Chastity Story: Locked Up In Service

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Faceless_Lord is this little continuation of Dexter's powerful descent into the service of the Black. The dragon has his body; now it's time for his mind to follow.

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Locked Up In Service for Faceless_Lord by Draconicon

Even as he was dragged into the light, the otter could barely think. His body ached, his wrists stinging from the months of being shackled to the wall, while his feet and his crotch burned from near-constant electrical stimulation. Dexter wobbled from side to side, as even the rough stone underfoot left him dizzy from the new sensation.

In the light were many new things, things that he barely remembered from before. The bestial guards of the dragons, scaly creatures the size of the largest hounds that walked on six legs, roamed the halls. Other slaves, otter and otherwise, walked about, cleaning, sorting, and serving those that they ran into. Other dragons, either wearing armor or robes like the Black, ran hither and yon, all attending to very different duties.

Despite his dizziness, he didn't miss the indications of war. The armored dragons talked to one another in hushed voices about the portals and various incursions, and more than a few were gathered around maps with troop markers over it. He barely understood it, but he did see it.

As the other dragons moved out of the way, Dexter began to notice something else as well. Though the Black lacked any sort of marking to his robe, unlike the other magicians that the otter saw, every dragon they encountered made way for him. His new master barely acknowledged their bows and efforts with a nod of his head, and Dexter wondered if he had been claimed by someone higher up than he thought.

The otter was slowly waking up by the time they reached another room, a room filled with heat, fire, and the clang of hammer on metal. Dexter wobbled as the Black leaned him against a wall near a bull hammering something out. The otter struggled to stand up straight, wincing at the overwhelming stimulation to his feet, as the dragon spoke with the blacksmith.

"I'm here for the cage."

"Right." The bull nodded towards him. "It for the skinny guy there?"

"Yes. He has the will, now he needs the discipline."

"Well, this'll give him that, alright."

Through the haze of the forge's heat, the otter could just barely make out the bull handing the dragon something. It gleamed in the firelight in a number of ways, but it was too indistinct for him to be able to see. Dexter shuddered as he tried to take a step, and would have fallen on his face were it not for the Black suddenly standing there, holding him up.

"Heh, looks like you aren't quite ready to be walking around. Let's get you to a...private chamber."

The dragon dragged him along through the halls again. Even though his mind was slowly waking up, Dexter's body was still so weak, so very drained. He hadn't been allowed to move for months, and the only reason he could still walk, he swore, was because he'd been bombarded with enough lightning to keep his muscles from dying off. They'd been constantly stimulated to move, and as a result, he wasn't a paralyzed puppet.

Still, he was more dragged than led through the various halls, and when the Black pushed him into the room that was their destination, he fell flat on his face. His webbed toes curled automatically as he landed, a soft hiss of need escaping him as they itched, needing something after so long being tormented. His mind and body were conditioned too far to ever completely throw that off.

The dragon rolled him over, and Dexter finally saw what he had in his hand. It was a multi-piece tool, comprised of a ring, a domed cage, and a lock. He'd never seen one before, but with the size it was, it could only be meant for one thing.


The dragon smiled, already threading the otter's cock through the ring, and dragging his balls in afterwards. The sensation of the cool metal against his crotch was almost soothing, and would have been, were it not for what was happening. The Black patted his balls.

"This is the source of all your need. And if you are to be obedient, if you are to be the willing slave that I want you to be, then it needs to be caged and controlled by your master. In that case, me."

Dexter squirmed back about half a foot, but it was not enough to get away from the dragon and the cage of rods that was coming down over his shaft. He felt the coolness of the metal rubbing against his slowly engorging rod, encasing it as the bottoms of the cage clicked into the ring.

As the lock came closer and closer to joining the two together, Dexter couldn't help but shudder. His cock was still trying to grow, but more than that, he found himself...almost craving this. The conditioning in the dungeon had been so torturous, but so pleasurable at the same time. He wanted to serve, both to get the rewards and to never go back there again. He wanted to be at the dragon's control...didn't he?

If he was locked up, though, he wouldn't have a choice, and he didn't know if he wanted that or not.

"P-please...I'll obey. Just don't -"


The Black's finger wrapped around his balls, and the otter grunted at the sudden, almost painful squeeze. He arched his back, but was pulled right back down by the dragon's powerful grip.

"You are a slave. You do not get to dictate what I do and don't do. Remember that."

The dragon clicked the lock shut. As soon as he heard the sound, the otter whimpered, even as his cock tried to shoot up. Due to damage from the electricity, it could barely even throb, but even so he felt the metal of the cage against him. It stung, and he knew it would only get worse the more turned on he got.

He was so focused on the cage that he didn't notice the dragon stripping down in front of him until the Black had his cock pressed against the otter's lips. Dexter looked up, his eyes momentarily crossing before he met the dragon's eyes.

"Suck, slave. You've done it before, and trust me, you'll want me as slick as I can be when I lift that tail of yours."

Driven on by a sense of self-preservation (he told himself) he opened his mouth wide and let the dragon's cock in. Immediately it started stretching his jaws, forcing them wider and wider as the Black slid forward. He could feel every inch of the cock passing his lips, the strange heat from the dragon's body on the verge of burning his lips as it went further and further down his throat. The otter couldn't even reach up to grab the dragon, but the Black seemed not to care, merely forcing himself on the otter more than before.

Dexter was gagging long before the slowly descending dragon had sheathed his cock in his mouth, his throat clenching down on the cock as the dragon kept forcing it anyway. He groaned, trying not to think about what he was doing, but it was impossible as the scent of the dragon grew stronger and stronger. He could feel it sliding into his mind, and his cock began to twitch.

Submission...I submit to save...myself...not to...

He didn't even want to think about enjoying it, but the musk made it hard to think of anything else. The dragon's scent was sex incarnate, and the otter's body responded without him meaning it to. His tongue flicked along the underside of the dragon's cock, and he could feel his hole start to twitch.

It didn't take long for the Black to draw his attention back down to the cage, flicking it hard enough to make the otter groan around the hard, thick shaft.

"It looks like you're already growing, little slut. You're going to be nice and big before long, and then the cage will really feel like it's holding you in. You'll be needier by the day, and you'll know that only I can release you, only I can give you what you crave. And you'll obey all the more eagerly in hopes of getting that release."

The dragon thrust forward hard, burying his cock deep in the otter's throat several times as Dexter gagged around it. His lips were covered with his own spit as the dragon dragged his soaked cock back and forth, and when the Black finally pulled out, the otter wasn't surprised to see strings of spit coating it and stretching towards his lips.

The Black smiled, waving his cock back and forth. Almost, almost against his will, Dexter followed it back and forth like a conductor's wand.

"You're losing yourself, slave. You are giving in, finally."

"I...I surrendered in the dungeon, m-master."

"Your body surrendered. In time, your mind will as well."

The otter hated the fact that his body was responding with arousal at that, particularly as his cock finally got big enough for him to figure out that the cage didn't bend. He bit his lip, hissing as he felt his cock try and grow inside the metal restraints, but was kept pinned, kept small instead. It didn't quite hurt, but it came pretty damn close.

Of course, he didn't get long to linger on that. The dragon rolled his weakened body onto its stomach again, and Dexter blushed as his ass was dragged back, put up in the air as the dragon held onto his hips like handlebars. The soft puffing of air under his tail left him blushing, and his cock tried again to throb. The frustration of not even being able to get hard was maddening.

"It's a good thing that your throat was so wet, slave. I don't know that I could have fit in you, otherwise."

" it, master."

"Heh, is that the best you can beg? You have a long way to go."

The dragon laughed behind him, and the otter braced himself as that semi-slick shaft slowly pushed against his hole, and then began the process of sliding in. The hot tip pushed him apart faster than he liked, and he hissed as the air was driven out of him by the dragon's massive size. He couldn't believe how big it was, how thick it was. The whole thing left him breathless, his hole stretched beyond anything that he had ever considered.

And worst of all, his cock was twitching and leaking like the sluts he'd seen before. The cage kept him from getting hard, but he still oozed. He gasped, panting as he tried to ignore it, but the cage squeezed his captive cock too hard for that to be possible.

The Black laughed.

"I told you. You will break under me, and you will learn to serve me willingly."

Dexter's thoughts were wiped from his head at the next thrust from the Black's cock, and the next after that wiped the concept of thinking from his mind. He lay there, gasping and panting as he was opened up by the thick shaft, taking it deeper with each corresponding thrust. Soon, he was conscious of nothing but cock, cock that was plowing ever deeper, claiming him ever further.

The End