
Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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First thing I've posted in maybe a year or two. It's been a good while since I've written erotica. Good or bad, it feels great to finally post something again.

"That'll be forty-five dollars." Said the taxi driver, not even bothering to look at Jamie behind him.

"Woah, forty-five? Are you sure that's right?" asked the cheetah, somewhat flabbergasted at the price of her trip. She knew the interview was a bit into the countryside, but she didn't expect to pay that much.The wolf up front tapped a little screen on his dashboard, "Says forty-five, so it's forty-five. Pay me or buckle up for a ride to the closest police station." His tone didn't make so much a threat as it was a deal she couldn't negotiate. Considering Jamie didn't feel like spending a night or two in a jail cell, she sighed and payed her driver. Not even bothering to check his response, she grabbed her small duffle bag and got out onto the dirt road.

She had to cover her left eye from the solar rays, bright as always during mid summer days. Her right eye was covered by her hair, the longest part of it as she liked to keep it short. Easier to maintain, except in the mornings.

Dust clouds flared up as the taxi drove off, leaving her stranded in what looked to be the middle of nowhere. From right to left there were green plains stretching farther than she could see, though in front of her there were enough trees to look like a small forest, with a black asphalt driveway in the middle. She sighed as she opened her wallet, only one dollar left, her last dollar to be precise.

"Hopefully she'll pay for one if this doesn't work out." she mumbled to herself. Bag in hand she took her first steps towards her last chance at finding work in the state.

The driveway was a bit longer than Jamie first thought, having walked for five minutes before she reached her destination. Turning around she noticed that the trees blocked any view of the countryside behind her. Miss Dorsey must enjoy her privacy.

She gulped a little as she saw her possible employers house. It was a wooden two story victorian style home will yellow walls and a gated white porch that surrounded its exterior, with large windows on the first and second floor. The front yard was stretched not too far from the house and was barren of any decorations. Jamie decided to not go out to view the backyard as it wouldn't help her chances if she decided to trespass beyond the purposes of her interview.

The house itself wasn't terrifying, but she assumed it would be smaller. If by some chance she did get her job, she'd be responsible for cleaning all of that. She looked down at her attire, mainly just a light blue tank top and green shorts. Not the best clothes for an interview, but they were the best she had. Usually the tank top was a valuable asset since it gave a good view of her breasts, but it was doubtful that would work with Miss Dorsey. Actually it might make it worse if their phone conversation on the phone was anything to go by. She seemed...classy, sophisticated, the type of person who looked down on those of a lower class. Maybe Jamie should turn back.

Though she didn't have any other options. No job to fall back on, not enough money to get out of state, and where would she go? Her family's apartment was too cramped for her and she wasn't the best at keeping in contact with old friends. Miss Dorsey's live in maid would be the best she could right now. Roof over her head, steady pay, and she wouldn't have to worry about food. It was all or nothing.

With a deep breath she strode up to the door. Realizing there was no doorbell, she used the small bronze knocker on the door.

"Just a minute!" shouted Miss Dorsey from inside, her voice was easy to recognize after their phone call a few days ago. Jamie didn't really get why, it just was.

A minute later the door opened with Miss Dorsey standing tall. The gazelle was more than a few inches taller than Jamie, even without her horns. Deep blue eyes looked straight into Jamie's green, then slowly going down the rest of her form as though she was inspecting something. Jamie couldn't say she wasn't doing the same, though less inspection and more staring. Despite the temperature, Miss Dorsey was wearing a long black dress that ran along her body as though it was a second skin. The dress was sleeveless but her hands were encased in elbow long black gloves that Jamie guessed was silk or lace. The dress opened to a half circle from her neck to her chest, with the top fur of her breasts easily seen. Jamie was right on one thing, Miss Dorset seemed the refined type. She couldn't help but stare.

Miss Dorsey noticed but said nothing of it, that and the blush on Jamie's face. "Miss Neil I presume?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

Jamie's eyes moved back up, "Wha-Yes!" She said hastily, straightening herself up in attention with her blush brighter. Miss Dorsey eyed her carefully, "Pleasant trip?"

"A bit more expensive than I thought. I hope it wouldn't be too much trouble if you could call me one in case this doesn't work out."

Miss Dorsey smiled, "Well hopefully that won't be an issue. Follow me."

As she followed the gazelle Jamie noticed that the dress made her back completely bare. She wanted to ask why she'd be wearing something so formal, considering the ad said that she lived alone. She decided not to ask, worst case scenario she was crazy.

"Shoes off." Miss Dorsey commanded, not even turning around to meet Jamie as she walked through. Jamie's heart beat seemed to speed up at the command, her words were jumbled as she crouched low to remove her worn out tennis shoes. She was surprised how weird to felt getting up, her knees were surprisingly weak.

Miss Dorsey looked down on her sternly, like some sort of strict british school teacher. If what Jamie remembered from the ad was right then she could be given her age. Not that she looked it.

"S-sorry" Jamie said meekly, trying to avoid her gaze. Miss Dorsey said nothing as she turned around and walked down the hall, her black heels tapping hard against the wood floor.

"So Miss Neil, or do you prefer Jamie?" Miss Dorsey asked as she sat down comfortably in her leather chair, holding a pen and notebook in her hands. Her crossed legs lifted her dress slightly, showing more of her light brown fur.

"J-Jamie" Her mouth felt dry. Miss Dorsey directed her to the leather chair across from her, where Jamie sat down in a heartbeat.

"So, Jamie, perhaps you can tell me why you answered my ad? I've had many applicants, but none so...young." she tapped her pen against the clipboard as she talked, in a rhythm very similar to Jamie's heartbeat.

Jamie cracked a rather nervous smile, "W-well it seemed like a lovely place. Away from all the noise of the city." it was a half-truth. The pay was the main reason, 300 every two weeks was too good for her to pass up.

Miss Dorsey didn't waver her gaze at Jamie's answer, making her feel like she should back up slightly. "It is a pleasure to be out of the city." she said as she turned her gaze to her notebook and wrote something down, "Personally I make it a habit to only go on business."

"What do you do?" Jamie's voice almost cracked as she spoke. She felt way too nervous in Miss Dorsey's presence.

"Business." She looked back up, "How much experience do you have as a maid?"

"N-not very much, at all. But I can clean easily."


Jamie's mind went blank at her response. That was all maids did right? Clean? What else were they suppose to do?

Miss Dorsey sighed, "Can you cook?"

"Yes. But nothing very fancy."

"What's your definition of fancy?"

"Anything foreign."

"I see." she said as she wrote something down, "How do you follow directions?"

"Well." She answered quickly, hopefully it would speed things along and she'd stop feeling so damn nervous.

Miss Dorsey looked her straight in the eyes, "I asked how. Not if you're good at it." she said sternly.

"What d-do you mean?" her heart beat faster with every word, her chest feeling warm and her legs weak. She was blushing again but Miss Dorsey said nothing of it.

"Do you question, hesitate, comment, etc?"

"I'm not sure what you mean."

Miss Dorsey leaned back into her chair, "Let's say it was raining outside and I ask you -my maid- to fetch me my shoes. What would you do?"

Jamie was quiet as she pondered the odd question, though her answer didn't take too long, "I'd get you the pair that were water proof?"

"So if I had guests visit on a rainy day you would give me waterproof shoes?" She looked straight at her, or perhaps through her, with her blue eyes now feeling cold towards Jamie.

"N-no. I assumed-"

"We haven't known each other long enough for assumptions Jamie." She said as she looked back at her notes, "Based on what you've told me, you have had no experience or training as a maid." She returned to her cold gaze that made Jamie feel as though she was mere prey, "Jamie, enlighten me as to why I should consider hiring you? What could you possibly have to offer me?"

Her throat tightened as Miss Dorsey spoke, as though a strap of leather was wrapped too tight around her neck. She needed this job, not just for the money but for a place to stay. Her apartment was already taken, everything she owned was in her bag. What could she do without this job? Turn trades on a street corner and sleep on park benches? She shivered at the thought.

"I'm waiting." Miss Dorsey said, not so much annoyed as impatient.

"Desperation." Jamie said before biting her lip.

"Desperation?" repeated Miss Dorsey with a raised brow, "I don't see-"

"I have nothing to go back to." Jamie said as she averted her gaze to the floor, "No home, no job, no friends. I'm at my limit. This was my last shot and I'll do anything to take it."



"Would you get on your knees and beg?"


Jamie's heart almost jumped as Miss Dorsey's eyes looked into hers, "Did I stutter?"

Her heart almost burst out of her chest at what Miss Dorsey asked of her. Could she do that? Abandon what little pride she had and beg for a job? Not just a job, but a roof over her head, a warm bed, and never having to worry about going hungry. Was her pride really worth it?

Slowly she slumped out of her chair, landing on her hands and knees and slowly crawling towards the gazelle. Each word she uttered hurt as she bowed her head, not because it wounded her pride, but because of the realization that she had no pride anymore.

"Please let me work as your maid, Miss Dorsey."

The room was silent, a few seconds or a few hours it didn't matter. Jamie felt so weak, her whole world seemed to crumble around her.

Miss Dorsey's soft chuckling broke the silence like thunder, "It was only a hypothetical, you silly girl." she said warmly, "Get up."

Jamie's face was burning red under her fur as she sat back down, heart pounding madly and eyes on the brink of tears. She felt like a fool, no she was a fool. A desperate fool.

"To anyone else, an untrained maid would be shown the door."

"Y-yes. I'm sorry I'll-" she said as she started to get up.

"Sit back down." She said, her voice was hard and dominant. She was in control here, she always was. Jamie did as ordered, her heart beat getting heavy.

"But I'l be honest, it was been a long time since I've seen a truly trained maid. Many applicants come and go without coming close to my desire. I suppose if you cannot find what you're looking for, you should make it yourself."

"Does that mean-"

Miss Dorsey raised her finger to the cheetah, "Don't interrupt." then took a breath and continued, "Jamie, what would you say if I hired you at 25% of the salary as a trainee maid?"

"I'd have to ask, why me?"

"You're desperate and you're young. It wouldn't be too difficult to mold you into the maid I want. That and I'm a generous woman, so long as you put in effort then you will be rewarded."

"'d train me to be a maid for you?"

"Yes. I would take time out of my day for your teachings. I think the end result could be...worth it."

"What would this training be like?" She asked, somewhat worried.

"Difficult, I won't sugarcoat that. It's not just cleaning and cooking that will be taught. Proper manners, proper posture, etiquette, etc. If you like we may try a little of it now."

Jamie nodded slowly.

The gazelle smiled at the cheetah's decision, "Excellent" She said as she stood up, "Please remove your clothes by the time I get back."

Instinctively Jamie covered her chest area, "What?! Why?!"

"Well I can't put your uniform over those now can I?"

"R-right here? Can't I change in the bathroom?"

"We'll see each other naked sooner or later if you work here. Besides," she took a step closer to Jamie and looked down, "You said you'd do anything remember?"

Regrettably, Jamie nodded. After Miss Dorsey left she slowly removed her clothes. First was her tank top, letting her bra bound breasts jiggle as they were freed. Then her shorts, which she removed slowly, not bothering to notice a small part of them and a lot of her panties, were damp. As she removed her bra she noticed that her nipple were rigid. She must have ignored them early, as she never felt her little black nipples stand up so firmly through the meeting. Miss Dorsey must of saw them, oh crap her employer saw her nipples.

"Very good." said Miss Dorsey from the doorway. Jamie almost jumped at her voice, which caused the gazelle to giggle, "Jumpy little cat aren't you?"

Jamie was about to comment, but stopped when she saw the maid uniform in Miss Dorsey's hands. If you could call it that anyway, it was smaller than what she'd imagined and it seemed to be made entirely out of latex. In her other hand she held a pair of heels with locks on them, two leather cuffs, and a red rubber ball with two black straps.

"Be a dear and turn around. You'll need my help to get this on. At least for now." She said casually. Jamie, who at this point was at a loss for words, only did as she asked. Obeying unhindered as the latex outfit was put on. It felt so tight and binding, like a second skin that slowed her movements. She felt so weak whenever the gazelle touched her, barely even registering her surroundings anymore. She only nodded slowly whenever Miss Dorsey explained the reason behind the items, barely registering anything she said. She felt so hot, inside and hot.

"Open" said Miss Dorsey as she held the red rubber ball in her hand. Without delay Jamie did as commanded, opening her mouth wide as the gag was inserted. With a few clicks behind her head and a few test pulls, the gag was secured.

"Now" Miss Dorsey said as she grabbed the chain between the cuffs that bound Jamie's hands in front of her, "You will refer to me as Ma'am. Is that clear?" Jamie tried to answer, but the gag muffled her words. It got enough through to make the gazelle smile.

"Good. Now come with me." She said as she pulled the chain. Jamie clumsily stumbled along, the high heels were much higher than she thought. Thankfully she didn't trip on their way to the kitchen.

"See those dishes?" she said as she pointed to filled sink. Jamie nodded.

"Start cleaning them. No excuses." she said grimly. She didn't actually leave Jamie alone as she worked, opting to watch her from the corner as she clumsily cleaned with her bound hands. They had enough freedom to clean the dishes, but cleaning in bondage was...she was in bondage. Jamie was in a house in the middle of nowhere, in a latex maid outfit, gagged and bound, and stuck in the predatory gaze of a gazelle.

"Oh god...she is crazy." She thought to herself. As though she could hear her thoughts, Miss Dorsey came up from behind her and gently wrapped her arms around Jamie. She didn't need to be forceful considering how Jamie just seemed to melt in her arms.

"Do you know why I gagged you?" she whispered into Jamie's ear, "It so you wouldn't rudely interrupt. I want to get my point across." her warm breath tickled Jamie's ear as she continued, "It's rude to stare you know. Did you think I wouldn't notice your gaze? I read you the minute I saw your blush after I opened the door." Her hands started reaching towards Jamie's crotch, "And the interview only confirmed my suspicions. I only brought up the idea." her right hand was slowly going under Jamie's moist panties, "You did it with little hesitation." she said with dominance as she tapped Jamie's clit, causing her to moan.

"Quite wet down there. I wonder why." she said with mock curiosity, "Is the little girl getting off on this? Being bound and gagged in an older woman's home and doing her dishes?'s far too wet for just that." She said, wiping the finger all over Jamie's nose, "Did the interview turn you on? Your nipples-" she grabbed them through the latex, slowly twisting them, "-got so hard then."

Jamie couldn't think straight, she should be running or struggling in this woman's grip. She was being molested! She should be running. Yet all she could do was moan, she wanted more.

"You could have run at any time. But instead you don't struggle, no you welcome it." She licked Jamie's ears, "I was right about you, you'll make a good maid."

In a haze of pleasure, Jamie nodded leading Miss Dorsey to giggle confidently, "And good maids, get rewards." her hand shot back down to Jamie's pussy, furiously thrusting two fingers into the tight snatch. Jamie would have fallen to the floor if Miss Dorsey didn't hold onto her so tightly.

"You want to cum?" Said Miss Dorsey. Jamie was too lost in pleasure to answer.

Miss Dorsey grabbed her hair and pulled her back, "Do you want to cum?!"

Jamie nodded vigorously, Miss Dorsey smiled as she stopped, "Only my servants get to cum from my hands." she said sadistically. Jamie's eyes watered at the denial, begging for release through her gag. She tried to give it to herself, but the gazelle held her hands tightly.

"Do you wish to be my servant?"

Jamie nodded.

"Do you wish to be my maid?"

She nodded again.

"Say it." Miss Dorsey removed the gag, "Beg me to let you be my maid."

Tears swelling on her face as she spoke, "Please let me be your maid Ma'am. Please let me be your maid!"

"I don't know. I'm a rather strict employer."

"I'll do whatever it takes, please Ma'am let me be your maid!" she was begging beyond coherency at this point. Miss Dorsey smiled in victory, the new prey was hers.

"Very well." She plunged her hand back in, "From this day forth you shall be my maid in training. I'll be expecting a lot out of you young lady."

Jamie nodded weakly, "Yes Ma'am, may I cum?"

Miss Dorsey wrapped her lips around Jamie's and ravaged her mouth with her tongue. After five minutes of teasing, she released her tongue and said, "Cum."

Jamie screamed in ecstasy as she came, tongue hanging out and eyes focused towards the ceiling. Only Miss Dorsey stopped her from collapsing onto the floor, holding her tightly as she rested both of themselves onto the floor.

"You'll be a great maid" she said softly as she licked her drenched fingers. She brought the hand down to Jamie's face, who instinctively began to lick her juices off her mistress's hand.

"A great maid indeed."

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