The Family He Never Had Part 9

Story by Human Kid Jet on SoFurry

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Sorry it's been a while since I've continued with this story but here's another chapter to it.

Kenji and the others find out that Tublat is up to no good again but when they see him and Kenji battle it out, they find out something about Tublat and Kenji other than what happened when they first crossed paths.

Kenji, Tarzan, Kala and Terk were walking around a different part of the jungle as they knew Tublat wasn't far. When Kenji revealed to them he had an encounter with the large male gorilla. They had Jane, Tantor, Flynt and Mungo go stay in a safe area of the jungle.

"What happened between you and Tublat?" asked Tarzan out of curiosity.

Kenji knew that he didn't want to tell them but he knew that he'll have to tell them one day, his hand was still on his waist where his big knife was.

"I fought Tublat once before and I was thinking he was dead afterwards, I saw him fall down tall a cliff." said Kenji as he was explaining.

"You'd be surprised how many times he's survived something that could've killed him." said Terk.

"Jane had been able to tell he's near when she saw one of his foot prints showed only four toes on his right foot instead of five." explained Tarzan. "He lost one of his toes in a fight long ago."

They heard a twig snap and they stopped. Kenji was looking around to see where it came from, knowing that Tublat was near. The others were keeping their wits above them. Kenji's eye briefly glowed a bright red color again but went back to it's normal color once again.

"I can smell his scent in the air." said Kenji in a low tone.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, something huge came and jumped out and tackled Kenji. What they saw now was a large and dark furred creature that had Kenji in a headlock, it was Tublat but Kenji managed to break free from his grip when he gave Tublat's hand a hard bite with his teeth, making the large gorilla roar out in pain and he let go of the young human teenager.

"Ouch, you hairless little runt bastard." said Tublat holding onto his hand.

"Oversized Neanderthal." said Kenji with a comeback as he jumped backwards and was at a distance away from Tublat.

Kenji took a fighting stance and saw he had left tooth mark on Tublat's hand, the huge rogue male gorilla was looking at Kenji with a look of anger.

"I see your still alive." said Kenji as he now had a look on his face that showed no emotion.

"The water broke my fall." said Tublat. "I see they don't know how much of a freak you are."

"Hey, you call him a freak again, I'll knock your block off." said Terk forming a fist.

Tublat laughed, he knew something that none of them but him knew. Kenji moved his neck right and left as it made cracking sounds.

"Not one of you knows? I'm not surprised." said Tublat with a malicious grin.

They had no idea what Tublat meant but Kenji started to move one of hands up and started to say something that made his voice sound like he was chanting something. Than he moved his hand forwards like he was going to throw something at Tublat and from out of nowhere, a large coconut came flying like a projectile and hit the large gorilla in the face, making the coconut crack to pieces. Kenji lowered his hand.

"How did he do that?" said Kala surprised.

"Why not ask him." said Tublat as he spat out the coconut milk.

"The only way your going to make anyone confess anything is when you force it out from the dead, cold mouth." said Kenji as he looked like he was about to pull out his knife.

Before Kenji could pull out his knife, that was when Tublat charged after him, about to land a punch on him but Kenji dodged his large fist and took hold of Tublat's large and hairy arm.

"Take down." screamed Kenji in Japanese.

With all of Kenji's might, he flipped Tublat by his arms over to the ground on his back, making him land hard but Tublat got up and pulled Kenji's arm.

"Heads up." said Tublat.

Tublat had his arms on Kenji's arm and tossed him forwards like a projectile. Everyone gasped in horror as they saw Kenji going towards a big and strong tree at full speed but what surprised them and Tublat was that the young human teenager had his feet land on the tree and he bounced off it like a rubber ball bouncing off a wall.

"Sucker punch." screamed Kenji in Japanese.

Kenji bounced off the tree and came forwards at Tublat like being fired out of a cannon, he went for Tublat and punched him hard in the face. This knocked Tublat over but he took hold of Kenji's arm and made sure he would go down with him as both Tublat and Kenji were rolling down a hill like a can of beans. Kenji started to roll around down the hill but the hill was reaching the bottom, that's when Kenji leaped up in the air and jumped from tree to tree by foot, bouncing off one tree branch from the other.

"Whose laughing now?" said Kenji in English.

He jumped and landed on the ground safely on his feet without hurting himself, it was as if he was super human. Where in the jungle he was he knew there was a big cliff twenty feet away from him. Kenji got up on his feet and many of the gorillas from Tarzan's heard saw him in a fighting stance, they were all hooting, hollering and making monkey like sounds as if they cheering for Kenji. Tublat was seen getting up on his feet and he immediately charged after Kenji and Kenji charged after Tublat.

Tublat leaped forward and pinned Kenji to the ground, making the young human struggle to push him off since Tublat had his large hands on Kenji's shoulders.

"Looks like I'm the one whose laughing." said Tublat with an evil grin.

The gorillas were shocked to see this as they were hoping Tublat wasn't going to kill Kenji but the young human was showing to be really strong as he was starting to take hold of Tublat's hands and griped them tightly, starting to slowly lift them off him. The grip he had on Tublat's hands was painful.

"I will not let you beat me again, your nothing but an damn, ugly, dirty human, if everyone knew about what your hiding, they'd cast you out like they did me." grunted Tublat with a laugh.

A fit of rage kicked into Kenji's body and he suddenly started to feel an over powering strength grow inside him. Kenji's eyes suddenly were glowing bright red, his ears turned into a different shape, his ears became long and pointy and his hair turned gold.

"Tublat, your making me angry." said Kenji as his voice got deep and sounded Romanian.

The look on Tublat's face faded and turned into shock as Kenji used his strength to finally pry the large gorilla's hands off him, he pushed him off and sent Tublat flying ten feet away from him. Kenji got up on his feet and the gorillas from Tarzan's heard were cheering for Kenji once again. Terk, Tarzan and Kala made it to where Kenji and Tublat were at and they saw that Kenji's appearance looked rather demonic.

"Behold to you all, the freak walks among you." called out Tublat.

Kenji beat his chest and charged after Tublat at a faster speed, he was running at light speed and landed powerful punch on Tublat's face, he landed another punch and another which caused extremely pain for Tublat.

"Die you evil demon." shouted Kenji in Swahili.

Kenji landed one more punch on Tublat's face and knocked him down on the ground. Kenji walked over to him and as Tublat struggled to get up, that's when the young human took hold of Tublat's leg and began to lift him up in the air and started to spin him around. The more he spins him around, the faster the speed was, once Kenji spun him around as fast as possible, he let go and Tublat was sent flying like a projectile in the direction of the cliff as Tublat yelled and fell down the cliff. Kenji let out a loud lion like roar. Everyone had seen this.

"Kenji." called out Kala.

Suddenly, hearing Kala managed to have snapped Kenji back to reality. Kenji looked at the other gorillas as they all looked concerned, Tarzan, Kala and Terk looked worried. The look on Kenji's face faded into sadness, his eyes turned back into his normal color, his hair turned back into it's normal color and his ears changed back to their original shape. Kenji was facing something he had feared and he quickly took off in a run in a direction away from everyone at a fast speed.

"Kenji wait." called out Terk with a look of remorse.

Kenji didn't listen and just kept on running away from them, where he was headed to was unknown but they figured he was probably going back to the treehouse that Tarzan and Jane lived in. Everyone was now wondering about a few things. What was this power that Kenji showed in battle, was Tublat dead, was this something that Kenji didn't want to talk about and what was this power he possessed? Kenji was now afraid if he was going to be labeled a monster for what they saw him do but both Tarzan, Terk and Kala were wondering if there's anything they can do to help the now emotionally hurting Kenji.

To Be Continued

The Family He Never Had Part 10

The other gorillas of Tarzan's heard were all confused and lots of questions popped into their heads about what they saw. Tarzan, Jane, Professor Archimedes, Kala, Terk and Tantor were looking for Kenji after he took off. "Kenji." called Tarzan. They...

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