel some contractions in his massive member. And I can't really say what drives me, but instead of looking for cover, I press my mouth onto this hole and give his cock the last necessary squeeze. The cum shoots out of his cock with a pressure I am not able to withstand. I am sent flying over Drakes chest and land in the water, next to his head.

Heavily panting he asks me. "Chris, are you stupid? You shou-" "Awesome" I shout after I gulp down what had remained in my mouth. Moving my mouth hurts a bit, and so does the speaking, but somehow this experience has been totally worth it. "You are crazy, you know? Have you really thought you could swallow that load?" "Of course not. How could I? But you have no idea of how thrilling this was for me." "You are just crazy." "You are crazy, Drake. Did you notice that I have to start cleaning you again now?" "Not my fault." "Of course it's your fault. You are still full of the tasty evidence." "You were jerking me off, so it's your fault." "You exposed your giant thing to me, how should I be able to resist?" "Err... I don't know..." "See? Your fault. But nice as I am, I will help you. And now turn onto your side so I can wash you."

I am having the fun of my lifetime right now.

Drake now lies on his side, his belly halfway submerged in the water. Thick streams of gooey cum slowly crawling down his belly.

I start licking his juice off his semi-flaccid member which got a little harder again. "Chris, please spare me. It's already hurting." "Then hold back, I... hehe... just want to clean you." So he still had another load inside?

I intensify my licking, let my hands drift over his cock and around his genital slit. Soon he start moaning again. "Chris, I... ouch... ahhh... Chris, this is.... Aaaahhhh... Haaaaa... Hnnnnng..." Another small earthquake went through his body, then he shot another stream of white liquid through the air.

Heavy breathing. Now he is really exhausted. After giving this last shot, his beautiful cock dropped flaccid into the water, oozing another few giant drops into the water.

I take this moment to splash some water into his genital slit, rubbing the base of his neat shaft clean from sweat and juice, then along the whole length until the tip, giving my best not to arouse him a third time. As his member slowly slides back into his slit I take care of his slimy belly and go slowly all the way to his head. Heavy breathing.

"Drake, are you okay? I haven't overdone it, have I?" "He... Hehe... you are... unbelievable..." "Why thank you my love. But you really gave me a lot of work cleaning you." "Admit it, you enjoyed every single second of it." "Guilty." I laugh. Absolutely. I think I never enjoyed anything as much as what just had happened.

"Wanna take a swim now?" "Sorry Drake, but my arms feel sore right now. For now I could take a nap in the sun. Yeah, nap sounds good." "You sure?" "Yeah. Cleaning you is serious business, you know? Real hard work." He just gives me a smile and stands up, marching towards the beach, lifting his tail high to present me his hindquarters yet again.

Another thing I have to admit... Kissing someone's butt... rimming it... the idea alone used to disgust me... but right now... I ask myself how it would feel to slide my tongue into his rear entrance. But this might have to wait a bit longer, till my mouth hurts less.

Drake stomped around in the sand, somehow reminding me of a cat. After a minute or so he seems to be pleased with his napping place, curling into a ball, just as a cat would do. And actually, he was even cuter than a cat. Not much, but he was. And that's an enormous compliment coming from a crazy cat person like me. It takes merely seconds until he falls asleep. I think I can feel it because of our connection. His consciousness was fading away, making space for dreams.

"Such a huge cuddly pillow..." I sigh. I wish I could already transform into this feral form. Oh yes... ooohh yeessss... and not just for cuddling. Oh well... but for now this form has to suffice.

Carefully I climb on top of this giant ball and lie down on my back. Takes me a second attempt before I find a comfy position to take a nap in, but then I also drift away within seconds.