09. "Bottomed Out"

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#44 of Iron Author

Iron Author commission for shy001

In this sequel to "Family" Donell is tracked down by the dragons Shiron and Ranshiin after his fleeing them, when he is returned home, he and Shiron spend some quality time getting to re-know themselves intimately...

09. "Bottomed Out"

The cold, stormy weather washed around Donell as he flew through the night sky. The speed of his flying made the rain feel like hail along his fur and he had to fly with a seemingly constant squint to keep it from striking his eyes directly. He could sense it; he was being followed, and right now he didn't want to be. He flattened his arms against his side and picked up speed, roaring so loudly that it was as if the storms could hear him, lightning streaked across the sky in front of him, creating tendrils of light that shot straight down through the clouds below him. It was a thing of beauty that he'd never really appreciated before. He had so much rage built up that he just wasn't sure how he would expend it all.

"AHH!" Ranshiin growled as lightning flashed directly in front of him, causing the dragon to recoil back several yards from the strike as Shiron bolted ahead. "Shiron!" He shouted as he gave chase. "This is madness, we will never find him in this mess!" He turned the legendary dragon around after grabbing his shoulders and forcing him to slow down. "We must think about this!"

Shiron glared at the other dragon. "This is our fault, Ranshiin." He said sternly. "I will not stop until I have made up for it."

"It is not your fault, it was the king's doing."

"I am responsible for him." Shiron argued. "I always have been, and now we know the pain he's going through."

Ranshiin sighed and shook his head, feeling the rain pour down on his head. "You are a fool." He admitted. "Then again, I suppose we both are for being out in a mess like this one." There was another flash of lightning, followed by a crack of thunder that sent a shiver down the dragon's spine. "Nnh! I suppose we best keep moving then, or we'll lose him."

Shiron and Ranshiin continued on, following the pull of Donell's shadowy magic.

Sunrise came sometime shortly afterward as the storms that seemed to be fueled by Donell's rage began to subside. The dog/dragon hybrid kept glancing over his shoulder, suspecting he was still being pursued. He folded his arms in against his sides and entered a dive down toward a vast, tropical jungle down below. The cool air above immediately felt damp and heavy as he descended down through the treelines and reached the ground softly. His skin began to grow moist with sweat quickly as he exhaled sharply with the sudden change of environment. Looking toward the sky, he could see nothing as he brushed the foliage aside and moved quietly from the clearing. Whoever was following him would not see him and would not sense his power; he concentrated, allowing his shadowy magic and rage to settle down and to return him to a somewhat normal state. This of course caused the canine to collapse onto the ground as his ebbing anger was washed over by overwhelming sadness and grief. He'd learned the reason why he was raised by King Dranzer, why he had been surrounded by dragons all his life, because his parents were killed by them.

He clutched at the ground under him and sighed, trying to hold back the sobs as he tried to keep his power under control, but he wasn't sure how long it was going to last. Looking up again, he could see two figures flying across the sky and he instinctively held his breath as he slinked back behind the treeline. It was Ranshiin... Donell thought as he watched the large dragon shooting across above, turning his eyes to the one in the lead, he could recognize the erratic pattern of the other one, those soft white wings catching the glow of the rising sun. "Shiron." He said, just above a whisper, causing the dragon to slow his flight. Donell gasped and ducked deeper under the treeline, pressing himself against a tree and closing his eyes, praying he hadn't been seen, hoping that Shiron wouldn't come down and discover him like this. Donell's fingers clawed at the tree trunk as he tried to will himself into the tree with all his might. Glancing up, he could see that the two dragons, who had paused their trek across the airway had resumed their flight. Donell sighed in relief as he put a hand on his warm, fevered brow and stepped into the jungle under the canopy to try and keep the sunlight from baking into his fur this early in the morning.

"Why did you do it?" He asked himself as he walked along aimlessly as visions of his recently restored memory haunted him, seeing his mother be killed and then his father by the very couple of dragons he had learned to trust and love throughout the years. He then remembered the look of sheer deadness in his father's eyes as he looked at him and Arnold; they had a certain sadness, an unrecognizing father's face as he was somehow forced to try and kill his children. He leaned against a tree and sank to the ground, sitting there as he buried his face into his arms. "I... I know why you did. But I don't know if I can accept that." He said. "There could have been another way, there should have been another way..."

"RAAAAHHHH!!!" The stormy night was almost as terrifying as the screams that echoed after Donell, who ran panicked through the streets. Rain poured down on him as the skies filled with bright white lights that were followed by an ear shattering boom of thunder.

He skidded in the water as he took a sharp turn to the right and made his way down a narrow alley corridor. "Mommy, daddy!" He cried out, hearing his own voice echo as he ran toward the end, still sobbing as he made his way toward the end of the alleyway. Suddenly, a figure came into view, nearly throwing the dog off to the side.

"Run, Donell!" The voice roared as the massive dragon had made an appearance. "Find your brother!"

Donell continued to run, he trusted this dragon. In his fear and doubt, he trusted the red one to protect him just as much as his parents. But he didn't understand why. Tears were streaming down his face, mixing with the cold rain that was soaking him. Suddenly a pair of arms reached out and grabbed Donell, pulling him into his body. Noticing it was Arnold, he was still surprised when his older brother covered his mouth as a loud crash erupted beside them.

"D-Daddy?" He said, letting his mouth slip away from Arnold's grasp. His eyes began to weep even more as the massive dog looked at them, a dead white color had transfixed over his eyes and he growled at the sight of the children. "Daddy!" Donell cried again as he felt Arnold's arms wrap around his waist, preventing him from lunging after the man.

Arnold gasped at the sight of their father getting up and just as easily shrugging off what looked like a clearly dislocated shoulder. "H-he's not dad anymore." He said, holding his brother tighter. "Donell, he's not our dad anymore!" He repeated as he turned and tried to drag him away.

"Daddy!" Donell screeched again as he threw himself from Arnold's grasp and ran toward him, but the big dragon dropped down from above and landed in between them, tackling the dog and forcing him away.

"Arnold, get him out of here!" Dranzer snarled as he looked back over his shoulder. "He must not see--nnh!" He grunted as the dog struck him hard, and knocked him to the ground.

The imagery played out just as it had before; the two of them held themselves back, trapped by the debris around them as their father charged at them, frothing at the mouth to try and kill them, but trapped and beheaded by Dranzer, their father's head fell to the ground near them while above, their mother was killed as well. It was some strange and powerful enchantment that had been placed over them. Something that wasn't easily broken, something that drove their parents into madness. As Donell relived the looks of sadness and regret that he and his brother were given, he knew that their newly adopted parents loved them, but there was a single question that burned through Donell's mind, that he said, but didn't really say as a child...

"Why didn't you try harder?"

Somehow, Donell had made his way to the rocky border of a waterfall fountain. The sound of running water rushed through his ears like rain as he draped himself across the border, his hand was submerged in the cool water as a tear from his eye dripped into the clear liquid. It took him a moment to realize he'd spoken his last line aloud.

As the water came clearer, he noticed someone else was there, just across the fountain from him. He jerked his head up to see Shiron standing there and he quickly rose back to his feet. "Is that what you think, Donell? That he didn't try?"

After a third step back the dog backed into another object, this one bigger even than Shiron, he spun around to see Ranshiin standing directly behind him. "Lord Dranzer tried everything he could to break the spell that took your parents, but he was forced to kill them in the end, only because otherwise that would have meant you and your brother would be forever in danger."

"Y-you're lying." Donell insisted angrily.

"Is that what you think?" Shiron asked. "Would you think I'd lie to you?"

"Just--just... leave me alone!" Donell shouted angrily, suddenly regaining some of his dragon form enough to propel himself into the air and take flight. "I want to be left alone!"

Shiron and Ranshiin looked at one another and frowned before taking flight after him and chasing Donell up into the sky.

Donell climbed fast into the clouds, using his abilities to turn them dark grey in color, but that didn't dissuade his pursuers, who burst through the clouds in hot chase. Donell weaved and dodged the air currents, trying to trip them up as he tried to avoid their grasps. He ascended and then dove sharply in order to outrun them. All the while exclaiming that they leave him alone, but nothing seemed to work. A flash of lightning came down hard, hitting Ranshiin's shoulder and knocking him, spinning out of sight.

At last, Shiron's arms caught Donell and thrust him against his body. Donell grunted at the sudden restriction, shifting back into his spotted black and white dog form as he tried to unhook the clenched claws of the dragon, wriggling violently until Shiron put the top of his head against Donell's back. "Please be calm." Shiron whispered, just loud enough for the canine to hear him. "I understand how you must be feeling, but this won't bring them back. King Dranzer is in as much pain keeping this from you as long as he did, can you blame him?"

"But... he killed them."

"He had no choice." Shiron explained. "Do you really think the man who raised you as his son would have been so malicious?"

Tears were streaming down Donell's face as he realized what Shiron was asking. He inhaled deeply and released a heavy sigh of air. "N...no... I guess not." He said, giving off another sob as Shiron squeezed tighter around his stomach. "It just hurts..."

"So do you, if given half a chance." Ranshiin flew into sight, rubbing the back of his neck and rolling it. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I... guess." Donell said softly. "I really made a mess of things, didn't I?"

"You wouldn't be the first dragon to run away from his troubles." Shiron said. "But now it's time to head back, don't you think?"

The flight back took much longer, in Donell's mind that it did going out. Flying through the morning, then the afternoon sunlight, the draconic dog watched the land pass undisturbed underneath them as they flew. Shiron and Ranshiin remained quiet as they watched his quiet contemplation for the trip back. The sky filtered with clouds mixed with green patches far below, but it eventually began to show signs of civilization. On cue the three of them started making their descent through the clouds and as they grew closer to the ground, they could make out individual landmarks, then individual streets until all three of them landed soundly in front of the familiar white house at the end of the block and Donell returned to his normal mix of black and white fur.

As they approached, Arnold and Drake emerged from the house. Drake put his hands on Donell's shoulders and looked at him with concern. "Are you alright?" He asked.

Donell sighed a bit and looked into the Weregarurumon's eyes. "Not really." He said. "But I will be."

"He took off so quick yesterday I thought you guys would never catch up." Arnold admitted with a laugh. He was dressed in a checkered open shirt with a blue tanktop underneath and blue jeans on his legs. Drake hadn't changed his clothes at all, and was still dressed in his same clothes from the day before, meaning he'd spent the night at the dragons' house.

"Yes it was... a challenge." Ranshiin said. "Are the others in?"

Arnold shook his head. "They took off about an hour or two ago, didn't tell us where they were headed."

"I'm... going to go take a shower." Donell said, adding a bit of hesitation to his sentence. "I'll be fine you guys. Thanks for your concern."

Drake watched with a frown as Donell walked past him with barely a look as he made his way to the house. Looking back at Shiron, he could see the massive blue dragon was also quite distraught from this. "Go with him." Drake said softly to the dragon.

"Wh-what?" Shiron asked. "I don't want to--"

"Clearly there are some unresolved things with him, and I'm not going to stand in the way, I know how he feels about you, Shiron. Maybe you should go be with him until he's back on his feet."

"I..." Shiron paused and realized that Drake may have been right. "Thank you, Drake."

Drake chuckled as Shiron started past him and stopped him. "But don't think I won't fight you for him, right?" He asked, half jokingly. Shiron silently continued on toward the house.

As Shiron entered the house, he immediately saw Donell's pants on the floor with one leg lingering up the bottom step slightly. He picked it up and started walking up the stairwell, about halfway up he could hear the shower running which somehow made his heart beat faster. He couldn't explain why he felt this way, he'd been with Donell before, but it was just so long ago that it felt like the first time. He was already clambering a bit with his armor as he stepped through the door and into Donell's room.

Donell sighed as he plunged his face under the steaming hot water as he washed it back down his head and to his neck. The water felt so good, he'd almost forgotten that he was in his shower. He put his hands flat against the wall in front of him and let the water rush down his back. He bent down and began to run the water over his thick muscular thighs, his cock was already half erect from looking at how nicely he'd changed since getting his dragon powers, but he didn't expect to hear the bathroom door open. He quickly stood upright and tried to glance through the shower's glass door, but it was fogged up from the steam. "Who--who's there?" He asked. "Is that you Drake?" The door opened and the muscled blue dragon stepped in, first tucking his white feathered wings to climb into the stall. A mixture of surprise and elation crossed Donell's muzzle as he took a step back. "Sh-Shiron... what are you doing here?" He asked.

Shiron towered over Donell, his thick dragon shaft was almost as high as the canine's stomach, his muscular body almost twice as wide as his own, even after being thickened by the magic of his new dragon hybrid body. Shiron's piercing blue eyes locked with Donell's as he stepped closer. Donell's back pressed against the back of the shower as Shiron's gentle fingers took his hips and pressed their swords together. Shiron smiled and looked down at his lover with a smile on his face. "I am here because I'm needed." He said softly, gently pushing his finger under the dog's chin so they were again looking eye to eye, water draining down the dragon's scalp. "You worried me when you took off like that Donell, but I know why you did. I guess I've always known how I felt about you, but was never really... dragon enough to admit it seriously."

Donell blushed as Shiron returned his hands to his hips, their noses were so close all he wanted to do was lean in and kiss him. "How--how do you feel about me?" He asked.

Shiron didn't answer with words, but instead pulled Donell into a soft kiss. Donell's blush intensified, he could feel his cheeks burning though his face quickly grew numb of the hot water as he returned the kiss in full. As Shiron leaned down a bit more, Donell's arms wrapped around his neck and he could feel the dragon's shaft throbbing against his stomach as it quickly sprang to life. Their kiss quickly intensified, Donell and Shiron both inhaled sharply through their noses a shiver of lust passing in between them as Shiron more aggressively pushed Donell back against the stall's wall, his dragon tongue finding and wrestling madly with the dog's. Donell's cock sprang up and pressed firmly against the underside of Shiron's balls, Shiron purred and growled in response. Soon, he pulled his head back and craned it around, using the leverage to lift Donell up slightly to expose his nipples. Shiron's tongue found a nipple, encircled it and he sucked it into his mouth Donell let out a playful gasp as his hands caressed the muscular body pushing down on top of him. One of Shiron's nipples were close by and Donell took advantage of it, grasping it gently into the front of his teeth and suckling it as well. He could feel Shiron hiss as he passed between Donell's nipples, playing with them, the tip of his tongue teasing their hardness as it pushed against and played with them. Donell growled and gripped Shiron's head, gasping in between his breaths. Shiron seemed to enjoy this and he grabbed the dog at the small of his back, pulling him tight against his mouth.

Shiron's hands fell even lower, reaching around Donell's hips, he grabbed the dog's ass and spread the cheeks apart tauntingly as he lifted him slightly. Breaking his lips and teeth from the canine's nipples he crouched slightly, making Donell's hips come forward a bit, with a coy look to his soft eyes, Shiron slipped his lips over the tip of Donell's cock. The dog gasped sharply and his hips bucked forward on impulse. Bumping his head against the shower wall didn't have much of an effect on him though as he felt the warm dragon maw slowly making its way down his length to his thick balls. Donell moaned softly, feeling the dragon's massaging fingers dig into his ass cheeks. He grasped and held Shiron's head closer, feeling as the dragon's scalp moved back some, then forward, engulfing all of his length as his fingers began to taunt and tease at the canine's ass. Even if it were on accident, it was still fiercely turning him on. Donell grunted and growled as he leaned back, feeling his cock submerge into Shiron's mouth again and again as the dragon pulled himself out to the tip slowly before chugging it down harder, more and more Donell just wanted to take Shiron's shaft and return the favor, his toes were curling in delight over the treatment the dragon's maw was giving him.

After several minutes, Shiron slowly drifted away from Donell's cock, letting his feet completely come back to the floor. They shared another kiss before Donell broke it and this time took another turn with Shiron's nipples. Shiron rumbled softly in delight as the dog moved from one nipple to the other, gently chewing, but never biting down on the nubs. His hands falling to Shiron's shaft he groped at his cock, feeling it bounce and twitch at his touch. After giving the nipples enough of a workout to almost turn them purple, Donell kissed down the muscled abdomen until the shaft bounced against his chin, teasing him with its girth and its needs to be in his mouth. Donell obliged happily, taking the tip first into his mouth, then almost chasing his fingers down the shaft he began to swallow the cock. Shiron was impressed with how much his lover could take. He moaned softly, thankfully the hot water was a good long and strong heat, it was steaming up the shower glass so that the dragon's claw could visibly drag across it. He licked his lips with his tongue and leaned into the thrusting and swallowing of Donell's mouth, his exhaling had gotten to a stutter and his breathing began to get faster and faster. Donell really knew how to work his mouth around his cock. The wet tongue wrapping around its girth, the tight throat opening enough to slip his tip through, Shiron's tail had developed a mind of its own and was twitching like a whip.

Donell looked up and smiled at Shiron, his throat still full of cock he pulled his head back some and a stream of precum drooled off his lips as they parted the shaft. Silently, he turned around, Donell had always been the bottom and let Shiron have his way with him in the past. But as he leaned forward to flash his butt at the dragon, Shiron smiled and turned him back around. "No... not yet." He said with a purr as he licked the dog's ear. "Fuck me first."

Donell blushed. "Wh-what? Why?"

"Because my love, you have an anger pent up inside of you like dynamite. If you want to use it, please use it on my ass." He turned around and crouched down, using his fingers to spread his cheeks apart and expose the pucker in between. "Fuck me, Donell..."

Donell's heart skipped a beat, but he and his lurching cock didn't delay him for long. He grasped the dragon's ass and helped spread it apart. He pressed his finger to the pucker, he leaned in and pressed his digit forward, feeling the warm ring press in slightly. Shiron moaned and growled softly, letting his hands drag along the glass he was leaning against and leaving long imprints through the fog. Donell stood and pressed the tip of his cock to the waiting ass and felt the ring collapse around its tip as well. He pushed forward, and with the aid of the water showering on them he was able to easily sink his shaft into the dragon. Shiron gasped and growled as he lowered his ass downward to easily rest on the cock, letting Donell penetrate him completely. Donell had little else to hold onto but the dragon's wide hips to keep from falling himself. He grunted as he thrust up into the dragon and Shiron winced and grunted accordingly. Long, slow strides, deeper and deeper the dog went as Shiron lowered himself down enough until he was about kneeling on the tile floor.

"Yes... ohhh yes..." He grunted as Donell's thrusts got more vigorous.

Donell grabbed Shiron's shoulders now, practically laying across the blue dragon's hide as he fucked him. He growled and grunted, bucking hard with each thrust as his heart began to remember the events that brought them to this moment. His parents killed by the man who raised him and Arnold, the fact that the hot Titan turned out to be his brother Arnold, the memories flooding into his mind making him fuck all the harder. His nails were dragging down the dragon's back, almost through the stems that held Shiron's wings in place as he began to pound harder. Donell could see the flesh rippling out from Shiron's ass, his cock was buried so hard and so far into him that Donell could feel their balls slapping together. Shiron looked at Donell through the corners of his eyes, silently pleading for him to go faster, to thrust harder and Donell did. Shiron moaned loudly, lost in lust as he'd never been fucked quite as hard as he was being right now.

"NNNHHHAHHH!" Donell came so suddenly he almost didn't feel it until it was upon him. He bucked hard into Shiron's ass, who let out a hiss of content as his insides were flooded and cum was draining down from his ass. Shiron bit his lower lip and still forced his ass back on Donell trying to gather every drop thrown into him. After a good minute of thrusting and shaking, Donell almost collapsed on Shiron's back, breathing heavily. "G-gods... that was hot..." He panted.

"Mmm... yes..." Shiron admitted before suddenly rising and spinning around. He grabbed Donell by the shoulders and growled as he thrust his back up against the shower door, leaving a fine imprint of the dog's ass as he moved in, settling his cock under the dog's tail. "So is this."

Shiron allowed Donell to balance himself on the shower door as he spread his legs apart some. Already, the canine's thick cock was coming back to life, he knew what to expect from the dragon it seemed and Shiron soaked his fingers in the dripping cum from his already wet ass in order to lube himself up. He pushed against the ring, watching as Donell thumped back against the glass leaning back as his face contorted into a passionate cry. Pushing Donell's cheeks apart further, Shiron bucked up and felt his cock pop through the tight flesh and into his ass, using his other arm to support Donell's weight, Shiron practically held him aloft as he fucked him. He felt the dog's legs and hips shift as he lustily cried out for more. The dragon obliged by plugging in even deeper. He craned his neck down and began to lick and nip at the helpless canine's nipples as he bucked him against the glass with a dull but persistent thudding noise. Donell gasped and panted loudly now, his fingers clawing gripless against the glass as he was fucked hard by the loving dragon. Shiron's mouth moved upward, licking his chest mawing at his throat before finally coming up to Donell's mouth and kissing him. It was a wide, devouring kiss this time and both of them wrestled their tongues in a fair attempt to pin the other one down. Neither of them gave in their contest and Shiron firmed his grip, thrusting in hard now the ass so tight around his shaft that he was convinced he'd ruin the canine for anyone else, but he didn't care. To Shiron, nothing mattered but Donell, and he hoped he felt the same way.

"Sh-shit.... Shiron, you're gonna make me cum again." Donell panted loudly as his head bumped back against the glass.

Shiron felt the surge coming up on him too, he was about to explode and there was no containing it now. "D-do it Donell... do it for me... ahh--f-fuck...." He panted as he grew ever closer.

Donell howled this time, letting out a surge of cum that splattered between them. It was like a miniature firehose, surprising to both of them considering that Donell had just flooded Shiron moments before. Shiron felt his teeth grate along the lips of his maw, he could feel the ass muscles clenching around his cock, it was too late to slow down now. Instead he gave a last, heaving thrust before letting out a very loud, and very feral roar.

The cum flood that happened next was beyond compare. It was like Shiron could just fold Donell forward and he'd drain like a sponge, cum exploded hard into the dog to the point where they could almost see it happening in his stomach. The two of them embraced so tightly that the door had fallen open and neither of them fell. Streams of escaping seed splattered onto the floor under them as they kissed, moaning and gasping passionately in each other's mouths. It took a moment before Shiron could work up the nerve to close the shower door again and let Donell down so they could both properly clean up.

Forgetting the mess for the time being, after each of them finished bathing, they kissed again and made their way into Donell's room. Exhausted from their excursion and their fun they collapsed onto Donell's bed where the canine fell asleep in his lover's embrace. Moments later, Shiron fell asleep as well, his eyes too heavy even for him.

"Sounds like they were having fun." Arnold pointed out, looking up at the ceiling above the living room. "It's gotten kind of quiet now."

"Maybe you should check to make sure they didn't kill themselves." Ranshiin asked teasingly.

"Oh trust me, Donell can take a brutal fucking." Drake admitted to the amused stares from the others. "What?" He asked, innocently popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

Arnold got up and ascended the steps toward the bedroom, upon cracking the door open and peering in, he saw as Donell was asleep on the bed along with an equally naked Shiron who was spooning him now. The sight was so amusing he almost laughed before closing the door and returned to the living room below. "They're asleep, they must've been exhausted."

"You know what?" Ranshiin said. "I have a human vacation spot on Earth. Maybe we should all go there, if nothing else but to relax from what's happened."

"Where's it at?" Arnold asked curiously.

"Oh, Miami." He answered to the surprise of the other two.

"Wow, count me in." Drake said readily.

"Me too. I could use a little sun on my cheeks." Arnold said before looking at an askance look from Drake. "And I don't mean my face." He smirked, ever teasing.

"It's settled then, when those two love birds wake up, we'll head off to Miami." Ranshiin said.


Zootopia Park 10/??

Part 10 Chase grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and rather easily tore it off as Judy sat nearby nursing her leg, which was still throbbing. Bending down, the wolf tied the sleeve around the wound and tightened it. "You sure you can walk?" He asked...

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Zootopia Park 8/??

Part 8 The command executed flawlessly, as soon as Clawhauser hit the button, the water stopped filling the room, leaving everyone only inches from the ceiling. But just as quickly as the water filled the chamber, it was drained through a massive pipe...

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10. "Costumed Entertainment"

**10. "Costumed Entertainment"** Hallow's End; one of Garrosh's most hated holidays had come, and as he lay in bed within his chambers on the morning of the celebrations, he dreaded getting out to face the day in it. He groaned and rolled over on his...

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