02. Experimental Doseage

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#37 of Iron Author

Iron Author Commission for heru

A sequel story for the pharmacist and his fraternity of subbordinates as he continues his experimentations; told from the perspective of his "victims" in a series of journal entries, they come closer to becoming a real "frat" house.

02. "Experimental Doseage"

--Cole Peters: 07/14 (Tuesday)--

Mark suggested I start keeping a journal to keep a record of my experiments. My name is Cole Peters, a student of CU and head of the Pi Capa Theta house just outside campus. I'm still not sure why I was talked into making a record, but it's one of the few times that jokester actually made sense to me. Of course, I was probably a little out of my mind when I did it. It was Sunday night, I had gotten home after receiving a bottle of pills from Zach Riley, the head of this experiment. He'd told me that the pills were a strong alternative to steroids; it lacked the negative side effects like shortened temper, hair loss, cock size and lower sperm count, he told me that they actually increased as my muscle size did. What I didn't expect was the strong, powerful euphoria that it gave me, a feeling of being helpless to my desires, wanting to fuck and be fucked so badly that my pants were wet with precum just at the thought of it.

I was with Mark when I tried them the first time, it was Monday afternoon and we'd found a place in the woods where I could try the pills out without any sort of risk. I didn't want to strip down like Mark suggested, that wolf was always trying to get me naked. He told me "I warned you" as I put the pills in my mouth. They were little purple pills, I'd never seen such a shade on pills before. It was a chalky pastel color that left a film on my tongue as I chased it with a bottle of water. I sat there a few minutes, anticipating some sudden shock of horniness or lust that Mark had warned me about, but nothing came. I began to wonder if this was nothing more than some kind of a hoax, but it subtly came on and my head felt like it was floating above my body.

I could hear myself give off a moan, but it didn't feel like it was something I'd said for a moment. Waves of purple rippled in my eyes for a few moments before my vision returned to normal. I could feel my heart suddenly start beating so fast that I just had to lay back, the dizziness only lasted for a moment, but as my head cleared I could feel Mark on top of my stomach. His thick, muscular arms had come to a rest on both sides of my head and he was kissing me. His tongue tasted sweet; sweeter than any girl I'd ever kissed. Regaining my senses I inhaled sharply and kissed him back. I grabbed him around the shoulders with my arms and pulled him down on top of me, driving my tongue deeper into his mouth. Grey on white with stripes suddenly came to my head, what a beautiful coloration to go wrestling across the ground under the trees. I growled and reached down, grabbing his bare ass firmly in my hands. He was definitely right to have gotten naked for this, all of a sudden I wanted to fuck that ass so badly that it hurt. My cock was straining so hard against the front of my shorts that I was moaning and grunting in pain. Mark was such a tease though; he reached down and cupped both paws on my crotch, I could feel every finger groping along every curve of my groin, but he was making no effort to unbutton my pants. I tried to make a move for them, but Mark grinned and pinned my arms to the ground and I found myself unable to move them. I suddenly didn't even know I wanted to move them. Mark nipped his teeth along my neck, and I could feel the vibrations flutter across my flesh. I gasped and I cried out, howling in lust as I tried desperately to free myself. It was the lack of control I think that I liked the most. I couldn't move because Mark was willing it, because Riley had willed him to will it.

Riley... Zach's face flashed before my eyes as we struggled. I tried to roll us over, so that I could be on top, but helplessly I was foiled by Mark who grabbed the black button shirt I wore and ripped it wide open. "FUCK!" I cried, feeling a ripple of pleasure on my chest as Mark's chest fur stroked along it, making my toes curl. "Fuck me!" It sounded more like a desperate plea and I was surprised I'd screamed it. I'd never imagined being fucked by a guy before, I'd never imagined making out with one as a matter of fact. Mark sat upright on me, his long cock grinding into my stomach, precum filling my senses as it drained out onto my muscles and dripped copiously down my sides. The wolf had a wide grin on his face.

"I could get used to this." He said to me, but I think I was enthralled in lust as I continued to try and fuck him through my shorts. He grabbed my chest with his hands as he shifted off my stomach and moved downward. His hands grabbed my shorts and he ripped the top apart making me worried he was actually tearing my pants off of me. I didn't express my worry though, I was a little preoccupied fucking his mouth with my tongue; I'd grabbed his head and pulled it down on me kissing him hard as he stripped me. My cock fell out into the open and I could feel his cock grind against it. The sensation made me gasp in shock as I struggled to kick my shorts off. I was impatient, I wanted him to fuck me, or I wanted to fuck him, I didn't really care at that point. The forest around me, the beautiful day, everything was lost on the intention of just losing myself. I knew I could trust Mark, he'd been a good friend of mine for ages. He grabbed my cock and his own and began to rub them together, and I knew he wouldn't hurt me but somehow that only made it hotter.

He shifted off me completely now, but somehow I still couldn't move. It was like I'd been paralyzed by the lust. I felt Mark's hands grab my thighs and pull them upward as he slid down between my legs. My ankles came down and rested on Mark's back as he arched inward and grabbed my balls in his mouth. I gasped and clawed at the ground as I felt that, looking down, I could see Mark messily sucking my balls, letting my cock make a huge mess on his face. Messy, dark streaks of wetness had drawn lines across his muzzle and over his eyes as his tongue crept even lower. I could feel it on my ass hole and I gasped loudly as he teased my pucker with his tongue. It slipped in and out slowly, the breadth of his tongue was amply tasting every inch of me and I panted loudly, my head fell to the grass like it was a pillow and I felt Mark raising my legs even higher as he passed himself completely down there. I moaned, I couldn't tell if it was just his tongue anymore, all I could see was the skies and stars in my vision as I let out loud, passionate howls, feeling Mark treat himself to my ass from one end of my crack to the other. He shifted between sucking my balls to sucking my cock to licking and eating my ass. I began to wonder where he learned how to do all this, but before I asked him I could hear my lust rushing to my head. I'd forgotten where my shorts had gone, my shirt was still clinging to my shoulders, but slipping lower as i shifted to my arms and felt the collar of my shirt droop from them. He'd spread my ass apart and was driving his tongue into it, I could only see his tail flip from side to side, his shoulders shifting as he moved his weight from one side to the other.

"Turn over for me." He said to me, and it felt like echoes bouncing off my skull. I wanted to listen, I wanted to obey. As soon as Mark's body moved away from my legs I turned over, he pulled me up onto my knees and continued to eat into my ass. I moaned and gasped. I hadn't realized how much precum I'd actually spilled onto my stomach, it was dripping almost as much as my cock as strings of clear and white fluid drained into the grass under us. "What do you want, Cole?" Mark asked me and I answered as if I was already ready to be asked that question.

"I want to be fucked. Please... fuck me like I'm yours!"

"But who do you belong to?" Mark asked, his finger digging into my ass as he spoke, teasing me, taunting my prostate with his nimble tip. "Who do we all belong to?"

"Nnnnhhh... Zach..." I moaned. "Zach Riley..."

I felt something wet pour onto my ass, wet and cold and slick. I looked back and saw that Mark was working in lube with his fingers, pushing them in deeper and deeper. The shocks of pleasure that came through me almost made me cum on the spot. "Ahhh! AHHH!" I cried the deeper his fingers went into me. I remember the more he did it, the more I wanted it, I was only really nervous when I felt his cock push against my ass, the warm length of flesh contrasting the cool touch of lube. He pushed himself inward and I clenched my fists, gasping loudly as he started to fuck me. The sensation stung, but it was wonderful. I moaned and cried louder, trying to buck back into his cock as he fucked me even harder. He grabbed my hips and shoved himself in so hard that my knees left the ground. It really didn't take much, I could feel chills in my spine a lustful growl in my throat as Mark fucked me harder and as deep as he could. I huffed and panted loudly, hearing the dull thud of my knees as they hit the ground with a sound thump, thump, thump.

"Oh yeah...." I heard Mark behind me growl, then grunt as he grabbed me nice and tight.

I felt the surge of warmth flood me, it shot clear up to my stomach it felt like and coated my ass lining so much I could even feel it leaking out. The wolf's pulsing into my ass was enough for me and I lurched back, roaring loudly as I came. I watched as streams of cum shot out in front of me again and again. When it finally began to settle down I almost collapsed to the ground. I'd never felt such pleasure, it was like I was being watched by him; by Riley as we fucked. At the moment though, I felt like I was on cloud nine, feeling Mark buried to the hilt in my ass I didn't think I would be going anywhere for a while.

That's enough from me for now. Now I gotta get to bed, jerk a few out and go to sleep, I've gotta be up for class in the morning.




--Zach Riley 07/15 (Wednesday)--

I'd never thought I would have gotten Cole Peters involved; he seemed like such a tough ass to me, but where there's a hard head there's a challenge, I guess. I watched Mark work him into the fold yesterday. Pity I wasn't the first to fuck him, but that's not really the main reason I wanted to do this. I want to bring joy and the enjoyment of sex to all the boys at Pi Capa Theta; Mark was the second I'd gotten into it, after Jay. But Jay was more devoted to me, so there was no way the experiment would have been as enjoyable. Jay being a total bottom, but he better not find out I told anyone that. (the bitch). But I enjoyed it; every minute of it. If I didn't know any better I'd swear that that kitty was a natural bottom. The way he writhed and cringed with every touch to his ass, I think it was the most sensitive I'd seen of anyone's ass since starting this. Mark, Ben, Andy and Jay had all different reactions to the meds, especially on the purple phase where their minds were sorting out their places in the hierarchy. It was truly amazing to see what each of them would do, until watching Cole in action Ben and Jay were constantly bickering for their place at the bottom of the chain, I really ought to pit the two together sometime and see exactly what would happen. But Cole... Cole's reaction was by far the most potent I've seen. With the perfection of the purple starters so close at hand, I think his was the fastest and the hardest I'd ever recorded.

Jay, the first of the house to try my pills only fell into it halfway through the second week when he exposed his ass to me during a sorority party and begged me to eat it out and fuck him into the floor. Mark reached that point around the second week and with Jay only wanting to be fucked I gladly took them both. When Ben came around he was a natural middle between the two, but came across even sluttier than Jay in less than half the time. I tried to edge off the medications, but it didn't stop Andy from wanting to fuck both of them and be fucked by me within the first week. Now with Cole, the complete collection of the fraternity, he fell into lust with the first pill. For a while I'd questioned whether or not to keep him on the regimen, but he seemed perfectly suited, so I've already prepared the pills for his next couple weeks' build up to the final pill color in three weeks. It was never really a question that he'd fit in, but I was nervous when I set up our having fun this weekend as the whole fraternity would be having an in-house party to celebrate. I hope he's still up for it then.




--Ben Travis: Thursday (07/16)--

Tomorrow's the big party where we can finally celebrate being together as a house for once. I moved in a little over a year ago after my initiation, and a few months ago when Zach got me into his medicine, I'd always felt like the odd-ape out. I've always been lustful of Cole, but until now he'd been unobtainable to me. After Zach gave me the intructions to be at the park on Tuesday, I wasn't sure what to expect, and boy was I shocked to see what I saw: Cole being fucked mercilessly by Mark. I tried to keep my gasp of shock to myself as I quickly leaped up and caught onto a branch, hiding myself in the foliage above. (Yes, big monkey like hiding in trees) get over it.

Anyway, I managed to perch myself above the two of them and stared downward. I watched as Mark fully penetrated Cole like a bitch and Cole screaming like he loved it. I wasn't too disappointed in this turnout; I mean, I imagined Cole taking me like Mark was taking him, so I hope that's not totally out of the question. My jeans had a tent in them that started the moment I saw them together, so I took advantage of my seclusion and removed them. I was only wearing my old ratty tanktop I wore around the shop, so the smell of oil and grease was just the fuel to the fire. I grabbed my cock and began to stroke it, I'd already been leaking so I slurped it off my dirty paws and vigorously went to town. I was mostly watching the two of them as one of my legs dangled over the branch the other kept me stable on it as I leaned back against the trunk of the tree as I squeezed my dick and stroked it. My tongue dragged along those sharp fangs of mine as I rubbed myself to the base and back to the tip. I shivered as the tingles of pleasure shot through me. I'd never been much of a top myself, but I knew I was hung like a can of Red Bull and I enjoyed every inch of it when I could. I lifted my arm and sniffed at my pit and ran my tongue across it, tasting my own musk wasn't as enjoyable as smelling the life out of someone else's but it worked in a pinch. I could hear Cole's moans getting louder, and I began to growl in response. I lowered my arm and began to cup my balls with my hand, pressing my finger into my ass as I stroked. I imagined that tiger fucking me so hard that my guts threatened to be screwed out, I moaned softly, grasping my lower lip with my teeth as I got closer. I realized I had to slow down my strokes, the wet sound of my hand moving back and forth would definitely get Cole's attention and ruin the whole thing for everyone.

Leaning back, I cupped my balls with one of my feet, reaching my other one back to continue the strokes with my other foot; prehensile toes were a definite advantage to being an ape. I licked the precum off my hands before raising my arms behind me, leaning back against the tree trunk completely as I continued to play with myself, it was only a matter of time now I could feel my entire lower body twitching and could see my cock lurching upward.... or downward ready to explode. "Hhnnnn..." I could feel it coming fast, I turned over now, readying myself under the spout as my cock came down onto my face and I began to suck myself off. The strain on my neck was killer, but it was always worth it and it kept me from crying out as I reached my climax.

I could hear myself moan, but at the same time, Cole let out an earth-shattering roar that drowned me out. I felt a spray of cum hit my tongue and my mouth released my spasming cock, shooting me down the neck and across my face with strings of seed that stank like musk in my nostrils. "Ahhh! Hahhh!" I panted, driving a spare finger into my ass in an effort to just keep cumming. After a few minutes the spasming slowed down and stopped and I collapsed, lying out on the tree's branch again. I wiped my face and glanced down to see that Cole and Mark were already cleaning up. I was careful not to drip past the branch, but that was one of the hottest cranks I'd ever had. I wiped my face with my shirt, then realized what I'd done with the smell of grease covered my face at that point. I knew I need a shower, but it was definitely unavoidable now. Then finally yesterday, Zach announced that Cole was entering the fold and I couldn't begin to describe how excited I got at the announcement. Tomorrow's Cole's initiation, I'm gonna take an extra pill tonight and be soaking ready for him to fuck me tomorrow... that's all from this ape tonight.




Friday evening started out about the same as every other one did for Cole. He was stuck at work an extra four hours thanks to his coworker Annie, who was suddenly "sick" at the last minute and retail being the harsh mistress that it was had exhausted the tiger as he pulled into the driveway at the fraternity house. He climbed out of his car and looked up into the sky as the sunset made it look on fire. It was lightly overcast, but there were a couple of stars already making themselves visible in the dimming colors of the sky. He sighed and accepted a cool breeze that greeted him before slamming his car door shut and locking his car. Swinging his keys in a paw, he made his way around to the front of the house and onto the porch. He checked his watch; it was after 7, time for him to take his pill. Discreetly, he pulled a small white bottle from his pocket and dumped one of his purple pills into his palm and he took it with a single swallow. That feeling raced through his heart again; the feeling of euphoria, warm blood pushed by an increased pulse rate made him breathe just a little bit harder which rushed through his pants, beginning an arousal he couldn't stop.

As he put his mind off of his heartrate, he turned the knob and walked into the house. Immediately, his senses went into overdrive as a strong musk filled the air, making him gasp and take a step back. The door had already been closed and Ben was standing there, blocking the exit. "Welcome home, Cole." He said with an innocent smile. It didn't take a second for Cole to realize that the ape was standing there naked, his cock fully at the ready as his smile softened even further. "Now that it really is a home."

"Nnh~" Cole started to object but the human to his back draped an arm over his shoulder.

"I hope you're surprised." Zach said. "I gathered everyone here to throw you a bit of an initiation." He grinned as his hand trailed down Cole's chest, pushing his shirt apart as it traveled to his pants. "Why not get out of those clothes and we'll see what you're up for?" He didn't bother to wait for a response as his hand pushed down on Cole's shoulder, sending him to his knees at the human's crotch.

Desperately, the lust overtook Cole and he slurped the human's balls into his mouth, inhaling his musk as he grabbed each and let the ball drop soundly against his fuzzy chin. He could see everyone looking at him in a mixture of surprise and equal lust, the ones that were only semi-erect now stood at full attention as they began to play with each other, grinning playfully at the head of their fraternity, now joining them in their euphoria.

It was a mixture of smells that Cole could pick up, incense that had been lit bore the unmistakable smell of the pills he'd taken. A strange, berry flavor flushed across his tongue as the tingling began to fill his chest, the light windblown feeling of his fur as his shirt was torn off his muscular body as Andy dropped down behind him and began to push the bigger cat's cheeks apart, dragging his rough tongue between them and right to his pucker. Cole gasped and was immediately choked by the incoming shaft into his throat which made him jump a bit and gag, the taste of Zach's precum on his lips, his tongue, even where it occasionally missed and drew lines along Cole's cheeks tasted so sweet and addicting that he couldn't believe he'd ever missed out on it before. The tonguing made Cole growl passionately and grab the human's ass as he steadied himself and his pants were literally ripped off of him. Those were his good pants, but he didn't care, all he cared about now was driving that shaft somehow deeper and deeper into his throat. He shuddered and swallowed hard as the cat's tongue buried itself deeper and deeper into his ass. A soft moan emitted from his clogged throat as another bead of precum spilled down his esophagus.

"Mmm, that's good. Way better than I'd hoped." The human grinned. "You're definitely taking those pills and enjoying them, aren't you?"

"Mmhmm." Cole mumbled after a swallow, obediently responding to the human.

"And it only gets better from here." Zach moaned as he grabbed the tiger's head and thrust himself in again, panting loudly as the maw opened to Cole's gregarious delight.

Ben was jacking off to Cole's right, teasingly dragging his cock along the tiger's cheek and looking expectantly at Zach. "P-please..." He moaned. "Please let him take me, sir..." He pleaded now. "I want Cole so badly..."

Zach smiled. "Mmm, I think I'd like to see that too." He said as he pulled his cock from Cole's mouth. "But let's make sure he prepares you for it." He looked at the tiger. "You know you're going to enjoy this too." He said.

Directing Ben in his place, the ape fell to his knees, then rested himself on his elbows, his round ass in Cole's face. Hesitant at first, Cole stared deep into the dark pucker of the ape's ass. Pushing the flesh apart he began to tentatively drag his tongue along the crack. It tasted better than he'd expected and quickly he began to press his tongue against Ben's hole. He felt his cock lurch so quickly to life that it slapped his stomach and Ben moaned in response to Cole's eagerness. Zach grinned as he watched, immediately feeling the grasp of Jay's hands around his hips, the bear growled and began to drag his tongue along Zach's ass, saliva pouring down the human's thighs as Mark rather kindly wrapped one arm around the human's waist, leaning in for a kiss while reaching back and pushing the bear's hole with his fingers, making Jay growl and moan ferally.

"Mmmmhhh... yes..." Ben moaned loudly as he felt Cole's tongue push into his ass, Cole shivered at the taste of the ape's ass and growled, stroking himself as he did so. He was surprised how wet his hand was getting, he looked and could see he was leaking precum like a faucet. These pills definitely had an effect on him, and whatever aroma hung in the air only made him lust after Ben's ass even more.

Ben gasped as he felt the tiger's tongue retreating and the feline rising to his feet again. His cock dragged along Ben's ass and pushed against his hole, without skipping a beat, Cole plunged into the warmth of Ben's flesh. Ben cried out loudly and nearly collapsed under the tiger's weight as he thrust his ass back toward him. "AHHH! FUCK!" He panted loudly, rousing Jay's attention as Mark moved in behind him and started to fuck him too.

"Very nice." Zach said, moving toward the two of them now. Andy moved away from indulging on Cole's ass and allowed Zach to step in behind him. Cole looked back at him almost tentatively for a moment, then returned his attention toward Ben as the human lined up his cock and grabbed Cole by the shoulder, thrusting into him as he naturally came back from another lunge. "Mmmmhhh!" Both of them sounded the same at once as the human penetrated him, Andy purred in delight and climbed up behind his master, dragging his cock along Zach's ass as precum poured over his cheeks. He knew that Zach didn't like to be fucked very often, but he'd be happy just to cum all over the human's back if he let him. He purred and growled as Zach bucked into Cole, who then thrust into Ben all at once.

"AHHHH! RRRRAWWWLL!" Jay came first, he tended to always cum easily when being mounted. Pools of cum spilled onto the floor and carpet as the bear's suddenly clenching tight ass caused Mark to cum as well.

"Mmm very nice... very nice, my boys." Zach sighed as he bounced almost like a ping pong ball between Andy and Cole, who lustily fucked Ben. He felt Andy's grip tighten though, and the cat suddenly cuddled into Zach's neck with a passionate sigh, suddenly soaking the man's backside with wave after wave of his own cum.

"Mmmm! AHHH!" Ben cried out loudly suddenly cumming himself and spilling his seed across the floor while Cole pulled back, spun the ape onto his back and then plunged into him again. As the both of them were soaked by the firehose of Ben's cock, Cole came too, burying his own face into Ben's musky, smelly pits and chest.

"Good boys..." Zach said, finally giving in. "M-my... good bo-boy-HNNNH!" He grunted and came into Cole's ass, suddenly flooding it with wave after wave of seed.

Messy and musky with sex, the group finally collapsed into each other, Jay and Mark finally joining the rest of the fray as they relaxed by sitting in front of the seats in the main room. After a while, Cole chuckled.

"What's up?" Ben asked, wiping a thick glob of cum from his chin.

"Can't... can't imagine what anyone would've thought if they'd looked through the window and saw us all fucking in the main room." Cole answered jokingly.

Zach smirked. "I think they'd be jealous." He said, pausing for the others to look at his grin. "I'd let them be too."


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