Specialist Care I

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#3 of Commissioned Works

A commission written for Horny Bunny as such the characters appearing in this story commission belong to Horny Bunny, and the following is fantasy concocted by my mind to satisfy the conditions of his paid story request.

I was not going to share this on SoFurry at first, but thought "What the hell" and decided to list it for everyone to see here since the commissioner already posted it on their account under a different name and associated me with the work per my request.

Specialist Care

By Bluevirage

The characters appearing in this story commission belong to Horny Bunny, and the following is _fantasy_concocted by my mind to satisfy the conditions of his paid story request.

The following will be featured beyond this introductory statement: incest, as well as sexual acts between two adults and a child that includes penetrative sex with said minor providing the means of penetration. If such material offends do not read further, otherwise enjoy my first foray into hyper sex with a thin veneer of sci-fi fantasy thrown on top of it to justify said oversize genitals.

_ I _t was spring, or what passed for it those days. The temperature was in the mid 50's, yet furs were walking around like it was warmer, the few girls Maria Zanzibar walked by on her way to her clinic were dressed in skirts and tights that hugged and showed off their rears to anyone who paid such things any mind.

As a professional, with an interest in various anthropomorphic forms, Maria did pay attention. But unlike the men she caught looking at her and the teens she walked past she did not have to stare. Her mind was a snare when it came to imagery, it was how she had gotten through medical school.

It was also how she had passed the time during the many lonely nights of studying and failed relationship after failed relationship; replaying vivid real memories of various studs she saw around during daylight hours that she let get to first and second, but once they got to third base they balked at what they saw or felt.

It was because she had a "throw back" vagina.

That was the unprofessional term used to describe her genitalia online. Not all furs had sleek slits. Some had genitals resembled that of their less evolved cousins. It was a trait that when found in men was somewhat desirable by women who wanted to get actually knotted or rutted by a horse who had the girth and flare of a four-legged cousin.

However to selfish men that were more discerning about what they got their rocks off in, it was nearly akin to bestiality in their eyes if they put _it_in Maria, even though she walked on two legs and could carry a very intelligent conversation.

It was not like they had to drag a crate or bucket over behind her and lift her tail after getting her alone in a barn or a field! She was desirable to them until they saw her strange pussy and balked.

_The hypocrites did not care when I sucked them off or let them fuck my tits!_Maria angrily thought to herself as she found herself standing outside her clinic's location. So caught up in her own memories she was at her place of business in no time at all.

She studied the front of the building and took in a deep calming breath before admiring the building looking for any external changes since the last time she was there.

It was a small affair set up on the ground floor of a four story medical center building that rented to professionals as long as they paid in full each month. The complex was owned by an old goat, a man by the name of Peter Green.

His gnarled paws and pressed suits were the first things many noticed about him other than the fact that he was blind and got around with his other senses. Clicking and whistling to aid in his remarkable echolocation abilities. Such a physical feat was not that startling to Maria considering her background in science and own experiences with unusual physical ability.

Though she was tempted to see if Mr. Green had any bat in his ancestry via a genetic test, it would explain the slight ridges in his ears that resembled those found in species of bats, she was more interested in her "throwback" gene studies. Her interest in why her own genitals were not like the rest of the majority of the population was why she took up genetic studies in college.

Her work had a focus on testing numerous theories, theories that had yet to be accepted by other members of the scientific community widely. One such theory was that certain genetic switches were turned on during fetal development in the womb that had a 50/50 chance of being fully expressed or "switched" on due to genes one of the parents possessed with a 100% chance of them being expressed if both parents carried them along with a certain microorganism being present.

It was her theory that this microorganism played a critical role in the development of the upright races that walked the world alongside their more four-legged and feral kin.

The genetic wedge that led to the birth of the current world hegemony.

A wedge that acted erratically and consigned her with a "throw back" pussy and the loneliness that came with being rejected for the way her pussy looked far too often.

It was easier on the doctor's mind to have a villain in her story as the reason for her problems keeping an unselfish mate. Any serious reflection on her other flaws had not occurred because she was still somewhat self pitying herself.

She had a great body and aside from what she held between her legs Maria's tits were large for her age. And even when she was a cub they were bigger than normal, and only got bigger, so big that by the time she was twenty, she was wearing a double-d cup sized bra.

It was later assumed by associates that she paid for school via stripping. It was not far from the truth, she gave paw-jobs, blow jobs, and tit fucks to the same pervs that rejected her womanly bits for cash. They paid gladly, and her blow jobs became legendary on campus.

She also provided online web shows to paying clients; even meeting up with a few at large gatherings for some offline fun.

There were also a few professors before she got into her first masters program proper that propositioned her. But Maria rejected them, wanting good grades by working hard for them via her studies. She truly was interested in helping people, especially those who had similar body issues like herself, based on her own hard work and efforts.

Though she did visit a few once out of school, or not attending their classes. She was lonely, paid attention was nice, but having someone want you of their own will was a thrill that no amount of money could replace.

Having been deprived of sex by spouses that did not care, or lacking a spouse, and not so concerned about her vagina's appearance, they plumbed her depths like they were starving. Some of her most memorable sexual antics during her earlier years were with nerds that had gained tenure.

Years of book wisdom and the accolades of peers did not get them laid. Though there were more than a few smooth operators, Maria was not so lonely as to let them run roughshod over her.

Any sex they had was on her terms, which was why she approached them after she was done with learning from them in a professional capacity.

In particular there was one lion, an nontenured professor who had raked her insides with his rubbery spines as he had fucked her so hard she walked funny for a day or two afterwards.

All that was behind her and though a part of her missed those days of easy access to older gentleman cock; there was work to be done, and her clinic had a referral coming in that day that was of particular interest to her.

She had previously logged into the patient database for the state; skirting past the security questions, entering her passwords, pin numbers, and providing her medical license information, to get a hold of the juvenile's records that she would be seeing.

He was a cub with a hormonal imbalance that had her speculating as to if what she was reading was right. He was only _eight_and was producing sperm, highly fertile sperm; as in a 99.9999999% sperm motility and viability rate, with his sperm cells having strange structures, according to notes from another medical professional, that made them very capable of penetrating and fertilizing egg cells.

The boy's mother had provided a sample from her son of his seed; leaving Maria to wonder _how_she had known her son was capable of producing semen. She considered that since she did the laundry for the child, she would be the first to know of such things happening under her household's roof.

Attached research notes from questions asked of the child's mother had the zebra mare wondering what kind of equipment the boy she would be seeing was packing.

As a specialist, with a license to practice medicine in state, she looked upon the data she had seen as an opportunity to see someone up close and personal from the other side of the "throwback" phenomenon.

A male perspective, however young, would prove interesting no matter his age especially if his body was more mature than he was mentally. Maria was curious as to what kind of environment he was in, her own mother had ignored the issue, stating that she was fine and it was nothing to worry about if she just focused on finding one good guy.

The issue was, one good guy could easily balk, and a few did, upon seeing what she had down there.

This boy however, had over sized genitals, and that would prevent him from having normal relations with many females unless they were of a certain physical size. And if his body was producing adult hormones, adult drives would be racing through his brain that would need explaining.

Maria really wanted to know what kind of education trusted adults around him were providing him with about his body and how it worked.

She also wanted to know if his mother was giving him a negative outlook on his sexual organs. Creating a psychological barrier to him having healthy relationships in the future. Five years from now, as a teenager, he could be easily stunted in psychological growth from not having a solid knowledge base from which to work from about why and how his body was the way it was.

Maria took it as her personal duty to settle her own curiosity as well as any issues the boy may have or his mother. But, she would play it by ear, see how they behaved and act accordingly. While she was more interested in her research, grants had dried up a year ago and for the sake of keeping her income steady for her own research to continue she also took on regular patients.

Until at least she got another grant, she would continue to hold normal clinic hours and see furs that needed care. So while she saw anyone, it was unique individuals like this lion cub that got her interests truly fired up; especially if she could prove the genetic links to herself and them and their physical condition.

A swipe of her badge got her into the medical center without being buzzed in and she walked past the front desk security without signing the visitors log. The badger sitting behind it wore an ironed uniform and polished shoes. He acknowledged her with a greeting as she headed towards her clinic.

Her secretary would have gotten things ready by now for her first appointment of the day. Maria had set aside an ample block of time to get to know the child, as well as potentially get a sample of his seed for her own use.

Simply talking to him would not be enough, she wanted to examine him as well. Which, she hoped, his mother would not object to.

Her scientific curiosity was likely to get the better of her since she had read that he was a bit large in the genital region for his age. She did not put too much stock in such things, especially if she had not seen them for herself.

Though at the back of her mind she was worried about his mother reacting negatively to her requests. But she wanted to test a few things, see if a few gene markers showed up that she knew were connected to her research as far as "throwback" genes were concerned.

For that permission would be needed and she suspected things would not go her way in that department.

The lion family that walked into the clinic consisted of a mother wearing a loose dark blue buttoned top over her widening belly, stretch pants, and comfortable looking black slip on shoes with rubber soles.

She could have done the barefoot thing like her son but was persuaded by her regular doctor, the same that had given her the push to see Doctor Zanzibar about her son, to wear shoes for comfort and support considering she was not just walking for one anymore.

Her youngest child, Hal, was busily tapping away on a cellphone. He looking up information on pregnancy and making faces at some of the images he found. Sylvia had not bothered to enable parental locks, he was a parent himself, the cubs within her belly were the result of her taking advantage of her child's virility after he had managed to get his teacher pregnant.

She knew the risks, and so did the teacher who was further along than her in pregnancy with half-lion cubs. A teacher who also regularly stopped by her home to "visit" for unprofessional reasons.

But Hal was happy, the teacher was happy, and most importantly his mother Sylvia was happy to have another female around to bleed off some of Hal's new found lust. He was not the least bit upset, and she would not allow him to be, about his unusual position in life at that point.

Sylvia pursed her lips as she considered Hal's psychological state as they headed into the clinic. All of eight years old and already a pussy hound! Sylvia was not worried about her son wandering off to screw random people, at least not yet.

Though she was a single mother yet again, she had already rehearsed what she would say to those who wondered who the father was of her latest batch of cubs; her previous pregnancies having involved only single cub birth's each. The father's of each she did not bother to keep in contact with due to personal reasons.

This time she knew she was carrying more than one and aside from prenatal care, she did not care to worry about the number too much, not yet at least. The only issues that would arise would be if their children had her son's particular light blue nose and penis coloration.

Though she was certain she could deflect those questions by saying it was something he inherited from one of his mother's family members or his biological father's side of the family. Anyone who bothered to look into it knew that children only looked like their parents through mostly luck and shared heritage. Genes were randomly selected from the mother and father's bloodlines to give their progeny their appearance.

Only inbreeding limited the number of new material to work with, resulting in family members that looked very similar to each other over time or even suffer from birth defects. Sylvia was not worried about her cubs having any genetic issues, she would firmly put her foot down if they started getting ideas about breeding each other.

But carefully considered "play" was something she would not suppress at all. Though she was worried about what would happen once Hal got older and got the interest of girls who could actually take his length that were of more physical maturity.

As she pondered this she sat down and patted a seat next to her to get Hal's attention. She wondered if there was some ten-year-old size queen out there that was just waiting to find her little man and take him on. She smiled to herself that such a thing would likely end up with her needing a bag of ice when all was said and done. Though, Hal would never intentionally hurt anyone his cock was huge for his age.

"Mom," Hal said his first words since getting out of the car. "what's this doctor do?"

Sylvia had not gone into detail about this zebra doctor, but knew her son was not in need of talking down to about what she did. "She is a specialist,"

"Like the lady who makes my underwear?" Hal asked, curious if his unusual equipment would be seen by another strange lady. The woman that had measured his groin that day had ended up with a muzzle full of seed and, thankfully, no cubs thanks to Sylvia intervening before he got his rod in her.

Hopefully not just like her, do not need you screwing every woman you meet darling. Sylvia thought before speaking. "Yes, dear, only in what makes you you on the inside as well as the outside."

Hal scrunched up his face and took a look around and then started tapping things into the cellphone. He smiled as he held up a picture of a zebra woman with a large bust and a smile. "Is this her? She looks...pretty."

Sylvia suppressed a frown as she noticed Hal's pants tent a bit in the front. She was tempted to take him in the bathroom and have him take care of it in her muzzle to prevent a mess. But that would only make things worse. Instead of smaller, until he was satiated, he got larger. As in his genitals got larger for the duration of sexual activities. And it did not help that they were already large to begin with for his age.

Hal was something of an unusual lion cub. He had started puberty earlier than normal. There was talk about throwback genes not switching off properly somewhere resulting in his humanoid form thinking it was a late blooming non-morphic lion. This resulted in his body overcompensating.

A lot.

Sylvia did not pay for expensive gene mapping or testing, instead she used Google, her instincts, and checked out medical literature at the library. It also helped that the woman Hal, his teacher, had impregnated looked into things herself as well.

From what they gathered instead of a normal growth spurt, his body focused on his reproductive systems and he started developing an adult male, a gifted male, sized penis. By the time he was eight, his cock was ten inches long. It was not so bad when he was not aroused thanks to his sheath, which helped obscure his penis. A blue spiny tip could be seen peeking from within it if one faced him straight on and looked down at his large genitals.

His testes were also as large as a grown man's. Sylvia had to take him to a tailor to get measurements for special fitting clothing to help better hide his large equipment until he grew up and had a physical body to match his endowments.

After Sylvia experienced her son's incredible lust first paw, getting pregnant in the process, she had him examined, and asked questions about anyone who could offer any suggestions as to how he was the way he was. Which led to him being seen by this Doctor Zanzibar.

Sylvia knew what the initial questions would be: when did you notice the physical changes, when did he start bathing by himself, how much does he eat and how often and not in that order necessarily.

She smiled to herself haughtily as she recalled the answers she wouldlike to give. I noticed his attitude had changed the same week he fucked and got his teacher pregnant; a woman who was trying to help a confused eight-year-old come to grips with the fact that the hormones coursing through his veins made him different, a lot, than other eight-year-old children.

Hal had bathed by himself since he was seven, when he became embarrassed about his physical changes and wanted space. I always run the water for him though to prevent burns. Now he bathes with me, and we sometimes make love in the bath. Pregnancy has done nothing to slow me down, or keep him from pounding me. But he is not going as deep as he did the first time, out of fear of harming our cubs.

Hal eats as much as two grown men. His energy goes into replacing what he expends from sex I can tell you. The more sex he has, the more he has to eat, I do worry that it is taxing his heart a bit though and that he may start seeing additional growth spurts as his body tries to compensate for the initial obvious change to his genitals.

As Sylvia was caught up in her thoughts the doctor was getting things set up for her appointment in the back. She had already set out a alcohol foam dispenser, needles, and vials for blood collection. She had also taken out a urine sample cup as well as a second one for semen and sperm retrieval.

She had acquired a broad range automated analyzer unit, at cost, that allowed her to do some of the research she did on site: such as understanding the properties of blood samples and other fluids introduced to it. The machine itself was about the size of two refrigerator units side by side, but more in line with the shape of a washer and dryer combo unit only wider. It had a space for the introduction of samples in its middle, its upper portion supported by a rigid frame that held touch screen monitors and the computers that ran the machine.

With it she could get results in hours thanks to advances in medical technology. The computer in her office could receive data when it was done doing analysis. The understanding of which was not too difficult, but the task was something she had relegated to her lone assistant when she could afford one.

Maria checked out her face as she washed her paws. Smiling and relaxing before paging her secretary to let her first appointment into the back and get them settled into room one.

Up front, in the lobby, Hal sat next to his mother in the small waiting room and held a paw to her tummy. He was smiling to himself about his accomplishments. He knew being "gifted" was not the normal term used to describe what he had did, done, and wanted to do again.

His mother told him to be careful about who he showed or spoke to about his genitals; that some would be jealous about what he could do to please women. Or very misunderstanding of just what he was up to at his age.

Hal knew that much and kept his mouth shut, he had always felt a bit smarter than other children his age and kept a lot of the thoughts he had to himself while running around at play. As far as what he had down there he had all the attention he wanted.

And he knew he could easily get more by just showing off the goods to curious parties. But he knew he may be only to fit into any adult or physically mature woman before her came once. His devious yet playful mind had already run through the "games" he would play with girls.

To him sexual seduction and sex in general was the best game ever to play with others. The thoughts stimulated his hunting instincts, instincts that he did not know were stronger than normal due to his genetics.

But that was why his mother had brought him there, to that place with the new doctor. To learn more about himself, though part of him wondered just what exactly that would entail.

Sylvia heard the secretary call them over to the desk and point to a single door that she buzzed them through. Having previously checked in, the lioness listened as the lock released with a click and the mother predator followed the woman's instructions to head into room one.

The small hallway she ushered her son into was not carpeted like the front lobby. Sylvia suspected that it was to ensure cleanup of any spills was done without any fuss. She also suspected the room she and her cub were directed to would be the same way.

Opening the door to room one, she found herself looking at the chest of a large zebra mare. It was purely the first thing her eyes were drawn to, the clothing she wore covered with a simple extra large white doctor's coat.

Maria noticed where both mother _and_son's eyes had tracked to. And fought back the urge to make a wry comment about her breasts. Keeping her professional air intact she introduced herself instead. "I am Doctor Maria Zanzibar, how are you two?"

"Fine, doctor Zanzibar." Sylvia smiled back as she nudged Hal closer to the woman after feeling him brush against the back of her right leg._No need to be nervous._She thought to herself about her child's sudden skittishness.

The doctor flashed a smile and held out her paw to Hal who took her larger paw in his own and shook it. She then offered her paw to Sylvia the lioness smiled back and shook her paw firmly. "Please have a seat," Maria gestured to the two seats next to a small desk with a laptop seated on it. The computer was running a screen saver that was a series of notes about upcoming appointments put together by Maria's secretary.

The exam began like Sylvia had suspected it would start: Maria asked a few questions, had Hal strip out of his shirt and hop up onto an examination bed she had wiped down before they entered. The faint smell of antiseptic hung in the air near it still. Maria took his pulse, blood pressure, temperature: things a nurse would normally do. But since her practice was small and specialized, Sylvia surmised she rarely needed additional help since automation could provide that.

Besides Maria was glad to get some paws on experience with her patients; getting them to feel comfortable around her before talking to them about any particular issues they were having if they were one of her more curious patients like Hal.

The boy asked her questions, matching her question for question. Maria even spotted him out of the corner of her eye studying her body when she leaned over him to check his breathing with her stethoscope; her cleavage hanging down and offering him a view that made him turn away when she asked him to breathe in and out for her slowly.

"You have some pretty strong lungs for someone your age. A lot of children I see are sedentary: meaning they have no real energy for physical activities. I feel that video games are a prime suspect. As well as a lot of time spent online or in front of a television by many children and adults."

Hal blinked and looked at the lady zebra and smiled knowingly. "I exercise a lot." the lion cub giggled as he shared a glance with his mother who was sitting behind the zebra.

Maria noticed Sylvia smirking out of the corner of her eye and noted dryly to herself, suspecting shenanigans, Ill bet you do. "I will be back in a moment, I just need to get a few things." she said aloud.

Maria turned to leave and as she did she noticed Hal's eyes widening as he spied her plump subtly wobbling rear and her tail bouncing above it. She wondered if part of his throwback instincts were causing him to size her up for a meal.

Hal was sizing her up alright but not in the way she suspected as he felt himself grow uncomfortable in his clothing. Looking at his mother as the door closed behind the doctor he whined, "Mom...." Hal trailed off as he pointed at his groin once the door was closed and the zebra doctor was gone.

The lioness knew what the problem was and approached the examination table. Standing next to him she gently stroked Hal's head as her paw found its way to his crotch to help adjust his clothing. "Let mommy take a look." she smiled as she unbuttoned Hal's pants and unzipped them carefully.

She then reached in to palm his sac and gently roll his tangerine sized, fuzz covered, orbs around. He buried his face into her breasts and purred as she massaged his swelling orbs which quickly became the size of large mandarin oranges.

"Mom~!" Hal whined softly. Not wanting to get caught by the nice, sexy, doctor being pawed off by his mom as her second paw joined her first in playing with his orbs; he grabbed her wrists and licked her chin.

Out of the mouths of babes. Sylvia thought to herself as she adjusted her son's clothing for him and kissed him on his forehead before settling back down in her chair and making sure she looked presentable, acting like nothing had happened.

Unbeknownst to the pair Maria had stepped into a room adjacent to their own and had watched the mother reach into her son's clothing to fondle him via the laptop's wired web-cam on a second laptop. She maintained an air of professional detachment to keep from growing too aroused sexually; her mind analyzing what she had seen much like the teens she had viewed earlier that morning walking about not dressed properly for the weather in her mind.

It was obvious the mother serviced her son sexually. She had wanted them to do more but knew her excuse to leave, and capture them behaving naturally, would only give her only so much time. Adjusting her doctors coat she returned to their room with a tray containing the items she had prepared earlier.

Hal's eyes widened at the sight of the capped disposable needles. Maria pulled on disposable non-latex gloves while Sylvia helped put her child's fears to rest with soothing words. Maria joined in, offering her own calming words as she applied the sanitizing foam to the lion cub's right arm. She began working it into his fur gently, her touch soothing and calming Hal down a bit. She let the sanitizing foam soak in down to his skin and massaged his thin wiry limb gently until the foam was properly cleared up but the spot she wanted to draw blood from still slightly moist.

She picked up a butterfly shaped plastic wedge with a needle drawn through its center vertically. It had a small plastic tube attached to it with a cap that fitted over rubber-sealed needles she would use to collect blood from the cub.

It was actually called a butterfly needle, but she did not bother to explain this to her patients unless asked. Not bothering to use a tourniquet, and relying on her sensitive touch, she quickly found a vein with her probing fingers. She asked Hal if he was okay, the lion nodded his head but winced as he was poked with the needle a moment later. The doctor, seeing red beginning to seep into the clear plastic portion of the needle assembly, quickly attached a rubber capped vacuum sealed vial to the tubing.

Sylvia had joined her son and the doctor at the examination bed silently and had cradled her little man in her arms as the doctor took the blood.Hal hid his head in his mother's sizable chest, the nipples of her bust poking out rather firmly against the cloth that hid them from view.

Maria found her gaze wandering over the lioness' bust, wondering what a lion's teat milk tasted like when she realized she was done with the first vial. Moving on to the second she was glad she had found a good vein on the first try that could fill her vials quickly. Some cubs were terrified of needles but Hal seemed mostly indifferent except for the initial sting.

Finally, her courage at her peak, she decided to ask for what she really wanted from Hal: some of his cub seed and a good amount of it. Though she suspected he could produce quite a bit, she did not know the extent of his endowments from personal experience. So as she labeled his blood work with printed labels she had prepared before entering the room she asked the question at the front of her thoughts.

"Sylvia," Maria looked the lioness in her eye as she spoke. "I would like some samples of his seminal fluid and what lies in it-sperm."

Sylvia tried to look somewhat indignant, only somewhat, but the truth was she was fairly certain this would happen. Her keen hunting eyes had taken notice of the two sealed cups on the tray the doctor had brought in with her. So her short reply was a simple statement.

"You are going to need larger containers...maybe."

Maria was taken aback by the bluntness of the statement. She quickly finished drawing blood and began cleaning up the tiny injury she had given the boy to get blood from his arm. She applied a thin coating of "liquid bandage" via a needle applicator over the area where she had stuck him. Once dry it would cover the wound to give it time to scab over properly and prevent any infections.

"So...your consenting to my stimulating Hal," Maria smiled at the boy and he smiled back at the zebra woman. "and obtaining some of his semen?"

Sylvia cradled her child and father of her cubs and narrowed her eyes dangerously for the first time since meeting Maria. She noted the zebra did not even seem fearful and chalked her interest in Hal to be somewhat purely scientific. But lets see how long that lasts once you see his goods."It is his choice," the proud protective mother said aloud. "children should have a role to play in their medical treatment and general treatment."

Hal looked up at his mom from underneath her chin and nodded. "It's okay, I wanna help out!" Hal began to fidget and pull at his pants until Maria held up a paw and offered a collection of paperwork on a clipboard to his mother.

"I want to get his DNA entered into an international database. His genome could prove to be beneficial to more than just my own research an-"

"No." Sylvia said with a frown. "Things like that have a way of coming back to bite people," she flashed a toothy grin as she spoke to give a dangerous edge to her words. "though I think you would very much like Hal to bite you." Or," Sylvia looked openly over the woman's plump yet fit form. "eat you."

"Are you implying my interests are anything but professional? You do know that physical stimulation is the usual manner by which these things are done. Hal can go in there," Maria pointed to the attached toilet with a built in shower for some of the more delicate cases involving patients that were homeless and needed cleaning up.

They were patients that she billed the state for taking the time out to treat. While she would have liked to provide those services completely for free, supplies were not donated to her nor was money for their care.

"And what? Look at magazines?" Sylvia challenged. "Face it, you want to show him your goods and quite possibly see his up-close and personal." the lioness pressed her attack, drawing out the teasing and tiring of her prey, wearing it down so that her cub could finish it off and feed.

A good parent always taught their children how to feed themselves. Hal needed practical experience with seducing women via flirting and Sylvia was not above getting down with another woman in front of her son. Though she was certain direct methods, having them cop a feel or brushing his groin against a mildly interested party, would work just as well.

Maria frowned, not about the teasing but about not getting a hold of permission to enter Hal's DNA into the database. Legally, she was bound, but there was a loophole, a simple solution and the lioness was gladly offering up her son to be a donor in another way. But was she ready for the consequences of such a radical method for obtaining what she wanted? Not one to remain lost in thought forever before coming to a conclusion Maria beamed at Sylvia.

"You win as far as the DNA sample issue. But, I am assuming my verifying the database info that is available now firsthand is okay?" Sylvia nodded and Maria continued to speak. "I just want to keep this professional though." the busty zebra lied as a plan formed in her mind. "So, could you assist your son? Also, in the process I can I can give him a female zebra anatomy lesson to help things along. But no touching!"

Maria started things off by removing her doctor's coat and laying it across a nearby wheeled chair. She started unbuttoning her blouse, the black buttons standing out against the dark violet colored top. She pulled the shirt off and admired the lusty gazes she got from mother and son.

Sylvia admired the woman and cupped Hal's groin and massaged him openly in front of the doctor. A predator knows a sneak when she sees one. "You gave in far too easy," Sylvia unzipped Hal's pants for the second time in that room and worked her right paw into his underwear. "I bet you want my son to fuck you too."

Maria was surprised by the blunt language but giggled when Hal spoke up to chastise his mother. "Mom," Hal frowned. "don't say that."

Sylvia leaned down to whisper in her beloved son's ear as she freed his growing erection. Maria's ears twitched as she finished removing her black bra to expose her large breasts to the lions in front of her. With the adult of the two stroking the largest penis she had ever seen on a child, she caught bits of the mother's speech that involved talk no mother should have with their child.

No mother should be giving their child a paw-job. Maria thought as she watched the lioness's soft looking paw stroke her boy's flesh up and down as it firmed up in her grip. She had seen for herself remotely that their relationship was beyond just mother and son even before the woman started to paw off her son in front of her.

"Okay, mom, I get it." Hal said as he hopped off the examination bed and kicked off his pants and pulled off his underwear. His large penis dropped and smacked against his thigh. The boy winced as his heavy balls were jostled by the impact but grinned as he caught the pretty zebra doctor looking at his equipment in awe.

"Just telling you the truth. Now, do you want to paw off for the doctor, or have mommy get you ready?" Sylvia looked Maria right in her eyes as she openly slid her own paw underneath her clothing. Her tan fur seemed to glow, and not just from motherhood, as she slipped a finger pad over her clit and stroked it gently. "I could use a bit of assistance myself. Care to give me aid, doctor?" Sylvia grinned.

She is masturbating in front of me. Trying to get the air loaded with even more pheromones. Maria reasoned as Hal hopped back onto the table, carefully, and started playing with himself. His paw slid up and down his girth slowly and he groaned as his sensitive orbs ached pleasantly from being full of his healthy potent cub seed.

Maria sensed the cub's need, it was evident from the smell coming from between her legs as she eyed his cock. A long left unfulfilled need arose in her and she realized that she wanted a taste. Her body demanded she grab him and take him, fuck him, demand his seed.

And not just for her research.

He was a sexually virile male, she was a needy mare, it did not matter that he was a child. What mattered was that nature demanded both parties be satisfied before either left the office. As their eyes met the lioness in the room was forgotten.

Hal leaned back a bit and placed his paws on either side of him as his cock started to leak a bit of seed from its spiny blue tip. He watched as Maria gazed at the drop as it slid down the underside of his shaft. His seed began to steadily dribble over his sack before leaking onto the examination bed that was absorbed partly by the disposable piece of paper dragged over it before the cub had even entered the room.

The zebra wondered if she should back down, the idea dancing at the back of her thoughts that her plan was going too far. Yet the pulsing feline rod before her beckoned for her attention and got it fully. It began to draw in the mare with its soft twitches set to the pulse of the cub's heartbeat.

Maria moved closer to the cub and a wheeled stool bumped into her leg. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the mother lioness grinning and wriggling her foot at her that she had used to offer her son's doctor a seat. Mother's consent aside the zebra was every bit as nervous as the first time she had serviced a male but this was different. Before her a not so innocent feline of only eight years of age was sporting an erection that was much more fitting on an adult body.

She reached for him as she sat her plump rear on the stool, entranced by the sight before her. His eyes never left her tits though. Her nipples calling out to him silently, the black nubs looking perfectly placed on her large bust as the mare reached for his shaft. But the promise of pleasure from the paws and muzzle of the zebra kept Hal from asking if he could suck on them. A sweet exhalation of air across his quivering flesh made him squeak in pleasure.

Suddenly feeling uncool Hal looked nervously at the zebra who only smiled at him and said, "You are too damn adorable."

Sylvia had other words to describe her son at that moment but the sound he had made was adorable. It did nothing to prevent her fingers from stroking the lips of her pussy. Teasing the flesh that hid her sensitive nub before she gently slid it back using two fingers. She sucked on another on her free paw before sliding it's pad over her clit gently. She wanted to warm herself up, certain that Hal would get too large for the mare at some point. But she would be ready to be filled by her son's lusts before then, knowing that being as wet as possible eased a lot of the discomfort mixed in with the pleasure he could give.

Maria cupped Hal's large testicles in one paw and started to stroke his shaft while pressing her cool wide nostrils to his flesh with the other. Hal shivered as her dark paw gently rolled his orbs around; her fingers flexed as she gently tested their weight and firmness. She was a doctor after all and her curiosity, as well as her building lust, needed to be sated.

Hal gasped as Maria turned her muzzle sideways and nibbled on his meat with her flat teeth. He never had anyone bite him, not like that, but it felt good, the flat teeth of the herbivore felt interesting as they teased his flesh. But then her large, smooth, wet tongue started to sweep out of her mouth to lap at his cock. The cub gasped again and groaned as Maria serviced him wetly.

Maria bathed the meat gently in her saliva coated tongue as she nibbled slowly up the pole to its tip. Her herbivore experiments in oral sex found that preds loved having their cocks massaged by her flat teeth. It was a unique experience due to the partial fear of being emasculated combined with the awesome sensation that came from her slobbering all over their dicks. Copious amounts of saliva was swathed over Hal's cock as Maria polished his pole up. Pausing in her treatment of it, she locked eyes with the cub who stared at her in mute surprise.

Sylvia was cupping one of her breasts and lapping at her milk after hoisting a nipple up towards her muzzle. She enjoyed the taste of herself, including cleaning Hal off after a session of lovemaking, and generally found her tastes to be agreeable. She had noted the zebra eyeing her swelling breasts as well and hoped she would be game for a little suckle later. Her sensitive tits could use a bit of milking, with Hal working one breast and the zebra working the other. A pleasant thought that provided Sylvia with impetus to speed along an orgasm building between her legs as she worked her pussy with her free paw.

As Hal's mother fantasized about having her breasts sucked upon. Hal was on the receiving end of a tongue job to end all tongue jobs. Instead of sealing his rod in her muzzle, the doctor had opened her muzzle wide and dropped the heated orifice over his cock. She did not even gag as his rigid spiny tip bumped the entrance to her throat.

It was then that the cub grabbed her head as she started to slither her tongue all around his cock; working her head up and down slowly then quickly, alternating the rising and dropping of her muzzle into his lap. She drew out his pleasure while occasionally stopping in her movements to nibble on his cock.

Hal was beside himself in pleasure and groaned as his balls twinged. He wanted to empty them so bad into the woman's mouth, and all her teasing was doing nothing to quell his feelings as the pressure between his legs built. If anything she made him grow harder than he had ever gotten before without cumming first.

"P-please suck." Hal whimpered.

Maria locked her lips at hearing the first word and started to suck _hard_on Hal's spiny blue cock. She mashed her muzzle into his slobber covered groin over and over again, brushing her lips over his feline sheath as she felt his spines massage her throat as she throated him over and over again.

Sylvia shivered through an orgasm as she could not help but plunge her fingers into herself. She matched the zebra's pace, fingering and pumping her hole as she watched the mare blow her cub. She watched Hal close his eyes as he drew close to a finish and was going to warn the mare when she watched her throat bulge slightly as the first blast of seed was fired and swallowed.

Maria felt the cub shiver through his orgasm as his balls shrunk in her paw as she squeezed them gently. She pinched the flesh between them while using her other paw to cup the cub's ass. She felt his muscles clench through the flesh of his small fuzzy bottom; enjoying giving pleasure to the boy as she procured a sampling of his seed as it filled her muzzle from the back of her throat to the front. His output forced her to swallow around his cock which made Hal whimper and spurt even more.

Maria held the boy's hips down after sliding her paws around to hold his thighs in place. She wondered if he was ever going to stop spurting, though if he had been a horse Maria would have long ago pulled off out of fear of choking. But the cub's seed was not as thick as she thought it would be, though she was certain once she got a look at some of it she could better determine its consistency.

In all it was not as bitter as she thought it would be, it was tangy and sharp, the boy ate fruit as well meat if his taste was anything to go by. A faint hint of blueberries touched her taste buds as she massaged the tip of his rod with her throat, pulling back until she felt it spurt out a large bit of seed right onto her flat tongue.

Grasping the shaft Maria pulled off of it slowly and stroked a dollop of cum out of its tip onto the palm of her paw. She smiled at Hal before licking her palm clean, her tongue was still hanging out as she pushed her nostrils into his sack and started to lick at his balls.

Hal fell back then, his sensitive orbs were already taxing his body, demanding to be filled again by his fluid reserves. But this woman did not know that and it was only thanks to the intervention of his mother that his torment ended.

Sylvia grasped Maria by the shoulder and pulled her away from her son's wet balls. "His orbs tend to get very sensitive after he cums, so you wanna," Sylvia grasped her son's rod by its tip and rubbed its spines with her thumb pad. "prime the pump first by its handle if you still want to play with him."

After licking her lips clean Maria spoke. "How much have you observed to come out of those things?" Maria asked as she adjusted her bust a bit and started wriggling her bottom to make herself more comfortable on the stool she was perched on.

"A better question would be, does he stop getting bigger." Sylvia stroked her son as he visibly firmed up in her grasp and gained a few inches in length and girth.

Maria had never had her jaw drop before but knew it did when she observed this. "He was not fully erect before then." she stated, it was not a question as she had just seen the cub's dick get bigger.

"Yep, he has stages. Hal calls them that because he likes video games, don't you honey?" Sylvia stroked her darling son's heaving belly as he laid back and let his mom play with his rod.

Hal was happy to let her do so as his balls refilled slowly, and the dull ache of emptiness was slowly replaced with a pleasantly full feeling.

"Stage one he has about ten inches length and about five inches circumference. Stage two he gets up to eight inches circumference and gains another three inches." Sylvia palmed her son's balls then and held them gently. "His balls get about as big as grapefruit then and generally do not get any bigger, I have no idea how he does it, but he is a little miracle man."

Maria's mind thought back to the overcompensating angle of Hal's particular case of throwback genetics as she pondered the orbs being manipulated by Hal's mother. It was then she realized she was sitting in a puddle that her panties were right in the middle of. Sylvia spied the zebra's discomfort and started sniffling before a grin crossed her features. Maria caught Hal's nose wrinkling too as he sat up and pushed his mother's paw away from his groin.

Both lion's ears twitched the way a predator's ears do when zeroing in on prey. Mother and son glanced at each other, before Sylvia patted the examination bed.

"Why doctor, I think you need a checkup yourself. Hal will be the attending physician today. Hal, I think you need to prep the doctor for a probing immediately. A tongue bath will be needed, but first, let us remove her clothing before the procedure."

Maria felt uneasy about her abnormal vagina then. Even though she had just blown the cub, drank his seed, and was contemplating getting the mother to let her suck on her leaky tits. She still was unsure how they would react to her dark pussy.

But knowing her plans involved Hal fucking her at some point she decided to go along with Sylvia's antics; hoping that the lions considered her unease was because they were descended from predators that literally feasted on her own genetic ancestors. So she stood, juices leaking from her needy hole, and turned to scoot onto the bed.

"Mom you are such a geek," Hal giggled at his mother's words and made room for Maria on the examination bed.

Maria left her legs dangling off the side and kicked her legs gently to try and loosen up. Slowly she spread her thighs and watched as Sylvia helped to pull off her clothing with Hal's help. The clothes out of the way, Hal could not help himself and latched onto one of the beautiful zebra's tits.

Maria watched as Sylvia joined her son in feasting. She groaned as the pair's rough tongues worked her thick nipples. She gasped as Hal locked his teeth gently on a nub, tugging on it as it thickened in his mouth. She groaned in pleasure as his mother repeated the action on her own nipple.

Mother and son feasted on zebra tit, Sylvia enjoying the taste of the ebony flesh, her right paw snaked its way between the zebra's thighs to just below where Hal was steadying his smaller form on the mare's striped body with his left paw.

Hal enjoyed the salty taste and flicked his tongue over the large nipple. Pulling off he found it had gotten bigger with stimulation and realized the zebra was like him. "The better it feels the bigger it gets, right?" he asked the way a child discovering something interesting does.

Maria spied Sylvia grinning around her mouthful of tit as she started to play with the mare's pussy. "T-t-that's right, oh!" Maria gasped as she clenched her thighs around the lioness' paw.

Sylvia fingered the mare, her digits rubbing, stroking, and probing the wet hole they found themselves toying with. When she sought her clit in the usual spot she was surprised to not find it there. Suckling harder on the breast in her mouth, her teasing of the nipple trapped in her mouth ongoing, she felt the mare's pussy pulse and then something large brush against her fingers.

She has a throwback pussy!

Sylvia was stunned by her discovery and also turned on. Her thoughts growing ever more lustful she continued to toy with Maria's pussy. The lioness purred around her mouthful as she felt the woman's large clit push against her worming fingers. She poked the organ, slowly rubbing a finger against it. The immediate result was the zebra trapping her paw in-between her thighs with a lusty moan. Not deterred in the least Sylvia suckled upon the tit flesh in her muzzle harder while fingering the doctor. She began to move her fingers faster bit by bit, easing the doctor into orgasm.

While Sylvia was toying with Maria's pussy Hal started to grind his cock against her side as he continued to play with her breast. The cub pulled his mouth free with a wet pop. The black sensitive nub was quickly trapped between two of his fingers as he groped the mare's chest with his paws. Hal squeezed the nipple gently as he tugged on it. Maria's moans made him continue to play with it, flicking it back and forth before sucking upon it once more.

Maria felt the leaking shaft grind into her side and grasped it firmly. Hal moaned around his mouthful, his groans turning into whines as he felt his balls plump up even more in anticipation of breeding the doctor. Maria's grip loosened as she closed her eyes in bliss from the treatment she was receiving.

The two lions pleasuring the zebra broke away from her, disentangling themselves for the moment. Maria was about to ask why they stopped when she felt two small paws clasp her thighs and a tongue slide over her cooch slowly. It was rough like a feline's and she knew from the size of it and the paws on her that Hal was beginning to eat her out.

"Just like mommy showed you." Sylvia purred while reaching her teasing fingers between her cub's legs. Her paw cupped his balls gently, the weighty orbs filling her palm as she began massaging the swollen orbs. "Oooh!" Sylvia exclaimed with lust filling her voice. "He's pretty much ready to go." Sylvia peered at Maria with lidded eyes from behind her cub as his tail swished gently over her breasts as he pleasured the zebra. "But I think he needs practice eating zebra first don't you think? Modern lions rarely get to eat raw zebra, do they doctor?"

Maria tried to speak but her voice was caught in her throat as Hal wriggled his spine covered tongue over her clit as it winked out of her pussy. She looked down when she realized the cub had stopped and was looking at her large dark clit as she caused it to move back and forth between her pussy lips as she grew more excited. Reaching down she cupped the cub's face in her paw and smiled as she locked eyes with him.

"That's my clitoris," she started to explain. "Its bigger than your moms and I can move it to signal when I am aroused or when I want pleasure from a male."

Hal studied the organ and leaned in to suckle upon it briefly before pulling back as Maria gasped at his exploration of it. "It does look different," Hal said as he eyed Maria's winking vagina up-close before looking her in the eye. "not a bad taste though."

Maria was impressed with the cub's vocabulary, looking at Sylvia she spied the lioness winking at her, obviously proud of her son's acceptance of the zebra's pussy's appearance. "Get back to it." Sylvia purred before squeezing Hal's plump orbs gently before letting them go.

Hal leaned back in and held his paws on the zebra woman's thighs once more for balance as he dug the tip of his tongue against the outer edges of her pussy and began to draw it back and forth slowly. He slobbered, just like his mom showed him, and began to gently suck at her pussy. Planting kisses and little nips on her thighs as he went about showing the zebra what he knew about pleasing a woman.

Maria shivered and grasped her own breasts as Hal's muzzle brushed against her inner thigh as the cub broke away from her large pussy lips to lap and nibble on her inner thighs. Her inner thighs were smeared with her juices. She whimpered as the cub's tongue lapped vigorously over her short hair, apparently finding the taste interesting as Hal sought out more of it with laps of his tongue.

The doctor writhed as Hal's tongue danced over her flesh, teasing and tormenting her as he licked around her pussy only to lock his muzzle over it and gently suckle and lap against her clit as it winked in and out of her depths.

Maria tried to suppress her cry of pleasure but found her voice squeaking out as Hal caught her clit between his lips. He drilled the tip of his tongue into it, twisting and turning it all about it before sliding his fingers into her pussy and parting her dark mound gently. The zebra found herself wracked by an orgasm that made her puff and sputter through her nostrils as she clenched her teeth and lips shut to keep her secretary from hearing her cum. Closing her eyes she laid back on the exam bed and shivered, muscle control gone, and riding waves of pleasure emanating from her pussy.

She had never truly gotten to enjoy oral sex performed on her before. Few overcame her pussy's appearance and yet the lion cub between her thighs had just caused her to cum hard after only a few moments work. Maria was certain that his cock would make her scream out but that was a distant thought. At that moment she was more interested in trying to ride out the faint traces of pleasure left in her system from Hal's pussy eating.

Hal felt the woman quiver and smiled. He felt proud of his work, and nuzzled into his mother's paw as she whispered what a good cub he was into his ear as he kept on fingering her large pussy. He noticed that while the outside of her neither regions were black as coal, her insides were pink, wet, and tasty. Hal decided he wanted another sample of her fluids and licked his chops as he leaned in. He stopped as he watched his mother climb over the shaking zebra woman.

Sylvia had pulled her clothing off and stretched lazily after getting off the examination table. She had fingered herself enough to get her engine going but wanted a bit more stimulation. Climbing over the zebra mare's head with the aid of her natural agility she looked at Hal who looked at her grinning as he started to eat out the zebra again.

Maria found herself looking at the plump yet firm rear of Sylvia. She had shut her eyes after her orgasm began to better enjoy the tingles radiating from her pussy. She had opened her eyes when Hal started to rub her pussy gently again while once more lapping at her winking clit. The zebra mare gasped in surprise and suddenly had a mouthful of lion pussy.

Sylvia ground her pussy against the mare's muzzle, hoping she would get the hint. "I am sure you get the general idea about what I want you to do." Sylvia's tail lashed in the air behind her as she felt Maria's flat herbivore tongue lap over her pussy, sampling her flavor as the lioness hovered her cooch over the zebra's head.

The zebra dug her tongue into the pussy of the predator, eliciting a coo as she lapped up what fluid she could find. The thought that she was eating a lioness out caused Maria to redouble her efforts. She held herself up on her arms and tried to ignore Hal even as he blew gently across her moist folds making her shiver.

Sylvia lowered her hips a bit more and grabbed the zebra by her breasts. She began to guide female in her motions, forcing her muzzle against her clit as she palmed her tits. Purring to herself and biting her her lower lip as she closed her eyes and examined every sensation pouring through her feline pussy.

The wide laps, the digging of the muscular organ against her insides, the swirling of the zebra's tongue as it withdrew into its owners mouth; the puffs of air from the zebra's nostrils as Sylvia made her lick her harder. The lioness had experienced herbivore tongues before during her experimental phase. But never had she had an herbivore woman taste her, not like this.

"What do I taste like?" Sylvia gasped as she ground the mare's muzzle harder into her pussy. Sylvia looked at Hal. "What does she taste like?"

"Spicy." Hal mumbled before sucking upon the zebra woman's clit, finding the large organ to be an easy target for his lips, tongue, and gentle nips from his teeth. Hal felt Maria shudder again and was rewarded for his oral skills with her filling his mouth with her juices. He swirled his tongue around in her depths as best he could, considering he lacked the larger organ of an adult in that department.

Maria sucked hard on Sylvia's clit in retaliation for her son's oral attack and felt the lioness collapse on top of her as she came. Gripping her ass she spread the lioness' cheeks wide and attacked her asshole with her tongue. She flicked her tongue over Sylvia's anal bud before inserting a blunt finger into the hole.

Sylvia felt paws on her face and smiled as Hal lifted her head up. He smiled back and pointed to his shaft. "Hal's ready to go again," Sylvia managed to say before the surprise butt play caused her to clench up around the intrusion. "Naughty!" Sylvia exclaimed as the finger was removed as suddenly as it was inserted. "But, I think I know what someone wants done to them next. First however, I want a taste myself."

Maria shivered as Sylvia moved her head between her legs. Holding herself up with her arms on either side of her prey's hips, Sylvia paused and winked at Hal before sniffing at Maria's saliva coated pussy. She breathed in her needy scent and flicked her tongue over it slowly. Hal joined in, mother and child's tongues touching in passing as they feasted on zebra cunt together.

Hal pulled apart her pussy, her clit winking once more, to reveal the inner flesh to the two lions. Pink and inviting, Sylvia dipped her tongue into it and bathed the large clit with her tongue. She felt the zebra quiver underneath her, knowing her and her son's actions were driving her to another climax.

Maria felt like her pussy would explode as she was orally attacked by the two lions. Sylvia locked onto her clit with her lips, suckling upon the large organ as her cub tried to worm his tongue into her pussy. The two muzzles crowded around her pussy set off another gasping climax for the zebra. Sylvia began lapping up the spilled juices after Hal pulled his muzzle back, spreading her pussy with his fingers, watching as the elder lion began lapping over her large dark mound and its pink center.

Sylvia savored the tastes entering her muzzle and raised her head to lock eyes with Hal before he dived in. Maria squirmed as his rough tongue lapped up what leftovers that leaked out from her center and relaxed as his tongue parted ways with her mound.

The felines retreated, allowing the doctor to lift herself up on her elbows and spy Hal stroking his large erection. His paw fit around it certainly, but it was intimidating to look at to say the least. Maria could hardly believe it was the same dick she had sucked before. It had gotten thicker and longer but Maria was not certain without a ruler. But she was sure he had gained at least four inches in length.

Sylvia was standing next to Maria again, having moved when the zebra was stunned by her son's growth. "Surprised?" she asked as she admired her son's shaft as well.

Maria decided not to ask the lioness why she felt she needed to stalk her inside the exam room; popping up without a sound, instead she voiced her previously hidden opinion. "Not really, but whatever is inside your son-"

"Is about to be inside you," Sylvia grinned and leaned down and whispered into Maria's ear after cupping her paws around it. "Roll over, I think Hal should return the favor."

Maria's eyes widened a bit, but she complied. "Return what favor?" Maria wriggled her rump at the feline cub and wondered if he was going to give it to her in her pussy. Her tail flicked about as she squirmed at the idea of that thick cock sliding into her pussy barbs and all.

Sylvia folded her arms over her bust and grinned as she retreated a few steps away from the zebra. "Why, that poke in the ass you gave me."

"I was simply caught up in the moment," Maria awkwardly smiled as she realized the implications of Sylvia's command to roll over. "you looked like you enjoyed it though."

Sylvia sighed and stepped behind her son and massaged his shoulders. He leaned his head into her right paw and she gently stroked his face while he held up his leaking cock. His paw still slowly stroking it while it leaked a bit of pre all over his paw.

"Let me tell you that now is the best time for _that_kind of fun. You see," Sylvia reached down and poked the tip of Hal's spiny cock, the boy gasped as she wrapped her index finger and thumb around the tip and squeezed it. "Hal gets larger after each orgasm as I told you. If he gets too big it would be uncomfortable for most females. That is why I think he should take advantage of his second stage erection size, or rather you should." Sylvia whispered into her son's ear and he looked at Maria strangely.

"You want it in the butt?" Hal asked before looking at his mother and exclaiming, "Mom, that's dirty!" Hal blushed. Yet he found himself looking over the dark genitals of the zebra mare before him on the examination bed, still quivering from the oral sex earlier. His eyes locked on her puckered doughnut shaped anus and he thought about how it would feel to have it clenching around his shaft.

"I am curious." Maria admitted as she wriggled her rump at the cub.

Sylvia felt her boy's cock jerk at the zebra's enticing and smirked as she stroked him. "Wait until after he gets in your ass and cums! Look what you did just by blowing him earlier." Sylvia pushed her breast against Hal's face, his whiskers brushing against her flesh after poking through her fur. She was stroking her son faster now, the cub squirming in her grasp. Though not out of discomfort, but from the pleasure he was receiving. Sylvia ceased the strokes of her cub's cock, the blue flesh of which pulsed gently with his heartbeat. She deemed him ready to go and eyed the zebra's ass.

Maria was not entirely put off by the idea of having such a large erection in her rear. She did want Hal's seed for professional and personal use without completely violating her professional ethics; so it would be better to play along and act as if she was only interested in Hal's cock. Though she was starting to favor the idea more and more of Hal breeding her.

Though if any medical board found out about her dalliances with Hal in that room; she would be lucky if she faced only the loss of her medical license or the rejection of her application to practice as a doctor in any state she moved to after the scandal that would be sure to sweep the media.

"Wait, he can get larger right?" Maria asked as she wondered if she would go through with the anal sex Sylvia had suggested. She was not certain she could fit his monster comfortably in her pussy if he came again, but was willing to try if only to appease her curiosity about exactly what she could take down there. She never really owned any large dildos, and mostly used her fingers on her pussy and clit to get off. Still it was an opportunity to find out her own sexual limits and she had done so much with cub and mother already.

"Every time he cums," Sylvia said proudly. "his spines, seed, length, girth." Sylvia reached down and hefted her boy's now larger balls and grinned at the Zebra who had just been eaten out by her son. "everything just gets better." the lioness nuzzled the top of her blissfully purring son's head as she stroked his shaft with her free paw, his seed leaking all over it making her fur sticky. "The perfect breeding machine." Sylvia whispered into her son's ear once more.

"Ms. Zanzibar, do you want it?" Hal said with a hint of a whine as he balls plumped more from his mother's teasing. "I can get mom to-"

Maria cut Hal off with a shake of her head. "Hal, I want to." Maria said simply as she wriggled her rump. "And I now you are curious too." Maria had mentally prepared herself for what was to be a new experience for her. None of the guys she had been with before had even dared go near her ass due to the same rule applying that it would be like fucking a non-anthro horse in the ass and not a sexy zebra woman who was open to such things. But Hal was larger than her last fling, and he was going to put his cock in her butt.

A cub was going to take her anal virginity. The thought alone made Maria's pussy juice a bit.

"I want to, Hal." Maria repeated with a smile. The zebra then pointed to the cabinet above the sink. "There are petroleum jelly packets in there. Sylvia, could you..."

Sylvia released her hold on Hal and padded over to the cabinet and opened it. She looked past the hospital gowns tucked and neatly folded to one side to find a container with single use packets filling it to its top. Glancing at her son's dribbling meat, she grabbed a few and also pulled a pair of gloves out of an open box in a holder for them mounted to the wall. She did not want to mess up her fur helping the zebra lube her ass. A task she would enjoy because it was a fine ass indeed.

Going to have to play with her a bit more later. Sylvia inwardly smirked as she approached the exam bed.

Maria spread her cheeks as she heard the lioness snap her gloves after tugging them on. Shortly thereafter felt the cool gel from the first packet was squeezed over her large striped rump. She relaxed as the lioness massaged it into the fur of her ass cheeks, spreading it around until she tore open another packet and squeezed it open over her anal ring directly.

Sylvia slid her gloved paw up and down between the zebra's ass cheeks, admiring the plush rump and wondering how Maria was going to react to Hal's initial entry. It was certain to be a painful experience initially but she ultimately wanted to see Hal peg the zebra.

Hal on the other paw was watching the wobbly rump of the zebra and fidgeting as he watched his mother prepare her ass for him. When she wrapped her greased up gloves around his pole and squeezed a line of petroleum jelly from another packet down the length of his cock he whimpered as his balls plumped up a bit more.

Sylvia kissed Hal on the nose as she greased his pole. "I know, I know, your in a hurry to cum dear. But do it in her butt for mommy okay?" Sylvia said as she discarded the gloves.

"Okay," Hal kissed his mother back, but not on her nose, his lips pressing against her own before he straightened up, his blue shaft gleaming in the artificial lighting of the room. Hal climbed behind the zebra and angled the tip of his cock so that it pressed against her ass. He slathered the tip of his cock all over her greased up anal ring before pressing its spiny tip against it.

Sylvia reached around her son's hips to fondle his balls a bit more. She also teased his sheath, the fuzzy covering was bunched up around the base of his cock and a target for her wandering paws. She watched with wide eyes as Hal sank an inch of his cock into Maria's ass.

Maria felt her ass split apart, but unlike with some of her more difficult bowel movements, the discomfort did not cease and she grit her teeth as Hal grasped her flanks and sank even more of his cock into her ass. She sucked in a deep breath, the cub was sliding, spines and all, into her bowels and it was painful weirdly pleasurable and strange all at the same time.

Hal felt Maria clench on his cock as he slid it slowly into her. The ring of muscle was trying to pinch off a clump of waste that was just not there. Instead it provided stimulus to the cub in possession of the anal intrusion currently working past it's seventh inch into the zebra's rump.

"Breathe, that's it, slow and steady." Sylvia said for the benefit of both the zebra and her cub.

Hal grasped the tail of the doctor as it lashed him in his face and slid the final few inches in causing Maria to sob. He stopped and looked worried until she spoke.

"Its okay, I never had anyone do me in my butt." When Hal dug his small claws into her and began to work his cock back and forth, his large orbs swaying with each thrust of his hips, she cried out, "not so fast!" Maria implored.

Sylvia placed her paws on Hal's ass and pushed him into the zebra whenever he drew back. "Nice and deep! Breed that mare!"

Hal tugged on Maria's tail as he worked his cock back and forth steadily. Unlike her mouth, her anal cavity provided a different sensation, one wholly unique to the orifice. Hal grinned as he felt his balls smack into her rump. They were full again, sensitive, and urging him on in pumping her guts full of cub seed. The rhythmic thump of Hal's hips smacking into Maria's upturned ass set the tone for her first ass fucking.

The zebra was caught between a feeling of something pushing itself into her guts from the wrong way, and a sensation of fullness akin to constipation. Through it all she tried to enjoy herself, knowing that at some point the fullness and painful stretching would give way to something more pleasurable maybe.

Hal slowed down as his mother whispered in his ear, her breath felt ticklish as she told her cub what to do. "Really mom?" he asked, sounding uncertain.

"Yea, really." Sylvia chuckled as she squeezed her cubs rear before releasing it. "Nice and fast now."

"W-w-wait!" Maria cried out before she felt her ass suddenly pounded by rapid, short and hard, thrusts into it. She bit down on a dark finger as Hal started to slam his hips harder into Maria's backside. His thick cock plowed through her insides. Her anal ring having reached a circumference that Maria had never thought possible.

The tension the zebra felt as her asshole was stretched out was nearly unbearable, and truly more painful than ever. When the lion cub was going slower she could better take it. Now Maria prayed Hal would cum quickly but that seemed doubtful until Sylvia decided to give her cub's partner a helping paw in provoking his latest orgasm.

Tugging on her boy's tail the sultry pregnant lioness suckled on her right middle finger before sliding said finger over his anal bud. Hal jumped, his heavy balls jiggling as they smacked into Maria's cunt wetly. Her pussy juice having coated them causing his fur to drip with her liquid excitement. Sylvia began to weave her finger down over the sensitive wet orbs, Hal whimpering until she found her true target: Maria's hidden clit, which surprisingly was winking in and out of her pussy.

"I knew you liked this," Sylvia started to finger the protruding organ with her thumb. "I knew you liked Hal in your ass and the proof is right here!" Sylvia strummed the clit hard causing the zebra to clench down on Hal.

Hal had enjoyed the anal session with the mare and knew he would be lucky to get his mom to try it after he had already came a few times. He knew her butt was not as stretchy, but the sensation she set off within the zebra, muscles fluttering along his dick as her innards writhed and clenched around his cock made him groan and unload deep within her bowels. "Oooooh!" Hal whimpered as he felt his balls empty pulse after pulse of his seed into the mare's ass. His abdomen flexed as he tried come to grips with his best cum that day yet!

Maria _felt_Hal's cock gush the culmination of his overcompensating nuts right into her guts. She felt her gut plump slightly as he came, and came, and came. His biggest load of the afternoon jetted into her, the spray of his seed coating the inside her lower intestine and making her groan along with Hal as she was filled.

Sylvia groped her son and the zebra. Feeling their bodies convulse underneath her paws and watching with glee how their expressions shifted as they came. She had warned to to film herself with Hal but knew such things should never be filmed. Instead she had committed the details to her memory of their lovemaking. And now, with Maria's help, she got a visual aid into her own likely appearance when Hal filled her at stage three.

Maria felt Hal slump over her back. His muzzle nuzzling her white and black fur and causing a tingle to course down her spine to the very tip of her feet as he breathed slow and steady into her back. His warm tired breaths against her flesh making her feel strange yet satisfied with what had happened. But it was not over yet, and she wanted more than anything to finish with Hal inside her pussy, pumping her with his seed and impregnating her so she could get what she truly wanted: recognition for herself and her theories.

That could come later, after she finished cumming with the cub. Her research could continue without any legal challenges by Hal, or his mother, to her entering their shared children's genetics into the database. She would not even tell him or his mother and naturally she would shield herself as to where the genetic material came from; not wanting any undue interest in her own sordid affair with the boy that provided it.

While Maria was thinking of her future, Hal lapped at her sweaty back fur as his balls ached pleasantly. The third time was usually when he was done, or had to be done, because his mother could just not take his cock anymore. And that was only when she had used her mouth, breasts, and pussy on him, and not in that order.

Maria had only used her mouth and ass on him. Hal was certain her pussy could take him, but he wanted to see if she would rub and massage his rod back to hardness and take another load in her wonderful muzzle. Then he would try and see if she would be up for another round.

While Hal was plotting Maria was doing the same as she locked and unlocked her ass on his softening rod. Casting a mischievous glance over her shoulder, Hal got the picture and slowly withdrew his cock from her.

Maria felt relief like no other and softly groaned as his seed started to seep from between her plump ass cheeks. Getting out from under Hal she got off the exam bed and quickly gathered a bin up and squatted over it to empty her guts into it.

She gave Hal a smile as she gritted her teeth as her anus began to tighten back up slowly. It throbbed with a pain that she was sure she was going to feel later on. For the moment she focused on emptying out his seed, which she eased her passing of by fingering herself. Her black tipped fingers plunged into her pussy, brushing against her sensitive clit. She gasped at the jolt of pleasure it caused her, making her ease up a bit with her fingering. She quickly focused on on her pussy lips while moaning softly to herself as her gut emptied out.

Hal hefted his large rod and watched the show the zebra was putting on with a soft smile. His mother's paws joined in again in stroking and squeezing his rod. The cub once again relaxing in his mother's arms as she massaged his cock.

Sylvia admired the zebra as she readied herself for what came next. Though she was fairly certain she was not going to take her cub in her black pussy just yet. She was curious though as to what she would do next as the lioness playfully nibbled on one of Hal's ears. She felt his blue cock jerk in her paws as she firmly stroked it using only slight wrist movements. She wanted him in good shape to fuck, but did not want him to cum prematurely.

The lioness was looking forward to the festivities continuing and was sure the good doctor would continue to treat her son as well as she already had.

Maria felt her anal ring gradually shrink down from the temporary re-sizing Hal's cock had given it. She admired Hal's cock as Sylvia was yet again stroking and massaging the oversize rod with her paws.

Maria finished up and settled her tush on her wheeled stool and spread her legs. She pointed at Hal and then her wet pussy. He looked up at his mother who pushed him out of her reach towards the zebra in confirmation.

Maria flicked her tail as the cub leaned between her legs and began to lap at her pussy lips. She cooed and stroked his head between his ears gently. She felt his ears twitch and brush against her paw as she gently guided his muzzle. After a few laps she stopped him and brought his muzzle towards her own for a soft kiss.

Sylvia felt felt flush and was sure her cheeks were burning as their tongues tangled. The herbivore cupped the cub's rear in her paws, gripping it gently as she locked lips with the boy. She released the breath she did not realize she had held as the two ended their kiss and Maria motioned for Hal to sit where she had been.

Hall sat on the stool and giggled as Maria knelt and wrapped her breasts around his blue spire. She licked the tip of it, gently swirling her tongue around it before suckling upon it to get a taste of his seed yet again. "Lets get you ready for my pussy shall we?"

Hal nodded as his cock flexed a bit. The action caused a spurt of cum to hit Maria in her left eye. The zebra blinked the mess out of her eye before wiping it away with the back of her paw. Sylvia retreated a bit out of the firing zone. Knowing that Hal was going to paint the zebra doctor in his seed if a mere twitch of his rod was painting half the woman's face.

Maria swallowed down the bit of seed after licking her paw clean and firmly grasped her breasts. The mounds never really fit in her paws, but she nevertheless squeezed her breasts around Hal's lengthy member.

Hal panted and let his tongue dangle a bit from his mouth as the pretty zebra started her titty massage. She occasionally swiped the tip of his rod with her tongue but was mostly gently and slowly moving her breasts out of sync up and down his cock. One of her large tits rubbed upwards while the other rubbed downwards. The spire of cub flesh trapped between them was kneaded like a piece of dough as she did so.

Another twitch, and more cum splashed against Maria's muzzle. She had felt the cock twitch and moved slightly out of the way, her muzzle getting painted on its left side instead of her entire face. She thought Hal had came, but a gentle pawing of his nuts that made the cub moan let her know he was not done yet.

Redoubling her efforts the zebra mare started stroking her tits faster in sync around the cock. She stopped licking and suckling upon the tip, realizing that she was causing the cub to paint her in his cub seed with small cum geysers.

What she wanted was a big finish so she decided to build up the pressure in his young nuts until the dam burst and she hopefully did not end up with too much of a mess to contend with.

The zebras fat black nipples peeked from between her fingers as she started to go faster. Her large breasts enveloped the cub's lap as he stared at her cum matted white mounds bouncing up and down with his cock pressed between them. It felt better than he had expected. Even without the extra stimulation from her lips and tongue it felt awesome.

Hal's mind swam as she slowed down right when he thought he would peak and splatter her face. He looked her in the eye, her smoldering orbs glinting as she grinned up at him and started to suckle slowly upon the tip of his cock. Hal looked pleadingly at the mare as she slowly dragged her tongue tip around his flesh. The spines of his cock did nothing to slow her progress as she worked her oral organ over him.

Maria pulled back and just sat there with Hal's cock leaking his pre steadily. She pursed her lips and smiled at the cub before slowly starting to bounce her mounds up and down again. The pace she set was slow enough to keep him on edge and she knew it. Her paws cupped her bosom and began to squeeze her tits around his flesh.

Hal squirmed in his seat. His eyes darted towards his mother's and he whimpered as he watched her play with her own tits. The large milk filled mounds leaked a bit as she gently pinched her nipples as she watched her son get tit-fucked by the zebra doctor.

Sylvia admired the specialist doctor as she tormented and pleasured her son at the same time. He would plug her pussy up with cum soon though; her antics only serving to make Hal more aroused than ever before. She knew that the doctor was baiting him, and admired her shared zebra prey's own_hunter's_ instinct when it came to sexual desire.

Hal was tempted to force his cock away from the teasing doctor and have his mother end his torment. But the look in her eyes as she played with her body told him she liked seeing him squirm. The thought did something to the cub, though he was unsure why, he liked the idea of holding back and tried to ride out the nearly unbearable pleasure.

Maria worked the cock slow, then fast, mashing her tits together as best she could with Hal's dick pressed firmly between them. She imagined that to Hal it was like having his rod between two warm and soft flesh covered pillows.

Hal gasped as the zebra lapped at the tip of his member, her tongue sliding along the pointy tip, angling its end between some of his cock's large spines. Pre-cum oozed steadily from the end of his cock as the zebra worked her breasts faster.

Maria dragged her tongue along what she could of the underside of the rod as she realized the lion was drawing ever closer to the edge of orgasmic bliss. She ducked her head down, releasing his cock from her breast's grasp, and ran her smooth tongue over his cock. From the base of his shaft to the tip she worked to slather his cock in saliva and warm kisses. Finally she stopped and slowly dragged one firm paw down his rod from its tip to its base.

Hal felt unsteady and firmly gripped the sides of the stool with his paws. Just one more bit of pleasure and he would explode! His tail twitched, his ears stiffened, his eyes narrowed in near absolute bliss as he stared the zebra down. His eyes silently begged her to finish him off.

Maria ended her titty fuck and stood over the cub and simply moved back to the examination bed and laid upon it. She hiked up her knees a bit and gazed at Hal as she spread her legs and gave him a come hither look that left no misinterpretation about what she wanted.

Hal did not have to be told anything about where she wanted his orgasm placed as he nearly pounced the zebra as he scrambled onto the examination bed.

Fumbling in-between her legs he slipped a bit in his haste and ended up with his face nuzzling her white haired tits. Maria grabbed him by his shoulders and helped pull him into position. Hal suckled upon one of her tits as he tried to angle his rod into her pussy. Anything to get his mind off of cumming, he groaned around his mouthful as he tried to get inside of her.

The grinding of his spiny cock over her juiced pussy made Maria shiver as he finally pulled back enough, used the tips of his toes to gain leverage, and drove his cock into her pussy.

The cub growled as his needy sack emptied itself into her pussy. Releasing his mouthful, Hal felt his cock throb again and again as his fertile seed gushed into the zebra's depths. Maria hugged her little lover tightly as he worked his hips in short jerking motions, his cock's tip nestled up against her cervix and nearly penetrating it. She winced as she felt the tip of his cock nudge it open to bathe her deepest feminine parts in his cub seed.

Maria bucked her hips gently against Hal's as he squirmed and panted as his balls emptied. She whispered sweet things about his virility and how she wanted his foals. Hal did not completely understand why she wanted to be pregnant by him, but he knew enough to know that he likely was going to be a daddy again.

Thoughts of zebra lions and lion zebras zipped though his head along with other combinations of various herbivore and carnivore parts as he blasted the last of his seed into the zebra as his mind fell into a jumble of random thoughts as he came.

The two lay in mutual embrace. One admiring the feeling of fullness that slowly, and literally, pooled within her abdomen. The other slowly breathing in and out trying to regain his breath before going again. He had already felt himself get the biggest he had ever been before, but the mare was large and flexible enough to take him in her pussy. He wanted to dig in his toes and get to work thrusting, but first his balls needed to finish emptying.

"That felt sooo good!" Hal exclaimed as he finally caught his breath and raised himself up on his paws to look at Maria as she gazed into his eyes.

She cupped his muzzle in her paw and smiled as she looked him in the eye. "You ready for the finish?" Maria remembered how sensitive Hal could get and wondered if she should encourage him to get off of her for a bit. "Can you do it?"

"Y-yes!" Hal flexed his hips a bit and found his balls cupped by his mother's warm paws the instant he pulled away from the zebra's quivering hips. He looked over his shoulder at her as she gently felt and examined his large baby makers.

"How do _these_feel, baby?" Sylvia asked aloud as she examined the warm plump nuts in her paws. "You normally stop with me after three times."

"It's okay mom, I wanna make her feel good."

Maria felt herself flush at the commentary and wondered if Hal was just trying to act brave. But if he was certain, she was not going to stop him. "Then fuck me Hal." she declared.

Hal gripped the surface beneath the quivering zebra pussy that gripped his shaft and began to slowly drag himself out of it. The pair gasped as the cub brought his cock out of her moist depths slowly before lunging forward into her with a surprisingly hard thrust of his hips.

Sylvia had released Hal's sack and sat back to enjoy the show as his blue cock slid back and forth. There was barely any slack left in the black lipped cunt as it pulled and flexed around Hal's rod as Hal rocked back and forth.

A gush of juices was accompanied by Maria crying out before silencing herself by biting one of her fingers. She sucked in a deep breath before releasing a deep groan as Hal latched onto one of her breasts with his teeth. His tongue flicked back and forth over her pert nipple as he thrust harder against her. A steady slapping sound started to grow as the mess between the pair's groins increased. The amount of seed Hal was leaking out was amazing, his passage made even easier as he jammed his tip through the opening into Maria's womb with an almost imperceptible pop.

Maria's ears laid back as Hal reached his deepest inside of her. She threw her head back and hissed through another orgasm as Hal's spines raked her cervix as they rubbed back and forth. The rough sex was _amazing._She was already cresting another hill, never before considering herself to be multi-orgasmic, the lion cub between her legs was literally rocking her world.

Hal was not in much better shape, his balls had filled to a level he had never expected nor experienced before. Never before had his cock gotten so hard, so long, so huge! His tongue lolled out of his mouth as his panting reached a fevered pitch that matched his thrusts into that wonderful pussy.

He could _feel_every inch of Maria's hole pulse around him drawing forth reserves he never thought he had. By the time he realized he was nearing the end of his ride he felt somewhat disappointed until his mother cupped his ass cheeks and stuck her finger into his rear after timing her anal poke for one of his back strokes.

Sylvia leaned over Hal, her belly pressing against him as he jostled her as his hips rose and fell rapidly as he fucked the zebra mare. "Go ahead, honey, fill-her-hole!" Sylvia punctuated her last words with flicks of her finger over Hal's prostate. The flesh between her seeking finger and the over productive organ did nothing to prevent the sensation caused by her actions from setting off stars behind Hal's eyes.


Hal came, and came, and came! His mind blanked as he roared, his immature vocal cords still managing to rattle the cabinets. The zebra beneath him whinnied and came with him as his cock pulsed rope after heavy rope of cum into her depths.

Sylvia strummed her cubs prostate until he went limp, something he had never done before so she removed her finger and observed him continue to cum after his higher thought processes had checked out. Sylvia noted the doctor had done virtually the same, the grown woman splayed out on the exam bed. Arms hanging limply along with her legs along its sides.

A steadily swelling belly was what Hal rested upon until a squirting sound caused the mare to moan as cum gushed out of her gash around Hal's cock. The mix of fem lube and male cream steadily pooled between her legs until it began to spill off of the surface they laid upon to leak on the floor.

Hal by this point had rebooted from the hardest cum of his life. He blinked a few times and released his grip on Maria where he had dug his claws into her ass as he creamed her. He knew he had scratched her, but hoped she would not mind considering the fun they had.

Maria whimpered as she realized she was a mess and the fun was over. Not sure what to be more upset about, the impending cleanup or the end to the sex, the zebra laid her head back to collect her thoughts only to see the bottom of a swell of breasts instead of the ceiling. "You are so damn sneaky." Maria remarked aloud.

Sylvia grinned as she loomed large over the herbivore. "Predatory habit, doctor." Sylvia took a moment to admire her son's work and spoke softly while reaching for the doctor's face. "At this point," Sylvia stroked a slender finger along Maria's jawline as she used her other paw to knock a stray strand of hair off of her brow. "Hal has gotten you pregnant."

"Really?" Hal asked, seeming somewhat still befuddled from his last orgasm. Before frowning as both women started giggling at his question. "What's so funny?"

"Hal, you did not forget? Your very, very, very_good at impregnating females! I already told you you need to be careful around fertile women! We came here to see about your _gifts. Though I suspect the doctor had ulterior motives in letting you breed her. Still, I suspect that you can easily give me many grand cubs if the results from earlier testing we had done is any indication!

"Remember your last doctor visit?" Sylvia smiled at her beautiful cub.

"Yes...you pawed me off in a bathroom to give them some of my stuff." Hal frowned, not because the memory was unpleasant, his mother's paws were always welcome to touch him, but because the other doctor was rather rude. "It was not as much fun as this!" Hal said before he plopped his head between Maria's large tits and snuggled against her.

Maria hugged Hal to her and sighed deeply. "That was way more fun than I expected, considering what we did."

"Feeling guilty? Don't worry, Hal is fine and it is not like he did not like what we did together_with you._"

Maria considered what would happen with her research into more primitive genetic traits with such an impetus as her pregnancy to consider. She also wondered what the children would look like, and if they would share more of the excessive traits of their father.

She was certain the genetics responsible for their throwback genitals likely being expressed in their children being an issue down the road; but she was also fairly certain that her own experiences with having unusual genitals would be a positive thing in the long run when raising her cubs.

Gazing at Hal, Maria felt not the least bit ashamed of what they had did and said as such.

"Good then." Sylvia purred as she leaned over and tilted Maria's head back to plant a soft kiss on her lips. "Hal, I think we should get you cleaned up and fed. I know your hungry after so much hard work."

Hal felt his stomach give an affirmative right on cue by rumbling in reply to his mother's statement and he smiled at the thought of both food and getting another chance at the pretty doctor later. If more doctor's visits were like this, he would love to have regular checkups.

Maria asked Sylvia to help disengage Hal from her, his cock having firmly lodged itself in her womb. Sylvia, proud of her son's virility, grasped cub under his armpits and pulled back. An additional gush of fluids once he was freed from her made Maria moan a bit.

"Still, I need a sample." The zebra said.

She reached for Hal's cock and Sylvia stopped pulling him away. Maria gently milked a few streamers of cum from Hal into a plastic cup before she recapped it. She lifted it to her muzzle and planted a soft kiss against its tip as it began to soften a bit and shrink. Feeling mischievous she flicked her tongue over the head, slathering it in saliva before letting the beaming cub relax in his mother's arms by letting go of his rod.

Hal squirmed as his mother felt up his balls yet again. She always liked playing with them but he did not mind so long as he got to empty them with her help. Though he was certain he would be having Maria help him out at some point in the future in that department if his mother's words were any indication.

The thought of such future aid from the pretty zebra made Hal whimper as Sylvia gently stroked a thumb over one of his balls.

The two women said nothing because nothing further needed to be said at the moment. Hal's shaft was still hard, but it was obvious Sylvia had her ways of making it go back down again without Maria's help as she got off of the examination bed.

Her crotch was a mess though with the seed that liberally coated her thighs beginning to slide down the inside of her legs. But it was not all for nothing. Besides having needs she had let go unfulfilled get satisfied; the doctor had a loophole to exploit as far as her genetics research via the genes her unborn offspring carried. For now she could make due with studying Hal's sample under a microscope and with her equipment. Once the children were born she was certain she would not mind spending more time with Sylvia as well as Hal and maybe producing more.

That much was certain.

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