Rebuilding Hearts

Story by JakliMuSic on SoFurry

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Chapter 4

Rebuilding Hearts

Confetti rains from the sky, the people are flooding Diamond Square and celebrating. Despite High City being in shambles, everyone cheers, drinks, and dances as the day goes by. We won, what was to be impossible, we fought off our synthetics and won. I still cant believe we did this only yesterday. The Payback proudly flies the Hierarchy Banner on 8 different posts on the top of the ship, above Diamond Square. I didn't stay long however, I took to my own time to head to my families estate on the Flat-Lands of Azure. Only about a 10 miles from DeLoom, the capital of the Water District.

Walking to the gate of the mansion, I could feel the presence of safety. Something in short supply now-a-days. I walk inside, the Carsus Estate was a rather large house, made to fit Feral Dragons, so the doors and halls were both large and exceptionally wide. The mansion was about 6 floor high, with a full basement. My parents lived in luxury mostly due to who my father was, and what my mother did.

Walking through the halls i finally reach the Living Room, a large room filled with 3 Feral sized couches and 4 Anthro couches, numerous amounts of chairs and decorations, and of course, the Family Fireplace. Here held all the portraits and pictures. One in particular was hung on the bricks of the fireplace, it was a portrait all but my mother had done when I finished the Citadel of Infiltration by my fathers request.

My father was in the center and behind all of us, being large enough to fit the entire picture. His name is Rynaroth Kyloth Carsus. Born an Earth Dragon he was the first son of Aevoth and Lyss, our 2 Ancients of Stealth and Illusion. Rynaroth would soon take root of Lyss's powers, becoming the first Male Illusionist Dragon. His scales are white with an almost rainbow like tint, this was gained when he was converted to Illusion from Earth. My fathers eyes are the real catcher however. They were purple on the iris, and they glowed in the darkness. My mother always loved that about his eyes. Rynaroth was particular fond of me and my sister, Sina, he gave us a lot of attention over my 2 other brothers. Before leaving the for Citadel of Infiltration, my father made me realize who I was, he always reassured me and kept me upbeat about things during my Dragonling era. However when my mother died, everything changed in his eyes, he ran while I was in the Citadel, my young brother, Ingret, was off learning with Unrati, my older brother, Kingred, in the military, and my sister, Sina, off in the Air District with Eleist. Leaving Ragrinok till I graduated, here he wanted a portrait done, however Ingret and Kingred left immediately after the picture was done. So only Sina and Me stayed. Before I joined the Whispers of Aevoth, Rynaroth and I bonded like never before, went around Ragrinok and saw every corner of it together. It made him happy, but he would soon run off again when I joined the Whispers. Haven't seen him since. I hope hes alright..

My brothers, Ingret and Kingred are in the center, I haven't seen either of them since the day the portrait was made, I only know that Kingred is fighting the Outer Rim pirates and Ingret is learning Necromancy. I'm not sure they really care about the rest of us anymore, they never seem to speak.

My sister, Sina, stand on the left side of the portrait. Shes my twin, as my mother would say. We were hatched at the same time, even as mindless dragonlings we never let each other out of our sight. We had an unbreakable bond and still do to even this day. Her scales are mostly white, but her neck to her lower stomach have a light blue to them, as well as a few spots on her legs. Sina is an overachiever, she started her career of a Scientist faster then any other dragon to date. Currently she is the head scientist of Eleist. Her second claw, if you will. Sina has made large breakthroughs in the whole century she has been a scientist. I don't even know what she will be in the next century, but at this rate, she could invent a fully breed Electricity dragon. Something Eleist is tackling to have a breakthrough in currently.

Then, there's me, on the far left side of the portrait, leaning on my Sinas right shoulder. I, was different, to say the least. Being born with whats known as the Ice Dragon Curse while being a decedent of Lyss, caused the very curse to go sideways. I was born as a Male-Hermaphrodite like most male ice dragons, but the power of illusion caused me to be infertile. This meaning my female parts could not generate a living egg. So I was targeted during dragonling education. Silly it must sound, but being different, even internally different, gets you targeted by the other Dragonlings. However my father always made me love who I am. I share the same pattern and scale colors as my sister.

"You know, on my off days, I always come here and look at that photo too. I just wish mother was in it as well." a mysterious voice said behind me. I turned around and there was Sina leaning in the doorway, she was wearing her Explorers armor. Was rather revealing but that's how females tend to dress in our society. I didn't have a moment to reply as she darted at me and gave me a big-ol' hug. Keeping quiet I smiled and hugged her back. She then pushed back a bit. "Holy shit, you smell terrible. We have a thing called showers you know?" Sina joked. "Oh come on, the smell of battle is the best smell in this universe." I smirked back. "Sweat doesn't beat Aba fruit my young child.." Sina then closed her nose. "Seriously though, get a shower, you have made me regret hugging you so quickly." she smiled. I clung onto her tighter. "Awwwh, but come on, my oh-so-manly musk must be inviting!" I snickered a bit. She kept trying to pull away from me, making fake hacking sounds as if she was going to puke. "Oh my ancients, No. Dear lordly lord, No." shaking her head. Kissing her forehead I then let her go. She pulled away and brushed herself off, some of the ash what was on my armor and scales ended up on her as well. "I just buffed this armor damnit and you track all this ash onto me. Now I need a shower, at least before Dad gets back." She walked off before I could reply. I then to, walked off to my old bedroom.

Walking in, I first glanced at the walls. Filled with posters of my favorite musicians and artists. Oh, the memories crept back into my mind. The bedroom was rather large, large enough for it to have a bathroom attachment and even a full office/studio with computers, amps, and even my old drum set and guitar. I was, a musical freak, making music was once my passion before I became an operative at least. Maybe, when all this is over, I can get back into it. I walked over to my bed, it was a queen sized luxury, the bed was soft and so comfy you could sleep like a king on this bed. Taking off my first piece of Phantom armor on my right shoulder, I walked over and set it on my table, doing the same to the chest piece. Phantom armor isn't really armor its just 2 pieces, a bicep arm-guard and a small upper-chest attachment. Phantoms believe the less armor, the more intelligent you are in a conflict. Its effective but it wont protect you against anything. The rest of my attire was accessories. A sash belt that wrapped around my lower torso, it was made by Sina awhile ago, I swore to always wear it. Then I had a dark pair of briefs to cover up my sheath, slit, and rear. Have to be a little courteous in public right? The briefs I had specially designed to protect myself down there from the environment, it kept my lower body cool in hot areas, and kept it warm in underwater scenarios. Plus, they were quite stylish. My sword and dagger belt came off next, nothing to special, just enough to carry my sword and dagger along with a few other things like a quick med kit or magazines for my guns. My leg bands were generally the same, held a couple magazines or a couple daggers if I was going stealth, sometimes they held a few potions, like poison or even an Illusionist Potion that would allow me to change my appearance for deep undercover missions. I had a scarf as well, it was generally a cosmetic thing as the cold doesn't really effect me unless I'm underwater or in space. My friend, Laude Harving, crafted it for me. Has a cute little "Laude" insignia on the ends of the scarf. Removing the last of my accessories, placing them all on the table in a semi-neat fashion. I headed to the shower, turning on the shower head and let the water run for a moment or two before stepping in and cleaning myself off.

Walking out about 5 minutes later, I grabbed a towel from the rack and dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my lower body before walking back into my bedroom. Looking over to the table I see Sina standing there holding up the sash belt she made for me, she was wearing her casual clothes. She was smiling. "I cant believe you still have this, I made it so long ago, and yet it still looks brand new, except for the ash of course." Sina said as she turned to me with the belt in her hand. "Well, I get it re-patched every so often, but I will always hold onto it Sina, one of the greatest gifts you ever made for me." I replied walking over to my dresser and pulling out a underwear piece and some pants. My sister always kept stock of all of our clothing just in case we all move back to the estate again. Walking over to a divider I had in my room and putting my clothes on. "Do you think dad would be happy to see us again? I mean he keeps running and has been since mother passed, i tried my best to keep the Estate in tip top shape." Sina asked as she walked over and sat onto my couch. "I think he will be overly joyed to see us, and to see the house still as it was, so long ago." I replied, walking out fromm the divider and back to the dresser. Sina still lives here, but she let all the servants and butlers and all that go along time ago when my father vanished and I went into the Whispers. Its astounding how well she kept the whole place looking so good all on her own. "I hope both you and dad say this time, I want us to be together again." Sina said. "What about Ingret and Kingred?" I asked. "What about them? They don't care about us, Ingret is all about learning necromancy to care, and Kingred is to power hungry to stay away from the fight to be with us." She replied in a disgusted tone. Grabbing a tank top and my scarf from the table, I walked over to the bed and sat next to her. "No matter what, we are always together, I think Aevoth is realizing whats going on with our family, I haven't gotten a Whispers mission in a long time, and I'm not really apart of the Hierarchy fleet so its not like I need to do anything, so, I'm here now." I said, looking at her. She looked back and smiled, leaning onto me side. "That makes me happy. Its kinda lonely here. You can come stay, Morrigan, Dad, Miranda, heck, I seriously wouldn't mind Blave being here.." She blushed a little as she thought about Blave Senthist. "You still have a crush on him?" I asked. She looked up at me and nodded. "Oh my, of course I do, that is the best looking pile of dragon meat I have ever laid eyes on." she murred a bit while smiling and closing her eyes. I shook my head and nudged her a bit to get her out of her daydreaming. She snarled softly. "Hey, a dragoness can dream cant she?" she asked "I suppose so, but while leaning on me, not so much." I replied jokingly. She rolled her eyes. "Well, at least you smell better this time."

I smiled and chuckled abit before getting up and putting on my scale tight shirt, humans call it Under Armor, its rather comfy. Sina gets up as well and walks to the door. "Remember, Dad will be here shortly." she said as she walked out. Thats when it suddenly hit me, my father, its been to long, far to long.

The suns set as nightfall nears, its always beautiful to watch the stars disappear over the horizon. Something caught my eye arriving from the southwest, it was my father, Rynaroth. His raindbow tinted scales reflecting the suns light, make him a pretty easy object to see, even in the distance. He flew over and landing on the driveway we have out front. I took no hesitation and jumped from the balacony using my wings to descend to the ground unharmed, and darted to him. He smiled and lowered his head down as I neared. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, he pulled me closer with his left paw. I could sense how much he missed me, as I'm sure he could sense how much I missed him. It felt nice to finally see him again, let alone hug him. "Oh my little Jakli, I've missed you so much." Rynaroth would say as he nuzzled into me, closing his eyes. "I missed you to dad, I missed you more then you could ever believe." I replied as I nuzzled back into him. I didnt hold back any emotions I had. Having built of feelings for years, it nearly made me breakdown at that moment, but Rynaroth kept me together, despite wanting to let it all out. Rynaroth picked me up and carried me into the house. The mixes of emotions caused me to pass out as they were abit overwhelming. He carried me up to my room and layed me on my bed, letting me rest. Walking out of my room and heading to living room where Sina was at..

I finally got a good nights rest, and dreamed, instead of having nightmares.

It would be in the early morning, around 900 when I would finally wake up. Realizing I was in my room, wondering how I got here, only remembering being with Rynaroth outside. Suddenly a random thought went through my head. Wheres Morrigan? I was so caught up with the war and finally trying to wind down, I never attempted to contact my daughter. Quickly I went over to the communicator on my desk next to my computer, picking it up and dialing Morrigans number. Due to the extreme distance between Ragrinok and Earth, it would take a few minutes to establish a connection. It rang, but no one answered. I began to worry and walked out of my room, attempting to contact again as I rushed downstairs to my sister standing in the kitchen. Getting no answer again. "Hey have you heard anything from Morrigan? She wont pick up." I asked Sina. "I havent.." she thought for a moment. "She'll be fine either way, I'm sure the connection is just breaking up due to the long distance to earth. You know connections are very limited until the Empire Of Leviathan can establish a better connection." she said. "I suppose you're right.." I replied in a low tone.

Where is Morrigan?

Where is my daughter?

Battle For Diamond Square

#### Chapter 3 Battle For Diamond Square 9th of Undurn, 3456 A.D. On the Main Planet of Gowyei. Aevoth took it to himself to seek assistance from the Muraclion Union, the Equine and Unicorn based species, to help fight off the Legion. "Look,...

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Home Is All We Have Left

#### Chapter 2 Home Is All We Have Left 18th of Germu, 3456 A.D Today is the day the Hierarchy rose to power. Imaryu, the closest planet to Ragrinok fell under control of the Legion. This took many by surprise as Imaryu was the ultimate battleground...

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Dark Beginnings

#### CHAPTER 1: DARK BEGINNINGS It was told in the old prophesies that our most beloved creation will be our worst enemy. Our Ancients believed that it would be their created Anthropomorphic dragons that would go rogue and bring death and destruction....

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