The Myth and Legend of a Monster: An Assassin in Drewen- The first few days

Story by Jedah on SoFurry

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#1 of The Myth and Legend of a Monster

Disclaimer: Everything in this story belongs to me. However, there are some aspects in this that are based off of other works, including "The Legend of a Warrior" which is the creation of the artist and author known as Killer Tiger, to whom this is a homage to and I regard as a much better writer. Thus, you'll see some similarities between the two series for example.

The town of Dallas was bustling with noise in the afternoon. In it was a population of tigers, some of which were raised to be soldiers. Others had served to be policemen, construction workers, barkeeps, doctors, and other professions. It was once just a small village below the capital of Drewen, with one pub that was ran by a small wolf, but just weeks after the defeat of Drewen's previous pack leader at the hands of Kiaru Miles, the legendary "Dark Blitz" and" emperor of the nearby empire of Tramis, it had grown from a village to a small town in progress. The majority of the noise didn't come from the inhabitants, but rather from the sounds of workers building skyscrapers and such at the orders of the emperor.

Walking down the street past what would be a bank in progress would not be a tiger but instead is a dragon, with red scales, green eyes, and no wings. He was 14 feet, 3 inches tall, taller than the average tiger that was usually 10 feet tall, is well-muscled, and is dressed in a brown business suit with a blue tie, no shoes, and a white shirt underneath. This dragon had just arrived in the town via car and was walking around it to get a feel of the place. Despite being four feet, three inches taller than the average tiger, he wasn't looked upon in a friendly way by the citizens he walked by. The previous tiger kings of Drewen, like most of the pack leaders in Tigris, looked down upon other races and treated them like shit.

The packs of tigers, who had always ruled the large northern region of Tigris due to the other races being inferior to them in combat, had a culture that is war-based, where the strongest and honorable are revered and the weak are looked down upon, with the "lesser" races living inside only due to the "generosity" of the leaders of these packs. The territories ruled by these packs were separated into different kingdoms, with each pack leader, the alpha males, being hailed as kings. These kings lived luxurious lives, having absolute power like a dictator, having the power of life and death over anyone in their kingdoms. They also had exclusive service of the pack's females, of which nearly no other male can have, as it is the king's main duty to take care of them and impregnate them to ensure the pack's growth and survival. The only other males that could have females as mates, sometimes even more than one, were officers in the military and the most valorous soldiers, with generals often maintaining a harem of their own. Of course, these females are still subject to the king's lusts and he can take them without question.

The only other exception to the king and any warriors of his choosing having females, along with being subjected to the king's power over life and death, are mercenaries. These are soldiers without a nation to call home nor a king to hail to, thus they're not subjected to the pack rules. However, the females they're with must be captured in battle or as criminals by the mercenaries or be mercenaries as well, or else they would be subject to the king's whims like the other females. This also applies to female tigers who, if part of a mercenary group, regard the mercenary leader as their king instead of the king of the nation they're in. Rapes on the battlefield are also the only exception that mercenaries can indulge in, which normal soldiers can indulge in too. Also, there are private military companies, PMCs for short, which can be as small as a squad or be as big as "merc nations" for hire within Tigris. The merc leaders of Tigris' merc nations are called "Landsers" and they're just like the kings of Tigris, having absolute power over anybody within their territory, including the power of life and death, and can take any female of their choosing as well, whether it'd be captives, fellow mercenaries, slaves, and servants. The landsers even have the rights to increase their territory by challenging kings in traditional combat, where if the king wins he'd rule over the territory and force the mercenaries into being his own soldiers, while if the mercenary wins, he'll make the loser's territory his own and force its soldiers to be mercenaries. This often led to non-profit wars and duals within Tigris between the kings and the landsers, with both sides gunning for the others' territory and armies. The mercenaries of these merc nations even have military ranks, such as private, sergeant, lutinuent, colonel, general, field marshall, and their equivalents within the navy and air force if the merc nations possessed them, including elite units. The family members of the landsers also have royal titiles, with the "king" obviously being called landser, the "Queen" being called Landsa, and the equivalent of "prince" and "princess" keeping their title the same. The only real differences between the kingdoms and merc nations are that the merc nations are more mercenary oriented, the soldiers, sailors, and pilots mainly making their living and income off of wars between other nations, that the landsers are not called kings despite acting like them and having equal status, and most significantly of all, that the landsers can be from other races besides tigers. This had lead to some rather interesting reigns throughout the history of Tigris, but currently, there haven't had been any landsers coming from another race for a long time.

One of the few nations that was an exception to looking down upon the lesser races was the nation of Krostavia, the once-shining jewel of the region of Tigris, north of Drewen and northwest of Tramis. Its tigers tolerated the other races and treated them not exactly as equals, but still much better than the other nations did. Unfortunately, after the loss of its great prince Gresian Huxer in the Battle of Tesa, the murder of its queen, and the emasculation and the brutalization of its king, it had degraded into a vile cesspit full of vice and wretchedness. Its king, William, still tolerated the other races, but was addicted to drugs and other such vices. It was like this until 49 years later that Kiaru, who was once one of its soldiers who had fought by Gresian's side at the battle of Tesa before his untimely death, took the life of William in a dual, as it was tradition for the alpha male to prove himself as leader by fighting rivals in duals of swordsmanship and strength in order to prove himself stronger and better, and became its new king, adding onto his growing empire of Tramis, which already had several kingdoms, along with some former merc nations, under Kiaru's rule. Krostavia's conquest added onto the Dark Blitz's fame, making him even more known to the world and worthy of being called just "Legend."

Kiaru had aimed to make Krostavia into a better place, one without drugs, vice, and other such things, but was unfortunately not tolerant towards the other races, looking down upon them. It was sometime after his conquest of Krostavia and weeks before now that he had taken over Drewen's throne from Mike Drozen, another king who degraded his kingdom into a vile cesspit, and aimed to make the kingdom better like Krostavia, but kept its intolerance over the non-tiger races. Unlike Krostavia before it, Drewen was not a place where it was good to be anything other than a tiger for a very long time.

The dragon looked at his watch, a highly expensive Rolex, which was on his left hand below the cuffs of his suit. It was 3: 48 P.M., almost four hours after noon. He smiled to himself, knowing that he had several hours before going to a meeting he had to attend at midnight. Looking up at the workers 6 stories above him in a skyscraper in progress, the dragon continued walking through the streets, his hands deep in his pockets. As he stood by a crosslight, he had noticed an orange tigress, with a small, five-month old cub walking by her side. The cub, who was a boy sired as an illegitimate child of Mike Drozen before his death, was playing with a rubber ball, bouncing it up and down on newly-paved concrete. After bouncing several times off the concrete and into the cub's outstretched hand, the ball suddenly veered forward, having landed on an uneven piece of cement, and went straight out onto the road, which a car was driving down.

Unaware of the car, the boy went to retrieve the toy, and went right in front of the car's path. The mother, who was looking at some construction going on, didn't notice until she heard the sound of screeching wheels, which came from the car as the driver had just noticed a child walk off of the sidewalk and right into his car's path. She screamed at what was going to happen, but before the car could hit the cub, a pair of arms quickly wrapped around the cub and snatched him out of the car's way and into safety. The boy's rescuer was the dragon, who had seen what was about to happen and went out of his way to save the child's life.

The mother ran up to the dragon and grabbed her kid from him, hugging him tightly and dearly, not caring that her child's rescuer was a dragon. The driver of the car, a gruff looking, stocky tiger, pulled over and ran out of his car to check on the tigress and the child. The two adults, with the child in his mother's arms, then turned to the dragon and were about to thank him for preventing a disaster, despite their races' differences, but suddenly, the head, neck, and upper chest cavity of the dragon exploded, showering the three tigers in the dragon's blood, gore, and pieces of bone. The dragon, now headless and missing his collarbone, fell to the ground, his body gushing out a pool of thick, warm, dark blood. The three tigers screamed at what just happened, having no clue as to why the head of the child's rescuer suddenly exploded. What they had failed to notice in that dreadful moment was that on the stone wall of a building behind them, there was a huge hole, like the kind that comes from a round used to pierce into the armor of tanks...

On the other side of town, perched on the tower of a tall skyscraper dozens of stories high, was another dragon, looking down the scope of what appears to be a huge, enormously powerful sniper rifle, comparable in size to a heavy machine gun and suppressed with a built-in suppressor, with a couple of bipods placed on the rooftop's floor, having fired a headshot that was too far to be heard by the three tigers and from a distance too far that a person could not have seen the red dragon without using the scope. The assassin, who was on his belly and in the proper sniping position, was a giant black dragon, 18 feet, 9 inches tall. The majority of his scaly, wingless body was black, but his belly, chest, and crotch have scales the crimson color of blood. His eyes are also the color of blood, and can give a fiery, terrifying, glare that would curdle the blood of any who looked upon them.

The dragon was a brutal machine built for war and death. His tall, wide, bulky body was extremely muscular, one that would put any body builder to shame and would account for both extreme agility and speed. It was also one that hid what it was truly capable of, since not only was the dragon's body capable of extremely brutal feats of strength, such as being able to rip apart tank armor like tissue paper, withstand the force of high caliber bullets without much penetration due to how incredibly developed his muscles were, dent swords and shatter arrows that struck against his tough, fireproof skin, and even use his tail like a whip and a constricting device, it also had hidden its tissues dozens upon dozens of deadly bone spikes, which the dragon can contract and retract on command and are capable of slicing through stone and metal quite easily. He also has bone claws that can contract and retract out of his fists and are much sharper and harder than his normal claws, which could cut through stone and metal on their own.

His firebreath is also different from that of a normal dragon's, which would just burn like normal fire. When his firebreath burns, it's capable of melting metal after a certain amount of time had passed, releases a poisonous gas that would slowly eat away at the victim's skin, eyes, lungs, etc., and would actually burn more if water was spilled on it. His skeleton is vastly different from that of a normal dragon's skeleton, or any skeleton for that matter. Asides from the bone spikes, which were normal-sized bones, the skeleton is actually composed of thousands of tiny bones which form together to make a super-dense skeletal system much stronger than a normal one, with the "layer" of bone surrounding his skull being stronger than the majority of his other bones. He also has a shield of bone around his heart, which would make it difficult for even an any anti-tank round from piercing into it. The skeletal system also provides him with the natural ability to sizeshift, being able to go from 14 feet, 5 inches to an astonishing 26 feet, 8 inches, nearly eight feet taller than his current height. The skeleton also enables him to hide his true appearance, that of a monstrous looking dragon which is likened to that of a Demon, whose strength and speed, which are already terrible and fast to begin with, are even stronger and faster in comparison to his current appearance. Finally, he is capable of healing very fast, his blood capable of clotting over wounds in a time much faster than a normal dragon's would, and is even capable of regenerating lost organs, such as eyes, in a matter of days. Due to this, he has no scars on his body, with the only exception being that of a naval, which he had from birth.

Below the belt, Drake was monstrously huge. Sporting the natural black color of his race, Drake's penis is so huge that he can't put it within the crimson-colored slit or else it would cause discomfort to him and would look a little ridiculous. Because of this, Drake lets it hang out of his slit unlike most other male dragons. He had used his cock extensively in multiple rapes, most of which resulted in the victims not surviving due to his brutal style of fucking. He enjoyed killing females this way, combining the pleasures of sex with the brutality of violence. He sometimes raped males too, more for showing dominance over them rather than preference. Below his enormous cock was a pair of gigantic, crimson-colored balls, each of which held a seemingly endless ocean of seed and were very heavy. This allowed him to ejaculate many, many times over without his cock slacking off, comparable to a lion and liger. This was actually normal for his draconic species, most of which was actually much bigger than Drake, but sported cocks that were about the same size as his whenever he's at his full height. Also normal for his draconic species but different to other dragons was the prescence of a foreskin, which is incidentally very similar to a mammalian's foreskin. Unlike a mammalian's foreskin, this foreskin was not developed for the sake of protecting the penis, although it does serve this purpose; instead, it was developed soley for providing extra stimulation for both the males and females during intercourse, adding to their pleasure through its gliding motion. Since ancient times, reptilian males (dragons included) were uncommingly born with this feature, and the ratings for this, along with the ratings of being born with black penis', had recently increased in modernt times since the appearence of the Seliniuan boxer Typh Drago; in modern times, they sometimes have their cocks cirumcised but often keep the foreskin on. Unfortunately for his species, but fortunately for others, Drake is the last surviving member of his kind, which was wiped out by a cataclysm so long ago. This in turn makes Drake a truly monstrous member of the draconic race, unlike any other dragon living today.

This nightmare of a dragon, whose name is Drake Harkonen, was first known in Tigris as an illegal, underground pit fighter who brutally killed his opponents, but wasn't held liable because the deaths of his victims were covered up by the promoters. He later became blackmailed into being part of a mercenary group called the Hellions, whose founder was from Krostavia, and famously fought under his wing as a nightmare on the battlefield, winning every battle and terrifying any foe who he came across. He had also received the military codename "Hellblazer" due to the Hellish carnage he leaves on the battlefield, a name quite fitting for him considering his abilities. After the Hellions were killed off in a dishonorable betrayal 51 years ago, Drake became infamous for destroying the whole entire nation of the island of Wakusa 55 years ago, along with many cities and communities in other nations afterwards. He also became a terrorist and later on a mercenary assassin for hire, hired to kill both innocents and scumbags alike, as an agent for a mysterious organization called the Assassin's Guild. This was not the first identity nor name that Drake was known by, as he's actually a lot older than one would think and is actually known by countless names throughout history, with the most recent one besides Drake being that of Typh Drago, the dragon who was known in Tigris generations ago for being undefeated in barbrawling, boxing, bare-knuckle boxing, and street fighting along fucking females against the laws of the tiger kings, siring many illegitimate children whose draconic heritage was kept secret from the tiger kings who ruled over their mothers, but became known once Typh Drago was seemingly gone for good.

Despite liking to show his power at times, the dragon doesn't often go out in just pants or shirtless in order to show his muscles. He rather likes to wear a black bandana over his head (biker style, not like a headband), a black trench coat over a black tanktop (muscle shirt, to be precise), black army pants, which mould over his powerful leg muscles and look way too tight against his bulging crotch, black fingerless gloves which are tattered with holes between the knuckles, and round-rimmed glasses with red lenses and a black frame. This makes him look more like a mercenary, which he actually is, than a street fighter, which he used to often do but sometimes still does. However, he is willing to wear other material when necessary.

If there's one "material" that he is almost always seen wearing, no matter the outfit, it would have to be a pair of metal dog tags worn around his neck on a metal ball chain. One of these dog tags, however, does not have his name on it. It instead bears the name of Malcolm Gorton, an ex-general of Krostavia and the famous founder and leader of the Hellions before their downfall. Although Malcolm blackmailed Drake into joining the Hellions, they had become the best of friends and even brothers despite the racial differences, with Malcolm serving as Drake's mentor despite the great age and experience of the dragon. It was the dishonor in how Malcolm died, which was through a car bomb explosion planted by a traitor, is what spurred Drake to destroy the huge island nation of Wakusa, the only tiger-ruled nation that isn't within the region of Tigris 55 years ago, along with many cities and communities that were located in other nations within the mainland. Sometime when he returned to Tigris 19 years after destroying the city of Fury, Drake had returned to Krostavia and discreetly retrieved the dog tag of Gorton and worn them around his neck in remembrance for his former mentor and friend. He even visited the grave of Malcolm, seeing for himself that the great military leader was truly dead.

The gun Drake was holding, named Devileye, was not actually a sniper rifle, but a suppressed anti-material rifle which looked and functioned like a sniper rifle but was used to pierce into the heavy armor of tanks, operates at a greater range than a sniper rifle would, and is so heavy that at least a three-man team would be required to carry it. He is a great sniper not to mention great with any kind of firearm, but prefers the bloody, honorable tradition of close combat since he was born and raised in a time where guns long didn't even exist yet. To him, fighting with his hands and swords was more beautiful than a short fight with firearms, but he did find ways to lengthen the fight with guns, such as sometimes using blanks which contrary to popular belief, are dangerous and even deadly when used at a certain proximity. He also enjoys the thrill of fighting more than nearly anything else, with the one exception being the pleasures of sex. Despite being a honorable fighter, he also likes to fight dirty, using underhanded tactics against like-minded foes or against multiple opponents who try to use their numeric advantage against him, but would fight honorably against foes who won't fight dirty soley in duels. Either way, he's always the most brutal fighter in a fight, sometimes pulling his punches, which are like artillery rounds, to lengthen the fight against lesser opponents.

Throughout his long life, Drake had collected a very, very long list of rapes and kills, many of which he was not proud of. His list of kills as Drake numbered not in the thousands, but in the millions due to the destruction of Wakusa, which had a huge population, and cities and communities simply due to his unstoppable, juggernaut-like rage and power, which was like that of a force of nature. The majority of his rape victims don't survive his powerful and brutal style of fucking, but the ones that do are kept alive only because he wants to sire a child with them, or because he wants to torture or kill them later on. He was not at all elegant, gentle, chivalrous, and noble in his rapings, but he was in his secret trysts as Typh Drago or his time with female members of the Hellions.

He once had a softer, gentler side, but that side both falls to and overcomes his inner darkness from time to time, and right now, he's in the middle of those two sides. To him, brutally sniping a fellow dragon in cold blood in front of a mother, her child, and a stranger was nothing special to him. Besides, he had to kill the dragon because, according the client that was paying him, despite the red dragon having saved a child's life, he was going to have a meeting with an illegal arms dealer at midnight tonight and he had to assume the dragon's identity so he could attend the meeting as a client and kill the arms-dealer. To him, that red, green-eyed dragon was scum despite being a nice guy. To the tigers besides those three, the red dragon was nothing but a piece of crap.

Taking the clip out of Devileye, Drake picked up the huge weapon, set back the bipods back in place, took the scope off, and placed the gun in a huge, black guitar case fitting for his size, along with placing the scope and bullet clip in smaller compartments within the case. This case is used so that the gun would not attract unwanted attention towards him when he was carrying it. He also kept the Devileye as a one piece weapon and not in multiple parts, like the w2000 sniper rifle for example, because that would detract from the gun's accuracy and effectiveness. Climbing down the tower's ladder to the rooftop, he went inside the skyscraper, ducking his head so it wouldn't bash against the stairway. He then went dozens of stories down the stairway to the bottom, where he exited from the window. He then went behind the building and into the back allies, where he would be hidden from view by the populace...

Hours later, Drake, now at the height of 14 feet, 5 inches, was walking down the alleyways dressed in a black business suit custom-made for his size, a red shirt underneath, no shoes, and a black tie. He was very formal looking, and had a watch worn by military types on his left hand. It read 11: 37 P.M., 23 minutes before the meeting. He had a briefcase in hand that was full of counterfeit money, perfectly replicated bills made to look like the real thing. This was not the money the red dragon had on him but rather money provided by Drake's client via a counterfieter. He was looking for a hidden stairway that led down into the basement of a series of buildings, which is where the meeting with the arms dealer would be held. According to info provided by the client, the dealer only knows the red dragon not by appearance, but by the name "Lazarus", with the arms dealer himself being known as "Stryker", named after the armored military vehicle. The only other info Stryker knows about Lazarus is that he's around 14 and a half feet tall. Drake definitely fits the descriptions of Lazarus to Stryker here, so he shouldn't be having a problem getting in.

After about 15 minutes of walking in trash-strewn, graffiti-covered allies, Drake had finally found the stairway, hidden in a pile of paper garbage. It was behind a series of flats that were long abandoned years ago due to some gas leak in a kitchen that was set ablaze and lit the building on fire, roasting its inhabitants alive. Drake, a staunch atheist but a believer in the supernatural, wondered if the ghosts of those inhabitants still inhabit the flats, wandering their death grounds indefinitely. Smiling evilly at the twisted thought, he set the paper garbage aside and went down the stairs, going deeply underground. As he went down the stairway, he pressed his tongue one on of his right teeth at the back of his mouth, causing it to depress slightly, which was not normal for a tooth. At the end of the stairs were two large orange tigers, each of them 13 feet tall. They both were very muscular, wore black suits with purple undershirts, had no ties, and looked like they had been in a number of fights, sporting scars from stab wounds and bullet wounds, suggesting that they either had fought many battles. Also, they were armed with machine pistols, CZ-Scorpions to be precise, and broadswords, suggesting that they may have been in the military. The one on the right had a distinctive, 5-inch scar on his chin which looked like it was stitched shut after being busted open, while the one on the left had a nasty scar on the underside of his jaw that suggested that the attacker had stabbed there and then twisted the blade, causing a really nasty wound.

The two looked up at the dragon, seeing eye-to-eye with him. "Who are you?" The one on the right asked.

"Name's Lazarus. I came here to see Stryker." replied Drake.

The one on the right glanced to the one on the left. "Check him out, Kevin, and see if he's carrying any weapons on him..." Kevin, who seemingly was not able to speak due to the nasty wound he received underneath his jaw, simply nodded and patted all over Drake's suit to see if he's carrying anything, including the crotch and buttocks area. Drake, having set down the briefcase, spread out his arms and legs during this, having done this before. Kevin did find something hard hanging on Drake's chest underneath his red shirt, and he pointed at Drake with his machine pistol, signaling him to pull out whatever was hidden. Drake reached into his shirt and pulled out his metal dog tags, which was hanging on a necklace around his neck. Kevin lowered his gun, seeing no threat at all, and continued checking Drake's body for weapons. When Kevin finished checking Drake, he then opened the briefcase, seeing nothing but bricks of money but didn't check the inside for anything else, and shook his head to the other tiger, signaling that he found no weapons, the other tiger opened the door and held out his arm for Drake to come in. Drake, picking up the briefcase, walked past the tigers, bowing his head down when going through the doorway. The other tiger, leaving Kevin behind, went in front of Drake, leading him through an intricate maze of pipes and boilers, which the tiger had memorized. Eventually, they had reached a doorway, where some classical music was heard being played. The tiger opened the door for Drake and bowing down, the dragon went through.

Inside was a well-lit room that had huge glass table, surrounded by two red couches in the front and back and two red chairs on the sides, that had several pistols, submachine guns, and assault rifles laid down on it, with the wall at the back of the room, several feet away from the table, decorated with knives and swords, with many of them having already been in use for many battles and tasted blood several times. Beyond the couches and chairs but within the boundaries were four huge marble pillars, each wider than Drake was. Sitting on a red couch in front of the weapon-laden wall was a 12 foot, 4 inch tall, tough looking, muscular white tiger, whose stripes are just a little darker than the white fur surrounding him, making him look more like a white panther rather than a tiger. Unlike Kevin and the other tiger, this guy was a dressed in a colonel's uniform, wearing a green beret on his head. Drake immediately recognized who the tiger was despite the two having never met in person. It was Maximus Striker, a former colonel of Mike Drozen who had abandoned his post when it was announced that Kiaru Miles, a.k.a the Dark Blitz or just "Legend", had usurped the throne from Mike by victory in traditional combat. The tiger was sitting cross-legged, caressing the leg of a beautiful, black-furred tigress in a red dress and red heels, which was given to him as a mate by Mike before his death by Kiaru, and was sitting by his left side. Sitting on the two chairs besides Max were two henchmen, each armed with TMPs and Kabar knives. The couch in front of the glass table was empty, leaving Drake the only choice to sit there. A music player in the corner was playing classical music, opera to be precise, in the background.

Stryker turned his head and saw Drake walking with the tiger from the entrance. "Ah Johnny, I see that you brought Lazarus here, and just in time."He looked at his military watch on his right hand. "It's 11: 59 P.M., just before midnight." He raised his hand and beckoned Drake to come. "Come and sit here on the couch, Lazarus. We need to talk business." Drake did as he was told and sat down, the couch creaking softly under the immense weight of the dragon. Stryker looked at the dragon, resting his right hand on a Uzi 9mm by his side while resting his left arm on the shoulders of the tigress. "Take a look at these weapons and tell me what you'd like. I'll give you a sum of the costs when you're through."

Drake took a look at each of the weapons carefully. He saw that most of them were replicas and just for looks, and that the real ones, just small arms, were empty and clean of ammo, making them fairly useless in a gunfight. He was throughly impressed with how Stryker had set this up, seeing how he was prepared for an assassination attempt on him.

After he had set down the last weapon, a replica of a semi-automatic AR-15, he looked up at the weapons behind Stryker. "Can I take a look at the edged weapons? I might buy some of those."

Stryker nodded. "Why shouldn't you? It will simply add to the amount of money I'll get from you. However, before you do check out the weapons, I'll have Johnny accompany you..." After hearing that from Stryker, Drake heard the sound of a machine pistol being cocked. He looked behind him and saw Johnny's CZ-Scorpion pointed right at his face.

Stryker grinned, "Unlike the guns I've placed on the table, most of which are replicas as I'm sure you've noticed, the edged weapons are real and are quite dangerous. I'm sure you understand the precautions I'm taking, Lazarus."

Drake nodded. "I understand, Stryker. You're smart for taking precautions like this." Drake then stood up slowly, and walked past the table towards the weapon-laden wall, with Johnny right behind him, his gun pointed in Drake's back. Drake sighed as he neared the wall, thinking to himself that he should've went all out on Johnny and Mike back at the entrance, went through the pipe maze, and then went after Stryker and his thugs, but no, according to the client's wishes, he had to dress in a fancy suit unarmed, talk nice and act formal, and kill Stryker or any of his lackeys in a fashion that did not involve wounds caused by bullets, knives, fists, swords, or even his tail, implying to him that the client wanted Stryker dead by poisoning or something clever, which was fucking stupid in this context. Even worse, the client didn't inform of this until after he had taken out the red dragon, meaning that asides from the suit which was required for the job, he was expecting to fight hand-to-hand armed or unarmed, which is what he mostly preferred, or get into a gunfight, which he found as the second best option. He was a mercenary assassin for one thing, not a regular assassin who had to find ingenious ways just to kill his target. So if the case was that he can't use edged weapons, then why was he heading towards the weapon-laden wall? He has a plan that would bypass his client's clever bullshit, and it would provide him distance from the briefcase. Unfortunately, it would endanger the female's life, whom he was informed by the client to not let get killed, with the reason being that the girl was a close friend of hers. However, he was looking forward to getting more "acquainted" with the close friend, and there was nothing said about "hurting" her...

Drake suddenly had an idea that could satisfy him. He looked at Stryker. "Stryker, before I look at the impressive cache of knives and swords on your wall, can you have your female hand the weapons to me, as a show of trust between us? I'm asking because you have your lackey's gun pointed in my back."

Stryker, stroking the girl's cheek, looked at her in the face. "Maria, my sweet. Do you want to hand Lazarus the weapons, or do you want to stay and sit here with me?"

The girl, who had firm, supple tits on her body, nodded. "I will, Stryker, if it will show that we're just being precautious..."

Maria stood up, stretching her tall, firm, voluptuous body, and moving a strand of black hair from her face, went towards the wall and looked up at Drake seeing him eye to eye. "Okay big guy, what would you like to look at first?"

Drake looked at the wall, eyeing a particular blade high up on the wall. It was a double-bladed sword, with a grip on the handle. It was beautifully decorated, having the design of a lion's head roaring with the back of the mane ending in a flame design on the hilts of both blades. He knew it was deadly weapon, but one that requires great skill to use or else the use might accidentally cut himself or even worse, impale himself upon the blade. Well, that would be the case if he hadn't had extremly tough skin. "I'll take a gander at that one, the double-bladed sword."

Maria grinned. "That's a nice choice, dragon. That sword was once wielded by King Fabian, the king who had ruled Drewen before Mike Drozen slew him in battle in order to usurp the throne. It sells for a high price."

Drake looked at her, wondering how she knew about King Fabian, since she looked like she was eight years old, which means that she's now twice as old as she was when she had fully matured into an adult for a tiger, which was way after the time of King Fabian's death. "I'm sure it does, honey, now can you retrieve the sword for me? I want to see how it feels..."

Maria smiled. "Sure, but it looks too high. Can you lift me up so I can reach it?" Drake, who was in his mind bored by this banter, wrapped his giant hands around Maria's waist and lifted her up off the ground, giving her enough reach to grab the sword with both hands. This provided Drake with a full view of her black satin panties under her red dress. She didn't mind though, as she was personally indifferent towards the other races. She didn't look down upon them, but she didn't care for them either. To her, Lazarus was simply another dragon.

Before Drake could look up at Maria's panties as she reached for the blade, Drake felt the barrel of Johnny's CZ-Scorpion push into his muscular back even more. "Be careful with her, you piece of shit..." He heard Johnny whisper in his ear, "Here in Drewen, your kind is looked down upon. If you drop her or look at her the wrong way, I'll pump you full of lead. Although that means Stryker would lose a client, it won't be so bad to him since you're not a tiger."

Drake shook his head, wishing that he could smack the prick with his tail and then fight Stryker and his men, but nope, his client did not wish for that to happen. He hoped that he would get a bonus in addition to the hundreds of thousands of dollars the client was paying him.

Hearing the sound of the blade scraping against the wall, signifying that Maria had double-bladed sword in her position, and he then set her down, letting her down lightly on her feet. He saw that she struggled a bit trying to hold Fabian's royal sword properly, but he took it from her grasp, easily holding it with one hand. He turned his head towards Johnny. "Excuse me, Johnny. I need some room to test this out." Johnny nodded and stepped back several times, leaning against the couch Stryker was sitting in, and keeping his machine pistol trained on Drake. Maria did the same, seeing what the dragon was going to do, but was against the right interior wall rather than where Johnny and Stryker was.

Twirling the sword around with one hand like a spear, Drake stopped and grabbed the sword's handle with his other hand and began to twirl the sword's blade's around him like a master, taking care not to get a scratch on his suit. He then began to show how agile and acrobatic he was despite his size, flipping sideways through the air, as if he was dodging an imaginary downward slash from an opponent. Landing gracefully and surprisingly without making much sound, he then did an downward slash towards the left with the upper blade, followed by a upward slash to the right with the lower blade, which he quickly lifted upward to make the level of the blades even with each other, thrusting the handle forward in a slightly upwards motion, as if he's hitting the face of an imaginary opponent with the handle, while simultaneously kneeing the air with surprising speed, as if he's burying his right knee into an unseen opponent's groin. This was immediately followed with him stomping into the left foot of the unseen opponent while simultaneously slashing with the right blade, which was quickly followed by a stab with the right blade. Pretending that the blow was deflected with an upward strike, he immediately used the sword's momentum to bring the sword's left blade into the groin of the unseen opponent and continued upward, presumably slicing the opponent in half. He then continued practicing similar techniques with lightning speed and brutal efficiency, showing how disciplined and deadly he was with this kind of weapon. Everybody in the room, even the two tigers sitting in the chairs at the side of Stryker that were armed with the Kabars and TMPs, was shocked at how impressive the display had looked, especially when Drake had not even made a cut on his suit at all.

After Drake had swung his foot out forwards, tripping up another imaginary opponent, and then thrust the left blade into the opponent's throat just as it landed on the stone floor, followed by a slash to Drake's left side, which would've decapitated the opponent. He then placed the sword against the wall, looking at Stryker and his men. Stryker clapped his hands, amazed at how disciplined this warrior was. "That was an impressive display, Lazarus, too impressive for it to have been your first time handling such a weapon. Tell me where did you learn to handle such a weapon with such brutal power, speed, and grace?"

Drake smirked a little, glad to have at least gotten some fun out of "display" of his, showing the training he had back then during ancient times. "I had trained with several weapons over my lifetime, ranging from melee to long range, and achieved similar master over them. Now if I can get Maria to help me put this weapon back up, I'll go and examine the other weapons, putting a display up for you if you'd like."

Stryker shook his head. "Nope. I want you to give me your selection after you put king Fabian's sword up, as I've spent enough time making this deal. Maria, would you be helpful to Lazarus please?"

Maria nodded to Stryker and went to Drake so he could put his hands around her waist again. As he grabbed her, he thought internally to himself "Now's my chance!", and suddenly twisted himself, bringing Maria between him and the floor while covering her body with his own, while simultaneously biting into one of his upper back teeth on the rightside, the same one he had touched with his tongue earlier, causing it to push downward into the gum and release a signal of some sort from a device within the tooth. Before Johnny could pull the trigger of his CZ-Scorpion and Stryker and the two other men could pull their guns out, the four heard a beep come from the briefcase Drake had brought in. Less than a second later, a bomb hidden deeply within the bricks of money within the briefcase detonated, causing a powerful explosion of fire and shrapnel to erupt out of the bag and destroying the room. This explosion reduced Stryker and the two men into nothing but flaming, gooey, pulpy masses of blood and gore, sent Johnny, who was set on fire and covered his back in broken glass and shrapnel, flying face first into the weapon-laden wall, smashing his skull into nothing but bloody gore on the stone wall. His lifeless body fell onto the floor with a thud, blood gushing out of the stump of his neck

Drake felt hot glass, shrapnel, rubble, and weapons from the wall pelt his back, but did no damage to his skin nor tissues, but did make his suit's coat and shirt filthy and on fire. He also felt a little disoriented due to the force from the explosion.

Maria, who slowly realized what had happened and was protected by Drake's body, started pounding on his chest, trying to hurt him but to no avail. "Get off me you fucking asshole!" She screamed as she kept on pounding. Drake, not surprised at her language, stood up on his knees, allowing Maria to sit up and try to slap him with her right hand. He quickly caught her hand with his left hand.

She growled at him, rage in her eyes. "I can't believe you would do something like this, Hellblazer! I..." She quickly stopped mid-sentence as he gave an angry glare that sent shivers down her spine.

"Well well, bitch, I guess you're the client who gave me this job with the half-assed criteria, which I succeeded in doing, since I didn't kill Stryker with blades, fists, bullets, and nor my tail. Agents of the Assassin's Guild usually don't directly meet with their clients, but you you little cunt, I'll make an exception..."

Maria gulped a little, realizing what Drake had in mind. "What do you mean? You can't kill me! I'm the one paying you!"

Drake grinned. "Whoever said anything about killing, whore! I'll..." He stopped as he heard somebody running from beyond the room's entrance, having heard the explosion. Knowing that it was Kevin, he ripped off his suit's burning coat and his shirt, exposing his extremely muscular chest, back, and abdominals, which were mountains of power and valleys of strength, along with his metal dog tags. Holding Maria with his left hand and his burning shirt and coat with his right, he moved behind one of the marble columns, which was severally damaged from the explosion. He waited until he heard slam open the door Kevin, his CZ-Scorpion in his left hand and his broadsword in his right hand. Drake waited until he saw Kevin's frame move into view, and then he threw the burning clothes right into Kevin's face, who screamed and flailed wildly as he felt the skin and fur on his face light on fire, dropping his gun and broadsword in the process. Drake, hoisting Maria on his left shoulder, ran towards the door and exited as Kevin blindly ran into the flames, setting his entire body on fire. Drake, having memorized the intricate maze of pipes and boilers when Johnny led him through it, made it to the doorway which led to the stairway that led outside. Bowing down to avoid hitting the doorway along with preventing Maria from getting hit as well, he climbed up the stairs and soon reached outside into the cool night, feeling the cool air hit him as he stepped onto the allies.

Breathing in the cool night air a little, he felt Maria pound on his back. "Set me down, you son of a bitch! If you weren't..." She stopped mid-sentence as he partially set her down, grabbing her into a bear-hug.

He gave her a "light" squeeze, causing her barely scream as she felt the wind be brutally pushed out of her, her ribs nearly fracturing under his immense strength. He was not in a good mood. "Now bitch, you are going to tell me everything. Why you wanted Maximus Striker dead," with that he gave her a squeeze, "why you wanted me to fulfill such bullshit criteria," He gave her another squeeze, "and where is my money?" He gave her a final "light" squeeze, causing her to barely scream and pound at his neck in vain, until he simply let go of her, dropping her onto the ground. As she held onto her ribs, struggling to breath, he reached down, dragged her by her hair with his left hand through the garbage strewn throughout the street, set her up against a brick wall and punched right next to her head with his right arm, punching a giant hole in the wall, causing bits and pieces of brick and cement to fall by her side as he held up his fist to her face. "That was not my full strength. Your face will be next if you don't start talking, bitch!"

Holding her ribs in horrible pain and crying as she drew in breath after breath, the black tigress began to speak. "I... I wanted Maximus dead because despite being given to him his mate by the former king Mike, all he cared about me was the sex. He did not care for me like Mike would, berate and humiliate me whenever he could in private, and forced me to do drugs so that my body was poisoned enough so I could not have children! Despite being a good soldier, he was a horrible man!" She then groaned in pain, her ribs really sore, "The reason why I wanted you to fulfill such criteria, which you call bullshit, was because I wanted it to look like a clean hit, like what the work of a master assassin does, not the work of a mercenary. Since you were one of the best killers that the Assassin's Guild had to offer, I chose you for the job. I guess you technically fulfilled everything despite blowing everybody up, so you're still going to get your money. As for your money's location..."

Drake grabbed her the jaw, looking into her eyes fiercely with the immense force from his hand causing her jaw to slightly make cracking noises, "It better not be that counterfeit money that I blew up! If it is, then you are going to know what a true monster is!"

She quickly responded, "It was not the money in that briefcase! I intended to give you it after you had fulfilled the mission. If you let me live, I'll pay it to you." The dragon stared at her, his face indifferent to her words. "We'll see..." He then let go of her jaw. He then "lightly" punched her, knocking her out...

When Maria had came to, she found herself in a bedroom, the covers tucked nicely over her. Feeling much better but her ribs and face very sore, she soon realized that her clothes were missing. Did Drake rape her while she was unconscious? Having a good idea of how huge Drake is below the belt, the black tigress lifted the covers to see if she had been violated. Much to her relief, she saw that neither her pussy nor tailhole were penetrated, and thus not ripped apart, by that monstrous dragon, who was known for being a violent rapist. Wondering if he's still here, she slid out of bed naked, holding her ribs in pain. Looking at nearby pictures on the sidetable, she was realized that she was in the home of a family, one of a valorous tiger soldier who was loyal to emperor Kiaru, his mate, and their 1-year old cub.

Alarmed at what this heavily implied, she suddenly felt light-headed and ill and quickly got out of the room and saw across a hall on the second floor that a door was open, the bathroom floor. Feeling her stomach contents reach her mouth, she rushed towards the bathroom. Barely holding it in, she made it to the toilet and puked, her stomach contents going onto the bowl. Her eyes watered as she puked, her sides burning with pain from the bearhugs Drake gave her last night. She then laid beside the toilet, wondering if the Hellblazer had killed that family. She tried to not think about it, suddenly feeling even more light-headed and drifting into unconsciousness...

When Maria came to again, it was nighttime. She found herself again in the bed, again with the covers tucked under her. She tasted her lips, realizing that her mouth was cleaned and no longer had the taste of vomit in it. She also found herself still naked, but this time with bandages around her ribs. She slowly started to get up, but then she heard a familiar voice. It was Drake's. "I wouldn't try to get up if were you, bitch. Your ribs and head are still injured from those blows are gave you, especially your ribs. I guess I used a little too much of my strength last night."

Maria looked around. "Hellblazer, where are you?"

She then saw Drake enter the room, bowing his head down to get past the doorframe. He was dressed in his usual attire, the black trenchcoat, black tanktop, black army pants, black fingerless gloves, black bandana, and metal dog tags hanging around his neck, just without the glasses. It was at this point that she saw he was much bigger than 14 feet, 5 inches she previously saw. She saw that he was now 18 feet, 9 inches tall, which was four feet, 4 inches taller than the previous height. He quietly walked towards a nearby chair, and chillingly, he did not at all make a sound despite how huge he is. As he sat down, the chair creaked under his weight, the same way like the couch he sat in last night caused it to creak. He stared at her, his red eyes glistening in the darkness.

She looked at him, a little creeped out. "So tell me, Hellblazer, you broke into the house of a family, one who hasn't appeared all day in this house so far. Did you happen to kill them and destroy another family like you did to countless others in Wakusa?"

Drake took in a breath, and then replied. "I did break into the house, but did not kill the family. They're currently visiting the pack in Krostavia, which became part of Kiaru's empire in Tramis sometime before this nation did, and won't be back for some time. Also, we're no longer in Dallas. We're in the capital of Drewen itself."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "We're in the capital! Wh... wh...why are we in the capital?"

Drake had a sadistic smile on his face, which was unnerving to her. "To commit some assassinations, Maria. You're not the only client I was hired by. I also decided to not accept your payment, but to instead capture you as a female for myself." He heard her gulp in fear. She knew very well the laws of Tigris, and since she had plotted to kill her mate, she would be considered a criminal and was now at the whims of the infamous draconic mercenary Drake "Hellblazer" Harkonen. "Oh don't worry, Maria. I'm not going to rape you violently to death like I did to so many females beforehand. I'm going to take care of you just like a king of Tigris would to his females, except it would be a mercenary instead of a king, so don't call me your king. You are going to be a nice bitch for me, aren't you?" He saw her nod in response. "Well good. Now you need your rest. I'll be resting on the couch in the living room. You now go to sleep, okay?" He then got up from the chair and proceeded to leave the room, going downstairs as silently as he left it.

Maria covered herself tightly in the covers, now scared that she might be in a living nightmare. She knew that can't escape that monster even if she could try to, and an attempt might result in people getting killed. Also, even if she did successfully escape, he could easily give evidence of her crimes to the authorities while avoiding arrest himself, giving the police the chance to kill her, rape her, or do whatever they please with her. With this in mind, it took some time for her to go asleep, but when she did, it was a relief to her.

When she opened her eyes the next morning, with her face feeling much better, she found that a nightgown, one most likely belonging to the tigress within the family whose house she is in, was laying by her. It seems that Drake had left her this so she wouldn't be wandering the house naked. Reaching over to grab it, she noticed that Drake had not left her a pair of panties to put on. "Great," she internally thought to herself, "I guess Harkonen thinks he can get shots of my pussy and tailhole since I'm now his woman, or as he likes to call it, his bitch. Well I'll try to beat him at this..." She slipped on the nightgown, being careful around her rib area, and tried looking around the drawers and closet of the room for a pair of panties or pants to wear, but no such luck. She then tried the rest of the rooms upstairs, but all she found was her red dress, which was still dirty from being dragged through the street in the alley a couple nights ago. "Damn it," She thought "I guess he planned this one out ahead..."

The black tigress then caught the scent of something. It smelled like food. Going downstairs with soft steps, she heard the sound of food cooking in the kitchen, which was on the left of the stairway. Silently cracking open the door, she found Drake doing something she didn't expect him to do: He was making a cheese and vegetable omelet in a pan, cutting up the vegetables so they could be put in the eggs. Looking at the table, she had noticed that there was already an omalette waiting on a plate, with a glass of water, a napkin, and a fork and knife placed neatly on the table. She then tried to move stealthily behind Drake and towards the table, but midway through she then heard his voice. "I see that you've awakened, Maria. I've already made an omelet for you, so you can sit down and eat it as I make mine. Also, don't try to sneak by me. I already know you were behind me since you cracked open the door."

Maria was surprised. How did the dragon know that she had entered the room without looking behind him? Thinking for a bit as she slid back the chair and sat down, she then realized that he must've saw her in the reflection of the kitchen knife he was using to chop vegetables with. He was good. She then grabbed the knife and fork and began eating the meal he made for her, taking sips of water from the glass whenever she felt thirsty. She then saw him, carrying a plate of his own with a finished omalette, sit down on the chair across from her. He saw him cut up his meal and ate it in large chunks, quickly devouring it while she ate it in small bites. Having finished his meal already, he stared at her. "How are your ribs feeling?"

"They're still feeling a little sore," she replied, "They're not hurting as badly as before."

"That's good," Drake took a swig out of the glass of water he was drinking. "You need to take it easy for the next few days. I'll be here, keeping watch over you."

She chewed and swallowed a bit of egg before replying. "What about your assassinations? You're here in the capital for a reason."

"I won't have any assassinations to do for a while. The next one I have is during a sex party, which is coming up in a couple of days."

She raised an eyebrow. "A sex party? Isn't that illegal in Tigris?"

He nodded. "Of course it is, since only the king and soldiers of his choosing would only get to mount the females, and this sex party is an affront to that. I have to go there to eliminate a drug dealer. I'll be disguised as a liger."

She nearly choked on a piece of vegetable in her mouth. "A liger? Drake, you don't even look like a cat! How are you going to pass off as a liger?"

He had a confident look on his face. "I'll be disguised as a gimp. Not only that, I'll have the bone spike patterns of a liger with draconic heritage. They won't even get to see anything beyond the gimp suit besides those."

She looked at him with a puzzled look on her face. "Drake, I've seen you shirtless and I never saw any bone spikes on you at all. How are you going to pull that off?"

Drake grinned at her, standing up and taking off his coat and tanktop, leaving his metal dog tags on, and rolled up the legs of his pants, putting them over the knees, which felt even more tight against his huge muscles. "Watch this." He held up his arms, and she saw to her surprise some bone spikes slide out of the skin of his elbows and knees, and then saw bone spikes slide out around his wide shoulders. He perfectly mimicked the bone spike patterns of a cat who has descended from a draconic ancestor.

She gasped when she saw this. "Ho... how are you able to do that? I don't recall hearing you able to do that in your legends!"

He chuckled darkly a bit. "There are many things people don't know about me. I'm much more than I appear to be."

"I think I understand. So tell me, what were you before you were a pit-fighter? You can't have just first appeared in the illegal pit-fighting world. There has to be a story before that."

He sat down on his seat again, retracting the bone spikes within his body and watched her continuing eating her breakfast, rolling down the legs of his pants to where they were before. "I'm much older than anybody thinks I am, bitch. What you know about Drake Harkonen was just a sliver of a long life made up of multiple identities, some famous, and the majority of which is infamous. Nobody in this world knows this, of course, including the Hellions. Not even Malcolm Gorton, the leader of the Hellions, knew about this. I'm just telling you, who is nearly a stranger to me and is now my bitch, this just so you could get to know me a bit more rather than just a mercenary, assassin, and former terrorist who's legendary for destroying a whole nation."

She sighed, looking at him. "So if it's true that you are more than you say you are, then I'd like to know who... nevermind, don't tell me. I'd rather just know you as Drake, since that's how I know you best."

He smiled a bit, seeing her finish her breakfast. "Okay then, you'll won't hear about any other identity besides Drake. Now that you're done with your breakfast, let's take a shower together and fuck..."

She looked at him surprised at what he just said. "What? You mean right now? Drake, I'm still injured! You said I need to take it easy!"

He leaned on the table. "Don't worry, Maria. It's your ribs that are injured, not the rest of your body. I'll take it a little easier on you than usual, but be prepared for bleeding and being sore, both vaginally and anally. My style of fucking is very powerful, dominant, and brutal."

Maria tried to protest, knowing that he wants to fuck both her cunt and tailhole. "But..." before she protest, she suddenly felt something push within the underside of her gown, where she wearing nothing between her legs. She looked down and found the end of Drake's tail rubbing against her gate. She moaned a bit. "But Hellblazer..."

He pushed on a little harder, causing her to moan louder. "This is to get you ready for my cock when we shower. Relax. I want you to enjoy this, bitch..."

She groaned as he slid the end of his up and down against her gate, which was already dripping wet from the attention it's getting. "It feels so nice. Have you done this before with your tail?"

He responded with a sound of confidence in his voice, "Of course. I've done this many times before with women. I know what I'm doing, bitch."

Maria gasped as she felt his tail prod against her vaginal opening, her juices streaming down her legs and soaking the bottom of the gown. "You're going to fuck me with your tail?"

The dragon grinned. "Why not? Meanwhile, I'll just move the table and take off undo my pants. I enjoy seeing a show like this, and haven't had some fucking in a while. Prepare to witness my virility."

As Maria watched him stop prodding her vagina with his tail, much to her dissatisfaction, and move the table away, she saw that his crotch was bulging even more fiercely, looking like it was about to tear open at any moment. When he unbuttoned his pants and quickly slid them off, her eyes widened deeply at the sight of his genitals. Already hanging out of his crimson-colored slit was an obsidian cock that looked too huge to fit within the slit comfortably. She saw to her amazement that in its flaccid state, it was already bigger than any cock she had seen, including in porno films. It was even bigger than Kiaru's cock, which had never seen but had heard was over three feet long while flaccid, which Drake's cock was much bigger and wider in the same state. Strangely enough, she saw that it was covered in some sort of reptillian foreskin, which was uncommon for reptilian species but not unheard of. Below the huge pole were the biggest pair of balls she had ever seen. There were bigger than her tits and looked like a pair of wrecking balls. She wondered how much of his seed that they hold.

He grabbed ahold of his long, flaccid cock and stroked it powerfully in front of her, groaning a bit as it was already growing, its glans sticking out more and more out of the foreskin. She gasped in surprise as she saw it grow bigger and longer within seconds getting to four feet... five feet... six feet... and then it stopped after growing to nearly 6 and a half feet, an obsidian tower bulging with veins full of power and over half her height, which was 11 feet, 8 inches, a little taller than average for a tiger. The width was also shocking, looking over 2 feet wide, big enough to tear the walls of her pussy apart and bleed them out.

She both got hot and scared at the same time at the sight of his tower, which would permanently stretch her holes if she got penetrated by it even slightly. "I think your cock is too big for me. I's over six feet long and four feet wide! It won't fit all the way inside me and its width... it would tear me up! The whole thing looks like it would kill me!"

Drake groaned, stroking his powerful hand up his cock, which was already harder than diamond. "My cock is indeed a lethal weapon, as I've killed countless rape victims with it to my pleasure. I'm not going to penetrate you all the way to the hilt, Maria. That would definitely kill you. I'm just going to penetrate you between 3-5 feet considering your size. Besides, you need to enjoy my tail..." She groaned as she felt his tail, which was also wide but not at the tip, prod her vaginal opening again, feeling the tip penetrate an inch into her inner depths. She gasped as he pushed in further, going in mainly inches already as it increased in width. She moaned as he pumped about a foot of his tail into her gate, seeing him stroke his massive cock, whose tip was already oozing massive drops of precum over the underside of the shaft as lubricant. He moaned, looking at her as she slid off the gown, exposing her bandaged ribs, and moved her a hand to her crotch while rubbing one of her breasts with the other. Hot from watching him please himself and herself at the same time, she caught the scent of his precum, which gave off a powerful, draconic musk much stronger than that of Maximus, or Mike, who had fucked her a few times and painfully took her virginity when he was king. Unable to resist the lust-inducing smell, she began to play with herself, rubbing the outer labia of her tail-filled vagina, rubbing her erect clitoris with her thumb.

He grinned at this, watching her masturbate as he fucked her with his tail. "I can see you're enjoying yourself, bitch. That's good." He groaned again as he increased his grip as he kept powerfully stroking his long, obsidian shaft, the precum already covered the entire underside of his shaft, from head to base, with his foreskin partially going over his engorged cockhead repeatedly every time he stroked upwards. She moaned at the sight, feeling him fuck her harder with his tail. She suddenly found herself already nearing her first climax, moaning harder and rubbing herself stronger. Drake, sensing she was about to cum, fucked her harder and faster with his tail, helping her reach it faster. Her groans and moans got louder and harder, until she cried out in ecstasy as she cummed for the first time. Drake saw her squirt her ejaculate all over the kitchen floor and chair, and felt her hole clench onto his tail harder as if it was being fucked by a cock.

He kept pumping it into her as her climax lasted, stroking his own cock with glee the whole time. He then slowed down his stroking and pumping as her climax began to die down, enjoying the fact that he made her came. "Maria, I think you should make use of yourself on my balls, as they need attention..."

Moaning as he kept tail-fucking her gate, she stopped rubbing herself and got up from her chair, walking to his chair. With the tail still pumping into her, she fell down on her knees and grabbed each of his balls with both hands. They felt hot in her hands and they felt hard as well. "How hard can I squeeze these, Hellblazer?"

"You can squeeze them as hard as you'd like, bitch. I'm more of a man than anybody alive today in this world. You can lick the base of my cock as well." Moaning still from the tail-fucking, she then squeezed his balls as hard she can, using enough force which would've made most other men lay on the ground, howling in pain as their family jewels were getting crushed. This cited nothing but a pleasurable moan from him. Having a playful smile on his face, she began to rub and squeeze his gigantic, crimson balls, licking the base of his obsidian cock as he stroked it harder. The strong, virile taste of his precum was tantalizing on his pole, adding to the pleasure of the treatment his tail was giving her pussy. She also could smell the natural smell of his huge pole and draconic balls, which was a musky smell similar to his precum. It was just as lust-inducing, much to her pleasure.

Maria then had an idea. Keeping her hands on his balls, she then licked further up along the mighty, veiny shaft, getting gobs of precum covering her face, along with lightly rubbing her breasts along the shaft as well, which could not be fully covered by her breasts. She then reversed the action and started it again, repeating the whole process. This added to the pleasure of Drake, who fucked her faster with his tail, bringing her close to another climax. She soon found her self crying out again, her pussy clenching over his tail as her love juices sprayed all over the floor. After her climax ended after a bit, She then felt Drake lightly grab her waist with his feet and lifted her, having her stand on her feet. She saw him stand up to his current full height, his massive, veiny, precum-covered, harder-than-diamond cock throbbing in front of her face. "I wouldn't want my seed to go waste on the floor. Now open up your mouth, bitch, and prepare to taste my monster!"

The black tigress, nervous about this but wanting to do it, opened her mouth as wide as she could and wrapped her mouth against the glans of the dragon, whose cock was much bigger than a telephone pole and actually comparable to a battering ram. She felt the dragon push his fuck muscle into her mouth, the glans already feeling too tight against her jaw. She felt her muzzle painfully pop, gagging as her throat was stretched by his hot, thick, manmeat, which there was now at least a foot in. The pain was downplayed by the pleasure of him tail-fucking her though. Tears slid down her eyes as her gag reflex was overrided by the sheer girth of his manmeat, causing her to choke and struggle to breath. She then felt her muzzle crack and shatter as she felt another foot slide into her mouth and down her throat, now finding herself completely unable to breath.

Drake groaned as her throat muscles and esophagus massaged his cock, which were so crammed that they were bleeding from the pressure. "Your throat feels so nice on my cock, Maria. You'll be great at orally pleasing me." Feeling that this was the right length, he grabbed the back of her head, pulling her away a bit. He had sensed that she was about to became lifeless from the lack of air, and did not want that to happen. He then began to throat fuck her hard, going only two feet into her mouth with each thrust, and stroking hard the portion of his cock not covered by her mouth. Everytime he thrust back, she got an opportunity to breath, not allowing her to suffocate to death. She was very well aware that he could allow to asphyxiate, along with doing much, much worse things from the stories of his numerous rapes while he had fought as a mercenary on the battlefield. She had heard that one of his favorite ways to rape a victim orally was to push his cock so deeply into the head of his victim that their head would explode, decapitating them purely with the girth of his cock, and then penetrate deeply into the body all the way to the hilt, using their body like some sort of sick, furry sex toy. Other ways involved shattering the bones and mashing to mush the organs of his victims with his hammering, splitting them into two with his brutality, drown them in his seed, or even have their stomachs burst open from having too much of his cum. Although these terrible thoughts suddenly came to her on the fly like some sort of violent, gorey snuff film, this simply increased her lust and pleasure. She also knew he wasn't going to do this, as he said he would take care of her, and that means not killing her.

As she was kept being brutally throatfucked by his hard member, she found that his tail rubbed up against her urethral sponge, a.k.a. her G-spot, and this suddenly brought her closer and closer to another climax. As she was nearing her climax, Drake, his cock now much harder than the aggregated nanorod version of diamond, growled deeply, knowing as he was about to reach his climax, and both throat-fucked her and stroked his cock even harder, feeling it grow hot with lust and passion. "Maria, prepare for my seed!" He then let out a loud roar of lust and pleasure as he unleashed his load inside her. His hot seed spewed down her esophagus in jets, hitting her stomach like burning hot tsunamis. She had reached her third climax at this point, trying to cry out against the girth of his cock as she felt her stomach fill up painfully inside her, close to bursting open and killing her. Gasping, the dragon quickly slid his cock out of her mouth, stroking it even powerfully the whole time, spewing jets of cum all over her, bathing her in his spooge. The remaining jets, each amounting to more than the full climax of most males, each went at a speed and velocity that suggested that they would've gone at least 20 feet in distance, but splattered hard against the kitchen wall, covering it in gallons upon gallons of white semen.

Maria, breathing hard, was covered in his hot, strong-tasting seed, fell down to the ground, her climax still spurting out juices on the floor and clenching against Drake's tail, which was no longer fucking her. Drake, slipping his cum-covered tail out of her still-spurting cunt, gave out a few last weak, heavy spurts onto her body as his orgasm died away after having lasted a couple of minutes. However, his pre-cum and saliva covered cock was still harder than diamond and his lust was not yet satisfied. He was similar to a lion and liger in that sense. He reached down and grabbed her, picking her up and getting his seed on his chest and belly. He deeply kissed her, passionately twirling his draconic tongue in her mouth, and she did the same. After tasting his strong seed in her mouth and getting it on his face, he withdrew. "Are you ready to go to the shower and be impaled on my cock, bitch?"

Coughing out some cum, she nodded fervently, licking his face. "I am, my mercenary. Take me up there and conquer me!"

He grinned, licking back and carrying her up the stairs, slowly stroking his cock with one hand as he went up. It was still fully charged with lust, his balls not having lost their virility and weight at all. Maria spoke to him, noticing this. "I'm surprised at the stamina you have, Drake. You aren't even a little tired?"

Drake shook his head. "Nope. I can cum over a hundred times and still be harder than diamond, bitch. You just made me cum once so far, and I have much more."

She smiled and nuzzled him again as he had reached the end of the stairway. "I never realized it, but with your power, you're like a god among men. Do you mind being called one?"

Drake chuckled as he headed towards the bathroom. "I don't mind, but just as long you don't take it literally. Although I do believe in the supernatural, I don't believe in gods. I really believe that if such beings exist, they really don't have anything to do with the aspects they're representing other than being powerful with those aspects."

Maria kissed him. "Well I believe in them, even if they don't really have anything to do with their aspects." Having reached the bathroom, Drake, still carrying Maria, climbed into the bathroom's huge glass shower. Climbing in and shutting the door behind him, Drake turned on the shower, letting the nice, refreshing water wash over them.

Feeling his hot, sticky cum slowly wash away from them, Drake suddenly lifted Maria off of him, rubbing the immense shaft of his cock against her cunt. She moaned a bit. knowing that he was preparing her for him. He then prodded her vaginal opening with his glans. "Are you're ready for me, bitch? It will be very painful at first."

She had a playful smile on her face. "I'm ready to take the pain, my god. Just go easy on my ribs." She said, moving her hand to the bandages on her sides. Drake nuzzled her, and then started to push in deep. She cried out, grabbing onto his back and trying to dig her claws into his tough skin in vain, her hot blood immediately spraying out in bursts as his obsidian spear, which she knows is very much a lethal weapon, tore through the gate of her vagina, ripping open her tissues and splitting it into two. She screamed, crying tears as he pushed in half a foot of his cock in her. This felt much, much worse than when she lost her virginity to Mike Drozen a few years ago.

Knowing that going slowly was going to make it worse for her, Drake quickly pushed his huge pole further into her, moaning at how tight she was, getting two feet of his manmeat in her. She screamed even more as Drake pushed in another foot deep inside her, her hole now permanently stretched beyond its natural limits. "Hellblazer... your manmeat feels like a huge battering ram shoved inside my womb!"

Drake placed her head on his shoulder, letting her cry out her pain."I know that I'm big," He smiled, unashamedly, "but you are doing fine, bitch. You got three feet of me in you. I'm going to give you a wild time!"

She nuzzled into his neck, a little more calm and relaxed despite the agony. Drake grinned, kissing her furry, water soaked neck and began pistoning into her like a powerful machine. Her body pounded between him and the wall, her hips bucking wildly with every powerful thrust he took with his abdominals. The sound of his cock tearing her up, using her blood, saliva, and vaginal juices as lubricant was nice to hear for him and added to his pleasure and lust, but he was focusing on pleasuring her and not causing too much pain. This pain was how all rapes and fuckings with people much smaller than him were, with him ripping them up with his penetration. She cringed with each powerful thrust, the pain terrible and agonizing, but it was mixed with evergrowing lust and pleasure, which was further stimulated by the gliding motion of his foreskin within her, feeling wonderful to her. As she opened her mouth to scream from the pain, he covered her mouth with his own, kissing her passionately as her muffled screams ran through his mouth.

He then parted from the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting the two for a moment, and he focused on her breasts, seeing them bounce up and down with his hard fucking. "Let's see how these taste..." Smiling, he licked the left one, getting her nipple hard and erect, and sucked hard on it, giving a mix of pleasure and pain. She moaned in surprise, as this lessened the searing pain coming from him ripping her cunt up with his cock and added more to her pleasure. He moved his hand to her right breast giving it firm squeezes, also adding to the pleasure, and she responded in kind, running her hands over his powerful biceps, abdominals, pectorals, deltoids, triceps, and other such muscles, all of which were enormous, and squeezed and caressed them. He then finished sucking her tit by parting with a pop, the sound ringing throughout the room. "You have nice, supple tits, bitch. The left one has a nice taste to it too. Now let's see if the right one tastes the same..." He then went to suck on the other tit, twirling her nipple around with his tongue.

She groaned, the stimulation adding to her pleasure. "Yes, my mercenary! Suck on my tit!" She looked down, going beyond his face and her breasts, and saw that with each brutal, powerful thrust of his obsidian spear, she saw huge amounts of her blood spraying out onto the black skin of his legs and the crimson skin of his huge balls, Herculean pectorals, and powerful abdominals, the vivid red color of the liquid matching that of his crimson skin. She saw that the blood mixed with the water coming from the shower, causing streaks of red to go down the drain in a clock-wise motion. She knew that she was bleeding continually, her vagina constantly weakening against his constant assault as he battered into her like a war hammer. "My god... you're so powerful!"

She could also could see a mass visibly move up and down deep within her abdomen, which was well beyond her womb. She easily knew that it was his cock pounding deeper and deeper into her, the sight comparable to someone raping a virgin with a huge, titanium steel battering ram. This now struck her with the sick visualization of him poking his fuck muscle through a huge hole he had ripped deep inside her womb, pummeling her insides to bloody mush with his lethal weapon of a cock, eventually tearing it out of her in gory violence and letting her mushy insides spill out of her dying body. This didn't detract from the experience, but instead added onto it in a twisted sense, adding onto her evergrowing pleasure and lust. Soon after having the thought, she found herself cumming to it, screaming in a bloody mix of pleasure and pain, with the pleasure far surpassing the pain. Even more blood sprayed out as Drake's tree truck of a cock pounded against the incoming flood of her orgasmic juices, all of which had sprayed against his abdominal muscles in a bloody mixture. Making a popping sound by departing his mouth through her other tit, he gave her more powerful thrusts with this orgasm, feeling her repeatedly clench down hard around his gigantic spear.

Within several long agonizing minutes of brutal fucking, Drake had brought her to many more orgasms, each one stronger than the last. With each one, he went harder and deeper into her until he only had two feet left to go on his cock. After a while, Maria's vagina broke down completely, her eyes having reached a trance-like state while her cunt just continually clenches onto the dragon's battering ram in a seemingly never-ending orgasm. These clenches urged him to go deeper in her, to plow in more feet of his cock in her, but he resisted, knowing that doing so might greatly endanger her life. This kind of relationship was one he hadn't had in a long while, and he wasn't going to let it end like this with one fucking.

Maria's eyes broke from their trance-like state, herself tired from all the fucking. She weakly licked his cheek, finding it within herself to tell him, "Give me the burning tsunamis a second time, my draconic god..."

He licked back. "Be ready for it, bitch. They'll hit you soon enough..." He growled and pistoned into her harder, feeling his cock go much harder than diamond and heat up immensely within her body. After a few more thrusts, he then roared out loudly in lust and pleasure, feeling his semen erupt into her like a fiery volcano. She screamed out in orgasmic lust with him as she felt jets of his seed crash into her like tsunami after tsunami, burning her with searing heat, going beyond her womb and into places where it shouldn't be. He kept brutally pounding his cock into her continually clenching cunt as his cum filled her up, the cock holding back the tidal waves like a sheer wall of stone. Eventually, her cunt widened even more, allowing his burning hot spooge to quickly flow out of her and onto the floor, flowing into the drain with water. She tried to dig her claws into her shoulders in vain as he kept pounding her hard, but not penetrating deeper, in his orgasm.

Feeling a few last spurts as his orgasm died away, Drake pulled Maria's weakened body off his cock, which still remained charged with lust and hard as diamond. She laid there against the wall, panting heavily with her eyes staring on the floor, her pussy pouring out a huge amount of their mixed cum but was still bleeding a lot, the three liquids mixing together into a pink fluid that went down the drain in streaks as the shower water washed it away. She looked up at him after having caught her breath. "That was the best, most violent fuck I ever had, Drake. It was so... brutal yet divine. You're like a force of nature..." She then noticed that his cock, covered in blood, cum, and saliva, was still hard and his balls still heavy, not at affected by the two orgasms he had. Her lust grew in her yet again despite her exhaustion. "So do you want to fuck me in the ass, master?" She had added "master" at the end of her sentence because she had felt that he truly conquered her, as if now he was her king, or the mercenary equivalent, her landser.

Drake shook his head. "Although I would like to give your tail hole a good fucking, you are far too exhausted for that. Another session would certainly require you to go to the hospital, which is something I don't desire. I would take you next time, though, since you've been a good little bitch so far. How are your ribs?"

She touched the bandages. "They're still sore, but the fucking didn't hurt them, my mercenary. We now need to clean up anyway. I'm so exhausted..." Drake nodded in agreement and picked her up off of the ground, cleaning her and himself in the shower, whose water had now grown cold. As he washed her weakened form with his hands, he gave her a passionate kiss, finding that her mouth is still strong with the taste of his virile seed. His cock still remained diamond hard during the cold shower, but then after a while, when Drake turned off the water and was now drying himself and the exhausted female, it finally began to slack off, finally satisfied with what was offered to it, slowly shrinking to its flaccid state until it was back to normal, with the foreskin slowly going down over the glans. He didn't bother to put it within his slit, as that would cause discomfort to him.

Drake looked over to Maria and saw that she had wordlessly fell asleep due to her exhaustion. He reached down and picked her up with one hand, went out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, placing her on the bed. He then wrapped the covers over her and tucked them as well. Leaving the bedroom and going downstairs, he snatched his pants off the floor and put them on. He then proceeded to clean the mess he and Maria, especially him, had made in the kitchen. It was still morning, and he had nothing to do but stay in this house and let her recover for the next few days, and it would sure look awkward if he and Maria saw a huge mess of cum on the kitchen wall and floor everyday. After those days will have passed, he had a couple more assassinations to do, starting with the sex party.

Later the next morning, Maria slowly opened her eyes. Being fucked by Drake had made her so tired that the She had slept all day yesterday and also slept the night away. She wasn't used to that kind of fucking. Getting up, she found that her ribs felt much better, not requiring the bandages anymore. She then peeled them off, leaving them on the floor. She then had slipped on her nightgown, which Drake had placed besides her during the night, and went out the bedroom, feeling hungry and thirsty. She looked both upstairs and downstairs around the house for Drake, but couldn't find him. Wondering where he is, she entered the kitchen and found that he had cleaned up the mess they made on the wall and floor, without a spot of cum.

She also found that Drake had left her a bowl of milk and cereal along with an ice-cold glass of water. Glad that the draconic mercenary was being thoughtful of her, she sat down at the table and ate her breakfast hungrily. Her hunger satisfied, she got up to put away the dishes but midway, she stopped. She felt... horny. Smelling herself, she found that Drake's smell still slightly lingered off of her despite having took a shower. Realizing that it was inducing lust in her, she quickly put the empty bowl of cereal and empty glass away, she rushed upstairs towards the bedroom. During her search for clothes last morning, she had found something that could be of use to her...

Later on, Drake returned to the house. He had been absent getting some supplies, since the family left hardly anything during their visit to Krostravia. On his way to the store and back, he had also received surprising looks from everybody who saw and recognized him, including the police, each of them fearfully avoiding him as he passed by. They didn't know why he was in Drewen's capital, and they didn't want to know. What mattered was that the destroyer of Wakusa was in town, and that means something big is going to go down, and they didn't want any part in it.

Going into the kitchen, bowing his head down to avoid the doorway, and putting some supplies in the fridge, he had noticed that the food and drink he had left behind for Maria had been consumed, with the bowl and glass having been put in the sink. Realizing that the black tigress had awoken, he went upstairs with a package in hand, but before he went to bedroom, he headed towards the bathroom. He soon exited the bathroom without the package in his hand. He then headed towards the bedroom. As he neared the closed door, he heard some moaning, groaning, and murring going on in the bedroom along with some sort of buzzing sound. Slowly cracking open the door, Drake peeked inside and found Maria in the bedroom, completely nude and without the bandages around her ribs. She was masturbating in the bed, pumping a sex toy, a vibrator that the female of the family had left behind, repeatedly into her now permanently stretched vagina, all the while massaging her firm, supple breasts with her free hand. Her eyes were closed the whole time, not allowing her to see the dragon peering in at her. She already had cummed a few times, her juices staining the bed. He heard her moan his name, asking him to take her.

Drake grinned at the sight as he bowed his head down to enter the room. It seems that despite being deadly tired, she couldn't enough of him yesterday. Taking off his coat, tanktop, bandana, glasses, and gloves but keeping the metal dog tags on, he then undid his pants, which were already beginning to bulge too tightly against his crotch, and slipped them off, exposing his mammoth obsidian cock to the air. He grabbed ahold of it and gave it powerful strokes, feeling it grow to its enormous, 6 feet + length and become harder than diamond, the glans again being fully exposed from the foreskin. Moving to the right side of the bed while slowly stroking himself, he sat down on the bed, which creaked under his weight but wasn't heard by her.

He then stroked the side of her face with the back of his hand. She immediately turned off the vibrator as her eyes snapped open, surprised at the touch of a hand on her face, and saw him looking at her. She saw that he was enjoying the spectacle. "I see that you're feeling much better than you were yesterday, bitch, since you're aren't wearing those bandages anymore. I also see that you're enjoying yourself to a thought of me fucking you."

She felt warm blood rush to her cheeks as she felt embarrassed that he saw her pleasing herself to him. "I...I really enjoyed myself last night, master. I can still smell you on me and because of that, I can't seem to get mind out of the gutter. Will you help satisfy me?" She had a nervous smile on her face.

The dragon smiled, still slowly stroking himself in front of her eyes. "I sure will, bitch, but seeing that you've already made a mess down in your cunt, I'm going to... clean it up. However, you first need to clean my cock with your mouth, since it still has the smell of our juices on it. Take a look..." He then grabbed her head and pulled her forward, moving her face towards his black pole, which he stopped stroking.

Her face now very close to his shaft, she took in a huge whiff. It still smelled of blood, pre-cum, her vaginal juices, his strong-smelling seed, her saliva, and his natural, musky smell. She gave out a strong moan of lust and pleasure, wanting him in her. "It smells wonderful, master. I'll clean it for with pleasure." She licked up from the base of his tower and to the glans, whose taste wonderfully matched with its smell, and then going down back to the base, eliciting a moan from him. She repeated the action again and again, going over different areas of his girth while reveling in the taste. She then turned on the vibrator and slowly pumped herself with it, pleasing herself as she cleaned off his cock with her saliva. As she did this, he rewarded her with a huge drop of musky precum, which dribbled from the meatus of his glans and covered the shaft. She moaned in lust and pleasure even more as it landed on her tongue, its taste tantalizing to her.

He stopped her for a moment, pulling the cum-soaked vibrator out of her lifting her chin with a finger so she could look into his crimson eyes. "I want to do a 69 on you, so I can clean out your cunt while you do your job at the same time, bitch."

She smiled playfully at him. "Yes, my god and master." He smiled, grabbing her by the legs and turning her upside down, her belly and pussy, with the vibrator still in it, facing him. Her face hung over the glans of his diamond-hard shaft, which oozed out another drop of precum.

"Open your mouth, bitch. You are going to take in my manmeat." She opened her mouth as wide as she could, preparing herself for him. She then felt him lower her mouth towards her cock, and as it reached her face, she wrapped her mouth around it, taking in the whole drop of precum which was on the glans. The strong musky taste overpowering her senses, she couldn't help but moan in lust and pleasure as she swallowed it down, the sound of which was muffled as he lowered herself more onto his ebony-colored tree trunk, getting its huge, long girth down her mouth.

She found herself once again gagging and choking as his huge length went past her throat, widening it immensely and giving her little room to breath. Nearly a foot already in, her jaw and muzzle once again popped and shattered, causing her to cry out in pain, but now it was less painful since she had been already through this yesterday. She also cried from the pain of her throat and esophageal muscles tearing and bleeding just from how wide his battering ram-like cock is, but like her muzzle it was now less painful. It was all still painful enough for her to have tears roll off her eyes, but now that she was upsidedown, they were now going down off her forehead and into her hair instead of going down her cheeks. However, she heard Drake moan the whole time, which at least lessened the pain for her.

As she slid down further in agony, she felt Drake's draconic tongue stroke her cheek. She opened her eyes to stare into his, which had some compassion in them. "You're still doing fine like you did before, bitch. We just need to get in another foot. Meanwhile, I'll be licking you clean..." She then saw him lift his head up and move closer to her stretched vaginal gates, which were soaked in her cum and were well in need of attention. Sticking his tongue out, he stroked along her thighs and the outer folds of her labia. She murred at this treatment, wanting badly with lust to have his tongue to penetrate her. He gave out a dark chuckle, sensing her ever-growing lust. "You taste wonderfully on the outside, my bitch. Now let's see how you'd taste a little deeper..." Licking her fur clean, he then licked deeply into her inner folds. She responded by murring even more loudly, her sweet vaginal juices now flowing down on the tip of his tongue. She then moaned, the sound muffled by the presence of his ebony spear, as his tongue pierced through her vaginal gates, going into her inner walls. His tongue, still tasting the presence of metallic-tasting blood, his musky-precum, and his virile, strong-tasting seed from yesterday, began to dance in her depths, also tasting the sweet, nectar-like taste of her vaginal juices. She let a groan of great lust and pleasure at this, the pain from having his gigantic spear in her mouth, throat, and esophagus now lessened even more greatly.

She then felt herself completely unable to breath, signaling to her that two feet were already in her. Drake was well aware of this, and letting go of her left leg, grabbed her left arm and placed it on his left thigh, and then grabbed her right arm and placed it on his right thigh, all of this purely for balance. Finally, he lifted his powerful, mountainous legs off the floor, setting them on the bed and facing towards the door. She then felt herself be lifted upwards by Drake with one hand, his cock sliding out of her body nearly two feet, and then be pushed downwards, the pole sliding into her the same distance. Drake, stroking powerfully his gigantic cock with his right hand, also thrusted upwards repeatedly into her body everytime she slid down, shortening the distance between being lifted up and sliding down. This still gave her enough time to get in a large enough amount of breath so she wouldn't slowly asphyxiate to death. He also stuck the full length of his long tongue in her, causing her to murr even louder as his tongue twirled around her inner walls, lapping up all the juices.

She soon found herself close to her climax already. Drake heard her moan, groan, and murr even more, knowing that she was going to cum. Smiling at the thought, he pushed his snout between her folds, enjoying the smell of her genitals and anticipating the deluge that is to come. Soon, she found herself crying out against his thick manmeat as her ejaculate flooded out of her gates. Drake enjoyed the moment as her creamy cum, much more sweet-tasting than her vaginal lubrication, sprayed all over his snout and flooded into his mouth, in addition to giving him a tasty treat.

As he drank down her love juices, she was suddenly struck with a disturbing thought. Like a violent snuff movie playing in her head, she couldn't help but think of what would happen if Drake let go of both of her legs. She imagined her body sliding all the way down his shaft, her head exploding from the sheer girth. Mid-way along the slide though, she pictured the cock, a lethal weapon in itself, tear through the inner lining of her stomach, rip through her intestines like tissue paper, and finally rip a hole through her buttocks, the glans and shaft covered in her warm blood. She then imagined her lover taking her corpse and resume sliding it up and down his cock and thrust into the bleeding stump of her neck, enjoying himself all the way with a sadistic smile on his face. Despite this thought coming up in her head spontaneously, this wasn't something that was made up. This was actually something that Drake had done with numerous rape victims when he was with the Hellions, sometimes doing it without his glans ripping through their buttocks so he could fill their corpses with his seed. Again, her lust and pleasure grew instead of detracting with this thought and she suddenly found herself cumming a second time, again crying out against his girth as her creamy ejaculate flooded out of her gates again, which he welcomed into his mouth.

Drake, his face covered in her sweet-tasting nectar, pulled his tongue out of her glistening gates, murring deeply as he stroked his cock even more powerfully. He was close to his own orgasm, feeling that his cock was now much harder than diamond and heating up immensely. "Prepare for my seed!" Hearing his words, along with feeling the heat and the hardness, Maria knew he was going to climax, so removed her left hand from his left thigh and started rubbing and squeezing his hot, hard balls, adding to his pleasure. He soon roared lustfully, jacking off hard and thrusting powerfully into her mouth as he reached his climax. She felt his cock erupt like a volcano, spewing jets after jets of burning spooge into her body, battering the inner walls of her stomach like cannon fire. Knowing that she still can't yet hold a full load of him without her stomach fatally bursting, he pulled her off of his still ejaculating cock, dropping her onto the bed. His cock was still shooting gallons of semen, hitting her in the face and body, and plastering the ceiling and wall in front of him, the speed and velocity still suggesting covering a distance of over 20 feet. He gave the full length of his cock fast, powerful strokes for a good couple of minutes before his orgasm finally subsided, weakfully giving out a few last spurts onto her body.

The powerful giant grinned and murred, now slowly stroking his still diamond-hard cock covered with his white cum and Maria's saliva, looking down at the black tigress's' spooge-covered form. She was laying down the bed panting, staring up at his gigantic, crimson wrecking balls. She gently nuzzled them while simultaneously teabagging her face, finding that they were still full and hot, not having lost their weight at all from his climax. She then sat up and got on her knees, turning to face him. "That was a great load, my god, and the same size as yesterdays too. Not a difference at all."

He patted her head playfully, ruffling her hair. "Of course not, bitch. Yesterday's loads were just the tip of the iceberg, as they say. Now just stay there while I get behind you. You said wanted an assfucking yesterday, so now you're going to get one as generosity from me." She grinned, now getting what she had wanted from him yesterday. Watching move his huge, powerful body behind her, she lifted her tail up, purred, and struck a pose which made her look sexy. "I liked what you did there bitch, showing that you're eager to take my cock." He grabbed her by the hips, moving his immense shaft up and down the cleft of her butt, rubbing her tailhole hard. "Prepare to be ripped a new one, Maria. This is going to hurt."

He then slid the entire length of his 6 feet + shaft down her cleft, the glans pointing towards her tail hole. She started to wince as he pushed in to penetrate, her asshole immediately starting to bleed as he pushed his glans past her tiny opening. "Oh god, it hurts!" She winced in even more as she felt her muscular ring expand painfully as the girth of his huge spear increased with the amount of length pushed into her, of which was just half a foot.

He saw her grip the bed covers, cutting into them with her claws, with tears in her eyes. "I know it's painful, bitch, but you asked for it. Thankfully, my cock is lubricated with my cum, pre-cum, and your saliva, so your tight little hole won't have to suffer as much. Otherwise, it would hurt much, much worse." Knowing that it was better to do this quickly, he proceeded to give a strong push forward with his abdominals, getting in at least a foot and a half of his cock more into her ass, followed by another push, getting in half a foot more, totaling in three feet of him in her. Maria screamed the whole time during both pushes, feeling her ring of muscles tear under the strain, with blood spraying out with each push. Drake murred with each push, feeling her ass muscles push tightly against his cock in vain, giving him pleasure. "Your ass is fighting a losing battle, bitch, and it's time for the pounding to begin!"

Grabbing tightly onto her hips, he pulled back a 2 feet and a half out of her and then pushed the exact same length back in, and then repeated the action over and over again, painfully tearing up her ass with each push. The force from the brutal fucking was so strong, that it caused the bed to rock violently, causing the headboard to crash against the wall repeatedly. She let out cries of pain the whole time, her warm blood spraying all over Drake's crimson balls and black legs as she bit into a pillow, tears streaming down her face. He looked down at her. "Don't worry about the pain, bitch. You're going to soon start feeling pleasure, like you did when I tore through your pussy!"

She cried out more in response, but soon found that he was right. She started feeling signals of pleasure that, while inferior to the searing pain, made the pain much more tolerable. "Ah yes, I can feel it! Keep pounding away, master!" The pleasure started to grow to levels where the pain didn't matter anymore, but was still superior to the pleasure. "I'm starting to enjoy this, master. This is what I wanted!"

Drake gave a dark chuckle. "Originally, this is what I wanted after I fucked your cunt bloody raw yesterday, and I'm doing this purely to satisfy my own desires, not yours. Keep this in mind."

Maria responded back with a murr, the pleasure now equal to the pain. She was enjoying this hard fucking, having only tasted it yesterday. She began to wonder how many females Drake had fucked, but not raped to death, both in and out of Tigris and were satisfied by him, including the females that survived his rapings. She also began to wonder if these women had enjoyed his brutal fucking as much as she is now. These thoughts raced through her head as Drake took her from behind, who was slowly putting in more and more of his cock within in as moments passed by.

Maria soon noticed that her lust and pleasure were now superior to the pain, and this was bringing her close to her third orgasm. "Oh god, Hellblazer, it feels so good now! I feel my own orgasm rising!"

Drake grinned darkly. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. I like to satisfy my women when I'm not killing them, after all." Maria soon cried out, her lust and pleasure having reached its climax. Drake, pistoning into her without tiring like a huge, monstrous machine, murred at her orgasm, feeling her muscular ring tighten harder around his cock as he precious, creamy juices poured out of her vagina, soaking up the bed and splashing on his balls and legs. He then reached down to scoop up some of the juices, which was a mix of blood and cum, tasting it in his fingers. "Creamy and metallic." He then reached his powerfully muscled arm over and held his juice covered hand out in front of her. She licked up the juices fervently, enjoying the taste.

She had reached many more orgasms as the minutes passed by, but the pain was still there, still present even during orgasms albeit barely noticeable. All of her orifices may have adapted to his obsidian his war hammer, but it's way too big for them to adapt to it completely. They're still going to tear and rip everytime he'll penetrate her, but she has to just go with it. There's just no other way around it.

Drake, with four and a half feet of his cock now placed within her many minutes ago, growled as he felt his own orgasm start to rise, his cock reaching its usual hardness and its heat. He pumped even harder into her, increasing both her pleasure and pain and bringing herself to another climax in the making. "Feel the waves crash!"

With a few hard, fast thrusts, he roared again for the 2nd time today, feeling his orgasm wash over him in erotic ecstasy. She screamed with him, feeling his thick, hot, obsidian battering ram spurt out wave after wave of hot, burning manjuice into her rectum and beyond. He pounded her harder and rougher as she felt her entire lower digestive tract, starting from her large intestine, small intestine, and finally her stomach, fill up with his wonderful seed. His spooge, which also went into places that were torn open within her body simply by the sheer size of his cock, caused her muscular ring to expand outward, fighting against the stone plug his cock represented, until finally it burst out in a bloody mixture, which flowed down into her cunt and on the bed sheets below.

Murring, Drake pulled his dark tower out of her ass, which let out a deluge of bloody seed after getting the glans out, to cover her in his last spurts as his orgasm died away. Maria fell onto her belly, full of his seed, panting with a look of glee on her face as it hit the pillows. Her tail hole continually bled, adding more blood into the cum-blood mixture. The wall behind the bed was so banged up from the headboard crashing into it that there were cracks all around it. The headboard itself was battered as well, looking somewhat deformed. The bedsheets, which had bitemarks and clawmarks on them, was covered in a mess of blood, female ejaculate, spooge, and other fluids. It was a mess.

Drake, his cock still harder than diamond, slowly stroked his cum, blood,-and-saliva covered cock, his lust still not sated. He turned the feline over, deeply kissing her, tasting his strong, virile seed in his mouth. They murred while their tongues danced together passionately, and then parted after a few minutes. "How are you feeling, bitch?"

She playfully smiled at him. "I'm feeling a little worn out, but not like I was last night. I think I could go for another session today."

He gave a dark grin. "That's good. Have you ever done ass-to-pussy?" She grinned, shaking her head. He chuckled. "Well, get ready for it, bitch. This is going to be your first, but certainly not your only, time doing it."

Using her vaginal fluids, female ejaculate, and bloody cum from her cunt, along with the bloody cum-saliva mixture on his dark spear as lubrication, he penetrated her vaginal gates for a second time. It wasn't as painful for her as it was last night, but it was still brutal and bloody, with each pounding causing her to squirt blood onto the sheets. As the headboard crashed against the bed many more times, she was brought to many more orgasms, all of which she took with glee. Finally after a long while, he came within her once more, thrusting fervently within her as his seed pounded on her insides like hot cannon fire as she screamed in lust, burying her face in his powerful pectorals. As he pulled out of her to give her the last few spurts of his seed, his cock still harder than diamond and not showing a hint of slackening off, he saw that the room was now even more of a mess than before. The headboard was now broken in two, the wall behind it had a hole in it from all the pounding, and the bedsheets were covered in cum, blood, and other fluids. Drake chuckled to himself at this, having done much worse.

Maria, now feeling real tired, had reached for his still erect-cock, grabbing it. Drake quickly grabbed her hand and pulled it off of his hard member. "I can't believe you want another go at me, bitch. You're way too tired now for such a thing."

She smiled weakly. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Drake. I wasn't grabbing it for another go. It was the only thing I could grab at the moment."

He tilted his head. "Then what did you grab me for, Maria?"

She had a playful look in her face. "I want you to stay with me in this bed as I take a nap. Is it in your desire to do so?"

He patted her head. "I don't mind. Besides I was getting tired of sleeping on the sofa. It's way too small for me." He heard a giggle from her.

"Well then join me. You don't have to sleep now, since it's still daytime, but you can take a nap if you want. Despite it being messy, it's still very comfortable. You will enjoy it, my master... my mercenary." He then smiled, leaning down to kiss her as he wrapped the bloody, cum-covered sheets over them. His cock, with the foreskin resting at the base of his glans, was still harder than diamond and looked like it wasn't going to slacken for a several minutes. As she rested on his left side, with her head around his large, powerful crimson pectorals, her face right next to his metal dog tags, he gently stroked the fur of her black, lithe body. After she wakes up, she needs to eat, as she didn't eat that much for the past two days. Then they'll have the rest of the day ahead of them, and then tonight, he'll commit the first assassination at the sex party, with a couple more to go after that on the same night...