Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 12

Story by Montrosity on SoFurry

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#13 of Confessions of a Dragon: My Memiors of My Time on Earth

Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 12

Authors note: This was supposed to be the last chapter of my first story arc but it got way too long. So I am splitting it in two. Well, the story winding down but there are some tidbits of information strewn throughout the yarn, packed with all kinds of good stuff. Mostly setting up for the final couple of scene in the next, and hopefully last chapter. The I can finally get on the next arc where thing really going to get messed up.

I'm still very much new to story writing so I need very feedback a can get my grubby paws on. So shower me with them. Lots and lots of them.

P.S. I have the RTF version here

Returning With the Goods:

Flying back with that extra load... both on my mind as well as in my tummy, lays heavy on me. Well, that killer did not weight all that much. My dragon body easily takes on his human weight. I love giving humans dragon rides but Talget a bit different as he resides in my stomach, forming a nice bulge on my normally flat belly.

As you might guess, I ate the fellow. I know it was disgusting. You see, he deserved it very much. I sport several wounds from that short battle. He shot me a few times and used a bigger caliber gun than the last time his shot me. Yeah, I had to deal with him deal. I help catch that serial killer but the got out due to lack of evidence. There was plenty of course but someone higher up pulled strings and the cop was released... to go and kill again.

Luckily we found him again before he could murder his latest intended victim. His methods have been quite violent and gruesome in the past and his new one would not be any different. Good thing Ted and I rescued the fresh female victim. The killer and I fought while Ted took her safely away.

As for me, I got shot several times before I was able to 'subdue' the corrupt officer. We discus a few things before he stabbed me... for the last time. That where I ate him. And I did it with him whole, alive and kicking all the way down into my belly.

Right now, I am following Ted, flying up in high just behind the Talget's vehicle. Ted drives the cop's personal SUV back to the base, using it to transport the sedated victim. I give Talget my own method of transportation deep within.

Unlike the passenger below, Talget is having a rough time of it. He did lasted nearly an hour. Now just a lump that no longer moving around. Too bad, I was hoping for a longer punishment. After seeing all those police evidence photos of the brutal crime scenes made me delirious with anger. I gave the perpetrator what he deserved.

The problem going to be explaining my deed to the rest back at the compound. Ted himself witness what I did, vomiting in shock. I don't blame his reaction as I probably do much the same if I was in his shoes. The act I know not one expects. In fact I never intended to do it in the first place. But I got caught in the spur of the moment and defended myself from all the knife stabbings. Actually, it was more than that. At that movement, the things he told me itself stabbed my heart and I wanted to stop him in the most permanent way possible, to erase him forever from existence.

So here I am, about to land and pondering what I would say to Jim, the head chief of the secret organization protecting and running the gateways. My excursions have been a side track and Jim was very reluctant for me to go on the hunt in the first place. But he relented as he I how stubborn I can be and I agree to take Ted along to keep me 'in control'. Best laid plans as they say. Ted usually very solid and steady guy but the shock prevented him from devouring the serial killer. To be honest, I don't think he could have done it anyway with my rage boiling like it did. I am much calmer now and had all that time to reflect on my deed. Still, I think I would have reacted much the same way if exposed in the same position.

Ted drives up to one of the main building and pulls into the garage area. I land just outside, watching the attendants put the female victim on a gurney and rolls her away to get checked out. I'm sure she'll be fine as the killer didn't had time to do anything serious to her except some roughing up. A few hours later though, and she certainly be dead, killed in a most horrific manner indeed. However, she is perfectly safe now.

As for me, I'm not so sure. Jim there waiting for me and he doesn't look all that happy. His scowl much deeper than normal and I can tell he is fuming inside. Luckily, Ted is there to discuss the events of the night in greater detail than on the radio. I keep my distance as they go on great lengths. Ted confess that it was his fault since he didn't stop me. Jim remains unconvinced as he stood there, talking only occasionally in in measured breaths. I so not looking forward talking to him.

The Stare Down:

Well, time to face the music as I see them finish. Ted pads off with slump shoulders while Jim marches toward me. That look on his face sends shivers down my spine... and me being this scary dragon and all. Jim stops just in front of me, the head chief peering into my eyes. I remain silent, letting him to have the first words.

"Well, Alex, you really outdone yourself this time." Jim looks at me, scanning not only my various bullet and stab wounds, but the rather round and human sized bulge in my belly, protruding out a bit. It almost made me blush being inspected like that with all the intensity Jim is giving me. "We have much to discuss you and I. But it have to wait, I order you to go see the doctor. She is waiting your you in the infirmary. You are bleeding all over the place and making a mess... or I should say a bigger mess. I got to do a few things to make sure no word of you, um, exploits leaks out in the meantime. See me when the doctor patched you up. Then we have a nice long talk."

He strolls off without giving me a chance to respond. Jim gave a quick chat to one of the nearby attendants, which went wide eyed before walking on over to me. He looks up a bit bashful and stutters, "Um, I her to escort you to the medical facilities. Here is a towel to clean up before we go."

I know perfectly well that I don't need an escort but it is a way of Jim telling me to watch my step. I didn't plan on any detours but is a clear message to me to behave. Well fine, after what I did earlier today, I guess I deserve that though I know I am not getting off that lightly. I probably have to endure great sanctions like being grounded. Whatever they might be, I am perfectly able to accept it.

I look back at the guy and graciously takes the towel. I ask while wiping off the blood still oozing from my numerous wound, "So, what is your name? Most here either call me Monty or Alex."

The poor fellow, obviously not used to being so close to a dragon, stutters some more, "Um, ah, my name is Peter Appleton. Um, you can call me Pete if you want. I never met a dragon before... I mean I saw you flying a few times. Looks like fun too... I mean, well, you know."

"Well Pete, once this blows over, I'll take you on ride." I smile at him (not showing too much teeth as it makes humans a bit unease). "Provided if Jim ever lets me do it again."

"Really? Oh gosh, um, we have to see about that. I mean, it'll be fun and all. Yeah, I would very much like that. But we must be on our way now. Right this way." He leads us down a corridor and after taking a few turns and up a few steps, we finally arrive at Dr. Bentli offices. "I'll stay and wait out here, sir."

Operation Operation:

I peeks my head into the door of the large examination room. "Sally? I'm back."

"I heard what happened. I told you to be careful. Now come here and sit. From what I gather, I have lots of work to do." She goes to retrieve the surgical equipment and return with me laying on the table. "What the hell happen to you. You got all shot up and..." She finally got a good look at my round belly. Her forehead wrinkles in confusion. "What is that? Is it... no, you couldn't have!"

I nod. "I did. I stopped Officer Don Talget from every hurting anyone every again... forever. He is no more, wiped from this plane of existence." She gasps at what I have done, not wanting to believe I could do such a think. But it happened, and she have to accept that. "Look, I didn't plan on it but it happened. It wasn't supposed to turn out this way. Talget tried to kill me and I got fed up with it."

"You didn't have to eat him. I know he was a terrible guy but... but this is just beyond." Sally shakes her head in disbelief. "I still can't believe you are capable of such a thing." She cautiously pokes at my belly, squishing it quite deep. "He is all in there?"

"Well, yes. I swallowed him whole. My jaws can unhinge like a snake and I shove him inside, alive and kicking. That bastard triggered my rage so much." I sigh and take a deep breath. "I can stop talking about it if you find it disturbing."

"Hell yes I find it disturbing as well as disgusting, but go on. I am your doctor and need to know everything about you, no matter how I feel about the subject. Not much choice in the matter." Sally turns her back to pick out a scalpel and a large pair of tweezers. "Stay still as I treat your wounds. But tell me more of what happened to you. You seemed to collect a lot of damage here."

"Talget shot at me pretty good. Plus he managed to stabbed at me a few times as well. I truly was a battle, which I eventually won." I kept myself from chuckling as I don't think she would appreciate my morbid humor. "So I ended the battle right then and there."

Sally pulls out the first bullet and plops it into the stainless steel tray with a metallic ping. "You know I should be running away screaming my head off instead oh digging out your bullets."

"Look, I would never hurt you. In fact, my intention is to stop the killer so he can never hurt anyone again. Things just got out of hand."

"I know. You're just a big softy. But still shocks me to the core. I mean, is he alive in there?" She plunks another round from my thigh and adds it to the dish with a loud rattle.

"No longer. He passed on not too long before I arrived back here. I say he lasted about an hour or so." I wince when the doctor digs to get at a deeper bullet.

"An hour? I can't imagine how awful that must have felt. Horrible as it sounds, after seeing all those photos of his deeds, I think he should have suffered more. I know, I must be a terrible person to wish such punishment on someone, even one as evil as he."

"Now that I think about, it is a fitting end for him. Well, in a couple of days anyway." I look over while she walks into the adjoining supply room. Sally steps back out wheeling a x-ray machine.

"I am going to take some x-rays. Some of the bullets are too deep for me to see where they are and I don't want to cut away too much tissue. You can watch it on the monitor here." The lady doctor point to the display as it flickers to life. An image comes into view, focusing in a few moment. The bright blotches points to a bullet that shatters on impact on my upper hip, scattering just under the surface of my hide. "Looks like that one tore apart. I think I have to apply some local anesthetic here as I have to cut into you to get all the pieces."

"If you feel it necessary. You're the doctor after all." I continue to watch the monitor as Sally applies the local. With the area all numb, I gaze in fascination while she expertly works at removing the jagged pieces. Once she done, she reaches up to flick the off switch but hesitates for a moment before turning back to face me.

"I curious to see, um, what is going on with, er..." She blushes a deep red.

I nod. "Go ahead. I too interested in seeing the result." I watch her turning more red, so cute I tell you. With trembling hands, she swings the x-ray machine sensor up higher to cover my belly. The picture focus sharp and clearly shows the skeletal structure of the killer Talget curled up tight in my stomach.

"Oh my, that is so frightening to look at. But I can't look away." Sally adjust the power of the beam to show more details of the slowly digesting flesh. Talget's clothes already in tatters. The cotton fibers breaking under the strain of my stomach actions. His flesh also showing signs of wear. The skin itself appears to be peeling away but hard to tell from the monitor. The killer going bald now, most of his hair scuffed off. Though somehow I don' think he care now.

"So that is how it looks. It is almost like he is sleeping in there. So peaceful too." I peer closer, shifting the picture a little. "Oops. Here, let me get back in position." I move myself flat again, realigning the image on the screen.

"If I didn't know better myself. I seen x-rays of snakes with rats or rabbits in their bellies before, but never a human inside of anything. In all my years of practice, nothing comes close in preparing me for anything remotely like that." She leaves the machine on while bringing out the surgical suture supplies. "Okay, I am going to sew up the knife wounds."

I tense up a little from the stinging antiseptic she dabs liberally on the deep lacerations. She then starts to close my sliced flesh back together. Even though some of the slashes gone deep, they missed the vital organs. In fact, Talget came closest when he hit my ribs. A little more and he could have punctured a lung. I would have survived but would have made flying hard due to the difficultly of breathing in the thinner air up high.

"There, all sown up in pretty stitches if I don't say so myself." Sally puts away the kit after tidy it up a bit. The stitches are indeed pretty, all nice and neat in even rows.

I complement her, "Nice job. I'm sure I heal in no time with the expert job you did."

"Now take it easy for a week or two. I don't want my handiwork torn out." She folds her arms and looks at me.

I look back. "Well, what about flying. I need to get a good distance from here to, um, let Talget out. I can' do it on base. The sewer and septic system not design for human remains. I hate to see a sewer worker finding bones stuck somewhere. So I plan to go in the forest just south of here."

A look of horror flashes across her face before regaining her composure. She nods, "I can understand that I guess. Tell you what, when you feel the need draws near, come to me and I will bandage the area. That should provide enough reenforcement to strengthen the sutures enough to take the extra strain of flight."

"Thanks. You are truly an angel. I would kiss you if I could." I make kissy sounds.

"Cut that out you big silly." Sally finishes up with my wounds with clean dressings. Then she plants a kiss on my cheek before returning her attention to the x-ray machine. It been on for all this time, recording the images. She shivers upon glancing at the horror reflecting on the screen. "I swear that makes me cringe down to the core of my being. I feel so small... so much a like prey waiting for the slaughter. And I know you. Imagine someone who doesn't know you like I do sees something like that. Would probably scare them out of their mind indeed."

"Yes, I can see how that can be. That response I took advantage of when I interrogated all those witnesses. I hate using it but it was so effective. Got the information that eventually led to the killer." I sat up on the table when she turns off the x-ray. She pushes the machine back into the storage room.

"All finished. However, I need to see you in several hour intervals to make sure no infection sets in. I don't know how effective human drugs are on you so I need regular check ups."

I agree with a nod and wave her goodbye as I head for the door. Tucking under the doorway, I return to Pete. He waits patiently outside and stands up from the chair went I step out. "Hi Pete, all patched up as you can see."

"Dr. Bentli certainly does great work, sir. She is the best in the business." Pete had some work done on a broken legs before. "The Doc fixed my broken leg right up. Did an excellent job too."

"Yeah, she something special all right." I smile at the guy, imitating him as I accidentally showed too much teeth. I sometimes forget that around humans, especially those not all that used to me.

Pete gulps at the untended display. "Well sir, time to see Mr. Baker. He is anxious to see you indeed. He doesn't seem all that happy." He points down the hallway, "Follow me sir, right this way".

David's Find:

We only pad a short distance before David appears from seemly out of no where and intercepts us. "Oh hi there, David. How is the tech head doing today?"

"Doing great. Wow, you got shot up bad." David whistles as he points out out my numerous bandages. "Talget sure did a number on you. I guess he is right about here." He reached out and taps my belly.

I take a step back. "Hey, don't joke about that. I am not happy of what happened".

"The unhappy one you should be worry about it Jim. He was absolutely livid when I saw him last, steam coming out of his ears and all that." David chuckles, "I hate to be in your shoes... well, if you wore any shoes."

Pete looks on a few steps back as I reply, "You don't seem to be all shock about what I did to that cop."

"Well, he definitely had it coming. You should have seen what we found in his SUV. Tons of stuff like a meat grinder, portable bandsaw, grill and a power generator. Plus containers of fuel, camping gear, all kinds of survival manuals. Don planned to hold out for a long time. And not only that, we found photos and videos that are a thousand time worse than the dossier of the crime scene. He had..." David visible gulps. "Don had photos of children... he tortured and murdered kids too. Took pictures, horrible pictures while... it was terrible."

We continue to walk down the hallway with Pete staying a bit back. "Yes David, I know Telget was an evil person, but kids too." I shake my head. "Truelt evil. Still, really should not have done what I did."

"I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I think he got off easy. What I saw is far far worse than we thought. That guy was a true monster. Did you know I stop counting after fifty murders. Picture after picture flew by. I couldn't look at them all. I estimate over a hundred victims going back at least eight years."

"That is a lot. And he got away with this so long." I frown thinking of all those poor souls cut short by the creep.

"Yeah, he preyed on those that the society wouldn't miss. Combined with his cunningness and police training, he was able to stay below the radar. But there is something else." David looks up to me while raising his eyebrow.

"Okay, what is it? Spit it out." I return that eyebrow move.

"Well, Don had some interesting files on his laptops. They are encrypted lock tight. Normally I can blow through the garden variety commercial crap easy by now. But he had some top grade government type software on there. Stuff that even I can decrypt without taking months... even years to get into. Even a police offer like him should not be able to get his hands on this level of sophistication. Someone very high clearance must have gave it to him. This could lead to something bigger. I picked up some clues and have some speculations. Nothing solid to go by as yet."

I blink a few times at David. "Wait, are you saying there is some sort of conspiracy?"

"I am not exactly saying that. But something more there than meets the eye. I think there might be a group of killers in contact with each other. Well, that is my theory anyway. I only have a few clues to go by so until I get something more concrete, it is all conjecture at this point." Once we get to the elevator, David pokes my belly again.

"You like doing that, you strange one." I give David that 'what are you doing?' look.

"I say Don got off easy. How long he lasted? Whatever it is is not nearly long enough. May he burn in hell for all eternity." David scowl deeply.

"Well, if you must know, he lived for an hour in his prison." I glare at his finger attempting to poke me again. He wisely withdraw the digit.

"Wow, an hour. Still too short." The elevator door opens and we step inside with Pete shrinking silently in a far corner. The room rather tight due to my bulkier form. I can hear the cable strain as we combined nears the weight capacity of the lift. But it takes us to the sixth floor where Jim offices lies.

"I didn't think about it. I could have made him suffer longer if I wanted to but I just wanted to get it over with. However, an hour bathing in my acids would be a horrible punishment indeed." I relate to David while Pete shrinks farther into the corner, not wanting to hear this conversation but has no choice in the matter.

"If it was up to me, I would have gone much longer. What you think Peter?" David look at the incredible shrinking man.

"Me? I really don't want to think about it. I am already scared witless." Pete seems to back into the corner more somehow.

"Oh come on. You much have some thought on the matter. Tell us what you think. Would you made Donny boy suffer more?" David lifts a finger at my escort. "You much have an opinion."

"I... I... don't know. Please, I don't want to think of it," stutters Pete.

"David, leave him alone. Can you see he is scared." I lean closer to David, adding my weight to pin him lightly to a side wall.

"Okay, okay, I get your point. Now get off of me you big oaf." I back away with the push of his upturned palm. "If you crush me, you never know what Don had on those laptops. Besides, you have no one to supply you with all those cool gadgets."

I chuckle, "Oh, I am sure I can manage all right. Yo are not the only tech wizard around here... the best but not the only one."

David laughs, "Oh gee, you are so right. Okay, I will behave. Sorry Peter if I put you on the spot. I meant no harm."

"I understand, sir. No offense taken. Ah, here we arrived to the correct floor. Well, Monty and I have to go now to see Jim. I catch you later Dave."