Grad-Bash Part 15

Story by Cole Stryker on SoFurry

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#15 of Scout's Honor

Scout finally letting go and having some fun. André works fast, but he is oh so good at it ;)

Copyright © 2015 Cole Stryker

And I just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading and keeping up with the story, commenting, faving, and the watches! You guys are all great <3

*Part * 15

The next day went by fast, up until I met André for tennis. I awoke to an empty bed and empty cabin. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked at my phone which read 11:27 and wiped my face. They were probably already at breakfast or lunch or whatever. Might as well go look for him, and André for that matter.

So I got dressed, shorts and a light hoodie because I didn't plan on coming back to the cabin before playing tennis. I walked down to the cafeteria where, there they were, sitting and smiling and laughing. They all welcomed me, and André saved a seat next to him which I gladly took when I came back from the line with a plate of eggs and some juice. He had two racquets and a can of balls below his seat, which I figured were for us.

"You got up late," he remarked.

I chuckled, mostly because I didn't have a response. "Yeah, I guess I just needed it."

"I was thinking, do you want to hit after your done eating. I have the racquets and balls with me, and it's nice out."

There wasn't any reason for me to say no. "Yeah, sure."

"Great! Are you on the team?"

I nodded through a mouthful of eggs.

"Is it hard to get in?"

I snorted. "Not in the least."

"I guess we'll see," he said with a coy smile. A smile only a fox could pull off.

I finished breakfast and talked with some people before André pulled my hoodie and asked if I was ready. I nodded in agreement and said goodbye to everyone. Kit, who was down the table, avoided my eyes.

André walked with me to the courts and talked about his home back in France. He said it was nothing special, it was slightly near Paris but he was mostly at the courts everyday. I asked him about his social life but he said that most of the people he made friends with, were kids from out of country who only came in over summer or winter to practice with his coach. I felt bad for him, and I dropped the subject and ended up talking to him about the people he's met here. All the kids he mentioned were people I talked to on a regular basis at school, so it was safe to assume that he was-

"Gay? Yes," he said promptly.

I smiled. "How long have you known?"

"A few years. One of the kids who came down asked me if I tried anything with a guy. I said no. And you can fill in the rest," he chuckled and cocked his head to the side. "Are you, bottom?"

I laughed, mostly out of embarrassment. "Yes I am, and I take it you're a top?"

He nodded. "Cool."

We ended up at the court, which was hidden behind some foliage. André had to open the gate by crashing his shoulder into the rubber-coated metal. The hard court had a variety of cracks and little tremors that looked unsafe. Seving I could see being ok, but actually playing, that was a different story.

I was about to say something when I turned to see André taking off his shirt and jeans. His body was pretty muscular, for a fox that is, we aren't known for having the most masculine men, those are wolves. But he was the exception. Though his fur was long, I could still see the musculature under. And let me say...damn. His lower body, with his ass and legs were sculpted like Roman architecture. His abs and broad shoulders seemed to be just as well sculpted as his entire body. Don't even get me started on his fur. It was almost as if it glowed under the sun. The fur on his sides and back was slightly lighter than the black of his chest, arms, and legs. And he had the most gorgeous black line running from his nose down to his back, and finally ending before his white tail tip.

I looked around but the entire court was covered by brush that I guess made it easier for him to do it.

When he turned, his tail flowed easily behind him. "Oh," he smiled down at me, "sorry. I hope you don't mind, I wasn't expecting to play this early."

I had to compose myself quickly. ", no. I don't mind at all."

He gave another fox smile. "Good."

He handed me a racquet and we just hit the ball back and forth for about thirty minutes. After he hit every ball, he shuffled back to the center and bent low with the racquet in front of him. His red underwear scrunched up to where it would only be covering his sensitive region. And after every point he would reposition his balls. To me, and my own sensitive area, this was probably the best tennis I've ever been apart of.

He was good. Really good, and not just his body. He hit the ball clean down the middle, then made me run and catch the ball just slightly, enough for him to put a winner down the line again. That went on for most of the points. After he royally kicked my ass, we sat down on the hard bench, panting and gulping down water.

"Man," I said after I could breathe again, "you're really good."

He chuckled. "Thanks. I practiced to be in the pros. The coaches pushed me hard, but I'm glad they did. Might have never seen my potential. You're not too bad yourself. Do you play often?"

"Not as often as I should."

"Why not?"

I thought about it. The reason I had was stupid, but I gave it anyways. "It's just not as fun as t used to be."

This was an answer he was surely waiting for. "We can change that," he said in a low voice. I felt his paw fall onto my crotch with a wave of pleasure as he began to massage the area. I know I shouldn't have been enjoying it, I hardly knew the guy but...oh man he was really attractive.

I looked up and he looked down. Our eyes met. And I knew what was coming next.


Shit...Brent. Brent. Brent. Bre-

André leaned in and our lips met. His paws left my crotch and instead wrapped themselves around me as our tongues playfully tagged each other. I melted in his grip, let him hold me tighter and closer to his seductive silvery-black fur. His tail intertwined with my own, both our white tips bobbing together. I reached over and felt his abs, his pecs, they were hard against my paw pad. That's when I truly lost it.

He took off my shirt and our fur met after he dragged me closer to him, to where I hooked my legs around and I was sitting on his crotch. I felt his fur against mine, his body rubbing and feeling up my own. It felt amazing. It was so soft against my touch. When I wrapped my arms around him he put one on my ass and the other on the nape of my neck, forcing me closer to him.

I just couldn't take it anymore. I began to move my hips along his crotch, to where I felt him moan through the kiss. He stuck his paw in my shorts, massaging my ass and moving along with me. His claws bit down on my tender skin, grating against it and holding me firmer. It only spurred me on. Without breaking the kiss, I removed my legs from behind him and quickly threw off the shorts and the underwear without thinking. As my member bobbed up and down in front of the fox, I didn't care. This has been waiting for far too long.

Before I sat back down he removed his underwear and revealed himself to me. He was huge. I lunged on him, regaining my place on top of his crotch and massaging the area with my now bare ass. I could feel his balls under me, and his cock, which sparred with my own. He came up and licked my neck and bent me backwards. He grabbed my ass and held me steady as he worked tirelessly down my entire body, stopping at the base of my sheathe. He ran his tongue up my length and pursed his lips over the tip as his tongue worked the base. I let out a stifled moan, shudders running throughout my body, taking control. He started slow, getting all of me inside his muzzle. He slid his mouth slowly over my now glistening member. I grabbed at his back and moaned as he started to go faster.

Something wild came over me. I pushed him back with a powerful grip, his tongue still hanging out of his mouth. He cocked his head. I smiled and pushed him back further, throwing my lips onto his and my tongue deep into his muzzle. I tasted myself in his mouth, some pre was still wetting his tongue. His paws wrapped around me right away and held me tight. But not tight enough. I pushed away and sat a little away from him on the bench.

André knew what was coming and sunk down on the bench, spreading his legs. I reached down and held his cock in my paws before licking the entire length of the beast. Honestly, how would I fit that in my mouth? But I tried, all the while keeping my ass in the air like Kit taught me to do, letting my tail hang off to the side to provide easy access. I went down, getting to the halfway point before I knew I'd embarrass myself by gagging. So I stopped and came back up, then went back down, making sure to let go run my paw up his length while I tended to his balls with my tongue.

Eventually, as I was still sucking him off, I felt his paw glide against my fur, finally arriving at its desired location. I let out a loud moan, which was muffled due to his cock, as André slowly let his finger massage my hole. I reared myself back, the familiar feeling of euphoric glee travel through my body as he stuck his middle finger in me. I started to move my muzzle faster, my tongue absorbing the extra pre that was coming out.

He withdrew his finger after a moment and picked me up by my nape and held me tight to him. "You wanna-"


I winced as he picked up my ass and slowly brought it down on his wet cock. He was big, maybe a little bigger than Brent. But to hell if I wasn't going through with this. I moaned into his chest fur as he inched his way in. It hurt, but the pain was worth it once he finally got in and I felt his knot bump up against my ass. He started out hard, his balls slapping audibly against my ass. I leaned back and threw my head up and moaned. I couldn't contain myself, I gave myself to him, leaning in and licking his neck like he had mine. He only went faster. And harder.

I knew he was close, I could feel him going deeper, wanting to get the knot in. He didn't in the end (thankfully). He slapped my ass a few times, his other paw latched onto my cock and slowly massaged it. He reared backwards slowly, then came up fast. He did that about ten times, then the next, he did it, I felt the instantaneous pleasure from him flow inside me. I let myself go on his stomach fur, moaning along with him until the humping and the jerking ceased.

He was still fully inside me, when he softly grabbed my chin. He pulled it down so we ended with a long, very wet kiss.


We got dressed shortly afterwards (we ended up petting each other for quite a while). He seemed cool and I gave him my number. We talked for a little bit after we got dressed, after he was staring at me squirming into my clothes (for effect). He wished me luck with Carson, though he did say that if it didn't work out, he'd always be there.

I asked if he wanted to walk back with me but he said he should probably serve some balls and then he'd head back. I was very hungry so I decided to just let him be (I did however walk up and kiss him before going).

He waved goodbye with a childish smile on his face.

My boy!

Oh, not now.

What? Can't even congratulate my little man for getting some and not even thinking about Brent.


What? What?

I thought about Brent throughout the whole thing.

Ha! No you didn't. You were thinking about Le Sex-a over there.

I seriously didn't think of Brent once?

At the beginning, but once that French stud kissed you. Whoo, boy, you were sold. Hey, why are you so smiley all of a sudden?

I didn't think about Brent once.

Well technically-

No, I mean during it. I..I've never had sex like that. Not even with Brent.

Maybe it was because of Brent.


But whatever the case was, I didn't dwell on it too long. My smile remained all day, throughout hanging out with Sera (who I divulged some infor to), dinner, and even Kit, who was in a worse mood than the day before. Jayce, the ferret roommate, smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. He either knew before, because I figured out that was André's plan all along, or afterwards. But I honestly didn't care.

Brent's friends stared at me and offered slightly loud comments on my smell, either from the cum or the musk, I didn't care. I walked past them with a confident smile.