Drunken Delights.........(Story III)

Story by Waffleluver on SoFurry

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"Blah! I fuck'n hate tests" Joe said dragging himself out of the class room. I was midterm Jake and Joe had to do great on these test or their scholarships would be annulled.

"Fuck, can wait to get wasted" Jake said "That was the most unexcited, boring, retarded history test" complained the muscular wolf, as he hurry to get the hell out of the stuffy classroom. Joe and Jake were heading to their small dorm room, so they can shower up and pass some time before they get wasted at "F%@# UP!" a near- by bar near the campus, with some friends.

As soon as Joe unlocked the door Joe start a full sprint, but before he could make it to the one shower bathroom he was tackled by Jake. Jake got up and thought he was going to make to the shower but something caught his leg, it was Joe did a sweep kick causing the wolf to fall on his face. The tiger ran into the restroom and locked the door.

"You're a whore Joe!!!" Jake jokingly yelled as he pounded on the door.

"I'm a dirty whore that's why I need the shower" Joe responded

" You're stupid" Jake said he as he walked to the kitchen to get something to eat while his friend since birth, was taking his sweet time. Jake got a sandwich that Joe made for later. Jake full aware of this devoured the sandwich.

"JAKE!!!!" Joe screamed

"WHAT!!!" Jake screamed back


"WHAT THE FUCK! LET ME SEE IT "Jake said knowing snakes live nearby, and sometimes get in the dorms, but still intrigued with the snake. Joe opened the door. Jake quickly ran to the bathroom.

"Right here.... "Joe said showing dropping his towel, showing his junk. Jake threw the nearest heavy object.

"Get your naked-ass outta here I got take a shower" Jake said push the nude well endowed tiger out the bathroom.

"Why bother, you're just going to throw up on yourself anyways, most likely around 2 beers" Joe mouthed off

Jake just gave a evil stare and slowly closed the door. After about two minutes Jake got undressed and there Joe was hollering at the door. Jake open the door, with this his 12 1/2 inch cock barely visible.

"Leave the door open I want to see you soap up your meat, you sexy pup you" Joe requested in a semi-sarcastically, striking a seductive pose as he on the now damp sofa. Joe gave an evil smile as he waved his hands around his soft penis, like a showcase girl, trying to temp Jake.

Jake just sighed and continued his shower. Soon they got dressed in the basic T-shirt and jeans. The met up with two other friends, and even though they were under aged to drink they were still able to get drink because one of their friends knew the bartender.

They got bored and stared to play drinking games. They play game every time a "male enhancement" advertisement they had to take shots until the commercial was over. After that

they every time someone was caught checking somebody else out; they had to drink a pitcher of the beer.

Minutes turned in to hour's fun, turn into drunkenness. Joe and Jake were leaning on each other a laughing for no reason at all. One of their friends was passed out on the floor and his other friend was lost in the tiny bar doing something he might later regret. The bartender was cool 'till he notice they those two were the only ones awake and somewhat aware of what they were doing. He need to close up so and it was going to be difficult with a passed out panther and a young drunk buck wandering the place.

"You two, need to leave last call was an hour ago and I need to go"

" Okey-doke" Joe slurred.

"We'll *hiccup* leave lady okay" Jake spat out.

"Just get the hell outta here and try not to get arrested" the bartender demanded.

Joe and Jake the bar through the back door that leads into an ally were it lead to a field. The bartender watched the stubble out into the darkness. "I'll find that buck later, first I'll take care of you...." he said aloud unzipping his pants standing over the party-out panther.

Meanwhile, Jake and Joe are in the field about 600 yards from campus property and are using each other to keep from falling down. They "walked" up a large hill and Jake heard something. He was able to stand up straight (and not fall) without the help of Joe whom also was able to stand. The grass rustled and ran passed their paws was a field mouse. Jake was going to walk down the hill know there was nothing important, but then all of a sudden he stepped on Joe striped tail. Joe let up a loud roar in pain which made the wolf jumpy and he lost his balance, fell, and rolled to the huge hill.

"AHHHH looks like fun" Joe said and purposely rolled down the hill. The cool dew on the grass weaken the power the alcohol had on them, so they felt some pain and had some reasoning skill but there sober-ish state was a long shot away.

Their unpleasant hill trip ending them up all busied up and damp in a ditch by a small rode that lead to the collage. Joe can't stand being wet with his clothes on so he took off his shirt, showing his well defined six pack and his laeg pecs. Jake's shirt ripped so he also took his off.

"D-Damn kitty cat *hiccups* you looking fine" Jake commenting

"I Know" Joe said

Jake walk closer to Joe and ran his hands on his six pack and pecs Joe returned the favor groping the developing bulge in Jake's pants. Jake yelped like a small puppy but let Joe hand wander where he pleased. They both stared to get hard, really hard. Jake more aggressive than ever, kissed Joe and unafraid Frenched his feline friend.

Joe broke away. "What *burps* fuck wrong with you" he said "If you want to kiss here, a fucken tic-tac"

Jake accepted the mint. Then he kissed the drunken tigers. "Better" he said. Then Joe felt Jake squeeze Joe's semi-hard tiger cock. "Fuck, you get horny when your drunk" he said. Jake said nothing and kissed Joe more and began to undo his pants. Jake got the stubborn button off, and ripped Joe's relaxed fit jeans off only seeing the Joe hard dick no underwear what so ever. Jake back and undid his belt, kick off his shoes and only in his underwear. Joe walked up to Jake and start to lick the wolf's hard nipples. This caused his hard doggy cock to go nut and rip right through the cotton.

"Neat trick" Joe said "Learned that for the bitches or for me" as Jake sat on the dirt taking off his ripped underwear .Jake, already sitting, licked Joe's nut and grabbed hold of Joe's throbbing cock.

Joe pulled away. "Hey what if someone is watching us" he said with is common sense somewhat returning.

"Let them watch" Jake said with a dirty tone in his voice .He head Joe hard dick. Jake felt some slimy on his face.

"Cum already?" he asked still jerking-off Joe.

"That's all pre baby" He smiled.

Jake was on his knees giving his best friend the world best blow job using his rough wolf tongue to help him bust a nut. Joe did nothing but moaning and grunting. Then Jake holding his own dick said "Bone me!" Joe responded by pick Jake up heavy as he is a sat his ass on his own dick. "All the pre-cum worked better than any lube." Jake exclaimed. Joe started slow and just putting his thick head in the tight ass to going faster and deeper.

"Harder" Jake yelled

Joe was going as hard as he can in this position so he un-mounted Jake and put him on the ground laying on his belly. The tiger jumped on the horny wolf on stuck his big cock into him. They didn't give a fuck who hears them they were cursing and moaning with skin smacking each other. Joe went so deep so fast Jake was coming close. Without words Joe switch to a doggy style and went even faster. Jake was play with himself gripping his dick using his thumb to play the head of he uncut cock.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jake yelled as Joe hit the prostate a couple times creating an exposition on cum to spray everywhere.

"DON"T STOP JOE DON"T STOP" Jake moaned his cock still pouring semen. A bright light flashed by. Joe when harder and he going to blow everywhere very soon.

"FUCK!!! I'm gonna cum in your ass" Joe said ramming his big tiger dick into the wolf's ass. The felt tickle in his balls, then moving to his shaft then to the dick head. He came so hard his dick almost ejected itself out. Semen over flowing the ass of the teenage pup, and cum dribbling out his dick.

Joe pulled out and the both fell looking up nude, and cum covered.

Joe said to Jake "We're going to be HUNGOVER tomorrow"

Jake just burped and quickly go up to throw up.

"Told you so" Joe added

Comments please, thanks for the watches please message me if u see errors

thank you