The Best Kept Secrets

Story by TheRedDeviledOne on SoFurry

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#2 of The Streets of New York

Here's the second part in my story series, hopefully better written than the first. Not sure where to take the story from here but I'm sure something will come to me. As always comments and suggestions are welcome and encouraged, I'm always looking to improve on my previous attempts. Please vote and comment, drop me a shout on my profile and enjoy the story!

Tory decided he would enjoy the afterglow of last night as best he could, and not dwell on the unknowns.

He knew what would happen if his superiors found out he was intimately involved with an informant; Mike may have encouraged him to bend a few rules to his advantage, but the higher ups in the department wouldn't be so supportive.

Ready for work, Tory figured a good breakfast would be just the thing he needed to clear his head and figure out where to go next with the tiger he was after.

He clambered down the stairs to the exit, and lit a cigarette as he reached the open air. Remembering a diner a couple blocks away served breakfast all day, he began the quick walk over.

Walking in the sunshine only improved his mood from last night and Tory quickly decided that he wouldn't cut things off with the wolf; not yet anyways. While he was technically breaking department code by fooling around with Stef, he convinced himself that it was relevant to the case. He was just going along with what she wanted for the information she had on the tiger, wasn't he?

As he strode down the street he realized Mike probably knew there would be something up between he and the fox. Mike had a knack for figuring things out about people and Tory hoped he wouldn't say anything to anybody when he got into work.

Reaching the diner Tory stomped his cigarette out on the curb and headed inside, telling himself he should quit such an unhealthy habit.

Sitting at the bar he ordered the breakfast special, complete with eggs, pancakes and hash browns. Showing his badge he got the meal for half price, a discount that most restaurants were happy to give to the cops that came in. The waitress, a friendly-looking older weasel, smiled at him as she filled his cup with coffee.

"Tough night hon?" she asked him, pouring the steaming liquid up to the brim of the mug.

"No," he said as he stared off in the distance, "just a tough morning after."

"Oohhhh," she teased him, "must be girl trouble. She leave you or you just can't get her out of your head?"

Surprised she had guessed so easily, he chuckled, "Both, actually."

"Well hon," she said reassuringly, "any girl worth the trouble will come back to you if you keep an open mind. Just remember not to worry too much about her, us women will drive you crazy if you're not careful."

"Thanks," he told her with a smile, "I'll keep that in mind."

Tory's food came out a few minutes later, and as he ate in silence he thought about what the waitress had said to him. Maybe she was right, just don't worry so much about her and hope for the best, that was really all he could do.

As he ate he couldn't help but think about the whole situation he was in, he couldn't ignore the problems staring him in the face. If the wolf really did have information vital to his case he would need to get it soon, one way or the other.

The only problem with that was that Tory couldn't shake the feeling that he would be using the wolf if he tried to question her. What rubbish he thought, immediately. I'm a detective and she has information I need, if she wants to fool around so be it, but above all else he had a job to do.

Then and there he decided that whatever personal involvement he had needed to be for the purpose of his case and nothing else. Anyways he could lose his job for what he did the previous night; she was an informant, not a date.

Finishing his breakfast Tory left his money on the counter, making sure to leave a couple bucks extra for the friendly waitress.

Walking back to his apartment to get his car Tory decided to forgo his after-meal cigarette for once, and just enjoy the nice day.

Arriving at the station he knew he needed to find Mike and set him straight about what happened with the wolf last night before he got any ideas, or worse, said something to someone that couldn't keep their muzzle shut.

He found Mike sitting at his desk going through case reports, a frustrated look on his case.

"Hey Mike you got a minute to grab some coffee?" he asked, the black and brown canine looking up from his papers, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah I gotta take a break from this stuff anyways; it's giving me a headache." The Doberman shuffled the loose papers into a folder on his desk and stood up to walk with the fox.

"So how'd things go with that wolf last night? Musta not been too bad since you're here in one piece," he said jokingly as they walked into the break room.

"That's what I gotta talk to you about Mike, things got a little out of hand last night," he said quietly as they sat down, receiving a raised eyebrow from the Doberman.

Tory relayed the events of the previous night, sparing him the explicit details. When he finished Mike's teeth were showing, a huge grin on his face.

"Way to go rookie, reeled her in on the first date, good job!" he exclaimed, giving the fox a pat on the back.

"But what's the problem, she didn't give you any info on that tiger you're after?" noticing the concerned look still on Tory's face.

"No," Tory said frustratingly, "she didn't, but I'm not really worried about that. I slept with an informant, the Sergeant's informant, I might add, which is a great way for me to lose my job!"

"Haha, don't worry so much there Tor, that's just how the game is played," the dog told him assuredly.

Tory hadn't expected that response from him, if anything he expected a warning and a lecture about doing things outside the rules, not a vote of confidence.

"But what if the higher ups find out," he paused, "what if the Sergeant finds out?" Tory didn't even want to think how the fox would react to finding out what Tory had done with his informant.

"Don't worry about it rookie, everyone knows you have to bend a few rules to get things done every now and then, and even the department heads will look the other way if it means they get an arrest."

"Just don't go advertising your exploits to the entire department and you'll be alright," he continued, "and definitely steer clear of Sergeant Morales' informants in the future or you'll make yourself a powerful enemy."

As they got up to leave Tory noticed the Sergeant making his way towards the pair, a disgruntled look apparent on his face even across the room.

Tory quickly glared at Mike, sure the Dobie had let the word out, but the dog gave a quick shake of his head and muttered under his breath, "It wasn't me rook, promise I haven't said a word."

"Tory!" the large fox yelled from across the room, anger evident in his voice. "My office right now, we need to talk!"

"Shit..." the fox said quietly to himself, time to find a new job.

"Don't sweat it rook," Mike said softly to him as he walked away, "you know he likes to give you a hard time, it could be anything."

Mike was right, it could be anything, but he was almost sure what this was about. Somehow or another word had gotten back that Tory had a meeting with the wolf, and his boss would not be happy about it.

Reaching the Sergeants office, he saw the black fox seated at his desk, paws folded, an envelope with neat black handwriting on the front. Handwriting that looked suspiciously familiar to the fox...

"Close the door and take a seat Tory," the fox said sharply, causing Tory's ears to fold back in anticipation of what he had to say.

"You have an explanation for this?" he said, holding up the letter for Tory to see.

The handwriting, Tory saw, was the same writing on the folded-up note in his pocket. The wolf must have dropped something by for him, and Sarge was none too happy about it.

"Well, I uh..." Tory started, not knowing where to start.

"One of my best informants waltzes in here, tells me she's done feeding info to me, and then hands me a letter to give to you! What am I supposed to think Tory!?"

Tory's heart sank; the fox was angrier than Tory had seen him in a while, quite a feat for someone that had regular outbursts at most members in the department.

"I told you to find leads on your own, not steal mine. You think this is how you're supposed to go about solving cases, stealing what you want from other officers to help yourself!?" the fox shouted at him.

Tory's heart sank lower and his tail drooped, not only did Morales find out about he and the wolf, but now he thought he was a crappy cop. Tory didn't see how this could get any worse.

"One more slip like this and you're done here rookie, I got enough guys here to take your place that'll do things by the book," the fox told him.

After a few moments of silence and a glare Tory felt would turn him to stone, the fox continued. "Now what was so damn important she had to quit anyways?" the Sergeant asked as he opened the note the wolf had left.

Tory's gut twisted in expectation of what was in the wolf's note; he was sure something about last night's exploits were on the page.

Instead, the black fox was quiet for a few seconds as he scanned the note, expression softening as his eyes moved down the page.

"Well," the fox chuckled, looking up at him with a smile, "it seems I owe you a huge apology Tory, it would seem you didn't turn that wolf away after all."

Tossing the note across the desk for Tory to read he continued, "There's enough written testimonial in that note to bring in three guys on the Most Wanted board, that more than I got out the other informants over the past six months!"

Tory quickly skimmed the note, registering snippets of information about the whereabouts and activity of several at-large criminals. The note would easily save Morales weeks in his investigations.

"I don't know what you said to her, but I'm glad you said it. We've been trying to get some of these guys off the streets for months," the fox said to him, a wide smile on his face.

Amazed that the wolf hadn't gotten him fired, all Tory could do was stare stupidly at the fellow vulpine.

"Tell ya what Tory, I shoulda read that note before I gave you that tongue lashing, that outburst wasn't fair to you. Why don't you take the rest of the day? My treat."

The shock from almost being fired to now being rewarded with the day off was a little too much for Tory. All he could manage was a small nod to the fox, and meek "Alright," in reply.

"And maybe show some of the other guys around the force your interrogation techniques, we need more breaks like this," he said to Tory as he was leaving.

Tory wanted to laugh at the last comment; if the Sergeant only knew what his ‘interrogation techniques' were made up of. The other guys in the force sure would like to learn them, especially if they had to question suspects as pretty as that wolf.

Walking out of Morales office still in a bit of a daze, all he could do was shake his head at Mike when the Dobie asked him if he had been canned.

Walking towards, the officer at the front desk called out to him as he went to the door.

"Detective!," the white mouse called after him.

Turning to look, he saw the note in her paw and recognized the handwriting from just a few minutes earlier, knowing who it was from before she even told him.

"Someone dropped this by earlier, a black wolf that said she knew you," the mouse told him.

"Yeah, thanks for getting this to me," he told her, heart jumping in anticipation of the note's contents.

"No problem detective," she told him on his way out the door, "good luck out there."

Luck, Tory thought to himself, is something he could use plenty of with this fox.

Climbing into the driver's seat of his car, Tory lit a cigarette as he held the note in his paws. He carefully unfolded it as if it were a thin sheet of glass, in danger of breaking apart in his paws.

Tory, he read excitedly, his fur tingling at the sight of his name written in the small, neat script.

Sorry for the trouble I probably caused you with Sergeant Morales, but he's not as fun as you are to talk to. Since last night went so well, I thought you might want to repeat it. We can enjoy ourselves just like last time, you don't even have to try to win me over with dinner first.


She left a number below her name, and Tory couldn't help but get excited as he read over the digits. Any doubt that he had about the wolf's interest in him was quickly dissipating. Scanning down the page he saw one last sentence at the bottom.

P.S. If you're still worried about our professional connection just tell yourself that you're meeting me for information on that tiger, I'll pretend to go along.

Reading the note Tory felt a pang of guilt among all his excitement. He had dodged a bullet with Morales this time, and he was pretty sure he could keep this a secret. But if he didn't, and word got around the station he would definitely be out of job the next time around.

He also thought back to his case, the reason he had met Stef in the first place. Cases usually didn't get solved right away, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could stall on finding this tiger. He had already had almost a week of unsuccessful stakeouts, and the wolf was proving to be quite the distraction herself.

If he wanted to keep in good standing he would need to bring in something new on the case soon, and that meant actually getting something useful from the wolf the next time they met. He had to get something on this tiger, and if that meant restraining himself with Stef then that's what he had to do.

The only problem was that in the back of Tory's mind he had a feeling that would be easier said than done.

 Starting the drive to his apartment Tory decided now was a good a time as any to call the wolf and set her straight about what he needed for his case.

After two rings he got an answer. "Hello?" he heard on the other line, her voice as tantalizing as it was last night.

"Hey Stef it's Tory, I got your note," he said to her, unsure of where to begin.

"Well," she questioned in a husky voice, "do we have a date tonight or what?"

Her question caught Tory of guard, he was surprised she had gotten to the point so fast. That voice didn't help his decision making either, all thoughts of work on his case went completely out the window.

"Um, sure that'd be great," he answered after a slight pause, "you have anywhere in mind?"

"Well your bed would be nice, but we can eat somewhere first if you want," she answered back quickly, her playful grin evident even over the phone.

"Umm...well..." he stammered, mind blanched by what she just said to him. His tongue seemed to be stuck to the roof of his mouth, he couldn't think of anything to say back to her.

"Oh come on now Tory it can't be that easy to tongue tie a big, bad police fox can it?" she asked coyly.

"Well I..." Tory trailed off again

"Tell you what," she cut him off, "why don't we meet at that Italian place a couple blocks from the precinct. It's really nice; it'll give us a chance to know each other more intimately."

The last word hung ripe with irony, causing a smile to come to Tory's face. After a few moments of silence the rust-colored fox answered back, "Sounds great, when do I meet you there?"

"Say 7 o'clock, and dress up so I have something nice to take off you later," she said brashly, hanging up and leaving Tory speechless for the third time in their short conversation.

Tory headed home with a cerebral buzz, not believing that the phone call he just had was actually real. When he finally got back to his apartment he couldn't think of anything else but Stef.

He sat on his worn couch and smoked cigarettes endlessly, staring at the TV, not really registering anything on the screen. He mulled over the opportunity in front of him, but couldn't shake the feeling that it was too good to be true. While there was no doubt that last night had been real, there was a nagging suspicion, a discomfort that he couldn't get rid of.

While Tory didn't have a big problem picking up girls he never had one this beautiful and this...eager drop right into his lap, throwing herself at him. The whole situation gave Tory a headache, and he felt stupid for almost regretting the opportunity he had in front of him.

Every time he was around the fox everything felt perfect, like everything he was doing was surreal, like he was inside a movie or something. She sent a tingle up his spine and made his fur stand on end, and he couldn't ignore that feeling.

The tiger be damned Tory told himself, backtracking on his earlier decision, his case can wait. He would go to dinner and see what this little canid was really about, and just go from there. Â

Tory occupied himself for the rest of the afternoon until it was time to get ready. He pulled out one of the suits he wore to court when he had to present evidence, and almost immediately decided against it.

Stef had said she wanted him dressed up and he wouldn't disappoint. Digging through his closet he pulled out the best suit he had, black with silver pinstripes. He added a pearl-colored white shirt underneath and a silver tie. He even dug out the cuff links and tie clip he never wore, determined to impress her.

After he got dressed he looked himself over in the mirror and amazed even himself. Â He looked like he was auditioning for a James Bond movie; he was just missing the beautiful girl at his side. He would remedy that soon enough though, he told himself.

Checking the clock he saw he only had about 20 minutes to get downtown, so he decided he had better head out.

The drive downtown was more stressful than usual. Traffic gave him the usual hassle, and his apprehension about his date with Stef just made things worse. He rode bumpers the entire driving, earning himself plenty of dirty looks, but he could care less.

He reached the restaurant with a few minutes to spare, nervous and fidgeting. Seeing no open spots on the block he decided to leave his car with the valet at the door.

"It's an unmarked police car," he told the young bat as he stepped out of the car, "so you steal anything from inside or leave a scratch on the car and you'll have those wings clipped."

He knew he was being a jerk to the kid but he was so nervous he couldn't help himself. He dropped the keys into the valet's outstretched claw giving him a glare, receiving a frightened look from the bat.

Walking inside the concierge met him with a smile. "Do you have a reservation with us tonight sir," the badger asked him, "or are you meeting someone here?"

"I'm meeting somebody here actually, a black wolf," he told the badger, scanning the restaurant for her.

"Ahh...if you're here to meet the same wolf I'm thinking of you are a very lucky fox. Why don't you follow me."

The badger led him past the larger tables in the front of the restaurant and through a divider and into a more private section, the kind with candlelight tables met for couples only. Walking through the restaurant Tory received quite a few approving stares from the various vixens and dates in the restaurant, so he was sure that the suit was a good choice.

"Is that her at the back table?" the concierge asked him.

It was, and Tory's jaw practically dropped open when he saw her.

She was dressed in a sparkling dark green evening dress that offset her deep black fur beautifully. Even across the room he could see her eyes dance in the candlelight, and as he walked towards the table her eyes met his in a deep gaze that nearly stopped him in his tracks.

"Enjoy your meal," the badger said as they reached the table, "a lucky fox indeed," he said as he left, quiet enough so that only Tory could hear him.

"Wow," he said to Stef as he sat down, "you look amazing."

"You don't look half bad yourself. With the looks you're getting I'm surprised you didn't steal a couple dates on the way in," she replied back with a smile, her voice making his fur prickle even more in person than over the phone.

Taking a quick glance around the restaurant Tory saw she was right; he could see more than a couple of girls around staring at their table. What was more noticeable was the amount of males staring at Stef, and he could see more than a few of them receiving jealous glares from their dates.

"I don't think the guys are checking me out, so I'd guess their staring at you, and who could blame them?" he replied with a smile, glad he had impressed her a little.

"You'd be surprised, not all guys are interested in women you know," she said casually.

The waiter came around to take their drink order, a tiger Tory noted, the irony not lost on him. He ordered a bottle of wine for the two of them, an aged merlot, and as they sipped their drinks he finally got a chance to find a little bit about her, seeing as though they skipped the pleasantries the first time around.

He found out she had moved into the city after graduating college to find a job in journalism, but that it hadn't worked out. Instead she worked at a call center offering tech support, a boring job that Tory suspected had lead her to look for some excitement as a police informant.

Tory didn't press her on the extent of her work with the force, or how she had become involved in the first place. He really wanted to know how she got such extensive information, especially the kind she had divulged in the note to Morales but he figured she would tell him if she wanted to tell him.

As their dinner arrived (both of them had ordered the prime rib) the topic moved to Tory's work as a detective, a subject he was usually bored talking about. Her interest however, gave Tory renewed enthusiasm, and he was excited that she wanted to hear about what he did.

"It's a lot more desk work and time in court than most people think, but the beat work is exciting, being in a city like this trying to find somebody, or dig up some information" he told her as they finished their meal.

"Like that tiger," she replied, eyeing their waiter across the room, almost baiting him to delve for more information.

Tory wanted to ask but remembered the pledge he made to himself earlier, and didn't push the topic. He wanted her to be sure that his interest was in her, not in the information she had about the tiger.

As they finished their meal the wolf set her paw up on the table, just within Tory's reach. Taking the opportunity, he grabbed it, and looked into her eyes. The now familiar tingle returned to the base of his spine, and Tory hoped her interest in him hadn't faded.

"So wanna go have some drinks at my place?" he asked, hoping he didn't sound too desperate.

"I thought you'd never ask," she responded, eyes glimmering in the dim light.

As the tiger came around with the check, Tory took out his wallet to pay. A little taken aback by the cost, the fox quickly placed the bills in the leather holder and set it back on the table, leaving plenty of change for their waiter as a tip.

"You know I am capable of paying," the wolf remarked.

"Yeah I know, but I couldn't let you pay, not after such a nice dinner, it wouldn't be right," he told her politely.

"Well then I'll just have to pay you back some other way, won't I?"she said, placing her paw on Tory's thigh under the table, gently stroking his leg.

Tory felt his sheath harden at the touch, and decided now was a good a time as any to leave.

"I'm ready to leave if you are," he said, receiving a slow nod in agreement.

Tory left the restaurant in a glow, the wolf holding onto his arm on the way out. Reaching the door he saw the valet from earlier sprint to get his car, returning with it in a hurry.

"Here you are sir, enjoy your night," the bat muttered as he handed him the keys, obviously still distraught from the threat Tory had given him earlier.

He slid quite a considerable tip in the bat's paw, and said quietly in his ear "Here, for the trouble, sorry to be such an ass earlier."

As the pair climbed in the car Stef turned to look at the young bat, smiling as he looked at the bill.

"He do you some kind of favor earlier?" she asked with a suggestive smile.

"Nah, I was in a hurry when I got here, and I was kind of a jerk to him, so I figured I'd apologize," he responded, slightly embarrassed she had seen his exchange with the valet.

"Aww, cute and considerate," she cooed, obviously impressed that he wanted to make up for his attitude with the bat.

The drive back to his apartment was considerably better than usual, Stef leaning against him as he drove, slowly rubbing her paws along his leg and chest. She would occasionally squeeze his sheath for just a few precious seconds, giving a huge smile as she did.

By the time they reached his apartment Tory was considerably worked up, his sheath rock hard from her attention. As they walked inside Tory saw that the elevator had finally been fixed, so they both walked through the lobby, stopping in front of the gleaming silver doors.

With a soft ding the doors opened, the elevator devoid of any nighttime traffic. Stepping inside Stef leaned up against Tory, moving her muzzle towards Tory's as the doors closed.

As the elevator churned to life their lips met, an electric feeling that practically made Tory shiver. It was almost better than the first time they had kissed; since the previous night Tory had spent hours in anticipation, longing for her touch.

Their muzzles remained locked in a passionate embrace, neither one hearing the soft ding the elevator made as it reached Tory's floor and slowed to a stop. Tory held the wolf in a tight embrace, one paw on the back of her head, holding her to him, his other paw working its way up and down her leg and around her hip.

He inhaled her scent as he held the kiss, letting his senses become overpowered by the whole experience. She smelled as incredible as the night before, a scent uniquely hers that grabbed hold of the fox.

As the doors started to close Tory broke the kiss, reaching out a paw to hold them open.

"Sorry," he laughed, seeing the annoyed look on the wolf's face, "though we might want to get out."

"Sure," she replied back, "I just didn't want to stop, that was wonderful."

Tory's heart jumped a little as she said that, delighted that she had enjoyed the kiss as much as he did. The two exited the elevator and walked towards Tory's apartment.

"Once we get in the apartment we can pick up where we left off," he suggested, looking down at the beauty next to him.

"That and more," she implied, squeezing his paw and gazing up at him.

As they got in the door she suddenly grabbed hold of his shoulders and kissed him again. Tory quickly shoved the door closed and the two awkwardly made their way to the bedroom. Tory quickly took off his jack and shirt, tossing them across the room, as Stef slipped her purse from around her shoulder, dropping it onto the floor with a small thud. The pair fell onto the bed, the mattress giving a small groan.

Tory held the kiss with her as her paws moved down to unfasten his pants. He pulled his boxers down with, trying his best not to break the kiss as he shook his legs out of the clothing.

Stef broke the kiss with him to stare his form over, drinking in the sight of the slender fox, the white fur on his chest and stomach standing out among the reddish-brown coloring, trailing down to his sheath.

The black wolf climbed on top of Tory, massaging the pink of his exposed cock as they met for another kiss. Tory traced his paw up her legs and under her dress, grabbing hold of her soft, furry hips.

As he held onto her hips his eyes widened as he realized she didn't have panties on. Tory wondered how she had gotten them off without him seeing, and realized a moment later she probably wasn't wearing any in the first place.

"Panties can be so uncomfortable," she giggled seeing his expression, squeezing his shaft with renewed vigor.

Tory traced his paws away from her hips and closer to what he wanted; taking his time to make sure she enjoyed his touch.

She gave a small moan and moved to kiss him deeply again, just as Tory's paws reached her furry...sheath.

The shock didn't register with Tory for a full second, and as Tory began to second guess what he had just felt, the wolf pulled her, or his dress up, exposing a thick sheath and his large furry balls.

Tory jumped back in the bed, trying to break the kiss as he moved back on the bed. This was not at all what he was accustomed to finding beneath dresses.

The wolf pulled his muzzle back, grinning as he held on to Tory's shoulders pinning him to the bed with surprising strength.

"Don't tell me you're gonna back down now stud, does this really change how you feel about this?" he questioned, a smile prevalent on his face.

Tory had a moment of hesitation where he looked over the wolf and thought about everything. As he stared at her, him, he corrected himself, he was aware that nothing had indeed become different. The electric feeling was still there, his hair still on end and the buzz still in his brain. As he looked him over the wolf was still as sexy as ever, and although his brain screamed at him to stop, it was becoming harder and harder to listen.

"No," he said quietly, "I guess it doesn't."

His response put an even wider grin on the wolf's face. "In that case," he said, reaching down to grab for something from the purse on the floor, "I vote we get back to the matter at hand."

Sitting up Tory saw he was holding a small bottle, full of a substance that he squirted out into his paw, and started rubbing onto Tory's shaft.

Tory moaned at the feeling of the cool, slippery substance on his shaft. Stef rubbed the substance from top to bottom, eliciting soft moans from Tory, stopping only when his cock was completely covered.

Climbing back a top Tory he rubbed more under the base of his bushy tail, grinning at Tory in anticipation. As he moved his hips down, Tory grabbed hold, deciding he would enjoy this and ponder the moral repercussions later.

Stef moved his hips down quickly, forcing Tory's shaft in his tight entrance, knot and all. Tory moaned at the feeling, the room becoming clouded in a slight haze, causing him to blink and see white spots of pleasure in front of his eyes.

The feeling was ten times, no a hundred times better than any female he had had before. While he was familiar with the tight, warm feeling, but nothing compared to this; it felt like his cock was in a vice, Stef's hot tunnel milking his length as he came down on top of him.

Tory closed his eyes to take in the feeling, starting to thrust up to meet Stef's hips; if it kept feeling as good as this he wouldn't last long. The wolf leaned into him and kissed him, adding to his pleasure.

He grabbed the wolf's long member in his hand as they went at it, his paws massaging and pumping the thick length.

Holding onto the wolf tightly Tory drove into him as long as he could, his thrusts becoming smaller and more erratic, the fox knew he was close to climaxing.

The black form on top of him came first, thick jets of cum shooting out over Tory's paw and stomach.

Tory came just a few seconds later, pulling the wolf down hard on top of him, thrusting in as deep as he could, eliciting a long, low moan from his canine lover. Tory was experiencing pure ecstasy, his body numb and tingling all over as he pumped into the wolf, the canine slumping over him, exhausted.

As he finally finished the pair rolled onto their sides, facing each other to wait for Tory's knot to soften.

"There's no way that was your first time," Stef panted, "that was amazing."

"I'm not gay," he blurted out defensively, not sure why he had to mention that right away, "that's the first time for me."

"Well for someone's who's not gay you seemed to enjoy it," Stef said, moving to kiss him on the nose.

Tory retracted his head, suddenly becoming furious at the entire situation. "What are you playing at?" he snarled, receiving a startled look from the fox.

Stef opened his mouth to reply but Tory cut him off with another angry outburst. "How could you lure me on like that, not tell me the truth?"

He saw the wolf start to speak and cut him off again, not caring what he had to say. "You could have at least told me you know, instead of lying to me for two days, using me."

When Tory said the last two words he saw a pang of guilt flash across the wolf's amber eyes. The two sat in silence for a few seconds just looking at one another in the darkened room.

"I'm sorry," he started slowly, "it wasn't right for me not to tell you, but I was afraid I would scare you away so I hid everything from you."

Tory didn't have anything to say, so he just glared at him, waiting to see if he could explain himself.

"I felt a connection when I saw you leaving the station, and I knew by the way you looked at me you felt it too. I always believed that if you feel that connection, if you really like somebody then it shouldn't matter whether they're male or female, it should just matter that you share the same feelings," he said quietly, eyes looking down and away from Tory's stare.

Tory's eyes softened and his anger faded when he heard Stef's reasoning. He did feel the connection, and even after the truth came out about the wolf it didn't change anything, he still felt the same. They made each other happy, that's all that counted, and screw what other people thought of it all.

"It's ok," Tory told him softly, causing Stef to look up at him, "I do feel the same way, and you're right, it shouldn't matter whether I think it's right or wrong, it's just..." he trailed off, trying to come to terms with the strange feeling he had.

"You've never done this before and you don't know what to think," the wolf said, finishing his sentence for him.

"That's natural Tory, I felt the same way after my first time, you don't know where to go from here," he explained.

"My advice is, just go with it and do what's natural. If you don't wanna continue this from here I understand, I deceived you and I didn't give you a fair chance," he said, looking away again.

The awkward silence returned, and Tory took a few seconds to think everything over. He decided that Stef was right; it didn't matter that they were both guys, and although he wasn't totally comfortable with it, as long as the feeling was there he didn't want to stop it.

"No, its fine, I just need some time to think about everything," Tory said, receiving a small smile from the wolf.

Tory moved his muzzle closer to the wolf and kissed him softly, content to lay in bed with the wolf and enjoy the feeling of the black form next to him.

"So what's with the dresses and everything anyway? Is your name really Stef?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Well technically yes," the wolf responded, slowly rubbing the white fur on the fox's chest. "It's short for Stephen but most people assume its short for Stefanie. And as for the women's clothing well, I look much better in drag and since I'm after guys it just makes things easier," he finished with a wide smile across his muzzle.

"So what number victim am I?" Tory said playfully, rubbing the wolf's ear with his paw, "I can't be the first one you lured in."

"No you're not the first," he answered a little hesitantly, "but there haven't been many others. I don't believe you just sleep around for the sake of it, I like to have a meaningful connection with someone, that's what drew me to you."

At that comment Tory decided he would definitely keep things going with Stef, at least for now. He didn't quite know what to expect from all this but he guessed it couldn't be that bad. And he liked the wolf's views on sex; while he wasn't one to wait on marriage, Tory had always tried to find that special someone he could completely connect with.

Giving a sigh of content he held the wolf close to him in his arms, and together the two lovers drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

To be continued...