10. "Costumed Entertainment"

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#45 of Iron Author

Iron Author commission for zyxxs

Garrosh Hellscream can't stand the Hallow's End holiday, but when a goblin sets up a costume shop that makes their wearers act strangely, he can't help getting wrapped up in the bizarre nature of the holiday himself...

10. "Costumed Entertainment"

Hallow's End; one of Garrosh's most hated holidays had come, and as he lay in bed within his chambers on the morning of the celebrations, he dreaded getting out to face the day in it. He groaned and rolled over on his bed, stuffing his head under the pillow he slept on, his ass hanging out and getting cold within the darkness of his room that seemed colder than the balls on a ghoul. He tossed the other direction and growled, trying to avoid the inevitable. He couldn't see outside at this hour, but he could tell when day had come. The dull roar outside still made its way into his ears as guards changed shifts and Orgrimmar came to life for another day. He flopped onto his back and stared at the ceiling just as a solid pounding could be heard echoing from his chamber's door.

"WHAT?!" He belted out, half roaring as one of his guards entered the room, saluting and bowing his head in respect as Garrosh climbed out of his bed.

"Warchief. I trust you slept well?"

"As well as one could sleep during an avalanche." Garrosh growled. "What is the meaning of all the commotion outside?"

"I-it's the celebration of Hallow's End, sir." The orc replied nervously. "The city is in a wild state."

"Well, unwild it." Garrosh said as he donned a pair of shorts to hide his generous orc cock that tucked underneath it. "I cannot have such chaos, if orcs were solely in control of Orgrimmar we wouldn't have... celebrations... or parties... unless you count a war party." He looked at the guard, who was consciously avoiding gazing at the naked Warchief as he dressed. "And grow a pair of balls, soldier. It is not as if you've not seen your commander naked before."

"N-no." The orc shook his head. "But it is not something I would find common."

"Pah." Garrosh scoffed as he attached his belt to his pants and angled his head to put on the tusk-formed shoulder armor for each arm. "Weak, the mixed races have diluted your sense of orc pride. You should always hold your head high for your Warchief." He snorted angrily. "And now I must venture into a city plunged into chaos over a stupid holiday, tell me, what pride is there in that?" The other orc remained quiet as Garrosh silently stormed past him.

As he emerged into daylight, Garrosh's temperament briefly silenced those around him, the dusty dry day had already reached a good heat though it was still fairly early in the morning. He decided to make his rounds; to remind the citizens of Orgrimmar exactly who their warchief was. It wasn't Thrall; that weakling green orc who wore his heart on his sleeve for anyone to just stomp out, no, Garrosh's heart was locked in an iron casket, impervious to the weakness of empathy and compassion. The weak were meant to be stomped out, while the strong willed and proud were destined to follow him. He maintained a steady stride as he observed his domain; he wanted it run like a well oiled machine, ready for battle at any moment. Garrosh had a great deal of enemies, none were so dangerous as--"OOF!"

Garrosh staggered back a step as he glared at the Pandaren who had run full tilt into him. He wore a set of horns like that of a Yak on Pandaria, his hazel colored eyes widened in silent apologies as the orc tried steadily to keep himself calm. "Oh! I am so sorry, I did not see--"

"You ignorant oaf!" Garrosh roared, losing his cool in an instant. "How dare you? And what is this ridiculous thing you are wearing?"

"It's called a c-costume, I believe." The bear stammered nervously tapping his fingers together. "Very unique, I don't believe I've ever felt as energized as I do right now and--"

"Well, where did you get this... 'costume' then?"

"F-from a shop; a new shop in the Valley of Honor, near the Inn." The panda said.

"Then perhaps I should warn the shop owner that if he intends to stay in business, he will not let foolish antics erupt, or I swear I will have his head." He said, mostly to himself as he stormed away.

The bear watched for a moment as the orc kept walking toward the gates leading toward the Valley of Honor. "Huh!" He exclaimed. "Such a strange orc." He said before crouching low to the ground and he started to chew on a sprout of grass.

Garrosh could easily make out the tent set in place for the costume shop. Loudly colored with stripes of red and yellow, the tent was inexplicably small for how many people he witnessed streaming from the flaps. As he approached he pulled the flap up and gazed inside;

The inside of the tent was much larger than it looked on the outside, with rows of costumes, party favors, candies and people of all races filing through madly grabbing and even fighting over the clothes on the shelves. "Ooh! Excuse me!" a female orc exclaimed as she bumped into Garrosh. She was wearing a ballet outfit and was walking on her toes, a pleasant smile on her face as it looked made up she bowed to him, lifting one leg high enough that if it went any further it would go over her head. "Leave it to me to have two left feet." She giggled as she pranced past.

Garrosh shook his head to shake off the feeling of strangeness, the last female he encountered belched in his face and wanted to bed him after, this one seemed particularly odd. As he walked past the customers, he noticed the man responsible for the chaotic behavior; a goblin, who stood at about half the height of the costume racks who was accepting coins for the costumes. Garrosh's eyes laser targeted the goblin and approached him angrily. The goblin seemed unphased.

"Welcome to Gu'ron Shank's Costume Emporium how can I help--ohh! Warchief Hellscream! Such a delightful pleasure to see you perusing my wares."

"I am perusing nothing." Garrosh said. "You have no right to be here, goblin." He said, jabbing his finger against the shopkeep's chest.

"Ow. Well, yes I do. You approved my station here almost a month ago."

"It must have been under some other impression then, because I would not approve a costumer to take up shop in MY city."

"Well ha ha, actually the city was constructed with the help of goblins so technically..." His voice cut off at the orc's scathing look. "...technically that's not the point, but I have my papers signed, and it's only for a day so by the time you get it retracted we-well, ha... I'll be long gone and--"

"How about I retract your face instead?" Garrosh growled, picking the goblin a foot off the ground to grimace in his face.

"Now ho-hold on your... Warchief--liness... think about it, this is a good thing I'm doing here."

"How is this... "a good thing"?" Garrosh asked. "You spread chaos and pandemonium in Orgrimmar, what benefit does it provide me?"

"It makes you likeable!" The goblin said nervously clutching at the orc's thick wrists. "People'll come here and they'll say to themselves "Hey you remember when he let Gu'ron Shank; costumer extraordinaire take up shop in Orgrimmar? I'd like to follow a guy who has the balls to say "Hey now, I'm not an orc with a stick shoved so far up my ass that my ears are growin' apples"!"

Garrosh glared angrily. "Your arrogance irritates me." He said. "But if I dishonored our contract, those people would only think of me as a cowardly beast with... a stick up my ass?" He ended his sentence with a strange pondering that almost made Gu'ron laugh; thankfully he stopped himself just in time. "Very well, I will allow you to continue your business. If I am to rule the Horde as Warchief, the people need to know I am... capable of tolerating your kind here as well." Slowly, with a deep exhaling noise, Garrosh let Gu'ron back on his feet. "But any funny business, and agreement or no, I will put your head on a pike." He said as he turned on his heel and stormed back through the tent.

"Yeesh." Gu'ron exclaimed. "That guy needs to loosen up a little bit."

Garrosh continued his walk, watching as orcs and trolls sat around laughing and having a good time only to immediately bolt to their feet and stand at attention as their Warchief passed them. He coldly turned his gaze from them and continued on forward. Reaching the back end of Orgrimmar, he looked around to find that none of his goblin workers were at their stations. He growled and rolled his eyes, investigating to try and find some of his subordinates and finding that they had abandoned their post.

Giggling garnered Garrosh's attention as he turned around he noticed a small box of tools on the ground; it was a square cube that sat about three feet by four feet high. Approaching it, he felt riddled with curiosity; who or what could fit in such a tiny thing that they would be giggling. "Hello?" He asked aloud as he took steps toward the box, which then shook and wobbled from side to side. "Who...who's there?"

The box fell still, and the giggling stopped. Garrosh's lips pursed in confusion as he took another stride toward the box and crouched down to touch it. As soon as his finger laid on it, the top popped open and two goblins shot out from inside. "AAHHHH!" He screamed in shock as the goblin heads bobbled back and forth, attached to nothing but springs that disappeared into the black box.

"Oh hey! Look, it's our Warchief!" The male on the left said. "Our wonderful Warchief's come to see our wonderful costumes."

"Do you like our costumes, Warchief?" The female asked. "My buddy Bug here says; he says, "Hey Tiana, let's get matching costumes! I want to dress up like a jack-in-the-box but I don't want to do it alone! I want you to be my Jill-in-the-box!" She cackled madly. "So that's what we decided to go as."

"What--what has happened to you? Your bodies seem strange!"

"Hey, what's the best thing about serving under a Warchief as amazing as Garrosh Hellscream?"

"I haven't the slightest idea! But I'll try to think of something if you hum a few bars." The male cackled madly as they bounded together. At the same time, they grabbed the lid of their box and bounded back into their box, dropping the lid down on top of them.

"What in the world--?" He asked in an even more profound confusion as he tapped on the box again.

"Warchief! Warchief!" The sound of a panicked guard's voice running up the walkway made Garrosh roll his eyes and turn to face him. The guard grabbed the orc by the shoulders and shook him suddenly, almost knocking him to the ground. "You are Garrosh Hellscream in the flesh, are you not? Please tell me that you are!" He shrieked even louder as he shook Garrosh harshly.

"Get off me, you thundering oaf! Yes, of course I am your Warchief, what is the meaning of this!?"

"You best come to the square sir, outside of your base there are at least three who are pretending to be you and are being quite convincing as such."

"What is the meaning of this then? Are you saying that people are being fooled by likenesses of me?"

"That is exactly what I am saying, Warchief." He said, cringing back in fear of retaliation from the massive orc hovering over his head. His throat was dry with nervousness.

Garrosh's fists were trembling as he instead shoved the orc aside and burst into a run, heading back toward the gateway. His feet hitting the ground with such force that small billows of dust rose up, leaving a virtual trail of his run through the city. He caught glimpses of his guards as he ran past their stations dressed in costumes as well, it seemed so strange that suddenly they were appearing in them. He rounded the corner past the Drag and nearly threw himself to the side as he watched a troll, dressed as a horse suddenly sputter, drop to the ground and begin to run around in circles, clopping as his fists struck the ground and slowly began to change into what looked like knuckled horse hooves. Garrosh gasped and took a step back in surprise before continuing his run toward his hut.

"I-I'm sorry, boy but you cannot enter the Warchief's hut without his permission!" The guard backed away from the orc standing before him as Garrosh finally arrived. He was dressed in a miniscule pair of tusks, his body painted a tan brown color with a bald cap on his head to hide his hair.

"This is just a child, why are you having such a difficult time--"

Garrosh's words were cut off by his own voice, roaring from the boy's mouth. "You insolent fool! You will let me into my war room, or so help me I will add your head to the spire that we have added Deathwing's and Sindragosa's heads!"

The similarity to his voice astounded Garrosh who paused and stared at the boy, who couldn't have been ten seasons in age. "What was that?" He asked.

"Don't you challenge me, interloper! Or I will show you what it means to be slaughtered by a Hellscream!"

"I am Garrosh Hellscream, boy!" Garrosh roared taking a step toward the child. "And you will not speak to me in this manner! How is it you sound like me?" He growled and picked the boy up by the harnesses that held the shoulders on his body. "SPEAK!"

"Unhand me, fool!" Garrosh gasped at the utter and chilling likeness of the boy who glared at him. "Or I will sever your hands and feed them to the Trolls!"

"What magic is this?" Garrosh said with a deadpan shock as he dropped the boy to the ground. The orc, outmatched by size then took off running. "Hey! What are you!?"

"I don't understand, I know that child, he is usually well mannered and quiet." The guard said, putting a trembling hand on his brow as he watched the boy vanish into the crowd.

"Lok'tar Ogar!" It sounded like Garrosh's voice as he vanished, several of Garrosh's loyal guards repeated the chant as Garrosh looked at the guard.

"How many have there been? I was told several have attempted to impersonate me."

"Three so far." The guard answered. "Each more ridiculous than the last: First a troll, then an old orc woman, and now that boy. All sounding like you, all that acted like you sir. I don't understand it!"

"You are not meant to understand it." Garrosh said.

"I remember the boy though, he was excited last night that he had reserved a costume of his favorite Warchief and would be wearing it today."

"A costume?!" Garrosh growled then spoke to himself. "The costumer... he is doing this. Causing chaos in MY city!" Glancing at the guard. "You! Get these costumes, confiscate them, destroy them, do whatever it takes to restore the Horde to the glory that it should be!" He said as he turned and ran off in the opposite direction.

"Yes, sir. Right away sir." He said as he watched Garrosh run out of sight. He snorted a bit and restored a bright red nose on top of his own. Squeezing the horn and making his nose squeak. Out from his nose, a white paint crawled along his skin, and along with that makeup of red encircled his lips as a dark purple paint highlighted his eyes. Pulling a horn from his back pocket and placing it to his lips he spoke "You old stick in the mud." He uttered before blowing the high pitched party horn.

As he made his way past the drag again, storming in the direction of Gu'ron's shop, Garrosh began to notice the oddities that surrounded him. Ghost costumes hovered several inches above the ground and he could see them pass through walls and stone pillars of buildings like they weren't even there; people dressed in dragon costumes astounded audiences around them by roaring and blowing fire, even animal costumes were developing lives of their own as their wearers were running around on all fours; barking, yapping, yowling and howling at those who passed by. Garrosh took a step back and bumped into someone walking behind me.

"AY! Watch it, we're walkin' here!"

Garrosh was astounded by the sight, as Thrall, naked on all fours was being led around on a leash by a stern faced goblin. Thrall glanced up at Garrosh and then back down to hide a building blush in his cheeks. "Thrall?! What---what is it with these costumes, they are possessed or something!"

The goblin, named Flint blinked and looked around to see the chaos around the three of them, improvising he interjected. "W-Warchief! It's great to see ya, how ya liking my new pet here? Hmm? Pretty hot ain't he?" He reached down and spread Thrall's cheeks apart. "Only slightly used, but he's my bitch now, ain'tcha boy?"

Thrall barked and jumped at the goblin, almost eager to be out of his sight and away from being caught. "I see... with the dog collar and leash he is a dog, but what about you?" Garrosh asked.

"What're ya kiddin? I'm a leather daddy." Flint said, sporting his outfit with the gesture of his finger. "You think I'd wear somethin' like this on a regular day?" He scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"You got all this from the costumer goblin in the Valley of Honor?"

"No it was from my priv--ahhh....I mean yeah, of course I did." Flint smiled broadly. "I was amazed I found somethin' in my size ya know?"

"Yes. Well." Garrosh sighed angrily. "I will let you continue your business, goblin. I must see what's happening with these costumes and murder Gu'ron for this outrage."

"OH, don't kill him too bad. He's my cousin."

"Your *cousin*?" Garrosh asked, angrily growling all of a sudden.

Flint grew nervous. "Ahhh... my cousin--twice removed anyway. You can kill him if you want, I don't mind." He said as he tugged on the leash. "Come boy, come! Let's get out of the Warchief's way."

Tugging the leash, Thrall took a look at Garrosh and then followed Flint's beckons. Both of them ran off together and soon vanished down into the cleft. "Fitting." Garrosh couldn't help but think to himself as he continued onward.

In the valley, Garrosh stormed angrily toward the tent where civilians were still piling out the flaps, laughing and contented. "Don't buy these!" Garrosh warned, grabbing and shaking several people, who stared at him and simply laughed as they went on their way, ignoring the orc now standing in the doorway. Entering the tent, Garrosh stomped over toward the register where Gu'ron was still collecting and counting his money.

"EEP!" Gu'ron shrieked as Garrosh grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yoinked him precariously four feet into the air.

"YOU!" Garrosh roared in the goblin's face. "You are causing this chaos with your magic!" He said practically throttling the goblin as he threw him down onto the table. Others around looked at the altercation, but stayed well away from it as Gu'ron tried desperately to flee the orc's grasp.

"Hey! Hey! Hold on!"

"Forcing them to live some horrific transformation with your costumes!"

"No one's forcin' them to do anything!" Gu'ron argued. "The costumes call for people to wear them, it's a harmless spell to sell some merchandise! The effects will go away at sunrise!"

"And their money?" Garrosh asked.

"Payment for services rendered!" Gu'ron shouted. "I gotta make a business, ya know?"

"I want you to repay these people for what you've sold to them." Garrosh said. "And I want you to do it--right..." His voice trailed off as he looked behind him. It was as if someone said his name, but there was no one there to see. "R-right... now?" He said in more of an inquisitive manner as he looked to the other side of him.

"Warchief Hellscream?" Gu'ron asked, but cut himself off, realizing what was happening. "What calls to you?"

"I...erm...stop trying to distract me, Goblin." He said as he gritted his teeth.

"The costume chooses its wearer, Warchief. Which costume has chosen you?"

Garrosh released the goblin, his mind somewhat transfixed on what he could hear calling to him. Walking past a crowd of people he began to scour the shelf of costumes, ruggedly shoving the outfits aside as he searched. It wasn't an animal, no... nor was it a clown, or a Warchief costume. Undead costumes that produced skeletons running around Orgrimmar, ghost costumes, nothing seemed appropriate. He reached the dresses, queens, princesses, harem girls... something still seemed off about them, until he turned his eyes and spotted a costume resting on a mannequin by the store's edge. It was a beautiful dress, purple with gold trim and a long, billowing gold dress underneath it that left barely the ankles and feet clear of it. A butterfly lace ending in a bow that looked like a spread-winged yellow butterfly cinched the chest together and when Garrosh put his hand on it, he could feel a tingling coarse throughout his body. "Nnnh..." He sighed as he watched the gown almost come to life before him. "This... feels strange."

"One of our lovelier choices." Gu'ron said, noticing the dress. "Shall I put it in a box for you?"

"I wanna be sure it fits first." Garrosh said, seemingly forgetting about the argument they were sharing moments before. "And I want to wear it out."

"Well can do, can do!" Gu'ron chuckled as he took Garrosh by one hand and grabbed the dress with his other.

"Careful, don't rip the poor thing." Garrosh said suddenly concerned.

"Don't worry." The goblin said with a wide smile. "When you been in business at this as long as I have, you learn a thing or two!"

As they approached the changing rooms at the back, Garrosh noticed a pair of translucent wings attached to the back of the outfit. "What is this?" He asked.

"Oh, wings. You, my friend have picked a truly rare find; the coveted "Fairy Princess" line of which I only have one." He let off a giddy giggle as he pushed Garrosh back behind the curtains and shoved the costume in after him.

For several minutes, Gu'ron listened as Garrosh's armor hit the floor. There was considerable grunting and punching against the curtains as the orc tried to change in the overly small booth, leading the goblin to almost laugh at himself for the orc's considerable time spent in the booth.

"Do-does the cleavage come out?" Garrosh asked a few moments later. "I mean... it seems like I have grown female breasts!"

Gu'ron held his mouth to keep the outburst from coming forth. "N-no they don't, Garrosh it's part of the costume." He said. "How's it fit?"

"P-perfectly." Garrosh answered, somewhat surprised by his evaluation.

"Good! Well? Let's see it!"

Garrosh emerged from the booth dressed in the gown, which accented his massive body rather perfectly. Gu'ron reached forward to investigate and found that Garrosh's body laid softly against the fabric of the dress, resulting in a perfect fit. His mouth hung open in surprise, the wings fluttered as if on their own as Garrosh looked down at the goblin, his cheeks dark with blushing as he leaned closer. "I....ah... couldn't reach the strands in the back to tighten them up."

"Oh, well no problem. Let's get that for ya, then if you'd like we can get you to the girls to do a little makeup." The goblin said with a sly grin. He walked around behind Garrosh and could see the laces still a few rings from the top of the dress he pushed on Garrosh's back. "Alright, bend down." He said, prompting Garrosh to crouch as the goblin crawled onto his back. Quickly, he set the lace through the remaining rings and tightened the dress into a single cinch, making Garrosh grunt in response. "There we go." He said.

Next was a trip to a makeup counter. Garrosh was treated to elongated eyelashes with a bluish purple eyeshadow over them. He was given dark red or almost black colored lipstick to counter the color of his lips. A good deal of blush to help clear up his complexion as well as even a fake beauty mark that was put just above his upper right lip. As he looked himself over in the mirror, he shook his head.

"I don't know I just don't... feel right." He said admittedly. Finally, he shrugged and moved the beauty mark to the left side of his lip. "There, that's much better." He said with a smile and a laugh. "I--I feel so nice, I just want to get out there and celebrate with everyone!" He exclaimed in utter joy as he clapped his palms together. Suddenly, his wings began to flutter even more as he got excited over the concept. Lifting off the floor, Gu'ron tried to reach for Garrosh but it was too late and he was already floating toward the exit.

"Just remember, Garrosh. Once midnight hits, our deal is done!"

Garrosh twirled about above the ground and flung a bag of gold coins toward the goblin. "Please, come back next year; come back every year! No matter what my ornery ass says! You must!"

"Eheh... I will." Gu'ron said as he collected his payment and Garrosh flew through the door.

Garrosh flew toward the Wyvern's Tail Inn, only a few doors from the costumer's tent and peered in to see a few of his devoted, and his not so devoted followers. He giggled lightly as he fluttered into the room and spun around as he came to a stop.

"Garrosh?!" One of the trolls asked.

A Tauren of the group; recognized immediately as Gamon peered at him with raised eyebrows. "This... is unusual."

"Oh, you boys have *got* to try out the costumer next door; Gu'ron? His costumes are amazing, and such reasonable prices!" He laughed with a bit of a giggle and spun around in excitement three times and suddenly a wand appeared in his hand on the third turn, making all the men in the Inn jump back in surprise. "Oh! Oh, my." He said with a laugh. "A wand? What ever could this be for I wonder?" He asked as he waved it back and forth a few times, making the others cringe and jump unsure exactly what was going to pop out from the other end. With a flick of his wand though, Garrosh was surprised to see a small pile of candy appear between them. "Oh!" He gasped. "How wonderful! A way to give treats to everyone that I have mistreated!" He said as he then pointed his wand to other spots in the room, leaving small bits of candy behind for the patrons at the other tables as well. He bounced in delight. "Oh, yay! This is wonderful!" He said as he dragged his wand along the ground under him, and candy sprouted up wherever he pointed. "Call me the candy fairy!" He said as he turned on his wings and started out the door. "Don't forget Gu'ron's costume shop!" He announced as he disappeared through the door.

Throughout the night, Garrosh used his magic wand to leave trails of candy, for both the adults and the children alike, quickly becoming one of the more popular of the costume wearers. "I am the Candy Fairy!" He exclaimed. "Come taste my delicious treats! Come one! Come all! I have sweet treats, tangy treats, treats on a stick like lollypops!" He shouted in chorus almost as he flew through the passageways and doors of Orgrimmar and all of its businesses. He ignored the strange looks passed to him by the uncostumed, and reveled in being revered as the queen of candy by all those who believed. It was a grand time indeed.

"Uuugh..." The sun coming up was the next thing that Garrosh remembered; that burning, painful shot into his eyes as the Durotan sunlight beat down on him past the billowing drapes of carpet hovering in the air above the city. He put a hand over his eyes and leaned up to look around.

He was naked, those around him that he had fallen asleep with, most of whom lay underneath him were naked too. He stared aghast at the piles of naked bodies all around him. As they slowly came to, Garrosh remembered bits and pieces of the night before; getting energized by a ton of candy, distributing out more than he could possibly count, Garrosh almost regretted and missed his fairy costume immediately. Before laying back down, feeling his head rest on the cock of another orc laying behind him he also began to recall other 'certain' events that transpired the night before, which included him acting like the princess he had become. He grinned a bit and closed his eyes as he soaked in his sunlight. He wanted to do it again, he wanted to become the fairy princess once more, but he knew that Gu'ron's tent would be gone this time. He sighed as he felt the cool air pass over his naked body, it wouldn't be long until everyone woke up, and began to remember the events of the night before. He sighed and chuckled, silently hoping that the goblin costumer would be back again next year.


Zootopia Park 11/??

Part 11 This Allosaurus was enormous; standing at least thirty feet in height, she had enough size to intimidate a Tyrannosaurus Rex. As she craned her neck down to look at the group, her mouth curled back in an intimidating show of teeth that...

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Zootopia Park 9/??

Part 9 "Oh, cheeseballs! He's trying to break in here!" Clawhauser's grasp of the obvious earned an eyeroll from Eddie, who stared at him with a dead stare. "Really." She spoke so matter-of-factly that it missed the male's attention. The...

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11. "Saiyan Training"

**11. "Saiyan Training"** The morning came across the horizon like it was on fire, sending multiple shades of golds and yellows across the forest that awoke Trey from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before noticing that Matt was standing...

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