My team, My life, My harem: Scarlet

Story by Wihahini on SoFurry

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I woke up from my slumber. Missy was lying in my chest, sleeping peacefully.

''Missy'' I said as I shook her ''Wake up, Missy''

She tiredly opened her eyes and gave a small yawn, stretching her arms. She looked so cute, I wanted to hug her.

She saw me and smiled ''I had a really good dream last night...''

''It wasn't a dream, Missy''

Her eyes widened ''D-Did we really mate?''

''Yes, we did mate, Mis-''

She kissed me for a couple of seconds and then hugged me ''I love you, David!''

''I do too, Missy, but we have to talk about this'' I said.

Her smile faded and looked at me with a hurt expression ''W-What? Y-You don't love me?'' Some tears began to form on her eyes, and she looked down.

''No, Missy!! It's not like that! I love you, I truly do, but poképhilia isn't exactly legal here in Unova. I could get in jail if we were to be found out, and all of you girls would be freed into the wild, or worse. We have to stay in a safe line, Missy. Do you understand?''

She seemed preoccupied all of a sudden, not that I could blame her, but she nodded her head slowly ''Yes, I understand''

I kissed her ''Good. Now, let's get the day going''

She seemed to be in a trance from the sudden kiss, but snapped out of it and smiled.

The day continued as normal. I made some waffles with Missy's help, woke up the rest of my team, and now we were eating in a comfortable silence.

But something was off...

Scarlet hadn't even touched her food, and she was also blushing softly.

''Are you alright, Scarlet? You need some air?'' I asked.

She nodded ''N-No, I'm f-fine... I'm just not hungry...''

I knew she was lying, but I didn't press it further ''Okay. Are we still going to train?''

She beamed at me ''Yes! I won't pass on that!''

''Good. You girls have plans for today?''

''Umi and I are going out. Not sure where, but we'll go out'' Sophia said.

''Be careful when you are out. Last thing I want is you two getting kidnapped'' I told them, to which they giggled.

''Missy and I are going to watch some movies. Haven't watched Inception in a while...'' Maya said.

''They are still in the dream in the final scene, I just know it!'' Missy chimed in.

''As for me, I will buy some food we need. We are running low on berries and meat'' Violet said.

''Make sure you are in your human form while doing that, Violet'' I told her.

Legendary and mythical pokémon had the ability to morph into a human form and a feral form. Scarlet and Violet preferred to stay in their feral forms, but they changed sometimes.

After we finished our breakfast, Scarlet and I got ready to go training on the nearby woods.

She was on her human form, partially because she disliked getting all the attention she got while on her pokémon form, but mostly because she liked to hold hands with me while we walked.

She was wearing a light-blue skirt and a white blouse. She had violet hair and scarlet eyes. In age, she didn't look like she was older than 16. She looked kind of like a schoolgirl, and acted quite like one too.

One thing that always bugged me was that her eye color changed from her feral form and human form. Her feral form had an icy blue tone that was a real contrast to her human ones.

Same went for Violet, whose eyes were a slight shade of pink while human, and a blood red while feral.

''That clearing looks nice, don't you think?'' She asked cutely.

''You want to train there?'' She nodded her head, so I led her there.

She transformed back into her feral form once we got there, and I pulled out my attackdex from my pocket.

This thing was useful. It had every known pokémon move with a detailed description, and was capable of creating simulations of those attacks. With this you could try out movesets, avoiding attacks without really hurting your pokémon, and pretty much anything from the competitive world.

''You ready, Scarlet?'' I said.

''Uhm... y-yeah...'' She sounded so insecure, but that's Scarlet for you.

''Let's start with something relatively easy, thunder''

She nodded as we began our training.

Her training had gone by smoothly. Out of 100 thunders, leaf storms and thunder fangs, she managed to avoid 40, 27 and 12 respectively, not bad considering their accuracy is 70%, 90% and 95% respectively.

Right now, I was letting her rest. She had transformed back into her human form, and we both were leaning against a tree. I was reading a book while she had her head on my left shoulder.

Being a water type, she didn't sweat, so it wasn't a problem for her. I think it had something to do with her water-type attacks, and not dehydrating.

She nuzzled my neck a bit and grabbed my left hand with her right hand. Any person who happened to pass by would probably think we were lovers (and probably freak out because she looked like a schoolgirl).

I looked at her to see her smiling. I put the book down and ran a couple of fingers through her hair. She closed her eyes and continued to nuzzle me.

''You know, you look really cute when you do that''

She opened her eyes and blushed a bit, but still smiled ''You always say that''

''But it's true, Scarlet! You are just so cute and shy! You can melt even the iciest hearth!''

She giggled and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. She closed her eyes again continued to lean against me.

I went back to reading my book, occasionally running my fingers through her hair.

After a few minutes, she spoke again ''David? Uhm... W-what's it like to have a mate?''

I continued to stroke her hair before answering ''It's not that I have been with too much girls, but from the little experience I have, I can safely say that being with someone is one of the most wonderful things in the world''

She moved so she was over me, straddling my hips. She was blushing madly, and asked with a shaky tone ''F-For how long... h-have you and Missy been mates?''

I obviously wasn't expecting that and I just stared at her with a shocked expression ''W-What? Come again?''

She seemed to be blushing more fiercely as the time passed ''I-I heard y-you two last night... a-and I t-thought I may also have a chance with you...''

Okay, this was weird. Yeah, most guys would probably kill to be in my position right now, having not one, but two girls fawning over them? But Scarlet was... like a little sister to me, I couldn't do anything like that to her. She was the most shy and clueless girl, and... I just didn't know.

''Uhm... I-I don't know what to say, Scarlet... I-I don't think I could bring myself up to do that with you...''

She quickly protested ''B-But why? You don't love me the same way you love Missy?''

''No! It's not that!! I love all of you girls the same, okay?''

''T-Then why did you mate with her?''

I must have seen that coming. I knew she already had me in the ropes, and I couldn't bring any counterargument now.

''I... honestly don't know why I had sex with her, or ''mate'' with her as you girls say it...''

''T-Then... W-Will you mate with me too?''

If I said no, I know she wouldn't press it further, she isn't one to force things into people, but at the same time, she would be heartbroken, and probably wouldn't even look at me in the eyes after it. Sure, she wasn't one to hold grudges, but still...

''...Okay, you win. I'll mate with you, but promise me you w-''

She quickly closed the gap between our lips with a kiss. All words that I may have wanted to tell her died in my throat. Throwing caution to the wind, I cupped the back of her head and tilted mine to deepen the kiss.

She seemed quite nervous, not that I could blame her, probably being her first time and all.

She slowly moved her hands from my hips to around my neck. She was moaning softly while we continued to kiss.

I didn't want to use my tongue, as she was quite new to this, but for a first-timer, she sure knew how to kiss.

She broke the kiss and opened her eyes. She was blushing madly, and quickly looked at the ground.

''What's wrong, Scarlet?'' I asked.

''I-I am a virgin, a-and I don't know what to do...''

I giggled and gave her a quick kiss ''Don't worry, Scarlet. I'll do all the work. Lay on your back''

She did as instructed, resting her head on the tree. I rolled over so I was on top of her.

I began to slowly unbutton her blouse. She seemed to blush more and more as more buttons became undone. She quickly put her arms around her chest to hide her red bra from view.

''What are you doing? I asked her with a lustful smile.

''I-It's embarrassing...''

I caressed her neck, that made her let out a soft moan, before responding ''It's okay, sweetie. It'll feel good, I promise''

She blushed at that, and slowly dropped her arms to the side.

I gave her a soft smile, which she nervously returned.

I slowly undid the ties of her bra, but I kept it there, so it barely concealed her breasts.

I leaned over her and gave her a quick kiss, then began trailing down until I reached her neck. I gave it a little kiss and a lick, causing her to shiver.

I was again face to face with her bra, and this time I brushed it to the side, letting me see my little Scarlet fully topless.

I grabbed her right breast and lightly squeezed it. She moaned a bit and covered her mouth with her left hand.

I removed her hand to kiss her, as I continued to grope her. She moaned into the kiss and licked at my lips to ask for entrance, to which I gladly obliged.

The tongue war was short, but it was still fierce. Our tongues rolled against each other, as we were lost in the lust-fueled kiss.

She broke the kiss to let out a loud moan. I was groping her a little bit rougher now, and judging by her expression, she was absolutely loving this.

''I-I can't take this anymore... T-Take me, David... please'' She begged.

''Don't get ahead of you'' I teased her ''You want your first time to be memorable, right?''

Not waiting for her answer, I left her breast and moved my hand to rest on her skirt. I brushed a finger past her crotch, causing her to gasp and close her eyes.

I slowly tugged at her skirt, gently removing it until it reached her knees. Her panties were also red, like her bra. A wet spot was clearly visible.

''You were planning this since the start, weren't you?'' I asked, moving myself so we were face to face.

''Y-Yeah... I-I love yo-'' I cut her off by pressing a finger against her lips, smiling lustfully. She looked at me with a soft yet nervous smile.

I continued my previous actions, now teasing her entrance by rubbing a finger against the fabric of her panties.

She squirmed a bit and bit her lower lip. I figured out this was enough teasing, so I removed her panties slowly in order to give her the release she needed.

I looked into her eyes while doing this. Her expression was a mixture of shyness, anticipation and lust.

I gingerly poked at her entrance, looking at her, waiting for confirmation. She hesitated a bit, but nodded. I slipped two fingers into her, making her moan softly. She was tight, even around my fingers. I started moving at neither a slow pace or fast pace, just like in the middle so it was enjoyable for her.

I got near her and kissed her, all the while continuing my ministrations. She moaned into the kiss and pressed her hand on my chest.

''T-That f-feels... Mnnaah~'' She moaned, not able to finish her sentence.

''That feels... what?'' I teased, going just a little bit faster.

She bit her lip again, struggling to be able to hold back her moans. I caressed her cheek with my free hand, looking at her with lustful eyes. I could feel my erection firmly pressed against my jeans. It was becoming quite painful, but for her, I would overcome any pain.

She looked at me with the same bedroom eyes I was giving her before, before answering my previous question ''T-That feels... s-so good~''

''Glad to know you are enjoying yourself''

She covered her mouth again. I was starting to think she didn't like moaning, but it was just so she could contain back her orgasmic howl.

I removed my fingers from inside her and licked the remnants of her cum . She was panting and her eyes were half lidded. She was probably too exhausted to continue.

''That... was... awesome...'' She said between pants.

''Too exhausted to continue?'' I asked.

''I'd love to, but I-'' I pressed my lips to hers in a quick kiss ''Take a break, dear''

She smiled tiredly and put her clothes back on. She then proceeded to snuggle up to me and sleep, resting peacefully on my shoulder.

I grabbed my book that I had left aside when we started, and continued reading.

''As long as nobody knows about this,'' I thought '' I could get used to it''