Effects and Opportunities of Neuro-Simulations in Clinical Reconvalescence

Story by Toumal on SoFurry

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The following story is a late christmas present for all of you, readers and writers on yiffstar.com alike. And if you want to do me a favour, I'd love to read more fiction set in the same universe. (c) 2005 Toumal (toumal at yiffstar dot com) Sand. Water. The perfect beach, with a perfect sun that was already beginning to set. The sand felt perfect on the orca's skin, too. It was hardly surprising, considering that everything around here was "perfect". Even the people, even though at least they were real, seemed to behave much nicer in general. Nicer than in the real world, that is. Shawn sat in the comfortable, flawless sand and pondered his fate. He flexed his stubby toes, rubbed along his thick, black tail and played with his tailfluke. Nothing hurt, he felt... perfect. This was only half of the truth, he reminded himself. In reality, he was strapped to a bed, unconscious and with hundreds of screws holding his bones together. His legs already took quite some time to heal, and chances were that he'd have to re-learn how to walk for few weeks. But all that didn't matter now. Right now he was inside a very elaborate cyber-simulation that kept him from feeling pain or getting bored to death while he was immobilized. The other "inmates" were patients too, connected to the shared simulation from all over the world. It was unlike all those crude cyber-relaxation programs; this was high-fidelity stuff, the latest in neuro-simulations, only available to the richest of the rich, the military or medical institutions. The simulated experience stretched hundreds of miles on a fictional landmass, with almost all areas accessible for everyone. And since this was supposed to be perfect, everyone in it was perfect too. A chubby belly or a bitten ear were simply fixed in here, with most patients opting to "improve" their digital avatars. There was but one imperfect thing in this perfect world: A rather average-looking orca named Shawn, who was sitting in the sand, all alone on the beach. His avatar wasn't muscled or even well-toned like all the others. Shawn thought that this would not do him any good, given the fact that he would loose his perfect body upon the inevitable return to the real world. It was that, and the fact that he wasn't here for relaxation. He was here to forget. The sooner he could forget that awful car accident, the better. And he might as well do that away from his bed, hence he signed up for this trip. He didn't get much sleep in this perfect world. Again, it was his imperfection that was to blame for it, he thought. He'd spend the nights awake, pondering how things could've run another course if only he had done this or that differently. During the day he pretty much kept to himself. He avoided the organized events in the hotel or around the island like a plague, and other than that he hadn't made any new friends in here anyway. He prefered to come to the beach when everyone else was busy near the hotel bars. The smell of barbecue hung in the air, coming from the hotel's large balcony. Simulated food in a simulated world. He shook his head, looking at the sand between his legs, contemplating life and everything. Perhaps this was also the reason why he didn't notice the figure standing in front of him. until that figure sat down in the sand right in front of him. He squinted a bit, the bright orange sun on the horizon standing right behind the dark outline. Whoever he or she was, it was a dolphin. That much was certain. Shawn shielded his eyes from the sun, squinted, and generally looked confused. This must've looked very silly, since the figure started to laugh in a warm, unmistakably male voice. He seemed to realize the orca's troubles and moved sideways, letting the sunshine reflect on his still-wet skin. Apparently, he had just come from a swim. Shawn gasped: He was not perfect either. Small bumps and even a short scar adorned his skin, yet these imperfections did not harm his appearance at all. In fact he found that for a male dolphin, he looked pretty good. "Hi, name's David. You're not exactly an orca of many words, are you?" the dolphin piped up in a cheery voice. Shawn just shook his head, and it took him a few moments to realize that some sort of reply was in order. "No, I guess I don't talk very much." The orca smiled back weakly. "What the hell are you doing around here, all alone and without company?" The dolphin's question was direct and inquisitive, brought forth with a serious expression on his face. Shawn jumped slightly in surprise. "Wha... What do you mean?" That warm smile came over the dolphin's beak again as he shuffled closer, placing both hands on the depressive-looking orca's shoulders. "You know exactly what I mean. You're supposed to enjoy yourself in here. All this", the smaller cetacean looked up and made a gesture as if to encompass the world with his arms, "is here for our amusement. For your amusement. Your time here is limited, you can't just sit in the sand and wallow in your own sorrow." A pained expression came over the orca's face, he found the close contact to be rather intrusive. "I can because I want to." he stated firmly. "Well, I won't let you", came the reply from David, equally serious and with both of the dolphin's hands gripping Shawn's shoulders firmly. "What?!" "I will not let you sit here and let yourself waste a great opportunity in your life." The orca struggled against the advances of the dolphin, who shuffled even closer and even managed to push the larger sea-mammal over on his back, quickly sitting on his legs and still moving upwards. "What the hell?! Get off of me! Leave me alone! I don't need your goddamn help!" Startled and confused, it took the orca a while to realize what the other cetacean was up to. Only when David smiled wickedly and rubbed his buttocks against Shawn's crotch, the nature of his advances became clear to Shawn. "What the fuck!! I'm not gay and I will not have you touch me! Get off me NOW!" That didn't seem to have the desired effect though, as all the dolphin did was to reinforce his rubbing, brushing against the orca's slit and keeping his arms spread out helplessly. Even worse to Shawn was the fact that the perverted foreplay seemed to excite the dolphin. The pinkened slit parted and made way for the tip of David's meat, which was slowly but surely slipping free from it's hide. "I will not have your goddamn cock anywhere near me, or I'll break your bones when I get out of here." Shawn snarled. "Oh don't worry. I will not top you if you're not into this sort of thing. I just want to feel your cock inside of me..." "NO!" "Oh but why not? I'm squeaky-clean and tight, just as good as any female you'd find." "No, you goddamn homo! I don't want this! I'm not g-" A gasp stopped Shawn in mid-sentence, and it took him a few moments to realize that his cock had started to swell, the tip brushing against the skin of the faggot dolphin. "Shhh... It's ok... Look, I'll open up for you... don't you want to fuck my smooth ass?" "No!" David sighed, then giggled as he renewed his efforts, churring at the feeling of a wet, hot cocktip brushing against his buttocks. "Your dick says otherwise, cutie..." "No, I-" "I've been watching you for quite some time now," the dolphin cooed sweetly while rubbing his beak against the orca's white tummy, "did you know that?" That gave Shawn a pause. "You... you what?" "Oh, don't think I just say that to feign interest, because I don't. I noticed that you kept your "enhancements" very subtle, and I think that's lovely because such things are just a big lie in the end, aren't they?" Futile attempts to wrangle his hands free left Shawn breathless, securely locked in the grasp of his assailants hands as well as his weight on his hips, with the muscular tail keeping his legs occupied by keeping them straightened out with it's surprising agility. "I... don't... have enhancements. Let me go!" "No enhancements? Well then let me tell you that you look very nice. Far too pretty to sit alone at this beach every evening. You don't get to stay here forever, you know. What you do is a waste of precious time, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and make sure that you and I get the most out of it. Don't you understand?" Shawn made a desperate attempt to flee, trying to rotate in the dolphin's grasp, failing miserably. He reached over for a nearby seat which someone had left on the beach, extending his right hand and stretching as far as he could to grasp this weapon of last resort. Then, he lost the fight as three things happened: David leaned over and bit down on his right nipple, about half of Shawn's cock slipped from its protective slit, and the dolphin positioned his rump right over it, lining up the streamlined tip with his loose and relaxed entrance. All it took was a gentle push downwards for the tip to slip into the welcoming warmth. Shawn inhaled sharply, as if terminally wounded. "Gods... no... no..." "Yes. Take your little dolphin. Don't be ashamed. I just want to make you feel good." "I'm not gay!" "That," David responded in the most sweet of voices, "does not matter. Let me show you." Sensual kisses rained down on the orca's chest, and devious contractions of David's anus enticed more of the orca's cock out of it's hide. The dolphin moved upwards from his crotch, making sure that the amount of orca cock buried inside of him remained the same as Shawn grew to a full erection. Then he impaled himself with the passively-unwilling orca's length, this time gasping himself as the girth turned out to be a bit much for David, especially near the base of the fleshy pole. Still, David was very much in charge as he worked Shawn's maleness into himself, his face showing a look of concentration and determination. Shawn, on the other hand, was lost in the sensation of the dolphin's sleek body wrapping itself around him. Strangely enough, he found his simulated body betray him by thrusting upwards slightly, burying those last inches in the startled 'phin. Was it really himself who did this? No, it had to be the damned simulation, a perverted trick to... "Oh... you surprised me a little there... You finally find you enjoy this, don't you?" As if to prove his point, David lifted himself upwards, letting half of the orca's excited shaft draw free of his flexible and muscled hole, ecliting a whimper and even a few needy thrusts from the helpless orca. But that was cut short soon by the muscular body sitting on Shawns hips, effectively keeping him from any further movement. "You know," the dolphin piped with a mischievous smile, "I could keep you like this, tease you on the brink of orgasm for hours..." Shawn gave a frightened look at this statement. "Oh, don't worry," came the answer to the unspoken question, a soft chuckle shaking the dolphin and making his anus clench down on the big black cetacean's maleness that was firmly embedded in his partner, "I could never do that. Also, I would never force you to be on the receiving end of anal sex. I know that it's not something everyone enjoys. So... how does my tight hole feel?" It took a few moments for Shawn to register the question as what it was. Formulating an answer was even harder for him, given that his cock was deep inside the tightest, hottest tunnel he'd ever felt. "Why.. are you doing... this to me?" "I thought I already told you..." the dolphin said with a thoughtful look on his face, leaning forward to plant a kiss on the orca's beak. "I don't know... how much time we have left." Shawn gave him an annoyed look. "What do you mean? Has nobody told you how to check your email from the outside world? Just ask your doc fo.." A slender, gray finger silenced him, followed by another kiss straight on the startled orca's face. "Mmm... I stopped checking my emails many weeks ago. I have no doubt I'll be pulled out of here soon enough, and I don't need deadlines ruin my remaining time here." Just as Shawn registered that his right arm was free, the warmth on his cock began to move in rythmic motions, steadily going up and down. He was torn - he wanted to throw the dolphin off of him, get away from this total stranger, yet at the same time it felt so wonderful, so intoxicating. He began to think of it as just a small sexual interlude inside a computer simulation. Yes, that was it... Just because he indulged in this wouldn't make him gay, would it? "Oh you selfish beast... don't you at least give something back?" came David's protest. Before he had time to react, the big black hand was grabbed and made to grasp the dolphin's erection. Shawn felt a pang of repulsion at the sensation of someone else's cock on his skin. Yet, somehow... it felt strangely interesting, very much different from his own which he had touched so many times. He found himself gripping the slick shaft, holding on to it as he himself was being worked on. "Tell me, how does filling my rump feel?" David husked inbetween his sweet motions. "It's... so tight..." A silent nod confirmed that. "Do you want to know how your cock feels?" But poor Shawn was busy feeling how the exquisite tightness accepted him, gripping him again and again, the tight dolphin's ass being more than just a hot hole - it pulsated with life, and the muscular ring of David's rear entrance clamped down hard each time he was fully inside the sleek phin, making his cock bloat with blood. David, however, did not really expect a response. He looked down at the orca which he found was simpy adorable, torn between feelings and artificial moral restraints. He leaned down and nuzzled the orca's white chin which was shining in the deep-red light of the last sunrays. "Your sweet cock feels so wonderful... It's just the right thickness to stretch me without hurting too much... and it's so wonderfully long too. A cute cock that perfectly fits your cute self." Shawn fought it, yet he couldn't help but blush at the honey-sweet compliments. He watched in awe as the beautiful dolphin ached his head upwards, exposing his chest while rubbing over the orca's white belly with both of his hands. He didn't have much to do other than hold on to the dolphin's proud maleness which had already begun to become slick with precum - but he didn't care terribly about this anymore. His free hand clenched sand, looking for support. But there was none to be found, only the dolphin's steady rythm and his dripping erection were there to hold him. "You.. You're... so beautiful..." Shawn stammered deliriously. That made David smile, and he decided to switch strategy from doing all the work to just staying still above the orca - and he gasped as he found his partner all too willing to comply and thrust upwards. Gone was the feeling of being filled slow and gentle. It was pure lust and raw need that rammed the thick orca-meat into him now, accompanied by the wonderfully soft black hand on his cock and jerking him off in earnest. And there it was already: The feeling of inevitable release. The most primal of urges ran it's course as it was pre-programmed into every living being, meant to bond the two cetaceans together. Neither could stop now even if they wanted to. Violent throbs of the orca's thick shaft made David gasp in pain that was drowned out by extacy. He did his best to clamp down on the wonderful flesh, give the orca the best possible sensation. But the gentleness of Shawn's hands was more than up to the task of exciting him. In fact, he found himself thrusting softly against the wonderful touch. Just a little longer, he thought, fighting to keep himself from releasing his seed right away. It was a fight he knew he'd loose soon. And then it happened: David cried out in joy and shot thin, but powerful streaks of his semen, hitting the poor orca's face and chest. Violent contractions shook him, making the orca's thrusts feel like a searing hot spear impaling him. Shawn bellowed and found no way to resist the fierce grip on his orcahood. With powerful thrusts that lifted David even further up into the air, the large cetacean sealed the act and released a torrent of thick creamy cum into the sexy ass that was hugging his hips so perfectly. The entire scene was so foreign, so wonderfully forbidden to Shawn... the sleek and very male dolphin begging to be filled by him, the smooth buttocks pressing against his skin, the wet slapping sound their colliding bodies made. Shawn's beak hung open, wordlessly, lost in the sensation of his seed filling this virile dolphin. As his thrusts died down he noticed the phin's cum all over him, and tentatively licked some of it off his own beak. He found the taste to be strange, but not really unpleasant. David surprised the orca with another kiss, this time leaving his beak half-open. Almost automatically, Shawn's beak locked in the kiss, his tongue meeting that of the sexy dolphin who had introduced him to something he would never have had the courage to try on his own. As they both enjoyed the afterglow of their mating, he felt thankful for the encounter. Breaking the kiss, he looked up at the dark outline and asked the question that burned in his mind. "Is... it really like this?" "Yes," David nodded, "It really is." "I... um... Thank you." The dolphin gave him a sly grin. "To be honest, I got the better part of the deal." "Oh?" "Absolutely," came the explanation with a blush on the phin's scarred, but pretty face. "being taken by such a sexy beast as yourself is the best feeling in the world, believe me." "I... don't think I'm the right person for this. I mean..." "Listen," David said with a very serious expression, leaving little doubt as to the importance of his message, "you will never know unless you try. And you don't have forever to try it. So whatever you do, don't waste your time with sorrow or lonelyness. Don't cry about lost ones, find someone whose life you can help become a rich and fulfilling experience." Shawn wanted to say something, then thought about it. He nodded. "Never forget that. Nobody thought about having done too many things in their lives when they are near the end of it. But many regret not to have done more." A long gasp escaped the orca's beak as the sweet warmth was taken from him and David pulled free of the spent shaft. Kneeling down next to him, he planted another kiss on the dazzled cetacean's black forehead. "David. Room 12. I'll be there if you fancy some more company. I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier, and I promise I won't do anything you don't want to. Alright?" Shawn's thoughts spinned wildly, and he nodded, confused. The dolphin walked off into the night, grinning widely and leaving the poor orca to himself. Conflicting thoughts raced through the orca's head as he looked up into the black, star-decorated sky, then down to eye his cum-stained belly and hands. Without thinking, he licked some of the cum off a finger - startled at his own action. Was he gay? And did it really matter? David fetched his shorts from the small chair near the hotel, where he had left them. He turned towards the rear entrance that led to the rooms, placed his hand on the handle, and... fell down. His legs gave in, sending him sprawling on the floor. A silent scream of pain that never left his beak, a struggle for control, and most of all: Sorrow. That was all he could do, all he could feel. He had finally found someone whom he could very well fall in love with. Maybe he already had done so. Yet he didn't even know his name. It was so unfair, it wasn't his time to go. Yet he was in no position to argue. And as his control slipped, his last thoughts were those of love - and sorrow for the pain his love would certainly feel. He hoped that the orca would make the most of his life, unlike himself. He hoped that, maybe, one day... - and just then, he left. Forever. He had made his decision, and it was as bright as the light of day. He got up from the beach and walked towards the hotel, determined to make the most of the moment. Walking past the open balcony and through the restaurant of the hotel, he noticed several quick glances from various guests, something he never bothered to notice before. Had he really been so wrapped up in his own thoughts all the time? He shuddered nervously as he entered the hallway on the ground floor of the building, approaching door number twelve. He mustered all his braveness and knocked. He waited for a full minute before knocking again. Finally, curiosity got the better of him, and he simply opened the unlocked door. It's not like anyone would be afraid of him stealing something in this computer-simulation. To his surprise, the room was empty. But it was 12, wasn't it? A quick glance on the door's outside confirmed it. No, there was nobody there. Nothing except the bathroom, a double-bed, and the computer that was standard to every room in every hotel in this simulation. Shawn sat down on the edge of the bed which still smelled of the dolphin's musk. The randy guy must've been pawing off relentlessly during the nights, he thought with a chuckle. As time went by, a nagging thought bothered him. He was not quite able to tell what it was exactly, but it was something the dolphin had said to him. Something was wrong... very wrong. A terrible idea formed in his head. Without any further ado, he reached for the power-button of the computer and turned the device on. Of course there was no password. Not that he expected the blunt dolphin to have anything to hide. With a double-click he opened the inbox and read the subject lines of the last few emails. Indeed, he had not been reading his mail for over a week. Then he saw what he was looking for, a name that he recognized, and opened the still-unread message: * * *

From: Dr. Brent Doran Subj: Therapy developments I'm afraid I have bad news. Although the primary cancerogenous lump has started to shrink as a consequence of the combined genetic/chemical therapy, the metastases have spread into many vital organs and have begun to grow rapidly. As you may know, this is not something we can cure with an operation. We have set your bed to reduce movement stress in order to minimize the risk of a thrombosis. David, I wish I could be there with you... I will try to sneak in as soon as possible but it's risky. I totally understand if you don't want to leave. In fact, I don't want you to. You teached me so many things, and I'll be damned if you don't make the last days your best ones. I hope you find someone to spend time with. Don't be so damned picky. There's a cute orca right under your nose. I have to resist caressing his unconscious body every day. And if you don't manage to reach him, I'll come and see you. I promise. love, Brent

  • * * Shawn fell on his knees as soon as he read the first sentence. His eyes clung to the screen, reading every word, registering them... but not wanting to believe them. He picked up the phone, and dialed the zero for a direct line to the outside world. "Hello, this is the night nurse speaking, how can I help you?", a cheery, female voice responded almost immediately. "Hello? This is Shawn Fletcher, I'd like to talk to Dr. Doran please, it's urgent." "Um, Dr. Doran is not in the hospital right now, he's at home and probably asleep. Shall I tell him something when he gets back tomorrow?" "No... I mean yes! Could you ask him about the status of a patient called 'David'? He's a dolphin... we wanted to meet but he's not..." "Oh I am so sorry..." Shawn's heart sunk to the floor at the sound of the nurse's voice. "David Merryl had cancer, you know... a very serious one. I'm so sorry... he.. he died about fifteen minutes ago." The orca dropped the phone and broke down crying. He sobbed like a small child, feeling so helpless and more alone than he had ever felt before. In the past, he was alone and didn't know. Now the only person he'd ever have in his life was gone. Just... gone. He sniffed David's bedsheets, but that didn't make him feel better. Every small fragrance of the wonderful dolphin was another sword that tore through his heart. For a brief moment, he wanted to die right there. End his own pityful existence and hope for a better afterlife. But as quickly as he thought up the idea, he remembered David's words. No, it would be a waste and it would be the exact opposite of what David had wanted for him. He cried like he never did before, not even his mother's death came close to what he felt now. He cuddled the sheets, hugged them like he would his wonderful David, and cried himself to sleep. As morning broke, Shawn was still cuddling the rolled-up sheets, his black form hugging all that was left of his lover. He was fast asleep until well into the morning. At around 11am, the rattling of the doorknob woke him up, and he turned his reddened eyes towards the entrance. Standing in the door was a large crocodile in half-length jeans and a leather jacked that left his chest exposed. He actually had to duck to not bump his head against the doorframe. It took the orca some time to recognize him, since he had never seen Dr. Doran without his green uniform. "Shawn... I.. He..." He had tears in his eyes too as he rushed to the bed and wrapped his arms around the orca, who was hugging him back, hard. "Doc... I never knew... Oh god, why? Why?" They both sobbed and cried into each other's arms, and stayed like this for what felt like eternity to both of them. It was Brent who finally broke the embrace, and looked into Shawn's eyes. "Please, believe me... we... I did everything I could." Shawn nodded. A simple gesture, but nethertheless a powerful one. "I believe you." he said, suddenly remembering the rest of the email Brent had sent to David. "I know you're not allowed to jack in to this simulation for personal reasons. I... just wish you'd come sooner." That made the big hunk of a crocodile shake with sobs again. "Don't... Don't cry about lost ones." Shawn said with a soothing voice. The doctor looked up at him, bewildered, and nodded. His flow of tears stopped instantly, as had Shawn's. He straightened himself up, nodding again. "You're right. Come, lets go for a walk on the beach. We won't find David in here anyway." Shawn nodded and got up, taking Brent's hand and walking towards the back entrance that led to the beach. When he placed his hands on the door handle, he paused. "What is it?", the crocodile asked with genuine concern. "Nothing." said Shawn, and opened the door, letting the bright morning sun flood the corridor. For a brief moment, it looked like the door to heaven itself. The beach was littered with various patients who decided to catch a bit of sunlight before lunch. Dr. Doran had wrapped his left arm around the orca's shoulders as they strolled along the perfect beachline, their feet leaving tracks in the sand that would vanish after just a few minutes of the water washing over them. As Shawn looked down to ponder their own short-livedness, he realized that the crocodile's legs were very muscled, and his clawed feet looked... well... sexy. Then he remembered something else he had read yesterday. "Dr. Doran, did you.." "Please, call me Brent." "Brent...", Shawn said thoughtfully before continuing, "I read your last email to David. He never read it, by the way." Brent blinked. "He didn't? Then how did you two meet? Did you two... well..." "Yes, we did." Shawn said, his own voice startling him with the pride it carried. He looked over at the large crocodile, who appeared to be blushing - indeed, he was blushing furiously. "You too?" the orca inquired curiously. Brent nodded with a sheepy grin on his muzzle. "I snuck in here several times, and David taught me lots of things." - a sudden thought struck the reptile. "Oh... you read my email? I'm so sorry... Please believe me when I tell you that I never did anything to you while you..." Shawn silenced him with the most effective of methods: By kissing the big predator right on the toothy snout. They both stopped, and locked in a deep and passionate kiss. Both had tears in their eyes, as they realized that the person who effectively brought them together was gone and unable to see the fruits of his labour. But they had learned their lesson from David. The intense kiss left them both breathless. It was Shawn's turn to take the lead, and he took the crocodile's hand to yank him along towards an area of the beach that was littered with rocks. When they found an area between the high rocks that hid them sufficiently from the eyes of the other patients on the beach, the orca hugged the muscular crocodile close to him. "You didn't do anything to me? That's a shame, really," Shawn said with a naughty grin, his hands rubbing the smooth chest of his doc, "David would pin you on the floor and fuck you silly for wasting your time like that." Surprisingly, the large croco's head just nodded, his clawed hands rubbing the sides of the orca in a very gentle manner. "Yes, he would certainly do that. You're right. I'm alone... and I already lost someone who would've been a damn fine lover..." "The best lover." the orca corrected him, undoing the jeans' buttons and slipping his hands into Brent's crotch, smiling at the feeling of a wonderfully thick cock that wasn't even fully erect yet. "Indeed, the best lover. However, my point is still valid," Brent proclaimed with a murr, his own claws sneaking into the orca's trunks and cupping his asscheeks, suddenly pulling the cetacean towards himself, "I still have time to correct this mistake, and I want to do that. What about you?" Shawn just nodded, and slipped skillfully from the big reptile's grasp. He sat down on the sand and rolled onto his back, quickly disposing of his sparse clothing and spreading his legs. A shudder of anticipation came over him as he exposed himself to the sexy crocodile's eyes, his orcahood slipping from it's protective slit at the thought of what naughtyness they would enjoy. But his cock was not the center of his intent here... in fact, he spread his buttocks apart, exposing the white pattern around the base of his tail and around his hole. "There's something I really want to try. Someone told me it feels wonderful." Brent licked his lips, but frowned a bit in concern. "Are you sure? This is going to hurt at first, even in this simulation..." The orca just nodded. "I want this. Please. You want this too..." That made the doc look at his own erection, which stood firm and proud. He murred seductively, and kneeled down, not even caring to get rid of his jeans. Instead he simply lifted the orca's legs and rested them on his shoulders. Shawn watched with fascination, suddenly noticing how the doc didn't need to add any enhancements to his avatar. He was as gorgeous in the real world as he was now. It was just now that he was able to see it... "I... uh.. I never topped anyone before..." the crocodile suddenly stated, blushing furiously as he fumbled with his gorgeously thick cock. Shawn laughed warmly, and shrugged. Did David do this intentionally? Did he plan to bring them together? It was a strangely amusing thought to imagine this big, regal reptile to be fucked by a small, sleek dolphin... Yet apparently this was the way it went. "Don't worry. I've never been topped before either. We're both bloody newbies at it." came the reply, with a chuckle. Brent had enough sense to lubricate his cock with some of his saliva before resting the thick, bulbous head against the orca's anus. He pushed, he stuggled. They both fought for it, Shawn trying to relax as much as possible and the muscled reptile pressing against the tight hole. Without warning, the thick cock parted the ring of muscles and slid almost halfway into the orca, who felt his sorrow being lifted as the pain of his first time surged through him. He sobbed in joy, not even hearing Brent's concerned question - all he knew was that someone was there for him, and that he wanted to feel all of that wonderful person inside of him. His legs clamped around the crocodile's waist and pulled him deeper, not pausing or breaking off until he felt that wonderful sensation of the soft scales of Brent's crotch on his ass. He huffed, gasped, and opened his eyes to see the sweet crocodile look down at him with such an adorable look of concern on his face. "So this... is how David felt...", Shawn husked between gasps. Brent just nodded, looking at the peculiarily pointed shape of the orca's cock, absently wrapping a clawed hand around it. "Yes... this is how David felt." "Brent, please... take me. Love me how you loved our wonderful dolphin. Fuck me like he fucked you." Brent paused and looked into Shawn's eyes. "Would... would you consider becoming my mate?" Shawn flexed his anus, clenching down on the invading maleness as hard as he could and ecliting a moan from the reptile. "I already am your mate, Brent." His lover smiled down at him. "That's... quick." "Indeed," Shawn nodded, "I haven't got all eternity, you know." Laughing, the doctor pulled back out a little, feeling the muscled anal entrance apparently trying to keep him inside. Then he started thrusting, humping that welcoming warmth of his love. It was a slow rythm, and consequently things would take some time. But even though they didn't have eternity, they still had a lot of time.