lust in space 2
Asked nanaki.
Nanaki's Intense Night
nanaki held out his chest in a manly manner. "i am nanaki the lion!", he said with manly gusto. "well, nanaki, we like you. stay with us and have a few drinks.", said gunner. nanaki was never much of a drinker, but he stayed at the table.
Lust in Space (español)
Preguntó nanaki.
lust in space 1
"and stop calling me that, i'm just nanaki." "okay, thank you nanaki."
Lust In Space
"and stop calling me that, i'm just nanaki." "okay, thank you nanaki."
lust in space 3
Then, he dug his claws in nanaki's back, nanaki woke up, screaming in pain.
Lust in space epilogue
Just ask nanaki too.
Nanaki & Kovu
"please take it in your mouth, kovu." said nanaki gently. and kovu did. he was sucking hard on nanaki's huge canine cock. but his mouth was so small that he didn't get past nanaki's knot, which was actually good for him.
FFVII - Nanaki's Dominance
And with that, nanaki leapt off the bed, a smirk still on his face, and walked off towards the door. he hoped... "no." that one word caused nanaki to freeze, his smirk becoming a grin. "don't..." nanaki waited, knowing the words would come.
Red on Blue
"well i'm nanaki... a lot of people call me red xiii though." kimahri nodded. "so where is kimahri?" "well, you're near my home. cosmo canyon." nanaki said. "could i ask you a question?" kimahri nodded at nanaki.
Stone Hard in the Canyon (May Rule 34 Story #1)
Of nanaki's flank.
Meanwhile In Cosmo Canyon
nanaki replied in a slightly skeptical tone.