An Unlikely Bond

Story by Nero on SoFurry

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An Unlikely Bond

By Nero

Life in a wolf pack can be pretty bad for the Omega. You are dominated mercilessly by every other member of the pack. They keep you around to have someone to take out their frustrations on. In return, you can call yourself one of them, and are given bones to gnaw on when the rest of the pack has eaten their fill. A life like this is harsh, but to some, it is better than being a lone wolf. These were the feelings of a particular anthro-wolf existing under these said same conditions.

He was the best tracker in the pack, though the others would never admit it to his face. He could follow the oldest and most erratic tracks of any beast in their territory, and he was always proud to lead the pack to their next kill. It made him feel that he was part of the group, even if they never acknowledged his contribution. Once his role in the hunt was completed and the prey was within sight, the others would run it down and kill it, leaving him behind. He was not as fast as the rest, and when he caught up, they had usually already made the kill and had begun eating. He was allowed whatever scraps were left when they had had there fill. His ability served him in another way as well. He could loose anyone tracking him. On occasion, one of the other wolves would become enraged over some misfortune in life, and come looking for him to vent their anger. When he could see a situation like this unfolding, a five or ten minute head start was all he needed to vanish until morning when tempers had cooled. No wolf had ever succeeded in tracking him when he didn't want to be followed.

On this particular day he was out on a run with two other members of the pack to see what they could sniff up. It was an unseasonably warm day in early winter. He had caught the scent of a lone deer, he told them. A stag. He had suggested that they go back for help, but the other two felt otherwise. They wanted to see what they could do on their own. If it got away, it wouldn't matter much. They had just made a kill the previous day and still had much meat back in their den. He led them to a clearing in the forest where they finally found their quarry. It was a massive anthro-buck. A thick grayish winter coat was stretched tightly over its solid muscular frame. He was a perfect specimen of masculine cervine anatomy, but for one flaw. He only had one antler. That didn't matter to the canines watching him, however. That was one less weapon to use against them.

"Let's take him!" Said one of his pack mates. "It's three to one. We can do it."

Tracker (as he was called) thought for a moment. His two brothers were young, and overzealous, as young wolves generally are. And even though the stag was missing an antler, it looked bigger and a great deal more powerful than any one of them. He was also carrying a dagger at his side. "It's too risky. An adult buck can kill a wolf with even one antler. That antler has seven sharp points on it, seven daggers to drive into his enemies, and he's armed."

"You're a coward, Tracker." Replied the third wolf. "We've all got daggers too. ...don't we?"

Tracker looked at him sheepishly.

"You fool! You didn't bring a weapon? Do you even know how to kill? That's why you live on scraps. Maybe one day we'll teach you to hunt."

The other wolf interrupted them. "I think something's wrong with that deer. He's acting kinda strange. I think he's talking to a tree."

Tracker said nothing. He held his tongue after his reprimand. The buck did seem somehow off, though he couldn't say just why, but it did not look helpless.

"The first wolf stood up and said, "The two of us can take him. Tracker can hide in the bushes while we bag our buck."

The two young wolves made eye contact and rushed the stag. Tracker watched the fight that ensued with horror. The buck was ferocious. In a matter of minutes, one of the wolves was on the ground bleeding and the other was defending itself for its life. Tracker had to do something. He rushed out and attacked from behind, sinking his teeth into the huge cervine's shoulder. With amazing force, the deer threw itself backward into a tree, knocking him to the ground. In an instant, Tracker took in the scene. The buck was staring at him with a look of insane fury in his eyes, wolf-blood dripped from its antler and knife blade. Behind him, the standing wolf was helping the wounded one to its feet. Tracker caught his companion's eye, and nodded toward home, then leapt up and bit the hand holding the knife. The stag dropped his weapon, but sent the wolf flying with a sound kick. Tracker was instantly on his feet again. The kick had done little more than bruise him through his thick fur, but the stag was picking up his knife again and heading right for him. Tracker looked back to make sure the deer was following, and began to run. He caught sight of his two pack mates hobbling off in the direction of home before he raced into the forest.

The wolf was fast, but the deer was faster. He was actually frightened now. He had never known of a deer to chase down a predator, but this one was not giving up. He didn't look back, for he was running with all his might, and he could hear the deer's breath and falling hoofsteps behind him. His side was starting to ache and he wondered why the stag hadn't tackled him, but he didn't turn to look. After a time, he could feel his pace slowing. He finally braved a look back. It was then that the stag grabbed his arm and pulled him to a halt.

"Its okay. I think we've lost them. We can stop for a second and rest." Panted the stag, as he held the wolf's arm in his strong grip. The wolf was panting too hard to reply, and his side ached too badly to run anymore anyway, so he resigned himself to his fate. He looked up into the stag's face to see that the look of insane fury had melted away. Well... sort of. The fury was gone, but the insane look was still there. His pupils were dilated and one eye was opened wider than the other. The buck's face was strong and masculine. He would have been strikingly handsome if it hadn't been for the horrible scar that ran from his lazy eye, over his forehead and up to the missing antler. "We're safe now, my love." Said the buck.

The wolf continued to pant and watched the deer suspiciously.

"Do you still doubt me? You are even safe from wolves with me. I am strong. I am fast. I am virile!" He said with a lecherous grin, pulling the wolf against his body."

The wolf was shocked. This deer was crazy! "I think you're confused..." But, before the wolf could say more, the stag locked him in his arms and kissed him deeply. The wolf struggled and finally broke the kiss. "Now look! You need to let me go and find yourself a nice doe." The wolf looked down and saw the pink tip of the buck's manhood starting to emerge from its furry sheath and then looked back into the vacant expression on the stag's face. Not only was this buck crazy, it was in rut! The wolf wanted to shout, "I'm a wolf, you fool, a MALE wolf!" But, what would the crazed deer do to him if he did? Tracker was smaller and not as strong as the giant buck. And, though it had put its knife away, its antler was still wet with his companion's blood. "Please, let me go. I'm sure there are many doe out there that would be proud to have you for a mate. I'm just not really interested."

The stag slowly but forcefully pushed the wolf down onto his back. He nuzzled and licked the wolf's neck and face obsessively. "Please, keep still. I need to mount you! If you want to fawn in the spring, I must breed you now! It is very late in the season." The stag now straddled the prostrate wolf, sitting across his legs, its big white balls rested on the wolf's thighs as he struggled in its iron grip.

"I'm not going to fawn in the spring no matter what you do! So, why don't you try another deer?"

"Don't doubt me, my love. I have not bred this season. My balls are heavy with seed. I am fertile. I will breed you with every ounce of strength I possess. I will not disappoint you."

The buck relaxed his grip on the wolf and rose up slightly. The wolf could feel the cervine's heavy balls drag over his body as he rolled over, pulling himself out from under the crazed stag. He had barely scrambled to his hands and knees when a strong arm encircled his waist and pulled his ass against the horny stag. The deer snorted excitedly. "The breeding position! Good! Tonight I will prove that I am still a buck! The tree did not take that from me!"

The wolf felt the buck's hot wet organ ram up under his tail. He began to struggle fiercely against the powerful stag. The smell of sweat and rutting deer soon filled the air and tufts of fur fell to the ground as he fought against the deer, but still he could not break free. The stag was too strong. Suddenly he felt the tip of the buck's organ stab painfully into ass. The wolf clawed the ground and arched his back. There was no escape now. With another thrust, the deer was all the way inside. The poor wolf gave up. He closed his eyes and hung his head. He had no choice but to ride it out. The stag plowed him hard, driving into him with all the insane fury of a sex-starved animal. Once the wolf relaxed a little, the pain eased some. He whimpered as each wave of pain rushing through his body was now followed by a wave of pleasure equally as strong. The stag licked and groomed his ears and neck frantically as it neared its climax. The wolf now had a raging hard on and was even pushing backward into each of the cervine's powerful thrusts. The stag's rhythm became erratic and his thrusts more violent. With a final contraction, he erupted inside the wolf's belly. This triggered an intense orgasm in the wolf as well. The buck suckled the wolf's ear while its swollen balls drained into his belly. The wolf gasped as he received the stag's reproductive fluids and sprayed his own out on the ground beneath them.

When they were both completely spent, the deer released him and they both fell to the ground. "I don't think I've ever bred a doe so hard. You see! I am still a buck, even if I'm not the deer I once was. Did I bring you pleasure? I wanted to."

"Yeah... you did!" Panted the wolf begrudgingly.

The stag drug the wolf to a bed of grass not too far off. The sun had set by then, and they were both exhausted. The deer snuggled against his canine lover and closed his eyes as he spoke. "I was so lonely before I found you. I didn't think I could live through another rut alone. I don't ever want to loose you. In the morning, after I've rested, we can mate again."

The wolf looked alarmed. He had to get away from this insane deer.

After a very short time the stag was fast asleep. The wolf took this opportunity to slip out of the buck's strong arms and climb to his feet. There, against a tree lay the stag's dagger. This was his big chance, he could kill the deer and return to his pack a hero for avenging his brother, not to mention doing so single handedly. He quietly walked over and picked up the knife. As he unsheathed it, he thought about what had happened to him. Never before had he been intimate with another. Omega wolves did not have the right to breed. This had been, most likely, his first and last time, and he hadn't even gotten to experiment on his lover at all. The idiotic deer now seemed to trust him completely. He could just as easily kill him later and have another day to slake some charnel desires. He had strictly been the object of his lover's passions. If he stayed another day, that would have to change. The wolf watched the stag thrash about in his sleep as these thoughts played out in his mind. The deer was obviously in the midst of a nightmare. He stood over the sleeping cervine, turning the knife blade in his hand, watching the moonlight dance on its surface. The deer's dream now, apparently, reached a tragic climax, for suddenly it screamed "Nooooooo!" and sat up shielding itself from some imaginary attacker with its arms.

The deer looked confusedly around and then spotted the wolf. "Wh... what's happening? What are you doing?"

"Well, right now, I'm standing over you with a dagger in my hands watching you sleep." The wolf said menacingly.

"Oh, thank God!" The deer wrapped his arms around the wolf's legs, hugging him tightly.

The wolf looked down on the deer in disbelief. How had the crazy thing survived this long?

"That knife will do you no good my love against a tree." The buck said looking up at him with big innocent eyes.

"A tree!?"

"When a tree strikes, there is no defense." The deer hugged his legs again, resting his scarred head tenderly against the wolf's thighs.

The wolf glanced over his shoulder at the tree behind him, despite himself, then back to the pathetic deer. "It's not the tree you're in danger from. Trees don't attack you in the night."

"Oh, yes they do. Don't ever underestimate their power." The deer was starting to look frightened, but not for the reasons the wolf intended. "When the clouds roar and the sky lights blind you, the trees can seek out vengeance for past injustice." He hugged the wolf tighter. "Promise me you'll never take them for granted. Even I can't protect you from their fury, though I would die trying. I have a confession to make, my love."

The wolf was half-listening as the deer rambled on. He was still trying to decide if he wanted to kill him or fuck him.

"12 winters ago, I think, or was it 20? It matters little. Anyway, about two winters ago something happened to me. It was on a violent night when winds howl like the souls of lost wolves, and the daylight tears through the night in flashes, an ancient oak awakened with the purpose of taking my life. I fought with it desperately and in the end I won. The oak never rose again from where it fell. I had killed it. The following morning, my family found me badly injured beneath its lifeless form. After much effort they pulled me free. They said I would surly die from my wounds, but I did not. I don't know, but there may still be a mark on my forehead from the fight."

The wolf had been listening, to a point, and he looked down at the horrible mutilation on the deer's head. Something traumatic had obviously happened to the stag's head. A deep furless gash ran from his missing antler to his eye. The missing antler was obviously dead. The deer would never again grow one on that side. And his eye, though apparently functional, did not open as wide as the other. Suddenly, it all made sense. The deer's goofy story made sense. Lightening must have struck a tree and it fell over on the crazy deer's head. The wolf almost laughed out loud, but caught himself.

The wolf was now listening more attentively to the confused deer. "I have kept a secret from you, my love. I should have told you sooner, but I was afraid you would reject me." The deer pulled the wolf down to face him. He looked him sadly in the eyes and said in tone of fear and shame. "Sometimes I get confused."

The wolf stared at him blankly. "You don't say?"

The deer lowered his head. "It's true. Since my battle with the oak, I get confused. I have trouble understanding things sometimes. I am not the deer I once was."

This admission somehow touched the wolf, a little. The fact that the deer knew there was something wrong with him, and that he hadn't always been that way made the wolf feel some degree of pity for him.

"I have passed the last few rutting seasons alone, though there was a time when I had a harem of my own. During my reign, never a doe under my protection didn't fawn in the spring, and never a buck in my territory didn't take it from me like a doe! My girls now all reject me. They say I cannot protect them and care for our young as I should. They say I am not a good mate. I wanted to prove to you that I could still be a good mate before I told you my secret. I am still virile. I can breed you as well as any buck. Did I not prove it to you? My body is still strong. I can protect you from wolves too. Did I not also prove that?' The deer stared at him imploringly.

The wolf hesitated as he stared into the stags face, such a handsome face, if not for the scar. This buck had gone from Alpha male (was that the proper term in deer society, he wondered) to being an outcast because of a freak accident. He should kill him, if not just to end its misery. The poor creature was suffering intensely from loneliness and rejection that was never likely to end. The story of this fallen Alpha was terribly sad. What the wolf couldn't understand was, why all of this was giving him another erection. He quickly decided not to kill the buck right now, and put down the knife. "I'm not convinced that you are a good mate. You haven't proven yourself to me." Said the wolf.

The deer looked desperate. "Please, my love. What can I do to prove myself? I'll do anything. Anything! Just name it."

The wolf smiled evilly and began to run his fingers through the deer's soft chest fur. He slowly ran his hands down its taught stomach to the masculinity below. The stag emitted a soft sigh as the wolf began to fondle his manhood. The silky sheath began to swell and the pink tip of its penis began to poke its head out of the furred opening. The wolf gently worked the organ free with one hand and fondled the stag's enormous white balls with the other. Soon the buck was completely hard. The wolf bent over and licked the tip of the swollen deer meat. The deer quivered. The wolf licked it profusely and even suckled on it. The deer began to moan softly and its cock took on a salty taste. Then the wolf sat up and put his arms around the big stag. The deer looked passionately into his eyes and the wolf thrust hips against the buck, rubbing his own hard cock against that of the buck. The deer returned the embrace and began to kiss and lick him in the mouth. This went on a few minutes until the deer began to overpower the wolf again and force him to the ground.

The wolf broke the kiss and began to struggle. "No! Get off of me."

The deer held tight. "I need to mount you."

"Let me go or I'll leave you like you everyone else has."

The deer stopped. He looked as if he had just been struck. "What have I done wrong? You need to get into position so I can breed you."

"No." Replied the wolf. "You need to get into position so I can breed you!"

"I don't understand. I am the buck."

"Don't try to understand. You said yourself that you have trouble understanding things now. Just do as I say."

The bewildered buck stared at him for a moment, then got on his hands and knees.

The wolf was ecstatic. He couldn't believe the buck was submitting. He had never dreamed he would be mounting someone. It just was not in the scope of possibilities for an Omega. This was no bitch in heat, but it was close enough. In a matter of seconds, he was forcing himself under the deer's tail. The buck gnashed his teeth and lowered his head as the wolf began fucking him. It didn't take long for the wolf's motions to slow and he began to moan. He lay against the deer's back and nuzzled its neck.

When the wolf became still, the deer, obviously very uncomfortable, asked. "Are you finished?"

The wolf gasped. "Fuck no! We're knotted together. You have to stay there until I can pull out."

There was a moment of quiet before the buck spoke again. "I am in pain, and I need to breed very badly!"

The delirious wolf smiled and reached under the buck. He quickly found the deer's throbbing member and began to stroke it. The stag moaned and began to move his hips. The movement heightened the wolf's ongoing orgasm and he continued to pump the deer's organ. Soon the buck began to snort and thrust violently. A moment later and the deer's whole body contracted. The wolf felt hot fluid squirting through his fingers as the buck's orgasm milked the last few drops of semen from his own organ. As the stag's swollen meat returned to normal, so did that of the wolf, and soon he pulled himself apart from the deer. The wolf sat down, exhausted.

The deer sidled up next to him and said. "Did I do it the way you wanted? Do you think I'm a good mate now?"

"I don't know about a good mate, but you're one hot fuck!" replied the wolf.

The deer snuggled up against him and they both lay back and slept until late in the morning.

The wolf awoke to the sound of shouting. He shook himself awake and looked around. The deer was a short distance off shouting fiercely at someone. The wolf cautiously got up and crept over to the deer. It was alone, shouting vehemently at a nondescript patch of shrubbery. "How dare you! This is my herd. You cannot take them. I will fight you to the death before I let you take over." The deer was starting to sound panicky. "You must fight me. Do not pity me. I will lay down my life for my herd. Why will you not fight me?" The deer began running about frantically, pleading with imaginary doe. "You cannot go with him. You wouldn't. I can still take care of my herd. I am still a buck! I'm not an invalid. No, please don't go!

The wolf had seen enough. "Hey, Bucky! There's no one there. Why don't you come back to camp?"

When the stag saw the wolf, he dashed over and embraced him, nearly crushing him in his powerful arms. "Don't go with them. Please! He won't fight me. He says I can't breed my doe anymore, they belong to him now. I try to rally the herd against him, but they won't listen to me." The bewildered deer was shaking and his eyes were tearing up. "Please, don't go with them. You're all I have left!"

"Believe me, you're the only one here that I could ever go anywhere with." Said the wolf, glancing around at no one.

The stag held him tightly for a moment then, looked around guiltily. "We must hide. If he sees me trying to take another doe from the herd, he will drive me away. He said he would leave me for the wolves if I didn't back down to him and stay away from the girls."

"Why don't you just forget about them and come over here with me? Trust me, it's too late for you to worry about wolves now anyway." Said the wolf, taking him by the hand.

"No! It is true. There are wolves in the surrounding forests. They hunt these very woods on occasion. You can't imagine the things they'll do if they catch you."

"Oh, I think I can." Said the wolf as he pushed the deer over to a log. "We can talk about wolves later. Right now, I want you to tell me about your harem. I want you to show me all the ways to please a mate."

The deer smiled. "That I can still do well. I had a harem like you've never seen. I had all the most beautiful whitetail doe in these forests. I even had a lovely young mule deer in my harem. I also took in handsome young bucks when I could. In my younger days, I even loved caribou, elk and moose. Most large cervine stags will let you service one of their females if you submit to them for a night during rut. It is bragging rite, to say they've had a young whitetail buck."

The wolf was listening intently to the buck when all of the sudden from off in the distance came the long drawn out call of a wolf. He stood up and answered back, a cold resonating cry that turned the deer's blood to ice. The distant wail was repeated again and again. It was his entire pack. They had come for him, or at least to avenge his brother. He looked at the stag excitedly, but it did not share his enthusiasm. It was shaking and its eyes were wide with terror. Then it occurred the wolf. They would not let him keep his new deer toy. He would be forced to share with the pack, and the others wouldn't want it alive. The smile left his face. He would have the temporary respect of the pack in exchange for his delusional deer's lifeblood. This buck was his, as surely as any kill, but now he wasn't so sure he wanted to kill it, or watch the pack rip it to pieces.

The buck looked about in confusion and terror. "They've gone! The herd has moved on without me!" He fell to his knees and stared up at the wolf in desperation. "They've left me for the wolves, haven't they? The new buck was right, wasn't he? I can't care for my herd anymore. I can't even take care of myself." The deer paused a moment then, continued. "You were calling to the wolves, I heard you. You were telling them where I am. You are one of them, aren't you?"

The wolf looked down at him but made no reply.

"It is good that the herd has a new leader. They will not suffer by my death." He paused again. "I have no mate!"

The wolf hesitated. He listened to another chorus from his pack as they drew nearer. And, in that moment his perception of the world seemed to shift. He grabbed the buck by the arm and pulled it to its feet. "Don't be crazy! Of course you have a mate. Do you think you can teach me to be an Alpha like you were?"

"Yes! I will try." Said the stag, and a look of hope began to spread across his face.

Suddenly the thought of being a lone wolf didn't seem so bad. And, one day if he returned to the pack, it would be with new intent. "Good! With a five minute head start, no wolf can follow my trail." With that, he grabbed his deer by the arm and raced off into the woods.

