A Doctor's Belly

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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A Doctor's Belly

Samuel is sitting in the waiting room nervously flipping through some of the outdated magazines laying all over the table. "Oh man... how long do I have to wait?" He thinks to himself. Samuel is a grey Wolf but unlike most of his kind he isn't particularly impressive when it comes to his body build. In fact he has a rather lithe and girly physique, which has so far never really posed a problem for the lupine though. Actually, generally speaking things are going rather well for him. He has a Job, an apartment and recently even discovered the fun in going out on weekends. All this has however done nothing to change the fact that he is now sitting in a psychologist's waiting room for his first session.

Jake has just finished his latest appointment and looks through his next patients' journal. "Hmm.. A new patient huh?" The tiger thinks to himself as he reads through the summary. "Well let's see how we can help him. " And with that the tiger presses the button to his comlink and call the wolf in.

Samuel hears his name called out through the speaker and walks up to the entrance door to the tiger's office. Slowly he opens the door and step in. The wolf's eyes go wide as he looks at the tiger. The feline stands an impressive 1.8 meters tall and even though it is hard to see through the pullover he is wearing he seems to be a rather well toned one too. Samuel is just 1.3 meters tall himself and wearing those tight jeans and just a shirt on top does not give an impressive image of a wolf. But then again, Samuel's never really made an impression with his appearance in general.

"Hello there" Jake says as he stands up from his seat and offer his massive hand for a shake. "Now please sit down and make yourself comfortable." The tiger then says with a surprisingly gentle tone in his voice. The wolf sits down on one of the soft upholstered chairs and waits for the feline to do just the same in the seat in front of him, a clipboard and pencil in his hands.

"Ok Samuel, before we start I would like you to tell me shortly about yourself." The tiger says to the nervous looking lupine.

"Ah... Sure yes.." The grey wolf answers, thinking for a moment before starting. "So... I am 19, though you probably already know this from the info I sent beforehand...I work in an office and... hmm.. I dont know what else to tell really..." The wolf stops and fold his his ears back.

"Oh no that is ok really, now are you in a relationship? Are you married or do you have a girlfriend?" The tiger continues.

This makes the wolf whimper and for a good half minute he does not answer. The tiger cocks an eyebrow at this and adds. "If there is something you really don't want to talk about then you don't have to, but be assured everything you say in here stays in here. And in no way am I here to judge you by any means." At that the wolf sighs, but then he speaks: "Well no, I do not have a girlfriend. In fact I am not really into girls, I am gay." The grey lupine admits to the striped doctor.

"Ah, I see. Well, I don't know how things are handled back where you come from but here we are very open minded. I was also expecting something like this. After all your documents state that the reason for your visit here is related to sexual issues right?" The tiger asks.

Samuel just gives a shy nod: "Well... uh.. Yeah." He then answers. The tiger just leans back, looking over that nervous bundle of a wolf. "It is up to you. If you want to talk about it go ahead. If you don't feel like you are ready then we can just talk about other things until you're okay with it." The tiger offers, knowing very well that more pressure doesn't help anything in these cases.

"No... I want to talk about it. I haven't been able to with anyone so far. My friends would just laugh at me. And... you said you aren't going to tell anyone right? Not the police either?" The young wolf adds.

That makes the tiger blink although it's not the first time he's had to deal with drug problems or other legal issues. "No I won't, it is a doctor's code to protect the privacy of his patients." The tiger explains to the pup.

"Ok then..." The wolf says taking a deep breath to calm down. "Since about three weeks ago me and some of my friends have become part of the vore scene...." The tiger immediately understand why the boy would be afraid of the Police. Vore, better explained as the act of eating a fellow fur, is considered a crime. Of course that fact does not stop most of the preds from acting out their primal instincts and the laws regarding predation are best described as cloudy. There are loopholes to slip through almost everywhere but getting caught could nonetheless get you into a lot of trouble. The feline himself has a rather neutral stand when it comes to the laws of predation. As a psychiatrist he understands where those urges come from, and also knows that there are known risks to suppressing them. This is a problem that will need to be fixed over time and with a lot of research, and besides the loose laws mostly created by other preds, there is not really much the prey can do against it.

"So last week me and some buddies of mine visited one of those underground clubs. It was really fun, nice music, friendly people and good drinks. Later in the evening we went to one of the relaxation areas. Those are really neat with huge pillows on the floor to just lay down on and cool down." The wolf explains. "Now we were just relaxing there when suddenly this guy stops mid step and looks at us. He was a crocodile... and a huge one too. He just looked down at us for a few seconds then laughed, only saying "Guys you should keep an eye on that one. The way he looks someone might mistake him for a bunny and just gobble him up." And as he said that he pointed at me." With that the young lupine pauses his story.

"Hmm.. I see, though you don't look like someone who would get depressed because some guy said something mean." The tiger states.

"Yeah... no. Sure I get teased because of my relatively weak appearance but that really never get me down. And as you said I didn't really care a lot about the crocodiles comment either... Until.... Well as you might guess, we all had our good share of alcohol in our system and after the crocodile had left my buddies started to make these jokes... For example one of them said: "Samuel really looks more like prey, almost mouthwatering." or "Yeah imagine him melting away in that croc's belly, he sure would make a fine bulge." Of course I laughed it off and in the end it was just some teasing... but... " The wolf then stops again, gathering himself.

The tiger in the meantime listens carefully, taking notes of everything he deems important. "Maybe you need a pause?" Jake asks, though the wolf waves it off. "Ah, no I am fine. So yeah the evening ended and I went home. I was pretty exhausted and after a shower I went straight to bed. I couldn't sleep though. The things this crocodile and my friends said... I slowly came to realize that I liked it. I enjoyed them talking about me like I was a prey..." The wolf explains as his eyes drop to the floor.

The tiger writes down a few more notes on the paper. He has to admit that he hadn't expected this to come from the wolf. "So you are saying that you actually enjoy being in the role of prey?" The feline then asks, partially out of his own curiosity.

The young lupine nods again. "Yeah, the thing is that from then on those thoughts did not let go of me anymore. I even started having dreams about it. I dreamt about that huge crocodile, how he's holding my small body, his large tongue sliding over my fur, matting it down with saliva... tasting me." Samuel explains further.

Jake has been a doctor for over ten years now but if there was one thing he'd never seen before it was a willing prey... let alone one that inherently stems from a predatory species himself. For just a second, thoughts about how the tiger could exploit this for some personal "fun" starts to drift through his head but he quickly shakes them off. "So tell me... does it affect your normal life?"

The wolf listens to the question and thinks a few seconds before he answers. "Hm.. not really no. I mean I do have these fantasies, like when I am at work and I look at one of the more buff and strong coworkers of mine... I sometimes find myself imagining how it would feel like... to.. well you know.. to be taken by them.." The wolf admits, a heavy blush starting to spread on the insides of his ears. "I also do it when I am outside, like when I am on the train and see someone big and good looking.. "

It is now that the tiger notice two things and come to a realization. The first is how the wolf has been looking at him the whole session and secondly that he's changed his posture in the chair so that his arms now cover his the front of his pants. The feline can't resist but to smirk at that. "So, you do know what would happen with you if you would actually go through with something like that right?" The feline asks.

"Yeah... sure I am not stupid... but.. I don't know. Something about it still feels right." The lupine answers. "Even right now...." He starts the sentence but does not finish it.

"Yes?" The feline encourages, the smirk returning to his face as he looks at the nervous pup.

"Uh... well even right now I am kinda thinking about it... like you look really... big and stuff..." Samuel shyly admits, his heart feeling as if it is pounding at the speed of light.

The feline on the other hand is as calm as ever, the grin across his muzzle spreading wider and wider as he listens to cute wolf in front of him. It is then that the feral desires start to break free within and the thoughts of using this situation to treat himself to an exotic adventure return with new strength. He knows that it's probably not one of his brightest ideas but that cute wolf in front of him is just too much and he can't resist any longer.

"So what we can say by now is that you are feeling like prey. Evidently it arouses you a lot too..." He says and points to the crossed arms trying to cover the clear hard on in the wolf's jeans.

"Wha... I.. I am sorry..." Samuel blurts, sighing at how obvious it was, making him wonder if others might have noticed as well...

"No need to be sorry. The question we are facing here is whether you really mean it" The tiger asks, leaning back as his eyes wander over the wolf's body.

The lupine blinks at the question and doesn't seem really catch where the feline is going with that at first "I.. don't know, there isn't really a way to find that out.. right?" He then asks, starting to get curios.

"Well we can try different things... if you are willing to find out that is." Jake replies. "For starters, the club you mentioned earlier. As far as I am informed prey is not allowed to wear clothes there, right? So why should you?" He adds, a soft rumble spreading in his voice.

"Are... Are you suggesting I take my clothes off?" The young wolf asks, his voice quivering in a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Yes, you know that stuff isn't good for the stomach." The tiger simply states. At that moment the large cat is still not one hundred percent sure if he really wants to go through with this, but since he is bi he doesn't really mind getting a better view of the lithe male's body anyway.

The wolf gulps as his mind goes crazy with possible scenarios, his head clouded by incredible arousal. He is frozen in the seat for a good minute before he finally starts to get up, revealing the prominent bulge in his jeans as he does so. Finally standing he grabs his shirt and pulls it off, throwing it on the floor. The tiger in the meantime is enjoying the view of the girlish male's rather good looking chest and taut belly. The wolf starts to nervously fumble with the button on his jeans until it opens and they slide down his nice legs. He then pulls the jeans from his ankles, followed by his shoes. The lupine is now only wearing his boxershorts with a straining bulge in front of the doctor. Samuel takes a deep breath and hooks his fingers into the boxershorts and with a quick motion pull them down, now fully naked with his cock already hard as a rock.

Jake has to grin as he eyes the naked and shy wolf. Standing up from his seat and walking up to the lupine he circles around him once, getting a good view of that curvy rump as well. "Well... what can I say.. this crocodile and your friends told the truth.. you do look like delicious prey..." The tiger states.

"You... think so too?" The wolf asks, gasping as his cock gives a twitch from just hearing those words. "Yes... " The feline then says as he his hands moves to the cutie's sides and gently rub over them. He then lowers his head and licks over Samuel's nose, his large mouth opening even further to let the young lupine stare into the dark abyss of his throat.

This teasing leaves the wolf completely out of words. The tiger on his hand seems to enjoy this situation, slowly closing his maw. "I think the only way to really see if your feelings are true would be a little test." The feline then says.

"A.. a test? What kind of test?" The lupine asks only to receive a grin followed by a hungry growl from the tiger. "It is rather simple. I will start to eat you and stop as soon as you tell me so." The tiger explains.

"And uh.. what if I don't tell you to stop?" Samuel asks with a whimper.

"Then I will not have to worry about dinner today." The feline responds and with that he grabs the wolf under his arms and lift him onto his desk. He then kneels down and hold the young lupines cute feet, starting to lick over them. No need to say the wolf is surprised at how easy the feline was able to lift him, but then again he is a rather small for one of his kind. His still hard cock twitches and a drop of pre forms at the tip as he feel the feline's tongue sliding over his feet, tasting them and matting the fur with his saliva. Just a minute later the wolf can feel both of his feet entering the large cat's mouth. It feels nice and warm and the wolf can't resist imagining how it would feel to have his whole body enveloped like that.

Jake loves the taste so far and as he presses the feet past his throat and gets ready to swallow he isn't even sure anymore if he will actually stop when the wolf tells him to. But right now he has to concentrate as the throat muscles start working over the feet, pulling them down further so the legs start to enter the hungry felines mouth, greeted by the warm tongue that eagerly licks around them.

Samuel can feel the feline working himself up his legs as he's sitting on the desk. The view really was something amazing. The large maw, the tongue exploring every inch of his fur and those hungry eyes looking forward to taste more. As the feline reaches the wolf's thighs he feels his rump getting pulled off the desk as the feline gets a hold on it to balance himself. The hungry maw now starts to work over the lupines hips and in that moment Samuel is no longer sure if he really wants to go any further. That is until the lapping tongue suddenly reach his balls and cock, sending a jolt of pleasure through the lupine's body as it gently slides over those orbs and around the shaft, exciting a hearty moan from the wolf.

Jake's tongue concentrates on the cutie's crotch area as he slowly works the hips past his lips. Samuel's moans are getting louder as a few spurts of pre add some extra taste to the already delicious wolf. The tiger now takes a long lick over the wolf's rump before going back to please his cock and fuzzy orbs. "Ah... I am gonna..." He barely manages between moans, but it is already too late and he can't hold back his climax anymore, cumming right onto the lapping tongue. The lupine's now spent body starts relaxing in the afterglow of his climax, though the tiger keeps going and pushes the hips down his throat. Jack's tongue now lapping over the trim belly of the cutie he stands back up, letting gravity help with the rest of the feline's meal.

Samuel whimpers as he feels his body getting drawn down further into the abyss. "Ah.. shouldnt we.. I mean are you going to..?" The wolf tries to find the correct words but is unable to do so as his mind is split between trying to get away and just letting it happen. Soon the wolf finds out that this is not really under his control anymore either as the feline ignores him completely, pinning his arms to the sides so they can enter the mouth properly as well. With a few more gulps the lupine sinks down further until only part of his chest and head is sticking out of the large tiger's maw. Jake doesn't plan on giving the wolf any more time to think and continues the gulping motions sending him down deeper until the only thing the lupine can feel is the massaging throat pulling his whole body down into the belly of the tiger.

Jake can feel the wolf going down, curling up in a nice bulge in his stomach. Because of that he has to take his pullover off, seeing his button up shirt ripped up completely beneath it, showing his large squirming belly. The feline stumbles back and fall right into his chair. "Ah... God that feels nice.." He mumbles to himself as he reaches down to unbutton his jeans, letting them slip down along with his boxershorts. His own hard shaft now pressing up against the squirming belly sending shivers through his body. "Hngh... keep that up boy." He says with a grin as he leans back and let his moving belly shift and slide against his cock.

The rubbing and massaging his shaft receives from the moving belly above it soon drives the feline over his limit, and he roars out as he cums without even having to use his paws. The feline yawns wide and gets ready for a nap as the squirming grows weaker, the air in his belly slowly running out. Luckily this was his last client for today. He will surely have a bit of paperwork to do and a few friends at the police station to talk to. Luckily Jake is a pred that knows people which means he doesn't have to worry too much about the fact he just turned this cute wolfy into dinner.


Here we go, This is just a short little smut story in order to get back into it. Nothing too special but it was fun to write down. So I hope you enjoyed it and lets hope I can bring up some more stuff in the near future : )

If you liked it and want to support me then feel free to leave a comment and/or a fav.



A Game of Straws

Hello and welcome. This is a story written by the great Charn. ([http://www.furaffinity.net/user/charn/](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/charn/)) or ([https://charn.sofurry.com/](https://charn.sofurry.com/)) The Thumbnail was done by Kemonokun....

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Not willing enough 2

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Not willing enough

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