Bondage Stream Story 10: Sanmer's Bondage Benefit

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by (who else) FA: Sanmer to continue this dragon prison universe, we have Roluth and Hesith getting ready to participate in the annual bondage benefit for the dragon prison.

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Sanmer's Bondage Benefit for Sanmer by Draconicon

Despite the ache in his crotch, Roluth couldn't help but think that this particular event was a mistake to sign up for. The more equipment that Hesith handed him, the more the red dragon thought that he should have taken the direct consequences rather than try and find a way out of them.


The white dragon 'hmmed' back at him, handing over a blindfold. Roluth shifted it atop the already massive pile of gear in his arms.

"Isn't this...a bit much?"

"A bit less, actually, but I'm going light since it's your first time."

"You've got to be kidding me."

There were harnesses, new styles of cock rings, blindfolds, gags, vacuum suits, swings, slings, poles - both the full length ones and the split-in-two ones that held a person in between the - and who knew what other equipment piled up around them. The red dragon wondered how the hell they'd even get through all of this in a week, let alone in a night.

He grunted at a sudden particularly powerful tingle through his cock sleeve, the otherwise naked prisoner groaning as his cock was teased to another spurt of pre.

"Isn't this...mmmph. Come on, isn't this enough?"

"I guess it'll have to be. And I was so looking forward to having some e-stim dildos. Ah well, we can make do."

I swear, you are not a dragon anymore. I don't even know if you were a dragon to start with, if you have thoughts like that, he thought with a shake of his head. The white 'dragon' was more or less the prison slut. Worse than any of the other inmates, he accommodated the wishes of the Warden and the orca guards, whatever they might be. More than once, he'd found four guards taking the white dragon at once, and not in different holes, either. He winced at the memory.

He winced more, though, as his cock sleeve tightened all the more around his shaft. It was a warning that he was getting way too low in points. Much longer without 'servicing' a guard, or someone in authority, and he'd be in real trouble.

The two dragons walked towards the center of the backstage area. They were just behind the curtains, and a few select guards grinned at them. Hesith was led to an aerial sling setting, while two other orcas held Roluth down and started tying him to a few rings poking out of the stage.

"Hold still, big red. Don't want to make these ropes too tight."

"Yeah, yeah. Not like you -"

"Joe, get the gag."

Roluth didn't even have a chance to protest as the ring-gag was shoved into his mouth. He groaned, his tongue more or less pinned in place, and he shuddered to think of what would happen in a little while now that his mouth was open for use.

The red dragon was kept on all fours, his legs kicked out to the sides until his cock and balls hung down without touching his thighs at all. His tail, as usual, was pulled over his head and between his wings, with the tip locked in place by his neck. Roluth shuddered as one of them lubed up a thick toy, and gradually slid it under his tail. It took several hard thrusts from them to even break the tip in, and he hissed under his breath as it managed to slide further and further in. It left him feeling like he was gaping open, but it got worse as the orca in question pushed a finger through the center of the toy, rubbing at his inner walls.

"Heh, gotta use these on some of you. Trust me, you'll start to like it more soon. Then you won't have to sign up for these things to get the points you need."

Fuck. You.

The orcas chuckled as they continued tying him down, each of his wrists and his ankles tied to another ring on the stage, though with keycard unlocks that the guards could use to adjust his position. His ass cheeks were pushed apart a few times to make sure that the spreader inside of his hole was in place nice and securely, and he hissed as it reminded him how wide it was, and how much wider it was going to get when he was getting fucked.

The orcas patted him on the head as they stood up, and the dragon growled at them as they walked off. A glance off to the side showed that Hesith didn't have the wide spreader in him, but the white dragon's gaping hole showed that it really wasn't needed. Roluth rolled his eyes at his fellow 'performer's' appearance. Not even the slightest embarrassment from being held from the ceiling with legs spread and ass exposed. If anything, he swore the other dragon was trying to spread his legs wider, to try and show himself off more and more.

As the orcas disappeared, though, the curtain opened, and Roluth turned his attention towards the light shining in. He blinked through the brightness, and his eyes went wide.

He knew that the Warden's Bondage Benefit was a bigger thing for the prison, but he didn't expect to see dozens of guards and hundreds of inmates in a crowd out there. He broke out in a sweat as he stared at the assembled people, seeing other dragons that he'd been fighting to bring the pride back to, and individual orcas that he recognized, including Grant, a guard that was particularly well known for fucking prisoners in the showers and keeping their numbers high for everyone's comfort.

Before he could take in the crowd, he heard the booted footsteps of the Warden coming on stage. He turned his head as much as his bondage allowed him to see the white fox stepping up. A microphone was held in one hand, a large trophy in the other, and he stood with his back to the two dragons.

You'd never do this outside the prison. Not with real dragons.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual Bondage Benefit for Sanmer's Prison and Rehabilitation Facility for Dragons." The fox waved at the audience. "As you all know, tonight we have a performance with several of our best prisoners. Our best slut -"

The crowd cheered loudly for Hesith as the white dragon waved at them by wiggling his fingers.

"- and our inmate most in need of points, and a charity case himself, Roluth."

The crowd didn't cheer so much for him, but there were quite a few lustful eyes. The red dragon was regretting more and more his choice to be on-stage, but it couldn't be any worse than a stint in a correction cube...could it?

The fox continued.

"In a moment, we'll be opening the stage to people by raffle. Everyone, make sure you hold tight to your ticket, because if you don't have that, you're not getting to fuck. But before that, let's get this award out of the way. As with every year, we always like to award excellence, and in our little home, excellence is embodied best in the type of person that looks out not just for security, but for comfort. And none of us have done this better than...Grant! Come on up here, big guy!"

The orca stepped up, Roluth rolling his eyes as the fox made a speech about the orca's accomplishments over the last few months, how prisoner violence was at an all time low due to the tireless efforts Grant made to give them options of service, and how no one could ever complain about the great security officer's sexual 'sacrifices' on the part of the prison population.

Really, Grant was nothing more than a big cocked man with a high libido. He just didn't get tired as quickly as the other orcas, which meant he fucked more guys, which meant his numbers were higher and the prisoners weren't so low on service numbers. He wasn't a great guy, he was just stronger.

He was tuning out the fox long enough that he was shocked when he felt a large hand grab hold of his face. Roluth gasped as a cock-sleeve covered cock forced its way down his throat, leaving him gagging almost immediately. He looked upwards, seeing it was Grant; had to be, the guy was still holding the trophy.

"Employee of the year gets first fuck, dragon. Hope you're ready for a long night."

What did I sign myself up for?

The dragon gagged as his throat was rapidly filled with hard orca cock, gagging around it as it went all the way to the base. His mind was swimming already, a side effect from the weird goo that the Warden had put into the cock sleeves since that meeting with Necross all that time back. It wasn't the same as the dragon's natural stuff, but it left it so hard to think, worse than their natural musk did.

As Roluth tried to collect his thoughts and keep from collapsing, he felt another orca come up behind him as the Warden called out a number. The big hands on his ass was a familiar feeling, but not so much the twisting around the base of his cock sleeve. Roluth felt a burst of hope. Was it going to come off tonight?


Whatever that click had done, it definitely hadn't taken the cock sleeve off of him. If anything, his cock was more sensitive than ever, and - why did it feel like it was passing through the air?

Roluth whimpered, his eyes going wide as it felt like his balls had been smacked against something. He looked about in fear, and his eyes went wider still as he saw his cock in the hands of one of the other guards standing by Hesith. The orca in question bounced the cock up and down while Grant kept hammering down the red dragon's throat.

"Heh, didn't know we could do this, did you? The Warden lets us use the rings differently during the benefit."

Hesith perked up as Roluth's cock was brought closer and closer to his asshole. The red dragon groaned, shaking his head as much as he could as he was being throat fucked. He'd never fucked Hesith, and he didn't want to do it now. The guy was a sissy, a little cock-worshiping slut, not a dragon, and not a -


The red dragon's eyes rolled back as his cock slipped into Hesith's slutty hole. It was hot and wet inside, and not from lube. The white dragon must have taken several loads before the show. His cock was used like a dildo, and he whimpered, thrusting his hips back and forth before they were caught again in orca hands.

"Let's see how tight you are with that spread, slut."

Rather than helping him take the orca's cock, it spread him out further than ever. Roluth's eyes felt like they were going to pop out of his head, and his brain was submerged in a screaming moan as Grant came down his throat. He swallowed it mechanically, feeling the throbbing around his cock alter as he took in a few points. The fox called off at the side.

"Ticket 5. Ticket 5 of 800."

The number, more than anything else, left him unthinking. The musk, the bondage, the cock in him, and what awaited, was too much for him to think about. He kneeled there dumbly as a new cock pressed past his gag, fucking him already, as he was rocked back and forth by the guards. This would be a long night.

The End