Maylon University's Epidemic Part 1: Assault

Story by Otherfur on SoFurry

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#1 of Maylon Epidemic

Written by: Otherfur

(Not based on actual places, events, or people)

This series will be centered on a transformation endemic on Maylon U's male populous with other fetishes being intertwined.

Story is still in partial development and is subject to change.

+18 gay, male story

This chapter is meant to be short and lacking details. Nothing too interesting yet!

Josh was on his way to a popular corner shop near his university campus. He was planning to pick up a signature sub sandwich which was signature the City of Maylon, especially Maylon University, although mostly for tradition and not spectacular taste. They couldn't compare to a place like Philly, but it was hometown pride. Getting a meal was about anything productive he could squeeze into 75 minutes between two lectures.

Josh was taking his 2nd year spring semester as a finance major and living on campus, far from the gazing eyes of his parents. Josh was 5'11'', 20 years old, and of no particular build, with blue-green eyes and a fair complexion. Daily home routines kept him satisfied with his appearance. The March, coastal weather allowed him to wear summer casual, complementing his short, combed over brown hair.

Josh took a faster, more direct route to the sandwich shop by cutting through the wooded pathways surrounding his campus, thus avoiding the winding roadways. The scenic tree lines were more to his liking than urban intersections anyway. The trees were typical to that of the Mid Atlantic and were growing back what was lost in the winter.

A third of Josh's way down the pathway, outside of anyone's view, Josh saw a figure leaning against an oak. The man appeared to be disheveled, possibly homeless, definitely shady. The man had no shoes. On this pathway? Bad idea. His jeans were worn around his ankles, and was wearing a sweat-stained tank-top with an opened, light jacket. The type with pockets to hold necessities, or hide transactions. Some time in the sun left the man tanned, indicating he might be a regular in the local parks.

He didn't think anything of it and initially looked away, minding his own business. Quick glances informed Josh the man was staring him down, with an anticipated expression. Josh rolled his eyes, not wanting a stranger to strike a conversation. The man wasn't much larger than Josh and didn't appear threatening. Regardless, Josh was weary.

The man took a step forward about eight feet in front of Josh and off the path. Exactly what Josh didn't want.

Josh sighed. "If you're selling weed I don't want any, sorry." He then quipped in annoyance.

"No, no weed, but."

"I'm not buying crack either." Josh interrupted.

Josh took a step to the right before walking forward, until the man stepped into the middle of the pathway.

"This isn't the way to ask for donations." Josh nervously laughed.

"Y-you don't understand, I need something, not money." The man said in an uneasy voice.

Josh darted his eyes lower for a brief moment. "What the hell? I don't do prostitution. And I'm not... you know." There was a slight tenting, or prominent bulge, in the man's pants Josh hadn't noticed before.

"That doesn't matter to me."

Josh stood there in shock, remarking. "I think I get the idea, and I'm not interested."

Josh stood in place expecting the man to move over. The standoff held until Josh leaned to the right, testing the man. When the man nearly stepped to counter Josh's lean, it was Josh's cue to leave. Josh turned around with his head looking over his back. The man smiled before following for a few feet.

Josh broke into an open sprint, but wasn't prepared in his footwear. "Was this really happening?" Some crazed, horny and, hopefully for Josh, possibly drunk man trying to get his way with him? After ten seconds running, Josh became aware he wasn't losing the freak, and had in-fact lost the distance he gained from his initial head start. Through pure desperation, Josh pick up his stride, at the cost of his balance, to shake the man off.

The lack of laces proves to much as a shoe came loose on landing, causing Josh to trip and skid his arms across the gravel. Joshed raised his head, only to be slammed back down face-first as the man caught up and pinned Josh's back with his knees. He was at least thankful the path wasn't paved at this point.

"Stop, stop, I'll cooperate, just let me breathe". Josh spoke, muffled through the dirt and gravel.

"Giving up that easy? Just when you went and got me all excited?" The man said, turning Josh over before pinning his lower torso.

"Listen, just take my wallet and leave, I don't want a fight."

"Give me the wallet anyway, I'm still having my way with you."

At that moment, the man took his hands off Josh's wrists and reached for his own fly. Zipping it down revealing the man was going commando. A 7 ½ inch dick flopped out, cut, covered in veins, and beading precum already. Josh reached into his front pocket instead of his rear, quickly pulling out his phone as a last chance deterrent. Josh muted the phone's volume, took a picture of the man exposing himself, and began dialing 911 before the man looked down from his high of releasing his package.

The man grunted, realizing his mistake, and whacked the phone out of Josh's hand and into the grass. They both held still staring at the phone, waiting to see if the call was sent. The phone held silent, to Josh's dismay. The man slowly looked back to Josh with a toothy grin across his face.

At this point, Josh noticed the freak's unnatural eyes, bright orange with a black sliver, what you'd expect in the open sunlight from a cat. Josh thought to himself, if this man's wearing weird contacts in broad daylight, what other kinks might he have? He didn't want to find out, but was likely going to. And as that crossed his mind, where was anybody else? This pathway is well known, and right next to a campus of 8,000. Was this just his luck?

"You're pretty smart, I can't risk this opportunity to pass by." The man said before immediately grabbing Josh by the cheeks, lifting his head, and forcefully slamming it back onto the ground twice. Josh was left dazed, losing consciousness and his resistance went limp.

"You're... a fucking lunatic." Josh muttered.

"Oh, did I hit you too hard? Don't pass out now, you'll miss all the fuuun." The man said in a manner leaning on the psychotic.

It was no use, that one blow to the back of the head was enough immobilize Josh for the time. The man slowly inspected his victim, searching for a possible dupe, a pretend to catch the man off guard. The man was satisfied, he had done the unthinkable. All his pent up sexual angst could finally be let out. The man scanned the area, making sure nobody heard what was happening, then raised himself off Josh's chest. He clutched Josh's feet and dragged Josh, legs raised, off the path a ways. Josh was still aware, but could not muster the strength to protest.

The man dropped Josh off and knelt down between Josh's feet. He began to undress Josh, shoes first, and tossed his shoes aside. Next came the shorts, which were unzipped and yanked off, leaving just Josh's boxers covering is manhood. The man still wasn't satisfied. He grew anxious and opted to tear Josh's shirt down the middle in one stern tug, exposing a hairless, smooth chest. The man was now ready, lowered himself between Josh's legs, and grabbed the button of Josh's boxers between his teeth, plucking it off and taking a hand to pull Josh's flaccid dick out.

For the time, the man was focused on Josh's chest. He leaned in, inhaled deeply, taking in his prey's scent and musk. Josh's primal urges were betraying himself, as he felt himself sweating, growing excited from being given attention. It didn't help that the man's dick was freely flopping onto his own as the man began leaning into Josh's chest.

To Josh's surprise, the man stuck out his tongue and dragged it from Josh's groin to each of his nipples in a line several times. The tongue felt rough, abrasive, even with how slowly and sensually it moved across him. He circled his tongue around Josh's left nipple before grabbing it between his teeth, pulling painfully and letting it snap back. Josh let out a stifled moan. His nipples grew firm, his toes curled, and his own meat had blood rushing to it, growing erect. The assaulter immediately noticed, rubbed his cock against Josh's while continuing to tease is chest.

The frotting and excitement however wasn't enough to keep Josh conscious. Just as the man began to ease up and re-position himself with his flat tongue wrapped around Josh's 6 inch pole, slathering it, now soaked in saliva and precum, Josh began dozing off. Josh was missing the oral attention he was receiving and how the man's cock was gaining a pinker hue with a tapered head and barbs forming just below, and expanding girth, with those orange eyes watching Josh faint. He could only fear what might come next, and hope he'd wake up.