Relaxing the goodra

Story by Eebit on SoFurry

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A thunderstorm scares a bat's goodra awake, now how to help him back to sleep?

A crash of thunder and the bright spark of illumination from an overly dramatic thunderstorm outside cast a shadow over Melanie at half past midnight. The lightning highlighted the bat's nude features as she slept soundly, sprawled in her bed after an active night of fighting with her blanket which lay crumpled, defeated, at the foot of her bed. Her wings twitched naturally, her body reacting just slightly thanks to the loud rumbling of thunder outside her window. Her body slightly shifted in its sleep, taking up more of the queen-sized bed as the night dragged on, the storm raging on outside.

Slowly, her bedroom door creaked open, a tall, chubby creature looked in, peeking in on the bat. Two large, soft and squishy antennae wriggled through the doorway, curling forwards for a moment as the creature listened to the hard rain pattering against the glass, making the creature slightly wince as it heard a lower, more distant rumble of thunder. It squeezed itself past the doorway and closed the door behind it, watching the window as cautiously as if it were a predator ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey.

It moved in further, into the room, every footstep it made was soft, slimy sounding, leaving faint, wet prints on the carpet as it creeped up further to the bed where the bat slept. The creature's antennae slowly creeped upwards, then fell back into a faint 'swoop' shape as the chubby being tilted its head to watch the way Melanie slept, eyeing the way her chest slowly rose and fell back down, finding a small hint of jealousy at the way she could sleep through such a storm.

It was then that lightning flashed across the sky, and a thunderclap followed soon enough, causing the creature's pale, purple skin to be revealed, that darker purple belly vibrating as it suddenly let out a cry of terror at the sound of the thunder. Its sticky, malleable antennae suddenly shrunk into its skull as it cowered beside the bed, the thick tail of the being curling up near it as it shut it green eyes tightly and covered them with its little hands, the rest of that chubby creature curling up like a scared armadillo.

Melanie bolted upright as she heard that familiar cry, the bat blinking the sleep out of her eyes as her heart raced. Her sweet little squish-face was scared, she knew this much,and she knew exactly why at that. She quickly scrambled from her bed, unfortunately setting foot onto the one she was trying to protect, her toes slipping across its slippery hide and causing her to fall out of bed next to the gooey being, the sudden commotion of the bat falling to the ground causing it to cry out again and quickly pick her up, hugging her to its body!

"Ah! There you are, you big, squishy baby!" She squeaked out, giggling and hugging it to her body, "Goodra, darling, why did you feel the need to shout?" she wrapped her wings slowly around her pokemon, her only real companion as she lived by herself, otherwise. The pokemon was considerably bigger than her, and slimer, causing her front to slowly get coated in a thin layer of goo as the two cuddled on the floor. She slowly reached up to stroke over one of his antennae as they slowly pushed out again, the goodra visibly relaxing under her touch like melting butter. "Are the storms scaring you again?" she asked her pokemon in a soft, soothing voice, her fingertips brushing slowly from his antennae to the back of his head, rubbing back and forth as her fingers slowly became slick from the natural slime. The goodra nodded lightly, letting out a faint whimper under its breath as she squeezed it close again. "It's ok, my squishy baby~" she giggled quietly, and pet along its head again, down over its neck, making the pokemon shudder under her touch. "Come on, we can cuddle in bed." she insisted, slowly squirming under the pokemon's grasp, slipping out from between its arms so she can crawl into bed. "Come on, boy, it's ok, the storm isn't going to hurt you."

Those bright, emerald eyes watched her from the floor, his gaze slowly turning from the bat to the window, just as lightning zoomed between the clouds in the distance. Melanie motioned to her goodra again, catching his attention before the bulky male slowly clambered up onto the bed, making it creak audibly. his tail curled up tight against his back in a swirl, and he stared at her for a long time, while she smiled the whole while, slowly spreading her arms to be even more inviting for him.

The goodra worked up the courage at long last to slip forward across the bed, placing himself in Melanie's arms as she squeezed him tight to her body. He curled around her, arms softly squeezing her body into his soft, malleable belly, his head resting on hers as he trembled softly. her fingers brushed along his sides, he was heavy, but the way he had her trapped under most of his squishy bulk wasn't so bad, in her opinion. She closed her eyes and snuggled up to her goodra, kissing at his chest once and tasting his slime on her lips. It was faintly bitter, but not unpleasant, to her, her nose dipping down to press her forehead against him, feeling that slickness sink into her fur. The bat allowed a gentle sigh to float out of her lips, and she cooed, "There you go, you big baby, I've got you...You're safe with me."

She spread one of her wings, placing it over his body as she squeezed into his body again, keeping a constant reminder of her love for her pokemon in his mind. Her fingertips brushed up and down along his spine as she started to doze again, kissing faintly at his skin a few more times as she slowly drifted off. He held her softly against him, the goodra still quietly worrying, until a fresh, ear-splitting crack of thunder startled both of them, making the goodra tremble and squeal out softly in fear, the bat's eyes shooting open and staring upwards at her pokemon's terrified face, tears in his eyes.

"It's ok," she softly insisted again, "It's ok, sweetie..." she squeezed at his body, "It's just a storm, we've been through dozens of these together." she lightly trilled her words, keeping the goodra's focus on her. She grabbed at the window shade and drew down so that her pokemon couldn't see the storm outside, only the few, fleeting moments of brilliance as lightning arced in the sky. She squirmed gently out of his grasp, but only enough to make him notice, as she looked up at him.

The slug-like pokemon pulled back just enough to look down at her, his thick tail coiling up against his back a second time as he watched her as her legs slightly spread. "Sweetie, it's ok..." she insisted, the pokemon's eyes looking up along her body for a moment, then down again, "You've licked there before...It relaxes you...I know, it's ok." she reached out with her hand, stroking along his chest lightly for a moment, down to his big, soft belly and rubbing along it. "If you want, you can have a taste of me, if you think it'll he-"

The bat bit her lip, having to stifle herself as her goodra heard her consent, instantly dipping his head down to press his soft lips against her mound. She arched her back and let out a silent gasp while his sticky tongue trailed against her netherlips, slowly working from the bottom up and working his tongue once against her clit. Melanie's eyes rolled back slightly while her goodra's thick tongue worked along her sensitive folds, her knees quaking after only a few short, slimy licks. Her goodra's rewarded faintly quickly, as his steady licks cause her mound to become just a bit more plush with arousal, drooling a mall bit of slick feminine nectar onto his tongue.

"A-Ah. Hey now, Goodra, y-you were supposed to wait until I was ready..." The bat whispered in a soft, shivery tone, blushing darkly as her tall ears twitched in the darkness. Her pokemon looked up at her quizzically from between her legs, admiring the way she shivered as his hands lightly rest on her inner thighs, starting to slowly rub back and forth. He placed his lips around her clit, wetly sucking on it and making her arch her back in pleasure, wings quivering near the tips as she twisted her head to one side. The goodra's eyes slowly closed, as he licked and sucked at the bat's slightly swollen nub, the bat's toes splaying as they spread just a little further. Another soft, nearly sibilant moan of pleasure floated out of the bat's muzzle, while she lifted a hand to help stifle herself.

Her goodra, however, didn't like the look of this, slowly pulling his mouth away from between her legs and looking up at her with that quizzical look once more, his thick antennae twitching twice in the near total darkness. He crawled slowly up along her body, letting his slimy skin brush along her fur as he awkwardly places his weight against her body, pressing his nose to hers as he lifted one hand and gently moved her fingers from her mouth. He seemed to inspect her for a short time before lightly bumping his lips to hers, an affectionate, if ineffectual, kiss to the lips.

The new position made Melanie shudder, ever so faintly. The goodra's slimy, heavy body pinned her to the bed, though she knew the pokemon would never intentionally trap her. Even so, the small fantasy that he may not let her up made her blush visibly, even as he pressed his lips to hers again in another innocent kiss. Her hands reached up to slowly pet down his sides, trailing her fingertips along that smooth, slippery skin and making the big pokemon tremble softly under her touch, allowing more of his weight to pin her to the bed. Her wings flapped slightly in protest as she became pinned down, but she still smiled up at the slimy pokemon.

A deep blush soon crossed the girl's' face, however, when she felt a new warmth against her body, her eyes trailing down to stare at her pokemon's chest as it remained stuck softly against her fur. Her ears twitched, and her nose wiggled, smelling something both familiar and foreign at the same time. It was a scent that seemed to slightly sting at her nostrils, and the pokemon softly shifted back and forth, that warmth following along with his motions. With a light squeak, she stared up at her goodra, realizing only then that she had never actually seen, or felt, his maleness, having only let him lick her until he was satisfied. Tonight, however, with all of her efforts to distract her goodra from the window, she had done her absolute best, and that caused her goodra to become quite aroused.

Her legs shimmied softly, toes curling once her feet were freed from under his bulk, allowing her womanhood to become even more exposed to him. She stared up at his eyes and as his hips shifted into place, she squeaked again, blushing brightly when that warmth pressed lightly against her pussylips. A loud swallow was heard as she stared up at the goodra's green eyes, and she murmured in a soft voice, whispering despite them being alone in the house, "You big baby..." she puffed a little, she was nervous, she wasn't sure what she wanted, despite fantasies already playing out in her mind at a mile-a-minute. His thick tip pressed a little more insistently against her, which made her blush even brighter.

She hissed in a breath through her teeth, causing the goodra's head to tilt back a bit in surprise at the new sound she made, inspecting her closely a moment later. Melanie moved her legs slightly again, and her inner thighs rubbed up against the goodra's slimy maleness, her ears perking once again as she squirmed. "O-okay. Ok...just..." she puffed a little in nervousness, reaching up and stroking at the goodra's chest tenderly, "If you hear me say stop, goodra, you better stop..." Even though he couldn't speak her language, he perfectly understood her, or at least understood her intent. he nodded his head gently, before he gingerly placed his lips against hers in another soft kiss.

With a trembling push of his hips, the pokemon prodded his maleness against her folds, lightly rubbing back and forth as her body trembled under his weight and warmth, her belly and chest completely soaked in goodra slime at this point in the night. Her eyes fluttered shut, she didn't need to see her slimy partner anymore, she only needed, wanted, to feel him. A gasp, louder than before, escaped her throat as she felt the slimy cocktip prod between her lips and slowly into her tunnel, the goodra's naturally thick manhood spreading her further than she had anticipated. She clung to his body, fingertips pressing softly into his skin, dimpling it as he made his way inside. A whimper of discomfort made the goodra stop, however, watching her closely as she winced, looking up at him with one eye open.

There was silence, for a few moments, while the goodra's shaft throbbed with his heartbeat, the slimy coating to his shaft clinging to her inner walls and acting as a natural lubricant. She needed time to adjust, she realized, looking up at him as she slowly stroked his chest with one hand. "I'm ok. I'm ok...It's...a little surprising is all." she insisted, while the goodra's head tilted, his fat, floppy antennae shifting to one side. The bat's eyes fluttered shut once again as she nodded. "A-Alright. Alright. I'm ready for more." she breathed in deeply, quivering as her toes curled a second time, anticipating the rest of his girth.

The goodra strained to keep himself moving at a slow pace. He wanted her, but he hated to see her in pain, so the pokemon moved just a little bit at a time, while his hands lightly stroked along her shoulders. He kept her pinned under his soft, chubby body, feeling his shaft sink deeper into her wet tunnel, only made even more slick thanks to the goodra's naturally slimy length. Her tunnel gently parted around his manhood, her eyes rolling back as she let out another soft sound of pleasure, head tilting backwards as she squeezed her knees together to ineffectively to come together against either side of his gut, causing just a bit more of his slime to cling to her fur.

Deeper and deeper, his shaft penetrated the bat's body, feeling unlike anything she had inside her before. She had one partner, long ago, but his length was so...predictable, compared to how the goodra's maleness felt inside of her. It felt, in part, amorphous, managing to push into her body's most hidden depths with ease, making her feel incredibly full and warm, while still being pliable enough for her to squeeze around comfortably, most of the time. Even so, she wasn't used to how deep he could get, and as he continued to sink in, she let out a paranoid whimper, squirming back and forth as she breathed out, "G-Goodra...y-you're so deep inside..." It felt cheesy to say, and yet it was true, her pokemon was managing to make her feel pleasures she never had before.

When his sticky hips finally pressed against hers, she was red in the face, shy and panting lightly the entire time as he hilted there. She could feel every inch as it seemed to softly undulate within her, depositing warm, fresh precum into her tunnel. She wasn't sure just how deep her pokemon had gotten, if he had reached her cervix or not, but she knew, for certain, he was all the way inside of her, filled to the brim by his length. Her wings fluttered with her surprise, as he reached up to pet along her head once, flattening one ear and coating it in slippery slime as he smiled down at her.

At least, she pondered to herself, she knew that the pokemon that was slit-deep inside her cared for her. Her tunnel squeezed around his shaft lightly, and her arms wrapped tenderly around him, holding him affectionately against her. "That's it, goodra," she trilled out, smiling brightly up at him for a moment before nuzzling into his neck. "It feels good. It feels so good for me...I just hope it feels good for you too." She nuzzled harder against his neck for a moment before she stared up into his eyes, and the goodra lightly nodded down at her to ease any of her worries.

Minutes passed, the two of them finally able to ignore the storm outside as she stroked her fingers along his side. "If you can take me. It's ok." she whispered to him, giving her full consent to her pokemon with a light smile on her lips. Her pokemon stroked her head again, tilting his head with that little hint of worry on his face again, before she nodded, confirming what she just said to him. The excited pokemon lightly pulled her up into a hug, still buried slit-deep within her pussy before letting her go, the bat giggling gently under her breath as she's put back down.

The goodra remained firmly on top, slowly shimmying his hips back before thrusting forward, starting with a brisk, yet soft pace. Back and forth, the goodra's squishy, filling length spread the bat's pussy, pushing in deeply before drawing back out, warm precum trailing inside of her the whole time as he did so. The bat wasn't silent, either, her moans growing quickly, one of her hands finding the goodra's own as her fingers softly intertwined with his, his chubby hips slapping against hers as he sped up. Every push made her gasp and squeak under her breath, her knees trembling once again while her body was filled with the goodra's shaft.

Every thrust, every pound made the bat feel just a little bit better, her body slowly accommodating that amorphous length, or perhaps the length was getting more used ot her body? The thought bounced around in the bat's head before the goodra's pace changed, taking firmer thrusts and letting loud, lewd squelches out from between them as he pumped his shaft in. Even with how thoroughly the bat was getting filled, the goodra kept a close, protective eye on her, watching her face become skewed with pleasure. More soft moans and whimpers of desire fluttering from her throat as he worked his way towards climax.

His fingers squeezed at her own, showing her the best affection he could while he sped up a third time, his smooth skin bouncing with every thrust, his chubby belly wobbling against the bat's lithe features as she moaned out again in bliss. Her back arched,her toes curled and gripped at the bedsheets as she let out little whimpers, "A-Ah...Ah..I'm getting close now, goodra..." She insisted, her breathing becoming even heavier as her pussy drooled and further lubricated her pokemon's shaft, her pussy clenching, milking at his member as he thrust deep inside.

The rest of the world was gone, to the big purple slug-dragon, his shaft pulsing constantly within the bat's tunnel as she squeaked out under her breath from pleasure, her cheeks still burning bright red as she's taken to the edge, herself. Every thrust pushed in deeply, filling her out completely within her pussy as his amorphous length did its duty to pleasure her. She breathed out hot, moist breaths against the goodra's face as she clenched and milked his length, while her wings fluttered even faster with her quickly-approaching climax.

Melanie couldn't hold back anymore, and her eyes wrenched shut as she let out a loud, incoherent cry of pleasure, her whole back arching, her head tilting back enough that she could nearly dig her forehead into the mattress as she reached her peak. Her tunnel squeezed, milking hard along his length as he continued to thrust hard throughout her orgasm, causing it to drag on as her eyes rolled back and fluttered shut, soaking his shaft and the bedsheets between her legs with her juices, her legs stiffening, becoming sore while he powered his length into her through her orgasm.

The goodra's body trembled, near the tail-end of her orgasm, however, the pokemon letting out a wet sounding cry of pleasure himself. He pumped his shaft in deeper for a few seconds, enough that the bat could swear he was gently poking at her tender cervix before the goodra's head whipped back, and his antennae wetly splattered against his back, his shaft pulsing repeatedly and starting to fill the bat up with his thick, sticky cum, the goodra's cockslime clinging ot her inner walls as he pumped rope after hot rope of his seed deep inside. That creamy fluid pumped deep inside the bat, resting within her tunnel as she gripped at his back tightly, fingertips dimpling his soft flesh.

The two laid there, catching their breath as the bat lightly rocked her hips against his, making sure to milk out every little drop she could. Her eyes stayed shut, while the goodra nuzzled into her neck, breathing slowly and steadily after a few minutes of their mutual panting. Melanie's hand slowly slid up and rubbed along the goodra's head for a moment, ears perking from time to time as she watched him, giggling quietly under her breath as she looked into his emerald eyes. "Such a cute squishy baby~" she teased him, the goodra bumping his face against hers lightly.

Outside, the storm had finally settled, just as the two of them dozed off in each others arms, with several hours of rest available before they would start the new day together.

Farm Pumping

Warm, dappled sunlight streamed in from the dirty window of the barn where a dark grey and white wolftaur slept. The light seeped in through his closed eyelids, but the large male slept peacefully in a large bed made of hay that was strewn about the...

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The Start of Something New: Chapter 2

Chapter 2, I'm actually managing to make a story arc, glee! Lots of thanks go to Kasseth, my proof-reader. Please, lemme know if you read/like this, because that'll be how I keep going! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bright....

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The Start of Something New: Chapter 1

"No! Please, stop!" The little foxgirl tugged her arm, trying to get it out of the grasp of an older fox, whose eyes were cast down towards her arm. What his eyes were fixed on, however, would seem strange, if it were any other fox-kit. Between her...

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