The Green Monster

Story by ferrets_smell on SoFurry

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The Green Monster

by ferrets_smell

(sorry about having to remove and repost!)

Kieran crumpled up the sheets of paper slowly between his paws, crushing it into a tight, compact little sphere until the soft pads on his palms began to hurt.

The apartment was still a mess, he had only gotten halfway through cleaning it. Why did his roommate have to live like a slob? He had never been this way when they were dating, but apparently once the relationship was over, so was the clean, well-organized honeymoon. Kieran clenched his fists and closed his eyes, letting the wadded piece of paper drop to the floor at his feet, thinking, "And why... why is it he always has to leave out these letters for me to find...?"

The tall, light grey ferret leaned back against the wall and bit his lip. Knowing about Ash's 'hobby' of using boys always made him feel inadequate somehow. He looked down at himself, brushing his paw over his well-defined abdominal muscles under his shirt. He should be more confident, he knew. Everyone told him he was good-looking. Tall, blue-eyed, and well-hung. Why should it matter if Ash felt he needed to play with someone else?

Still, it always bothered him to find these stupid love letters. It wasn't just that he still wanted Ash to himself. He was pretty sure of it. It was just that Ash always seemed to be playing all these boys the same way. A tremor of anger surged through Kieran's body and he let out a growl to the empty apartment as the words of the most recent letter floated through his mind.

"Maybe we could move in together?"

"When we meet, we're going to fuck..."

"I'm done with my roommate, I need someone new to be with..."

Kieran stooped slowly and picked up the discarded ball, tossing it into the trash bag he was cleaning up with. "That little bastard," he thought, "after all I've fucking done for him..."

Ash was an ingrate, pure and simple. Kieran knew it. He'd tried his best when they were a couple, and he was trying his best now. But nothing ever seemed to matter to Ash. As best Kieran could understand it, Ash just liked having power over the boys, leading them around like puppy dogs, and using them up for sex and presents. And who would ever call him on it? Ash was a small, diminutive tabby cat. Always on the bottom, always speaking softly. But he always had to be in control. He was the backseat driver in Kieran's life.

The tall, muscular ferret's body was tight with rage. Jealousy and hurt had transmuted to anger, and after a year of holding it all back, he felt it snap somewhere inside him. The thread that had kept him silent and complacent for so long was cut. No more backseat drivers in his life.Kieran looked at his watch. 6 hours until Ash got home. Plenty of time to give just exactly what he wanted!

He fished out a couple of the letters he had found, and searched them for numbers.

It was midnight and Kieran sat on the chair in the front room of the apartment, smiling to himself as he waited and sipped his coffee. Ash should be home any minute now. He turned to the two boys sitting next to him, grinning as he watched them giggling to eachother and talking about their plans. They were the only ones he'd been able to find cell-phone numbers for, but he was happy with the results.

Jeff sat to his immediate right. He was a strong, soft-spoken tiger, a bit chubby perhaps, but still attractive in his own right. He dressed nicely, and it seemed he took care of himself fairly well. An average boy, maybe 5'10". Just a guy, the perfect target for Ash's brand of play.

Tony was leaning back in his chair next to the tiger, looking pleased with himself, paws folded over his lap. A strong, confident-looking dark grey wolf, he had been the most upset by what Kieran had to say. His eyes shown now with a nasty, mischevious look as he listened to Jeff speak. He had undressed when he entered the apartment, and showed no shame at laying back in the nude, his tall, athletic frame stretched out between two chairs. Kieran kept finding himself staring at Tony, his eyes drawn to the thick, heavy-looking sheath, imagining how big the other boy must be. Tony caught him every time he looked and grinned, showing his teeth.

Here were the boys he'd been so jealous of. Just a couple of the new prospects in Ash's sick little quest. Kieran had found them to be just what he imagined- Easily manipulated. After getting them together and showing them how their beloved little tabby had been playing all of them for fools, they were like putty in his hands. They'd agreed to play along with him tonight. In fact, Kieran had the feeling they might enjoy it even more than was going to, if that were even possible.

The door opened suddenly and the three of them went silent. Ash stood in the doorway, frozen as he looked from Tony, to Jeff, and finally to Kieran.

Kieran almost laughed aloud. Ash looked so, so small there, frightened and confused as he was. The little tabby always looked pretty tiny as it was. Even on his tiptoes he barely came up to Kieran's chin. His body was slender, girly, with large, round hips and a small waist. If you dressed him up right, he could probably pass as female.

Now, though, he looked even more helpless than usual. His mouth opened as if to say something, but Kieran stood up quickly and cut him off. The other two boys remained in their chairs, staring with fiendish grins at the uncomfortable tabby, still holding his keys.

"Well hello there, little kitty. And how was your day?"

Ash's eyes darted from boy to boy around the room. He swallowed hard and looked back to the large ferret, shrinking back as he could smell the danger coming off of him. Kieran's words were wet with animosity and he didn't seem to be blinking at all. The little tabby opened his muzzle again to answer.


"Well it just got a whole lot better, sweetheart! Don't you see? I brought over all your little boyfriends for coffee!"

Kieran's face was twisted up into an expression that was supposed to be a smile, but it had all the comfort of a sadistic clown. Ash could hear the violence in his tone, fumbling with his keys for a moment before turning around and reaching for the doorknob again.

Tony was on his feet in an instant, the large, overbearing wolf slamming his paw against the front door, holding it shut and leaning down over Ash, making the frightened tabby stumble back a step. The wolf grinned his sick, toothy grin and cocked his head to the side. When he spoke, his voice rumbled in his throat, like every word was a growl.

"Where do you think you're going, lover?"

Kieran stood still, his eyes on Ash. He was loving every moment of it, his body almost quivering with pleasure as he soaked up the feeling of perfect revenge. Ash looked to him, his paws back against the wall as he inched away from the growling wolf, but found no comfort in the ferret's cold blue eyes. The ferret smirked a little as he glanced to the side, noticing the firm, pink cocktip slipping free of the wolf's dark grey sheath. He really WAS enjoying this.

Jeff was already on his feet, strolling casually to Ash's other side, letting the little tabby bump into him and laughing, reaching down and grabbing one of the cat's soft orange ears and tweaking it hard, making Ash cry out and squeeze his eyes shut. The tiger held the little ear tight in his paw, leaning his head down and softly whispering into it.

"You've been a naughty little kitty, Ash..."

Kieran shivered with delight, stepping out quickly and catching the little cat around his middle with a strong arm as he twisted free from the tiger. Ash whimpered and thrashed about wildly, his horrified face beginning to show his panic. The ferret held on tight and looked up at the other two boys with bright, excited eyes.

"Are you two ready?"

Tony and Jeff looked at eachother for a moment and then laughed, nodding and reaching down, each one grabbing one of Ash's kicking legs. Kieran took the cat by the scruff of his neck and with that they began to walk towards the bedroom, the small, terrified tabby dangling between the three of them. He pushed his paws desperately against the ferret's legs and began his begging.

"K-Kieran no, I don--" Kieran shook the cat by his neckscruff and clucked his tongue.

"Ah ah ah... no talking. Now you should probably just sit back and enjoy this, my sweet little slut. See it's when you open your mouth that you start running into trouble."

"No please... please Kieran... I'm so sorry..."

Kieran started to chide the cat again but Tony spoke over him, "Sorry? For what? You love all of us, don't you? You wanted ALL of us, didn't you? Now now, you're not trying to tell me those were all... lies, are you?"

They all laughed, all except Ash. They had arrived at the foot of the bed, and now it was time for them to have their justice. The wolf and tiger dropped the tabby's legs to the floor and held him down on his knees.

Kieran held out his paw, and Tony passed a length of rope to him. He kneeled next to Ash and gave him a kiss on the cheek as he began to tie the struggling cat's paws behind his back with tight, secure knots, making sure the rough hemp rope dug in a bit to Ash's wrists. Ash began sobbing, his body going limp in the grip of the three strong males.

Kieran drank it all up. This was his moment. It had been a year coming, and now he was going to taste the cat's tears and listen to his sobs. He was going to relish every bit of it. The ferret crouched in front of Ash and cupped him hard up under the chin, recoiling and shaking his paw while he laughed. Ash had bitten him.

"Oh you sweet little thing, that hurt! Now you shouldn't do that again, if you'd like to hang on to those pretty teeth of yours, you understand? Nod for me. NOD for me. That's a good boy."

The tall ferret finished up with Ash quickly, eager to get to the best part, tying the helpless boy's ankles to the legs of the bed, bending him over the edge of it roughly with his paw. Kieran looked back at Tony and Jeff, giggling with excitement as he saw them leaning back against the wall watching, their cocks in their paws, smiling right back at him. Kieran realized he was right, the wolf WAS huge. The ferret's eyes lingered for a moment on the big, shapely red shaft being stroked in the dark grey paw. Eleven inches? Twelve? It was hard to tell. He looked over at Jeff, whom he noticed was also staring down at the wolf.

Now there was a surprise. The soft-spoken, quiet tiger had perhaps the thickest member he'd ever seen. Not all that long, but wide enough to choke a horse. "Heh," Kieran thought, "I guess Ash has a thing for big cocks. Too bad for him."

Kieran nodded to the two boys, who took up their positions. Jeff hopped up on the bed and knelt in front of Ash's head, which was buried in the covers of the bed. He was still sobbing. Tony slowly stepped up to the tabby's small rear and hooked his claws under the waistband of the boy's pants, effortlessly tearing them to shreds and inciting another string of wracking sobs from the helpless, tied-up little cat. The two boys looked to Kieran for approval.

"Well...? Why are you looking at me? Give your little loverboy here a try already!"

Ash raised his head and started to spew his apologies again. Kieran looked back at him coldly and smiled as his words were cut off, the cat choking as his jaw was forced wide open, the chubby tiger grunting a little as he forced, with a great deal of difficulty, his ridiculously thick meat down into Ash's throat. The tabby's slender, shapely body stiffened up and struggled uselessly against the bonds, his ears folded back and cheeks wet with tears as he gasped and gagged in the hopes of taking a breath. Tony watched eagerly, the corners of his lips curling up in a cruel smile. He tugged up the tabby's tail and in one swift motion drove himself into Ash with a fierceness that made even Kieran recoil in empathy for the poor cat's tiny rear.

The room echoed with a shrill, anguished shriek as Ash arched his back, the tiger's shaft falling from his muzzle for a moment before it was quickly replaced. The wolf had completely hilted himself in one thrust, and a quick glance Ash's backside told Kieran that the cat was being torn up by the rough fucking.

Tony wasted no time. The look on his face revealed his cruelty and the joy he took in punishing Ash for his deception. As he pounded into the little cat, Jeff held him by the ears, thrusting viciously into the wide-open orange muzzle. Ash's eyes rolled back in his head and looked over at Kieran desperately, wet with tears and begging for some shred of mercy.

But Kieran just smiled and reached down, beginning to stroke his long, stiff member in his paw slowly, making sure the cat could see him as he worked, taking a step forward and leaning his head down to whisper in the tabby's ear.

"Was it everything you wanted...?"

Ash squeezed his eyes shut, the only sounds in the room now being the grunting of the two large boys as the pumped themselves harder and faster into the sprawled out cat every minute. Kieran crawled up onto the bed and kneeled next to Jeff, watching the tiger slam his wide, barbed shaft into the smaller feline, the big ferret stroking himself and rubbing his broad, pink tip up hard against Ash's cheek. He moaned with ecstasy, reeling in ecstasy as the scene fulfilled a need in him far deeper than sex. He'd found his justice.

Kieran snapped his eyes open as Tony let out a loud howl, thrusting one last time into the cat, jolting his body forward against Jeff's thick shaft, forcing it completely down Ash's throat. The wolf gasped and groaned as he tied with the little cat, his knot swelling up inside the raw, abused tabby's rump. Jeff gasped and clenched his teeth, the tiger jerking Ash's head forward and back against his hard, throbbing meat, fucking the helpless kitty's muzzle viciously until he suddenly stiffened, pulling back and letting his seed fly loose across Ash's face, the tabby quickly turning away, gasping for air and collapsing down on the bed as the boy emptied the rest of his cum onto his messy face.

The ferret moaned with pleasure, the two boys climaxing fulfilling his need for revenge. He came hard, harder than he had in the last year, the orgasm surging through his body, making his cock flex wide and firm, his seed spilling out onto Ash's back in a rush. Kieran's eyes rolled back into his head, waiting until he felt completely drained and then collapsing back on the bed, his chest rising and falling with the exertion of his climax.

When he opened his eyes again Tony's paw was on his forehead and the wolf was smiling down at him. Kieran smiled back and sat up. Ash lay limp on the bed, still tied up, his slim, yellow-orange body covered in cum.

He looked like he was passed out. Jeff sat on the chair next to the wall, smoking a cigarette and looking very satisfied with himself. Kieran laughed and the three walked together out into the front room. Tony opened the door and the two boys began to leave.

The ferret slapped the two on the shoulders and grinned at them, "So I was thinking... I'm done with my roommate, I need someone new to be with..."