Wood Job

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#1 of Violated Vulpines

A father in his late twenties, a seventeen-year-old son, and a younger son who had his first year of middle school to look forward to by summer's end all went out on a weekend camping trip. After more than an hour of driving and thirty minutes of hiking through a national park, the family of red foxes finally started setting up their campsite. "Peter, try finding us some firewood for the night and take Joey with you." The boys' father, Mike, ordered.

"Alright, come on, Joey." Peter, the older of the two boys, said. Despite being seventeen, Peter was short for his age. He was taller than his younger brother by only five inches.

"But dad, I want to stay here with you." Joey whined.

"You'll have plenty of time to spend with me over the weekend. Now go help Peter get some wood like a big boy, okay?" Mike replied.

"Dad I'm eleven, you don't have to treat me like a baby and I really don't want to go with Peter by myself." As Joey stood closely next to his father, he could see Peter glaring at him.

"Why, what's wrong?" Mike asked and knelt in front of Joey to help comfort him.

One look at Peter was enough for Joey to realize it was better this way than the alternative. "Nothing, you're right, I can see you anytime I want these next two days." Joey eventually answered.

Mike gave him a concerned look, but he wasn't all that concerned after being told he was right and obeyed by his son. He stood up and ruffled Joey's head fur a little as he smiled at him. "Alright, go on and get some wood so I can make us some real camp food." The thought of their dad cooking enticed neither of the two boys.

The two boys walked closely together for almost ten minutes, navigating their way around bushes, ditches, occasional logs, and several broken branches. Peter stopped after reaching a clearing in the woods and motioned for Joey to do the same. He examined his surroundings for a few seconds and smiled in satisfaction afterward. "Good, there's no one here, this is a perfect spot.' Peter said.

"Peter, please don't touch me again. I don't like it." Joey whined.

"Shut up, fag. I should cut off your balls right now for almost spilling the beans in front of dad." Peter snarled.

"No, I'll be a good boy, just don't hurt me." Joey begged.

"Good, start being a 'good boy' by taking off all your clothes." Peter ordered.

The younger of he two foxes sniffed miserably, but he followed orders. He slipped out of his t-shirt and set it down on the ground next to him. "You know, I heard there was a lake nearby. Wouldn't it be more fun if we went swimming instead of doing...this?" Joey suddenly suggested in his desperation for escape.

Peer stepped forward and gave his little brother a firm slap across his face, causing Joey to whimper. "Get naked, fag." He ordered uncaringly.

Joey remained silent while he untied his hiking boots and removed them and his socks from his feet. He stood up after setting his socks and shoes neatly aside and stared at his brother with an incredibly desperate look in his eyes. "Please Peter, don't do this."

Peter was tired of waiting and annoyed at Joey's constant whining. He shoved his small brother onto his back, bent over quickly without giving him time to recover, and grabbed onto the poor kit's shorts. With a couple firm tugs, he removed the shorts forcefully from Joey while the young fox whined and cried.

Peter tossed the shorts aside dismissively and bent down again for the boy's briefs. His nails scraped a little along Joey's flesh as he wrapped his fingers around the elastic of the kit's underwear. The young fox was in tears as Peter dragged the briefs down his legs and slipped them through his feet.

Joey reached down immediately with his hands and covered his crotch the moment he felt fully exposed. He placed his feet flat on the ground as he continued lying on his back. His tail moved to cover his vulnerable pucker. He was terrified of his brother and all the things he planned on doing to him, things Joey had been forced to experience before.

"See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" Peter said, but Joey only turned his head away in shame. "Stay put, I still have to get undressed." Peter ordered, but he didn't have to worry about Joey trying to run away. The kit was too embarrassed to go running off naked.

Peter removed his own boots, socks, t-shirt, and shorts fairly quickly, showing just how anxious he was to get started. All that remained on him was the boxer shorts he wore, but he swiftly slipped out of those as well. Joey glanced at his older brother for a second, his eyes widened and his mouth gaped open at the sight of Peter's erect red vulpine cock.

Peter snickered and soon forced Joey to rest his head on the ground again. The older fox lay over the top of the unfortunate child as he smiled at him in false affection. Peter brushed Joey's hair a little while carefully resting his belly against Joey's front. Joey simply clenched his eyes shut and sobbed. His sobbing became especially loud when Peter's cock slid across his tummy. "Stop crying, you know you like it." Peter spoke.

Joey nearly replied, but he was silenced when forced to lock lips with Peter. The kiss was quite forceful and aggressive; Peter's larger mouth quickly caused Joey's jaw to ache. The older fox's lips pressed roughly against Joey's and his tongue eagerly invaded the traumatized kit's mouth.

Joey dug his fingers deeply into the dirt and scraped his heels along the ground. He caught as much breath as he possibly could with his nostrils, which were quickly becoming overworked from unquestionable stress. Peter uncaringly continued to violate his brother's mouth for several additional seconds until he eventually grew bored of forcing his brother to make out with him.

He stood up and knelt next to Joey before grabbing his hand and roughly yanking him to his feet. "Ow!" Joey whined, but Peter ignored him and determinedly dragged him, over to a tree.

"This looks good enough." Peter hastily decided before releasing his brother's hand.

Joey opened his mouth to say something, but Peter delivered a kick to his left shin and sent him falling to his knees. While Joey cried in pain, Peter sat down, resting his back against the tree. He leaned forward for a moment, long enough to silence his brother with another slap. "Start sucking me off, fag." Peter said while staring menacingly and directly in Joey's eyes.

Joey reluctantly obeyed and bent over, placing the palms of his hands on the ground on either side of Peter. He his head between his brother's legs and placed his lips around the older fox's red cock. He had more experience in giving oral than he dared to admit to anyone including himself and used his forced upon expertise to p-lease his brother. He started simply at the tip, sucking the head and delicately teasing the prick-hole with his tongue.

"Deeper." Peter moaned out a command. "And look at me while you're doing it."

Joey lifted his tear-irritated eyes to meet Peter's gaze and slipped his mouth farther along the length of the violating vulpine. He pressed his lips firmly against the sensitive cock-flesh and wiped his tongue against every portion of the sex he could reach that his muscle hadn't already explored that day. He was sorely tempted to bite, but after sinking his teeth into Peter's cock once before, he knew the penalty for doing so and didn't dare do it again.

Joey stopped moving his mouth forward when he felt he couldn't take anymore, but Peter clearly wasn't satisfied. The older fox placed his hands atop the kit's head and plunged his mouth further along the cock. The cock tip slipped inside Joey's throat, causing him to gag and shut his eyes from the severe discomfort it caused him. Peter held him firmly in place for a few seconds, each of which were unbearable for the younger fox.

"I'm going to paint your throat with cum. Make sure you get it in this deep when I'm ready to blow...or else." Peter instructed before removing his hands from Joey's head.

Joey reopened his eyes and immediately lifted his head, but didn't dare remove his mouth completely from the dick, afraid of what Peter might do to him if he did. After spending a moment gasping to catch his breath, he lowered his mouth again and resumed pleasuring his brother. He hesitated when the cock tip threatened to enter his throat again, but one look at his brother's determined expression intimidated him into forcing his mouth further along Peter's penis.

His moist lips remained firmly pressed against his brother's sensitive cock-flesh. His tongue dragged along the surface, coating it over and over again with his saliva while received a long-lasting taste of it that would require several mouth-washings to remove.

Pre dripped onto Joey's tongue after awhile, causing him to stop for a second and swallow to identify the new substance. His eyes filled with recognition and he whimpered knowing that Peter would soon shoot his load into his mouth. "Keep going...You're almost done." Peter gasped from intense pleasure.

Joey complied and bobbed his head up and down along Peter's shaft. When Peter felt he was about to blow, his hands suddenly grabbed onto Joey's ears roughly and gave a sharp tug. Joey cried out, but the desired reaction was achieved. A good portion of Peter's cock slipped inside Joey's throat and immediately started spraying hot cum directly down into his stomach.

Peter went limp and his hands slipped from Joey's head. The explosion of sweet indescribable pleasure was too overwhelming for Peter to do anything other than sit against the tree and stare downward stupidly for the following seconds. As soon as Joey felt freed from his brother's grip, he lifted his head for much-needed oxygen. Unfortunately, he neglected to seal his lips and received a mouthful of cum as his brother continued ejaculating.

He spat as much of the cum up as he could and started coughing and wheezing. Meanwhile, Peter continued releasing a thick stream of cum for a couple more seconds, sending it splattering against Joey's forehead.

Peter eventually spoke when his orgasm finally ended and he managed to catch his breath. "You know we're not done yet, don't you?"

Joey sat up miserably, his face was an absolute mess between his own tears, having his fur handled roughly, and the cum splatters. "Do I have to?" He asked.

"Yes, keep your mouth on my cock and drink whatever comes out of it until it gets soft again." Peter replied. Joey stared down and saw the knot that Peter sometimes forced into him. Peter often called Joey a bitch during and after doing so.

He knew Peter's cock wouldn't be soft for another half-hour at least and during that time it'd repeatedly unload cum. He let out a soft moan of displeasure before leaning down again and occupying his mouth with the fox member. "Just remember, fag, it could be a lot worse." As much as Joey hated to admit it, he knew Peter was right.