Coyotka of the North!
Hey everybody, this is my submission for Coyotek's contest, Geno and Coyotka are his and the rest are mine. ask first before using them or pain shall befall ye!
Forgive any bad spelling, i kinda had to rush this so it may not be my best work.
Coyotka of the north!
Coyotka was not built for this kind of weather. She was a coyote for goodness sakes! And the man who imagined a coyote slogging through waist high snow in the middle of a blizzard needed to have his head examined.
This would be her first time at the base camp of the dig, conditions were such that it all had to be carried out during winter to preserve the integrity of the artifacts.
She pulled her hood tighter around her muzzle and followed her guide towards the rough outlines she assumed to be the buildings of the camp.
This had all started a week ago when a professor friend of hers had given her a call. She had been in Buenos Ares gearing up for yet another Mayan tourist "expedition". Furs from around the world had heard of her it seemed. She was highly sought after to lead tourists somewhere interesting, a day dig sort of thing where the furs felt like real explorers with a chance of finding some lost artifact. The truth was however, that no one came to try and find something historical. All they wanted was to be captured by native savages who would have their way with them day after day after day.
Coyotka had developed somewhat of a...reputation. She had never been a part of a dig, project or excavation without being bent over the nearest available object and gotten her brains fucked out. It had gotten to the point now that, none of her collogues would accept her on any legitimate dig sites. She had spent quite a few hours crying about the injustice of it on her friend Geno's shoulder, and of course that had led to sleeping on her lap, which had led to...other things entirely.
She had been getting ready for one of these outings when professor Fulpa had called her.
There was a new site in the far north of Norway he had said, and it was woefully understaffed. No one wanted to work in the sub zero temperatures and howling winds that dominated the area during wintertime. Would she, Coyotka be interested in taking on one of the lacking archaeological roles?
As if he had even had to ask! She had packed her things and flown out that very day, spending several days in Stockholm buying the cold weather equipment she would need for the extreme conditions. They had briefed her on what they expected to find, an intact Iron age settlement frozen under the permafrost. Preserved and available for study almost exactly as it would have appeared millennia ago when it was an active community.
After being appraised of the situation they had taken snowtracks out to within 2 miles of the site, some 10 miles from the nearest village. It was there that the tracks had sheared pins, their treads falling of with nothing to anchor them to the vehicle. And so, from that point they had walked and that was how the young Coyote fem found her self in a blizzard cold miserable with ice in her tail and frozen buggers.
To top it all off she had had to leave behind her signature crop top and thong shorts, of course they would be no use here but she loved wearing those clothes to tease people.
‘Oh well, it's not like I'd have much time for that anyway. Not with a new job! Finally I have a dig to work, a chance to live my dream of field archaeology!
If that is, I don't turn into a coya-sicle first!'
Coyotka turned her mind inwards to focus on happier things while trudging through the path made by her guide. A local by the name of Noi, a German Shepard who leered at her whenever he got the chance. She could just feel him palming her ass with his eyes, not that she minded of course, not as long as he stayed looking and not touching.
Coyotka lost her self in remembrances of warmer times. The beach at Buenos Ares, the scorching heat of the Gobi desert, the heat that could be found between Geno's thighs during a particularly feisty evening, all these things flashed through her mind as she walked through the snow, the latter in particular stayed fixed in her mind.
The thought of their heated nights made Coyotka's treasure wrinkle slightly in excitement, so lost in thought was she that she did not notice Noi stopping his relentless trudge.
This resulted in her plowing into his back and knocking him into the snow. Spluttering and cursing her in Norwegian he pulled himself up and glared at her retreating back with pure venom.
She did not see this however as Coyotka was already hurrying inside the building at which he had stopped
The entranceway to the shelter was similar to an airlock, it had a storm entry where she deposited her heavy outer coat and pants, then she opened the second door and entered the main chamber of the weatherproofed building.
The interior was somewhat egg shaped, the roof being domed to allow ice and snow to slide off and not weigh down on the supports. The oblong floor plan widened out from the door, the walls were stacked high with equipment and gear. There were tables in the middle ad sealed containers with blocks of ice inside them. Standing at the other end of the room was professor Fulpa, talking with another scientist. Fulpa was an older bovine man, his horns long and brittle with age, he was also one of the nicest furs Coyotka knew in the archeological community.
"Ahh, Coyotka my dear, so nice to see you made it safely! This storm is a might irksome is it not? But no matter, you'll still do this old bull proud no matter what the weather eh?"
"Of course professor! I'm just happy somebody still has faith in my skills as a researcher and archeologist. After that fiasco in Indonesia I thought I would be out of work forever!"
"Ah yes, did you ever manage to remove all of that tree sap from your...*Cough* person?"
Coyotka blushed crimson under her tan spotted fur. It had taken MANY baths to work all the sap from her fur, as well as a few more intimate places.
In answer to his question she merely nodded her head with eyes downcast in embarrassment.
"Yes well, very good. My dear, that is exactly the reason why I wanted you on my team, out here there is virtually no chance that you would be involved in an...encounter.
And if you can make it through an entire expedition without any thing happening to you then this silly myth about curses will be banished and you might return to work."
Halfway through his explanation the coyote girl understood his reasoning, while she was somewhat doubtful she still held some hope for success. Because really, who out here would want to take advantage of her?
"So professor, will you show me around this place? I'm excited to see the dig site!"
The coyote fem was bouncing on the tips of her foot paws. Her glasses jostling around on the tip of her nose.
"Yes yes my dear, calm your self, no need to be so excited. You'll be here long enough to see the place; I dare say that you'll be here long enough to grow tired of these glorified Quonset huts.
This building is the prep house; we store our clothing and light excavation gear here. we also bring back specimens to be cleaned and made ready to go to the deep freeze, which if you will follow me I will show you. But first here, I had these brought up from the museum, they save expenses on interpreters."
He said, handing her a hand sized square of plastic, he pushed a button on the side and the screen of the small compute lit up. There were straps on the bottom for it to be attached to the arm should the need arise.
"This is one of those new mini laptops, designed specifically for speech translation. It hears what is spoken in a language and repeats it back in the language of your choice.
Quite the handy little gadget if you ask me, I remember when we had to hire locals to translate all those whistles and pops people use to communicate. I've taken the liberty of setting yours to English my dear, I hope you don't mind?"
"Not at all doctor. Thank you for trusting me with this."
Thus started Coyotka's tour of the dig site, she was taken through the living quarters, the examination room and the communications hut. But by far the most interesting area was the deep freeze storage area where they kept all the specimens before shipping them back to Oslo. They had to keep the items frozen so as to preserve their structural integrity, being trapped in the ice for so long meant that they were quite weak and susceptible to damage.
After this she was asked to don her winter gear once again so that they may examine the actual excavation area.
This was considered an important international find, as such the British museum had lent the Doctor a low powered laser to better allow he and his team to cu through the ice.
The dig site was set up under large, weatherproof tents so that they could work without interference from the howling wind.
As they entered Coyotka was stunned by the clarity of the ice through which they were digging. It was clear as a Caribbean ocean, she could see at least 5 meters into the frozen water. As she looked down she saw the thing that had brought hr here, the remains of a village. Bowls, fabrics, something that looked like a tent, and even what looked like a meat rack with scraps of a hunt still attached. All this was no more than 2 meters below the ice.
"And that's just what's on the top, the darn ice prevents us from using location methods but we think there is even more interesting things to discover down there. So, glad you came?"
Coyotka whirled around and jumped at the older male, picking him up and swinging him around in a giant hug, quite a feat considering his large mass.
Her tail was whapping back and forth uncontrollably; she was so excited to have a real site to work again!
Her enthusiasm was quickly curbed.
The nest 3 months were filled with a mind numbing tedium that, in her mind, words failed to adequately express.
She was still grateful to the Doctor for giving her this chance to redeem her self in the eyes of the scientific community.
But never the less, her days left her wanting more excitement from her new work. The first half of her day was spent cataloging the previous days finds, her evenings were spent with less advanced tools than the laser drill, slowly and carefully unearthing the frozen remains of long dead lives.
She ate in the meal hut with the other workers, most of them concerned with the maintenance of the camp and insuring that the precision equipment stayed in peak condition.
Coyotka admitted to her self that she enjoyed the covert, and sometimes-blatant looks the male workers threw her way. She was female and in her prim and enjoyed the reaffirmation of that fact through the desires of others.
Noi was the only one that gave her any pause, while others looked at her with lust in their eyes, he glared at her body with nothing less than possession in his eyes.
No matter, he was not a stupid person. Attacking her or treating her badly in any way here, with no escape from the raging arctic wind would by nigh unto suicide.
But after 3 months of this day-in day-out routine, Coyotka was ready to run screaming out into the storm. She was a free spirit, a Coyote, meant to run and jump and play. Not be cooped up in this sterile environment for months on end.
She was loosing hope that this would be an interesting expedition. Yes there were new and exciting insights to Scandinavian life in the extreme north during the 900's. but all these came from pots and bowls and tent fragments. Nothing decisive that would shake the archeological community. She knew that this dig, with its lack of over sexed (Indeed ANY) population, her brand as a cursed archeologist would be lifted and she could start back up the long path to notoriety.
But mother Mary and Joseph the boredom! She had forgotten how boring it could be slowly brushing, or melting, away that which covered a small, thumb sized piece of shattered wine jug.
Today seemed as if it was going no differently, she had eaten a hearty breakfast, though in smaller proportion then most of the others, she had a figure to think about and the cold was not helping by triggering her natural body response to insulate her torso in blubber.
After her meal Coyotka had gone to the cold storage room to catalog her findings from the day before, a surprisingly intact ivory comb and what seemed to be the Norwegian version of chop sticks made from bleached elk bones.
This had been the most mind-numbing portion of her day, as it usually was. She had to go back and delete the portions of her entry that contained her minds wanderings. Most of these contained lewd encounters between fictional women and their well-endowed male counter parts.
After that came the only fun part left to her day, the laser drill. Honestly, who could pass up the opportunity to cut things with a laser? She knew of no one that fit THAT boring description.
The drill itself was maybe about the size of her forearm, long and tapered to a point it was easily maneuverable for precise cutting. The power generator that came with it was of substantially larger size, taking up the entire back half of the tent with it's bulk. It was low powered, only suitable for cutting through the ice but it was still very fun to operate.
Coyotka put on her safety goggles and protective reflective suit, tucking her large silver cross into her shirt.
Switching on the lasers beam after she had climbed down into the large pit that had been excavated since her arrival, she went to work on the stubborn section of ice she had been working on for the past week. She refused to let her mind wander; such would be dangerous for her and everyone else in the pit today while she was running the laser.
After about an hour of concentrated work the focusing mirrors in the cutting tool were beginning to overheat, so she switched off the beam with almost no evidence of her working on the ice at all.
"Damnit!" she cursed. Bashing her fist into the frozen wall as she exclaimed.
She leaned against the icy divider, and ad to jump back quickly as it crumbled under her weight.
"Yes! Finally, I've been working on you for long enough!"
She set to clearing the debris from the collapsed area of the frozen village, gently lifting artifacts from the rubble as she threw ice chunks back into the middle of the pit for removal. This process had to move relatively slowly as she did not want to inadvertently damage a something by tossing it out with a chunk of ice.
It was when she was removing an especially stubborn piece of ice when she saw it, a dark smudge within the normally clear ice wall.
Throwing the ice chunk behind her, Coyotka leaned over and pressed the tip of her muzzle against the wall, attempting to get a better look at the object. She couldn't quite make out what it was, something about 7 feet long with other small objects scattered around it.
Grabbing her flashlight, the coyote girl went back to see what was in the wall.
What she saw nearly gave her a heart attack; inside the ice was a monster.
Jumping back with a "YEEP!" she landed on her tail and crooked it under her.
Painfully getting to her feet she shined her flashlight back into the wall to make sure of what she had seen
Locked within the icy tomb was not a monster but a man, a human man at that.
He was trapped in a position that suggested he had fallen into a body of water and then drowned, his floating corpse had then been frozen in the position he had been in at the time. He was face up, his arms hanging in front of him and out, he seemed to almost be in a reclining position but his legs were only slightly bent downward.
The next thing that impressed her was his level of preservation. The corpse looked as if it was a wax replica of a Viking raider only slightly abused by hordes of eager children climbing of his immobile arms.
His cloths, homespun with a heavy use of fur indicating he was a native to the cold country, were almost perfectly preserved, even the leather and wooden parts were intact.
He would have stood over 7 feet tall while alive, his frame massive by today's standards but the norm for the north folk of the time. She was amazed to see that even his boot, iron shod to protect the feet n battle were still intact and had not rotted away. His face was covered by a steel mask, plain with no designs on it what so ever, the leather of its strap could not bee seen, most likely succumbed to nature where the other leather had not. This was curios to her as steel had been an expensive commodity at the time, never having been used when another material could have taken it's place, perhaps a funeral mask?
There were bits of wood surrounding him and what looked like a coil of rope lay draped across his body. This put more credence in her theory of drowning, he may have been in a shipwreck and slowly drifted in the ice as it made it's way landward.
This could be one of the most important discoveries since the valley of the dead! The only records of Dark Age Europe in existence were either to embellished to be true, lost or mistranslated. This corpse could be an invaluable insight to the daily life of a man in the 10th century!
"Someone quick! Run and tell Dr. Fulpa to come and look at this!" she shouted, startling the other archeologists working in the pit.
By the time the aging bovine had reached the observation area there was a sizable crowd gathered around the frozen man, examining him from as many angles as possible. They had to take care with how much light they exposed him to, his remains might be sensitive to it after so many years spent hidden away from the sun's gaze.
"Amazing, simply amazing! My dear you may have just discovered the most important archeological find of the century! Just look at him, a perfect specimen of Dark Age Norway, perfectly preserved. Why, I'd be willing to wager even his last meal is still in there somewhere. You my dear are one very lucky coyote."
"Thank you doctor Fulpa!" Coyotka exclaimed.
She was smiling so wide that almost all her teeth were visible. Her tail was a mere blur of tan and brown spots behind her it was waving back and forth so fast.
The other dig workers clustered around her, giving congratulations and in some cases grudging comments, this was the find of a life time and they had been very close to making it themselves.
And of course in the press of people, some 20 all together there was a little groping. But she hardly paid it notice; this was the day her fortunes turned.
No more would she fear to go to a dig site without taking copious amounts of birth control beforehand.
No more would she wear tear away pants when working for fear of ruining all her good cloths when she was eventually attacked.
Maybe she could even find a steady boy friend now that she was not constantly being violated when she went to work.
All that aside, if she was honest with her self, she knew that on some level she would miss those adventures. At what point, when the victim is enjoying and even welcomes the attentions of their attacker. At what point does rape simply turn into enjoyable forced sex?
She didn't know, but after so many times she had to learn to enjoy it or risk her mental health.
Of course she was nothing compared to Geno, that girl was never truly happy unless she had cock in each hole with one to spare. The term "Man hungry" came to mind when describing Geno, but that was not Coyotka. If she had one man that treated her as she wished to be treated she would be happy. In other words, kind and caring outside the bedroom, and forceful and willing to indulge her in her rape fetish.
Of course, she would never actively WISH to be raped, she just found the thought of thinking she was being forced while having sex with her partner exciting.
This was all academic speculation of course; she neither had a boyfriend nor thought one would be appearing in the near future. Her work was bound to scale up now that she had found this frozen corpse.
:Heh, and what does THAT say about my profession, I found a frozen dead guy and I'm happy about it.:
She thought to her self.
After the wash of people had gotten their fill of congratulations and groping, they spread back to their previous tasks.
A few of them would be staying with her to assist in the uncovering of the giant corpse. He appeared to still be about 3½ meters into the ice so it would be a while before they had him uncovered.
Deciding to tackle this project tomorrow, Coyotka bid the night shift workers farewell, insuring they would not disturb her area. She then left the dig tent to face the grueling 15-meter walk through the snowstorm to her sleeping quarters.
When she got inside her nose sported 2 new icicles and it felt as though her tall triangular ears had frozen in place.
Stripping of her outdoor gear she threw her self on to the bunk that was one of 10 here in the female quarters. Already the other girls on the day shift were filtering in, tired but happy with the days work. They were a mixed group, some canine, feline and ursine, there was even a human mixed in with the group. Though how she managed without even the meager layer of fur Coyotka had was beyond the Coyote.
Laying her head to the pillow all such thoughts vanished. The only thing that was left was an over whelming sense of exhaustion.
She was asleep before she knew her head had hit the pillow, her dreams filled with strange visions of 7ft tall Genos and dead body contests judging the worth of the man she found in the ice at a strange county fair like event.
These were not bad dreams par say, just odd and interesting.
Then her dreams turned dark, filled with Noi's face, laughing as she was slowly frozen in her own block of ice. Left to wait for over a thousand years until someone cam to find her cold cold body.
The last thing she saw, and she didn't know if it scared her or not, was that blank steel mask that was on the corpse. She was sure now, it was a funeral mask, given to the dead who man wished to never reach the after life. She was not certain how she knew this, but it was a dream and flying donuts eating cars made sense in dreams. Coyotka shot up in bed, her alarm clock buzzing beside her and the sounds of a waking camp greeting her sensitive ears.
It took another 3 weeks of day in day out work to clear the iceman from his prison. They had to work wide around him, making a large block with the body as the centerpiece, that way they were assured that the protective covering he was incased in would not shatter and ruin many of their prospective finds. After so long Coyotka could not simply keep calling him frozen guy or any of the other nicknames that had been coined early on. She had decided to call him Bob, a nice simple name that everyone could remember.
Bob had been cleared today, the last of the ice underneath him had been removed and he was now supported solely by the straps that had put under him, attached to the ceiling of the tent.
The then hoisted him up, a long and arduous process considering the weight of the ice block. After they got him all the way out of the pit they took him over to the cold storage locker. There he would go through the initial cataloging procedure and then it was off to the British museum for study.
Coyotka was bouncing again, her excitement over this find had yet to subside since it's onset.
She had already packed her things and when the all terrain vehicles arrived to take the ice chunk back to civilization for study, she would be going back with them.
The vehicles would not be arriving until the next day, and Coyotka was enjoying her last day on the dig. It had been boring to begin with, but the way it was turning out was better than her wildest imaginings. Not only would her credibility as a scientist be restored, but she would gain accreditation for a significant archeological discovery. This was a good day to be alive.
What she didn't know, was that a pair of eyes was watching her as she somewhat dazedly made her way around the dig site.
Coyotka found her self in the cold storage lock, the block that contained her future was waiting in the corner, just waiting to give up it's scientific secrets.
She walked over to it and stood, examining the lifeless body within. To think, her life would be changed by this find, it was relieving and exciting at the same time.
She heard the door open behind her and turned around. Walking towards her was the Native Norwegian Noi, he looked tired and a little ragged.
He started speaking in his own tongue and Coyotka's translation computer beeped into life.
"You're leaving today yes? Won't be back here again, good riddance I say. You have been nothing but a headache since you got here. Thanks to you, my wife left me, and do you care? No, you are to busy with your dead men and your pots to notice the suffering you have put me through with your very presence. Well, I am here to give you a taste of that suffering before you go."
Coyotka didn't here most of what the translator said, after about the 8th word she knew where this was going, she had been party to this scene before. Jealous wife sees husband, actually being innocent and helping her and leaves, husband gets angry and takes it out on her.
All she could think was that she hoped no one found them. She had worked so hard to shed the stigma of being assaulted by locals every time she was on a dig. And here was a local about to force her to have sex with him. Maybe she really was cursed, although if no one found them, or if someone came in right then it would not be an issue, she could handle her pay back by her self.
Before he even reached her she had taken the breakables out of her pockets and set them aside. She knew this routine quite well.
Noi approached her and snatched her arm, spinning her around he pressed her up against the hip high block of ice that was her ticket back to a good job.
Holding one arm behind her back he brought the other one up underneath her shoulder, preventing her from fighting back.
He grabbed a hold of her long sleeved sweater and yanked at over her head. Using it to keep her arms occupied while he worked on her jeans.
Noi was obviously not one for subtlety, going straight for her pants with no preamble.
He had trouble with the small button on her snow pants and decided that ripping them would be faster.
The tearing sound of the fabric seemed to echo inside the enclosed space of the room.
After he had opened them enough to pull them down to her thighs he stopped, not removing them all the way.
He then took the arms of her sweater and tied them together, stopping her from flailing with them. Not that Coyotka would at this point. Whether she wanted him or not, she had been in a room with 9 other females for several months, unable to quench any of her hormone driven lusts. And here was a male forcing her to fuck him, as was her secret fetish. She could not have refused him now if she wanted to.
After securing her sweater he thrust his hands under her bra to cup her modest bust. She gasped; the room itself was cold, causing her nipples to already be standing at attention, yet Noi's hands were colder and their temperature caused her feminine mounds to ache just slightly. His rough treatment of her breasts did not help their aching, he palmed them as though they were not attached to a living person, squeezing and rubbing harder than he would have when normally making love.
Coyotka couldn't restrain a moan, part pleasure part discomfort. He was not really hurting her, it was just uncomfortable. Not the way she would prefer to make love. But for a forced coupling it was appropriate.
As he played with her breasts he also leaned over her and with his larger German shepherd muzzle, nibbled all along the side of her neck. Again he did this slightly to hard for pleasure alone. It was obvious that he did this for his own release and thought nothing of her enjoyment.
Tiring of the moderate foreplay, Noi reached one of his cold hands down to the heat emanating from between her thighs, the cream fur of the inside of her legs already damp with expectation. Again the temperature difference caused her to issue an "EEP!" of surprise, her pussy clenching in reaction to the cold thing that was touching it's exposed folds.
Grinning a bit in malicious enjoyment of her surprise, Noi relentlessly ran his fingers around the outside edge of her labia, causing Coyotka to cringe and squirm away from his questing fingers.
"You're not getting away from me until I'm finished." He growled.
He pushed her down at the waist, bending her over the ice block. Her rump was forced up in the air and Noi grabbed her tail to pull her rear up even higher. He slid his fingers under the band of her underwear, grabbing the elastic and ripping them off her now shivering frame. This of course was a might painful as her pussy was aroused by this point and her inner self was open to the world, more specifically the inside of her panties.
Noi didn't bother with any more preliminaries, he slid of his own snow pants to reveal a monstrous erection. Coyotka took a moment to marvel at any women who would leave a man wit ha tool this big, but then she remembered that the guy attached to the dick was an ass. Coyotka snorted at her own unintentional pun. Noi thought she was being derogatory about his man hood and growled at her.
The German shepherd pushed down on the upper part of her back, causing her rear end to lift up to what he considered a good thrusting position.
He then lined up his 8' cock with her womanhood, brushing the crimson pointed tip lightly along the ruffled folds of the feminine sex. For that was how he saw her, a pussy to screw and nothing more.
In one hard thrust he hilted his large erection inside of her, the force pushing her forward a bit on the ice block.
Coyotka let out a "YIP!" of surprise and strain. She had taken men bigger than this before but she was 3 months out of practice and needed more time for her snatch to adjust to the cock that was filling it. Not only was he long but he was big around as well, she didn't really have the mind set to think about just how big around he was at the moment, but it was enough.
In and out he thrust, pulling her back by her hips to add more power to his movements.
The only sounds that could be heard were the repetitive "Slap Slap Slap" of mating flesh and the almost continuous drone of "Hnn Hnn Hnn" from Coyotka. Every time he thrusted in she let out an exclamation, not so much a moan or shout but a releasing of air to somewhat cushion the blow.
He was long, very long but not long enough to hit her womb and for this she was thankful, she had once had an encounter with some wild horse men off the coast of South America. Coyotka had not walked normally for weeks after that, and the feeling of having a male jam his cock that far into her body was not a pleasant one.
Just when Coyotka thought she was getting used to his size, even start to enjoy this a little bit, he pulled out. She tried to turn around to look at him but found she could not. The sweat from her exertions had dripped down her breasts, and onto her nipples. Unfortunately for her, her warm damp nipples had been pressed into the ice block with Noi's thrusting and downward pushing. The heat from her nipples had melted a little of the ice, which had refrozen and stuck her to the block, not unlike sticking one's tongue to a light post during winter.
This pulled a bit and she stopped trying to turn around. If she had been able to she would have seen that Noi's cock was still hard, and that his canine knot was growing. Not wanting to accidentally impregnate the coyote (not knowing she always took birth control to prevent this) the dog had pulled out. However, he wanted her to feel shame, and a little emotional pain from this, he had already discovered that she enjoyed his rape and that had disheartened him. But he thought he knew how to salvage his plan for a modicum of vengeance.
After pulling out he started to rub his cock, wet with the mixture of his pre ejaculate and her own seminal fluids, over the entrance to her ass.
This brought Coyotka up short. She was not a huge fan of anal; it was nice every now and then but certainly not in this situation, and certainly not with this jerk.
She attempted to crawl across the top of the block but her chest was still stuck fast, and her grabbed her rear before she was even out of reach of his cock.
Before she could attempt to escape again Noi rammed hard forward and drove his meat half way into her still puckered rear end.
"AIIEEE!" She cried, if her pussy was out of practice then her ass was out of the game. It had been at least a year since anything had probed her rectum other than a sanitary device.
Half way was not good enough for Noi, he could feel his knot growing and did not want to let this annoying women escape her comeuppance, or maybe he should say CUMuppance.
Again he used her tail for leverage, this time he pulled hard enough that it was beginning to get sore and she would have told him to stop if this had been a normal one-night stand. But it wasn't so she didn't even bother. Not that she would have thought to do so with his cock so deep in her ass.
With one last pull and thrust he hilted in her, Coyotka's teeth were bared in a grimace of strain. Once again it didn't hurt much but the unaccustomed strain on her rear was not conducive to her pleasure.
Noi didn't care; at that moment all he cared about was the fact that his knot was just inside the ring of her ass. He began to hump back and forward rapidly, using the little amount of play with the length behind his shaft to move his sensitive organ around in the tight confines of Coyotka's rear end.
His knot made her cringe again, it was thankfully not THAT much bigger than the rest of his penis, but the rapid gyrations were enough to unstuck her nipples and that actually felt good enough to take her mind of the abuse her rear was taking.
Noi didn't last long within the confines of her ass, he climaxed powerfully but, surprisingly for a man of his size, without much force, his balls merely drizzled into her rear and his knot went down almost immediately.
: No stamina: Coyotka thought to herself. He pulled out and let her stretched ass start to shrink back to it's normal size, he took some enjoyment out of seeing his spunk drip from her sphincter and then put his cloths on and left without another word to her.
what he didn't know was that Coyotka had already planned her revenge for his prior conduct towards her. he would soon be getting on a cruise liner for what he thought was an all expense paid trip around the north pole, the only catch he knew about was that he had to be a stripper for "A bunch of hotties that like to kiss each other." What Noi didn't know was that Coyotka knew people that worked for the cruise line, and they had forgotten to mention the fact that the hotties were men and that it was a cruise exclusively for homosexual men. She had the photo of his face when he jumped out of the cake wearing nothing but a thong bikini bottom into a room full of gay men, framed and resting on her mantle.
Coyotka raised her self and began to clean up, holding her anus open so that his semen would leak out faster and not seep through her pants. That jerk hadn't even gotten her to a place where it would be worth her time to masturbate. She was just hot and bothered enough to be uncomfortable but not enough to risk doing anything about it. Putting her cloths back on, some of them with large sticky patches on them, she walked out and back to the women's bathroom to change.
What neither of them knew however, was that their entire encounter had been observed (unwittingly) by another person.
Coyotka drained the rest of her stale coffee and rubbed her eyes, after a while the computer screen just started to phase into the same, whitish looking blur. It had been 4 months since she had had her encounter with Noi, she had returned to England to make use of the British museum's facilities to analyze the bits and pieces that made up Bob's life back in the 10th century. But most of her attempts at this had failed. Either she could not extract a pure sample because the ice would contaminate it on the way out. Or her samples yielded little information that was useful. She was almost at her wit's end with this problem. She was beginning to think that she would have to break down and thaw bob out if she was going to get any answers. Add to that that she was basically out of a job in the next month. The museum was cutting back all of the new staff due to financial strain, and even though she was a valued member she was still new, and that meant that she was first up to go.
As she was taking a break her computer blipped to the room at large, informing her that she had a new email.
It turned out to be from Geno, she was living in Mexico city and was asking if Coyotka could come back to the Americas to visit.
Sighing he started typing her reply. She would LOVE to come visit but she was losing her job and needed to find a new one soon or she would end up back in the tourist trade.
A while later her computer blipped again.
As Coyotka read the message she jumped up and shouted in glee, her glasses nearly falling off her head in the process.
Geno asked why she didn't tell her she needed a job! Geno's distant uncle was head of the Mexican institute of archeology and would be happy to hire Coyotka there at her currant salary of course. And they are more than equipped enough to handle you frozen cave man. She added at the end.
Chuckling a bit at her friend's bad joke, Coyotka shut down the computer to go and make the arrangements for Bob's transfer. The museum wouldn't be happy, but they should have thought of that before they fired her.
Coyotka loved Mexico City, it was warm, fairly dry and there was NO chance of a sex crazed leaf wearing local jumping out of a bush and raping her...drat.
That downside aside it was heaven, her biology was made for these warmer climes and she enjoyed being back in them
Her office was large and Bob was in a state of the art facility where he would eventually be thawed for examination. His secrets would eventually belong to her.
This was her first day, more of an official orientation than anything but still required by the institution.
Her walk around ended with the room Bob was being kept. His ice-shrouded form was on top of a table that had heating and cooling elements embedded in it. This allowed them to adjust the temperature when ever and how ever they wanted to. A Dr. Halencia told her that she would be in charge of the thawing process to which Coyotka politely denied, Coyotka, and only Coyotka would over see the thawing of her iceman. He was always there when she had been frustrated over something; even back in the dig he had been there she just hadn't known it.
They would begin the thawing later that week and Coyotka would oversee it. She had not gone through all the hassle with the British museum to get him to come with her to simply let some one she didn't know release him from the block of frozen water.
After the others left, early for the day seeing as it was a Friday, she remained behind with Bob.
"I wish you could just tell me yourself bob, I wish I could just see into the past and know what you knew. That would make things so much easier. Well, no use crying over milk that was never there eh? I've got to go now, Geno is taking me to a rave to celebrate my new job, don't worry though, I'll be back on Monday and we'll thaw you out and cu you open to look at your guts! Muwahahahaha!"
Coyotka couldn't help the laugh, telling someone frozen in ice not to worry etc. etc .etc was just so corny; it belonged in the realm of spy movies exclusively. Coyotka looked at the clock to see how much more time she had left before she had to meet with Geno, and received quite a shock.
"Oh no1 I'm late to meet up with Geno and I still have to change!"
As she was leaving the room she reached and flipped the light switch off. However, due to budget constraints at the time of it's construction, the controls for the temperature elements were located right next to the light switches, and not very well marked.
Coyotka, in her sudden rush to leave it both sets of switches, activating the heating elements on the table, causing the ice to start melting at a very rapid rate. As it started to melt a pair of eyes observed it's process, greedily awaiting the moment it was melted enough for the eye's owners to claim their prize.
By the time Coyotka was just leaving the building, the ice block was empty.
Coyotka had never really liked places like this rave house; it was filled with to many people and to much music. Geno however gravitated to such environments, her natural sexuality seeming to heighten the mood of even the most erotic of parties.
Coyotka wore a simple mini skirt of black with a fishnet top over w white muscle T shirt. She had tied only one glow stick to her left wrist and was spending most of her time at the bar.
Geno had made a concession in her dress for the night, she had worn underwear.
Other than that she was in her usual provocative dress, a tank top of white with shorts so short you could plainly see said undergarments. She left them unbuttoned and unzipped and only held them up with suspenders over her shoulders. She had glow sticks on every limb, including one tied to her long feline tail.
"Come on girl, come out onto the dance floor and find yourself a guy, you are in serious need of some meat right now."
Said the sex soaked feline, shaking the tip of her be'glowed tail over the top of her head for emphasis.
"Nah, that's ok, I'm happy here for now, but don't let me stop you, you barracuda, have at em!"
Geno bared her teeth and looked at the shirtless male population of the dance floor with a predatory gleam in her eye, she looked at the coyote and gave the canine her best growl. Sauntering out with her assets in almost plain view, she began to gyrate to the beat of the music, instantly surrounded by a group of Equine males that coped a feel whenever they could.
As much as she might have liked to, Coyotka just didn't feel up to a wild party tonight. Her thoughts kept drifting to what she didn't have, a steady relationship. She didn't even have to be in love with someone, she just wanted someone to be there and care for her. s but right then she just wanted to make it back to the house she was sharing with Geno before the spotted cat brought home a line of cock swinging males that wouldn't let her get any sleep. She spent another 20 minuets at the bar before deciding to go home. Paying for her drinks she got up from her stool and walked towards the entrance.
As she passed it she saw Geno, her shorts pulled down around her ankles, sitting down in between to of the horses, who were lying on their backs with their heads facing away from each other. It took Coyotka's mind a moment to register that she was seeing Geno, sitting down on two horse cocks, one in her pussy and one in her ass, with a look of utter bliss plastered across her features. Her mouth was open and her tongue was hanging out, her eyes were closed and she was emitting a low groaning moan every time she used her legs to stand back up of the long poles of horseflesh. As she stood the horse cock just kept appearing out of her nether region, it just kept coming and coming. Coyotka was beginning to worry about her friend's health when finally she saw the edge of one of the flared penises pop out of Geno's ass. Taking that as her cue, Geno then let her supporting legs relax and her body dropped back down the spires of manhood with a muffled screech.
Once she landed another horse thrust his dick near her face and she promptly snagged it and stuck it into her mouth to suck on.
All the while her tail was ticking back and forth above her head, it's glow stick swinging this way and that with her gyrations.
It struck Coyotka that some of Geno's other glow sticks seemed to be missing.
: Best not to think about where they might be: She told her self. :
Walking past the orgasmic feline, she opened the double doors and stepped, unsteadily, into the Mexican night. She was drunk, and she was right. However, she still thought she could find her way back to Geno's house, and in that she was very wrong.
Not more than a block down the twisting winding Mexico City back streets and she was lost, already sighted as pray by those who stalked such areas. She was more danger that normal, these would not simply leave after they were done with her, they might keep her or kidnap her or one of many other horrific things that just then popped into her head.
She started running, and promptly tripped and fell on her nose, rolling over with a swollen lip to show for her efforts at escaping what she knew to be behind her.
Sure enough there stood a man in his early thirties, a wicked look on his face and a bulge in his pants. She started to scream, she had a fetish yes, but this was to far.
He clamped his hand over her mouth. Instantly her sensitive nose was filled with the smell of chili and flour.
She felt his hands dropping down underneath her skirt and clenched everything as hard as she could, but the man suddenly stopped. She opened her eyes to see him blindly staring behind her, his face lax with shock and awe.
Craning her neck she could just barely make out a shape in the alley behind her, her angle did not allow her to get a good look at whoever it was. Perhaps Geno had come looking for her?
"Geno? Is that you?"
The answer to that question was an emphatic no. what stepped out into the meager light from the street light at the end of the alley was not her slight, female feline friend. It was instead something out of myth and memory.
She recognized him instantly but even then she could not believe her eyes.
The man that was holding her leapt to his feet and beat them in a hasty retreat down the alleyway.
"Bob? What are you doing here not frozen?" she asked a bit owlishly, blinking at the 7ft spectacle of Viking muscle. He looked just as he had when locked in the ice, big and slightly menacing. Who was she kidding, at this moment Bob could have scared Freddy out of his gym shorts.
He walked up to stand next to her, his funeral mask still in place, she thought he was looking down at her prone form.
"Hei ulv jente, jeg vet du er redd, men jeg trenger å vite hvor jeg er. dette stedet er veldig forvirrende, og du er den eneste personen jeg kjenner til å spørre."
This bombardment of language was delivered in a deep resonating voice. She didn't have a clue what he was talking about, probably asking where the nearest church was so he could go out for a night of pillaging.
She didn't know how this was happening but she knew that if they didn't get off the street soon they wouldn't be around to figure it out.
Grabbing the wall to support her self, Coyotka beckoned the hulking man to follow her.
After an uneventful and somewhat long route back home, Coyotka's head had cleared somewhat. There was just no way he could actually be here. Being frozen for that long should have killed him, there was no way this was a case of cryogenic preservation.
But before she could delve into that mystery she needed to be able to talk to him.
She led the Norse man inside her temporary home and gestured that he sit on her couch while she looked for something in the mountain of boxes that occupied her bedroom.
To her surprise he sat, patiently with out pillaging the living room, honestly she would have expected it but he seemed to be on good behavior. He simply sat there looking around the room and stretching his legs. And such nice legs he had...
No! She needed to focus and not let her drunken horniness get in the way. This was science!
She finally found what she was looking for, the translation thing that Doctor Fulpa had given her back in Norway.
She strapped it to her arm and set it to two way communication.
"Ok now say what you said earlier again?"
The machine beeped and began to ramble off in what she assumed was Norwegian. The man instantly perked up and began speaking rapid fire again. After a few minuets of speech he stopped and the unit began repeating what he had said.
"Ye gods! What amazing witchery exists here, tell me wolf women, in what country are we that build their homes so tall that that scrape the stars them selves? I am apologize for my ignorance but I knew of you only from my time spent in the ice."
Coyotka was shocked; he remembered things from his time in the ice? Had he been aware for the last 1,000 years? She asked him this question.
"No, I remember being hurled over the side of my brother's long ship, and then I remember your face swimming out of the blackness. Please lady, tell me where I am, I must needs contact my brother."
"I don't know how to tell you this, but it's been about a thousand years since you fell over board. Your family is all dead you were trapped in ice when I found you. It's a miracle you're even alive at all."
"Oh, well, then that makes things simpler I suppose."
How can you say that? Your family is dead, shouldn't you mourn them or something?"
"No, my family was trying to have me killed, I don't feel the over whelming urge to mourn them."
"Oh, well, that makes senses then. My name's Coyotka by the way, and I'm a Coyote not a wolf."
"A pleasure lady Coyotka, my name is Rolf. So, I am 1,000 years past my time?"
"I'm afraid so, oh I'm so sorry, I thought you were dead and I was drilling holes in you to try and se what you had eaten last. Do they hurt?"
she said, just then noticing the small bloody holes in his side.
"Not really, they are small wounds and nothing to fret over."
"Oh, well ok then."
There then passed an awkward silence, what does one say to a 10th century Viking raider that finds himself in modern day Mexico City? Coyotka didn't know and that's for sure.
"So, I am too tired, and you seem to drunk to attempt to understand my circumstances tonight. Shall we sleep on the situation and find a solution in the morning?"
Coyotka blinked, he was very well spoken for a ruthless sacker of churches and raper of women. That brought up an entirely new train of thought in her mind but she quashed it. He was handling his new situation very well and she didn't want to upset him with a sexual advance.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea Rolf, can you fit on the couch here?"
"Ma'am, I have slept on beds that were not as soft as this, I will manage somehow."
"Ok then, well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
"Very well then, Mani guard your dreams."
"Mani, there, outside the window, she shines her light on us even now." He said, pointing to the moon.
"Oh, yeah ok, you too. Good night."
"Pleasant night."
Coyotka stood there for a moment. Now that he was here she realized that she had been having fantasies about him for a while now, most of them involving her being kidnapped by him and taken away on his Viking ship. But now that he was here she found that he was quite nice. Considerate and polite, he was even concerned about her when he was stuck in a time frame he knew nothing about.
"Why do you wear a mask? We thought it might have been for a funeral but you say you didn't expect to die."
"Oh well, it is a trifle embarrassing truthfully." He said, turning his head away from her and scratching the back of his head.
"It is...was a custom in my village for the men to done a mask on their 13th winter and not remove until they were married. I fell into the sea before I married, meaning I was not allowed to take my mask off."
"I see, and how old were you when you were frozen?"
"I had seen 20 winters."
Instead of going to sleep they stayed up, both sitting on the couch and talking, he asking questions of the intervening time and she asking about him and his time.
They talked long into the night, by the time Coyotka looked at the clock it read 3:34AM.
She only then realized that it was going to be an interesting day on Monday when everyone showed up and Rolf was not in his ice block. But she much preferred his company outside the ice to inside. He was kind and had a good sense of humor, though many jokes were lost in the time translation.
She stood up to go to bed, and stretched her back, popping the joints in a satisfying way. When she looked back to Rolf she found him looking away from her, his hand back to scratching his head. She looked back down to see that her miniskirt, which she had failed to change out of, was bunched around her hips. This gave the erstwhile Viking an unobstructed view of her panties. Coyotka's face flared crimson, the white on her muzzle turning pink with all the color.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look, it's just that you are very attractive, and you saved me from the ice and...oh I don't know, this is why I never was married, I am horrible with romance. You probably hate me now, I can understand why, a man you don't really know peaking up your skirts. I apologize lady Coyer-Coya-coyo-Hmph!"
She ended his flustered speaking with a kiss, his lips were a might awkward for her canine muzzle to reach but she more than managed.
"Call me Coya."
"Yes Coya."
After that she threw her self at him, ripping off her cloths as fast as she could. He took longer than she did due to the amount of layers he still had to contend with.
As he was removing the last of the covering on his legs she reached over and lifted the mask from his face, revealing the short blond beard and somewhat harsh face of her soon to be lover.
"We aren't married, but I don't think you need to wear this anymore."
He merely nodded, his eyes of sky blue locked with her own cerulean orbs.
He removed the last of his clothing and she was amazed at the site that was revealed.
He was not large for his body size; in fact he might have been on the small end of things were he a normal sized man. But he was 7ft plus and this added size to certain things.
He was around 9 inches from base to tip; already aroused she could get an accurate estimate. A little over 2 and a half inches in diameter if she was any judge. She had taken larger but not comfortably, that was Geno's expertise. He was just right at what she had established as her comfort zone. She was about to reach down and start the fun when his hand stopped her.
"Allow me please." He said, not demanding but with authority all the same.
She nodded and he spun her around so that she was facing the same direction he was. Putting his hands on her ass, he lifted her effortlessly and set her on his crossed legs in front of his raging erection. She could feel it bobbing against her back until he tucked it under his leg to stop it from getting in the way.
Her first thought was that that must hurt, and then she melted.
He started on her shoulders and worked his way around her neck and down her back. Once he got to her lower back he stopped and had her get up to lie face down on the couch. He then went to work on her butt and thighs, never forgetting to put a squeeze on her tail now and then.
He worked his way all the way down to her footpads, rubbing forcefully into the pads of her toes.
The entire time the room was filled with Coos and moans of pleasure. It was hard to walk in shoes sometimes; her feet were almost always sore at the end of the day.
Coyotka didn't have a foot fetish but she found she enjoyed the massage the most when he worked the tension out of said appendages.
When he was done she turned over partially, trying to look as sexy as possible and batted her eyes at him.
"The Swedish massage has got nothing on you boy. Now come here, you've got me all riled up now."
She rolled over and pulled him closer to her, reaching down she grabbed the pole of his erection and gave its underside a lick from balls to tip. She found the salty taste intriguing, but the reason she did it again was because she enjoyed the way he had shuddered when she did it.
Using her long canine tongue, she wrapped it around his cock as much as she could and began to bob up and down with her head cocked to the side.
She looked up and saw that he was watching her with a look of wonder on his face, as though he didn't believe someone would do this for him. She also noticed that he kept his ands away from her head, even though she knew he wanted to grab the back of it for leverage.
: Someone talked to him: she thought, women didn't like to have their heads held onto when giving head. It made them feel uncomfortable like they might choke if the man wasn't careful.
The fact that he was keeping his hands off her when she was going down on him gave him big points in Coyotka's book.
She stopped with the tongue bath and popped the tip of his penis into her mouth; using all the suction power available to her she started sucking on his member like it was a straw.
He hunched over a little bit but still kept his hands free of her head.
He then began making grunting noises every time she sucked down.
It was that that told her he was enjoying the treatment.
Stopping, she gave his cock one final lick then stood up and bent her self over the arm of the couch. She reached back between her legs and lightly pinched the already exposed lips of her sex, spreading the apart just slightly she gave him an open invitation.
Rolf took it, but not in the way she was expecting. She thought he would go right for the glory but instead she felt his tongue on the inside of her thigh.
Gasping lightly at the sensory perception, she still pinched her self-open with both hands. It took Rolf far longer than she would have liked to make it to her mound, but she enjoyed every second of it.
When he finally did make it she was sopping with anticipation, rivulets of feminine juice running down the cream of her thighs. She had laid the translator nearby in case they needed to communicate but no words were needed at this point. Rolf ran his tongue around the very edge of her opening, teasing her still, but then suddenly he thrust his tongue along the upper edge of her passage. Running it around on the wall of her pussy and making her let loose with squeak of excitement, then a moan of appreciation.
After a bit of this exploration he began to pull back, only to lean forward and gently bite one of her petals in his teeth and tug on it lightly.
All the muscles in her body tensed and she had her first orgasm, small compared to those she would endure later in the night but large after months of inactivity.
Her juices squirted just slightly from her pussy, a few drops hitting him on the cheek. He made no motion to wipe them off.
Getting to his knees and then sitting he motioned her over to him again. She knew he planned for this teasing to go on longer but she decided that they had both had enough of that for the time being. While he was sitting his still throbbing erection was standing almost straight up in the air. The image of Geno sitting on those stallions flashed to Coyotka's mind and she was in action. Grabbing his penis in her hand, she pushed him over so he was lying on his back; she then held his cock straight up and aimed it for her still needy pussy.
Looking at his eyes, still blue and waiting for her to make the move, she gently lowered her self until the head of his dick barely parted the folds of her pussy. Enough to make sure he was not going to slip out. Then, taking a deep breath, Coyotka put on hand on the couch and then relaxed her legs.
Her pussy, already lubricated from her orgasm, slid down his shaft without a glitch. However the feeling this generated for the both of them was intense enough that it made them both shout.
He was long enough to touch her womb but not penetrate it thankfully. She felt stretched in a good way, her walls already expecting something to grip after her earlier release.
She sat on his lap for a moment, his rod buried deep inside her tummy made her feel content. Perhaps if this worked she could convince him to try a little role-playing? But that was a question for later. Now was a time for passions.
She slowly slid her self up his cock, feeling her petals grip him and be slid out from the protection of her mound by the suction.
When he had almost slipped out she dropped back down, this time feeling those same lips get sucked back inside their protective area inside her body. It was delicious.
This process continued for many minuets, Rolf gritting his teeth to keep from cuming to soon. Coyotka had orgasmed two more times since he had actually penetrated her.
She was quite tired by now, but refused to stop until Rolf was done as well.
Rolf, realizing that she was tiring, stopped attempting to hold it in and instantly felt his climax rise.
Grunting was all he could manage before he started shooting inside her. The feeling of his seed splashing and coating her inner walls set Coyotka off again, this time on a full fledged screaming ride of orgasmic induced bliss. When they were both done the collapsed to the floor, Coyotka resting her head on Rolf's shoulder, both of them fell asleep almost immediately, their mixed climaxes oozing out from around Rolf's softening cock and Coyotka's snatch.
They were awakened a few hours later by the sounds of Geno in the house. Before Coyotka could formulate a plan Geno opened the door and saw them, sticky and red in the face. Not an unobservant girl, Geno also saw the discarded cloths that belonged to Rolf.
"Girl, I think you have some serious explaining to do."
Several months later.
Coyotka wiped the sweat from her brow, the intense heat of the South American jungle seeming even more oppressive when the sun actually beat it's rays down upon you.
She took the canteen from her side and took a long drink from the lukewarm water.
She was unaware that her actions were being watched.
A few minuets of rest later and she was ready to get back to work and relieve her partner on the dig.
As she was calling down to tell them to come up however, 8 short dog men with brown fur and black painted designs on the bodies leapt from the scrub.
They wore masks of leaves around their heads and sported eager erections to a one. It was obvious what their intentions were, and a year ago Coyotka would have been afraid. Now however all she did was look back into the 4 foot deep hole and whistle to make her self heard above the rushing native whoops and yells.
The Dog men, thinking her helpless and alone paid it no mind. There were 8 of them after all; even if the female had a companion they would still have what they desired.
Their attitudes changed rather abruptly as a tall blond headed mountain raised it's self from the pit. He was about as tall as them when standing in the hole, but when he put a foot on the lip of the site and hoisted himself up it was plain to see that he towered over them like nothing else ever had.
Needless to say their erections lost their eagerness rather quickly at the sight of his glare.
They turned around and fled back into the jungle at a much quicker pace then they had exited, tails between legs both in the proverbial sense and in reality.
"Thank you honey, I always did wonder what would happen if a Viking met an Aztec, now I know!"