An RPG-style opening

Story by Sovrim Terraquian on SoFurry

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#2 of Twenty-minute tales

Inspired by Ahastar, who thinks that an SNES-RPG-style scene could be a good idea. I'm inclined to agree. Just imagine this with speech bubbles in the style of Lufia 2.

You are "lucky" enough to be shrunk down to less than two inches tall and in the presence of two sadists. What happens next is up to your imagination, for now. This might well get expanded on in the future, but I figured taking ten minutes to put an opening scene together might spark my imagination.

???: Hey.

???: Hey, wake up.

???: Oh, look, you're finally moving.

Scene opens. Shira is standing above the viewer, hir head all but filling the frame. Shi's obviously much larger than the viewer, grinning down with that sort of sadistic, mischeivous smirk only a macro can have.

???: Finally, you're up.

???: I'm Shira, though you probably should call me Goddess if you know what's good for you.

Shira: So, you're wondering what's going on, right?

Shira: First, don't even try to talk. Your mouth's still probably numb from what we did to you.

Shira: Second, you're about the size of a bug. Precisely four centimeters tall.

Shira: Third, Sovrim and I are your new Gods. We own you. Get used to it.

Sovrim now appears over Shira's shoulder, looking down with a similarly twisted grin. He is obviously even larger than shi is, given the way he looks down from above.

Sovrim: If you want any chance of leaving here alive, you'll do what we say.

Shira: And if you want to die with dignity... well, too bad. Not happening.

Sovrim: Really, if we do kill you, you'll consider yourself lucky.

Sovrim: Ever wondered what it'd feel like to have an airplane crash on your head?

Sovrim: That's what it's going to feel like when I start stomping on you. Got it?

Shira: Thanks to some black market military tech, you'll survive that. For now.

Shira: We're going to have so much fun with you, bug.

Sovrim: Indeed. And you'll learn to love it or go insane. I don't care which.

Joolira's Escape

At scarcely four feet in height, Joolira would be politely described as unimposing. This is not to say that her fiery red hair and ample chest were incapable of garnering attention, but the imp barely came up to the chest of most of the humans...

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Pillar of Lust

"Climb my penis, little one." The command would have seemed absurd just a few minutes ago, when I was capable of looking my partner in the eye. But now? It seemed like a daunting task that would take quite some time. Somehow, I'd been reduced in size...

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Pest Control

You're confused to find yourself as a micro. You remember wearing your cloaker before you went to sleep. What happened? Sovrim blends into the room at first, as he allows you a few moments to figure out just what's going on. Only once you come around...

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