Passion's Flame

Story by Winter Wolf01 on SoFurry

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She knelt down in front of the dragon with her head lowered. His scales were traditionally colored for a charizard. Red overtone with a cream underbelly and blue wings. He was easily four feet taller than she was, considering he stood around seven feet. His tail was lighting the room like a birhgt torch, which it technically was. He had a claw on the back of her head, scratching behind her ears lightly. The setting sun shone through the thin curtain on the window in the rear of the room. To her left was a simple pine desk with a computer and a Glaceon doll. On her right was a pink sheet covered bed that was more than large enough to hold her and her Charizard mate. The walls were a light blue and a pokeball clock sat above the head of her bed.

"Mmm... So you want to see what it is like to be my bitch..." The dragon whispered. His tail flicked lightly. "I like the sound of that. My trainer wearing a collar with my name on it and fucking me when I want it..." A smile crossed is face. "A lot more than that too."

She flicked her large ears a bit apprehensively. "I'm willing to try it... you were my first pokemon and my first love." the Eevee pokemorph grinned shyly up at him. "I want to make you as happy as you made me." One paw wandered idly to her neck and scratched it, wondering how a collar would feel. Her fur tingled a bit in anticipation of what he had planned for their first night together like this. She'd slept with him and been fucked by him before. that part wasn't new. the being his bitch would be new. Pain wasn't the problem either. She was a pokemon after all, and she was fairly strong. Not as strong as her charizard mate, but strong enough to take on the pokemon around her home in Celadon.

"Mmm... such a loyal bitch you are too Eon. Good to know that what ever I decide you will do." He turned and sat on the bed with his kegs spread. The thick sheath that she loved so much sat throbbing lightly as he built up a boner.

"Why don't you help me get in the mood to make you mine?" A curt laugh slipped from his maw after he had finished speaking. His claws stopped scratching and gripped her head lightly. "I love the feel f your tongue on my dick. Makes me feel like a real pokemon."

Eon inclined her head in respect and slipped a paw up along the dragon's legs and to his sheath. Her velveted paw ran along his thick flesh. The charizard let out a low growling. his long lizard like tongue slipped out. A slight tremor ran through his body. This motion urged her on. Her tongue slid down to his large ball sac which she lapped at eagerly. The taste and musk of his manlihood made her slightly wet. His taste filled her mouth and only made her want more. Her paw began to pump along his thick cock in time with her licks, covering his shaft with her saliva.

"Mmmm... Good bitch... Suck it." He pulled her head away from his shaft for a moment, ;etting her catch her breath. Her head was then moved right over the tip of his cock before she was released. The Eevee arefully opened her muzzle and slipped her mouth around the very tip of his dragon dick. She wrapped her tongue around it as much has she could and used one paw to hold her long head fur back, and the other to continue stroking. Her head began to bob and take more of his pillar of flesh inside her short, wet muzzle. A large amount of pre slid into her, it was slightly salty and very warm. She had to stop herself from murring as it slid down the back of her throat. It was comforting to know that he was enjoying this as well.

She knew she couldn't take his whole member. It was too thick and too long. She couldn't even get it down her throat. Her tongue was long enough to coat about half of his already saliva coated dick. she pressed her tongue upwards and outwards so that it went along the bottom and sensitive part of his shaft and spread a little around it like a guide to her sucking mouth. The Charizard bucked his large hips slightly in time with her bobbing her head. He couldn't move much from his position, but he could move enough that she got a little more inside of her. A roar built up in his throat as she forced her head down as much as she could, practically choking on his cock. Thick spurts of pre shot down her throat and into her stomach. Her tongue, which had simply moved with her mouth until now, began to shift from side to side. This sent him over.

His cock spasmed as did his wings. Thick and hot strands of salty cum shot into her thin muzzle. She cried out and pulled away, but not before a large amount had filled her throat and mouth. It was hotter than his pre, almost hot enough to burn her. with her muzzle removed cum covered her face and his cock. Her paw remained, keeping the spasming shaft from simply showering the floor, and aimed it at her. As soon as she swallowed what was in her mouth, she licked her muzzle and then left her maw open to catch more of his delicious seed.

Eventually his climax subsided and the spurts slowed to a thin dribble, then stopped entirely. She made sure to lick his pink member clean and wipe off her face. He laid back on the mattress panting for a time, enjoying the afterglow. Eon climbed in bed next to him and slid her arms around his neck. Wordlessly he shifted so that they were laying correctly in bed and he could pull the covers over them both. He might have been able to have some more fun, but some of the training they had done earlier had worn out the smaller pokemorph. Sleep was enough for now.