The Toy -- Part One: Raw Materials

Story by Dr. Mercurious on SoFurry

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The Toy

by Dr. Mecurious

Part One: Raw Materials

Today started out like any other day at Worcester State for Crystal Waverly: get woken up by snooze alarm, hit button, get woken up again, roll off of bed, bang shin on same, use language that would have her mother tsking, dive into her exploding dresser for something wearable, and bolt off to her first class. She and her roommates had differing schedules, so they really didn't see much of each other â€" which suited Crystal like a D-Cup bra. It allowed the black panther to feel like she was really out on her own, at least in some small part.

Today was Friday, an easy day by design; two classes in the morning and then the rest of the weekend was hers, all hers. She'd already made plans of course â€" a McSteamy who sat two rows behind her in second period. She didn't quite remember his name, but there'd be plenty of time later -- after more important urges were satisfied. Something else her mother wouldn't approve of, but then again mommy dearest never had her daughter's shapely legs, bang-able ass and generous tits. Crystal's body was just made to fuck and fuck hard so who was she to deny genetics? Not that she was cheap, but all her boyfriends got very lucky on the first date. And any other date they had.

Today was also a great day, weather-wise â€" sunny without being overly warm, the spring winds giving a hint of summer's swelter, still some time away. Crystal padded off to the Student Center, sans date for tonight â€" not in class today, oh well she hoped he wasn't sick â€" to enjoy the sunshine. She only stayed inside long enough to grab a hunk of meat from the cafeteria, and then trotted back outside to sit down on one of the surrounding benches.

Suddenly a lean and taut ocelot dressed in a muscle shirt and sweats plunked down on the bench next to her. He wore his college ID openly around his neck â€" not unusual, especially when those shorts were not hiding a wallet. "Hey there," he panted, "mind sharing?"

Crystal smiled. He smelled so good it almost made her mouth water, of hot sex and passion. It made her heart and other organs race. "Depends on what you want to share,"

He gave her that look she'd come to like, the look of a potent male realizing he'd just been fed an invitation. "I don't mind sharing a lot of things," he smiled. "My locker, my phone number, dinner, my bed â€" those are just a few."

Crystal's pulse thrummed in her ears; her nipples perked under her blouse. God, did she want him. "Why don't we start with your dorm room? If I like what I see, I'll consider taking you up on dinner." Normally she wasn't into sport-sex but he made it so easy to take the plunge.

He smiled and extended a hand. "I'm sure you'll really like what you see â€" a lot."

Crystal took the hand, and felt an almost electric spark shoot right into her pussy. She smiles at him as they stood up, and continued to smile all the way to campus housing. She didn't say mu

# # #

Crystal heard voices. "...why's it always have to be cats?" Male, high-strung.

"Because the pheremones work best on them, that's why. It's not like she's going to _ stay _ a cat." Deep baritone. Crystal tried to move, but couldn't manage it.

High-strung again: "I suppose, but it'd be nice to have a little variety." Crystal tried again. She felt her finger wiggle.

Baritone again: "You want variety? She's being fitted with the C-class treatment right away." Crystal tried harder. There, her leg twitched a bit.

High-strung: "No _ shit _. Man, I've love to train her." Crystal strained to open her eyes.

Baritone: "Well, forget it. Only the experienced trainers are getting a piece of that fine ass." Crystal's eyes opened a crack. Painful white light stabbed through, and a small mewl escaped her.

High-strung: "Fuck, she's waking up!"

She heard footsteps running toward her. The last image she saw, just before a prick in her arm dragged her back under, was a white ceiling.

# # #

Crystal came to with a start. She was lying on a fouton mattress, the color of snow. She immediately sprang off of it.

Several things occurred to her instantly.

First, she was naked.

Secondly, her body felt wrong. Weight off, posture off â€" even how she stood and breathed was just alien to her.

Thirdly, she was in a room with no features â€" white walls, white tile floor, white ceiling with white fluorescent lights embedded in it. One wall had a door, and that was it.

Fourth...she wasn't alone. Seated in a metal folding chair, holding what appeared to be a wireless keyboard, was a platypus of all things. He was dressed in pants, buttoned shirt, and tie. The shirt was white, but everything else was black. He studied her, as if she was an insect or specimen in a lab.

"Where am I?" Crystal demanded. She jumped â€" was that her voice? It didn't even sound like her, all smoky-sexy and soft. A bedroom voice.

"Somewhere other than where you were." Platypus had a nasaly voice.

"Why am I here?"

"You ask a lot of questions." Platypus tapped some keys on the keyboard. "Tsk tsk. This may take longer than I thought."

"What do you --?" She pointed a finger at him, and froze. It wasn't her hand. The fur was gray, almost silver in color, the paw not as padded, and â€" she tested â€" nails, not claws. Crystal gaped and glanced down at her nude body. Tits bigger than her own, and broad hips with a thin toned waist. Again, as on her hand the fur was silver-gray except for a splash of white curling around her breasts and trickling down to her pussy. She looked behind her â€" and yes, her tail was shorter but much bushier, silver-gray with white at the tip â€"a fox's tail. Crystal touched her face with trembling hands â€" elongated muzzle, large pointed ears...there was no doubt about it. She looked â€" was â€" a silver fox. "What did you do to me!?"

Platypus continued to type away at the keypad. "We reconfigured your species template to something more aesthetically pleasing. Felines are passé." With a flourish, he hit a key.

"Listen, you twisted fuck, my name is â€"" She stopped. "My name name..."

"Slaves don't have names, other than what their masters give them," Platypus said.

The vixen howled with rage and leaped at him, but somewhere along the line her coordination failed; she connected with the floor painfully. Platypus didn't even budge. She tried again, this time just running up and hitting him, but none of her punches even came close. Finally, she tried kicking him in the balls and fell down. "What did you do to me?" she sobbed.

"Oh, just a little something that insured whenever you try to attack an authorized trainer, your motor skills will fail completely."

"Why you dickless freak â€""

Platypus punched a few more keys. "Slaves should be silent unless otherwise told."

The vixen felt her mouth snap shut of its own accord. Her lips burned and pressed painfully against each other. Frantically, she felt along her teeth with her tongue, eyes going wide as they melted into each other to form a wall of solid bone. Frantically, she brought her hands up to feel her muzzle; all that was left of her mouth was smooth skin. She tried to make a sound, any sound, but not even a whimper escaped her. The vixen began clawing at her imprisoned jaw.

Platypus poised a finger over the keyboard. "If you want to lose you hands entirely, keep it up." The vixen stopped immediately and dropped her hands to her sides. "Good slave." He gave her a thin smile. "Now, as punishment for your insults, I'll leave you the way you are until the next shift change. If you're a good little vixen, your mouth will be restored. If you're not, we'll take away something else. Do you understand?" She nodded quickly. "Now, lay down on the bed; someone will be by shortly to give you an simple examination. Cooperate in every way because if I have to punish you, I will not be happy."

He never raised his voice â€" not once. It made the threats far more terrifying. Hastily, the vixen nodded again and literally dove for the mattress. The Platypus nodded and walked towards the door. A small part of the vixen screamed at her to attack him now but the rest of her felt her lack of a mouth and cringed into a ball, refusing to even look in his direction until she heard the door open and then close behind him with a solid thunk. The vixen then buried her face into the fouton and cried as well as someone with no mouth can.

# # #

The vixen startled as she heard the door to her cell â€" really no other way to refer to it as â€" open. She sat up as a middle-aged female badger wearing a plain gray jumpsuit came waddling in, pushing a wheeled cart. "Sit up, please," she said in a warm professional voice. "And no sudden moves."

The vixen extended an arm. She tried to be as placid as she could, but eh treacherous memory reminded her that the platypus said her motor skills would fail against an authorized trainer which she bet the doctor wasn't_._ It would be so easy to overpower the badger, she didn't look like she was in that great shape. Two things stopped her: one, she had no idea where she was, let alone how to escape and two, she didn't even look like herself! She had no mouth; Even if she did manage to escape, she'd die of starvation unless she could be fed intravenously. Like it or not, she was stuck here until a better chance came along.

The vixen simply let the doctor examine her. As promised, it was fairly simple â€" blood pressure, check the ears and eyes, reflexes, pulse, sides of neck. When the doctor was done, she packed everything away in the wheeled cart. "Word of advice," she murmured. "Forget about somehow making your way back to the life you led. By now, your ‘corpse' has been found by the police â€" some sort of accident will be the cause. No one would even believe you. How could they? You can either cooperate, in which case you'll be treated gently, or you can fight â€" in which case you'll be punished until you'll do whatever your trainer or handler says." The badger looked grim. "Having no mouth is mild compared to what can be done. Trust me."

The vixen looked the badger in the eye. She had a dozen questions to ask her, but of course she couldn't, so she merely nodded. The vixen didn't want to admit it, but the badger had a point....if she was telling the truth. Still, there had to be a way to escape this place, whatever it was. There just had to!

To Be Continued

Twin Troubles Part Two -- Service Plan

 **Twin Troubles** **Part Two â€" Service Plan** **by Dr. Mercurious** It's been one the the best weekends ever. For starters, I haven't had so much sex since college. This is far better, because even then I...

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Twin Troubles -- Chapter One: Introduction

**Twin Troubles** Part One: Introduction **by Dr. Mercurious** Â It was ten AM on a Saturday, and I already knew it was going to be Another Of Those Days as my identical twin, Diana, stumbled into the kitchen looking somewhat less than...

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