Chapter 7: Under Your Spell

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#7 of The Mating Season 3

Chapter 7: Under Your Spell

Kilyan awoke the next morning in Tyne's bed. The fire was still crackling, and Tyne was sitting in a chair beside it, presiding over a long piece of parchment with curly figures on it. Kilyan looked around and realized a tray of food was waiting on bedside table for him: it was the same grayish-brown porridge, but there was fried meat and eggs too. He glanced inquisitively, almost darkly at Tyne, who nodded with a smile for him to eat, and he did. Kilyan ate the meat first, still watching Tyne out the corner of his eye. Tyne watched Kilyan back for a long time, then returned to the long parchment in his paws.

Kilyan kept eating his breakfast and thought miserably of his family back home in the summer village. Would he ever see his boys again? His little boys, who he used to bounce on his knee? And his wives! Oh, god, they would be so miserable without him -- and his father! The whole reason he had taken this trip was for Kel, and now look at him! Kilyan sighed to himself. Ohana had been right of course: he should have taken someone with him besides Keeno. Maybe then they wouldn't be in this predicament! But he had to remind himself that the moon wolves had crossbows. Even if Kilyan had brought ten wolves with him, they could have been picked off from a distance and the most attractive ones chased down and captured as sex slaves.

Kilyan was starting on his eggs when he heard a sudden movement and froze. Tyne had risen from his chair beside the fire and was stretching. He rolled up the parchment and set it on a low table nearby, then he came to the bed. Kilyan sat there watching him, wondering what he was going to do. But Tyne just sat on the edge of the bed, and taking up the spoon, he offered Kilyan a spoonful of the porridge.

"Put your paws behind your neck," Tyne whispered, as Kilyan accepted this mouthful with a glare. Kilyan obeyed and he whispered, "There you go . . . And fold your legs. That's it."

Kilyan sat there with his legs folded, his paws clasped behind his neck, and took every spoonful offered to him until the bowl was empty. Then he was being fed the eggs. And lastly, a wooden cup of juice was tipped to his lips. He ate of all this gratefully: he had only had one meal in the last day! And Kilyan understood suddenly why Yana and Yuri had eaten so readily and so gratefully from their captors. His stomach was still growling when the tray was empty, and Tyne laughed at this, saying it was time for Kilyan's exercise.

Still sitting with his paws behind his neck, Kilyan glared at him. What humiliating ordeal would he put through now? But Tyne only told him to rise and jog in place near the fire. Kilyan just stared at him, so Tyne grabbed his cock and squeezed it to make him move. He went to the fire, unable to believe he was being to told do something so ridiculous. But as he started jogging in place with his paws behind his neck, he suddenly understood why: doing so was not only stretching his body and getting the stiffness out of it, but his cock and balls were flapping everywhere, his thighs and buttocks were flexing, and Tyne sat in his chair, watching Kilyan's body with narrowed eyes.

Kilyan knew he was red in the face when he was told to stop. He stood there panting to catch his breath and thought for a moment that maybe Tyne was through with him, maybe he would send him back to the cold storage room! But his heart sank when he was merely ordered to lie down on the bed again. Kilyan groaned but did what he was told. Still breathless, he lay on his stomach, sensing that his dick was probably going to be attacked after all the staring it had just endured. But to his dismay, he felt his buttocks pried open instead and his anus was given a slow, wet lick.

Kilyan tensed but knew better than to sit up, than to bother trying to stop what was happening, and Tyne whispered his encouragement before he started licking Kilyan again. The licks became loving and deep and hungry the more Tyne continued, and Kilyan lay there shivering his humiliation. He bit his lip and held back a whimper when Tyne's tongue entered his anus. Oh, yes, this was infinitely worse than the lone wolf. With the lone wolf he was sucked and raped once and it was over. With Tyne his humiliation knew no end. And Tyne just kept eating his ass out, moaning hungrily, kissing and licking and even sucking until Kilyan was wriggling. He could feel the slobber between his ass cheeks and closed his eyes, willing his mind somewhere else. He felt Tyne caressing his buttocks even as he held them open, and then he was reaching under and caressing Kilyan's balls. Kilyan had to force himself not to clench his thighs shut on this groping. Tyne laughed as if he sensed Kilyan's straining and stopped.

"Very good," Tyne said, turning Kilyan onto his back. He saw that Kilyan was crying, and with a frown, he wiped his tears away. "Ah, if only you were a tail chaser. Maybe it would be easier for you to bear, having these things happen to you, because maybe you would enjoy it. Ah, well. Get up and put your wrists behind your back. I'll take you back and give you your reward."

Kilyan was - needless to say -- greatly relieved to be returned to the storage room. He saw a few gray wolves leaving the room with trays and realized that Keeno and Yana must've just been fed. He was made to lie down in his place between the other two and his wrists and ankles were tied back to the stakes. Keeno gazed at Kilyan's tears worriedly, but Kilyan was too ashamed to even look at his friend. He'd been raped. All night long and this morning too. How could Keeno not guess that?

And then Tyne was kneeling, untying Yana, who looked terrified. But all he did was pull her up by the arm and shove her by the neck down between Kilyan's legs. He jabbered something at her in their language, and Kilyan saw her smile at him. His dick was hard just looking at Yana, and before he knew what was happening, Yana was squatting down on his cock! It was delicious, that first smooth entry. He felt Yana's hot walls closing tight around him, felt the head of his cock nudging so deeply into her that he shuddered. God, yes. If only this was his Lea sitting on him! Or his Ohana! He closed his eyes and imagined it was and heard Yana give a little cry of delight when his dick swelled inside of her. She pressed her little paws to his stomach now and started working herself up and down. Kilyan moaned as her juices gushed over him, sliding him in deeper and deeper, and the faster she smashed down on him, the more he writhed in his ropes, groaning and grunting until he felt himself release. Another barked order and Yana slid herself off of Kilyan, then fell to her knees and started licking him vigorously. This was too much. Kilyan felt himself throbbing, swelling upright all over again, and to have this happen when he had just been relieved of his torture was sheer cruelty! He glowered up at Tyne when Yana was snatched away after only a few licks, and she was forced to lie down again and tied into her ropes.

And then to Kilyan's horror, Keeno was being untied. Keeno glanced at Kilyan in alarm, as if he wanted to know what was happening, but they both knew they couldn't talk to each other in front of Tyne. Then Keeno was led from the room with his wrists behind his back, just as Kilyan had been the night before. Poor Keeno. Kilyan sighed miserably. He already knew what was going to happen to his friend: he'd be fondled and raped and licked and told to get used to it because they would have to endure these things as the love slaves of the chieftess. Oh, god. Kilyan wanted to cry just thinking about it, and the thought of Yana's pussy smashing down on his cock for those few maddening moments made him wild with anger, made his dick throb harder. Suddenly frustrated at his helplessness, at everything, Kilyan started grunting and thrashing in his ropes.


The voice startled Kilyan, and breathless in his anger, he stopped and looked around. He'd practically forgotten Yana was there. But she was laying there in her ropes beside him, smiling at him. The warm sable eyes were so large and loving that it startled Kilyan.

"Kilyan," she said again. "Big cock. Strong male. Cute."

Kilyan blushed. He liked Yana too. How could he not like her? That bluish-silver fur. He had never seen any like it. And those breasts! Not very big but big enough and supple, perky. They just stood straight up, the nipples jutting in the cold storage room, and they trembled nicely with her slightest movement. Then her narrow little waist and those shapely little thighs. And her sex! Kilyan could smell her sex clearly on the air: it smelled sweet like juice or honey. He wanted to bury his face in that sex but scolded himself suddenly. His father was at home sick in bed and he needed him, and here Kilyan was lusting after some female! He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head away. He had to focus on escaping. That was all he could do!


He heard that sweet voice again and looked at Yana. She was concerned now.

"Kilyan sad. Kilyan taken from his family? From his home?"

"Yes, he was," Kilyan whispered miserably.

"Yana lost husband in accident," Yana whispered. "Husband was merchant. Lost at sea. Yana was alone. No male to speak for her. Yana became chief's slave."

Kilyan nodded. Poor thing. What the hell kind of village was the moon village anyway? It pissed him off suddenly and he wanted to start thrashing in his ropes, but he knew it would only frighten Yana, so he lay there tense and angry. And then Kilyan remembered that they were alone once again, that Yana was now free of her gag. He could ask her how she'd escaped!

"Yana? How did you --" Kilyan stopped when she frowned in confusion and remembered to slow down: she only seemed to understand when he spoke in fragments after all. "How Yana escape?" Kilyan asked slowly. "How?"

"Escape?" Yana beamed at Kilyan, and to his confusion, she started wriggling in her ropes and nodding.

"No, no, I didn't mean --"

"Yes, escape!" cried Yana, and then Kilyan realized she was wriggling free of her ropes. In seconds, her arms were loose. Kilyan stared at her in amazement. Had she been able to do that all this time? And then she wriggled her ankles loose too, and in another few seconds, she was sitting up, beaming at Kilyan. Kilyan was flabbergasted.

"Yana always escape," she whispered.

Kilyan fell very still as Yana crawled toward him, those lovely breasts hanging down. The shape of her thighs was delicious as she crawled and she was smiling at him -- she was lusting after him! He watched her, his face growing redder by the minute as she ran her paws up and down his chest. And then her paw smoothed all the way down his chest and belly to his cock. She started stroking it. Kilyan blushed furiously now.

"Yana! Kilyan have wives --"


Kilyan was shocked. Was he to be raped by Yana now? But somehow, looking at Yana's perky little breasts, he didn't care. She squatted over him once again, and as his cock slid inside of her, he thought Ah, this is heaven! She was so tight and so wet and so warm, and the craving in his dick swelled against her even as her juices gushed over him. Then she was leaning forward, she was kissing Kilyan on the mouth.

Yana's kisses were irresistible: she pushed her tongue in and out against his own, deeply and slowly, and gave little moans and sighs, and Kilyan soon found himself kissing her back, groaning as he pushed his tongue against hers, relishing in her sharp little breasts smashing into his chest. He strained against his ropes. He wanted suddenly to be free, to hold her in his arms, to hold her down and take her. Just thinking these things made him blush all over again and Yana pulled back and laughed at him.

"Kilyan," she whispered, tracing a finger over Kilyan's lips. "Gentle Kilyan. Shy Kilyan."

"Not if you let me out of these ropes!" Kilyan whispered playfully and loved it when her thick lashes fluttered at him. But what was he saying? They would surely be punished for this! But he looked at Yana's breasts again and the thought flew from his head. "Yana untie Kilyan?"

Yana nodded eagerly, and when she reached above Kilyan's head to untie his wrists, he caught her nipple in his lips and gave it a long suck. She giggled. Kilyan felt his wrist pull free and now he put his arm around her. As she reached to untie his other wrist, he gave her other nipple a hungry suck. Oh, god, he loved the feel of those nipples in his lips! His other wrist was now free, and when she turned away from him to untie his ankles, he sat up and found himself touching her sex. He slid his fingers inside and caressed her, imagining himself again in this hot sheath. God, she was so tight and wet . . .

Kilyan realized his ankles were free, and he grabbed Yana in his arms and pressed her to the sheets. She was giggling, but he shushed her and then started making love to her gentle and slow. She moaned under him, arching her back, crushing her breasts against him, and he leaned down and showered her cleavage with kisses. When they were lying spent on the sheets, Kilyan pulled her into his arm and asked her if she knew where her daughter was.

Yana shook her head sadly.

Kilyan lay in deep thought. If only there was some way to take over the ship -- or at least escape. That had been his first thought. They could steal one of the little dories fastened to the side of the ship and take off in it. But it would be hard to manage such a feat without first knowing where Yana's daughter Yuri was. And they were already untied. Why hadn't Yana revealed her ability last night? They surely could have escaped then! But Kilyan supposed what was done was done, and even if they were punished now, he no longer cared. He felt as if he'd endured so much already that anything else they did to him would not matter.

"Come," Kilyan whispered, "let's find Yuri."

Yana's face brightened, but she looked at once frightened and sad. She shook her head. Kilyan shrugged and stood, but when he went to the curtain, he felt her suddenly crushed against him, clinging to his arm. He looked down at her, and seeing her fear, kissed her on the head and said, "Kilyan protect Yana," touching first his own chest and then her collarbone. Yana beamed up at him.

Kilyan carefully drew aside the curtain and peered out into the gloomy hall. He wasn't sure what he was doing or why he was doing it. There was no way they were escaping in broad daylight. There was just no way. But hell, they were already out of their ropes. They might as well know where Yuri was being kept, even if they were punished for it later.

The hull was quiet and empty, and with Yana clinging to his arm, Kilyan stepped out into the shadowy hall. They moved very quietly together past each room, stopping at each curtain to listen. Sometimes they heard sailors laughing and talking, most of the time they heard nothing. Kilyan moved right past the room where he knew Keeno was probably being raped by Tyne now and sure enough, Kilyan thought he heard whimpering coming from behind that curtain. He moved on, determined that they should find Yuri before they did anything else.

When they had come to the end of the hall, Kilyan moved toward a curtain, but Yana stopped him. He looked down at her to find she was sniffing the air. Ah, of course. She would know her child's scent. He watched Yana sniff the curtain opposite the one Kilyan had gone to, and she smiled at him, pointing her finger at it. So Yuri was inside! Good. Now they knew where she was.

Now they would go back to their sleeping furs and Kilyan told Yana that he would tie her in so that only he would get in trouble. Yana shook her head, but Kilyan insisted. He traveled quietly up the hall again with her clinging to his arm, but they had barely made it back to the storage room when a sailor emerged from a curtain and spotted them. Yana ducked in terror behind Kilyan as more sailors emerged and moved toward them. They were surrounded. Kilyan knew better than to struggle when he was taken by the arms. He heard Yana give a little squeal and knew she had been thrown over a sailor's shoulder. Her squeals kept coming and Kilyan heard a steady squelching noise and he knew with a low, angry groan that Yana was being fingered as she was being carried.

They were taken above deck and toward two strange contraptions. The contraptions were boards standing on poles and like nothing Kilyan had ever seen. In each board were three holes in a row: two smaller ones and one large one in the center. Kilyan had an awful feeling his head and his wrists were to go in these holes. He was right. Both he and Yana were each put into one of the contraptions, which meant they were forced to stand bent over with their necks and wrists trapped in the wooden board.

Kilyan ground his teeth as the sailors playfully pinched his buttocks and even inserted fingers into his anus. Some of them came around to face him and prodded at his face, touched his cheeks, his lips. It seemed every crevice of him was explored, and he even felt a few light strokes and smacks on his penis that, to his shame, made him get hard. He shuddered angrily, trapped as he was in the contraption, and he knew this delighted the sailors, that they liked the sight of his squirming ass cheeks, so he tried to be still.

Kilyan could hear Yana moaning and the same squelching noises. God, wouldn't they stop fingering her? And then he heard a few little slaps that made Yana gasp. They were light slaps and he knew somehow that her breasts had been smacked, not her face. He could just imagine her little breasts trembling, smacking each other, and it made his dick get all the more harder. Then he heard Yana give a louder cry, heard the squelch of a dick entering her exposed little pussy lips, and then the rhythmic squelching noises of Yana being fucked hard and fast. She started those little moans again that always drove Kilyan wild -- "Ah! Ah! Ah -- ah -- ahhhh --!" And Kilyan knew her mouth was wide open, that her eyes were squinted up, and he bit his lip, trying to ignore these arousing noises but failing utterly. Some small part of him wanted to look around, but it was quite impossible to turn his head. He was forced to look straight ahead.

And then Kilyan realized that his mouth had been prodded open and a dick was being crammed in! He grunted angrily and would have loved nothing more than to bite down on this dick, but the cock was so large in his mouth that it held him wide open, made his lips get sore. The cock began sliding in and out against his tongue, over and over, deeper and deeper, and Kilyan was sputtering, Kilyan was groaning and glaring even as this sailor groaned in satisfaction. He felt his slobber gushing over his lips, just as it had the night before with Tyne, but unlike Tyne, this sailor was brutal and rough. He slammed into Kilyan so violently tears sprang from his eyes, and when it was over, Kilyan was gulping down cum as it dribbled over his lips. He hung there in the stupid wooden board, bent over, feeling used and exposed, and wishing he could rip the dick off of every sailor that was accosting him.

Now that his mouth had been so brutally used, it seemed the sailors were infatuated with his ass. He started to tremble but he bit back his sobs. He would never give them the satisfaction! He made his face very hard as that first cock crammed inside of him, and then he was being pounded as hard as Yana was. Some sailor had him by the base of his tail and was just banging away while other sailors looked on and laughed.

Kilyan felt his rage mounting, until suddenly, he heard himself screaming, "LEAVE US ALONE!" at the top of his voice. He screamed this over and over, his voice a snarl, until suddenly, he felt the cock slide out of his ass, and then he heard wild jibbering in the moon wolf tongue, blows were being given, someone was screaming, and Kilyan recognized Tyne's roaring voice!

When things had quieted down, Kilyan looked up to find Tyne standing over him, shaking his head, his gray mane in his eyes, his chest heaving, and he knew Tyne had given out many blows for what had just taken place. Kilyan felt his tears falling freely, felt his sore anus throbbing, and looking up into Tyne's admonishing face, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude toward the wolf -- however grudging it was.

"What the hell did you two do," Tyne asked quietly, "to deserve the block?"

Kilyan just stared miserably into those blue eyes. He could hear Yana sniffling nearby.

"Answer me," Tyne whispered, his paws on his hips.

Kilyan smiled defiantly and was happy when Tyne's ears pricked forward in his shock.

"We got out of our ropes and wandered around. Yana just wanted to know where Yuri was."

"Why, so you could escape? There is no escaping. Not on my ship. So wipe the thought from your minds!" Tyne roared the last sentence and Kilyan glowered.

"You belong to me!" Tyne hissed fiercely, and taking Kilyan utterly by surprise, he leaned down and kissed him passionately on the mouth. He pulled away with trembling lips. "God, what have you done to me!" he said, turning his back. "Damn you and those fucking green eyes!" he snarled. "I'm too soft with you, that's what it is. I should whip you both for this. I should whip you blind!"

"Go ahead," Kilyan said. It wasn't as if he'd never been whipped before.

He smiled again when Tyne looked around at him in shock. "Pretty brave now, aren't you? But what if I took you back to my cabin and raped you again? You wouldn't be smiling then."

"Do whatever you want," Kilyan answered, and he sounded so tired and bored that Tyne stared at him.

Kilyan waited, watching Tyne, and to his surprise, Tyne unlocked the board and lifted the top, allowing Kilyan to stand upright. He stood facing Kilyan, as if he was waiting to see what Kilyan would do, but when Kilyan just stood there looking at him, he shook his head.

"I honestly don't know what to do with you. I've never had a slave like this before. You have me under your spell and you don't even know it!"

Kilyan was shocked to hear those words and his ears pricked forward.

"Fine!" Tyne shouted at him. "Walk around the goddamned ship all you like. I don't care. But she stays on the block." He pointed sharply at Yana, who was trembling in her own wooden contraption beside the one Kilyan had been in. "And if I hear you tried to escape again or that you tried to help her or that you went anywhere near Yuri, I'll have them throw you back on the block as well, and all the sailors can fuck you blind for all I care!"

Tyne stood there glaring at Kilyan, waiting, his lips still trembling, and he was shocked again when Kilyan's lips spread slowly into a smile and he shrugged and said, "Okay."

Kilyan could see that Tyne was confused. The tall gray wolf turned uncertainly and started away, then realized he'd gone the wrong way and turned again. Kilyan realized he was trying to get past him without walking too close to him. Kilyan stayed where he was, watching as Tyne inched around him and then marched away. The fact that such a big wolf was frightened of brushing against Kilyan highly amused him, and he stood there deliciously shocked as he realized what power he really had over Tyne: Tyne hadn't wanted to touch Kilyan because he was afraid of getting hard! And he realized for the first time that Tyne would have done anything for what he called Kilyan's beauty -- anything. He was as protective and possessive of Kilyan as if they could have been the most devote lovers! And it was all too easy suddenly.

"Yana," whispered Kilyan, kneeling in front of Yana where she was bent in her wooden contraption. She smiled weakly at him and he touched her face sympathetically. "I think I've found a way to get us back to my homeland!"

When Yana only looked confused, Kilyan repeated more slowly, "Me found way. Get us free!"

Yana smiled warmly at him, and before Kilyan realized what he had done, he kissed her.

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