The Wildcat - Luxray's POW

Story by Shedou on SoFurry

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#2 of The Wildcat

Please, if you haven't read The introduction (Prologue) of the story yet, I'd highly recommend that in order to understand the whole story-line better.

Once more, enjoy!

[OCT Labs, Unknown time - morning for sure]_ _

I opened my eyes as sharp pain run through my body. I stood up carefully, my legs shaking and looked around to find myself lying in the corner of weird white room, 3 of its wall covered by softened padding and 1 wall being white as well, but my eyesight told me it's not an ordinary wall, but that something is behind it. I tried to use my x-ray, however I probably had some drugs flowing in my blood, so I fell asleep by exhaustion.

[OCT Labs, approximately an hour later]

Despite being asleep, I heard footsteps meaning someone was very close to me, so I stood up once more, this time being surer about my steps, feeling much better, at least my physical form, obviously the drugs already lost its effect. However, I noticed another wound on left side of my neck, just the opposite side of where my origin-mark is placed. I was wonder what was that this time, but I let it be...

I put all my effort into the sharpening of my senses, so I also needed to gain the inner serenity, fortunately nothing hard for me. Soon after I heard some humans speaking to each other. After a while one human male entered the room I was in. I looked at him, disgusted by being bothered by human, but it hadn't discouraged him... 'He's probably just another stubborn human,' I thought...

He didn't seem strong nor confident - it was obvious he had respect toward me judging by his behavior, but he was maybe little naive. He wasn't even so tall, only about 1'1" (33cm) taller than me taking into account my height 4'3" (131cm) on all my four, so he must've been about 5'4" (165cm). He also looked very young, for sure he wasn't above 20 years old, had short brown hairs and green eyes.

He started to carefully approaching me, being quite nervous and stopped about 2 meters In front of me, then knelt and spoke: "Hey Luxray, could you please let me get closer to you? I promise that I won't be trying to hurt you, I'm here just to help you," he whispered, probably hoping to get my attention when he said it by that way. I was still a bit confused and his behavior had been provoking in some way, not to mention he stopped only about 2 meters in front of me and knelt. I didn't know what he was trying for and his submissive behavior looked strange to me, so I growled and decided to attack him using Wild charge, which threw him away right against the wall and he whimpered, probably surprised by my reaction. I moved myself quickly and stood above him.

"T-That hurt," he mumbled and looked up at me, seemed quite frightened and so powerless.

'Is he really that weak? Heh, what to expect from such a tiny creature after all,' I wondered, but for sake to discourage him prepared another attack of mine - Thunder fang.

"Luxray, please, don--- aaaah!" He shouted, but not that I really paid attention. To my surprise, he hid his face in my neck, almost like he was displaying his obedience. Then he surprised me even more with his addressing me.

"Rentorar?" He asked, tears were running down his face. I've been confused, no one ever knew about my origin nor called me by my true species name. You see, I originally come from Japan, and even though my temporary amnesia I still remember my origin. Humans were the one who took me away from home, from my brothers and sisters, from my friends and whole family, and then were using me as I was worthless, just a subject of their interest, not even consider me as an object / living being.

I stopped the attack, calmed down myself to act more seriously, but I grew more impatient as he kept silent, so I urged him to speak by showing him off my sharp claws, which he seemed to understand.

"O-Okay, I got it. Please, let me breathe a bit at least..." he spoke nervously, "that mark of yours... It's a Japanese one, am I right?" I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I've seen it before. It's the mark of the rarest Luxray's bloodline with the only-origin in Japan..."

I couldn't understand how he knew about it. I thought he could be one those people, who kidnapped me long ago, so I decided to have my game with him.

"You surprised me... You're the very first human who even does know something about it. However, that doesn't mean I should let you go." He looked confused for a sec. when I spoke and I wondered why, but then I realized I spoke their language... 'Could it be that wound on my neck,' I thought, but then I heard him to mumble something like 'Yeah, that micro-chip...'

The whole thing made sense afterward... Once more they did something with me while I was asleep, fuckin' humans. The male was constructing the proper reply, then he spoke with shaky voice though.

"I-I've never expected you would let me go, but let's make a deal, o'kay?" I was suspicious about these deals, not to mention he wasn't in position for any kind of negotiation.

"Why do you suppose I should be interested in any kind of deal? After all, I can end it once and for all right now."

I caught him off-guard given the way he looked at me. "B-But, I can feel you wouldn't do that, would you?"

He was unhealthily confident, so I answered him silently, but seriously. "Wanna see it?"

Yep, that worked perfectly. "I suggest to skip your demonstration, thanks for the offer anyway. As for our deal, if you promise you won't beat me up, then I'll do my best to understand your personality and help you. How about it?" He wanted to help me, how funny. They always been hurting me and then wanted to help? How foolish he was. He maybe wanted to help me, but he didn't even know anything about me.

"Hmm, your willingness seems genuine, but are you afraid in this case you really don't have any negotiate power..."

"Maybe...A bit," he lightly smiled, probably to relief the situation he was in. But I decided, that I will give him a chance, after all I could finish my game with him anytime.

"Silly human. But on second thought I accept your terms - let me see of what humans are capable to."

"W-Well, thank you. I know it must've been hard for you to trust me." Still so self-confident, unbelievable.

"I haven't said I trust you, I'm just giving you a chance. And you'd better use the time given to you wisely, because I may look patient, and believe it or not, but my patience has its limits," I grinned.

"Ok, can you please just lie down and relax?"

"No problem I guess." I stepped to the middle of room and lay down.

"Thanks," he said nervously and continued. "Alright, try to relax. Do you have a name by the way?"

Name, another thing no one never paid attention to. "They used to call me Flashy."

"Okay Flashy, nice to meet you. Please, close your eyes and try to imagine your home, the origin of yours," he instructed me and approached me, then started to rub my fur body.

"What do you see?" I closed my eyes, let immerse myself to the serenity. It worked, but was more effective than I wanted, slowly talking without even thinking over it. "I see... Happiness. I see my brothers and sisters, the whole family of mine and," I stopped as the images of events in my mind rapidly changed, unfortunately toward unpleasant things.

"Re ---, don't pus --- elf --- hard," he said something, but I hadn't heard almost anything.

"...blood," I continued unwillingly, then just heard another shout from human. "Fla--, stop it! --- your eyes, ---!" My minds were pushed back, I hadn't been able to be aware of his words anymore.

"...hunters, laboratory, injections, man in white coat trying to inject some kind of liquid into me - Ahhhh!" I roared, stood up, my body sparking with electricity while discharging myself, causing small explosion, though powerful enough to throw the human away against the wall again. He seemed like he wants to approach me, but in no time he backed till he bumped into the wall.

For some reason I wasn't the one in charge of my body and its actions, it was some kind of power I didn't know, like something or someone snatched my body, but fortunately wasn't able to take over my soul, so I witnessed all the actions, but only as a third-party side. (Author's note: I'm still referring to these actions from the first-person view since it's still the lion, even though being controlled by something/someone.)

He looked terrified, really terrified at that point, only waiting for what will follow.

"H-H...Hey, Flashy, do you hear me?" I tried to answer, but nothing went out my mouth. But I still knew all I was expressing and felt everything, every touch of my paws, smell, simply everything, even the erection that left my sheath, my length is by the way 7" (17,7cm) and yeah, I'm pride of it. My tool is slightly curved red-colored mating organ with some visible veins, smooth though, already leaking clear pre-cum liquid. There are also 2 parts of very small barbs - the first part covering the whole top, excluding the very tip and the second one were located on the base of my length. However they're all almost unnoticeable till climax, so till climax they only tease my prey. The only one thing I haven't mentioned are two black balls of mine pleading for the releasing.

"Flashy, don't you plan to..." he put rather a rhetorical question whereas he must've been already aware of the posture of mine / of the entity controlling me. His heart rate had been increasing because of the circumstances he was caught in.

Then I surprisingly spoke something... Maybe these minds were on my mind longer, but I didn't plan to express them to that male. "You humans are unworthy of life like you do... You're here just to be used as a tool for the stronger ones, nothing else," I said silently in a serious manner, and I added a growl.

Then I smirked and attacked him again, this time using thunderbolt, but not the usual one. This one have different level of effectiveness, which is weird since I'd never used it before. Its primary effect is to paralyze the target, not to hurt them too much, but the true intentions of something controlling me were different. It scorched human's clothes to ashes, literally, so in bling of an eye he was lying there completely naked in vulnerable position, the true prey.

I took final step and stood above him, giving him cold, dominant stare. "Don't even dare to move, human," I said menacingly, treaded lightly to his crotch with my paw, on which he moaned and his face told me it was from pleasure and to tell you the truth guys, he was hard as well!

"Wait..." he begged, but I growledand aimed my claws to his neck in order to let him know who the top is.

"Ok, got it, I obey, just...s-stop it!" This sentence surprised me the most. Humans were usually so stubborn and egotistical, that they'd never admit the new master, at least I thought so, but he convinced me that there are individuals who're willing to do so.

"Good human, now prepare yourself to be used for what you're supposed to be," I announced and smirked evilly, then jumped on the wall with his paws above his head, positioning my furry chest inches from his face while showing my shaft in front of his lips. He took a deep breath, only could inhaling my male musk. He was obviously scanning my body, looking at every part of my body. He even got stuck himself staring at my chest, how funny look of his.

He didn't waste time and licked the tip of my member, slowly tasting its flavor as the clear liquid began to drip even more from pleasure. He seemed to like it though, saw his satisfied, cocky look. He opened his mouth, so my minds took the opportunity to thrust right in with powerful stroke, pushing in almost 5" of my shaft, even poking the back of his throat causing him noticeable gag effect. He tried to cough, but to no avail due to my cock being buried down there. I pulled back and gave him an opportunity to relax for a while.

"Do you enjoy the place you belong to, human," I asked him, looking down at him. He quietly nodded and returned his attention to my mating organ. He probably wanted to say something, but I spoke..

"Then take this," I roared loudly and thrust in down to his throat again without mercy. I let him adjust to my hard cock dripping pre-cum right into his throat, giving him about a minute for him to get used to it. It was impressive to see him taking all of it at once - he was either determined or experienced I thought to myself.

I slowly started slid in and out of his mouth, building up steady, but fast pace, felt my barbs were teasing his tongue and lips. However, he did something I'd never expect - he placed his hands to the base of my erection and pressed onto it, causing me to release wave of pre-cum since being as sensitive as the canine knot is. I even purred, for the first time I was out of Japan - he was really good.

Then he slowly started to slid in and out of my mouth, began to build up steady, but fast pace. I felt his barbs combing my tongue and lips in pleasant way, at least now. I've decided to tease him a bit more, so I moved up my, to that point, idle hands and lightly pressed onto his base and it seemed it is as sensitive as the canine's knot. To my pleasure he released wave of delicious pre-cum while purring.

Right there I realized who I truly am, and out of the blue I got back full control over my body, my mind being busy under the weight of countless thoughts.

Firstly, I pulled out and got back on all my four, facing the human and calming myself down, so I could put together proper words or sentences. I was about to speak, but before I knew was I was up to, he started first.

"Why have you pulled out," he asked innocently, but probably noticing me being back in control of my body.

"Flashy?" he whispered unsurely. I put myself together and answered him, feeling the need to apologize for the behavior of mine, though it wasn't mine.

"I...Apologize, human. You just shouldn't do what you did; take me to the past was bad idea, silly," I stated seriously, didn't want to show any pleasure I'd been receiving back there, which would influent my further actions and the style of the speech.

He laid there without saying the word...

"You know," I continued, "you made me to vent my anger toward you, humans, and unfortunately you was the one who have paid for all sins of yours."

He listened to every word of mine, looked at me, then looked down to his crotch and realizing his nudity with such a shy reaction. "I...I just," he stutterer, so I decided to cheer him up a bit.

"No need to be shy, human. What's your name anyway?" He was hesitant to answer, so I let him have his time...

"I-I am Thomas, sir." he stammered again. No wonder, addressing me Sir I really big hint referring to his submission.

"Sir? Are you serious? You've been kinda caught in the game we played minutes ago, huh?"

"I think so, yeah," he admitted shamefully, lowered his head.

"Judging from your expression and behavior, it seems we should continue, don't you agree? Not to mention you're still hard," pointing out to his crotch.

"If you promise not to tear me up to pieces, I'll be more than willing to play the game."

"Who says it's a game," I smiled mischievously, already creating plan to truly substantiate his submissive place he was claiming for. After a while had been already decided.

"Now turn around and get on your four, the fun is about to start from now on."

He obeyed my order without questions, very well aware of what'll be next. He somehow was preparing himself, though I was only waste of time since he couldn't be prepared for the following actions.

I pounced on him, on which he gasped, probably from the weight I transferred onto him, creating pressure onto the tiny creature beneath me with my weight of 110lbs. (50kg), surely not so far from his weight, which could've been about 120lbs. (57kg) judging from the previous experiences with him. Then I placed both my front paws on either side of his body, wrapped them tightly around his chest, pressing about half of my weight onto his body to prevent my prey escape. O positioned my hard member to his pucker while looking down at him, began to let myself be a little rough.

"Prepared, human? Never mind, if not, you'll be," I announced and thrust into him, burying almost 3/4 of my shaft in one stroke. He cried out in surprise and pain, but I didn't let him adjust nor prepare, pulled my pulsing shaft out to the tip and then smacked back deep inside him again, each thrust forcing pre from my cock while I'd been building a stable pace of pounding.

He was in pain for the first time, but soon after his the pain vanished and was replace by pleasure, not to mention there still were barbs stimulating his inner walls - it felt so amazing in the tight hole, I think by that time I had never experienced something like this. That wasn't my first fucking of my life, but was very first with a male, not to mention with so obedient human - my control above him was amazing and I felt I could brake him and shake with the human beneath me every time I wanted if I just added to the power of mine, but I didn't want to, not yet. After all, both of you were enjoying it, but I wanted to go further, and my time came soon with his words.

"So...good," he looked at me like he was truly slut, breathing heavily and completely trapped in pure pleasure, his minds being covered by ecstasy-like haze, eyes almost closed. I licked his face playfully while purring and my time had come, very well aware of the state I was in.

"Wanna continue? Then beg," I nipped slightly his neck, stroked in furiously afterwards, "...for it, bitch," and locked my cock in in the expectation of his answer - I wanted to tease, maybe somewhere in the back of my minds I also wanted to humiliate him a bit and it worked perfectly.

"Please... I need to feel the mating-organ of my strong lion master buried deep inside me, I need to feel his muscled body dominating me, so I would know to whom mercy I'm subordinated." For the first time he addressed me 'Master', which gave me even more self-confidence, unfortunately for him though.

"And," I demanded, urging him to continue.

"And I badly need to be wildly taken by my master as if there were no tomorrow and feel his most precious essence covering my inner walls and marking me his and only his. I beg you-" That was enough for me, I got all I needed.

"That's enough bitch," I roared at him playfully, satisfied with his statement. Then I broke my lock within him and pulled away, ready to get back to the action.

"Then let's give our little slut what he's asking for!"

In a trice I slammed his hips forwards in a single, fast movement, pushing myself inside with a rough breath-taking force, which made him fall forwards onto the floor from the force of my thrust. He loudly yelled out from the pain running through his body, but he quickly got used to it and his look was priceless. Therefore I let my instincts to guide my further actions, no longer mind the human, just enjoy it all by myself.

I was furiously thrusting in and out and soon I added another element - electricity. My fur all stood up due to the discharge of electric bolts from my body, had been also transmitted over my shaft directly into human's body in the form of sparks of static shots, which found its way even to prostate and I bet he was in heaven just like I was. I continued pounding my ass endlessly, however our ride approached its end since my climax was coming closer and closer.

"D-Do it, I'm only yours!" he shouted pleadingly, then he squealed like the true cock-lover. "Ahhhhh-!"

It was my turn to show my expression, so I roared and hilted his ass harshly, barbs flaring upon the climax to lock my cock within him and prevent my seed to leak. My shaft was heavily pulsing while releasing shot after shot of warm, juicy thick sperm into depths of his bowels. At the same time I bit me between his neck and shoulder to acknowledge my dominance. After that he reached his climax as well, not even able to finish his sentence.

"I---am---clo-! The-!"

His shaft, what hadn't been receiving any attention, exploded with spurts of creamy cum onto the floor. While his cumming I placed one of my front paw down there to gather some of his semen and then moved my paw to his mouth, forcing him to taste his own creamy cum. Then I collected some more of it and tasted it on my own, finding out it was delicious sweet liquid, so I cleaned up his cock all by myself using my paws.

Afterwards we both heavily collapsed onto the floor with my shaft still inside him, panting and gasping for breath as if we just had completed a marathon. It must've been several minutes when we were riding out a euphoria we'd been in. I don't think sex with female would be as good as this one, no kidding.

After a while I pulled myself free and a rush of his seed coated the floor below his roughly-treated ass while my cock went back to the sheath. It was funny view to see a male, no, a human male to be filled with my cum. He then put his head to my chest and decided to spoke first.

"You see Luxray, I'm eternally grateful for such an experience. To be honest," he sighted and relax, "I've never felt so full, so blissfully, so indescribably. I may shame myself now, but I always been quite week male and was looking for someone, who would take me in a way you did, in fact I even fantasied and was jerking off at that thought."

I couldn't believe what he was telling me. Heh, he even confirmed me what I've been thinking all the time, at least the fact about him being bottom. I tightly embraced him in answer, but remained silent for a while to deal with his words and to answer him properly coz he was honest.

"I was treating you as an ordinary human, so my acting toward you was rather naturally taking into account I went through in past. Don't ask me what it was, but as you could see and probably heard, it wasn't something pleasant. Nevertheless, maybe it's time for new beginning, for new point of view of mine toward you, humans, but it'll take some time for me to get accustomed. I won't apologize for what I've done to you in the beginning before my 'rampage' since I didn't trust you notwithstanding your effort to help me."

"Past tense? Does that mean you trust me now," he asked, his eyes full of happiness and hope, but I had to disappoint him. Yes, that experienced told me a lot about him, but one experience can't replace all the bad things humans did to me and I needed to build up the faith in humans step by step.

"Maybe... I don't know - I just need some time to decide what I want exactly, and if I really want to trust humans again."

"I'm fine with it - just, could you assure me you won't attack me next time?"

"Maybe... But I daresay you seemed to enjoy it, even that attack aroused you a bit, didn't it?"

His face turned to one big red tomato with the only "Leaving it without comment" phrase as he I chuckled innocently. "But, let's have a nap please, I'm totally exhausted. At least if you let me to rest on your fur chest, it's really comfortable, not to mention you scorched all my clothes and that's why you owe me so," he said softly.

'I wonder how he's gonna make his way home completely naked,' I silently laughed at that thought and answered.

"No problem here, but don't get used to it too much," I whispered into his ear and licked his face again.

He immediately fell asleep, don't mind anything, so I pull him up closer to me and scanned him with my eyes, still curious about how that male could be a male. Then I rid of that thought and fell asleep as well.

[OCT Labs, At night - day after]

I woke up, couldn't sleep thanks to thinking over the recent events which took place yesterday. I was still bewildered and didn't even know how to tackle them out of my mind...

'I hate humans, how could I be so gentle toward that male? Or could be there any reason behind for me to behave by way I did? I mean, they've always been hurting me and the other Pokemon, so why I hadn't end it up right there? Maybe I've been feeling something different within that male, something I can't explain on my own, at least not now. Heh, still can remember how cute and vulnerable he was during his sleep onto my chest, not to mention his innocent face. How did he manage to change my view of things, how did he manage to get through my protect-wall I created long ago against them? Grrr, that's enough! I need to get rid of these thoughts right NOW!'

I used thunderbolt on myself, trying to escape these minds resulted in even more hopeless situation because of myself being fully awakened after that thunder. Normally I'd predict the result of such an irresponsible behavior, but this time... It was really weird.

I'd been walking back and forth for some time, then I decided to lay down, nestle myself and try to sleep more, still felt a bit exhausted.

[OCT Labs, In the morning]

I woke up, for the second that day by the way, and heard again someone had been approaching the room. I stayed where I was, not being concerned about it as I knew who it was, so I closed my eyes, pretending sleeping, so I could sense what he was up to. After a minute or so that male, ok, Thomas, entered the room, his footsteps being audible during his approaching me, then stopped meters from me like he did the first time and spoke.

"Hey Flashy? Good morning. Am I allowed to approach you, please? And to make a note, I have new clothes, so please, I would like to bring them home in one piece," he said softly with a hint of joking. I opened my eyes, still resting on the floor, just positioned myself to see into his eyes, wanted to know whether he's honest to me.

"Morning Thomas. How you're gonna persuade me not to tear it up, huh?" I asked with a sinister smile on my face to get him embarrassed a bit.

"Geez. At least give me a chance to spoke, please," he blushed. 'Does he took my joke seriously or is he only so straight-forward?' I asked myself. In addition, asking me to speak? I guess he still haven't found a way to snap out of the game we yesterday played. Nevertheless, he was asking for permissions, so it was my duty to approve it.

"Allowed, speak."

"Ok. I... No, we've got an offer regarding your stay - I'm allowed to get you out of here, to take you home with me to be more precious. To tell the truth, I would be honored to have you by my side, but it's up to you now."

'What?' My back-mind shouted right into my head, causing me almost headache. I've never trusted humans, and now I should go with one of them? Still, I was seriously considering it, what did mean... Didn't even know what did that mean, but surely I'd never do that under an ordinary circumstances. I needed an assurance.

"You say to take me home with you? What if you weren't able to tame me, what'd you do then? And please, try to make a closer contact with me, kneel down and while answering look right into my eyes. I want you to be honest, at least. You remember I still don't have such a faith in humans." He did so and began his statement.

"I don't plan to tame you, I'm not that kind of person. I consider Pokemon as my friends and as an equal beings, and all I expect from them is to do the same. I'm aware of I would never be able to tame you, which by the way I would never even consider and I know that I'm not equal as regards, in fact everything, but..." He stopped, obviously didn't know what to say, but then resolved to finish his sentence.

"...but I would go to any length to make that happen," then looked away and blinked several times and he did seem to be at the edge of crying. I was looking right into his eyes and he really had been honest, in every word he spoke, but earnestly, the last part probably decided. I mused for a short time until I made the decision, which I hoped will lead to the better understanding of humans and I won't regret.

"I agree," I spoke outright.

"What?" He asked incredulously.

"I said I agree. Can't you hear me properly or something?"

"No, I just...Can't believe it."

"Why so?"

"You have so many thing so offer me, but on the other hand I have almost nothing to offer you," he admitted with shame in his voice. I needed an answer to encourage him - he was really hopeless as regards self-confidence.

"See Thomas, you can offer me yourself and that's all what matter. And of course, I don't mean it only by a sexual way," I chuckled. He blushed again on that note, in the meantime the tear of happiness was running down his face. All of sudden he run toward me, tumbled me onto the floor and embraced me in a manner I'd never expect from human. Yeah, another things I'd never expect - he really keep surprising me, I need to admit. Maybe he's bright light of hope I thought.

"S-Sorry, did I hurt you," he asked innocently, obviously amused.

"No, I'm fine. But next time you'll do that and it won't end up just by tearing up your clothes," I smirked.

"Hey, yesterday it didn't end up like that!" He opposed me and continued, "but maybe I would like so again, however now we have lots to do," he stated. "Anyway as for now, ready to go?" I nodded as a symbol of approval, being somehow truly satisfied to see his excited look on his face, like he was child getting his lollipop or any kind of candy.

"Then let's go!" he shouted loudly and run out of the room, securing it after our leaving and then set off our way toward new home with much things awaiting us.

[And this is the end of new beginning...]