A Helping Hand From Mother

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#1 of Incest Stories (Others)

A little side story I'd been working on in my spare time, this one finally comes to fruition!

Starting college on the wrong foot because of a painful prom experience, Martin Tannings is in a slump that's really starting to take a toll on his health, grades and social life, but his bombshell mother Annie Tannings isn't going to watch him slip further into failure. Running out of ideas to help him, she decides to boost his confidence in a way a mother should never do for her son, but when all is said and done, will Annie find she needed it more than Martin did?

This story contains incest between consenting adult characters. If you don't like that, look away.

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

Another day had passed, and once again, Mrs. Tannings had to watch her son Martin walk in the door with his ears flat to his head and his tail pressed firmly between his legs.

The sun was shining down brightly through the barren trees on that warm autumn day, but even the vibrant colors of the falling leaves were lost in the dark cloud of desolation that followed Martin everywhere he went. What was once a confident smirk on the face of the young German Shepherd was now a constant frown, and the toned muscles and peak physical figure he'd worked so hard to achieve in his senior year of high school were starting to fade and dwindle.

"Hey mom. I'm home."

The voice was so monotone that anyone who didn't know any better might think Martin was just being silly, but Annie Tannings was the only woman that Martin could cry to when he came home from his senior prom with a bouquet of flowers still in his paws, and tears streaming down his cheeks. Annie felt every beat that her son's heart skipped, and tried to dry every tear that dared to stain his cheeks, that night. It was already a few months since then, and yet...

"Welcome home, sweetie. Did you have a better day at the college?"

"Not really," Martin replied just as his mother expected. "Political Science is so boring..."

"It can't be all bad!" Annie replied. Her son was never much of one to carry on with a bad mood, and as great of a mother as she'd been to her child, even Annie was running out ideas on how to bring him out of his funk. "Certainly there has to be a couple cute girls in your class?"

Martin took off his shoes at the door, dropping his bookbag right next to them and sighing. "Maybe one or two, but it's not like they'd ever talk to me anyway."

"Oh, Martin...don't be so silly. You're a wonderfully handsome young man, and any girl in that class would be lucky to have you." It was a typical mom answer, but Annie truly did believe it of her offspring. "Besides, have you ever tried talking to them?"

That was less of a mom answer, but Martin didn't reply any differently. "What's the point?" he asked. "Why bother reaching out to another shallow girl just so I can get my heart stepped on again?"

"Martin..." Annie started to reply, but she paused, already able to hear the pain in her son's voice. She flattened her own ears as she watched her bright young man stifle back a couple tears, just wishing that there was something she could say to him or do to cheer him up. "Not all girls are as evil as Clarice was. I'm sure if you just spoke to one of those cute girls in your class, they'd love to go on a date with a young stud like you!"

"Young stud? What about me says young stud, exactly?"

Annie sighed quietly to herself and shook her head, a tiny smile curling her lips. "You're my son, Martin. You take so well after your father that it stuns me you've managed to stay single this long." Approaching her distraught boy gingerly, Annie stepped up to her son, standing just about the same height as him, and wrapped her arms around him in a comforting and desperately needed hug. "Time heals all wounds, Martin. You'll get past this, I promise."

"I sure hope so," Martin replied dryly, returning his mother's hug with nearly limp arms and a half-hearted squeeze. As comforting as her touch was, it just wasn't enough to put a smile on his face. "I'm gonna head upstairs now...maybe do some homework or something."

Now the boy is doing homework instead of going upstairs to play video games? Annie thought. This could be even worse than I feared!"Alright, Martin, just don't forget to bring your bookbag upstairs, okay? You know your father likes things to be clean and orderly around here."

"Yeah, yeah..." Martin brushed aside any concern for his father or the cleanliness of the house, but he at least picked up his bookbag as he broke away from his mother's embrace and trudged up the stairs.

Annie sighed desperately as she watched her son walk begrudgingly up the stairs to the second level of the house. Her eyes watched his ears, once so proud and tall, now flat against his head like grass against a stiff wind. His tail, once always wagging with excitement now sat low and limp no matter what anyone did to try and cheer him up. Even his clothes seemed to have a little less care about them, and Annie could tell Martin wasn't dressing as sharp as he used to. It was a shame; even now, with a few lazy months, his white t-shirts still clung to a fading four pack and biceps, and his jeans showed off the tight, delicate curve of his backside when he walked.

"Oh, Martin Martin Martin...what am I gonna do with you, son?" Annie asked herself, wondering just why her son couldn't regain that confidence that he had once before. Just watching him walk up the stairs, she could still see all of the pieces that would make a boy his age attractive, just without the confidence to put them all in motion. _That's a weird way to think about your own son, though..._Annie thought, but she tried to shake it off quickly. Her greater concern right now was just the well being of her only child, but as the caring mother walked back into the kitchen and took a seat at the spotless table that she'd cleaned only hours before, she was at the end of her rope. "I just wish there was some way I could make him see what a catch he is, again..."

Annie felt her mind lingering on that last unusual thought, about just how much of a good looking son she had. It was true that Martin wasn't quite at his playing weight anymore, but the boy had done a great job of staying in shape, even after his collegiate sports career was over. The tight, toned rear, a result of numerous squats in the gym, and the stiff peaks that were his shoulders were enough to send an unwelcome warmth down into the pits of Annie's tummy. She simply couldn't be having thoughts like that, and yet...what other way of boosting a man's confidence was more effective?

I'm getting delusional over all of this. I'm just worrying too much, that's all. Martin is a good looking boy, but he's my SON,_Annie tried to rationalize to herself, but her bodily reactions told a different story; she bit her lip, she tucked her hair nervously behind her ear and kept stroking it to her temple as if it would fall out of place, and her tail lifted slightly in a curious wag as she contemplated the absolutely raunchy prospect of where her thoughts were leading. _Of course, it is just fantasizing...that's healthy, right? And it would never come true anyway...

She just needed to get one more good look at him, to keep the image fresh on her mind. She'd go about the usual method of masturbating, so her uptight husband wouldn't know that she'd been playing while he was still at work, and her son wouldn't hear. All she had to do was take one last long, needy look at him.

Annie thought of taking a sip of wine, but she thought better of it. Her husband would almost certainly question what she was doing, drinking during the day for no good reason. Instead, she pressed down the button-up shirt that constantly strained against her ample breasts, adjusted her modest skirt that floated well past her knees, and tried hard not to give off any scents that might confuse her already agitated son.

She took each step up the stairs quietly, as if she were sneaking up on Martin, and in some ways, she felt that she was. _Just a fantasy. You're not really living it,_she told herself, but her body didn't listen one bit, and her paws were as silent as a stalking predator as they pushed her body up the steep, twisting stairwell. She didn't make a single noise as she walked, barely even allowing herself to breathe for fear of getting caught. She could be quick; Martin often left his door wide open, and his bed faced the door, so all she would need was one glance inward...

And the door was partially shut.

"Martin...? You never shut your door," Annie whispered to herself. She turned the corner, stepping around the safety rail by the stairs and resting a paw delicately on the doorknob, giving the tiniest push she could. The door moved, and Annie perked her ears as she listened for the sound of a pencil scribbling across paper, or the flipping of pages of a textbook.

She heard a very different sound, and knew her son must be lying about his after school activities. Unable to be sure, Annie pushed the door just a little bit further, and the quiet sound of a paw gently slapping against flesh was suddenly nothing compared to the sight of her son, fully engorged cock in his own tight grasp, eyes winced shut and mouth agape as his expression read pure, unbridled pleasure. It took everything Annie had not to gasp and shout at her son, as she'd done the first time she ever caught him doing the deed...but that was different. He was a younger boy then and didn't know any better about what he was doing...this wasn't a child. This was her son, a fully grown young adult, and judging by the beads of precum dripping down over the shaft of his impressive length, he knew exactly what he was doing.

"J-Janet! Please... please don't stop! Keep bouncing on me...just l-like that! Yes!" Martin praised the girl to the high heavens as he stroked his manhood, unknowingly providing a show for his mother that she would never forget. _The boy has a new crush already? That's fantastic! He just needs a little boost of confidence to go after her!_Annie thought, unable to keep a bright, happy smile from her muzzle as she watched her son perform. A damp spot was already forming on the white cotton that clung to her netherlips, and she reached down under her skirt, pressing two pawtips to the gathering moisture as if she didn't believe how much the show turned her on. A woman of her very early 40's, Annie knew her body better than any girl Martin's age ever could, and she found her clit with relative ease. Once her pawtips pressed to it, she never let up, deciding to take the depraved act as far as she could while she had the chance. She was so worried about boosting Martin's confidence that she never stopped to realize she could use a tiny boost of her own, but while she wanted her son to be confident for other women, she wanted to be confident for her son.

Pretending it was his tongue flickering pleasantly upon her clit instead of her pawtips did the trick just fine.

"This doesn't look like any homework I've ever seen," Annie said in a low, sultry rumble. She did her best to imitate a porn star voice, and given just how unbelievable this still was to her, she felt that she might as well actually be in a smut flick. "Then again, you did say you were taking biology this semester, right?"

Martin froze. In his haste to fantasize about his new crush, he'd forgotten to shut the door all the way, and now, precum was drizzling down his length, staining his paws and leaving him without any kind of an alibi for his mother, who was giving him the most seductive of looks. "M-MOM?! I...I can explain...I mean...I m-meant to shut the door all the way, and I j-just..."

"Just relax, Martin," his mother finished his sentence for him. "You're a perfectly normal young man. I've got to say, I'm surprised I haven't caught you in the act more often..." Shame that I haven't, too! He's even a bit bigger than his father!

"I don't do it that often!" Martin shot back, his ears falling flat to his head as his cheeks went completely cherry red. "And why are you still looking?! Get out!!"

Annie frowned at her offspring and rested her paws on her hips demandingly. She'd snuck her paw away from her snatch before opening the door, wanting to guage her son's reaction before letting him see her doing such a thing. "Now that is no way to speak to your mother, young man," she replied, doing nothing to hide the disappointment in her voice. "Besides, you've got absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, you should be showing off to that little Janet girl you just mentioned!"

Martin was groaning at himself. He wanted his length to get soft, he wanted his mom to leave the room, and yet, he was still hard as a rock, and she was still standing there, her eyes piercing right through his and seeing into something deeper than a little manual fun. "Mom! I'm half naked and in the middle of something and I'm NOT having this conversation right now!" he protested, trying his best to look annoyed, but as deep as he'd been in the throes of his imagined passion, he couldn't really imagine stopping himself. "Besides, Janet would never go for a guy like me..."

"I'll have none of that kind of talk, Martin," Annie quickly halted him. She took her paws from her hips and stepped fully through the door, her hips swaying just enough that Martin, in his aroused state, couldn't possibly ignore it. "I meant it earlier when I said that you were a good looking young man, Martin, and that any girl would be lucky to have you...even your own mother, and especially this Janet girl."

"M-mom...don't talk like that," Martin weakly replied, trying to keep his mind from going any further into the proverbial gutter, but his body clearly didn't care, as his paw refused to stop gripping his plentiful length. "And what would a girl like Janet see in me?"

Annie smiled, this time more of a warm, motherly smile than a seductive one, and stepped over to her son's bed. She leaned against the mattress, curling her legs underneath her rump and sitting by her son's footpaws, giving them a very gentle touch. "If she's a girl worth having, she's a girl worth working for, Martin. And if she's any kind of girl I want dating my son, she'll see that you're a good looking, hard working young man with a bright future and a lot to offer any girl smart enough to give him a chance."

Martin didn't want to enjoy the subtle rub on his footpaws, but he couldn't deny that his mother's touch was always comforting, always reassuring...this situation, however, was still a little bit weird. "C'mon, Mom...Janet would never-"

"Not with that attitude, Martin. You just need to get your confidence back, and I think I know just what to do," Annie interjected. Martin could almost imagine what was coming next; he felt more like he was living in a porno film than in his own house right now. It was too insane to be real, too forbidden to be real. Even as Annie reached out to push her son's paw away from his glistening length, wrapping her delicate pawtips around it and giving it a curious, heavenly stroke, it was all just too good to be real...

But there was pleasure. There was satisfaction. There was downright, unacceptable taboo, and every little bit of it was real. "M-Mom! You can't do...that...nnngh..."

Martin gritted his fangs, resisting the forbidden pleasure, but Annie was a very experienced woman, and knew all the right places to touch, even never having touched her son this way before. "I can and I will, Martin. It's a mother's duty to do whatever she can for her children when they need a little help, and right now, you just need a boost of confidence to get back on the market and go after Janet," she explained, and even if it all seemed so wrong, Martin couldn't deny that her touch felt so very, very right. "So let mommy help, baby...tell me what needs a little attention..."

Why does it turn me on so much to hear her talk like that?_Martin pondered, but he couldn't keep the train of thought on the tracks as Annie started gently stroking her delicate paw up and down over his solid girth. Eager to compare her son's taste to his father, Annie leaned forth and drew the flat of her tongue right over the tip of his length, scooping up that precum and making a spectacle of swallowing it down for her son. "There...r-right there!" Martin gasped, his eyes wincing shut once again as pleasure greater than Clarice had ever given him, greater than _any girl had ever given him. Warm, wet and flexible, Annie's expert tongue coiled down over the tip and shaft, examining her son's entire cock with quiet, vibrating rumbles of praise. "That always, hff...always needs a little extra attention."

"Mmm...it certainly does!" Annie agreed, a warm rumble of delight coming up from her throat as she grew accustomed to the delightful flavor of his earlier juices. "You shouldn't let yourself get so pent up like this, Martin! It's much healthier for a young man like you to have a regular release...do you want mommy to do it? Would you like that?" she asked, and Martin didn't wait to answer, his hips bucking forward and shoving his length deeper into his mother's maw, right down her throat. "Mnnnk!!"

Martin hardly realized that his hips bucked forth, his body reacting purely to the pleasure his mother provided. Seeing her eyes wide and her mouth stuffed, he felt a moment of shame and pulled back, still trying not to enjoy the sight of his spittle-covered cock pulling free from his bombshell of a mother's maw...but how could he not enjoy it? "Oh my gosh! Mom, I'm so sorry...I didn't...I didn't mean to..."

But Annie was simply grinning. "No need to apologize, Martin. You're just an awfully big boy, and that's a lot of cock to take all at once...you're even bigger than your father! Perhaps I should put it somewhere else, instead?"

"N-no...Mom, we can't!" Martin tried to plead, but just at the thought of what Annie was mentioning, his length throbbed hard, standing up as stiff as he'd ever felt it before. "That's incest..."

"So is letting your mother suck your dick, but you didn't really seem to mind that," Annie replied. She was becoming a bit less motherly with each passing moment, but she certainly couldn't help it. She wanted to help her son, but in a way, she was helping herself, as well. Her husband was an extremely reserved man, and one who never really satisfied her, much less allowed her to sexually explore. He believed so much in sexual order that Annie couldn't remember the last time she had a real orgasm in the sack with him, and their activities were so routine, she could predict what was going to happen, when, and how.

This was different. This was new and exciting, forbidden and yet so, so satisfying, so tantalizing, and just so good.

"But...but..." Martin could feel his own resolve slipping away. There was no point in fighting it anymore. He was still too deep into his own masturbation to turn away from a climax, and no matter how depraved it seemed, having a female with him to help him to that summit, even if it was his mother, was something he simply couldn't turn down right now. "And don't I have to...y'know...get you warmed up first?"

"That's very sweet of you to offer, young man, and when Janet asks for that treatment, you'd better give it to her!" Annie instructed. "But just watching you play for a little bit has your mother all hot and wet already," she assured him, bringing the pawtips she'd been playing with earlier, still soaked with her arousal, right to his lips. She waited, watching expectantly until his tongue curled around them, his cheeks fresh with a blush once again as he took a taste of the most forbidden flavor, and perhaps worse, he found himself loving it. "All you need to do is lay back, relax, and promise not to tell your father..."

_She was watching me before she came in? And she got this wet? Wow...I know she's my mom, but...I must be pretty good looking, then,_Martin thought, and already, Annie's plan was working. Martin wasn't going to take the lead, by any means, but he was done resisting what he knew was going to happen, and was even starting to truly embrace the pleasure his mother could offer him. "I promise I won't tell, as long as you promise this won't be the last time..." Martin said, even getting the confidence to make a little bargain with the woman who'd pushed him this far.

"You always were a cheeky little one, Martin...you drive a _hard_bargain," she started, leaning forth to press her concealed breasts against his throbbing length, "But I think we can make a deal here...on one more condition."

Martin pondered what the condition could be, as Annie crawled the rest of the way across the bed. She unzipped her lengthy skirt from the side and slipped out of it, revealing a rather skimpy pair of white panties, with an obvious damp spot, almost see-through right around her labia. Annie smirked deviously at her offspring as she hooked her thumbs back into her panties and tugged them down to her ankles, slipping out of them with relative ease and letting them hang on one ankle, just to show the urgency and need she felt for her son. Before he could even ask "What other condition?" she was already hovering over the tip of his length, no condom to protect them, so close that the younger German Shepherd could feel the warm, enveloping heat coming from his mother's petals.

"Mommy really misses the feeling of a fresh batch of seed inside of her, so...you have to cum inside your mommy. Think you can do that for me?"

As her hips dropped down and Annie took the whole of her son's impressive cock in one fell swoop, Martin feared he had no choice in the matter, and the pleasure of being wrapped in such tight, soaking wet confines was so great, he couldn't manage a proper protest. He could only whimper in delight as the very idea of what pleasure was changed entirely for him. "Moooooom! It's...it's in! It's all the way in! Oh my God...this is so much better..."

"So much better than Clarice?" Annie questioned with a quiet huff, as she adjusted to the delightful feeling of just being so full. Her husband never let her get on top, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to fill her the way her son was just now. She rewarded the younger canine, letting her inner muscles clench near the base of his length, and then at the tip, treating him to a wave of sensations he'd never even imagined possible, before lifting her hips and humping him again.

"Better than I could have imagined!" Martin shouted, fearful that his mother might bring him to orgasm right then and there with her expert squeezing. He was hesitant to tell his mother that she'd just taken his virginity, but as she looked down into her son's eyes and saw them welling up with an unusual mix of pleasure, and yet, uncertainty, she made the realization and gasped in shock.


"I'm sorry, Mom...I should have told you..."

Annie hesitated, letting her inner walls encompass her son once more. Somehow, Annie had always imagined her son as being a complete stud with the ladies, and yet, her needy snatch was the very first one to take him in his entirety. "Martin...are you sure this is what you want, then? Do you really want your mother to be your first?"

Martin was past the point of his internal conflict, but now, seeing a hint of guilt in his mother's eyes, he felt just the least bit guilty himself, as if he'd been taking advantage of her to lose his virginity. "It's already happened, Mom. We can't undo this...we can't go back. Just please...make my first time special...?"

She couldn't imagine letting her son down, now. This was suddenly about so much more than confidence. As if it were her obligation, Annie leaned forth, pressing a kiss to her son's lips that was well beyond anything a mother should ever give to her son. "I'll give you all of the love that I have, Martin. Just give your mommy everything you have, as well, and don't even worry about warning me when you're close. Just let it flow, baby...worry about the pleasure you'll get from fucking your mother and nothing else..."

Martin smiled. It was a shy, inward smile, one that knew what they were doing was wrong in the eyes of society, but suddenly, in his heart of hearts, it couldn't feel more right. His mother was going to give him everything...it was only fair that he returned the favor. "Thank you, Mother," he replied quietly, returning the kiss for just a moment. His bright, curious green eyes gazed up into the nearly amber orbs of his parent, taking the time to appreciate how beautiful she really was, and just how lucky he was to have someone who cared so much for him be his very first mate. She knew he was looking for permission, and she nodded, pushing down with her hips skillfully as he pushed back up awkwardly, showing his inexperience, but pleasing his mother nonetheless. That lack of experience, being able to guide someone through their first time, was already a turn on for her.

"That's it, Martin! That's good...Just try to meet with my hips each time, and as you get more comfortable, I'll speed up for you. Just focus on that pleasure, baby...focus on how good it feels to have that thick, hard cock deep in my pussy!" Annie guided her son along, trying to keep a calm tone, but as Martin went on, his skills improved rapidly, and his proud length was already starting to hit Annie in all of the right spots. A generous trickle of feminine arousal flowed freely from Annie now, drizzling all the way down to the soft, lightly furred orbs of her son's sack as it gently bounced against her thighs with each push. "You're so good, Martin...mnn...keep it up, baby!"

Like the young male he was, Martin hardly knew where to look. His mother's eyes captivated him, and then, he could look down and watch his length disappear inside of her, but right above him, right where his eyes were most prone to look, were the soft, supple breasts that held his gaze the longest. Annie could feel his eyes following their every movement as they swayed back and forth carelessly with each hump. "Mommy, can I please...?"

Annie knew just what she wanted. Still bouncing her hips up and down against her son, filling the room with the sound of incestuous sex, she brought her paws to the button-up shirt that begged to be undone, and took apart the top couple buttons, showing off a bra of pristine white lace. The small bow on the front acted as a clasp, and as she undid it, Martin thought he could hear angels singing. Her breasts, soft, perfectly round and bouncing teasingly, finally came into his view. "Is my baby hungry...? Is this what he needs?"

Martin nodded silently, in such deep pleasure that opening his muzzle to speak would only produce a desperate moan. Annie rested her paws on the headboard, leaning down to her son so he could stay resting in the most pleasurable position. As if instinct had taken over, Martin gently cupped one breast and suckled away at it, and Annie, delving deeper into the incestuous nature of their mating, could only encourage him. "Good boy! Mnn...drink up, take as much as you need...guzzle down your mommy's milk!" she chided, a new rush of pleasure filling her chest and bringing her closer to a desperately needed climax as she only wished that she still could produce a drink for her boy. Martin didn't mind one bit, however, suckling tighter at the tasty nipple and echoing his pleasure in muffled moans.

"That's perfect! Yes! YES! My son is such a good fuck! Forget Janet; I'm keeping you all to myself!" Annie teased, though her chrous of moans would make it hard to tell as she picked up the pace. She could feel the very tip of her son's thick, purely canine cock teasing over her G-spot with each and every bounce of her hips, and the wet spot forming on the sheets below was just a preview of what was to come. Annie dug her claws into the headboard of her son's bed, her inner muscles clenching involuntarily around his impressive flesh now and trying to coax his knot out of hiding. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tie with my son and I don't care who finds out. If that pencil neck of a husband walks in and sees, I'll just fuck the boy even harder!

It was lucky when a virgin got to have a more experienced partner for their first time, to help things along. For Martin, it was almost unfair, as no matter how he tried to fight his oncoming orgasm, his mother kept finding another way to fill his body with unstoppable pleasure, and as her walls fluttered rapidly around his length, he knew he couldn't hold out any longer. He did his best to meet her pace, but thrusting harder and faster only brought him more pleasure, and as he whimpered helplessly into his mother's bosom, the knot that she so terribly needed started spreading her labia. "M-Mom! I can't...I c-can't hold out any longer...I'm gonna cum!"

" Do it!" Annie commanded, a tiny spot of drool dripping down her cheek as her tongue lolled out from her maw. Her tail lifted and she reached back with a paw, trying to feel the thick, bulbous flesh for herself, and as she tried to grip it in her paws, she grinned with sadistic delight, knowing she'd barely be able to fit the mass, but that was just what she needed. Her claws dug deep into the wood of the headboard as she slammed her hips down hard, trying to force the knot inside of her. She wanted a tie. She _needed_a tie, and she was going to make it happen, even if it meant trapping her son. "P-pump me full of that fresh, sticky seed, baby! Fill your mommy up!"

Martin tried to ignore just how hot the thought of impregnating his own mother was, but the moment his knot pushed into her pussy with a slick, messy POP , he could think of nothing else. His arms wrapped tight around her lower back and his claws dug into her flesh, a series of high pitched, desperate whimpers passing his lips as he leaned up to bite down on his mother's neck. Annie started to panic, knowing her husband would notice each mark he left, but the sudden and heated flood of fresh, fertile cum pumping into her well-fucked folds made her forget all about it. With a rush of endorphins she couldn't remember ever feeling before, her body convulsed and her walls contracted, and she came violently all over her son's knot. Extra streams of her female ejaculate sprayed right onto his sack, soaking his fur and the bed beneath as the pair humped into each other, fucking desperately despite their inability to seperate. "MOM! Yes...fuck me! I'm cumming, Mom...I'm cumming inside my own mother!"

"Damn right you are..." Annie growled lowly, grinning down at her son as his cries of pleasure ended up muffled into her neck, but the sounds teased across her ear like a melody of the sirens, beckoning her to continue. That primal feeling of his fangs deep in the flesh of her neck eased a few more waves of pleasure from her body, her orgasm so powerful that as she finally rode out the aftershock, she collapsed atop of her son, pinning him to the bed and leaving deep, jagged cuts through the wood of the headboard. Each fresh spurt of his cum inside of her made her gasp in delight, and his claws digging into her lower back, sliding their way down to cup her rump kept her riding a wave of pleasure she didn't think she'd ever come down from. "G-good boy, Martin...you fucked your mother well..."

The boy had been bedded well himself, hardly able to speak and still catching his breath after what was by far the most intense experience of his entire life. "Thanks, mommy...that was really the best thing ever..." he gasped out, acting like a true virgin, unable to find naughtier words, but his mother giggled at how cute he was in his inexperience. "H-how long are we stuck like this?"

"You'll be giving me seed for another twenty minutes or so, at least...why don't you lower those paws a little bit?" Annie suggested, trying to push her rump up into her son's grasp. "You should play with mommy's ass...your father never does."

"Was I...was I better than dad?" Martin asked, complying with his mother's request. He'd never paid much attention to it before, but now that her rump was pressed into his pawtips, Martin could feel just how soft, and yet, how perky her backside was. "And what do you mean, play?"

"Your father could never compare to you, my son," Annie assured him, keeping in mind she still needed to boost his confidence. "And I mean whatever you want to do. Mommy does love having her tailhole teased..."

"After what you did for me, Mother...I'll do anything for you," Martin openly admitted, having even less experience with the back door, so to speak, but he pressed a single pawtip to Annie's tight pucker, bringing a devilish grin to her muzzle.

And I'll be taking full advantage of that, Annie thought, pushing back onto her son's pawtip as they teased each other through the entire tie.


Annie spent the next week unable to believe just how lucky she was. Her plan seemed to have worked perfectly, and Martin had asked out Janet the very next day after their incestuous affair. A quick shower afterwards and a little extra make up kept her husband from asking any questions, and complaining about not being in the mood kept him from discovering that her pussy had been given a proper treatment for once, instead of his usual, boring and tepid attempts.

The best thing of all, of course, was that Janet said yes, and had already come by the house a couple times to help Martin out with his Political Science studies.

It was a full seven days after, and like most days, Martin had come home bright eyed and bushy tailed. He greeted his mother with a warm, heavy hug and scooted along to his room, with Janet following close behind. Her son had good taste in women; Janet was a sweet little Golden Labrador, with long, flowing locks of hair that could catch any man's eye, and bright blue irises that were as beautiful and endless as the summer sky. She was average in height, but she wore her frame perfectly, and supple breasts and a curvy rump seemed to be perfectly accentuated by every outfit she wore to the house. This particular day, a blue tank top to match her eyes and a white tennis skirt were all she had, and as if Annie had learned that much about her son in just one romp, she waited about half an hour before she left the boring confines of the kitchen to sneak up the stairs, just as she had a week beforehand.

_I could smell the excitement on you when you walked in the door, Martin..._she thought excitedly, creeping up the stairs silently and covering her playful smirk with a paw. Perhaps on purpose this time, the door had been left just barely open once again, but Annie didn't have to come anywhere near the door to hear the sounds of pleasure flowing from the room.

Of course, that didn't stop her from taking a peek.

Annie had to bite a pawtip to keep from gasping as she opened the door and watched her son rutting Janet, doggy style, and with absolutely perfect form. His paws wrapped tight around Janet's slim tummy and her back arched to meet him. He slammed his hips into her yielding flanks, humping her so hard that thin trails of her wetness cascaded down to the bed, making a sensual mess of the sheets, and the pair themselves. Annie could feel juices gathering at her labia already as she watched the lewd display...and came to a painful realization.

I'm glad he's found himself a good girl, but...but...

"Fuck me, Martin! Fuck me harder! Yes! Yes!"

I need my son...I'm addicted to fucking my son!