Chapter One: Starting with Something New

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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another boring day for me. Running around industrious jungle of skyscrapers

that we call Empire City, on the run from basically everyone.... Oh, right. I

might as well introduce myself. Well, you can just call me Ethan, a young man in

my early twenties, brown hair and eyes, and the ability to produce ice out of

my hands. Yeah, there's a whole story behind that. Then again, I'm romantically

involved with a fire breathing cat named Blaze, which is another story within



I mention that our world isn't really accepting of our relationship, and in

some cases we've had to run for our lives? Who am I kidding; can you even blame

us for falling in love with each other?


mind, I shouldn't even ask that. Well, not yet at the very least. Nyah, who am

I kidding, I'm just wasting time now, trying to explain something in a few

paragraphs, when I'd be better off writing out an entire story. (sighs) Here

goes nothing I suppose. Let's start off back to a few days before, prior to me

getting my cryokinetic abilities....

Station Square. A nice little city in such a big

world. A place that has fallen many times a victim to havoc and destruction caused

by events in the past, the most notable case being a time where a water

manipulating creature summoned by a mad doctor had nearly leveled the entire

city in a watery apocalypse. But that's in the past, and everyone now sees it

as nothing more than a bad dream. Today, a young man could be seen strolling

across the sidewalks of the bustling city, and at his side, a lavender-white

furred cat, wearing a purple cloak had followed close to him. Normally, they'd

hold hands or an arm over their shoulders, but for a lot of reasons, they just

acted like they were close friends.

But they were living in a day and age where the

relationship they possessed was highly frowned upon. And the two had

disciplined themselves from expressing their feelings in public. In private,

that was another story....

Ethan, as he had been named, had asked her "So,

what's the plan, Blaze?"

Since the two had shared a naturally stoic expression,

she had replied "Oh, I don't know, Ethan.... Well, ever since we came here, I've

wanted to check out the Mystic Ruins. I know how much you love history and

stuff." Some part of him could tell that she wanted to insinuate something with

the way she had smiled, but she had been choosing not to. Given the amount of

time that the two had spent together, he eventually figured out her way of


"Alright, then. I'm up for checking the place out

too." Ethan responded, smiling a bit at the thought. "Too bad we have to take a

train, but at least the ride should be free if I remember correctly."

Smiling somewhat, Blaze had replied, a visible spark

in her golden irises, "Still better than flying." Abstaining from laughing at

her little joke, Ethan had nodded in agreement at her response, remembering her

acrophobia as the two walked into a train station to grab a train.After a train ride into the dense jungle that stood

faraway from Station Square. Walking out of the train, the two had noticed a

few small houses that belonged to people that had been living next to the train

station. But what caught their interest was the sight of the lush, green jungle

that had thrived not too far away. A grin suddenly beginning to form on her

face, Blaze suddenly said "Race you to the entrance!" before speeding off,

ignoring the oh so obvious fact that she was able to run much faster than

Ethan, despite her having worn high heels all her life.

Sighing, he followed suit, saying "Wait for me! You

know I can't run as fast as you!" Attempting to catch up with her, he failed to

notice an orange twin tailed fox watching the two take off into the forest. He

could be seen on a hill with his lab behind him, tinkering with a gadget that

he had been recently building, a device of which that had resembled a sphere,

with a strange interior that appeared to be capable of holding a diamond. Why a

diamond of all things, only the little fox knew.

Fearing that they would need some help in getting

out of the jungle, he just sighed as he flew back to his lab to put the sphere

away to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. Looking around his workshop,

filled with different hammers, screwdrivers, and the like, the fox, whom was

known by many as Miles "Tails" Prower, he swapped the red and white shoes with

a pair of custom boots that he had built sometime back to amplify his flight

capabilities, as well as a dark blue tactical belt that he had made to hold an explosive

device that he had made known as Dummy Ring Bombs.

Gearing himself up, he walked out of his lab, and

took off, his tails spinning like helicopter rotors as he "flew" into the dense


"Blaze, where are you!?" Ethan had called out, having

lost the fire creating cat in the depths of the jungle. Before he was given a

chance to fear the worst, she suddenly appeared in a plume of smoke, the sight

being enough to knock him onto his back out of shock.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to scare you." The eighteen

year old cat had said, as she helped him back onto his feet. "And sorry for

running on you like that. I just wanted to check this place out." As she spoke,

her tail swayed slightly, and she couldn't help but smile.

Noting her happiness, Ethan began to ask "Judging by

your smile, I take it you've wanted to try....."

 "...having sex

outdoors, but couldn't find a place where it'd still be the both of us?" Blaze

finished, the idea beginning to make her feel stimulated.

Quickly looking around, Ethan could only see nothing

but dirt roads before and behind them, as well as the trees above them. "Well,

I did come across a creek where we could scrub ourselves off."

"That sounds brilliant!" Blaze replied, as she began

to strip, exposing her white fluffy breasts as she removed her coat, and let it

drop to the ground. "Feeling a little dirty, Ethan?" she grinned, as she kept

her high heels on and walked up to him seductively, helping him remove his

clothing as the two shared an affectionate kiss....

"Where could those two have gone off?" Tails asked

himself, as he flew across the dense treetops of the Mystic Ruins. Having met

Blaze before, he was certain that the kitten could handle herself, but not so

sure about the human that was with her. Taking a look at the time on his watch,

he knew that the sun was beginning to set. Sure, there weren't many threats

that lay in the jungle, but one could never be too sure.

After a moment of bliss and intimacy that felt like an

eternity to the two, they fell to the ground, exhausted in each other's arms. Then

again, Blaze was ready for a round two, but Ethan who had fallen asleep under

her, their act of sex always tiring him out. True, humans didn't have the level

of stamina that could be seen by her species, but she was more than happy being

with Ethan, and doing it solely with him. And she enjoyed the way he could

please her insides that couldn't be done, again, by her own species.

There was also something that made her feel happy whenever

she felt his essence inside her. Perhaps the thought of having a kitten with

him, she didn't know. Heck, nobody knew if it was possible for the two to even

produce offspring. But perhaps it was better that way. And as far as she was

concerned, she'd only want to raise a family with him once the two have found a

place to settle down.

But for now, they were nomads, travelers that were

more than happy to be together. Why they have been travelling instead of just staying

in one place will be told in time. All in good time...

Chapter 2: I don't know if he would remember you...

Not too far away from the building Ethan and Phosphora had walked out of, a middle aged couple could be seen, as well as a young adult, possibly in her early twenties, going for a harmless stroll across the streets of Violet City . At a first glance,...

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Chapter 1: I apologize Beforehand if This Entire Chapter Seems Like a Giant Information Dump…

With the setting of the sun, a now adult Ethan could be seen standing on the rooftop of the recently opened Violet Department Store, his eyes surveying the roadways of the famous Violet City, as he took in the surroundings, and couldn't help but admire...

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I can't say that I remember many days where I felt happiest. But I suppose I can at least start with the one happiest day that I remember best. The memory of how I found her...on a trip with my Uncle to grab some things from the beautiful and scenic...

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