Camping on the Run

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#3 of On the Run

OK well this story has nothing to do with love on the run from the police, it's the third installment of my Nothing but the run series. For those of you who have not read part 1 and 2 don't worry the basic details are all n there so you don't have to read them to follow the plot, however, if you want to read part one and two then the links to those stories are given below this story.

Things are really starting to heat up and get risky, I do hope you guys enjoy this. Warning to the hetrosexual guys, there's a lot of gay sex in this, and a warning to the homosexual guys there is some straight sex in this, our protagonist is bi-sexual after all.

I've marked this as underage because it involves sex with a 16 year old, though 16 s the legal age of consent for me and for where the story is set so I don't see it as cub, maybe a little morally dubious but not cub. However, I have marked it as such because I know for some of you it would count as underage and i have no wish to offend.

Camping, it's always had a sort of special place in my heart. When I was young my parents forced me into the beaver scouts, they said I'd make friends and have fun. They were right too, it was great for a young horse, running about outside and playing with lots of other guys my own age. I stayed right through cubs, scouts and to the end of Venture scouts, got my Chief scouts and Queens scouts awards, the latter was actually given to me by a young Prince Charles himself, if you can believe. Still in those days the royals used to do stuff like that, don't hear about that sort of thing these days.

My love of camping came from scouting, of course most people think it's love of tents, fires and burnt marshmallows. However, really it all stemmed from one camping trip way back when I was just twelve years old. To call it camping is actually a bit of a stretch, we were bivouacking, which is like camping only without the tent. Just thirty or so kids and a couple of scout leaders laying out in a field, somewhere high up in the Northumbrian hills.

I remember laying there looking up at the stars and the clouds, I couldn't take my eyes off them. We were so far from any towns or cities that once the leaders put the lanterns out the only light was from the moon and the stars. The sky had never seemed so bright and open, even in the blackness, I could see layers of stars, a cosmos of ethereal beauty, just too much for my young mind to comprehend and yet I was awed and inspired. There was a few clouds scurrying across the sky, I lay breathing slow deep breaths. The noise of the other kids melted away, and for a moment I felt like I was alone. That was the moment I felt it, the earth under me, cool and firm and yet moving. I knew the Earth spun, everyone knows that, but I_felt_ it, as I gazed up at the sky alone in a crowd. There was nothing but my heartbeat, slow breaths and my hands clinging to the grass beneath me.

Well ok, I'm not dumb and I've never been a hippy, or into anything like that. Vegan? No thanks, give me a good steak. Organic? Give me it dripping in pesticides and battery farmed, it don't make any odds to me. I know that the spinning I felt was just an illusion, probably mixed with one of dozens of senses going slightly wonky. However, every-time I go camping I make sure to spend at least a few hours just laying there, alone with my thoughts, looking up at the sky. Just like my twelve year old self I tune out the world and then I feel it; the world turning beneath me and I sigh happily as I cling to its surface.

Anyway, that's part of why I love camping, I wanted to share that feeling with my kids, but John just lays on his back with his DS above him and Mary...wouldn't stay still for five minutes let alone an hour. Still there's lots of other cool things with camping; fresh air, new sights and places to explore. I'd say a oneness with nature, but I'd make myself vomit... or is that the pesticides?

Now you know how I met Gary, out on my run and you know what we did both times we met. Well in the weeks that followed we met up another three times and each time I ended up balls deep in him. It was only on the sunny days, when the seas were calm and gentle, the winds light and airy, not cruel and fierce. I told myself each time that it would be the last, I knew it was wrong to cheat on Karen, but each morning I would jog right down to our little hidden nook in the cliffs and hope to meet him on the way.

Of course if I didn't see him on the run I would see him later when I drove him and my son to the school they both went to. Or at night when I came home from work, ever since John asked him to come on holiday they young pony has been hanging around more and more. We never spoke about what we did, certainly not with family present, but even when we meet up on the run no words pass between us. We spoke only with our bodies and actions. Our kisses filled with desperate passion, our firm bodies grinding together, his ass lifting up invitingly and his tight confines welcoming my cock back, like an old friend.

He was still only sixteen, legal in the UK but only just, if anyone found out what we were doing then I would almost certainly be shunned by everyone I knew. My lovely wife would definitely divorce me and lets face it when it comes to getting custody of the kids, the judge would look at me nailing my son's friend in a rather poor light. I kept trying to stop myself, but my body seemed to override my mind when I was with him; the rush of blood to my genitals probably starved my brain to a point where it seemed like a good idea.

I don't really have any excuses for what I did, hiding from it isn't really going to help. I fucked him, several times and I loved every single moment I was with him in that nook in the cliffs. By the time our holiday came around I was pretty much spending most of my days wondering when the next time would be. I checked the weather report far too many times, even for an Englishman.

Then came our family camping trip, my daughter Emma had invited her best friend, a cheetah named Kaylee. My son of course had asked Gary and that meant two weeks being so close to him I could smell his sweet scent, yet surrounded by family so I couldn't touch him. I was pretty much expecting the entire trip to be torture. It didn't help that Karen had pretty much told me this was the last one ever, she was through sleeping on the ground in tents, hiding from the British weather; next year she demanded sunny Spain, hotels and room service. I had tried for a compromise of a camping trip in southern France... it had not gone down well.

She said I could always lay on the grass in the garden if I wanted it so much, or on the terrace, beside the pool of the lavish villa she seemed to think we would be booking. It wasn't the same, she knew it, and I knew that arguing was not going to work. Besides, I owed her something, she had been nothing but loyal, my beautiful grey lady. Her fur so light grey is was almost white, her legs and arms slender, her hips wide and feminine. Two wonderful mounds on her chest, just big enough to give a handful, or to give an equine phallus one hell of a titty-fuck.

Of course it had been five years since the last titty-fuck, apparently my cum sticks in her mane. Two years since the last blow job, I was a little too into it and forgot to warn her and she got a mouthful she didn't want. Of course I did warn Gary and that just made him suck harder, he tried to swallow it all, fuck that was hot watching a young stud guzzle my cum with relish. Eighteen long months since my cock kissed her pussy goodbye.

I'm not trying to make excuses, what I did was wrong, but I had my reasons. You deprive a horse cock of attention for long enough and soon your paw isn't enough. Your body takes control of your mind and before you know it you are balls deep in your son's new best friend.

The morning of our holiday came, Kaylee had stayed over the night before. I missed my daily run to pack the car. A huge family carrier, with eight seats. It was a tank, and I knew from experience if the weather got really bad we could all spend a night in the car. As I was packing the tents into the boot in my expert fashion I heard a familiar voice behind me saying hello.

Turning I found my breath catching in my throat as my eyes were caught by his dazzling emerald greens. He was smiling at me in what to many would be seen as a friendly way. However, I knew better, I could see the hunger in there, the lust. His lithe frame was covered in a tank top, with some very short blue shorts. I gulped as I recognised the shorts, I had pulled them off him three days earlier just before I fucked him hard. The boy had squealed and moaned as I held his hands onto the stone preventing him from grasping his own cock. My grey fur pressed to his golden fur , I had fucked him until he came from just my cock inside him.

With an embarrassing lump in my pants, from where my cock dropped, I took his bags and packed them. Then I tried to focus on packing the car, he offered to help and headed inside to gather more stuff to pack. By the time the rest of the family was ready the two of us I had finished packing and I had managed to get control of my emotions.

I sat behind the wheel, with Karen beside me, Gary sat behind her, with my son behind me and the two girls in the back. Glancing into the mirror I found myself pausing for a moment as my blue eyes locked with his in the reflection. Then trying to shake any feelings of guilt, seeing my wife and my secret lover in the same car, I started the engine.

As the engine roared to life the cd player started to play the disk I had left in on my return from work. I heard my son behind me groan and with a whine only a teenager can manage he said, "DaaaAAD! I don't want to listen to your lame music." In the mirror I saw the look of shame on his face as he glanced at his cool friend, who no doubt would look down on him for having such an uncool father.

That's when it hit me, if I couldn't stop myself from fucking him, I could stop him from wanting me to. One three hour car trip with the worlds lamest father that should turn any teenage boy off permanently. "Hey, it's Jonny Cash, Jonny Cash is cool," I snorted and then as an old favourite of mine started to play I upped my lameness a dozen notices by starting to sing along, "Well, my name it is Sam Hall, Sam Hall, My Name it is Sam Hall, Sam Hall. My name it is Sam Hall and I hate you one and all. And I hate you one and all, damn your eyes!"

My father shared this song with me, he was a big country fan and well, it had my name in it and a lot of swearing. I was eight years old and my mother was so pissed at my father, when I started singing it. It did start a lifelong love affair between me and Jonny Cash. As my son describes it, my lame taste in music is embarrassing, none of his friends' dads are so lame.

As we drove through traffic I sang my heart out, grinning like an idiot as I did so. Karen chuckled and tried to hide her embarrassment. John whined and kept asking for me to stop, his eyes constantly flicking to Gary who was chuckling in amusement.

"My name is Samuel, and I'll see you all in hell, and I'll see you all in hell, damn your eyes." I whooped as the song ended and my mind raced as I tried to think of the next song on the cd, it was my own favourite mix and I knew it off by heart. However, unlike when I sing on the way home from work, now I had an audience to unimpress and embarrass. "Belinda was mine 'til the time that I found her, holding Jim and loving him..."

That was as far as I got before Karen reached over and turned off the player, she gave me a look that said_'we will have words about this later'_ far too loud and clear. However, her lips said, "how about a road game instead?"

"No thanks Mum, we have our DS's, we can entertain ourselves," John replied and he already had the thing open and turned on. I caught one more glance off Gary in the mirror before he pulled his own infernal contraption out and began to play. Karen switched the radio to the charts and we drove on.

Three hours driving, and about an hour of stops to empty bladders, and we arrived at our destination. A small camp site behind a farmhouse in a tiny village, Lower Milton, near the Cheddar Gorge. I had planned for three or four days stop here, with day trips to the Gorge, Wookey Hole a rather cool cave system, and I think there was a zoo nearby for the third day.

Everyone was hungry by the time we arrived and so we parked the car and found a pub for lunch. Karen spent the meal paying more attention to her phone than to me, the girls seemed to be giggling and giving Gary sly glances. Schoolgirl crushes, I could hardly say I blamed them. John hid behind his DS, only Gary paid me any attention at all, he talked politely asking what the plans were for the next day. I mentioned a choice of going to the Gorge or Wookey Hole. I could see the vague hint of a smirk as I said the word hole. His beautiful eyes still held the predatory gaze of a hungry hunter, my plan to make myself unattractive had been a clear failure.

When the food finally arrived we were all starving, and wasted no time tucking in. I finished quickly and made an excuse of needing to set the camp up. The complete lack of offers of help were noted, as I left and walked back to the camp site. We were the only people staying there at the moment, the rather disgruntled farmer had advised me. The site itself wasn't much, just a field with a small toilet block, nothing but two toilets and one shower.

I drove the car to the back of the field and began to unpack the tents. I was halfway through putting up the first tent when I heard a familiar voice behind me say "can I help?" I turned and there, with his predatory smile, was Gary. Gulping I tried not to think about what I wanted to do to him right there in that small field. I had a lot of experience putting up our tents and he was good at following everything I said. So it didn't take long for us to set up the campsite. The two kids tents were set a few meters away from the tent Karen and I would share.

Grabbing some stuff from the car I headed for my tent, as Gary grabbed his own bag. None of my family had shown up yet, that was normal. The kids used to love helping their old dad set up camp when they were younger, however once they hit their teens they suddenly preferred to stay in the pub with their mother. I was surprised that John hadn't come out to make sure his uncool dad wasn't embarrassing him.

Unzipping the door I slipped into my tent, dropping the bag on the small tent porch and then crawled into the bedroom chamber. I do love being inside a tent, it reminds me of being a child, camping in my parents back garden with my friends. Staying up all night listening to the rain drumming on the canvas. The murkiness of the light filtering through the canvas made everything feel special; dust particles dancing in the faded sunbeams beams, the scent of the rubber floor, canvas and grass all mixed into a heady aroma. In the summer the baking heat making you sweaty and forced you outside, oh what a rush that is; stepping outside of hot and sweaty tent, the cool air hitting your lungs, you don't get our of a tent so much as jump out, it's exhilarating. Well it may just be me, but hey there's something to be said for the simple pleasures.

It was just after I finished setting up the bedroll and as I was laying on the huge double sleeping bag that Karen and I share, that I heard the_rrrrrrVVVIIP_ sound of the tent door being opened and the sound of someone's fur brushing against the fabric. Guessing it was my wife I said, "about time, me and poor Gary have had to set this whole thing up ourselves."

There was no reply, just the sound of the zip on the bedroom compartment being opened. I lifted my head up to see a blonde face smiling n at me, his nose twitching as he took in the scent, rubber, canvas, grass and my sweaty body. His green eyes sparkled as he crawled quickly inside, I wanted to stop him to push him off. However, instead my arms wrapped around him as his body slid over mine. Oh the feeling of his lithe frame being dragged over mine, my cock dropped at his electric touch. Fur mingled with fur, the warm pressure of his sliding form gently grazing my sheath and sack.

In the second, it took for him to slide up to my head, I felt my cock drop. I was panting, panicking a little as I worried about being caught. He stopped all that with a kiss, his velvet lips caressing mine, his sweet taste, a mixture of cherry and grass. I was so hungry for it, my arms around him tightened and I deepened the kiss, my tongue sliding inside his mouth. His paws reached down and he began to stroke my aching maleness. I cried out as his touch sent electric thrills up and down my body. The closeness of the tent intensified his scent and as it hit my nose my body began to scream at me to take this other stud, make him my mare and show him who the true stallion is.

I wanted to tell him to stop, or looking back maybe I just wanted to have wanted that. Instead I ground my body up against his, my shaft throbbing and aching inside my jeans as it ground to his, smaller shaft barely contained in his shorts. His paws went to my belt and he began to unfasten it, his fingers working with desperate speed as our tongues danced and writhed together in the warm depths of his mouth.

His fingers closed around my musky, sweaty horsemeat and pulled it out into the clammy air of the tent. He broke the kiss and before I knew what was happening, his mouth was around my flare. His tongue caressing across it as I fought to contain the neigh of triumph that was screaming to get out of my lungs. He set about suckling my meat like a starving man, his lips and tongue working tirelessly. He drove himself as far down my fourteen inch shaft as he could, further than anyone had ever managed to take it. I watched, transfixed, as his velvet lips pushed past my medial ring and then moaned as I felt my flare being shoved into the back of his throat.

If I came, I knew I would cum hard as only a horse can, there was no way his mouth would contain it. One sniff of the tent and the sight of the cum stains would be all Karen needed to know. Yet I couldn't stop myself, my hands stroked his ears as my hips pumped. I watched as my glistening, pink and black mottled, cock slipped from his lips, glistening in his saliva. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, a perfect pony, smiling as my thick cock slid between his velvet lips.

His eyes looked up at me and I could see the hunger there, the desperate need for my cock. It was so perfectly hot, watching his lips devour my cock, his eyes burning with need for my cum. There is nothing in this world as arousing as watching someone suck your cock so desperately it's like they need your cum to live. My hand dove into my pocket and before I knew it I had my mobile out and snapped a quick picture. He looked shocked for a moment and then smiled at me and winked, before going back to sucking on my member like it was made of sugar.

A growing tingle in my balls told me I didn't have long left to go. Then we both heard it, the sound of hooves on the grass and voices talking. The beautiful silken moistness of his mouth disappeared from around my cock. We both panicked for a moment and then he helped me restrain my monster cock, forcing it back inside it's denim cage. He jumped out of the tent first, fortunately the tent door was facing the far side of the field and so the tent obscured their view.

I lay there panting as my body began to show its disapproval for stopping the affairs so suddenly. Blue balls, let me tell you they are no laughing matter when you are a horse and your testicles are the size of an orange. That dull throb and ache makes your entire lower body sore. Even sitting is uncomfortable, yet that's what I had to do, get the camp stove out and cook an evening meal for six. I'm a dab hand at outdoor cooking and was able to whip up, if not a meal fit for a king certainly one fit for his servants or maybe a Lord or Duke. Mince and dumplings, good honest northern stodge, it'll stick to your rips... and your hips, arse, anywhere really, it takes a good run to work it off.

John retired to his tent shortly after food, the two girls headed off to theirs shortly afterwards. I saw Gary looking at me, the need and want in his eyes. I grabbed the dish-bowl and announced I was going to get some water so I could do the washing up. Gary looked up at that moment and said, "I'll dry if you want some help."

"Oh you don't have to do that Gary, he likes it," Karen cut across before I could accept the offer.

The blonde pony's face fell, as his chance for another quick moment alone with me were chased away by my wife. Still the young stud was not going to be denied as he then asked, "what time do the toilets close?"

"They don't sweety, they are open all night," Karen replied from behind her kindle, she was reading another damned romance novel, if she spent more time with me and less time reading about romantic guys i might have actually been romantic with her.

"Right, so if I need to like take a shower or something at_two A M,_ then there's no problem?" The pony replied his eyes fixed on me, I gave a slight nod of agreement as I heard the stress on the time. I had to admit I was impressed, he had just arranged to meet a married man right in front of his wife's nose and she had no clue.

"Yes... do you usually shower at two in the morning?" Asked my confused wife.

"No, but around five or six, after my morning run." Gary replied honestly, a sly grin on his face as he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh Sam does that too, you two could run together while you're on holiday with us," Karen replied he eyes not leaving her kindle, her voice betraying her lack of interest in the conversation. She was only half paying attention to what she was saying.

"Sounds like fun to me," the blonde pony replied, his voice full of sincerity.

"Oh, me too," I replied and then rushed away before the grin on my face, or the tent I had pitched in my jeans, could give anything away. The rest of the evening passed quickly, Karen read, the boys played on their DS, the girls did whatever it is teenage girls do that makes them giggle so and I lay on my back looking up at the sky basking in the glory of a warm summer's evening.

Eventually Karen announced it was time for bed and everyone retired to their tents. I slipped into the sleeping bag with Karen, her grey body pressed to mine. Images of what happened earlier kept coming to my mind, in the darkness a tent was pitched inside our sleeping bag, my cock poking out of my pyjama bottoms. I thought Karen was asleep and I rolled over to grab my phone, the dull electronic light filled our tent as I quickly called up the picture of him sucking my cock.

My balls churned with need as I realised it was only ten pm and it was another four hours before we had arranged to meet. Beside me Karen snorted and rolled over as I desperately switched off my phone.

"What are you doing?" She whispered as her hand landed on my chest.

"Just checking the time," I lied in reply, feel the shame of what I had done a few hours earlier in the very spot I now lay with my wife.

She didn't reply just pressed herself up against me, I put an arm around her as she laid he head on my chest. I felt some drowsiness start to claim me, my eyes closing. I had set my phone to a vibrate alarm and slipped it under my pillow. It shouldn't wake Karen up but I planned to sleep with it in my hand so it would wake me.

I can't deny I loved the feeling of Karen pressed against me, her warm breasts squished against my chest, the tickle of her mane under my chin. Every time she twitched her ears they brushed over my lips. As she dozed her hand slipped lower, down onto my stomach and then as she snorted in her sleep her hand jerked down. I was suddenly more awake than I had been in hours. Her slender fingers wrapped around my cock and squeezed it gently. I moaned deeply as I felt her fingers squeeze again, I glanced down and saw a sleepy puzzled expression on my wife's face, just for a moment before she realised what was in her hand and then her face contorted into one of pure shock. Clearly she hadn't realised what she was squeezing, her hand disappeared from around my cock and she rolled over.

Part of me thought wanted to just let her be, knowing that in four hours I would finally get the release my swollen balls were aching for. Another part of me really didn't want to wait; she was my wife after all and maybe if we still fucked I wouldn't have let some young kid seduce me on a whim. My swollen balls ached at the removal of another person's touch and it was all just too much for me.

I rolled over and pushed up behind her, my swollen erect cock sliding up between her buttocks and stroking her lower back. My strong arms wrapped around her and she moaned softly squirming in my grasp deliciously, her supple body grinding back against me. My nose caught the perfume of her arousal, a scent I had not smelled in a long while, she wanted it.

Nuzzling into her neck I peppered it with soft kisses and little nibbles, a tactic I had used in our youth, as I ground my hips gently my flare stroking up and down her back. She gasped as one of my paws found her breast, through her nightshirt and squeezed oh so softly. Her perfume was sweet like roses and apple-blossom, I huffed warmly on her neck as my other paw stroked down her stomach, searching for the target of my affections.

"Sam... the kids," she whispered desperately, her voice breaking into a soft and delicious moan as my middle finger found an erect nipple and gently teased the soft nub.

"Shhh.... we'll be quiet... come on, we're on holiday," I whispered into her ear and as I did so my paw slid down inside her pyjama bottoms. I didn't waste time, my fingers found her sex moist to over flowing. My passion grew, she wanted me, for the first time in a long time my mare was receptive to my studly advances. She moaned softly as I kissed and nipped up and down her neck, whispering , "shhhh... just a quiet quick one... nobody will hear us."

My fingers slipped inside her silken depths and I heard her bite her tongue and moan. My cock was begging to be inside her, the claim her once more as my own. My thumb slid up to where experience had taught me I could find her clit, the centre of her pleasure. I kissed her cheek and as my thumb began to rub, I silenced her moans of pleasure, and any refusal, with my lips.

I was desperate my cock leaked pre all over her bedclothes and the bedding, as I continued to grind my flare into her back. I knew I wouldn't last long inside her, but I was damn sure I wasn't going to blow my load anywhere else. I worked her Pyjama bottoms down a little with the other paw, as my fingers started to fuck her sex. The tent filled with the soft sloppy sounds of a cunt being worked by expert fingers. I had learned her pleasure spots a long time ago, now that I had hold of her sex I wasn't going to stop until I had teased them all.

Using my hoof I managed to pull her pyjama bottoms off completely, then I pulled her onto her back. My body remembering the old feeling as I slid myself between her spread legs. I broke the kiss and with a primal snarl I used my teeth to open her nightshirt. She suppressed a whimper as my tongue found her nipple, pulling it between my velvet lips I sucked gently. At the same time I pressed forward with my hips, the beast between my legs slipping forward to find her dipping lips.

My flare grazed over her labia, like two old lovers separated for a long time our sexes kissed tenderly on their reunion. Then I thrust forward hard, my lips pressing to hers just in time to suppress her cries of passion, and mine. Warm silk surrounded me, with such tight elasticity that I almost lost it on the first thrust. My thick maleness slid inside her cunt easily until her nether lips kissed my medial ring. With a grunt of dominance I bucked powerfully, forcing the rest of my cock into her tight confines.

Karen grasped and shook her head, breaking the kiss, "not... so rough," she panted into my ear. Suitable remonstrated I returned to kissing her neck, as my hips bucked gently this time, sliding just a few inches back and forth inside the warm bliss of her dripping sex. My lips moved on to her lovely mounds, burying between their sweet scented warmth as my hips drove my maleness home again and again. My paws found hers and our fingers intertwined. I looked down at her as I arched my back, thrusting faster and faster. The animal inside me needing to breed, to mate, to claim his mare for his own.

Her eyes were closed, her face contorted with a look of pure bliss, biting her lower lip to keep from screaming as her stallion serviced her. It was a sight I had seen many times before and one I was delighted to see again. My hips rocked faster and faster, my need to breed almost absolute, my swollen balls getting ready to unload. Then I felt her sex suddenly grow tighter, constricting around my phallus, like some sexual vice. She pressed her muzzle to my chest and muffled her whinnies of pleasure with my muscles, as she came around my horsehood.

I could feel myself reaching the point of no return, my breath catching in my throat, suddenly she pushed on my chest hard, "No, I'm in heat... you can't cum inside me." She whispered squirming to get away. Now I know what you must think of a many who cheats on his wife, as you know I have done, however while I may be a bastard I am not a monster. Despite every single urge in my being telling me to continue I managed to pull out of her warmth as she requested.

"I thought you were on the pill," I groaned, my balls began to sting as my body took it's vengeance on me for denying it a second time.

Karen was panting heavily as she shook her head and whispered, "I stopped taking them... they made me put on weight and I wasn't expecting this.

I reached down my paw and grasped my own cock only for a sharp whisper to stop me, "don't do that in here, our sleeping bag and tent will stink of cum all holiday!" Karen snapped, possibly a bit sharper than she had meant it. Still it stung, the bag was already going to smell of her pussy, why shouldn't add my funk too it? When we had first got together Karen hadn't cared about that sort of thing, she'd lain with me in a tent many times, not giving a crap about the other campers who could hear our pleasured moans, and positively basked in the heady funk of our well fucked in sleeping bag and tent.

Looking from my wife's face down to my swollen needy cock and back again I voiced the obvious question, "where am I supposed to get off then?" A little bit of me hoped she would roll over and offer the forbidden entrance, however the rest of me knew that I had more chance of fucking Karen on the alter at church, in the middle of a Sunday service, than of her offering to give me back door access.

"Just... go use the shower room or something," she muttered at me, pointing at the tent entrance. I was so shocked and angry that I actually went, cock pointing out of my pyjamas, which were dripping in her juices. The night air had a chill that bit hard on my erect, dripping cock and soaking crotch. I started to walk towards the toilet block, but once I was a few hundred meters away I decided I was far enough away.

Wrapping both paws around my length I looked up at the night sky and began to stroke myself. I came after a minute or two, it was... not a great orgasm. I was grateful for the release of tensions that came with it, but as far as pleasure goes it was nothing. I left a small puddle of horse cum in the field, which would hopefully dry up by morning. Then I returned to my tent, where my wife lay sleeping, and, clutching my phone in one paw, I went to sleep.

The vibrating stung my hand and shook me awake, with lighting fast reflexes I turned the alarm off. I held still for a moment waiting to see if Karen would wake, but she didn't even stir. I slipped out of the sleeping bag and grabbed my towel and cleaning stuff. If Karen asked me I was going to tell her the truth, that I went to the shower to get off, after she stopped me mid flow. I of course wouldn't mention that I wasn't alone when I got off.

Once outside the tent I started to walk to the tiny toilet block. I could see a light on through the tiny window, but I wasn't sure if that meant Gary was already there, I couldn't remember if it had been on when I was out earlier. The early morning dew soaked my hooves and the legs of my pyjama bottoms. I didn't care, I picked up the pace half trotting, my breath ragged puffs that steamed up the clear early morning air.

The field was dark, the sky awash with stars, but no moon. Starlight, it was enough to make out the toilet block, if the little square of light from the window wasn't marker enough. I was drawn to that light like a moth to the moon, it was my marker buoy. My cock was already back to it's full raging erect status. This time I was determined that I would get off properly, no interruptions, no family barging in. Hell even if they did I probably wouldn't have stopped.

The toilet block was little more than a brick box with a single door. Stepping inside I was pleasantly surprised at the cleanliness of the block. I had feared the place would smell of stale urine and worse. Instead the acrid stench of bleach assaulted my nose as I glanced around, two small sinks with small mirrors, one with a slight crack in the corner. Every surface was tiled, probably the secret to how the owners kept it so clean, mop and bucket and they could do the walls. Three doors; two marked with WC and the third marked with Shower.

There was no sign of Gary and I wondered if he might not show, if maybe he had fallen asleep and not had a way to wake up. As I waited I opened the door to the shower; the cubicle was big and roomy, split into two by a shower curtain a small bench to one side. I hung my towel on the hook and grabbed the shampoo from my bag. One way or another I was going to cum in the shower, by my own paw at last desperate resort.

I pulled the shower curtain aside and reached in to turn on the shower, the spray was far more powerful than I expected and freezing cold. Any vague hints of doziness I had left were washed away when that powerful jet, of ice cold water, hit the side of my face. Jumping back I shook my head in shock, I had only intended to turn the shower on to let it warm up as I waited.

Stripping out of my pyjama top and hanging the rather soaked shirt on the back of the door I frowned and checked my phone. Almost ten passed two and no sign of my illicit young lover. I sighed and resigned myself to the truth that he wasn't coming, closing the door and sliding the bolt into place I pulled off my pyjama pants and placed them on the little bench. My cock had long since shrunk back into my sheath, the ice cold jet of water had seen to that.

I reached my paw into the stream and yanked it back with a gasp as boiling water almost gave me third degree burns. I reached in carefully and played with the taps, checking the water temperature several times to get it just right. With the door closed the enclosed room had become filled with steam quite quickly, the warm vapours chasing away any hints of the chill from the night outside.

Then just as I was about to climb in there was a soft tap at the door, I span around quickly and opened it. He stood there with a sly, sheepish grin on his face, I didn't ask him why he was late or even say anything with my lips. I assume my expression of utter joy was enough and if it wasn't, then my desperate paws yanking him inside were. I slammed the door shut and rammed the bolt home with far more strength than was needed.

Then I turned on him, he was only wearing some boxers and I could see his erection already poking through their fly. He stood with his back to the cubicle wall, one hoof raised and pressed against it, his palms pressed to it, as well, his slender delicate digits spread wide. His eyes looked at me with the same hunger and lust that mine looked back at him. I took a moment to devour the beauty of his image, my eyes ravenous for his slender perfection. Mane lighter than his blonde golden fur, long and flowing, but brushed away from his devilish green eyes. His velvet muzzle a lighter blonde his lips spread in a smile, his mouth hanging slightly open. The boy's body was perfect, lithe and yet subtle and strong. Gary's chest trembled a little as his breath came in rapid panting breaths. He was just as desperate as me.

My cock was fully erect once more, my maleness raging to it's full fourteen inches, my flare wider than his palm. Yet I knew he could handle it, whichever way I wanted to take him. Right there and then I wanted him both ways, every position. I almost leapt at him, pulling him into an embrace, my arms tight and powerful around him, my tongue alive and hungry in his mouth. His taste was as sweet as ever, my hands quickly pushed his boxers down to the floor and I lifted him in my arms. He squeaked into my mouth at my show of brute strength, yet there was no struggle, instead his return of the kiss intensified.

I carried him into the shower and under the hot stream of water, placing him down and deftly closing the shower curtain. We were alone inside a one meter cubicle, filled with steam and spraying water. Two equine bodies pressing and grinding to one another. His every touch sent thrills throughout my body, his taste was addictive, I couldn't tear my lips from his, my tongue was dancing in his mouth again. I swallowed his every gasp, his every moan and squeak of delight. My paws ran over his slender frame, stroking over his golden flanks and down to grab and massage his tight golden buns.

I heard a pop of a bottle cap and then I smelled it mango and coconut, the same tropical scent his fur always held. Then I felt his paws on my chest, fingers running through the soaking fur as he washed my fur. Not to be outdone I grabbed my own shampoo, Lynx Africa, not exactly as exotic or recognisable as his, but it was my scent. I filled my palm with more shampoo than I should ever need and reached out to him.

Our lips never parted as our paws worked slowly over each other. His every touch made me feel more alive and awake, our soap sodden chests grinding together. Suds flowing down the drain as my grey fur mingled with his golden fur. My cock stroking his inner thigh, as his stroked my outer one. Then I felt his warm, soapy, paws grasp hold of my maleness, I broke the kiss with a passionate and deep neigh. I looked at him, my eyes filled with pure animal lust, I wanted him and I was going to have him. Damn it no force on Earth could stop me claming my mare this time.

He looked back at me with a desperately hungry look in his eye he wanted me and more importantly, in that moment, he wanted my cock. My paws reached down and my thick fingers wrapped around his shaft, it was impressive for his age, a good ten inches and with a nicely developed flare. Still nothing compared to his sire, to his stallion. He cried out softly as my fingers worked over his flare, my palm rubbing the meatus as my fingers drummed on the ridge in a way I knew would send non stop little shockwaves of pleasure down his shaft.

With a soft neigh he spun around, his delicate fingers spreading on the tiled walls as his slender legs were spread. His tail lifted invitingly as he welcomed me back inside. I whinnied loudly in dominance as my mare submitted himself for my pleasure, and licked my lips. I could be rough with my mare, he had taken my roughest ruttings and pushed back for more. I could cum inside my mare, no risk of pregnancy and he had never asked me to pull out. I would make him cum far harder than she had done, damn it he deserved it, when I needed him he was there, no questions, no rules. He was my bitch and he needed my cock inside him just as badly as I needed to be inside him.

I grabbed his bottle of shampoo and squeezed a dollop into my palm, scenting it I moaned at his scent, the raw stuff lacking something, his delicate musk. However, it was enough to enflame my ardour more, as I stroked my cock, getting it nice and slick with his soap. My body pressed up behind his, my muzzle nuzzling his neck, kissing and nibbling on it tenderly as my cock was slowly homing in on it's target.

He bucked back against my cock as he felt it, with a soft desperate neigh. He was begging me for it, begging to be bred, to be taken as my mare. My body trembled with lust and need, my nose in his neck drinking his scent deeply as my cock pressed to his pucker. Then I held still and waited for what I knew he would do, I knew if I was patient he would do something sexier than any mate I had ever taken. Sure enough after ten seconds of my cock resting on his pucker I felt his muscles in his shoulder tense as he pushed, with his arms and legs. He forced himself back onto my rock hard maleness, impaling himself with a desperate cry as his tight ring closed around my wide flare.

Fuck, no lover has ever done that the way he did it, he was so desperate to have me inside him he could not wait, he had never lasted a full minute before doing that. My strong paws grabbed his hips, he had lifted them for me, pushing his rear out, that made my entry than much easier. I thrust forward with speed, crying out into his neck as his tight depths seemed to almost pull me in, he was desperate to feel me inside him. I was just as desperate to get my cock fully inside.

My medial ring pushed passed his tight entrance with a shared cry of bliss and then my hips finally pressed to his, my heavy swollen orbs nestling against his much smaller pair. I knew what I wanted to do more than ever, what would make me feel like a true alpha, my paws grasped at his, my fingers lacing with his as my palms pressed his hands to the wall, holding them there. I was going to fuck his balls dry before I finally got the pure blissful release I had been desperate for since I felt his lips around my cock earlier.

I had only done it to him once before, but I was sure I could manage it again. He arched his back against my broad muscular chest as I thrust forward again, my cock starting to ream his tightness. With a phallus as thick as mine hitting his prostate wasn't a problem, or even a matter of aim, it was guaranteed. I could hear the soft clops of his hooves as he struggled to maintain his balance, as my thrusts grew slowly more forceful, I leaned down and bit his shoulder powerfully, dominantly, as I claimed his body for my own.

He bucked his hips back willingly and as I looked down his chest I saw his cock jumping with each thrust, a jet of pre escaping it and running in rivulets down the white tiled shower walls. The pleasure surrounding my cock was growing with each thrust my balls were aching with a deep throb as they begged to be emptied. I wanted my release, my orgasm more than almost anything. However, I wanted his release to come first and to come in full force.

My thrusts were long and deep, using almost every inch of my cock to ram home hard, the flare bashing into his prostate followed by many inches of thick horse shaft. He cried out louder and louder, his voice echoing off the tiled walls. His fingers squeezed mine and I felt them try to tug my hands down towards his cock. I steeled myself, refusing to give in to his demands to let him tug himself off. It would have been so easy to let him and then blow my load into his ass. However, we had both had a long day, we needed a good proper orgasm to reward us for our patience.

His lithe boyish frame writhed and bucked against mine, his voice never silent as he cried out with each deep hard thrust. My balls slapping heavily off his taint, making them ache and throb that much more. My head swam with the pure pleasure as I began to lose myself to the pleasure of the ritual animalistic needs. My thrusting becoming far less controlled, my cock ramming home again and again, with each thrust my nuts kissed his leathery sack.

I felt his entire body begin to tremble, his hips thrusting back desperately into me, down his front I could smell his aroused cock as it jetted stream after stream of pony pre onto the shower walls. The warm water cascading down my back as I sheltered him from the streams, the air was thick with steam and the funk of two rutting stallions. My hips thrusting and pounding into him as I finally lost control of myself mating him without control. My hips crashing into his with all the force I could muster.

Just before my orgasm took hold of me I heard him scream out loud, his tight body suddenly becoming a squeezing massaging vice. I whinnied and neighed at the top of my lungs as my cock inside him throbbed so hard I know he must had felt it. My flare spread wide and my needy balls began to empty themselves deep inside his desperate hungry ass. The scent of his cum hit my nose, enraging my inner stallion, my last few thrusts were not just hard, they were brutally savage, with each one I jetted a thick blast of horse spunk deep inside him, claming him as my mare.

Our bodies spent we stood there in the never ending stream of hot water, panting as we held still, joined by my cock. Eventually I took a step back and my softening cock slipped free of his ass, there was a splatter and I felt the warm droplets of my cum as they sprayed from his over filled ass. The warm streams of water washed my cock clean, the evidence of our activities flowing down the drain.

He pushed himself off the wall with his paws, and then his hooves slipped on the tiled floors. He fell against my chest and I caught him in my arms, his eyes looked into mine and I found myself kissing him. This time the kiss was soft, tender and gentle. Our moans being shared as his arms laced around my thick equine neck. My paws grabbed my bottle of shampoo again and I coated my fingers in it. Then reaching down I slipped two thick digits inside him, he neighed against my lips as I cleaned my cum from his ass.

Eventually our kiss broke and I turned off the shower. We dried each other in silence, only the sound of our hooves clopping on tiles and our soft breathing. We shared a few tender kisses and caresses. I didn't bother to dress, just grabbed my Pyjamas and slung them over my shoulder with my wet towel. He pulled his boxers on and we both grabbed our cleaning stuff, checking the shower one last time for any evidence of our activities.

Then we stepped out into the night, gasping as the breeze sent cool chills through our damp bodies. We started to walk across the field, the sky had turned a dark zaffre blue in the east as the sunrise drew closer. I stopped walking and took a few deep breaths, the coolness felt good on my hot body. I didn't say a word to him as he looked at me puzzled, I just slipped down to my knees and then lay on my back. The grass cool and wet as it was compressed by my fur. Looking up I watched the stars as they began to fade, chased away by their nearest cousin, our sun. I resolved myself to stay this way until the sun came up and it was time for my run.

I heard the muffled thud of another body throwing itself at the grass and I felt his ears as we lay head to head in the grass looking up at the sky, him almost naked and me fully nude. I breathed deeply, the worries of the world fading away as I stared up at the sky, the clouds lazily floating by, grey puffs in the increasingly lighter sky. My fingers dug into the grass and the cool earth beneath me as I felt the world begin to turn. I heard him give a soft sigh and I hoped the world was turning for him too.


Thanks for reading I do hope you enjoyed, part one of this series can be found here and part 2 here Part four is now published here

If you would like to tip this hard working bear then my tip jar can be accessed by clicking the link below and my special thanks to those of you who do.
