Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Seventy-eigth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#79 of Pathfinding-CYOA

A final campsite scene, at least until after the end of all things. It's quiet in the dark, and so close to the Blue Feather tribe, there's little danger. Still, Rufus keeps watch, not just on the possible dangers that might come out of the night, but on his fellow party members. After all, not all dangers come from outside. is my Patreon account, by the way. There's no pressure, and no demands, but I just thought I should bring it up.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Seventy-eighth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

1 - 7 - Turn the focus onto Rufus' party

2 - 4

3 - 4

Additional Votes

* Spark goes back into the sex machine, and this time he has sex with himself - 2

* Padmini/Wisselfleur/Imogen (adding Lesage if possible) all f/f scene - 2

* Return of the succubus imp as an active character - 2

* Loshada (centaur filly) having fun in the Blue Feather camp - 1

Vote Options in Progress

* More Hanaro sex scenes (Rufus and Urtan primarily)

* Rufus bottoms to Windtooth (his father, the Blue Feather alpha male)

* Incestuous foursome with Windtooth, Wauken, Rufus, and Erlend (tied to above)

* Shara gangbanged (all-female and all-male both suggested)

* Urtan/Urta incest scene

* Rael/Erlend romance, Erlend character development

* Get Hanaro some proper O-Yoroi armor (will take place before she heads into battle)

Author Notes

Cleared out a few older Additional Votes. If you want them back in the running, feel free to mention it, and back they will go.

Finally getting around to clearing up some of the Vote Options in Progress, and thank you folks for letting me get to it. ^.^

Pathfinding Seventy-eighth Entry

It was Rufus' turn to be on watch, which suited him just fine. Seated somewhere off in the darkness beyond the radius of his party's two fires, the hoary-furred wolfen let his keen yellow eyes scan the night, his nose working, ready to pick up even the slightest movement or change.

In his lap, Adel snuggled, naked, smiling up at him, her legs parted. Idly, Rufus worked a finger up and down the little chipmunk's snug pink slit, letting her juices flow freely every time he nudged them apart even a little, along with a trickle of his own juices. They'd made love not long ago, and Adel was still breathing hard, her cheeks still flushed from the recent exertions. It was the first time since her ordeal in the kobold tunnels that she'd felt ready for sex, and watch or no watch, Rufus knew better than to deny his lady anything when it was within his power to grant it.

His eyes playing through the woods, Rufus couldn't help but notice the actions of his party as they made their final preparations to return to the Blue Feather camp, and from there, to war. At times like this, he supposed, getting one's life into order was just par for the course. After all, they might not get another chance once all the excitement started to happen.

Over by the fire, Ryg was handling her recent trauma in her own way: by teaching. She'd gone through some serious violation by the kobold leaders and shamans, her body pushed to its very limits, her spirit pushed ever farther than that, and it had gotten the faded-furred shamaness to start thinking about her mortality, and what legacy she might leave behind. Yesterday, her magic had finally come back in sufficient power for her to actually lessen the effects of the weather, making it milder where the party was, while sending a slightly more severe thunderhead southward: always in balance, that was Ryg's way, the way that the spirits who served her liked best.

Right now, Ryg was standing near the second fire of the camp, speaking softly, her words directing the actions of Padmini and Shara. The supple elephant girl was stroking her hands over Shara's naked breasts, her expression wondering and excited. Shara looked pretty excited herself as she returned the favor, cupping the undersides of the other girl's heavy mammaries, admiring their significant heft, especially compared with her own plump mounds. Not that Shara's breasts were small by any means, but they weren't on a comparable scale to Padmini's.

Rufus could just tell that Cassidy was watching the fun from the shadows right then, probably with his protégé Wicker beside him. It wasn't that Rufus could see the tan-furred rabbit, or even see the reindeer boy, despite Wicker's lesser skill (though this had improved most significantly under Cassidy's tutelage). Rather, Rufus simply couldn't imagine Cassidy ever missing an opportunity to watch Shara playing around with another girl if he could possibly manage it.

Padmini _gasped_softly, her trunk curling up to expose her mouth, even as Shara did as Ryg told her, drawing on some of the power within herself, and mingling it with the potent magic that suffused the entire world of Therafim. Therafim was filled with magic, radiating down through every molecule of the entire planet, flowing out from the "sun" above, which was actually known to be a conduit straight to the realms of raw creation from which all life and being originates. There were many ways to tap into that magical energy. Calling on the aid of the gods or spirits to link you to that power was common, and far safer than many other routes, as well as the one that Ryg had chosen. Intense study was another route, as Shara practiced in part, at least, though she tended to make far more use of her natural talents, drawing on the ties of her blood - she had fire spirits somewhere in her parentage, and that made it a little easier to draw on magic relating in some way to her inherent element. Another route, the one practiced by Padmini, was to train one's body, and use it as a direct conduit for magical energy. Many warriors took this route, most of them unconsciously, but a martial artist like Padmini took the practice to an entirely different level.

Now Shara was channeling some of Padmini's own life essence through herself, focusing on the fire that gave warmth and energy to the living as a sort of mental construct that allowed her to continue without breaking with what she already knew. Under Ryg's close supervision, Shara's eyes widened as she looked down, watching the elephant-girl's sizable, grey-skinned breasts start to shrink beneath her hands, and then watching her own white-furred breasts start to expand.

"Whoa," she moaned softly, her hind legs shifting, the folds beneath her bushy foxtail sopping wet. "That's really intense, Ryg."

"Now, Padmini, take back what is yours," Ryg instructed.

Smiling a little, reaching down to gently stroke her trunk over Shara's cheek, Padmini let her eyes grow heavy-lidded as she started to focus on the magic flowing between the two girls, making a direct link. It was like controlling the waves of the sea, or the tidal pressures within her own body. The feeling was relaxing, soothing, calming...and also very arousing as well, as she drew some of her own life's energy back, her breasts beginning to swell outward once more. Instead of taking it all back, however, Padmini paused, and then let some of herself stay where it was. Connected so completely to Shara, she could tell that the vixen actually _liked_having bigger breasts, and in all honesty, Padmini rather liked hers being a little less sizable, giving her some more mobility.

Normally, Rufus would have watched these events a great deal more closely, especially as Shara stepped in closer to Padmini, her muzzle lifting, slipping beneath the other girl's trunk, pressing against Padmini's lips in a slow, sensual kiss. Ryg had stepped forward, then, was stroking her hands down the backs of both naked girls, letting her own positive energies join theirs, empowering them, energizing them, making their bodies tingle so powerfully, Rufus could feel the strength of their lifeforce from where he was sitting...and couldn't hold off the erection it immediately caused him.

Still, there was something more important to Rufus than watching what soon became the source of some very heated moans. After all, he had his daughter to worry about.

Not far away, he saw Rael standing by the bank of the mountain-fed stream that ran near their camp. He always preferred to have fresh water near his campsites whenever possible, and this time was no exception. The lithesome teen wolf was crouched by the water's edge, cupping handfuls and lifting them, pouring them over her pert breasts, her pink nipples standing out, hard and rigid, from the creamy fur of her underside. Nearby, Erlend was standing with a sponge, one of the cheap sponges Adel had brought with her into the wilderness, as the young princess enjoyed keeping herself neat and tidy whenever possible. Of course, the dark-eyed actaeon boy was wearing the metal chastity device Rufus had forced on him, keeping his sheathed goodies properly tucked away.

"Come on, Erlend," Rael said, glancing over her shoulder as she crawled into the shallows on all-fours, tail hiked, giving both Erlend and her father a clear view of her tender pink parts. "You can come bathe me now."

Being honest with himself, Rufus wasn't entirely sure he liked the thought of his daughter being anywhere near Erlend, alone. But the young buck seemed to have been changing recently, growing a little more tolerant, a little more thoughtful and introspective than before. Pulled away from the high-testosterone world of an actaeon bachelor band, and forced into the company of true adventurers seemed to have begun to do the young buck some serious good. How much good, though, Rufus wasn't entirely sure, at least not yet.

Without question, Erlend stepped over to the water's edge, then took a few more steps, letting the water get up to his dainty hoofed ankles. Crouching next to the nubile wolfen teen, he started to sponge up water, then ran it over her back, making Rael give a short squeal.

"It's cold," she giggled, glancing up at Erlend when he paused. "It's all right - it feels good. I feel more clean when the water's cold."

Taking it slow, Erlend continued what he'd been doing, lifting spongefulls of water, then letting their contents run down over Rael's bare back, and bottom, and head. Once she was wetted down, he reached out, and started to run his fingers through Rael's fur, massaging the svelte muscles beneath. Moaning softly, Rael arched her back, not objecting in the slightest as the dark-eyed deer let his hands roam freely, upward, over her breasts, and then down, caressing and even squeezing her bottom a little.

"You're good at this, Erlend," sighed Rael happily, pressing back into his hands as he continued palpating her adorable buns. "I know you came into our group on a bad foot, but...well...I feel like I can trust you."

"Guess you don't know me that well, Rae," Erlend answered with a smirk. "You're just safe around me because of this metal codpiece your father makes me wear."

"Really?" Rael asked, wide-eyed, as she glanced over her shoulder at Erlend. "Are you saying, if you didn't have it on, you'd rape me?"

"I, uh," Erlend actually blushed, taken aback. "I didn't say that."

"You're not like Skaeth, Erlend," said Rael, turning around to face Erlend, still on all-fours, before she leaned upward, and licked the tip of his nose, making him blush even more deeply. "Are you?"

"I guess not," Erlend admitted, not meeting Rael's bold eyes. "I know how it is. You're supposed to be a certain way, everybody expects you to be the bad boy, to do bad things, and all the does expect that you'll be a bad boy forever, and make them do all sorts of bad things as well, once you're in charge, once your dad steps down."

Erlend seated himself on a nearby rock, and Rael joined him, resting her hands on her knees, her ears cocked like a friendly pup, just listening.

"Some people just get picked out to be a certain way," Erlend was explaining. "You've always been treated like a princess, right? I mean, you're really cute, and look kind of innocent, so everybody expects you to act the part."

"I guess I see what you mean," Rael admitted, and now it was her turn to blush a little.

"Well, it's like that for me," Erlend continued. "Except I'm supposed to be the one who gets all the boys to do bad things. My father said I was a natural born leader, but he didn't think he wanted to see the directions I'd lead the ones who followed." He looked at Rael, this time meeting her eyes. "My own dad said that about me."

"I've met Wauken," Rael answered, her voice gentle, her hands just as gentle as she rested them on the young buck's shoulders, letting her fur dry. "He seems like a good man. I can't imagine someone like that not wanting the best for you, or loving his son. Though," she added with a gentle smile, "he might not always love the things you do."

"I don't mean to be bad," Erlend said, looking down at his hooves. "I really don't. It's just...well...I don't know how to be anything else. Being bad's just easier for me, I guess."

"Natural tendencies, huh?" giggled Rael. "Well, maybe there's nothing wrong with being bad. Maybe it's just that you need to be bad, without hurting others. After all," and now she leaned in to kiss his cheek, "girls like bad boys. They just don't want them being bad to them. Take my daddy, for example: he's really bad. But he'd never hurt Adel, or me. Not ever. He loves us both too much. He'd die before he hurt us, and he'd kill anyone who did...or worse," she finished, her eyes straying momentarily over in the direction of the area where the prisoners were kept, including Skaeth, watched over in shifts by Urta and One-eye and Jonna.

"You're saying I'm supposed to be bad, but with standards?" Erlend asked teasingly.

"Yep!" answered Rael immediately, giving him a quick lick on his lips, then giggling again. "That would be really hot!"

No, Rufus decided, no danger there. He'd keep an ear turned in that direction, of course, but there wasn't any need to intrude on those two youngsters' privacy any more than was needed. Erlend was changing, and Rufus could feel it. It wasn't that long ago that Rufus had noticed the same sort of changes happening to him, as he started to develop a closer relationship to Adel, to Hanaro, to Urtan, and even to Urta. He'd never been in a steady relationship like this before, and it was at once frightening and exciting, feeling how the relationship was gradually changing into something...more.

These thoughts weighing heavy in his mind, Rufus wrapped his arms around Adel, holding her close. She kissed the underside of his muzzle when he did this.

"Watching our daughter at play?" the chipmunk girl asked teasingly, making Rufus blush.

"Maybe a little," he admitted, noticing how Adel called Rael 'our daughter.' Well, that changed things, didn't it? Not that Rufus was going to complain about it.

Instead of thinking too hard on the subject, Rufus glanced over toward the place where the prisoners were being kept. The eight kobolds were curled up, most of them sleeping, none of them getting away. They were bound with the same sorts of enchanted chains they'd used on their prisoners, after all, and weren't going anywhere, not when their leaders and magic users were all dead now. Not far from where the kobolds were curled up, however, Rufus noticed Jonna standing there, arms folded before her armored chest, glaring down at Skaeth. Around Skaeth's forehead was one of the crowns of Morpheus, his eyes wide open, staring with horror at scenes only he could see. Behind him, Maji stood, her watery body rippling in the light night breeze.

"I don't know if this is the right thing to do," Jonna was saying to the orca elemental, her eyes fixed on Skaeth. "Maybe it's violating my paladin vows, doing something like this to a prisoner. But," her eyes lifted to meet Maji's, "maybe this is exactly what a creature like this deserves."

"Justice, you think?" asked Maji, her tone lightly teasing, even as some of her tentacles caressed Skaeth's bound limbs and broad, muscular back. "Maybe. Then again, maybe you're just justifying what you're doing, out of revenge."

"Maybe," admitted Jonna, looking down at the hulking brown minotaur, who was moaning softly at some unseen erotic phantasmagoria, his uncut penis erect and dripping, even though his expression was one of pure terror. "I don't really know. It's something I'll have to figure out when I next meditate."

"No worries from me," Maji laughed, her voice like the sound of water droplets on hidden underground lakes. "And no regrets either. I just don't want you to leave the straight and narrow, Jonna: you're too nice a girl to let some jerk like this make you go bad."

Jonna's expression softened, then, and she sighed, her shoulders rising and falling with the effort.

"Yes," the beautiful, black-furred she-minotaur agreed. "Yes, you're right. I can't let myself fall just for the sake of revenge."

"You're not gonna stop me having my fun, though, are you?" asked Maji hopefully. "I may not be affected by mortal concerns like physical rape like you fleshy people are, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it. Besides," and now her toothy grin was downright viscious, "jerks like Skaeth deserve what they get. Trust me on this."

"I suppose you're right."

"Of course I'm right," Maji laughed, then made a shooing motion with her hands. "Now go on back to the fire, and try to get some sleep, okay? You know I don't need any myself. Sleep, that is. Especially not when there's fun to be had," she added, grinning maliciously down at Skaeth. "I might even share some of the fun when Urta gets here in an hour or two. I know she'd just love that."

Jonna didn't say anything more, only nodded before she turned her back on Maji and Skaeth. Instead of going back to the fire, however, she went toward the kobolds, and seated herself on a rock nearby the sleeping dragonlings. Rufus smirked at this: dutiful to a fault, like all paladins. Jonna might not take part in the slave-breaking Maji was doing to Skaeth, but she wasn't going to abandon her post, either.

"Do you think we have a chance, Rufus?" asked Adel sleepily from his lap. "In the fight against the Warlord, I mean."

"As good a chance as anybody, Adel," Rufus replied. He meant it, too.

Path Choices

The last chance for sex until the end of the war! But where shall it all take place? Please select any two (2) of the following:

1) Rufus meets his father...and Erlend meets his.

2) The first clash between the Blue Feather Alliance and the Warlord's forces (40% chance of Blue Feather success - to the victor go the spoils...which could also be Shara's gangbang, if the Blue Feather Alliance loses). Make suggestions for named characters you'd like included in this group - your choice here may improve the chances of success.

3) Those knights had to go somewhere. The humans from the warmlands finally notice the Blue Feather Alliance, and decide to see if they're friends or foes (70% likely that the reaction will be positive; otherwise, the humans will need to be subdued - fun times likely either way).

4) Spark the foxboy, Dinah the green-haired catgirl, Crystal the female construct, and the Steampunk Trio (Flit, Deo, and Midge) meet Rufus...and the Steampunk Trio are expecting Rufus to claim their virginities. Goro the panda warrior will likely make an appearance here, if #5 doesn't win out.

5) General meet 'n greet orgy in the Blue Feather Camp. Will include the Valkyries (who made it safely), our original party (Marlene, Deriny, Leta, Morgan, and Regina), most of our former and present party members (including Goro, Imogen, Wisselfleur, Kyte, Lesage, and the deer boys), the centaurs, and the elves.

6) Urta's reunion with her gnollish followers that were sent back to camp (Greymuzzle, the twins Rish and Rack, and Horse). Will very likely include incest between Urta and Urtan.

Any scenes from the Vote Options in Progress section that are not covered during this phase of voting will be covered during the final wrap-up instead.