Virginity is important, right? (Part 1)

Story by Shannon Grady on SoFurry

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#1 of Virginity Lost

You should save your virginity for marriage, right? Maybe not.

Just some smut to try and get myself out of a rut. Written over the course of a single night with minimal editing, so expect the odd typo and the like - I'm too tired to edit it properly!

"You're still sure that you want me to do this, right?" Tegan asked. Her voice was normally high-pitched. At that moment? It was squeaky enough to pose a risk to passing bats.

Mark - her fiancé - just smiled, leaning in and kissing the tops of her ears the way she loved. "Of course I am - the real question is if _you're_sure..."

The little fennec looked up at him, letting her over-large ears splay out to the sides. Briefly, she considered backing out. But no...she'd found the idea exciting when he'd suggested it a few weeks ago, and she hadn't _stopped_finding it exciting since. She was just...nervous. She took a deep breath, lowering her head and flicking her eyes up to look at him."You'd better repay me for this!" she eventually told him, giving his chest a thump with one lightly-balled fist.

His response was to grin from ear to ear, his tail starting to wag. "I'll take that as a yes!" he replied, sounding infuriatingly smug. She narrowed her eyes at him, and he hurriedly wiped the grin from his crooked muzzle. For all that she loved him, god could he test her patience at times.

She huffed out a sigh. "Alright then, well, let's go..." she told him, smoothing her skirt out with a hand and not even starting to take a step. She was stalling, and she knew it - and it was only making her even more stressed out about the situation! They weren't heading out to the local nightclub to have a dance and a few drinks together, oh no.

She'd been raised traditionally, and it was the same story with him - so despite the fact that they were engaged, their wedding just months away, they'd never had sex. Not with each other, not with anyone else. After all, virginity was_important_, right? It was something that you kept to give away on your wedding day to the person you were going to spend the rest of your life with. To throw that away was to sully yourself, sully the dignity of marriage...

And that night, she was going to throw it away with a perfect stranger.

The nerves and guilt and excitement and arousal were all knotted together in a tiny ball in the pit of her stomach, that writhed and twisted and threatened to make her throw up right there on the pavement. At the same time though, those same feelings were making her feel like she was in danger of just floating off into the clouds. So to put it lightly, she was a _little_conflicted.

"You definitely took your pill, right?" Mark asked her. He hesitated a moment, then leaned down, wrapping those big cattle dog arms around her. "Seriously, you don't have to do this," he murmured.

She shook her head, making her ears lightly slap at his muzzle. "Mark, enough!" she told him firmly, flattening her ears down into her 'grumpy face'. "I told you that I'm doing it!"

Despite the nearly two foot height difference between them, her burly fiancé threw his hands up as if to ward her off. "Alright, alright! Don't hurt me!" he told her jokingly. Of course, though she wouldn't -hurt- him, the little vixen could be very fiery indeed when she set her mind to it!

She huffed lightly, crossing her arms under her chest. "You're trying awful hard to talk me out of it, when it was your idea in the first place!" she accused. After a moment she giggled, the insides of her huge ears turning pink with a blush. "Um, not that it was hard to convince me..." she muttered under her breath, before clearing her throat. "And yes, I've been taking it every day. Double-checked and everything..."

"Good, good..." he replied, his voice taking on the huskier tone that betrayed when he was being 'tempted towards sin', as the pastor would put it. When they'd first started seriously considering this, she was going to make sure that...the stranger...would wear a condom when he took her virginity. She'd even bought a pack of one-size-fits-all-species condoms, and it was sitting in the bottom of her handbag at that very moment. Mark had other ideas. He'd suggested that if she wanted to do it, she should go all the way, and let him fill her up with his seed. And since she was already on birth control to help prevent her from getting ovarian cysts like she had when she was a teenager, well, there was no chance that his seed would take, right? And so, just like that, the plan had changed - and she was going to defile her body even more.

Once they'd reached that stage, well, another step didn't seem too far. After all, while they were both virgins, they were also adults. Adults with internet access. So they had a decent enough idea about sex, and more. And that was why, nestled at the bottom of her handbag atop the packet of condoms, Tegan had a tube of lubricant just waiting to be used.

If she was going to be honest, the taboo nature of the act was _far_more arousing than the thought of taking a man there!

But of course, it wasn't just for her - it was for Mark too. His breath was heavy and slightly harsh as he rested his muzzle in her hair. She knew him well enough to know that he was day-dreaming about what was about to happen. She gently nudged him and took another deep breath. "Okay. I'm ready. do you think I should do it? Just ask?"

He nodded, his voice still about an octave lower than normal - a change that sent a shiver up her spine. "Yes. Just go up to a guy you like the look of, tell him you're a virgin, and that you want to lose it. Don't get his name," he told her. He took a moment to lick his lips. "I want to watch."

She felt like her ears were going to burn up they were blushing that hard. "You sur-" she started, only to get cut off when he pressed his mouth to hers in an aggressive kiss, his tongue pushing into her mouth. It was so unlike their normal kisses that her breath caught in her mouth, and she let out an involuntary moan into his mouth. He broke the kiss, leaving her flushed and panting for breath. "Okay. I guess you're sure..."

He took her hand and lead her into the club, moving with a confidence and purpose. She was internally surprised to find that once she was inside - with music loud enough to force her to pin her sensitive ears flat and flashing lights illuminating the dancing crowd - she was confident too. She'd bought a miniskirt, a top that showed cleavage, a nice push-up bra to give_her cleavage, and some nice, lacy black panties. She felt _sexy.


Half an hour later, she felt frustrated.

She'd gone up to _plenty_of guys, regardless of species. She'd _seen_them checking her out - taking advantage of her shortness to stare down her top, or taking barely-disguised glances at her rump whenever she turned around. She'd even thrillingly had her wrist grabbed a few times, and her hand directed to a firm bulge through a pair of pants. And she'd had no less than three men wanting to actually _do_it...but the second she mentioned Mark, all had immediately lost interest. She almost felt like crying.

Mark grabbed her arm to hold her steady and leaned down to talk directly into her ear over the music. "This isn't working! Listen...I _need_to watch. Here's what's going to happen now: don't mention me at all. I'm going to hide out the back of the place. Text me when you've got someone, bring him out, and do it back there. Then I'll be able to see it all..."

"What if he wants to go to the bathroom or something?"

"Then don't let him! Tell him it's out back or nothing. Offer him anal if you have to," he replied. She gasped in response. The way he'd suggested it was just so casual! Like it meant nothing!...and that just made her more eager.

She pulled his head down and kissed him, hard. "Go!" she urged - and he was gone, heading for the back of the building like his life depended on it.

Tegan took a little while to choose who she wanted, once the pressure was off. She _knew_that this was it - this time, nothing was going to get in the way. She took a sip of her drink - plain lemonade - to steady her nerves. She wanted a man with a knot, like Mark, that was for sure. She wanted him to tie with her, to fill her up in some sick bastardisation of what their wedding night was going to be like. It didn't take long before she spotted him: the man that was going to take her virginity.

He was a collie with tan-and-white fur practically spilling out of his shirt, not as tall as Mark but still towering over her. He was with his friends, a pair of identical twin cheetahs. She waited until he moved away from them to get another drink before making her move. The confidence, the sexiness that she'd felt earlier was back in full force as she stepped in front of him and met his mis-matched eyes - one brown, one blue. She beckoned with a finger to signal him to lean down to her level, and he obliged. "Hi. I'm Tegan. Don't tell me your name," she told him, shocked at the way her voice sounded. To her own ears, she sounded seductive. "I'm a virgin. I don't want to be one any more. You want to make it happen?"

He frowned as she talked, trying to make out the words over the noise. She knew the second it clicked what she'd said - his eyes went wide, his ears and tail shooting straight up and quivering. "What? You kidding?" he replied, sounding a little squeaky - she assumed from surprise.

She shook her head. "Not kidding. I want you come out back and..._fuck_me," she told him simply - still meeting his eyes. The word still felt unnatural in her mouth, confidence or not. He didn't seem to notice the slight hesitation.

To her shock, the collie man stepped towards her. Then, in the middle of the crowded club, people all around them, the bored bartender looking on, he shoved his hand up under her miniskirt. His fingers grabbed her panties and tugged them to the side, and a moment later, two of his digits were suddenly inside her.

She yelped with surprise and grabbed his wrist - but didn't make any move to pull his hand away. No, instead she was enjoying the feeling of another person inside her for the very first time. Mark_hadn't even used his fingers on her - the extent of her experience was a little teenage experimenting, and some more in the days leading up to the big outing. His fingers felt _worlds_different to her own. They were thicker, longer, _deeper, sinking into her and hitting spots that she hadn't even known existed. Her knees went weak and she shuddered, throwing her head back and _moaning;_uncaring of who heard her over the music or saw his hand under her skirt.

Then, as quick as they'd entered her, they were gone. She lowered her head and opened her eyes again to see the collie man holding his hand up to his snout, taking deep sniffs on his digits like a feral animal. With a thrill, she realised that his fur was slicked down flat with moisture. He lowered his hand and grinned at her, his tail wagging madly. "Okay, let's go..." he told her. As she'd expected, once he was no longer surprised, his voice wasn't nearly so squeaky. There was a touch of slur to his words, too - the alcohol probably helped him agree so quickly.

Hurriedly, the collie leading her along by the arm, she retrieved her phone and tapped out a quick text. 'Now. Just fingered me at the bar. Heading out back'. After a moment's pause, she sent another. 'Love you'. Mark didn't respond. If the collie noticed her texting, her didn't say anything. For a brief moment she was worried - what if Mark had suddenly changed his mind? What if he _wasn't_happy for her to be doing this after all?

Her concerns evaporated the moment that they exited a fire door into the alleyway behind the club. The air was chilly and her fur puffed out in response - though she had to admit that the stiffening of her nipples wasn't entirely due to the cold. There was no handle on the other side, but the collie just used his beer bottle to keep the door ajar. He straightened up again after setting it down, and the second he did, his hands were on her.

He put his hands under her skirt, grabbing onto her little rear with both hands and squeezing it hard. He wasn't exactly the biggest guy around, but it didn't matter - she was tiny enough that he could manhandle her like it was nothing. And that's exactly what he did. He lifted her off her paws, carrying her away from the door, towards the opposite wall. He pushed his mouth to hers, kissing her sloppily, carelessly - his tongue tasting like beer. She moaned into his mouth and he squeezed her harder in response, making her moan again. He carried her to the wall and pressed her up against it, grinding his hips against hers - and with a thrill, she realised that she could feel his erection grinding against her through their clothes.

It was really happening.

Fumbling, supporting her weight with one hand and his hips pressing her to the wall, he began pushing at her top, shoving it upwards. She clung to him with her legs and one arm, using her other hand to help, yanking her top and her bra up enough to leave her breasts exposed to the cold air. He ducked his head, and after a couple of misses, he found her nipple - dragging his tongue over it. She couldn't help but cry out from the sensation, squeezing him harder with her thighs. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that Mark was somewhere out ther with them, hiding outside the dim puddle of light from the old light on the wall. Watching. Watching this stranger have her. And at that moment? She didn't care in the slightest.

He started trying to get her panties down without setting her down, but it just wasn't going to happen. So he set her down on the ground, and without a moment's hesitation, grabbed her panties and yanked them down around her ankles. The sudden touch of cold air directly on hot flesh made her gasp - but running on instinct, on autopilot, she nonetheless stepped out of one side, leaving the other side hooked around her ankle. She had to be able to spread her legs, after all. At the back of her head, a little part of her the was divorced from the reality of the situation was commenting internally. Look at you! Getting ready like a -real- whore.

Outwardly, she shivered.

The collie was fumbling with his jeans, clumsy in his rush to get them open. She helped, but she was just as clumsy - she'd never helped a man take his pants off before. He got them, however, and let them fall open. Unceremoniously he yanked his boxers down over the tent in them, revealing himself to her wide eyes.

He was exactly like what she'd seen online - bright red, tapered, throbbing, covered in veins. At the base, she knew was his knot - not swollen until the moment he started planting his seed. Her hand quivered as she reached out and wrapped her fingers around him, making him groan softly. "You like it?" he asked her, his voice rough. Mutely, she nodded in response, giving that red shaft a squeeze. To her, it seemed positively giant. And in moments, it was going to be inside of her.

In response to the squeeze his cock throbbed in her hand, and a squirt of clear precum suddenly shot from the tip - landing in a line between her breasts and down her belly, clinging to the fur and glistening. In her current state - far from heat but intensely aroused nonetheless - the scent of it was all but intoxicating. It told her that she was going to get everything that she craved.

He made to pick her up again, but pulled back a second later with a muttered 'fuck'. He began rummaging in his pockets. Tegan furrowed her brow in response. "What is it?" she asked him, her arousal making her voice breathy.

The collie grunted, then finally found what he was looking for - a little square foil packet. She recognised it as being nearly identical to the ones stashed in the bottom of her handbag, abandoned near the door. "Forgot the condom," the collie mumbled, tearing open the packet and trying to work out which end was the right one.

Tegan gasped, and slapped it from his hand to the concrete below. "No! I want it done right!" she told him. She was shocked at herself - at the vehemence in her voice. And more importantly, she was shocked just how much she _meant_it. At that point, what she wanted more than anything else in the world, was for the collie to empty himself into her, as deep as he could possibly go.

He hesitated, and for a moment, she thought that he was going to stop. She could almost see the switch flip in his head when he made the decision. He shrugged, then leaned in and kissed her again in that sloppy, hungry, messy way. His hands grabbed her now-bare rear and he again lifted her up, bringing the much-shorter fennec up to his level. She spread her legs wide for him, her arms wrapped around his neck to help him support her weight. He pressed forward...and missed, his cock going low, sliding between her cheeks and rubbing against her tailhole. He realised he'd missed and pulled his hips back to try again. The second attempt, he went high - his shaft grazing over her clit before grinding against her mound, another squirt of pre wetting her fur and the fabric of her hiked-up skirt. She realised that she was whimpering, a desperate, needy, pathetic sound, and she only whimpered more at the spike of pleasure when he grazed over her clit.

He drew back again, and this time, he finally gave her what she wanted so badly. He took his time to line himself up, find the right angle, but once he did...he suddenly stabbed his hips forward, burying himself balls-deep inside of her and taking her virginity. She had no hymen to break, but that didn't matter - for a woman who'd only ever taken a couple of fingers, it felt like she was being split.

She threw her head back and screamed, the sound equal parts pain and ecstasy. She could feel every inch of that shaft inside her, the heat and hardness that forced her spread wide. She felt his hips smack into hers, and she felt his balls come to rest against her body - hot and heavy, covered in soft, fluffy fur. In response to the pain her claws raked down his back, her feet kicking out and her toes curling and straightening rapidly, over and over. She whimpered, face scrunched up and eyes closed, just clinging to him.

For his part, the collie leaned back without pulling out of her. "Oh,_shit_I forgot," he told her, sounding genuinely contrite. "You okay...uh...Megan?"

She didn't even care that he got her name wrong. Actually, she _did_care - she _liked_it. She took a long moment to respond, her voice ragged. "I'm okay..." she told him.

He glanced down - looking at where their bodies met, and cursed. "Fucking hell! Look at that," he commented, staring down at her.

She followed his gaze to discover that he was staring at her tummy - and the distinct bulge in it caused by the penetration. Clearly it was due to how small she was - but despite the pain she looked up at him with watery eyes. "You're really, really big," she told him, trying to sound sultry again - knowing that it was probably going to just get him even more worked up.

He was panting, and she could feel him twitch inside her. She felt the heat increase at his tip, and after a moment realised the cause - another release of fluid, this time inside her. "I'll be gentle. Sorry...sorry..." he told her, still sounding contrite.

She bit her lip, then shook her head. "No," she told him softly. After a moment, she raised her voice, hoping that Mark could hear her, and enjoy what she was saying. "No. Don't be gentle...fuck me. I want to be fucked. Like I'm a...slut," she told him, trying to move her hips to urge him on. She couldn't - he'd pinned her to the wall so firmly that she couldn't move her hips an inch. The dirty talking was awkward coming from her mouth, hesitant, delivered all wrong - it didn't seem to matter to him.

The collie drew his hips back, slipping out until only and inch or two remained inside her. She already felt empty without him - not that she had to wait to be filled again, given that he shoved himself right back to the hilt without hesitation. The pace that he set was typically canine - flat-out from the start, as fast and deep as he could. His claws scrabbled for grip on the concrete as he rutted her, his breath ragged, licking and nipping at her muzzle and her exposed breasts, leaving trails of saliva in her fur.

For Tegan, the experience was...mind-blowing.

It didn't stop hurting in the slightest - in fact, as he continued, it probably hurt more. But the thing was, even though it hurt, there was just so much more pleasure. What she'd done with her fingers paled in comparison to this experience. Her eyes were tightly shut, her breath coming in short high-pitched gasps as she cried out in bliss - her sounds a mixture of pleasured moans and animal yips and yelps. Her oversized ears could hear him thrusting - the wet sound as her body stretched around his shaft, the slapping of wet fur coming together every time he hilted himself in her, the pattering of what she realised was drops of her own juices landing on the concrete below. She knew that her crotch was soaked through and her tail, hanging limply under her, was probably similarly soaked. She didn't care in the slightest.

The pleasure built and built and built, becoming all but overwhelming for the fennec woman. Of course, it couldn't keep building forever - the pleasure came crashing down all at once in her first-ever orgasm. She squealed, uncaring of anyone that might hear, wrapping all her limbs around the collie man and squeezing him hard. Inside, her muscles clamped down around him too, strong and tight, trying to milk a load out of him. Tegan took a gasping breath in and cried out again, quivering from head to foot. Her body wanted his load.

But the collie wasn't done yet. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he was lasting unusually long for a dog - normally, a dog would have a brief blast, followed by fifteen minutes of being tied. The collie, however, kept on going as she came, forcing himself in through her clenching muscles. He was still going when she came back from the orgasm, weak, shaky, and very much over-sensitive. There was still mind-blowing amounts of pleasure, but this was different - it was a sharp, painful pleasure that only increased the aching between her legs. Voice squeaky, she squeezed his shoulders. "Please! Please!" she begged.

She was begging for a moment of respite to catch her breath - a bit of mercy. To the collie - and her fiancé watching somewhere nearby - however, she was begging for him to finish. He obliged her in short order, burying himself to the hilt and grunting, crushing her into the wall in his lust to get his seed as deep as possible. His knot swelled up inside of her, locking them together, and at the same moment, he started shooting his load into her. She let out a choked cry, again clawing at his back. Her body was meant to take a knot...but not one _this_size. But it was there, all but ripping her apart it was so huge. She whimpered non-stop in a mixture of pain and bliss, feeling the heat inside her as the collie man came, filling her with his hot seed.

That was it, she'd done it.

She didn't say anything - just lay there pinned to the wall, the collie's mouth on her breasts, enjoying the feeling of his cock stuck inside her. His knot plugged her, making sure that none of it leaked out, despite the volume he was pumping into it. She couldn't quite feel his load properly - just a diffuse feeling of warmth, of fullness - hell, maybe it was in her head. But she could feel his balls resting against her body, and she could feel them tense, draw up towards his body with each new squirt. Silently, she began counting them.

Finally, the collie spoke. "Good?"

She murmured in response, nodding.

"Good. We're gonna be stuck for a while," he told her.

She nodded again, keeping silent. She didn't know if she _could_speak at that point.

She could feel him quivering slightly, and he shifted his grip on her rear. Somehow, her panties had remained hooked on her ankle the entire time. At first she wondered what he was doing - was he going to try and put a finger there? - until she realised that he was simply getting tired. She was light, true, but it still took a lot of effort to hold her up like that. So, he shifted position. Somehow, awkwardly waddling along with his cock stuck in her and his pants half falling down, he managed to relocate her - laying her out on her back on something that happened to be the right size. After a moment of wondering, she realised - he'd just laid her out on top of the row of rubbish bins near the back door.

It seemed...appropriate, given what she'd just done. She'd just deliberately ruined herself for marriage - at the behest of her husband-to-be no less! - and she was _happy_about it. If the women at their church knew, they'd say that she_belonged_there. The rebellious thought made her smile.

Still panting, the collie laughed at the look on her face. "Glad you liked it so much," he told her cockily, thinking he was the reason. She realised that her chest was still exposed and went to pull her shirt back down - he pushed her hand away. "Wait," he told her. After a moment, she heard the sound of a camera phone, and her ears burned scarlet. "Thanks..." he told her, and she heard him putting the phone away. He still didn't let her cover herself, however - he wanted to spend the rest of the time playing with her breasts, it seemed.

He stayed in her for the entire tie, his hands playing with her nipples, steadily pumping more and more seed into her. It was only right at the end that she _finally_felt some leak around his knot - a glob of thick, hot, sticky fluid that squeezed out of the bottom of her slit, slowly running down over her tailhole before sticking in the fur of her tail. The collie tried making small talk with her, and she tried reciprocating - but given the situation, it was incredibly awkward at best. Finally, after some fifteen minutes tied with her, she felt him start to shrink and soften inside of her.

He didn't warn her that he was going to pull out. He just tugged, and with a _slurp_that made her ears burn, he popped free. What seemed like a tidal wave of semen followed him, all but spurting out of her. Her thighs escaped the mess, with her legs still spread wide - her butt and her tail weren't so lucky. She yipped, then moaned when he pulled out - spread out atop the bins, breasts still exposed, feeling the thick, sticky stuff seep into her fur. The collie paused a moment to enjoy the sight of his handiwork, then stepped back in again - and casually, he used the fur of her thigh to wipe himself off before zipping up. "You were real good, Megan," he told her - again using the wrong name. "I'm going back in. If you want another go, just find me, and I'll give you round two..." he told her.

With that, the collie left - taking his beer bottle from the door, but thoughtfully using her handbag to prop it open for her to get back in. Then he was gone, and she was alone in the alleyway.

Well, that is, except for Mark.

She heard him move, her eyes still closed, still trying to catch her breath. His feet shuffled and his clothes rustled as he emerged from his hiding spot, somewhere very close indeed. He was breathing hard when he came up to her, stopping right in front of her. After a long moment of silence he spoke - his voice remarkably low and husky. "Do you think he's really ruined you for marriage?" he asked her.

She opened her eyes to see her fiancé between her legs, staring intently at her slit, breathing hard. His phone was in his hand, pointing at her, ad she realised why he'd asked her to let him know in advance - he'd wanted to start recording it without being caught. He'd videotaped the entire thing. Feeling even dirtier, even more perverted than she had before, she sat up and looked down at herself. Lifting her legs as high as she could and leaning right down let her see what he meant. It was no wonder she was aching - she looked at her own slit to see it gaping open, the normally pink lips red underneath the thick layer of white goop. It seemed like she was just completely full of the stuff - and indeed, as she watched, she squeezed her aching muscles. Yet more of it leaked thickly from inside her, rolling down her body. Gingerly, she touched a fingertip to herself only to pull it away immediately - still too sensitive to be touched. "Um...I don't _think_so..." she told him, uncertain. He wasn't saying much...was everything okay?

He stared between her legs for a moment longer, then ended the recording with a tap on the button. Then he met her eyes...and lunged forward, kissing her harder and more passionately than he ever had before. His hands hold onto her oversized ears to keep her in place they kissed - his hips held back to avoid touching the mess left behind by the collie stranger.

Tegan just moaned into the kiss, squirming slightly - and she found that she'd spread her legs even wider, pushing her hips forward - trying to get him inside of her. She knew how excited he was - she could _see_his cock struggling against the fabric of his pants. At that moment, screw magic. She'd already thrown away her virginity - why should he keep his?

It didn't escape his notice - he broke the kiss and looked down at her hips, then gave her his crooked grin. "Do you want to see if someone else can finish the job, then?" he propositioned, his voice low.

She didn't hesitate to nod, then pull him into another kiss.