Getting to know the family

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#2 of Kaido and Taimet

Milo awoke alone, curled up in the soft sheets of the bed. He had hoped, for a moment, that yesterday had just been a bad dream, but it was quickly apparent from looking around the room it wasn't. He was still here, in the bed where he and Kaido had become... acquainted.

He gingerly slipped out of the bed, and noticed himself in the full-length mirror stood against the opposite wall. He gave his reflection a glance, taking in his own features. His light brown hair was a mess, and he spat on his hands to try and make it stick down, rather than stick up. Spots had never really been a problem, mainly because he tended to pop them, but there weren't any that seemed worth popping... and besides, it felt odd doing it in someone else's bedroom. He looked into his own eyes for a moment, seeing the fear that lingered in their blue gaze.

He drew himself up to his full height, although that wasn't exactly impressive. 5'8", he wished he was taller.

He let his eyes wander down the reflection's body, taking in the chest and stomach. There wasn't much to look at there; no muscle to speak of, but not really any fat either. He came to his gentiles, and with a brief glance to the door, began to touch them gently, teasing himself enough to make his penis expand, but not enough to make it erect. He wondered how big it was supposed to be; Kaido had at least two inches over him, maybe three. He let the swelling subside before leaving the room, not wanting the embarrassment of facing his masters with a half-erection.

He followed his nose, the lingering smell of sausages and bacon guiding him towards the kitchen. Just before entering, he noticed the open doorway to the dining room. He could see Kaido, lying on his back on a low couch, concentrating on mid-air. When Milo moved a little closer, he could see Kaido was moving his hands through a patch of sparkling mist, about the size of a football. Milo stood in the doorway, fascinated by what was happening. He blinked, confused, having just heard what sounded like a child laughing... another odd sound, music, entered his head without touching his ears. His senses were assaulted by the taste of home-made bread, and the smell of melting butter. He wondered where these feelings were-

Milo gave a cry as, without warning, he was hauled off his feet. Someone threw him over their shoulder, holding him by his left leg and left arm, carrying him bodily across the room. He was put down in front of a small table, and pushed down onto a large cushion that served as the seat. He looked up into the face of Taimet, who was grinning at her own idea of a joke.

"Eat," she commanded, though not unkindly, ruffling Milo's hair before leaving the room. The boy looked down at his breakfast, cereal, and began to eat as instructed.

As he finished, Kaido's actions changed. He held his arms wide, hands cupping the strange mist, and he gently closed his hands together. With a snap that made Milo wince, the mist was gone. The wolf looked over at him, smiling, "Sleep well?" he asked.

Milo nodded, "What was that you were doing?"

"I'll show you later," he replied, tapping his muzzle. Milo assumed that meant it was a secret.

After the table was cleared, Kaido offered to show Milo around the Dream. He was allowed to explore the house, which was quite large considering only four people lived in it. The gardens were massive, open fields of snow dotted with trees and flowers. It seemed to go on forever.

"Find out," Kaido said, after Milo asked just how large the garden was, "go on. Walk."

A little unsure, Milo began to walk. His feet were getting numb from the cold, and he really wanted to go back inside. He passed between two large trees, and felt a strange tingling sensation, like static in his head. He shook the feeling away, and found himself looking at the front of another building. As he approached, he recognized the features, it was identical to the house Kaido and Taimet had. He almost missed the footprints in the snow; one human, one wolf. An idea formed in his head, and he followed the tracks. They took him, as expected, to where Kaido was waiting.

"This place... isn't real, is it?"

Kaido laughed, "If it wasn't real, you wouldn't be standing here! It's real, alright, just small." He clapped his hands together, which made a sound like bones snapping, and pulled them apart, revealing the mist once again. He toyed his hands around inside it for a minute or so, leaving Milo to watch and shiver.

"Kaido... I'd really like to go back inside..."

The wolf didn't seem to hear him. His hands stopped moving, and he withdrew them as a strange, golden light began to form inside the mist. It expanded, then shrunk, producing an orb the size of a golf ball. The orb exploded with an oddly musical sound... and it began to snow. Kaido watched, smiling to himself.

"Perfect... I think I did a good job with that."

Milo stared at the sky, then at Kaido. "You made it snow?"

Kaido nodded, "you understand now?"

"You... can change reality?"

The wolf nodded, "We create Dreams. Everyone does it, but our people can make those Dreams more than just things in our head. Taimet and I... we have always dreamed of a place like this... and so we made it. We worked for a long time to get it right. I think the Snow is a lovely touch..."

Milo shivered, hands pressed under his armpits. Whilst the display was amazing, he was still very cold. "Can we go inside now?"

Kaido lifted Milo off his feet, carrying the boy over his shoulder and rubbing his feet to help warm them up. He was carried into the washroom, and sat down whilst Kaido ran a hot bath. Milo let himself be lifted in, sighing as the hot water lapped against his skin. He closed his eyes, and let the blond wolf scrub his back.

Milo felt himself swelling as the wolf began to softly rub his thighs, and closed his legs a little to try and hide it. Kaido reached down and gripped him under the knee, pulling his legs apart again, "no need to be shy, pet." Kaido reached down, and began to rub the boy's crotch, playing with his balls whilst softly rubbing the sponge against the hardening tip. The fondling was gentle, but Milo quickly felt a full erection form. Kaido lifted him out of the water, and made him kneel down against the tub.

"Well, you're clean on the outside, but now we've got to scrub a little deeper..."

Before Milo could object, he felt Kaido's cock pushed into his tender young ass. He gave a cry of pain, fighting to pull away from the wolf, but Kaido held him firmly.

"Hush, pet," he whispered, rubbing his muzzle against Milo's face, "it's your first time, so I won't go too fast." He kept his thrusts slow, wanting to let the frightened boy learn to enjoy being taken.

Milo gritted his teeth, and tried to enjoy having his virgin ass filled. He had dreamt of this many a night, lying awake and touching himself, but the reality was, as always, much less pleasant than fantasy. This hurt. Yet, despite the pain, Milo felt his cock swell and throb with every movement, and the pain was subsiding. He lay still, not fighting anymore, and let himself be taken.

Kaido sped up his thrusts a little, and was rewarded with a quiet moan of pleasure from the boy. He kept his paws locked over Milo's hands, holding him in place. He felt Milo beginning to strain again, this time not to break free, but so the boy could pleasure himself.

"Kaido, please let me-"

The wolf made a soft, tut-tut-tut sound into Milo's ear, "naughty pet. Do you know why you were naughty?"

Milo closed his eyes, heart pounding. He was already helpless, and now getting a little scared.

"...because I didn't call you Master?" he asked, biting his lip. Kaido had seemed kind, but he was bigger, and a lot stronger, than Milo was. If the wolf wanted to, he could easily hurt the young human.

"That's right, pet. You can call me Kaido when we're alone, but when with others, or when we're together," he increased his thrusting a little for emphasis, "I am to be called Master, understand?"

Milo nodded, "y-yes, Master." Kaido's tone had been caring, but Milo was still frightened of what might happen to him.

"Good, now try again."

Milo swallowed, "Master, please let me rub myself."

Kaido moved his right hand down the boy's arm, softly stroking the flesh. He let it slide under his pet's body, tracing down to his throbbing cock, which he gripped firmly. He began to give it slow, rhythmic rubs, pulling right down so his hand pressed against the boy's balls. The slave gave a loud moan of pleasure as his cock began to dribble precum onto his master's paw, and he began to thrust against the warm paw. Kaido gripped him tightly around the waist.

"Bad pet! No thrusting!" he gave a little laugh as Milo squirmed, clearly wanting to be rubbed faster than Kaido was giving. The wolf began thrusting faster, feeling his balls tingle as the hot seed rushed out of them, into his throbbing shaft. He gave Milo no warning, spurting his cum deep into the boy. Milo gasped, and began to squirt himself from the sudden, wonderful feeling of having his rear filled. Kaido cupped his paw over the end of Milo's cock, meaning the boy's cum began to dribble back down the shaft. When it was clear no more was coming, Kaido wiped it all up into his paw, and held it in front of Milo's face. Embarrassed, Milo began to lap up his own seed, wincing a little at the salty, lingering taste. Once he had cleaned his master's paw, Milo was allowed back into the water, to clean himself up properly, before being toweled off and taken to the dining room to eat.

Taimet had the food out ready for them. As he entered, Milo got his first glance of his fellow slave, the girl who had been in the cages with him.

"This is Sara," Taimet said by way of introduction, "She's been with us a while."

Sara gave a weak smile, making a point of keeping eye contact. Milo was glad he'd just been pleasured, because he found the girl very attractive. She was about his age, with soft facial features and shoulder length chestnut hair, currently tied up so it wouldn't get in her way while she ate. She was a little shorter than Milo, but not by much. She had strange, emerald-green swirls down her left arm, tattoos of some kind. Kaido sat the boy down next to her.

He and Sara were provided with food, bowls of steaming noodles in thick sauce made of egg and chicken. He tucked into it, enjoying the unusual taste. Taimet and Kaido ate a mixture of beef, pork and chicken, talking all the while in their song-tongue. Milo couldn't understand a word of it, but Sara seemed to be listening intently, occasionally giving a clumsy, stuttering addition. Eventually, the pair left, whilst Sara began clearing the table.

"What was all that about?" Milo asked, helping the girl clean up.

Sara looked at him, smiling faintly, "we're going on a blitz."