Under the Mount 3

Story by Sandwalker on SoFurry

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#4 of Under the Mount

Two years and nine months later, I bring you the third part in the Under the Mount series. Over a week without an Internet connection inspired me to get more on this story done, and to try to finish it.

Melanie and Lorissa have some more personal hijinks, and head out to the stable to spend more time with Bren, whereupon Mel finally takes the plunge into womanhood.

"Have you ever wondered why your gryphon is so well trained?" Melanie asked one night after the sisters had slipped beneath their bedcovers to settle down for sleep.

Lorissa was silent for a moment. "You know, it's not really something I've ever thought about." She rolled over onto her side to look across the room at her sister, illuminated by the bright light of a gibbous moon shining through the window. "I did have the thought that he was a little too familiar with sex with a human. I mean, he's not particularly rough, and he seems to know that I'm more fragile than a gryphon."

"You think he's been trained for it?" Melanie turned her head to see Lorissa's thoughtful-looking face peering back at her. "If that's true, then might it be possible that my gryphon's been trained for it as well?"

Lorissa flashed a grin at Melanie. "You really want a gryphon cock inside you, don't you?"

Melanie blushed and nodded. "And I'd really like to have fun with my own, rather than stealing Bren from you."

"Mmm, and then we could be side by side while our mounts screwed us silly. Two big, randy gryphons next to each other, and us underneath them, taking their huge dicks right up our hot, drip­ping cunts." Lorissa pushed her blankets back and reached between her legs, rubbing at her suddenly inflamed vulva. "Gods, I'm so wet and hot right now."

"When aren't you?" Melanie chuckled and threw her covers back as well, pushing herself out of bed and padding across the rug-covered floor to her sister's bed. "Want some help with that?"

"I'd love some," Lorissa said, pushing herself further up her bed to give Melanie more room. She almost purred as Melanie climbed up onto the bed and positioned herself between her elder sister's spread legs. As Mel's tongue flicked teasingly over her clit, she shuddered and thrust her crotch up against her younger sibling's open mouth.

She's indeed very wet, Melanie thought as her tongue swiped up and down over Lori's sex. There was plenty of musky juice seeping from within the pink interior, and she revelled in it, slipping her slightly curled tongue into it to coax more of it out.

As Mel ate her out, Lorissa moaned and gripped her sister's head between her legs, twining her fingers through Mel's red tresses and pulling her head more firmly into her crotch. "Fuck, you have the best mouth, sis," she panted, already feeling her body ramping up towards a strong climax.

Melanie managed to extricate her head from the clutches of Lori's legs, and grinned up at her. "How many have you had?"

"More than I can remember, but you're the only girl I've had," came the reply. "Don't stop, Mel. I really need to come!"

After a soft laugh Mel resumed her oral pleasuring, nibbling at Lori's engorged clit, swiping her tongue up and down the pouting pink labia guarding the tunnel within, and even going so far as to brush the tip of her tongue over the tightly crinkled pucker just below. It flexed involuntarily at the light touch, and Mel deigned to go further by curling her tongue tightly and pressing into the core of her sister's back hole, sinking a few millimetres into it. It had the unmistakable bitter taste of previous movements, but she didn't let it get in the way of pleasing her elder sister. While she probed and licked at Lori's anus, her nose pressed into her sopping snatch, filling her nasal passages with the heady aroma of a girl in heat, and in need of a hard fuck.

She moved her head up again, sliding her full lips over Lori's sex and lashing her clit with her tongue, sucking gently at the juices flowing from the passage beyond, savouring the unique taste that defined them as being Lori's. A brief thought flitted through her mind: she wondered if other women would taste the same, or different from one another_. I wonder if I could find out,_she mused.

Lifting her head up, Mel sank two fingers into Lori's cunt, giving her a quick, hard finger-fuck before she pulled them out and pressed them into her sister's pucker, twisting them as she penetrated into the tight darkness beyond.

Lori arched her back and writhed on the bed as Mel did things to her that she'd never had thought her younger sister would do. Mel's mouth came down over her pussy again, tongue lashing at her oversensitive clit while the fingers in her arse pumped deeply into her, stroking her cunt from the back. Words failed her as she seemed to devolve into a gibbering mess, panting incoherently as she bucked herself against Mel's face and fingers, teetering on the verge of orgasm for what seemed an eternity before the wave of orgasm crashed down over her with the force of one of the storms that occasionally blew through the kingdom.

Mel's face was immediately soaked with her sister's fluids, warm and musky, squirting out forcefully with Lori's vaginal contractions. "Mmm," she purred, opening her mouth wide and lashing her tongue up and down the clenching, quivering cunt. Her mouth filled, and as she swallowed to free it up for more, she noticed that it tasted a lot stronger, and more bitter than usual. She swallowed again and lifted her head, gazing down at her sister's pussy. As well as the clear cunt nectar coming from within Lori's passage, there was also pale yellow urine flowing. "Ewww!"

"Hunh! Huh, what?" Lori panted, struggling to raise herself to look at Mel.

"You pissed in my mouth!" Mel poked her tongue out to express her distaste. Urine was still spurting out of Lori's urethra, forming a large wet spot on the bed between her legs. "Didn't you go before bed?"

Lori shuddered and groaned as she shifted position, trying to stop the release of her bladder's contents, while her orgasm continued to have priority over her muscles. "Sorry, sis. I didn't need to go then."

Mel hurriedly got off the bed and went to fetch a towel from the bathroom down the hallway. She threw it down between Lori's legs and tried to mop up the worst of the mess. "That might be your messiest climax yet."

"Sorry," Lori said again, panting from the exertion her body had put her through. "I'll definitely make sure I empty myself first before we have fun in the future." She grabbed the towel and stuffed it firmly against her crotch, before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed and waddling awkwardly towards the door.

While Lori went to clean herself up in the bathroom, Mel shook her head and stripped the bed, removing the wet bottom sheet and sheepskin underlay. She looked closely at the mattress underlay, and decided that it had survived. She dumped the sheet and underlay into the large laundry hamper, and wondered whether to go down to the laundry room in the bowels of the castle to fetch clean ones, or to just let Lori share her bed and warmth. "Stuff it," she muttered, turning and going back to her bed.

As she lay down and pulled the blankets over her, she wiggled her tongue around in her mouth. She could still taste the weird flavour of her sister's urine. It hadn't been too bad, but it wasn't something she was in a hurry to experience again.

When Lori came back from the bathroom a few minutes later, Mel was waiting for her with thrown back blankets. "You'll be sleeping with me tonight," Mel said gesturing for Lori to come join her. "No wetting the bed, or I'll rub your nose in it."

"I promise I won't wet the bed," Lori said with a laugh. She climbed into Mel's bed and snuggled up with her as Mel pulled the blankets over them both. Pressing her lips to Mel's, she gently kissed and explored her mouth while she stroked her hand down the younger girl's smooth back. "Mmm. Your mouth tastes funny."

"That's your fault," Mel responded. "I got a full mouthful of your piss, and I swallowed it before I realised what you were doing. I think you owe me."

"Fair enough." Lori grinned widely. "You know, piss isn't that bad, really. Well, it is if it's been held for hours, but on the whole...."

Mel stared her sister. "Seriously? Who...?" She grappled for appropriate words and lapsed into silence.

"I was sucking off Rohan one day - he's one of the cute guards at the main gate - and after he'd shot his load and his dick was starting to go soft, he held my head and let himself go in my mouth, and made me drink his piss." She stroked Mel's back lightly, circling a finger around the dimple at the base of her spine, making the muscles there twitch in response. "It made my eyes water, but he wasn't letting go until I'd got it all down my throat."

"What did you do?"

"I drank it all, of course. Once I'd got over the initial shock of it, it wasn't too bad. Tasted a bit like rancid butter, but he told me that he'd been holding it all morning until he could go on break, and I'd intercepted him before he could relieve himself."

Mel nodded and snuggled her elder sister, nibbling at her neck. "You never fail to surprise me. I wonder what else you've not told me."

"Oh, I'm sure I could think of a few things, but I'd like to save those for special occasions." She yawned widely and kisses Mel's forehead. "Maybe I'll tell you next time we're in the stables."

"I'll hold you to that."

A few nights later, the two girls once again crept through the dark hallways of the castle heading for the stables, sometime after midnight. "We went the bold route last time," Mel whispered as they slipped through the heavy oak door leading out to the grounds behind the castle. "Do we do it again, or sneak?"

"Sneaking's fun, but rather suspicious if we're spotted," Lori replied, flashing a wide smile at her sister. "And this time we're not exactly dressed for it." Even standing in the shadows, she was still quite visible with the pale blue shift she was wearing. Melanie's was dark crimson, so she appeared more as a void in the shadows. Their faces were still fairly visible, though.

"True." Mel heaved a sigh and poked her head around the corner, scanning for signs of life. "I think the coast is clear. Come on." She stepped quickly out into the open and trotted down the cobbled path towards the stables. Lori followed shortly after, and both girls found no opposition in their short journey to the stable, in contrast to the previous occasion they'd gone out. "I almost feel disappointed," Lori said as she pushed open the side door of the main gryphon stable.

"Why?" Mel slipped in past her sister and went to find the lamp to provide illumination. She stopped for a moment to breathe in the smell of the large building. The primary aroma was of hay, but she could also smell underneath it the scent that said 'gryphon'. It was a pleasant combination, though the hay dust floating in the air made her nose itch a bit.

"Because I wanted to see what the reaction of the guards would be. Oh, give that thing to me." Lori took the lantern from Mel's hands and, with practised ease, lit it. "There we go." She stepped through the straw scattered over the floor to Bren's roomy stall. He lifted his head, his golden eyes blinking alertly at her. "Hiya, hon." She hung the lantern on the hook in the wall and crouched down in front of Bren, offering a light rub under the beak.

Bren chirped happily and leaned forward into the rubbing, a light chirring emanating from deep within his throat.

Mel grabbed a folded blanket that lay atop a stool sitting in a corner, and laid it down beside the large loam-furred gryphon. He flinched when he felt her hand touch his flank to stroke it, but he relaxed readily and continued chirring.

"Mm, lazy boy," Lori murmured with a smile. She slipped her arms around his thick neck, nuzzling at his cheek with hers. He returned the nuzzle, flicking his tufted ears to and fro. "You're a big, sexy gryphon, aren't you?"

He didn't reply, but he sprawled out onto his side, giving the two girls access to his underparts. Once again Mel beheld Bren's sheath. It was a few inches long, and had a nice, comfortable thickness. She reached for it and stroked her fingers over its length, feeling its firmness and warmth. While Lori hugged him and stroked his feathers, Mel squeezed the gryphon's sheath, feeling the maleness hidden within.

She gripped it and starting rubbing up and down, while using her other hand to brush over his belly. "Mmm, you like that, don't you, Bren?" she murmured when he rolled fully onto his backs, splaying his hind legs and wings out.

In tacit answer to her question, the tip of his penis peeked out from his sheath as it stirred in arousal. Mel watched in fascination as the dark pink flesh emerged inch by inch, swelling proudly as she masturbated his sheath. Despite its bestial shape and looks, the girl felt an odd attraction to it. A small part of her mind expressed its distaste for it, but on the whole it was a magnificent piece of maleness, well suited for a girl desiring a bit more from her lover.

As Bren's shaft reached its full size of about ten inches or so long, she moved her hand to slide her fingers around it, feeling the intense heat of it as they slowly slipped up and down the slimy member, eliciting a pleased drawn-out squawk, and a spurt of clear precum from the tip.

Mel looked up and saw Lori smiling at her. "Want to share?" the elder girl asked, moving around to Bren's other side. "We can take turns sucking him before the real fun begins."

"Uh, sure," Mel replied, her cheeks colouring a little. She lifted the gryphon's cock up and moved her mouth over it, inhaling deeply of his strong musk, steeling herself before she lowered her head. Her lips parted, and her tongue flicked out over the very tip of Bren's member, swirling around it a few times before she dared to take it into her mouth. Once again the weird metallic taste of the cock assaulted her senses, and she hesitated a few moments while she got used to it. She took a deep breath through her nose, allowing her the dubious pleasure of getting the full taste, then started bobbing her head. Just a couple inches at a time first, but as the precum began to spurt almost regularly into her mouth she indulged in more, taking about half the length before she gagged, forcing a gout of preseed around the shaft to splatter Bren's belly fur.

"You need to practise deep-throating more," Lori said with a giggle. She moved in closer as Mel coughed hard a few times, clearing her throat, and slid her lips over her mount's cock, swallowing firmly to ease the tip down into her gullet. Mel sat back and watched as her sister expertly fellated Bren, bobbing her head right up and down his shaft with wet _schlurp_ing noises. She could see it forming a long bulge in Lori's neck as it slithered up and down.

After a full minute of sheath-deep sucking, Lori raised her head, panting for breath. "_That_is how you suck a cock. Want to try again?"

Mel chuckled weakly and nodded. "Funny how out of practice I get after just a few days." She leaned forward again and slipped Bren's dick into her mouth. It was very slimy with her sister's saliva and the gryphon's precum. She breathed deeply through her mouth, preparing herself for trying to duplicate Lori's feat, then went for it. After a few bobs of her head, she went for it, gulping firmly as the rounded tip of Bren's shaft nudged into her throat. She dry-heaved violently as it slipped into her oesophagus, but she didn't let up until her lips were just shy of the grypyhon's furry sheath. Her eyes wide, she put a hand to her neck, feeling the long bulge in it.

"Good one, sis!" Lori congratulated. She rubbed her mount's belly as Mel struggled to handle the meat stuffed down her gullet. The younger girl pulled her head up until she could draw breath, then went down again, with another hard gag. "You're getting the hang of it, hon," she encouraged when, after some time, she could slide her lips right up and down Bren's cock with barely a retch.

Mel sat back after a couple minutes, coughing and panting hard. "I really need to do this more often. It's such a thrill, feeling him throbbing all the way down my neck!"

"Mmhmm! I love that sensation too. Definitely nowhere near as good as feeling him in my cunt, though." Lori stood up and began to remove her clothes. After a few seconds Mel followed suit. When both girls were nude, Lori grinned and shifted herself to straddle Bren's head. "I found out that he's got a talented tongue too." She lowered herself down, until her bald vulva was hovering just above the gryphon's curved beak.

Bren's narrow, agile tongue snaked up and flicked over Lori's cleft, eliciting a soft gasp from the girl. She spread her labia apart, allowing Bren to properly service her cunny. "Oh heavens... so gentle, yet so hot," she breathed as the gryphon lashed his tongue up and down her slit, as well as pushed it up into her sopping passage. "It's like having a small eel wiggling around inside me."

"I... have to wonder how you'd know that," Mel murmured, her mind's eye suddenly seeing a vision of Lori in the river, bent over the bank while an eel wriggled and squirmed up her cunt into her womb. She bit her lip and reached down to rub herself, twiddling her clit with a vigorous index finger.

"I don't, but I've toyed with the idea of seeing what I can cram into myself," Lori replied with a wry grin, before she lowered herself right down onto Bren's beak. The rounded tip of the beak disappeared between the girl's labia, sinking into her hot, slick passage. As she carefully rode it, Bren opened his beak a little and slipped his tongue even deeper into her, lapping and swallowing her nectar.

It didn't take long for Lori to reach climax. Her legs quivered, and she leaned against the wall for support as she peaked, letting out fevered cries of ecstasy as her cunt clenched and relaxed around her gryphon's beak. Mel could see cunt juice leaking down the underside of Bren's beak, seeping into his auburn neck feathers. Bren licked eagerly, chirrs of happiness vibrating his throat as he lapped at his mistress' nectar.

Eventually Lori pushed herself up and staggered over to the stool to sit down on it. "Good heavens," she panted, shivering now and then. "I haven't come like that since...."

"About half an hour ago," Mel quipped with a laugh. She looked at Bren, who had now extended his tongue fully and was swiping it around his beak, cleaning off Lori's juices. A glance downward showed that he was still fully erection, and had made a large damp spot on his belly where he'd spurted his precum. "I think Bren needs to be attended to now."

"I'll need a little time to recover, but there's nothing stopping you." Lori raised her eyebrows as she looked at her younger sibling. "You could suck him off, but we both know that we both came here to fuck. Right?"

Mel's cheeks flushed pink, and she glanced down at the floor. "Yeah, I know. Though I guess... I sort of come along so I can watch you fuck. And then clean up afterwards," she added, going even redder.

"I do enjoy having an audience, and you do clean me up very well." Lori smiled and leaned forward. "But I would also like to watch you." Carefully, she moved herself down to sit beside her sister, slipping an arm around in a gentle embrace. "You've said that you'd like to be intimate with Bren, and you have a perfectly good opportunity right now to experience it." She gently kissed Mel's blushing cheek. "You don't have to, but I would like to share your first fuck."

Mel nodded, flicking her gaze to Bren's turgid shaft, then to her sister's face. "All right," she said with a shy smile. "I think I can handle it. It'll hurt a bit, won't it?"

"A bit, but the pain's gone pretty quickly. Although Bren's pretty thick, so... results may vary."

"Worth it in the end, right?" Mel unfolded herself from Lori's hug and pushed herself upright. "You sure you don't want to ride him first? Lube him up for me?"

Lori laughed softly. "My legs are still a bit wobbly, I think. Just suck him, and make sure you get it really coated in saliva.

The younger girl nodded and crouched down beside the gryphon again, gently taking hold of his still firm member. She pulled off a few belly hairs that had stuck to it, and slipped her mouth over it, moaning softly with pleasure as she fellated him again. It had an okay taste, now that she was more used to it, and with a couple attempts she could deep-throat it again. Once she'd figured she'd got Bren's member as slippery as she could, she raised herself up, and nervously straddled Bren's large barrel. "Uh, Lori... could you help, please?"

"Of course, hon." Lori leaned forward and took hold of the gryphon's shaft, holding it steady beneath her sister's pussy, which was hidden with a light covering of their trademark red hair. "Ready when you are."

"I don't know if I'll ever be ready, honestly," Mel murmured. Her heartbeat was increasing rapidly, thumping firmly in her chest with growing nervousness. She lowered herself, feeling a thrill as the tip of Bren's shaft slipped between her labia and into her very wet sex. Her legs were shaking slightly, with the effort of holding her weight in an awkward position, and with anxiety. This was it, the moment she'd waited for since she'd learned about sex a few years earlier, and especially since she'd discovered Lori beneath Bren's belly, taking him deep into her cunt.

Mel lowered herself a little more, until she felt Bren's tip nudging the thin piece of tissue that marked her as being a virgin. She took a few deep breaths, trying to steel herself for penetration. "I can do this," she murmured, more to herself than to Lori. She turned her head to look at her. "Get in closer," she said. "This'll be the only chance you get to see my virgin pussy being stuffed."

Lori grinned and quickly moved around to face Mel's front, getting a better view of her sister's vulva, stretched slightly around Bren's tip. "Come on, Mel. Be brave."

"One... two... three...." Mel paused for a long moment, then shoved herself downward. She let out a shriek as a sharp pain stabbed through her nether region, as if someone had thrust a dagger into her. As Bren's cock slipped deeper into her, through the torn, bloody remnants of her maidenhood, it was accompanied by a strong stinging sensation. Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes as sank inch by agonising inch onto the gryphon's maleness, panting very rapidly as it stretched her passage for the first time. She looked down, and saw a slight bulge in her lower belly marking the extent of her penetration. "Oh fuck... he's so big!"

Lori stroked a hand gently over Mel's belly bulge. "Mmhmm. You're doing okay, hon. He's about halfway in. Just take it slowly."

"I am, believe me," Mel replied, leaning forward to rest her hands on Bren's belly for support. He'd lifted his head, and was looking at her with his piercing golden eyes, gaze flicking rapidly between her face and her crotch, as if memorising the scene. She gritted her teeth, and pushed downwards again, whimpering as her lover's cock drove up into her hot inner core. "Haaaaaah, god!" she groaned, as the variety of sensations from her crotch made her head swim. The pain and stinging from her torn hymen, the disconcerting feeling of the thick ten-inch member crammed into her body, a little bit of pleasure as her body accepted its natural birthright, and underneath it all, the satisfaction that she had taken it all, and was now a woman.

"He's all the way inside you," Lori said quietly with a smile. "My little sister has finally grown up." She pushed herself upright and gave Mel a gentle hug, pressing her lips to her sister's in a soft, loving kiss. "I'm so proud of you right now. And a little envious."

"Why envious?" Mel asked, as she tried lifting herself a few inches. She grimaced as the movement of Bren's shaft inflicted more stinging. At least the initial pain was ebbing.

Lori shrugged and smiled wryly. "I guess because I lost my virginity to a man, not Bren, and also... well, you're riding his cock, and not me."

Mel couldn't help giggling at her sister's petulant tone, which made her cunny clench around the cock buried deep inside her no longer virgin sex. "Mmph! I gave you the chance to ride him first."

"But then I might have knotted, and wasted his cum on myself." Lori kissed Mel again and sat back. "Now that you've finally gone all the way, ride him!" Bren gave a sharp squawk and bucked his rear hips, as if in agreement with Lori.

A gasp burst from Mel's lips when Bren bucked, shoving his cock fully into her again. She shifted position, so that she was resting on the gryphon's warm belly, and started to rock slowly. "Mmm, that feels good," she murmured, as her clit was brushed by the slightly coarse fur of Bren's crotch area. The stinging sensation went away after a few slow strokes, and she began to enjoy herself. Her pussy was still tight, but she was now producing enough nectar to lubricate the huge mass slipping in and out of her.

"Liking it, Mel?" asked Lori, who'd sat back on the stool again and was now pleasuring herself, pumping her fingers into her sopping snatch and rubbing her engorged clit. She'd moved the stool so she could watch Bren's dark pink shaft slipping in and out of Mel's hair-framed cunt. "I know I'm liking it."

"Oh yeah," Mel breathed, sitting up so that she could bounce up and down the gryphon's dick while she rubbed vigorously at his belly. Bren was chirring happily, both from the rubbing and the tight pussy engulfing his throbbing shaft. His tongue lolled comically from his beak. "I really can't describe how I'm feeling."

"You'll really go off like a rocket when he knots you," Lori murmured, shivering as she brought herself near to another climax. "I have my best orgasms when he's stretching my cunt to breaking point."

That was something that Mel hadn't thought of. Now that she'd got used to Bren's cock, she'd loosened up a bit, enabling her to easily ride the throbbing member with vigour. It was close to three inches thick, which made for a tight, though eventually comfortable fit inside her. His knot was much larger though, from what she could remember the last time she'd seen it popping out of her sister. "If he rips me apart, you'll be the first to know."

Lori sniggered and slipped off the stool, crouching behind her sister. "Want an extra thrill?"

"Huh? Mel stopped bouncing and leaned forward to crane her neck around glance back at Lori. "What do you mean?"

"This." Lori slipped a finger into her mouth and got it slippery with her saliva, before teasingly pressing it against Mel's anal pucker, carefully pushing it with a slight twisting motion into the very centre of it.

"Hunh!" Mel hissed with surprised through her teeth as her elder sibling penetrated her bowels. It hurt a fair bit, and her asshole clenched like a vice around Lori's finger, though it didn't stop the inward intrusion. She opened her mouth to complain, but then Lori started stroking her pussy from the back, giving an oddly pleasurable sensation. She stayed still, wincing as her sister's finger moved in and out of her, but liking the internal rubbing it was doing. After a few seconds she began to rock again, panting softly as Lori moved her finger in counterpoint. It wasn't so uncomfortable once she'd got used to it.

"Think you'd like a cock in your butt sometime?" Lori asked, pulling her finger out and adding another to it. Mel's anus resisted for a few seconds, but with a bit of coaxing, and whimpering from Mel, she managed to slip both fingers in.

Tonight was certainly a night for firsts, Mel thought as her asshole throbbed with pain from the extra stretching. First a mouthful of urine, then a cock in her pussy, and now fingers in her rump. "Maybe, if wouldn't hurt so much."

Lori nodded, gently twisting her fingers as they slipped in and out of her sister's back door, stroking the gryphon's pulsing cock through the thin membrane that separated them. "Always does to start with, but once you've loosened up and relaxed, it's quite pleasant. And having both holes filled is a treat, especially once they spurt their loads inside you."

"Mmm." That was an appealing thought. Mel's one experience with a load of semen had been a good one, and she was quite happy to experience more in the future. She started rocking more vigorously, moving a hand down to her crotch to rub at her clit, adding further to her pleasurable sensations. As she built up to her climax, she could feel a mass growing at the base of her lover's cock, stretching her vulva with each movement. "I can feel his knot growing."

"Bren's getting close as well," Lori said, pulling her fingers out of her sister's rump. She shifted around to get closer to the gryphon's head, scratching lightly over his auburn chest feathers with one hand, and over his belly with the other, eliciting a loud chirring that vibrated his chest. "Mmm, ride him hard, Mel. Get that knot into you!"

Mel grinned, and sat upright again, using her legs to bounce firmly upon Bren's cock, taking him sheath-deep into her slick quim. Her fingers rubbed rapidly over her clit, and her breath quickened as she verged on the edge of her first cock-induced orgasm. Bren's knot was increasing in size, and she felt it popping through her sex lips as she rode him. "Oh, fuck... I'm gonna come...." She tried to hold off, wanting Bren to be locked inside her when she did. She took her hand away from her clit and leaned forward, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she panted. Her rump jiggled with each downward movement, accompanied by the wet sound of a cock pounding deep into a heated pussy.

In seconds, Bren's knot had swelled almost to its full size, almost too large to fit into Mel's cunt. She rammed herself down, holding herself firmly against the gryphon's crotch, allowing him to expand fully inside her. As the knot stretched her lower cunt wider than she'd thought possible, she bounced a few more times, feeling the massive bulge tugging at her sex. The added sensations finally pushed her over the edge. A feral cry of lusty passion erupted from her throat, sounding foreign to her ears. Her whole body seemed to become involved, her chest heaving with rapid breaths, her cunt spasming uncontrollably around Bren's huge shaft and knot, forcing out squirts of her nectar around it.

As if coaxed over the edge himself, Bren let out a loud drawn-out squawk as Mel's sex massaged his member and knot deliciously, causing him to finally unload inside his young human lover. His knot pulsed strongly as his hot seed was propelled up his cock to fountain into her depths.

Mel almost collapsed onto Bren's coarsely furred body as he spent his seed inside her. She could feel every throb of his cock and knot as his cum jetted into her in thick spurts. "Oh god... I'm so full!" she groaned, her arms shuddering now and then as her climax washed through her.

Lori rubbed her sister's back, leaning in close for a kiss. "Mmm, I know. And he'll be coming for a while. Get used to it, unless you decide you don't like gryphon sex?"

"No chance of that," Mel retorted. "I definitely want more of this cock." After a moment she added, "Or Blackwing's. Oh man... Bren in my pussy, Blackwing in my ass...."

"What monster have I created?" Lori said wryly. "Virgin to slut in one fuck."

"I'm not complaining." Mel snuggled the gryphon, rubbing her face against his feathers. "Mmm, you're one wonderful gryphon, Bren." She gently wiggled her rear end, moaning softly as his cock moved within her. "Oh yeah... that's what I've been wanting."

Lori sighed good-naturedly. "I think while you wait for Bren to finish inside you, I'll go pay a visit to Blackwing." She stood up, grunting with the effort, and moved into the next stall.

Mel nodded and sighed contentedly, nuzzling into Bren's chest. He was chirring quietly, the sound almost like a cat's, but more powerful. It was no less comforting, though. She closed her eyes, turned her head and rested comfortably while his cock continued to spurt his seed into her. She was starting to feel a little uncomfortable; though she could feel some of Bren's cum leaking out of her around his knot, the majority of it was either in her passage, or overflowing into her womb. It had taken Bren several minutes to shrink down enough that he could pull out of Lori, so Mel figured she'd be in for a similar wait.

"Hey, wake up!"

"Huh?" Mel opened her eyes, and lifted her head, completely disoriented for a few seconds until her mind snapped into focus again. "Whoa, I fell asleep?" She blinked and pushed herself back, grunting as Bren's cock shifted inside her. Immediately she noticed that she didn't feel as full any more, and that her stretched vulva was sitting in a cold, wet puddle. "I think I can get up now," she murmured, gathering her leg strength and attempting to push herself up. Lori reached out to offer support. With her elder sister's help, Mel pulled herself off the gryphon's shaft with a sound like that of a ripe tomato being squeezed. Translucent white cum gushed out of her as Bren's shrunken cock slipped out to flop onto his belly, oozing down over his balls, and even over his anus. "Good lord!" Mel breathed, amazed at just how much she'd had within her.

"I know, right?" Lori helped Mel to sit on the stool and crouched down in front of her. "Allow me to clean you up."

"Heh, by all means." Mel spread her legs wide, and her sister went to work, swiping her tongue eagerly up, down and around Mel's gaping cunt, before delving deep into the pink darkness, out of which Bren's thick white goo dribbled. Mel helped her out by flexing her vaginal muscles, squeezing out more of his gift into Lori's mouth.

When Lori couldn't get any more cream out of her sister, she sat back and sighed happily, before letting out a satisfied belch. "Mmm, cum flavoured. Yours, Bren's and Blackwing's."

"You sucked him off? Damn!" Mel pouted. "You could have woken me for that."

"I was busy! You know... taking his dick down my throat, swallowing his jizz. Tastes like Bren's, but spicier. You have to try it sometime." She smothered a yawn with a hand. "We should clean up and get back to bed."

It didn't take long for the girls to clear evidence of their activities and slip their clothes back on. When they opened the door to leave, they shivered in the chilly breeze that had sprung up while they'd been occupied. "Coming out here in winter won't be pleasant," Mel muttered as they made their way back to the castle. Once again they slipped past the guards, and were soon back in the cool, dark safety of the castle.

"We really need a bath, but... ugh. I don't want to go all the way down to the baths, and then up to the top again at this time of night," Lori murmured as they walked down the hallway towards their room.

"Mmm. Maybe in the morning before class. Which reminds me, did you read those book chapters you were supposed to read about... what was it, the war between us and Gamoria?" Mel asked as she opened the large door to their room and went through. "There's a test in the morning on it." A long, silent pause followed her question, and she turned around as she reached her bed to see Lori sagging against the doorframe. The expression on her face said it all.

Lori heaved a sigh and rubbed her forehead. "No, I completely forgot about the damned thing. I've been preoccupied with working on math and geography. Those are my weakest areas." She gazed longingly at her sister's bed and chewed on her bottom lip. "As much as I'd love to snuggle up to you in bed, I don't fancy having the wrath of the professor falling on me again for failing a third test in a row."

"I thought you were supposed to set a good example for me, being the elder child," Mel said with a grin as she slipped under her bedcovers.

"When it comes to sex, maybe, but not so much in anything else." Lori poked her tongue out. "Anyway, I'm going to the library to get this reading out of the way. I'll be back later. Keep the bed warm!" She turned and trotted off down the hallway in the general direction of the library, somewhere in the depths of the castle.

Mel chuckled to herself and curled up into a snug ball, as she usually did to get warm. Her mind was working overtime as it replayed the events of the previous hour or two. A month ago, if someone had told her that she'd be having sex with a gryphon, she wouldn't have believed them, though she certainly would have had dirty thoughts about it forever after. And now... she had. She'd learned to suck a gryphon's dick, and take it fully in her hot virgin cunt, riding it until it throbbed and spat gooey seed into her depths. Damn, she was starting to get wet again.

The girl slipped a hand between her legs, and began to finger herself again, moaning softly as her fingertips rubbed over her clit and into her still slightly cum-sticky pussy. As she pleasured herself, she imagined being with her own gryphon, on all fours, the brown fur rubbing over her back as his hot shaft pumped eagerly in and out of the clutching wetness of her pussy. Beside her, Lori would be underneath Bren, urging the beast to fuck her silly. They'd turn their heads to look at each other, and lean in to lock lips, moaning into a hot kiss as they were screwed, until they came hard around their mounts' cocks, bringing them to climax as well, milking their creamy spunk into their dark holes.

Suddenly another orgasm was wracking Mel's body, and she straightened out and arched her back as the waves of pleasure washed over her. She tried to keep her cries quiet, stuffing the pillow into her mouth to muffle the sound.

She breathed heavily as her climax ebbed away over the next few minutes, allowing her body to relax. Lori had created a monster, whether she meant to or not, Mel mused when her mind cleared enough for her to think through the fog of orgasmic afterglow and tiredness. She might not be quite up to speed sexually, but she was definitely going to make up for lost time.

Somewhere between one thought and the next Mel fell asleep, waking up only when she felt the covers pulled back and her sister's body sliding in next to hers. "Mmm," she murmured as Lori's arm slipped over and pulled her closer. "Love you."

"Love you too, my little gryphon slut," Lori whispered with a hint of a chuckle in it, before she ruined the moment with a loud yawn.

Mel didn't respond, but she knew it was true. She had turned into a gryphon slut, and she was eager for more such loving. Maybe if they could get a weekend away for some sisterly bonding.... She smiled to herself and snuggled back against Lori, soon slipping back into comfortable slumber.