A New Chance

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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#2 of 2372: The Emergence

"Damn you, Aros!" Drake threw all of his weight into a furious blow. His fist hitting hard with a resounding smack upon the Firestar punching bag. Three more solid blows followed suit, each one successively harder, until the momentum of the bag threaten to take it off the hook.

He caught the flailing bag in a bear hug, pushing away, he threw another volley of punches. The blood of his split knuckles smearing and splashing off the bag with each violent blow. _"Did our love really mean nothing to you?" Drake remembered saying to Aros in those final hours. His eyes pleading and hopeful, even as Aros encircled the gray tape around his maw as they approached the station.

Aros walked over to the main helm and set a destination into autopilot, it beeped in confirmation. He pulled out a small steel container and flipped it open, to reveal a neat row of cigarettes. He took one from the case and lit it up as he watched the approaching station through the main window. A low growl rumbled out behind him and he glanced towards Drake, who's violent eyes explained it all. He walked up to Drake with a smile across his face as he stood over him.

"Don't look at me like that, Drake, I did what anyone else would've done," He took a light drag from the cigarette. "I hope you understand."

Drake's eyes narrowed, and he started to thrash violently.

"Oh, please," Aros looked down at him in disgust. "Don't play innocent, you and the others were just going to line your pockets and leave. How noble of you? At least now the money won't go to your pointless lives."

The female voice of the space dock operator hissed over the intercom. "This is the Koffman Space Station, we have you on our radar. Please identify yourself."

Aros cleared the smoke from his throat with a hard cough. "XR73651-Omega Designation."

"Roger that, please hold while I verify."

A few seconds passed before the intercom hissed again. "Verification confirmed. Enjoy your stay."

"Good ol' Lou." He pat the hull of the ship. "Amazing, how she designed that, what she call it? Scramblers, I think."

Again, Drake thrashed against the metal floor, but Aros ignored him as the ship lurched to a halt and the shipping clamps hooked on to it. A few seconds later there was a hiss as the pressure between the ship and the station equalized.

The doors slid open with a mechanical whirl, and air breezed into the ship. "Well here's my stop." He pulled a small tan container from one of his side pouches, imprinted on the cartridge were two black letters C-4. "Don't worry it'll be quick. Once autopilot takes you into the FLT lane and goes into light speed, it'll detonate. Ship'll be torn to pieces before you even know it." He set the detonator, and put it on the metal floor, then he walked out of the spaceship into the station-- 25 million dollars richer. The doors closed behind him, and the docking clamps disengaged.

An automated female voice announced over the intercom: "Autopilot Activated."_

"I SWEAR I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU AROS!" Twisting his hips violently, Drake let loose a powerful sidekick. His leg sliced through the air like a silver sword -- SMACK! -- The vicious blow echoed in the empty station and sent the bag tumbling onto the the concrete floors, it's chains slashing and flailing like a wounded animal before crumpling dead on the ground.

"What the hell?" A familiar voice spoke from behind, causing Drake to glance over his shoulder. Kornan, one of the dog-like Kolacan, and also, his partner on the Tolsten Station Police Force or TSPF, was standing there with his black duffel bag hanging from his side and a confused look painted across his face grayish-white furred face.

"Nothing you need to worry the fuck about." Drake concealed his hands away from Kornan's view-- he didn't want to hear him bitch about the cuts. It wasn't unusual for him to have small wounds on his hands from hitting the bag, but he'd been beating on that bag all day and it had destroyed his knuckles.

"Alright," Kornan gestured for him to calm down, "no need to get all pissy." He walked up to his locker, in the far corner of the gym. "You know," He casually tossed the bag into his metal locker, and hung his green Tolsten Rangers hat on the tarnished hook of his metal door. "People are going think you're gay or something, with you just wearing that thong around all the time." He smiled to let him know it was a joke.

Drake ignored him.

Kornan shrugged off the cold response and looked into the mirror that he stuck to the inside of his locker, and started shaping his disheveled hair up into it's usually spiky look. Again, he examined his hair and pushed it around with his claws.

Drake knew that this ritual would take sometime until Kornan gave up, or molded it into long spikes. He walked to his locker directly opposite of Kornan's, still hiding his hands from sight. The distance between their lockers wasn't big, and the tiny bench that separated them gave him little choice but to expose his hands. He gave a shifty glance behind him, Kornan was still playing with his hair. He quickly put his palm on the small green square, it chirped loudly, and the lock clicked open. He carefully opened the door, to reveal a almost completely empty locker, except for his badge, a few scattered painkillers, some unwrapped medical gauze in the far back and his pile of civilian clothes. He reached up to the top part of the locker and shifted through the various painkillers to the gauze.

"God damn it, Drake, you aren't going to be happy until you have scars everywhere."

Drake peered over his shoulder, where he saw two pale green eyes gazing back at him through the mirror. Even though he was combing the knots of white hair off his square jaw, his eyes were clearly watching him. Drake, knowing that there was no reason to hide his actions anymore, snatched the medical gauze off the tops shelf. "Couldn't help it, it's just been one bad day after another for me." He started to wrap his right hand.

"Drake, just because you got demoted from detective doesn't mean a damn thing. Fuck man, the brass had it out for you from the start-- They sent you after Decrue, and from what I heard you almost caught her. Rumor has it, she hacked the strike team." He slipped off his cotton shirt, revealing a mostly gray muscular backside.

"She did, walked right past them. Because I failed to follow protocol." Drake focused hard on his hands, trying to not gaze up at Kornan's semi-nude body.

Kornan reached around back, and undid the tail hole button, then followed it up with his front jeans button. His pants fell down to the floor, revealing the Kolacan species most common undergarment, which they stole from the design of the Terran thong. It consists of several straps that hold it against the back of the user, and large cloth piece to wrap around their sex, but it had one failing, It didn't cover their hole. All the focus in the world couldn't pull Drake's eyes away from meaty rear that was chiseled like no other from all the walking they did every day. He sighed, he'd miss seeing that rear when he'd leave.

Drake wrapped up his left hand and put the gauze back. He didn't want to tell Kornan what he was going to do next, but he deserved to know. He grabbed his badge from the top of the locker and closed it. "I'm leaving the force."

"Oh, whatever." He smiled and shook his head as he checked the connectors for the shield on his armor in the locker. "Quit screwing around with me."

"Kornan." Drake held up his badge, "I'm leaving today."

Kornan pulled his head out from the locker, almost clipping the top of his head. For a few moments, his mouth hung open until it finally dawned on him the Drake really wasn't kidding. "Shit..." He sat down on the bench in the center, only wearing his soft green underwear. He looked down at the ground, "Is it because of what they've been saying about me on my other shift? Or about you?"

"No, it's nothing like that. In fact, I've enjoyed patrolling with you, but I've got a ship coming in and crew, and I'm ready to make some real money again. I'll be in touch, I promise. I'm going to go drop my badge off in the mail slot upstairs, and come back down here to get dressed. Then we'll talk more." He got up from the bench and started to walk to the door, each step made him wonder more and more if leaving Kornan behind would be a mistake. "Maybe he can help--"

"Do you want to fuck?" The words leaped from Kornan's mouth before he even realized what he was saying.

Drake halted in his steps and turned around, dropping the badge on the floor. "What?" It was obvious that he'd heard what Kornan had said, but he was surprised how openly he said it.

Kornan stood up, closing the distance between them. His words quick and low, "Do you think I'm oblivious of your eyes staring at my ass?"

Drake grabbed at the green Kolacan thong straps, pulling him so close that their sexes rubbed up against each other. "Nah, I kinda figured you knew." His hot breath brushed across Kornan's silver and gray fur.

"So let me come on your ship with you."

Drake gave a sideways smirk. "What could you do to help my crew?"

"Some male's like the feel of my kind's sex and fur."

Drake felt the soft caress of his paw against his chest, the warm prickly touch of his fur sent shivers down his spine. "Well, I know I do." His words making Kornan smile.

"So let me on board and I'll please anyone on your ship who needs it."

"As long as I get the first demo."

"How about I suck you a bit? That good enough?"Kornan's smile turned into a wide grin and Drake couldn't help but return it as he watched Kornan fall to his knees, bowing before his godly physique.

Drake slid his tail over his shoulders, and smiled. They both knew this was going to be more than just a simple blowjob.

Drake felt two furry hands wrapping around his thong straps, and give a hard tug. His limp sex spilled out and hung close to his furry lips. He watched as he grasped the limp cock, and gently rolled his other warm paw over it's head, leaving Drake gasping in total pleasure. His tail draping itself over Kornan's shoulder, spasming with each run of the smooth paw. The silver cock started to rise, pointing to the warm lips of Kornan's maw, but he wasn't done teasing the hot silver that towered over him. He switched paws, gently rubbing the head with his forefingers. He pressed his curved tongue on the bottom of his head, and gently flicked it around the soft surface.

Kornan's tongue worked him easily up to his full length, each run of the tongue dropping hot saliva on the floor. Drake closed his eyes as Kornan's maw approached his cock, and threw his head back as the hotness washed over his tip. It slowly rolled down until it surrounded the cock in wet heat, suddenly, it whipped back and cold air slammed the cock.

Again, Kornan's maw came down upon the cock, greedily covering it in one long dive of his head. A long groan escaped Drake's lips, rising and falling at the will of the hot maw that bobbed his huge cock. As Kornan pulled his head away a final time, he let a hot trail of spit pull from his lips. He stood, running his hand across Drake's flushed face.

Kornan turned around placing his palms on the nearby lockers, raising his tail to reveal his pink hole, surrounded by white fur. Drake grabbed his cock that was waving around, and pressed the tip against his hole. He felt Kornan seize as his cock pressed in it's first inch, his hole squeezing and pushing it around playfully. Another thick inch pushed it's way into his pink and innocent insides, and they squirmed and pulled in protest. He heard a groan rumbling deep in his chest, before his lips even opened as the third and fourth slid in with ease, his hole giving into the massive rod that was entering him.

Drake put his hands over Kornan's on the locker, and pushed back in. He felt the hot round ass cheeks, and pulled out an inch. He slapped one of them hard, causing Kornan to grunt. A quick jam of his hot throbbing cock, caused the grunt to rise to a groan. The hot warm muscles inside contracting quickly around his forceful cock, throwing it around in his insides. He pulled five long wet inches from the hot and no longer little hole, some of the leftover spit that lubed his cock rolling off the fur. Drake gave a hard thrust and fast, pushing Kornan up against the cold metal lockers. He withdrew and jammed upward, watching Kornan be lifted up by his cock. His growl tore from his mouth and echoed out from the locker area into the gym, his pumps moving faster. He heard Kornan moaning up and down with each thrust that was tearing through his insides. Drake reached around grasping the soft pink cock that had unsheathed it's self from Kornan and out of the green thong.

Drake grasped the massive rod and started to run his hand along the shaft with each push into the tight ass. His cock started to seize as the wet insides massaged it, causing him to pre. He groaned as he felt himself spewing hot cum into his tight ass, and Kornan's moan followed as his own cock started to shutter under the massive claw of Drake. It shot his hot cum out on to the metal lockers where it ran in hot streams down to the floor.

"Damn that felt good to do." Drake said between gasps for breath over Kornan's shoulder.

Kornan turned his head slightly, his own lungs stuttering for breath. "Yeah, Likewise."

Drake pulled out, already missing the warmth around his cock. "Get your armor on while I put my clothes on."

Kornan pushed away from the lockers. "My... armor? What for?"

He picked his thong off the floor, and slid it on. "Just trust me you'll need it for tonight."


"We have to make it to the elevator!" The clatter of the group's feet echoed down the corridor, and for a moment it looked like they were in the clear. No sign of pursuit, and thanks to well placed C4 charges most of the security grid was down for...

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Drake shivered as he felt the night air brush up against his body and vigorously rubbed his midnight black scaled arms trying to heat himself up. He cursed himself for being so foolish to under take a mission in such a remote place, even if it was a...

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Chapter 6: Drake and Azroth's Story

Azroth smiled at Wraith his female counterpart. Her black soulless skin, aroused Azroth even as the Final Battle between Humans, the Arillians, and Dragons was on the verge of that very eve. It would mean death for his kind if they lost, he softly...

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