Furside - Chapter 12, Too Much Technology, Not Enough Life

Story by BigFurryMonster on SoFurry

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#12 of Furside

Dexter sat hunched over a keyboard as he always did. He was a hare. His gray fur was a little shabby and the button-down white shirt and khaki pants he wore were so disheveled he could have been mistaken for a hobo on the side of the street. His glasses reflected the monitors before him hiding the hazel eyes beneath. He was a little on the heavy side but he had been on a diet recently. A run of his fingers through his close cropped brown hair didn't make it look any better.

His eyelids drooped as he tried hard to stare at the screen. It was past midnight but he was still working, each time he used the scroll wheel on his mouse lines of code would whiz past his vision causing the need to blink and right himself. He'd been working on this particular project for months now; it was for the government and tomorrow was his big day. His program was going to be unveiled. It wasn't a key system but it was part of a whole that would revolutionize modern warfare. He had read and reread the code he'd written over and over again making sure each bracket was in the right place and every single word was correctly spelled. He'd already found two errors during his search but this was his final read through.

With a drawn-out sigh he finally ran the compiler so he could package the program for delivery. As it started he leaned back and shut his eyes. Something caught his attention though; the light in his daughter's room was on. She was usually asleep by now. Arching an eyebrow he leaned forward again and used the KVM on his desk to switch computers. He had four monitors on his desk with at least two computers connected to each one, this was his environment. The computer of his choice was a Linux-based open source network gateway, the computer that controlled everything going in and out of his home network including his daughter's machine.

Flipping through the logs he tapped his cheek. She was indeed on her laptop browsing the web, though his eyebrows rose as he read off the site. "What the hell is she doing on anonib?"

His heart sank for a moment, he knew what that website was for and there wasn't any other reason for his daughter to visit the site. Copying the full address she was frequenting was a hard thing for him to do and once he pasted it into the address bar of his browser he sat staring at it for a long time, wondering if he should just let it go or pursue the issue. A part of him wanted to be disgusted and not go and look but another part of him wanted to look just out of sheer morbid curiosity. Just because she was on the image board didn't mean she was really posting pictures of herself nude.

His debate ended as he hit the enter key on the blue illuminated keyboard sitting on the keyboard drawer of his desk. Dex had to look away and he found his eyes on the other three keyboards strewn across the large desk. After a few minutes he finally lifted his gaze, the first thing he saw was a picture of her, his beloved daughter. She was the spitting image of her mother, a rabbit, sitting on the floor with her chin to her knees with the camera close enough to just get the tips of her toes and the top of her head. Luckily she was clothed. As he scrolled down reading the messages various trolls and beggars were posting it felt as if his blood was going to boil over the top.

His mind told him to stop snooping into her business but his finger wouldn't leave the scroll wheel. Slowly he kept going until another picture crossed his vision. This one was of her standing over the camera looking down at it wearing nothing but a bra and panties, the pink lacy thong and bra combo that was her favorite. The picture caught her expression perfectly. From the downy-soft white fur that covered her body to the long red hair on her head and the haunting dark green of her eyes. Her curved and sensual body was out on display for every random stranger that passed. At first he felt anger, seething anger that turned sharply when he saw the next picture, her bra was off and she had draped her hand across both breasts.

Again he knew that he shouldn't continue but scrolling down was the only action he could do. The next picture was her with her arm removed. She had both hands behind her head and she was leaning against the wall of her room. As he continued looking she kept getting racier with each passing photo, she even began answering requests for the drooling idiots on the board. Her first answered request wasn't so bad; it involved her sucking on a lollypop. The next few were a little more explicit involving the lollypop and her tongue. One request was rather disgusting, he doubted she would put the sticky candy in her ass then back into her mouth so he just shook his head at the fools on the board.

Dex found himself continuing on and reading her posts and thoughts with each picture. Several times she mentioned the fact that she couldn't take certain pictures because she didn't have a boyfriend to take them for her. He was so wrapped up in viewing the site and her pictures that his voice startled him. "I'd take them."

"No, that's a horrid thing to say." He shook his head and sighed. He heard her door open and almost jumped out of his skin, spinning his chair around he crossed one leg over the other that was still on the floor and leaned back, pretending to be asleep. He deepened his breathing because he knew he snored by her accounts.

Out of one partially open eye he saw her poke her head around the corner then duck into the bathroom and then back into her room, all within visual range of him. She was wearing her favorite outfit again. After her door closed he turned around and kept scrolling, instinctively saving all of the pictures into a folder on his desktop. When he got to the end he noticed one of the requests had a timestamp ten minutes old. This one involved her taking off her bra and putting something between her breasts. He could only guess at what she was using out of the bathroom.

Every few minutes he would refresh the page as if he was one of her loyal followers. It was strange to him still but he couldn't help but wonder what she was going to do. About ten minutes later his refresh hit pay dirt. She had taken her brush out of the bathroom and placed the handle of it between her breasts. Dex knew she must have used a timer to get it right. Closing the site down he put his hand over his eyes and walked away from his desk, once he was a sufficient distance away his machine locked instantly because of a keychain he kept on his person at all times.

Passing Eva's room he lingered for a moment and stared at the light filtering underneath her door. He was startled when her door opened and she walked out wearing nothing but her panties. They both yelped loudly and she skittered back inside of her room, hiding behind the door. "Eva! I'm sorry I was just going to bed."

"God daddy you scared the crap out of me." She put a hand over her burning cheeks and giggled a little. "Sorry I thought you were still asleep in your chair."

"That's my fault." He smiled for a moment and stared at her, looking into her eyes trying to find something there.

"Daddy you can go to bed now." She said after a long uncomfortable silence.

"Oh, right sorry!" He replied as he walked toward his bedroom with images of her beautiful body dancing through his head. "Sorry baby."

"It's alright dad, you've been working hard and you get kinda spacey when you do that." She smiled at him and closed her door.

He heard her breathing heavily behind the door and a slight jarring told him she was leaning against it. He'd seen her in less before, he was her father. Dex remembered giving her baths when she was younger and then after that he remembered sitting in the bathroom with her while she was bathing because she wanted someone to talk to. But he had never looked at her in a sexual way before, which in itself was disturbing. She was his daughter and though she was over the age of consent for where they lived he was unsure whether it was his mind playing tricks on him or if he was suffering from lack of sleep. She had never been so skittish in front of him but apparently her escapades on the internet were making her a bit paranoid about being discovered.

Sleep was difficult for him, between tossing and turning all he could think about was her naked body. Everything seemed so surreal to him. He was a person she trusted above all else, maybe he was wrong to spy on her in the first place but he was just concerned about his daughter. She seemed to be keeping herself safe, she hadn't even revealed her full self yet.

Morning came with him still reeling about what he had uncovered. Regardless of how his mind felt he still found himself logging in and checking her thread in the morning. She had posted a few more images of her in various positions after he had gone to bed but she still had on her panties. Disturbingly enough he found himself wondering when she was going to get brave enough to take them off for the camera.


The unveiling of his program, so-to-speak, had gone over well and subsequently his work day had tapered off to his normal code surfing and bug smashing. Because the government was going to use his software he was getting quite a nice paycheck for that little project on top of his normal job. After long years of suffering through school and working for less than he was worth he had finally hit the top. Once he was done for the day his short drive home felt strange. Something had changed and he just couldn't face it.

When he walked into the door he knew instantly that she was home because he could hear the music playing in her room. He set down his laptop bag and headed for the computer room. Passing by her door he noticed that it was open just a little so he peered inside and looked around. At first he didn't see her but she walked past the door barely a few feet from him wearing a short pair of shorts and a white t-shirt. She was whistling and singing while she cleaned her room.

Deciding it would be best to leave her be, he turned around and headed to the room right across the hallway between her room and the bathroom. Once inside he sat down in his chair and closed his eyes, putting a hand over his face.

"Daddy?" He heard her melodic voice call to him from not far away.

Opening his eyes he smiled when he met her green pools, those lovely eyes she had inherited from her mother. She was beautiful; there was no doubt about it. "Yeah baby?"

"Don't keep me in suspense! How'd it go?" She smiled and leaned against the doorjamb. "Did they like it?"

"Oh the program? Yeah it went over well with my boss and supposedly everyone was satisfied." Dex knew she didn't know much about computers though he had tried to teach her she claimed it was way above her head. He knew better, she didn't care for the complexities of computers so she used them for her purposes and that was it. "End result is good money for us."

"Great, so are we going to celebrate?" The hopeful look on her face made him laugh. "I did promise you sushi when I was done didn't I?"

"Yup, you look tired though daddy. We can go tomorrow." She almost literally hopped over to him and planted a kiss on his cheek then scurried out of the room. "Get some rest daddy, you look like crap."

"Thanks." He said with a sarcastic tone as he watched her go. He noted mentally that he looked at her ass as she walked away more than anything else on her. "Don't worry, I'll take a short nap then we can go."

When she closed her door he logged back onto the image board and chastised himself yet again as he clicked on the bookmark to her thread. She had updated it with a few more shots of her clothed. He wondered what was wrong with him as he saved those to his hard drive as well. It looked like she was having issues taking pictures solo because several of the shots were a bit sloppy. Wondering if he was insane he put his hands on the keyboard and began typing.

‘You know if you need someone to help you take pictures I can assist you.' He typed into the chat box and hit send before he knew what he was doing. Putting his hand over his face he sighed and hit refresh after waiting for a minute or two. She had replied. ‘As much as I'd like to say yes my dad would kill me if he found out what I was posting on the internet let alone if I let someone else take them.'

"Good girl." He said softly, nodding his head a bit. Satisfied that she was being safe about her internet usage like he had taught her and he moved the mouse, hovering over the big X in the corner of his browser window.

‘Okay then, I have a request. I want to see a picture of you with something in your mouth, like a lollypop or something.' Dex hit send then automatically regretted it as he sat in his chair waiting for a reply. He heard her open her door and watched her walk across his field of vision into the kitchen wondering what she was up to. When she went by again he spied her holding on to something just before she closed the door back. Her next post was a picture of her, sure enough, with a lollypop in her mouth. The ones that followed were of her licking and sucking on it as if it was the most tasty thing in the world. "Oh boy."

He ended up entering a private chat room with her and talking with her for at least two hours or more. During this time he learned things about her that he never knew. Her likes and dislikes, her favorite food, even things about her life and their relationship he didn't know. As he read on she told him about how she felt a little neglected because he was so intense into his work. Dex felt his heart sink and his chest get heavy.

"God I never knew." He lamented, his fingers hovering over the keyboard.

Dex glanced toward her room and wondered what to type next, she was expecting a reply. She was waiting patiently for him and as he was formulating a response he began to think about what he was doing again. Before he could stop himself he was requesting another picture of her, without her panties.

Fearing he had scared her off he sighed and began typing until he saw her reply. There was a file attached and his mind rebelled against his fingers for a fleeting moment but he couldn't stop himself. Double clicking on the picture was the easy part; the hard part was between his legs almost instantly. She was standing against the wall with her hands covering her vagina, she was obviously embarrassed.

‘You're so beautiful, I love you.' He found himself typing. Her reply was startling, the flattery she was getting apparently made her feel good, he could tell by the way she was typing her responses. Something occurred to him then.

‘I have to go, something important.' He typed out and awaited her reply. She was sad to see him go but she said she understood. ‘Can we talk more later?'

He stood up once she agreed to that and walked toward the door of her room. It took a moment for him to gain the courage to knock on her door but he did. Inside he heard some shuffling, she was obviously still nude. "Honey?"

"Just a sec dad." She replied quickly then opened the door, peering outside. "Yeah?"

"I took a short one, want to go get some sushi baby girl?" Her face brightened and he smiled when she ducked back into the room to change. He wanted to spend more time with her, to make her feel loved again. "Hey we can go to a movie afterward if you want too."

"That sounds awesome dad!" She exclaimed, hopping up and down and clapping her hands.


Dinner and a movie, he wondered to himself if his mind was considering that a date or a father/daughter outing. He wasn't sure honestly but his mind was taking him to places he could never have imagined himself visiting. They had seen a movie of her choice and gone to dinner, he'd let her do most of the talking. She told him some of the things she had when he had been chatting with her but some of it she withheld. He wondered if it was because he was her father or if she just didn't think he'd care to hear it.

Once they'd gotten home she went straight to her room and logged onto the private chat room they had used earlier. She got to talking again about the evening they'd had and how wonderful it was that he had taken her out. That made Dex smile. Even though he knew he was violating a sacred trust it felt good to know she had someone to talk to that he could trust.

Could she? He paused for a moment and realized what the implications were. Could she really trust someone that would go behind her back and pretend to be a complete stranger only to gather information discreetly? Immediately he felt as if he needed to tell her, to come clean. Dex stood and walked over to her room, the door was slightly ajar so he peered inside. She wasn't at her computer but he could hear her shower going. Any other father would turn around and wait until she was done or call to her.

Instead of that he grabbed his digital camera and turned it on, stalking toward the bathroom as quietly as possible. The shower head was facing away from the bathroom door.

"Hey daddy?" She called loudly. "Can you get me my face wash? It's under the sink."

"Sure honey." He replied as he walked into the bathroom and rummaged through the cabinet underneath the sink. Once he found it he poked his hand through the back of the shower curtain to hand it to her. "Here you go."

"Thanks." She replied, taking it from him.

The perfection of the moment was complete; he waited for a minute until he heard her open up the container. Peering through the side of the curtain he was thankful her eyes were closed. His heart was racing and his adrenaline was high as he started taking pictures of her from the front and the back. He even made sure to get a really close up shot of her crotch when she turned around. All without her knowledge, he had to hold the camera a certain way so it wouldn't get wet in the spray of water. Once he had taken a few pictures he crept out of the bathroom as silently as possible and returned to his room holding his prize.

The thrill started to dissipate but not before he got another idea. Returning to her room he logged into her laptop and started installing a program, it was a security program that would utilize the webcam that was in the top half of the bezel of her laptop right above the screen. He could turn it on and off when he wanted and have it record to one of his hard drives; he could even view a live stream. He finished just as she turned off the shower and began stepping out. Luckily he closed the door back just as she was striding back into the room.

Putting a hand over his chest he breathed heavily and returned to the computer room. It didn't take much for him to activate the camera and start recording. She was nude in her room using a towel to dry herself off. His pants stirred as she bent over to dry off her legs, giving the camera a damn fine view of her goodies. She was so beautiful Dex found it remarkable he wasn't drooling all over the keyboard.

Noticing that the chat windows was still open on her end too he began typing; asking her what she was doing and wondering if he could get pictures. On one screen he watched her approach the computer and admired her breasts as she typed a response. She agreed to send pictures. A smile crossed his face when she sat down in front of the laptop and positioned the camera in the right spot. He arched his eyebrow in curiosity when she spread her legs and then realized what she was doing. Dex couldn't help but record as he watched her masturbate via the webcam.

Her fingers danced playfully across her lips and she snapped picture after picture of her body as she leaned back and moaned. Dex found himself standing and walking toward her door. Once he was there he put his hand on the knob and turned it lightly, opening the door. He knew that on his screen in the computer room he could be seen walking up behind her. He knew that this was wrong but he couldn't stop himself.

As he sat behind her and put his arms around her she yelped in surprise and leaned against his chest, looking up at him with surprise. That look didn't change when he reached down and pulled her hand away from her pussy, replacing it with his own. His fingers were thick but they were dexterous from years of typing. Using the tip he traced a line around her virgin opening.

"Daddy what are you doing?" She cried out, squirming a little in his grasp. "Stop!"

"I've been watching you, looking at your pictures." He breathed into her ear. Dex felt her shiver and smiled, putting his lips close to the soft but sensitive skin inside. Her breathing was heavy and her resistance was fading away each time he touched her. Her whole body was shivering slightly but he couldn't tell if she was scared or if it was excitement. Using a single finger he pushed just the tip inside of her and pulled it back when she gasped.

"Lizzy I love you baby." He breathed softly and ran his finger around in circles on her quivering little clit. Her vagina was small and pink; it looked just like her mother's when they had first gotten together so many years ago. He knew she could feel his bulge against her ass and he didn't care, he grinded his hips against her as he slid his finger up and down between her lips, touching her as gently as he could in his excited state. It felt as if she was struggling again until he saw her legs twitch twice and then drop to the ground. "How'd that feel baby?"

"You just violated me, how do you think it felt?" She said sternly, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting. She looked so cute when she did that.

"Good apparently." He lifted his hand up and put his fingers close to her cute little pink nose. When she turned her face away he moved his hand again and then pushed it against her lips and inside of her mouth. Instinctively she suckled on his fingers and looked up at him with her beautiful green eyes. "That's a good girl."

"I'm so sorry I didn't give you enough attention, my work got me all caught up. But I love you baby and I'll never let anything stand in the way of that again." His words sounded so strange to him considering he was watching her suck her own juices off of his fingers. When he removed them she was silent and watching him with curious eyes. "You're my world; ever since your mother left I've had no one else but you."

"How long have you been watching me?" She asked quietly, looking down at the laptop. "This is you isn't it? The loving guy that's been talking to me and listening to my problems, that's you?"

"Yeah, it's me. I haven't been watching you long but I've built an archive of pictures of you." He pulled an RF remote from his pocket and smiled at her. "I just got a very nice recording of you too."

"Daddy!" She shouted, anger crossing her face. "You're a dirty man!"

"I never knew before." He leaned forward, pressing his chest against her back and kissed her neck lightly. "But I know now."

"Seriously, stop it." Her protest was pathetic and she knew it. "You can't do that!"

"I can, and I will." He replied, cupping his hands on her breasts. Her nipples were solid like stone and her body was quivering again. Dex squeezed them and kneaded them gently, using the tips of his fingers to pinch her nipples a little. When she moaned in response he could only smile. "I need some attention honey."

"What?" She sounded startled, as if knocked out of a stupor. "Daddy seriously, this is bad you could get in trouble."

"If you decide you want to tell on me." He replied quickly, sliding his fingers down her chest and across her flat stomach. Once he passed her navel he stopped and rested his fingers just between her legs, not really touching her sensitive are. "You don't want to do that do you?"

"No." She agreed, almost dejectedly and looked down at the floor. "This feels weird."

"Doesn't it feel good though?" He asked her as he slid his left hand lower and brushed the tips of his fingers against the hood of her vagina. He could almost feel her blushing as he watched her close her eyes and put a hand across her mouth to stop the moan from escaping her lips.

"Yes, I mean no!" She corrected quickly then tried to struggle away from him feebly. Liz didn't want him to know that he didn't want him to stop. Even though it felt strange to have him touch her in her private areas she liked it. "No!"

"I guess I'll stop then." It was a gamble but he took his hands away from her body and put them out to his sides. He smiled when she grabbed his hands again and put them down between her legs voluntarily. Dex grabbed her inner thighs and squeezed lightly, slowing massaging his way down toward her womanhood. "I need it baby."

She stood up obediently and laid down on the bed, her long red hair was laying luxuriously to the right side of her head and she had closed her eyes. Lying there on the blue comforter he had bought her years ago she looked like the perfect white contrast. Her curves had filled out very well and her body was toned from playing soccer when it was in season. He had to stand there and look at her for a long time.

"Daddy you're embarrassing me." She said through a bright red blush that was showing through her fur. Instinctively she covered her breasts and put a hand between her legs trying to display some sort of modesty.

"You're so beautiful, you remind me of your mother so much." He removed his grey polo shirt and discarded his khaki pants and boxers quickly. When her eyes hit his hard shining man meat they went wide and she looked up at his face then back down. He knew it was the first penis she had ever seen so he knelt next to her body. "You can touch it if you want."

"Okay." She replied, holding out her hand tentatively.

He couldn't help himself; he thrust his hips out and made a loud growling sound. When she jumped he could only smile and laugh, to which she blushed and slapped his thigh. Once their laugh was done she put her slim fingers around his shaft and tugged on it just a little. It felt good to have something other than his hand touch him. He let her explore his member for a moment before spreading her legs open and leaning his head forward.

She had a strong smell; it was sweet and a little musky. It was good, only serving to make him twitch involuntarily. Using his tongue he teased her slit a little and then sucked her clitoris into his mouth, wiggling his tongue against her just a little. She cried out and gripped the sheets, her eyes closed tight. Unable to control himself any further he crawled in between her legs and put his hands on either side of her head just above her shoulders. Before she could protest he lowered his head down and kissed her, sliding his tongue in between her lips. As he was kissing her he pushed the head of his cock just a little inside.

"Wait, condom!" She cried, pulling out of the lip lock forcibly. She reached into the drawer of her nightstand and gave him one of the condoms he had given her a while ago just in case she was with a boy.

Obligingly he put it on quick and resumed, putting his head against her tight little pussy. With a little effort he got the tip inside until she began scooting away and grunting. He followed her and steadied her by pushing down on her shoulders so she couldn't get away from him. Her eyes opened and she locked onto his gaze, he could see a little bit of worry but not much. With a light thrust he pushed the head inside and watched her tense a little, she was definitely a virgin; he could feel her hymen resisting him as he began sliding more inside. Once he was all the way in he finally felt it give way and she let out the breath she had been holding. "You okay honey?"

"Yeah, better now." She squeaked out, turning her bashful gaze away from him.

Once he was sure she was ready he pulled himself out of her and then thrust his throbbing meat back inside as far as it could go. He filled her to the brim and she wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him voluntarily now. Her muscles twitched and clenched down on him over and over again. Each time he was sure he was going to pop. He held off by trying to think about other things but she was so tight it wasn't working well.

Her voice was like a song when she cried out his name and her limbs went weak. Still he continued thrusting until he felt her body moving on its own. He sat back and pulled her onto his lap, letting her gyrating hips drive his jackhammer deep inside. She leaned her head back and opened her mouth wide, crying out unintelligibly with each thrust. Without a warning she shot back forward and pushed him back onto the bed, laying her hands on his chest she hopped up and down on his lap trying to impale herself as far as she could push it.

She turned herself around without taking him out and leaned forward, bucking her hips. As an afterthought he licked his thumb and slid it into her ass, pumping it slowly against her hard thrusting. Elizabeth hit the bed with her hands and bit down on his leg hard as she continued on. Without warning he felt himself climax and the condom filled so much that some was leaking out from the bottom. She didn't stop, his body twitched and protested against the continued friction but he didn't dare stop her. She leaned back again and pulled him out of her, lying against his chest. He could feel a stream of warm liquid soaking his lower half.

His eyes went wide as he realized she was squirting on him. Only a small amount of women in the world could do that. A grin crossed his features when she looked over at him, a silly expression on her face. "Oh my god I've never had an orgasm that big before. It feels like I just peed everywhere."

"No honey, you come how guys come." He licked her lips and smiled. "That's so fucking sexy."

"I hear that makes a lot of cash in the porn industry too." She finished his thought before he could do it himself. "I think we both know what we're going to use that extra server for now."