DD's Pornstar Life: Chapter 6

Story by Moth of fuzzy grey on SoFurry

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#8 of DD's Pornstar Life

So, how long was it this time? About 3 months? Hey, that's better than 4 months!

Regardless, here we are with a new chapter of DD's Pornstar Life.

IT BEGINS. Now we're FINALLY moving forward with how DD and Bridgett interact with each other and how their relationship will begin to develop.

They want to try and enjoy themselves, but they still have the clueless boyfriend and the studio to worry about!

Though realtalk, this one is definitely a more smut-heavy chapter. However, I still really wanted to illustrate their connection. Where DD is desperately seeking a meaningful connection with someone and Bridgett is emotionally/sexually starved and desperately seeking intimacy. And while they both can offer the other what they need, it isn't so simple.

Anyway, as always, thanks for reading! I've finally broken through 100 pages! That's almost enough to have it published...


Despite my chosen career path, It's rare that I ever wake up with anybody. 99% percent of the time I wake up alone, drag myself out of bed, look at myself in the mirror and question what I'm doing with my life, then get some tea brewing. I don't drink coffee, I can't stand the taste personally. After that, I have to break out a fairly extensive vitamin routine.

A little L-Argenine and lecithin sprinkled into yogurt to start, a just small amount of zinc, a stick of celery with some peanut butter on it and then a handful of some generic multivitamin junk. But those first few are critical for making your cum look good on film. I've seen videos where they use fake dicks that spurt fake cumshots and it just ruins the immersion. I guarantee you that whoever's getting spunked with it doesn't like it either. There's no enthusiasm, there's no payout. It's just somebody on their knees with a squirt gun that spurts some synthetic, goopy milky substance. (Which should rightfully sound like the most disgusting thing ever to you.) But with my method? I put out about as much, if not more than whatever pseudo-dong amateur's use. It's just all about getting just the right dosage, which is important because too much can really screw you up. There are guides on the internet if you want to look into it yourself.

After that I usually get some toast cooking and take a sit down at my computer to my rounds. Average shit like checking my calendar, looking up news, sending a few emails back and forth. It's just like anybody's standard start to the workday. Well, save for half of my messages being about my dick and the other half being about where it goes.

Then I grab whatever smells clean and my toast, then head out to the studio. Even if I'm not technically working that day I'll still come down to lend a hand with editing. Sometimes I have to record a quick voiceover if the mic didn't quite pick it up. Occasionally we get commissioned to dub anime-porn and I legitimately can't think of anything more hilariously amusing in my career. Ogdren doesn't typically sign on for them but he'll go for it if the money is right. He leaves it all to Sal, who typically calls Ailee and me to do it (since both of us actually have some modicum of acting experience.) We have fun exaggerating voices and moans to the point where we have to take breaks just to laugh it off. And while we didn't have to, sometimes fucking in the recording booth was the only way to get just the right noises.

I remember this time when we had to do a whole harem thing and Ailee would just swap from voice to voice, all of them so completely different and distinguished from each other. Even if we started going at it she'd be able to keep her concentration, flipping from accents and pitch on the fly while I had her nipples in my teeth. I kinda saw it as my priority to pull shenanigans to make her break character, just to to see if I could. Not to many others around the studio know it, but just dragging a claw lightly along her collarbone to the base of her neck makes her shiver. Pull that while I'm balls deep in her ass and her concentration turns to mush. She'll stumble over herself and get tongue-tied, mixing up accents and characters until her tongue is just lolling in her mouth. Then she'd dead-arm me afterward for making her mess up. Takes a few minutes to recover from the punch but it was almost always worth it.

That and a host of other memories were playing in my head while I stared up at my ceiling. Bridgett was sleeping next me, her hands curled over my bicep as she huddled close to my body. Her ears laid limp against her pillow, the bright pink of her fur turned to a faded lavender in the dark of my bedroom. I could feel her chest rise and fall against my arm, pressing against me to the point where I could just barely feel her heartbeat.

It felt like I'd completely forgotten how to leave my bed. I couldn't remember how to sit up, move my legs or have any sense of direction to navigate. All I could do was just lay there and think. Constantly playing and replaying the scenarios that could spin off of this. And the worst part was that I couldn't even start making plans in my head for any of them until Bridgett actually woke up. I was trapped in this paralyzed limbo where I couldn't sleep, I couldn't get up and I couldn't stop... THINKING. Hardly any of it even made sense, it was just a mess of anxieties and what-if's.

But as sappy as it sounds, turning my head to watch her face would at least temper it a little. She'd give these light nuzzles, tighten her grip on my arm. Little things that reminded me she was a person and not just another factor in this equation of A = B, C, D or a pissed boyfriend punching me in the throat. I was certain she had her own fears about this and rightfully goddamned so. I wasn't the one cheating here, I was 'the other guy.' I could just fuck off and disappear if I wanted and never take the brunt of the consequence. Meanwhile, she'd have to keep carrying that weight.

"Fuck..." I mouthed to myself, running my palm across my face and between my ears. I instinctively looked over to my dresser to check the time, but couldn't see it. The clock had been knocked off my dresser. In fact after surveying the room, I really got a look at the damage we did. Part of me actually felt kinda proud. Most of me still felt shame though.


It was more than a little awkward when we met up the night before, knowing exactly what we were meeting for this time. We had a hard time getting an conversation started at first. I saw she'd changed her hair again, wearing it in a long braid. She had a more cute, casual wardrobe this time, with a blue button-up top and thigh-length white skirt and a floral print purse over her shoulder. Obviously the sundress and the curled hair from the other day would've brought a little too much attention. Me on the other hand? I... attempted to look more presentable than usual. Dark brown, long sleeves but rolled up to my elbows. Clean khaki pants. I thought I looked nice. I mean, we were still planning to start something pretty damn sinful, but I don't see why I couldn't look nice for a girl this one time. Y'know, instead of naked. Regardless, Bridgett eyed me up as if she appreciated the effort. But we couldn't oggle each other forever. We both knew what we were getting into and the idea of just dropping it all together came up a few times. We didn't want to make it quite like a date or anything, not that she would've wanted that in the first place. I remember she said,

"Please, anything but a 'date.' I've been taken on enough romantic dates to elegant restaurants and long walks under beautiful, starry night skies. The idea of a large pizza and a shitty movie from one of those dollar-rental boxes makes my fucking heart throb right now."

So because I'm such a high-class big spender, we got into my car and stopped in at an Uncle Fastball's (which is really only a few tiers above Pizza Barn, but they do garlic-butter crust and I love that) and got a large supreme to go. It's almost comical how long we took to order it though. We stood there at the register, surrounded by crappy baseball kitsch and holding up a line behind us while we debated toppings back and forth. I'm sure everyone behind us thought we were just a completely scatterbrained couple, but it had a little more depth to it than that.

When Bridget said, "Do you like mushrooms? I love mushrooms but only if they spread them right."

What she was really saying was, "I really, really want this night to happen but I'm still scared" When I replied, "Yeah, I'm totally cool with mushrooms, I just don't want like, A LOT of them, y'know?"

What I really said was, "I know, so am I, but maybe if we just temper it, ease into it instead of diving in head first?"

When Bridgett said, "Sometimes I think I want mushrooms too much."

She meant, "I feel bad for wanting this so much"

I told her "Yeah, I know what you mean."

Though she did say she hates olives and that didn't have any underlying context.

"Oh and no olives, I really don't like olives. They feel weird against my teeth." She said. I paused for a second, then said,

"And you mean actual olives, not like... another kind of olive."

She gave me this dead-eyed glare with a smirk on her lips.

"Yes I mean actual olives."

The next stop was the 8-Ball in the gas-station across the street from my apartment. It was one of those machines that takes a card and charges you a dollar-a-day for whatever garbage you wanted to waste money on. They never have anything good in them, they were always just a step below straight-to-DVD quality. I have a theory that it's a dumping ground for community college film majors to ditch their D+ term projects in.

We stood in front of the machine, swiping through titles on the screen. Everything from 'Nazi Zombies vs Alien Pirates' to 'Lester's Ass-Bonanza.'

"Killer Mermaid Cheerleaders sounds decent." Bridgett said.

"Yeah but I kinda wonder how it's only rated PG..." I replied.

"Oh, how about Diminutive Panda Knight?" She said, pointing to the screen.

"Oh god no, that's one of those weird, foreign knockoffs of a kid's movie." I said, waving off the suggestion.

Then I felt her leaning against me, laying her head against my shoulder. She brought a fingertip to my chest, slowly dragging it down and catching the fabric of my shirt. Then, speaking in a hushed whisper she said,

"Realistically, does it really matter?"

I froze for a second, my hand hovering in front of the 8-Ball screen. Eventually a 'Are You Still Lining Up Your Selection?' message popped up. That's when she got the rest of her fingers digging into my chest, turning her head to give a quiet, sultry breath against my neck.

"Yeah okay, Dimswatch Panther Knife or whatever, let's go" I blurted out, the words falling out my mouth like wet jello. I mashed my finger into the screen, swiped my card and then turned to leave. And I know how I phrased that, I didn't actually grab the disc when it came out. I just kinda went through a few motions and then turned around while the case just sat there, sticking out of the slot.

Bridgett tried to point that out but it didn't really matter to me at the moment. I don't think it bothered her either considering the giddy, schoolgirl-esque smile on her face. After being with a lukewarm fish like Graham for so long, getting someone going with just a touch was like getting a lawnmower started in one go.

The walk up the stairs to my apartment was the hardest part of the night. For the both of us. Every footfall up the stairs was like an echoing, imposing drum beat. A march that led up starting something neither of us could take back. The night had gone okay so far and we certainly didn't find any objections to each other in the time between meeting up and arriving here. But she was still cheating on her boyfriend. And I was still getting personal with talent, outside of the studio. But we both needed needed something from the other. Something we wanted desperately and were willing to take the risk for.

I opened the door to my apartment, stepping in first and setting the pizza on the counter along with my keys. I flipped on the light and kept walking forward, not really sure what to do now. Bridgett looked equally lost but pleasantly surprised at how tidy my living space was. I was about to turn and speak when I noticed her digging through her purse. Her expression going from concern to mild panic.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I can't find my phone." She said immediately. She started taking a few things out, like a brush, a coupon, chapstick, some receipts. Normal purse things. I did notice a surprising amount of pens, all with the same company logo but I didn't have much time to look at them in detail.

"Shit, I really hope I didn't drop it somewhere." She said, the panic continually rising in her voice. It was getting nervous and shaky, as were her hands grabbing into her purse.

"Well hold up, you barely touched it as far as I saw. Maybe it just fell out in the car, we can go check." I offered. Bridgett shook her head, taking a few deep breaths to calm down.

"No, I'm sure it's on me somewhere... I always do this. But if you could check your car, that'd be sweet of you." She said, flashing me those sad, blue eyes. I didn't mind going to look, if anything it was a welcome stall for time while I figured out what I was going to do.

"Sure, no problem. I'm sure it's there, I'll be right back." I said, heading back out the door.

"Thanks." She said, leaning forward to give me a peck on the cheek. It made me hesitate before stepping out. I turned around to do... something... but nothing really happened and I just made a vague, awkward, confirming gesture that I was going to check my car.

And unfortunately, I couldn't find her phone there. And trust me, my car is impeccably organized. Mostly because I don't drive it that often. Anywhere I need to go is usually in walking distance or just a short ride on the bus. So if had been there, I would've seen it. Though that didn't stop me from checking and re-checking, just to delay the inevitable. At that point, I'd put so much emphasis on it that I didn't even know if I could even perform. Though that thought was even more embarrassing, going this far and can't even get it up.

I finally gave up rooting through my car for a phone I already knew wasn't there. (Though I did find a few quarters, so I guess that was a miniscule victory.) Walking up the steps was marginally less painful than the first time. I thought to myself,

"You can still stop this. There's one more chance to let things go back to normal. You can just turn around and walk away. But that would leave her alone in your apartment, without her phone no less. You can go up there and just say you can't do it, maybe you got food poisoning. But god, isn't that always what Graham would do to her? I can't do that, I can't just shatter her confidence like that. I can't do that to her. I can't back out of this. She needs this. She needs ME. No, I need her. Or maybe we need each other. Or maybe it's just this? Maybe it'll only be once, maybe..."

I realized I was mumbling all this out loud as I was putting my hand on the doorknob. I stayed quiet, took a deep breath and opened the door.

And then I think that all of the blood in my body simultaneously flooded into my dick.

Bridgett was sitting up on the counter, legs spread open with her skirt pulled up. She had her fingers teasing her clit beneath a valentine's day thong with frills on the edges, while her other hand groped at one exposed breast hanging out of her partially opened top.

Then she pulled her phone out from her top, hidden beneath her bra.

"I found it ~"

The electricity in the room ignited at that moment, as I nearly ran up to her to grab her head and plant a hard kiss on her mouth. She returned in kind, reaching behind and grabbing the fur on the back of my head. I felt her tongue force its way into my mouth, pushing hard against mine and following by biting my bottom lip. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my trunk, hopping onto me. I held her tight by the ass, gripping hard while the other hand supported her back.

Everything that had gone through our minds before this had been completely overridden. There was no fear or worry or shame now, just an intense need to feel as close as possible. We slammed against the wall opposite to the counter, our mouths still fighting for dominance while we struggled to hold onto each other. I could feel her legs constantly readjusting around my waist and her hands bouncing from clawing at my collar to clawing at my neck.

I stumbled backwards with her, struggling to keep balance. Soon I lost it completely, falling backwards onto my couch. It didn't exactly go gracefully. Both of us suddenly lost grip on each other but we managed to catch the back of the couch. However, she did knee me right in the stomach.

"Damn, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" She asked me, her voice teetering between a laugh and actually being worried. It took me moment, but I got my next words out.

"Oh-oh yeah, yeah, I'm good. I'm good. It's fine, I don't think I got a hernia out of that." I breathed.

Bridgett straddled on top of me, gently bringing her hips down on mine. She started up a slow, subtle grind against me, rubbing right up against where my cock was firmly turning to stone. She brought a finger to her lips, lightly sucking on the tip.

"Still, I feel like I owe you an apology for beating you up like that. Is there anything I can do to make you feel a little better?" Bridgett teased. Without thinking, I said "Yeah actually, I've got an ice pack in the freezer, that'd probably do-"

Then she flicked me on the nose.

"AH! What the hell?" I asked.

"Try again loverboy." she said.

I chuckled under my breath while I rubbed my nose briefly.

"Allright, allright. Well, going down on my cock would be a nice start. But I could use a little something sweet to taste to help distract me from my oh so crippling pain. So maybe you turn around, scoot back and let me have the whole honeypot to myself while you work?" I asked.

I could feel Bridgett getting a little more excited, her grinding starting to pick up a brisker rhythm.

"I think I can accommodate that." She said.

She got up to readjust her position and laid back down on top of me, her head between my legs and mine looking straight up into her valentine's thong. I let my hands roam and grope around her rear, grabbing handfuls every few seconds. I brushed past her cotton-tail and felt a shiver go through my body. I fondled around the base, feeling her twitch. I could just imagine it bouncing up and down in my lap.

Further down, Bridgett had undone the button to my pants, pulling the zipper down and letting my bulge protrude through the fabric of my boxers. She ran her hand down along the length, framing it between her fingers as the slid along the shaft.

"DD, it just dawned on me that you probably have girls sucking you off all the time, right?" She asked, reaching in to pull out my length. I felt her belly press against me as she took a sharp inhale, pulling me out of my boxers. She glided her palm along the top, teasing the tip and playing a little with the pre-cum. I was hesitant to answer that question honestly.

"Well, it is part of the job." I admitted. But that didn't make Bridgett stop. She grabbed a firm hold of the shaft and began stroking up and down.

"Are they really good at it? They probably get a lot of practice." She asked. I couldn't see everything she was doing but I could feel her warm breath coming closer to the skin. Again, I was hesitant to answer the question honestly, but she seemed to be working towards something. Her tone didn't sound like she was reconsidering.

"Some are good. Some are bad. Some are REALLY bad. But to tell you the truth, yeah. I've met a few who are really good." I answered. I instantly wondered if I really should have been so forthcoming about it. But even then, it didn't phase her.

"I guess knowing that, they're probably really good when it comes to sex too, right?" She asked. Now it felt like we were going into dangerous territory. Though it was a subject I expected would have to come up sooner or later.

"You shouldn't worry about if you can compare to them." I told her. I heard an unexpected giggle as she gave a light drag with the tip of her tongue up the head of my length.

"Oh I think any normal girl would be extremely worried. But no, I'm not comparing myself at all. In fact, I actually bad for them." She said, peeking at me over her shoulder. I couldn't help grinning too, bringing my fingers up between her thighs, sliding along the edges of her thong.

"And why is that?" I asked.

She suddenly pressed her hips down on my face, mine rising up in response. I grabbed a hold of her ass with one hand and started to peel her thong to the side with the other. Her scent was strong and she was plenty wet already. I brought up my tongue to lick gently against her clit. I felt her take another sharp gasp and finally reply with,

"Because I'm going to own your cock so fucking hard that all those 'professionals' you work with are gonna look like a bunch of clueless sluts."

I think my dick grew a whole inch in size just from hearing her say that.

While Mimi still holds the record for best blowjob technique, Bridgett came extremely close to Mimi's level based on ferocity alone. Any beginner would seriously hurt themselves going as fast and hard as she did. I'd wanted to eat her out in return, but most of the time I wound up clutching her hips, trying to brace myself against her. All I could manage was moaning to her pussy, just barely getting the chance to lick at her clit. Though when I was able to really work my tongue, she'd start moaning in kind. I didn't know how much harder my cock could get.

At one point she popped me out of her mouth and started sucking on my balls, rapidly stroking the shaft while swirling her tongue. It was overload of sensations and the only way I could cope was getting my tongue deep into her pussy, hoping to make her feel the same way. The way she ground her hips against my tongue told me I was on the sweet spot.

We kept up the 69 for a good 10 minutes or so. Every few minutes she'd give a high pitched squeal and her body would tense, along with a squirt against my tongue. I counted 3 times before she finally lifted her head and took a massive gasp of air. She scrambled to climb forward on the couch, setting herself up in a doggy position.

"Please, I need it again, I needed your cock before and I need it again now! It just feels so good, I need another dose!" She cried, reaching between her legs and trying to hold herself open, but fumbling with getting the thong out of the way. I eased that issue by grabbing it and ripping it off of her. I heard her shout as I yanked it towards me, splitting the fabric and now hanging limp against her thighs. I didn't hesitate to plow right in, getting in close on my knees and sliding myself in. She was just as tight as before, and twice as wet. Her volume went up too, letting her voice blast through the apartment. She moaned at the air as I escalated right to a fast, hard pace. I tried to play it just like how she'd attacked my cock moments before, fierce and without relent.

It wasn't long before she was already screaming "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" again and again. I felt an absolute ecstasy firing throughout my body. I was in complete belief of what she said earlier, that compared to her? Anybody I worked with at the studio was an amateur in comparison.

Though when I think about it, it wasn't like I saw anyone at the studio as lesser after that night. Because I'll spoil this for you now, it did change me a little. But not to where I saw my co-stars as total beginners or they were suddenly bad at their jobs. It was more like... I remembered what raw passion felt like. I can go on set and pretend I'm some handsome stranger who's come to please the lonely housewife in a tawdry affair, but I can't go on set and get what I had with Bridgett. The intimacy and trust involved just skyrockets the sense of pleasure in my mind. Bridgett was talent before but now... she was just a normal person who happened to want to ride my cock to hell and back.

Which speaking of, soon we moved from the couch to my bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes and shoved furniture behind us (and one shredded thong.) She had me splayed out on my bed, riding me hard into the mattress in the reverse position.

"You know, from the first time you saw me you always keep looking at my tail. Why do you like it so much? Does it get you off to see it bouncing up and down on your lap?" She asked.

I broad smile spread across my face. She wasn't wrong. I reached down to touch it, sliding my hand down to give her a hard spank across the the left cheek. She gave a light squeal and picked up the pace.

"I won't lie, I think it's cute. I mean I think all of you is cute, but your tail just drives me crazy when I see it wriggle."

Bridgett bit her bottom lip and sunk down onto me, as deep into her pussy as I could fit. She ground her hips from side to side and wriggled her tail at me. I couldn't help moaning out and throbbing my cock inside her, rapid enough for her to know I wanted more. But she stayed still for the moment, just barely moving her hips to tease me.

"You get all the free pussy you want every day, but just my little tail is enough to get you going?"

I shrugged my shoulders, slipping my hands behind my head.

"When you have sex for a living, big boobs and butts don't always get you going anymore. Sometimes it's the subtle things that you get more attracted to. Little things other guys might miss. The way your eyes look like crystal clear ocean water when you're excited. How your ears stand more rigid when you're nervous. The way the sun really makes your the color of your fur stand out. It always reminds me of pink lemonade."

I felt like I could go on but I noticed Bridgett had suddenly gotten far more relaxed. She looked back at me over her shoulder, seemingly bewildered by what I just said.

"You... you really notice all that?" She said, looking away for a second and then looking back to me. "You make it sound like you've known me for years."

I felt my body easing back too. The lust in the air was starting to melt, uncovering something else at its center.

"I'm certainly not adverse to the idea." I replied.

The room was silent for a time. Both of us just pretending the rest of the world didn't exist and entertaining this fantasy that what we were doing felt natural to us. As if we had known each other, as if we had no one else in our lives or no priorities to worry about. She lifted herself off of me and came around the side to lie next to me. Her mouth hung open like she wanted to speak but she couldn't get the words out. She reached down and stroked me some more while she organized her thoughts.

"That..." she said. "That's...fuck, this is the most romantic comedy shit i'll ever say but... that's the sweetest thing anybody's ever told me. I mean, you-know-who tells me i'm beautiful all the time but he never... he never said anything like that. I'm honestly not sure how to react."

I brought my hand to her chin, turning her head towards mine. I planted a soft kiss on her lips, running my hand through her hair behind her neck. Then I pulled away to say,

"Let's not think too hard on it right now. Let's have tomorrow worry about it and just enjoy ourselves for tonight." I told her.

I expected another kiss but instead she just rolled her head and started laughing to herself.

"Oh my god, you're just making it worse by saying shit like that." she let go of me and put her palm to her forehead, laughing a little harder.

"Well if that's the case, can we please get back to it? I've got good stamina but I'm starting to blueball over here." I said, pointing at my dick. That just got us both laughing, which took a few minutes to die down. Finally, Bridgett turned over onto her side, hiding her top leg up to her chest.

"Don't worry about me, okay? Trust me, I've probably had more orgasms tonight than I have for the last two years." She said.

I got myself in position behind her, gripping onto her ass while I guided myself back in. She gave a light moan, biting her lip and keeping eye contact with me.

"Any preference on where I to finish?" I asked, enjoying the sensation of sliding back inside her. She felt even tighter from the side like that.

"Thanks to last time, you've got me craving for a cream-filled pussy. I never got a chance to say this last time, but I didn't even know a guy could put out so much volume."

"Yeah, I have a system for that actually. It starts with a little L-Argenine and then you add some lecithin-"

Bridgett shushed me mid-sentence.

"Shush. Less jargon more fucking me blind."

Bridgett held herself still, grabbing at my pillows and letting me have my way. She started to bite onto them, groaning through her teeth as I gave her a spank and a hard thrust. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her tail wriggling for me again, pushing me to into climax mode.

"Fuck, fuckfuckfuck, get ready, this is gonna be big" I warned her, gritting my teeth and muttering 'come on come on' under my breath.'

"Don't stop! Don't hold it, just let it spill, I want it!" She cried out, her mouth hanging open in a constant half-moan. I reached the point where there was no chance of stopping, pounding away until gripped her ass as tight as I could, thrust to the deepest I could get and fired. Both us cried out in unison, the air flying out of our lungs as fast my cock was filling her inside. I couldn't have held back if I'd tried, all of it gushing from me like a broken dam. I suddenly realized that I'd leaned forward and clutched to her body as I came, burying myself in her.

After that I'd completely given up the ghost, falling into a lifeless heap beside her. We gasped for air while out bodies were limp, staring off into space while our minds were blank. After some time had passed, we managed enough energy to clean up though we immediately fell back into bed, me lying face up and her curled against my arm.


Which leads us to where I started. Waking up to tomorrow and all the issues I said tomorrow would be responsible for. Though I was able to fall back asleep (seeing no other option at the time.) When I woke up for the second time, Bridgett wasn't there. I briefly entertained the idea of last night being a dream. Then I tried to sit up and felt the pain in my side from when Bridgett kneed me on the couch. If that was real then obviously it all was. It also crossed my mind that she might have left already. That maybe she just felt so disgusted or something that she took off when she woke up. That caused to panic a little but her clothes were still all over the floor. So she obviously didn't leave.

Then I heard the 'ding!' of my microwave going off. I pulled myself out of bed and stumbled for the door, correcting each step a little more as I walked. When I came out of the bedroom Bridgett was standing in kitchen next to the open pizza box. I suddenly remembered we never even touched it. When I got closer I noticed Bridgett was wearing one of my t-shirts.

Bridgett took her pizza out of the microwave and turned to notice me.

"Morning D. Did you realize we never even touched this? It's still good." She said. All those worrying scenarios that were mixing in my head earlier had begun to drain. Seeing her there just seemed so... natural. I still felt a decent amount of guilt and I'm sure she did too. But I didn' let it get complete control of me. At least not at the moment.

"Yeah, I figured it'd still be fine. I see you're wearing my shirt. How long have you been waiting to do that the morning after?" I asked.

Bridgett tossed her head back and arched back, exaggerating her answer.

"Oh my gaaawwwwwd, it's literally been years. Not since my first boyfriend way back in highschool." She said.

"Oh you mean me?"

"Shut up" she said, with a smile on her lips. Looking at her, I noticed this was another wardrobe variant of Bridgett. I'd seen plainclothes, sunny day, casual date and now morning after. Where her hair was frizzy and all she had was a t-shirt too big for her.

"You owe me new underwear by the way."

"I can get that."

"NOT from your studio."

"Well shit."

We carried on the morning as normal and happy as we could be. It facilitated that feeling like we'd always been together. Just standing around talking and enjoying the company. We took a little more time to learn about each other, or rather me to know more about her. She came down from Nevada (I remembered that from the video shoot) to go to college here. Somewhere along the line, she got a job working the mail room at an office downtown. A place called Whaller Inc. Apparently they make boxes and... that's it.

"Sheez, if I could go back and turn that down when the offer came I'd do it in a heartbeat. It's a boring, do-nothing job. I just push a cart around every day and throw mail at people, then I just sit around on my phone until I have to do it again. The people there are nice enough though. There's sort of a collective understanding that none of us want to be there but it's easy money. Every friday we do a desk-chair lacrosse tournament and the losing team has to buy snacks for the week."

I leaned against the counter, taking a bite of pizza and pondering for a minute.

"That sounds incredibly boring compared to how hot you are. When you walk in, do all these sad little office people just bask in your brilliant glow?"

Bridgett wanted to reach over and flick me but I stepped out of the way. Instead she just finished chewing her bite and said,

"Not even, you should see what I look like at work. I look like a librarian, puffy sweater and all."

"I don't know, you in a sweater? I can get behind that." I noted.

Bridgett chuckled a little through her bite before swallowing.

"Hey, maybe someday you will be behind me. I've always wanted to get lewd with the copy machine." She said.

I set my slice down back in the box to grab get a glass and some water, shaking my head the whole time.

"Holy shit I didn't know you were that much of a dork."

"Hey, I'm a dork with a job I can actually tell people about openly when they ask."

Throughout all the talk and banter, it still occurred to me there were problems we had to address.

"Look, Bridgett..." I started, with a more somber tone. Bridgett's perky morning shimmer dulled.

I wanted to continue but Bridgett held up her hand to stop me.

"DD, there's going to be a time where we talk about this. And I mean really talk about this. I know what you're going to say and I just... don't want to right now is all. I'm not trying to sidestep it or anything but I want to believe this is okay for a little while longer. After I leave, then we can both start worrying again. I'll try to do what I need to do and you'll do whatever you need to do. All I can say for sure is that... last night meant a lot to me."

I nodded my head. "Same."

"And I really don't want this end."

I nodded again.

"We'll deal with all the bullshit when we have to but for now... please just let's pretend we're normal for a little while longer. Finish this pizza, sit and talk. Then I'll head home later and we'll start trying to figure things out. Okay?"

I didn't like putting it off. If felt like we were just throwing a rug over the elephant in the room, but I understood where she was coming from. It wouldn't be easy to sort through it all. I looked to her eyes. Watching those crystal clear ocean waves through her eyes.

"I understand."

DD's Pornstar Life: Chapter 5

"Sounds awkward. Though it wouldn't have been an issue in the first place if you didn't try to get personal with the meat." I resented that remark. She was right to some degree, but Bridgett wasn't exactly the get-laid-get-paid talent that I usually...

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DD's Pornstar Life: Bonus Chapter

Before I start, I just want to ask you to not judge me too harshly. At least wait till the end, because the story isn't that simple. You can still judge me or agree with me or just be totally indifferent when we get there but I need you to hear me...

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DD's Pornstar Life: Chapter 4

"I think I'm starting to see where this story is going." Bridgett said, leaning in on her fists. "I'm a little surprised that the both of you actually went through with it, considering how close you were." I won't lie. The memory still stings a little...

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