Reaver - Chapter 2. The Taking

Story by Magnus Stormwulf on SoFurry

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#3 of Reaver (Old)

Chapter 2.

The Taking.

‘In Gelt society, taking a wife or mistress is regarded as a privilege and not a right. There are many ways a prospective tiger can gain a mate and not all of them are guaranteed for success. If the tigress is of a low station then it is more than likely that she will be claimed by a male of equality. If the tigress is of a high station then she is strictly off limits to all but the most suitable of males and will attract many suitors to claim her. Regardless of the tigress rank or nobility one thing is certain; men will fight and die for the right to be her mate. However, it is possible for any male to take a woman if he can simply subdue her to his will or charm her into bond and the long history of Gelt is littered with many cubs born out of turn as results of rape or misguided love.'

Excerpt from the book of studies of Gelt society. Unknown Author.


The female was a wildcat and despite having already been bested she was still full of pent up rage and energy that seemed to flow in infinite supply. As Magnus dragged her out of the building and through the muddy street outside he was decent enough to spare her the sight of her headless parent which still laid spread eagled in the open. Instead he simply forced her around the back of the building and in the direction of the Nihus which could be seen glimmering some distance away. "Give it up woman, you cannot break free" he growled angrily as she dug her claws into a nearby fencepost and tried with her all might to pull away.

She simply screamed back at him in frustration, vile insults spewing from her mouth in a never ending stream. Frantic claws gave way underneath her as she slipped through the mud and pebbles. She staggered and fell to her knees as her hold on the post gave way. Some of the sharper stones cut her knees and she yapped in pain.

Magnus simply hoisted her to her feet once more and pulled her towards a stone wheat mill. The solid wooden door was hanging limply open and in the moonlight it cast an eerie silhouette against the midnight purple background. He continued to drag her to her feet and had to readjust his grip on her hair as she tugged free again.

As if on cue, the drizzle increased to a stronger rain, steadily drenching both their fur and stinging flesh with needles of ice cold droplets. They passed more than one body and sometimes she would jerk away from the site of yet another old friend or acquaintance laying face down in the mire.

As they approached the door to the mill she tried one final time to break free of his grip, losing a paw full of hair in the process. Realizing her head was free she turned like a snake and slashed out at his face with her right paw, claws extended. It connected and drew blood on his forehead and chin as well as tracing two thin cuts down his right cheek.

Magnus roared in pain for a moment and then simply stared at her, fury and respect glistening in his eyes. He gripped her paw and backhanded her across the face harshly. The woman staggered back through the door, hissing in pain and shock and finally fell against an overturned hay cart.

The deadlock of the door slammed home with a forbidding crack and Magnus tore the mechanism from its hinges to prevent any escape. "What is your name" he asked again, remarkably calm.

The tigress shook her head to clear her vision and unsteadily regained her footing. "Come any closer and I will kill you" she promised.

Magnus looked around at the inside of the mill. It had been turned inside out by his crew and only the things that were deemed inadequate had been left behind. He could see no immediate weapons to hand which could be used against him. He took two paces forward.

She lunged once more, right arm raised and he caught a glimmer of steel in the faint light. Before he could react well enough to deflect the weapon she had buried it deeply in his right bicep. Magnus grunted in agony as hot flairs of pain ripped up his shoulder and into his brain and all he could immediately do was break the grip she still had on the dagger and force her away. He turned into the attack and shoulder barged her backwards with his left shoulder, sending the tigress tumbling over the cart and causing her to land in a heap behind it.

Gripping the weapon in his left paw he took a deep breath and tore it free of his muscle, stemming the flow of blood with a rag torn from his shirt. The dagger was a hastily made weapon constructed from a piece of sharpen slate and a wooden handle. The parts were lashed together with thin twines of twine. "Nice job" he applauded her whilst gritting his teeth from the pain. "I saw you messing with the hay on the floor but little did I know you were constructing a weapon you cunning little bitch"

The female didn't reply from behind the crate as he tossed the dagger out of a thin window slit to the wet ground outside. He approached the overturned cart slowly.

Out of nowhere she pounced at him again, clinging to his back and wrapping her legs around his waist. She sang her teeth into his right shoulder causing him to stumble from the unexpected attack. He immediately gripped her hair and right forearm and with a quick flick threw her over his shoulder into a pile of nearby hay. Flecks of dried straw burst up and danced in the air as she landed heavily, blanketed in the hay. As soon as she hit the makeshift pillow the tigress immediately tried to get up and flee.

Magnus didn't let her have that chance. He pinned her by her forearms to the hay and placed his right knee over her thighs to stop her kicking him. Leaning down so his muzzle was only inches from hers he smiled. "So what is your name?"

The tigress turned her head and hissed under her breath.

Magnus shook his head slowly and let his eyes gaze down her gritted jaw and rest on her pulsing neck. Only then did he allow himself to take stock of her. She wore a simple leather vest, fastened together at the front by three strands of well made cloth which crisscrossed her upper chest. Her knee length skirt had been torn in a few places, coming undone a little at the hems. Whether he had caused this was not his concern. Her chin bled slightly from the backhand he had delivered and pretty much her entire body was caked in speckles of mud and grime.

"I will make it difficult for you..." she growled in her last show of defiance, obviously noticing his study of her. "You will not enjoy me"

Magnus grinned wryly and then grimaced as the wounds in his shoulder and arm suddenly flared up once again. He leant in closer to her and took a deep inhale, savouring her smell mixed with that of the hay. "Oh I don't know about that" he replied firmly. He rose quickly, tore off his shirt, and ripped it down the centre into two thick makeshift binds.

The female gazed over at him through narrowed eyes. She was obviously taken aback by the many old scars and wounds that covered most of his well muscled torso. For a fleeting moment he though he saw some admiration in her face but it was lost as soon as he flipped her over onto her front and dragged both of her paws into the crook of her back. He tied them together tightly, using his nautical knowledge to make sure that she could not break free of them. The tigress grunted in disgust as he did so and attempted to bite his hands and forearms whilst he restrained her.

He flipped her back over and placed his right forearm across her neck, pinning her in position as he traced a claw up and down her chest. She tried her best to look away and fight against him as he took his belt knife and slid it under the fabric in-between her breasts. He stared at her in the eyes and with a sharp tug cut open her shirt, revealing her tender mounds to the fresh night air. She gasped as he did so and struggled a little more but to no avail. Her paws had been firmly tied together and she could get no real purchase on anything around her to use as leverage.

He leaned back slightly and lowered his head to her chest, rough tongue gently toying with her erect nipples. A thin coat of rain droplets still covered her upper neck and breasts. Despite herself, she arched at his touch, the complete contrast between warm breath and freezing moisture too much for her nervous system to deal with. He continued to gently lap at her breasts, using his right paw to cup them softly and stroke her soft furred stomach.

His rough tongue and whiskers traced delicate patterns on her upper breasts and neck. He gently lapped at her soft skin whilst his hands still secured her firmly in place.

"You are a pig" she grunted whilst she tried her best to shy away from him. "Nothing but the son of a cheap harbour hoar".

Magnus ignored the comment and instead gripped her face in one of his large paws, forcing her head around so that their eyes met. He then gripped her chin and muzzle so that she could not turn away easily causing her facial flesh to fold up around his grip like waves on the surface of calm water. "Continue to fight it you like woman, the longer you resist the longer it will last"

She spat at him, anger burning furiously in her amber eyes.

Magnus sat up quickly and grabbed her by her hair, lifting her up from the hay with ease. He then shoved her towards one of the central beams inside the mill which would have at one time secured grinding equipment. It was a thick and solid piece of oak, at least half an arms length in diameter. The tigress stumbled as momentum forced her onwards and she hit the beam with a crack which caused her to rebound slightly and wince in pain. Before she could regain Magnus was already upon her, pushing her forcefully against the wood and pinning her in place with his chest, almost crushing her.

A pitiful whine expelled from her lips as the air was smashed from her lungs and she sagged a little in his powerful arms.

Magnus noticed a strong length or hemp rope lying partially hidden under some buckets. Which ever of his crew had discarded the useless piece of cordage had probably never considered it would have been used for its now intended purpose. He picked it up from the ground, tipping over a pale of water in the process and turned round to see the tigress still partially slumped against the beam, gasping heavily. Without any resistance he undid the binds on her wrists and then retied them around the beam with the thick rope, completely preventing any escape.

She came groggily around moments later and instantly tried to pull her arms free, grunting and scowling as she did so. It took a minute for her to finally realize she was now hopelessly pinned and at captor's mercy. "Go on then you bastard" she screamed at Magnus. "You have what you want, why don't you get it over with and then kill me"

Magnus shook his head and walked round to face her. In the darkened room, the moonlight from the thin window slits radiated from her pert breasts and sweat covered torso. Her arms flexed with feminine muscles as she still frantically tried to break the rope binding her to the tree. All of her upper body and stomach tightened and contracted as it tried to summon any strength left to assist her. "What is your name?" he asked whilst pacing slowly in a small circle, rolling his injured shoulder and arm.

"You will not know my name heathen; I will die before I tell you that"

"My name is Magnus Stromsburg, captain of the warship Nihus" he stated flatly, still admiring her beautiful features. "I think you need to reassess your situation here and think about co-operating a little"

"You raided my village bastard, and killed my father, there will be no co-operation. If I could kill myself now I would just so you never had the pleasure of me alive!"

"Fine words tigress but your father fought and died well, he very nearly had me"

A spark of pride flamed in her eyes for a few moments before fading and was replaced by a few tears which welled up and began to flow down her cheeks. "He was a good man, always there for people and you took him away from me"

"Your father was a warrior or at least had been, I know the worth of men that I face in battle and know those I kill to be either weak or strong. Your father was a strong man and you have his blood running in your veins..." he pointed to the bandage and bite mark on his shoulder. "That much is obvious"

Magnus approached her slowly but she tipper her head away to the right to avoid his gaze on her. He took a piece of hay from the floor and gently toyed with her breasts and lips causing her to sob gently. A clap of thunder sounded in the distance and was immediately met by an increase in the power of the rain, its pummelling on the roof of the mill like a waterfall. He took out his belt knife once more and stepped close to her, his bare chest almost in line with her lips and then without much effort lowered the blade and cut open her skirt from the waist down. "You are beaten but you have fought well and I will claim my reward whether you want me to or not"

She hissed defiantly as the last of her defences floated to the floor in a crumbled heap leaving her completely naked in the darkness of the mill.

Magnus inhaled deeply, marvelling in her musk and aroma. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a step back, throwing the blade to one side carelessly. With casual ease he undid his brass decorative buckle and tugged his leather belt open, dropping it to the floor with a loud crack.

Outside, the thunder rippled louder and a lighting bolt lit up the darkness nearby briefly illuminating them both with brilliant white light.

The tigress whimpered a little, trying still to break free but with much less enthusiasm. Every time she moved the knot simply became tighter and tighter around her wrists.

Magnus undid the ties on his trousers and let them fall to the floor as he stared right at the bound female. Already extremely aroused by the confrontation and violent foreplay he was visibly erect and ready to take her. The tigress looked up and down at him for a moment and visibly relaxed, resigned to her fate.

He would not make it that easy.

Another crack of lighting and rumble of thunder illuminated the mill once again but when the darkness returned he had disappeared from sight. The tigress frantically searched around for him but could not lay eyes on his position. "What is this?" she cried out. "Not man enough to deliver you promises?" Her head snapped left to right as she scanned for him in the mill but still could not see anything. Fear was now beginning to spread through her body, replacing the bravado and adrenaline that fuelled her fight minutes before. Although she defied it with every inch of her power nothing could prevent the feeling of helplessness she now

experienced, completely open to anything that the male wanted to take of her. She had nothing left to defend.

She liked it.

Suddenly and without warning he was upon her, pinning her from behind the beam. His large, damp and powerful paws reached around and took hold of her breasts and stomach. His head reached over her left shoulder and he gently bit the nape of her neck and ears playfully.

She arched again, gasping with shock as he groped her heavily. She panted as he bit her neck and sagged as he played with her erect nipples. 'It shouldn't be like this' she thought to herself. 'I can't possibly be enjoying it'.

Magnus let go and span around the pole so that he was face to face with his victim. His barrel chest dwarfed her form as he pushed against her softly. His erect penis rubbed seductively against her stomach and inner thighs whilst he pulled back her head roughly by the hair and kissed her breasts and neck.

The tigress gasped once more as she felt his wet member toy with her. Her nipples, already erect from the cold and suspense, poured stabs of enjoyment up her nervous system, flooding her brain with confusing signals. Her loins began to flame and a wet dribble began to trace its way down her right calf muscle. "Get away from me" she almost purred.

He would do no such thing and instead he hoisted her from the floor, her arms already restrained around the beam. He lifted her up to his waist and pushed her tighter against the wooden pole. She raised her arms above her head to keep her steady and let most of her weight fall on them.

With everything set for the event, Magnus entered her forcefully.

The tigress bucked as his large penis stretched her wide, her head lolling back as much as possible. She growled in pleasurable agony as his muscled paws gripped her around the waist and cheeks, kneading her flesh like dough. She locked her legs around his back, claws gripping into his sides and tying them together until it finished.

Magnus growled as he thrust, banging her frame from the pole harshly as he raped her. Surges of strength and frustration coursed through his chest and arms and he took them all out on her. He could barely feel the sharp claws digging into his sides as they heightened his pleasure. The tigress was wet for him, but not so much as to make it un-pleasurable. Instead she had simply accepted her fate but her body must have reacted with suspense and yearning.

"You...bastard..." she keened as he grunted harder, increasing the tempo. "I..."

He slapped her ass hard with his right paw, causing her to yelp in masked pain. Claws extended he then cut a shallow set of marks through her flesh and down her left thigh making her scream with exhilarating agony.

A small tear dripped down her left cheek, the last of her defiance now gone. In a moment of clarity she thrust her self deeper onto him, a choke reaching her throat as she was filled completely. Now she set the pace, arching her back and pulling her self up by her bound arms. She looked down at his sweat lined brow and bit his shoulder, drawing blood to her teeth.

Magnus roared in pain as she bit him but continued to thrust harder and harder.

The tigress lifted up and down the pole in fierce succession her fur rustling on the rough wood. As she pulled herself up one of her arms suddenly broke free of the restraint and she immediately brought it round to rest on his powerful shoulders. Her other paw, now also unrestrained grabbed a large clutch of his fur and hair using it as a purchase to draw him closer.

A hot rush of undiluted pleasure ripped though her and burned towards her head. She could feel herself contracting around his large shaft gripping it tighter. She tilted backward still holding onto him and growled in relief to the midnight black sky.

Magnus still thrust into her, intent on taking his due. He pulled away from the pole, still carrying her with him as they fell onto the haystack and pushed her down. Grunting with pleasure he carried on pummelling her into the soft straw as she whined in unresisting protest. It continued for minutes and she clutched his fur and pawfuls of straw with each thrust to try and add purchase to his momentum.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of pleasure he growled and released himself inside of her. The force of the ejaculation causing the tigress to shudder with the strength of it. She howled in a mix of frustration, anger, pleasure and excitement. Her body racked with little spasms and all she could do was breathe.

Magnus sighed and pulled out of her slowly. He stood completely naked in front of her, still dripping. Nothing needed to be said; the act had been accomplished and he had taken from her what he desired. He turned and paced away from her prone form, swaggering with triumph. He found another pile of hay near the front door and lay down in it, looking over at his victim with blank eyes.

The tigress panted and placed her rope laden paws over her eyes. Her stomach convulsed and legs shook uncontrollably. For minutes she couldn't move or talk but finally she managed to muster her reserves and sit up on her elbows, returning his stare. "Are you going to kill me now?" she asked, almost pitifully.

"No" Magnus replied as he sank back into the hay and closed his eyes. "I don't kill women"

In that instant she finally realised what she had lost. The tigress began to sob and leapt from the bale of hay, cowering in a shadowy corner of the room.

Magnus smiled gently, ignored the quiet crying, and took a long deep drawn out breath.

Within minutes he had drifted to sleep without a care in the world.