The Calm Before Storm Chapter 2 Ver. 1

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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Waking up from his well-deserved sleep, Nathan noticed

his dear Christine having gotten up possibly earlier than him, meditating in

the center of the room, a light sound of breathing coming from her snout. He

wasn't that surprised, since she reminded him of Ethan who was generally known

for getting really early, sometimes before the sun had a chance to rise. Not

wanting to disturb her, he went over to the computer shaped storage system, to grab

a change of clothes, having realized that he had fallen asleep without changing.

Checking what he had placed in storage, he found a

black zip up hoodie that he had stored in there. Removing that as well as a

pair of jeans, which was dark blue in color. Looking the combination, he found

it to work with his choice in clothing. He believed that it worked best to wear

clothing that matched the wearer's boyfriend or girlfriend, assuming that said

boyfriend or girlfriend was a Pokémon. As he was about to get changed, he felt

a pair of paws turn him around, and he suddenly embraced his dear Christine.

As the two broke their kiss, Nathan had taken a look

at his watch, before looking back at his mate, saying "I suppose we can do it.

It's still early in the morning, and...." Before he had a chance to finish, the

blue furred jackal kissed him again, before dragging him into the bathroom,

eager to commit unspeakable atrocities..."Ethan, I think I hear something weird." Phosphora

had said to him, as the two walked through a hallway of the Pokémon Center. Blushing,

Ethan could hear the sound of a human and a Pokémon mating.

Taking a lucky guess, Ethan quickly replied "I think

my cousin's here. As well as Christine."

"Those two are here? Well, that.....explains a lot..... Perhaps

we could catch up with them, see how they've been doing." She had offered.

"I suppose...we could do that." Ethan had replied with

a sigh.

Having heard him sigh, Phosphora, had asked "What's

the matter, Ethan?"

Stopping where they stood, Ethan took a quick look

around. Glad that no one was around to hear what was about to say, he pulled

her into a hug, and whispered "Just some of the things...they love each other, I

get that....I just wish they didn't start a sexual relationship so soon, I just

fear something bad might happen..."

Wanting to stay away from the idea of a sexual

relationship until he felt he was ready, as well as his girlfriends, Ethan had

put poor Phosphora and Beleza on a medication at one point to keep them calm

when heat season came around, before eventually figuring out ways to reduce

their heat cycles without having to mess with their bodies. Sympathetically,

she hugged back, and replied "You know that's beyond our control, right?"

"Don't worry; I know that very well..." Ethan

responded, as he calmed himself. "Let's get some place where we can get

breakfast. I'm up for catching up with them." Nodding in agreement, Phosphora began

to walk down the hallway, to where the lobby stood, an eventually the outside.As the two continued

walking their way, she had asked "So, where are we going for breakfast?"

Being the guy that

couldn't easily turn down food, the young brown haired adult replied "I don't

know, actually 

Interlude 1: Nonlinearity For the Win!...I think.....

His mind throbbing, Ethan attempted to think of his earlier years, hoping that it'd ease the pain...He began to think back to when he had obtained Beleza when she was just a fish egg. Before then, he was ridiculed by his classmates at school, and had...


Chapter 3: "I Need to Rethink My Life"

Walking back to the restaurant where Ethan and his girlfriends had eaten earlier, Ethan couldn't help but notice a few of Christine's features. Most notably, the spikes on her chest and paws were more rounded out than what was often seen from the...

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The Calm Before the Storm Chapter One Version One

With the setting of the sun, a young man could be seen, wielding a hand crafted staff, as he was seen blocking strikes from his Pokémon, a yellow skinned species known to many as an Ampharos, wielding a cane of sorts. For some that saw the spectacle,...
