Chapter 2- The Weekend

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#2 of His Own Path

My editor has been going through rough times lately, so I just decided to post chapter 2. I hope it turned out good, sorry if I missed anything ><


Kellan woke up later that night. At first he was reluctant to get up, but he eventually pushed the covers off of him. He didn't have any pants on and he was wearing a lighter shirt. His sister must have changed him. He got up and stretched and walked over to his bathroom. He pulled off his shirt and briefs and turned the shower on. He stuck his hand in to check the water. He stepped in and his fur quickly got drenched. The water was warm, just the way he liked it. He sat down, he had no intention on actually washing his body, he only wanted to relax.

After about ten minutes in the shower, he heard knocking on the bathroom door. "Kellan? Are you almost done with your shower?" It was his sister.

"Yeah." His voice cracked. "Yeah." He cleared his throat repeated. He stood up and turned the water off. He grabbed his towel from outside the shower and brought it in. His fur was heavy from the water. He dried his head and ears off, then his tail, and then the rest of his body.

He was only wearing his white briefs, but she didn't mind. He walked over and sat next to her. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

He sighed. "Better." Brianna pulled him into her side and put her hand around him.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Kelly." She used her nickname for him. He hated it when she called him that, but he didn't care at this point. It actually comforted him somewhat. She kissed him on the forehead and played with his ears. Brianna's fur was getting wet from Kellan's. "Why don't you come downstairs and have dinner with Dante and me?" She asked hopefully.

"Ok." He got up and walked over to his dresser. "What are we having?" He asked.

"Prime rib." She smiled as Kellan's tail wagged. Prime rib was his favorite meal. She knew it would cheer him up. She got up and walked out of his room, but turned around to look at him. ‘How could kids be so cruel to someone so kind and innocent?' She thought. She grinned and walked down the stairs. ‘And cute.' She added.

Kellan quickly got dressed and headed downstairs. The sent of cooking meat was thick in his nose. His tail was wagging excitingly. He walked into the kitchen. Dante was sitting on a stool, and Brianna was at the stove doing the cooking. When Dante saw Kellan he jumped down and stood next to him. "Have a good nap?" He asked.

A smile appeared on Kellan' muzzle. "Yeah."

"That's good, are you hungry?" Kellan nodded. He was glad Dante was still there. His presence always made him feel safe, he didn't know why. His tail decreased its speed, but it still swayed happily.

When dinner was finally ready, they all sat around the dinning table. "Get what you want guys, there's plenty of everything." Brianna said. She gave them all a large cut of the rib. She noticed Kellan was drooling. She smiled and began eating.

Dante was the first to finish. "Wow, that was really good Brianna. Thank you." She laughed.

"I'm glad you liked it." She said.

Kellan was taking his time eating, savoring every bite. He took a drink of his Pepsi every so often.

Brianna stared at him. There was still a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Do you guys want to watch a movie after we're done?"

Dante looked at Kellan. He seemed to be thinking. "I'll watch something with you." He said to her. Then she looked at Kellan.

"I guess." He took a bite of his mashed potatoes and finished his cut of the meat.

Brianna got up and took both their plates and carried them into the kitchen, then came back for her own. "I'll do the dishes later. So what do you guys want to watch?"

"Don't know." Both the younger wolves said at once.

"Billy Madison?" Brianna suggested.

Kellan giggled, it was and old movie, but one of his favorites; he'd seen it many times, but he wouldn't mind seeing it again if Dante wanted to.

"I've never seen that one before." Dante said.

Kellan nodded in agreement.

"Ok, I'll go get it." She grabbed her keys. "I'll be right back guys." She said and walked out the front door. Dante sat down on the couch, sitting on his tail so it was between his legs. Kellan walked in front of him.

"Dante." He said, blushing. Dante looked up at him. "Uh, thank you for protecting me...back in the locker room, and then trying to make me feel better." He sat down next to Dante and hugged him. Dante blushed as the other wolf hugged him. It wasn't like when he hugged him, he was only trying to comfort him, but Kellan's hug was compassionate, loving.

"Uh, it was no problem. I wasn't just going to watch you get bullied around. But there's something I want to know." He looked into Kellan's blue eyes. "In the showers, were you looking at me when you got, you know..."

Kellan looked down at the ground. "Y-yes."

He suddenly felt something for Dante he'd never felt before. It made him feel warm, and happy. He tapped Dante on his shoulder, he turned his head, and Kellan kissed him on his lips.

Dante wasn't sure what was happening. Kellan had just pulled him into a kiss. He sat there, motionless. At school, everyone talked about the girl they wanted to have their first kiss with. He was having his with another boy, his best friend. He wasn't sure what to do. He though about it while Kellan kissed him. When he didn't respond, Kellan pulled away and stared at him.

"I'm sorry. Oh my god I'm so sorry." He said. He jumped up off the couch, and would have run off somewhere, if Dante didn't catch his hand. Kellan looked back, tears in his eyes, tail between his legs and ears down. Dante's eyes looked beautiful to him.

"Don't go." He said. "It's ok." He looked scared and confused. They both sat down. Kellan was crying and Dante was holding him in his arms. Dante was just going to pretend that, that never happened.

"I-I didn't mean too, I just...I." Kellan stuttered. "I'm sorry." He really had no idea why he just kissed him. He was scared Dante was going to leave. He stopped crying. "I'm sorry, please don't leave."

Dante shook his head. "Why would I leave?" Kellan's face brightened. "Just don't tell anyone that happened, ok?" Kellan nodded, smiling.

Just then Brianna walked through the front door. Kellan jumped out of Dante's grasp and onto the opposite side of the couch, but she saw the abrupt movement.

"What's going on guys?" She asked.

"Nothing!" They both said at once. They looked at each other. Brianna laughed.

"Well ok then, I got the movie. You guys want popcorn too?" They nodded. "Ok. Kellan, start the movie and I'll go get the popcorn."

Kellan got up and took the movie from her, then she walked into the kitchen. The two boys looked at each other again. Kellan blushed and turned away, Dante smiled. By the time Kellan was done setting up the movie, Brianna walked back in, carrying a large bucket of popcorn. They all sat down, Kellan in the middle and Brianna and Dante on his sides. He snuggled up against his sister's side and she pulled him into her with her arm and wrapped her tail around him. She played with his ears like she normally did.

Kellan and Dante fell asleep near the end of the movie. Brianna carried both of them up, one at a time, to Kellan's room. She took off their pants and shirts and tucked them in for the night. She thought they were both so cute when they were together. Kellan rolled over on his side and put his arms around Dante. If they were older that might have been considered weird, but they were still young. Brianna thought for a moment, what would they be like when they're older? She brushed off the thought, and kissed her little brother and Dante goodnight.


The next morning, Dante woke up first. He tried to get up, but found that Kellan's arm was around him. He thought it was strange the way he was acting lately, but he didn't care, he was still his best friend and nothing was going to change that. He didn't want to wake Kellan, so he laid back down. Kellan tightened his grasp around Dante.

"Morning Dante." He said.

"Morning Kellan. Sleep well?"

Kellan giggled. "Yeah."

"What do you want to do today?" Dante asked, sitting up.

"I don't know. Just hang out?" He pushed the covers off of him. They were both only wearing their briefs, Dante in his red ones and Kellan in his white. He blushed, but neither of them minded.

Dante smiled. "Yeah, that sounds good."

They both got up. Kellan turned on his X-Box 360, the birthday gift he received from his sister and father last year. They decided to play Rainbow six Vegas. They both had a little bit of an interest in the military, so they liked things like that.

An hour after they got up, there was a knock on the door. "Kellan, Dante? You two awake yet?" Brianna opened the door and stepped in. She blushed slightly as the sight of the two wolf cubs, but she smiled at the same time. "I made breakfast if you're hungry."

Dante's tail wagged, but Kellan's didn't. He turned around. "Bry, when is dad going to get home?" He asked.

She sighed. She knew how much Kellan would love to spend time with their father, but he wasn't ever the same since their mother died. She went and sat down next to them. "I don't know Kelly, but not this weekend."

Kellan's ears dropped. "Oh. Ok, well thanks. I am kind of hungry, we'll be down in a second." He said.

She grinned. "You're both so cute." She got up and left them alone again. She didn't care, when they were both younger, she bathed them while she babysat them.

"I wish my parents would at least let me sleep like this, it's so hot at night now." Dante was a bit shy at being seen pretty much naked by Brianna. He had no problem with Kellan though.

"Yeah, let's go eat." They both quickly threw on a shirt and shorts.

They both walked down to the kitchen, where the sent of pancakes was thick in the air.

"Mmmm. That smells delicious!" Kellan exclaimed, his tail wagging at full speed.

Brianna served them up a stack of the pancakes, which they devoured quickly. "Still hungry? There's plenty more."

The two shook their heads and patted their stomachs, to show they were full. They got up and walked back upstairs to Kellan's room to continue their game. They beat the entire thing in about two hours time.

Dante stretched his arms up in the air and yawned. "What now?" They looked at the clock; it was 12:00pm. "I know! Lets go swimming."

"But I think my trunks are at your house."

"So? Your point?"

"What are we supposed to swim in?"

"Just go like we are." Dante smiled. Kellan looked away for a moment. He grinned then tackled Kellan onto his bed, and the two wrestled around. Dante quickly pinned Kellan for three seconds, using his own tail to pin Kellan's for fun, then helped him back up.

Kellan was ashamed he'd been beaten so easily, even though it was a sneak attack. Dante was always able to beat him, so it didn't matter. When he got up, he walked out into the hall and grabbed two towels from a closet, and motioned for Dante to follow. They reached the back door. "Bry, we're going swimming!" He yelled, not sure where she was.

"Ok!" She yelled back, from upstairs.

They went outside, it was comfortably warm. Kellan walked over to the edge of the pool and poked his foot in. It was at the perfect temperature.

Dante suck up behind him and pushed him in. Kellan surfaced and shook his head, getting the water out of his ears. He splashed at Dante, still standing on the edge. "How's the water?" He joked then jumped in.

They swam around slashing each other and playing games. Brianna watched over them from her bedroom window. She envied them; they were young and didn't have a care in the world, except for Kellan maybe. She wished she was their age again. There was nothing in their world but each other right now. She remembered one time when Kellan broke his wrist a couple of years ago, Dante never left his side, he helped him with everything. Kellan did the same for Dante when he was sick. She couldn't shake the idea that they might eventually end up together in a relationship, but then she smiled, they'd be great for each other. She thought to herself, ‘they still had a long way to go in life, so maybe something would change them.' She pictured both of them her age, what they looked like and how they would act, and how others would react to them. Then she pushed the thought from her mind. ‘There's only a small chance of that,' she thought.

Kellan and Dante got out after about an hour in the pool. Their wet fur made them feel heavy. They took off their shorts and hung them up to dry, then wrapped towels around themselves and sprawled out on folding chairs. "I'm tired now." Kellan wagged his soaking wet tail up in the air.

"Hehe, yeah."

The wet pups rested for fifteen minutes, and then Kellan got up. "Let's go see if there's anything to eat."

"Ok." Dante got up and grabbed his shorts and put them on, as did Kellan.

They ate what they could find, and then lounged around watching TV for the rest of the day up until dinner. Brianna made them a big dinner at 5:30. Then they sat around playing bored games for the rest of the night.

They played one last game before the cubs went to bed. The boys were so tired they could hardly keep their eyes opened.

"Goodnight guys!" Brianna yelled up at them as they ascended the stairs.

"Goodnight Bry!" Kellan yelled back.

Brianna listened for the door to shut. When it did she picked up the phone and dialed a number. She waited.


"Hey Randy!"

"Hey baby, what's up?"

She giggled, "Nothing what about you?" Randy was her boy friend. A six foot two, 17 year old fox she met in school when she was just a freshman.

"Nothin. So ah, what'ca want baby?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to catch a movie. My little brother just went to bed."

"Yeah sure. Should I met you there or pick you up?"

"I'll met you there." Her tail started wagging.

"Ok baby, see you soon." He hung up the phone.

She grabbed her keys and left the house. Kellan had met Randy on various occasions, but he and his sister usually went out at night.

Kellan was having dream, not quite sure what about, but it involved Dante, when he tried to roll onto his stomach. There was a pain on his groin that woke him up. He lifted the covers and turned on a light. He had a full erection and it was sticking out above the waistband of his briefs. He turned the light off and got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. He turned on the bathroom light and looked down at himself. This had been happening frequently now, like the other day in the showers. He didn't know why it happened, or what it was for. It irritated him, yet it also interested him.

This was the first time he'd actually examined himself in this way. First, he looked over his furry white sac. After his peek at Dante, his sheath and balls seemed to be smaller than Dante's, but he really couldn't tell; he looked away too fast.

He moved on to his penis. He sat down and stared at it. He was completely ignorant as to why this happened. He lightly gripped it with his right hand, and felt something.

Now curious, he slowly started to move his hand up and down on his small erection. He never felt this sensation before, it was great. He sat down on the floor and kept going. A small amount of pre cum came out of his tip, but he didn't notice it. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Kellan?" Dante asked sleepily from the other side.

Kellan stopped with the pawing and his heart seemed to stop as it does when he got scared suddenly. "Uh, yeah?" He said, hastily trying to pull his underwear and shorts back on.

"Can I get in? I have to go, really bad."

Kellan opened the door, but it was painfully obvious what he had been doing. "I, um, yeah..."

Dante stared at Kellan's erection through his shorts.

"I just," He stumbled, trying to keep Dante's attention on his face, but it was too late. "I don't know what I was doing." Kellan said, blushing hotly under his white fur.

Dante coughed. "Let me go really quick, and I'll explain what I can to you." He walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Kellan could hear him releasing his steady stream.

When he got back out of the bathroom, he sat down next to Kellan. "Were you rubbing your penis?" He asked.

Kellan never heard Dante say that word before, so he giggled slightly for a second or so, but he nodded his head.

"Ok," Dante pulled off his shorts and briefs, which Kellan did not expect him to do, but he now saw Dante's ‘privates' where only slightly larger. Dante gave himself a quick pawing, teasing his shaft of its sheath.

Kellan's heart beat faster and his own length hardening. Dante must have thought Kellan wouldn't mind if he gave him a visual aid. He was longer then Kellan as well.

Kellan figured if Dante was comfortable with this he would be too. He stripped of the articles of clothing to reveal his already full grown boner. He watched as Dante began to stroke his penis, just as he'd been doing in the bathroom.

"Just keep going like this." He leaned his body and head back and also spread his legs apart slightly, his tail was in-between his legs and his sac was resting on it.

Dante's strong scent grew strong in Kellan's sensitive nose. The scent alone was enough to turn and keep him on, and Dante being completely naked, jacking off on his bed made it even better. He secretly watched Dante as he started to work on himself again. The experience was made so much better seeing Dante like he was.

Dante began panting; his pink member was slick with pre cum. He spread his legs apart further and had his orgasm. Most of it landed on his furry stomach because his was leaning back, the rest got on the bed.

Seeing this pushed Kellan over his edge as well. He gave him self a couple more strong strokes then he released all over himself as Dante did. His white fur made it hard to see though, with Dante's black fur, his was clearly visible.

He leaned back with Dante. Both their members standing up, bouncing with every heart beat, in the air. Kellan looked at Dante, he had his eyes closed and was smiling with his tongue hanging out of his muzzle. Slowly, their erections went back into their sheaths, leaving the openings oozing with seed.

"I think it's called masturbation or something like that." Dante panted.

Kellan laughed and rubbed his eyes sleepily. The two wolf cubs got up to wash themselves off. It wasn't the first time they'd seen each other naked, but it was their first time seeing the other's penis.

When they both got back into Kellan's room, they were both so exhausted they didn't even bother putting their clothes back on. They just got under the covers, but kept a farther distance then they normally would.

"Dante?" Kellan said

Dante tuned over. He was going to say something, but Kellan licked his muzzle before he could. He lay there with blank expression. ‘Did he just lick me?'


The next morning was started by Brianna yelling from behind the bedroom door for them to get up. Kellan pushed the covers off him and Dante. He'd forgotten they went to bed naked. Yet he smiled at the still sleeping black wolf and got dressed. He walked downstairs and was about to walk into the kitchen, but someone grabbed him from behind and pulled him into a hug.

"Daddy!" Kellan exclaimed. He wagged his tail excitingly as he hugged his father back.

"Hello Kellan!" His dad said back. He kissed him on his nose then collapsed onto the couch with him still in his arms. "I missed you so much." He ran his hand over his ears, flattening them.

Kellan's tail didn't slow down and he didn't loosen his grip on his father. "I thought you weren't coming home this weekend."

"My boss gave me some time off, I get to spend three whole weeks with you guys." He tried to push his son off of him, but he was reluctant to let go.

Brianna walked into the room smiling and laughing. "Kellan, let go he can barely breathe." She walked over to her father and kissed him.

Kellan let go and jumped into the seat next to his dad. He rested his head on his shoulder and took his hand. The two didn't really look like each other. Kellan had inherited most of his features from his mother, mainly his fur and eyes. He had the same fur as his mother did, while Brianna had their father's, fully grey. She also had her father's brown eyes.

"Breakfast is almost ready, guys." She looked up at the stairs, then back at her father and brother. Dante wasn't down so he must have still been asleep. She didn't want to interrupt the two, so she went up herself to wake Dante. She pushed open the door and Dante had just pulled up his shorts. "Good morning Dante."

"Morning Brianna." Dante put a shirt on and walked out with her. When they got downstairs, Kellan was on his back laughing and almost crying while his dad tickled him. Dante loved seeing Kellan with his father.

"I win." His dad said as he helped the little fur up. "Oh hi Dante."

"Hi Mr. Wulf." He watched as Kellan, still giggling, wipe a tear away.

"Come on boys, let's eat." Brianna said and waved them all into the dinning room. Kellan sat next to his dad and across from Dante. They had pancakes and waffles.

"This is really good dear." Kenith said.

She blushed slightly. "Thanks dad."

They continued on with their meal, Kenith would occasionally stop to play with Kellan's tail or ears. "So how've your folks been Dante?" He asked.

"They're great." Dante said after he swallowed what was in his mouth.

"That's good. Are you keeping Kellan here out of trouble at school?"

Dante and Kellan blushed. "Yeah." Dante laughed.

After they finished eating, they put their dishes in the sink and went into the living room. "So, what do you guys want to do today?" Kenith asked. The two boys shrugged, but Kellan would do anything with his dad, so he wagged his tail. "How about some baseball?" He asked.

"Yeah!" Kellan ran upstairs to get his bat and a glove for him and Dante. The others were ready by the time he got back.

"Let's go." Kenith lead the other three wolves into his car. Brianna sat in the front, and Kellan and Dante sat in the back. They drove off to the nearby park and all piled out of the car. They walked to a wide open space. "We'll just start with some catch, ok?" He asked everyone.

"Ok." They all said. Kenith tossed Kellan the ball, which he then threw to Brianna, who threw it to he dad, and then he threw it to Dante, so on and so forth. They eventually took turns at bat. Kellan's dad missed most of the pitches thrown at him; he blamed it on being a little rusty. Kellan and Dante competed to see who could hit it the farthest. Dante, of course, won. Out of all of them though, Brianna was the power hitter. She drove the ball out of the park.

Kellan praised her for being so good at hitting, but was also a little embarrassed that he got beat by a girl.

They spent the rest of the day at the park, playing. When dinner time rolled around, they packed up their things and headed home, where Brianna, yet again, made another delicious meal.

Kellan's dad sent him and Dante up to bed at nine o'clock. Brianna also went up for the night. He waited thirty minutes to make sure they where all asleep, then he walked into the kitchen and found his secret stash of alcohol, beer, liquor and so on. He grabbed a couple of beers and headed back into the living room and opened one, then flopped down on the sofa.

"You said you'd stop drinking." A voice behind him said.

He almost choked on the liquid. He spit it out and turned around. Brianna was looking at him with a slight hurt look on her muzzle. "Only a few dear." He said, but Brianna yanked the bottle out of his hand.

"You promised me, you promised Kellan!" She said sternly, growling at him.

Kenith turned around on the couch. "It's not going to hurt anyone." He protested.

"No, it will hurt someone dad, everyone, especially Kellan." She placed the beer bottle down. "I have to see him come home everyday with his head and ears down and his tail just flowing behind him. When you drink you ignore him or worse. He needs you dad, what will happen when I move out, huh? Who will take care of him?"

For once, he actually thought of Brianna moving out of the house, and what would happen after she did. "I...I will." He said. She was right, he would actually have to be a father to Kellan.

"I hope so dad." She walked back upstairs, leaving him staring in the dark. He picked up the bottles and put them back in the kitchen, then walked upstairs to his room. After changing clothes, he laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He reached under his bed and grabbed a book; it was Kellan's baby book. Warm memories and feeling flowed through him as he looked through the pictures from the best day of his life, the day his son was born. He was such a cute little fur ball. He rested his head back down and put the book back. Then his bedroom door creaked open slightly.

"Daddy?" Kellan opened the door and stepped into the room. "Can I sleep with you?"

He smiled warmly and nodded his head. Kellan jumped up on the bed. He snuggled in with his dad and closed his eyes. "I'll always love you Kellan, no matter what." He rapped his tail around his son's.

"No matter what?" Kellan looked up into his eyes.

"No matter what." He kissed him and they fell asleep.


I tend to build up a lot of back story untill I get to the only sceen you probaly care about, anywayz...yeah its long, but I like a good story. I think its also quite obvious Kellan, like myself, is a bit of a cry baby.

If you liked it please give me rateing and feedback so I can improve on my weak points, Thanks,
