Damn this devil...

Story by silversnake on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions & Gifts

Why, yes. This is a sequel to this https://www.sofurry.com/view/864521 once again inspired by good Kokuhane as part of a trade. I admit it's not at the same level as the last one, and I'm not 100% satisfied with it, but there are bits, especially towards the end, where I think I surpassed the first. It's up to interpretation, though, so I hope you like it.

Noon. The day had started a while ago and most people were probably going about with their errands on the streets. Me? I'm too tired from last night to do anything. But it was one hell of a night.

I stand from the table and take one final sip from my coffee. As much as I wanna laze about there are things that need to be done. I set the mug down, but just then I feel a chill travelling down my spine and a bony finger reaching from my back and scratching my chest.

"Going somewhere?" Devimon asks behind me. How he manages to sneak up on me every freaking time, I don't know, but it creeps me the hell out!

"What do you want?" I ask, not really knowing why. He always wants the same thing and he always finds a way to make me comply without any fight.

"What? Is it so rare for me to want some quality time with my Tamer?"

"I have things-" I try to fight but his hand reaches for my waist and gets inside my shirt, scratching my belly. It feels nice. He just has this weird way to get to me, and it never fails. I close my eyes and sigh as he keeps touching me and I feel him pressing against my back. I just wanna turn around and feel him up to my heart's content.

I feel his breath close to my neck and he starts nibbling it. It doesn't hurt, it just feels good. He's taking it slowly to taste it, to push me towards the edge as much as he can, but I know that sooner or later he'll start ravaging my whole body.

His hand moves up and he starts rubbing my belly. He just keeps going, his arm lifts my shirt along the way and by the time he gets to my pecs I'm practically bare-chested. He starts groping it and I bite my lower lip to keep myself from moaning, but it's so hard!

His other hand keeps feeling my hips and starts moving down, getting to my pants and pushing its way in. I grunt as he grabs my hardening cock, stroking it, stroking my balls... His fingers are so long he can grab it all in one swoop and he squeezes. It's too much.

I lose my balance and I have to lean on the table. And then I start moaning. And I feel the smile on his lips as he bites me harder; his hands starting to squeeze harder. He's doing too many things at the same time and it all drives me crazy!

He pulls my shirt over my head and leaves my chest naked for real now, and then goes back to clawing and groping my pecs. God, it's amazing! My arms are getting weak just from it! He pushes forward and I can feel his muscles against my back and how he starts biting deeper all over my neck.

My arms give in and I just lay face down on the table and he's on top, pressing his body against mine. He's cold. To be expected of a demon, maybe, but it doesn't bother me; it sends chills up my spine and makes me feel thrilled.

He stops with my chest. Why? I don't want him to stop; it feels amazing. But I'm breathing too hard to say anything, and it's not like Devimon would care. He'll do whatever pleases him, but that has never let me down.

His hand travels down my body. It tingles; it's incredible how sensitive he makes me, how just his touch is enough to make me tremble after a while. He reaches my pants and starts unzipping, and I moan in excitement. Before long my pants are on the floor and he's rubbing my thighs.

He stops biting and starts licking on the marks, and I start screaming in delight. He knows I love that tongue; I don't know why, but it's just electric! It stops as suddenly as it started, though. He knows how much I like it and uses it to tease, the devious thing.

He gets up and his pointy fingers trail my back. I'm pretty sure he'll start poking me with his cock, tease me more before getting to the point of it all. His hands grab and spread my cheeks and it only confirms what I suspected. I don't have anything against it, of course, but it somehow feels disappointing; I expected more of him.

I feel the wet tip against brushing my balls- Wait...

My eyes bulge open. The bastard... What I'm feeling isn't his cock but his fat, wet tongue. That tongue that makes me go mad eating at my balls, playing with my taint, going up and down and brushing past my hole every time- Fuck! I have to bite on my knuckle to keep myself from screaming too loud!

I don't want him to stop. God, I feel my cheeks wet already, but he's still relentless. He keeps going at it, hungrily, and every hair on my body stands on end. He pushes and tries to shove his tongue inside and a moan escapes my throat. Just with the tip I shut my eyes and start clawing at the table, and with every bit that finds its way in I shudder. He trails down my butt and around my legs and gets to my inner thighs, scratches them, claws at them, brushing past my balls and the base of my cock- Fuck! I want him to go deeper inside me! To grab harder!

My cock hurts. It's so hard that it hurts every time it throbs. Every single pulse of blood hurts and makes it jump and press against the table and it feels so good. I even start humping the table out of arousal. I can feel Devimon moaning; it makes his tongue vibrate just enough to make me roll my eyes back.

He takes his tongue out and starts licking up my back, biting along the way and I just moan for him. His hard, wet cock rubs against my ass, between my cheeks, letting them slowly milk him for pre and I moan more for him. I'm at his mercy; I'm his plaything and he plays rough. My mind can barely keep up. I feel like fainting from the horniness, but I'm too horny to faint; it's weird, yes, but his hands playing with my balls make my cock twitch under my belly and his muscles pressing against my back make my heart race. It's weird, but it's also delicious.

He keeps humping and his cock just keeps smearing pre over my hole. I can already feel my buttcheeks sticky from all of it and I know it won't be long until he shoves it in and pounds me hard and raw. I'm torn, though. I don't want this attention to stop; I want him to drive me further into the edge and make me beg for it. But I also want his dick in me right now, as deep as it can go. It's like a fight between the animal and the pervert in me, both at his hands.

He stops and makes me stand and before I can say or do anything I'm lying with my back to the table. Only now do I actually register just how much pre I gushed out as I feel it sticking to the hair below my belly button. Devimon's claws caress my sides and my chest and he looks at me with a wicked grin, flashing his fangs. God, I shouldn't want those fangs sinking on my skin, but I do. He lowers his head to my belly and I think for a second he read my mind but he just starts licking me clean of all the pre sticking. It feels nice, yes, but nothing compared to what he did before; he's calming me down before riling me up again. Such a cruel way of teasing...

But then his tongue makes it to the base of my cock and I scream in surprise and pleasure. I let my guard down too soon, fuck!

He rolls his tongue around my cock and just bobs his head up and down. He keeps it out of his mouth, and his fangs brush it from time to time, making it twitch; and it's so hard that every twitch hurts and makes me yearn for release!

He nibbles the head, pressing a bit harder where his fangs are and I let out a long, pained moan. He looks at me with desire and in this quiet moment I can tell that I'm breathing heavily and I'm sweating all over. He licks his lips and I know he's ready to go all the way.

He lifts my legs and rests them on his shoulders. His hands go for my chest and his claws dig in my flesh and I moan. God, I've been moaning so much I'm surprised my throat isn't sore... And then I thank he can't read my mind, or he would make sure my throat was sore after this.

He leans in and the wet tip of his cock starts pushing its way into my ass. Fuck, he's big. And I'm way too tight, but I try my best to take it in. His pre eases it for me, but I still let out occasional screams of pained enjoyment as he keeps making his way in. He goes in as deep as he can, his crotch rubbing against my butt, and I grit my teeth to try and not beg him to ram me as hard as he can, but I see in his face that he knows that's exactly what I want. And fuck, I want it!

Maybe he can read my mind because just after I think that he pulls out and thrusts all the way back in and I can't- Fuck! I can't! I just scream more and he starts humping and spreading my ass. I can hear the table underneath me creaking, but his claws piercing my skin made me forget about it. I focus only on his cock ripping me open and how amazing it feels!

I feel that tongue again; that exquisite tongue making its way from the cleft between my pecs to my neck and biting so hard I scream in actual pain for once, but it fades away so quickly that I don't mind. My hand moves for the first time in I don't know how long and I actually press his head into my neck for him to bite all over it, to bite harder! My whole body flares, lit by his cock in me, his pre coating my insides and I clench to milk him and feel him moaning in my neck! God, it feels great!

He's humping harder and I know he's close. Fuck, my own cock hurts, pressed between his abs and sticking us together with pre, just like last time. He gets up and looks at me, his mouth open in a trapped grunt of his own. I now feel my cock jumping about, spraying pre everywhere, but he doesn't mind and just keeps mounting me, pounding me, piercing me- However you wanna call it, it's incredible!

We both grit our teeth this time and I hear a muffled scream from deep within his chest just as he climaxes inside me. And I scream. God, how I scream! His hot seed filling me is beyond anything I can describe and for a second I can't think; I just let myself be bred by his demon cum.

My own cock flares to life and lets out its own shot and it piles up into so many sensations I feel nothing but pleasure and utter bliss. I can feel my own cum falling all over my chest and belly, sticking my hair together, but it's too good for me to care. I just lie and enjoy the heat spreading all over me; his cock still making its way in and out and mine twitching after every shot.

He finally steps back, panting, and his cock leaves me to hang between his legs. He's softening, but it still looks hot as fuck. It felt like hours of pleasure but it must've been a minute tops. I let my legs hang from the table and breathe in slowly.

"Well," Devimon says as he walks around the table, "you were saying?"

Was I saying something? I don't even remember anymore. How does he expect me to remember after a fuck like that? Hell! How does he expect me to remember with his junk right next to my face getting hard again!?

"What?" he looks at it, feigning innocence, like if that's gonna fool me. "You wanna play with it more?"

Fuck, he's thirsty... But he's not wrong.

"What if I do?" I say.

For a second he just looks at me with that wicked face. Then he climbs on the table and kneels in front of my face, and his balls hang right over my mouth, inviting me. Tempting me.

"Well, feel free to start"

Bastard... His musk reaches my nostrils, that hellish scent of lust and darkness that I find so irresistible and I know I have no choice. I let my tongue out and start licking, eating his balls like he did so before and I hear him sigh contently. And I smile, because I can't help but notice the irony. I'm the Tamer ere, but it's clear who's in charge.

Not that I mind. It just makes every day enjoyable.